Planning pregnancy after 30. Modern pregnancy planning: where to start for a young couple? Advantages and disadvantages

IN modern society a woman is not only a guardian hearth and home. Living in large cities contributes to the growth of this trend. Young girls prefer to postpone having children; they have many interests that go beyond house building.

Increasingly, you can meet a woman who plans to become a mother for the first time no earlier than 30 years old. And this is becoming the norm rather than a deviation. Why are doctors in no hurry to abolish the term “starved firstborn” in relation to 30-year-old pregnant women? Are there any difficulties in bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby at this age?

According to statistics today, 60 percent of women giving birth are 30 years or older

Probability of pregnancy

A girl is born with a certain non-replenishable number of eggs, which begin to mature at the onset of puberty.

Every year the number of eggs becomes smaller, so the older the woman, the less likely she is to become pregnant.

Age-related changes in the body, acquired chronic diseases, bad habits, systematic stress, which reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

But there is also good news: A woman under the age of 35, compared to a 25-year-old body, has almost equal chances of conceiving. Within a year, the risk of becoming pregnant is 75%. By age 40, this figure drops to 60-65%.

Sudden interruption, miscarriage, occurs in 15–20% of cases, depending on where the woman is in her thirties.

The older a woman is, the higher the chance of having twins, especially between the ages of 35 and 40.

This phenomenon has not yet been fully studied. Studies have been conducted confirming an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for the growth and maturation of the egg inside the ovary. It has been established that after 30-35 years, cycles occur with the simultaneous release of not one, but several eggs, which, upon fertilization, will lead to multiple pregnancies.

Preparing for pregnancy

If you believe the statistics and world experience of representatives of the fair half of humanity, pregnancy WILL happen after thirty! It is worth preparing competently for bearing a child.

An important aspect will be the moral preparation of both parents, but the expectant mother should pay special attention to this aspect. After the birth of the child, she will no longer be able to freely manage her time and actions.

The attitude of accepting a baby dependent on the mother will help to avoid additional stress and discomfort, because the usual rhythm of life will change dramatically. Then, even despite sleepless nights and fatigue, the woman will notice the baby’s joyful cooing and smile, and not be annoyed at the little troublemaker.

To get an idea of ​​how to care for a tiny creature, you can take a course on caring for infants or watch your friends who already have children.

Young women who take an interest in caring for their baby before birth have an easier time adjusting to their own baby after birth.

Where to begin

It is advisable to start preparing for conception 3-6 months before day X. During this time, you can reconfigure your body without stress:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • improve your health through daily morning exercises, proper rest, balanced nutrition;
  • maintain a positive emotional background, avoiding stressful situations.

These rules are general; a woman must adhere to them regardless of the recommendations.

How to prepare a woman for pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth is a difficult experience, which is sometimes accompanied by stress. At this time they make themselves known weak sides female body. This is why preparation for conception and gestation is so important.

To the first

Serious preparation for pregnancy includes medical examination. But first you need to do the following:

What does a pre-pregnancy medical examination include:

  1. Visiting a therapist. The therapist will record all concomitant diseases. If necessary, additional tests will be prescribed: ECG, general blood test, biochemical analysis blood, glucose test and others, based on the results of which appropriate treatment will be recommended.
  2. Visit to the gynecologist. The main task of this stage is to exclude infectious and inflammatory diseases in both partners, as well as to examine the woman’s hormonal background. Includes examination of the woman, analysis of a smear from 2 points, the appointment of an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a blood test for TORCH infections and hormones.
  3. Fertility assessment. In order not to waste time, the gynecologist will also prescribe this test. It includes a spermogram, which will show the quantitative and qualitative state of sperm. For a woman, this is folliculometry: an ultrasound examination to confirm the ovulation process.
  4. Visit to a geneticist. If one of the partners has hereditary DNA defects in the family, for example, Down syndrome, then consultation with a specialist is required.

Today, the capabilities of medicine make it possible to carry out high-quality screening and timely treatment so that pregnancy and childbirth proceed safely.

An organism that is properly prepared for pregnancy is more likely to form a fetus without pathologies, since possible risks are worked out precisely at the planning stage.

To the second

The difference between preparing for the first pregnancy lies only in 2 aspects:

  • it is advisable to maintain a 3-year interval between births so that the body regains its strength;
  • mentally prepare your first child for the birth of a brother or sister.

Otherwise, the preparation rules are identical.

To the third

The woman is already experienced for this pregnancy and knows how to prepare. In addition to the basic examination, you should pay close attention to the body's resources, especially the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To strengthen these muscles and prevent complications due to their weakness, Kegel exercises are performed at the preparation stage. This way you can avoid uterine prolapse or urinary incontinence during the postpartum period.

With each subsequent pregnancy, the load on the vascular system of the legs increases, so you need to take care of a bandage and compression stockings to avoid varicose veins.

How to get pregnant with your first child after 30

At this age, you can get pregnant within a few months. To be more likely to determine a favorable day for conception, there are simple methods described below.

  1. Know your menstrual cycle. Mark the first day of bleeding on your phone calendar; this is the starting point. The approximate days when the egg leaves the follicle are three days before and three days after the mid-cycle.
  2. Measure basal temperature. The thermometer should be at hand, since you cannot get out of bed before taking the measurement. It is placed in the anus for one minute. On the days of ovulation, the temperature rises to 37-37.5 degrees.
  3. Check the consistency of the mucus. During ovulation, it is less viscous and more liquid. You should stretch it between your thumb and index finger.
  4. Use pharmacy ovulation tests. The application technique is similar to pregnancy tests. The result becomes positive 24-48 hours before the egg is released.


Unfortunately, not all women are given the opportunity to experience motherhood through their own pregnancy and childbirth. From a medical point of view, there are a number of undeniable contraindications to bearing a child.

These include:

  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • consistently high arterial pressure or hypertension;
  • pyelonephritis of both kidneys, one kidney or their complete absence;
  • severe form of bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe mental illness.

Is it possible to give birth after 30

Age is not a contraindication. If the couple has passed a medical examination, is healthy, morally and financially prepared to bear a child, they need to give birth. Modern medicine solves many problems with conception, which in the time of our grandmothers seemed insurmountable.

What to do if there are contraindications

Do not despair; first of all, you should consult a psychologist.

In contact with

Planning a pregnancy is an important step taken by future parents who take a responsible approach to conceiving a child. Training is especially relevant for women over thirty. But not all expectant mothers and fathers understand what is included in the planning process and what first step to take so that the preparation is successful and complete. optimal timing. Visit to a gynecologist and therapist - starting points planning: these are the specialists who will tell you what to do next, so that in the end the man and woman go step by step preparatory stages and became parents.

Pregnancy planning: from the first step to conception

Modern couples are becoming parents spontaneously less and less often: when deciding to have a child, they do not simply stop using protection. Potential mothers and fathers are increasingly talking about planning a pregnancy. Everyone is interested in this larger number future parents, which did not happen in the last century.

This shift in the approach to planning children did not occur by chance: today, in order to give birth and raise a baby, it has become important to first “get on your feet.” Therefore, the percentage of young parents who are already 30 or more years old is growing: they have managed to make a career that generates income, accumulate financial reserves, and arrange their own “corner”. They make a deliberate decision: to become parents, and approach the conception of a future child with responsibility. That is why today planning pregnancy after 35 years has become a hot topic.

The other side of the coin

But achieving stability and financial independence is only one side of the coin. Unfortunately, statistics show that after 35 years of age, with each passing year, a woman’s chances of successfully conceiving and bearing a child, and of having a healthy child, become less and less. Conceiving a baby after the threshold of 35 years occurs half as often when compared with the age of 20-25 years, when young women have the highest chances of successful fertilization.

Almost 20% married couples today they cannot conceive a child because the parents - one or both - are diagnosed with infertility. Women who have reached 35 years of age and only at this age begin planning a pregnancy are at risk of encountering this pathology.

Therefore, if a couple who has crossed the age threshold of 30-35 years has decided to take this step, it is necessary to approach the planning process with special care and start it in advance, especially if attempts to have a child have already been made for six months or even a year, but without success. This means it’s time to see a doctor, who will help you plan your future pregnancy step by step. The doctor will order a full examination to identify problems and understand whether there is a reason to talk about infertility and begin treatment. Not only the woman, but also the father of the unborn child should undergo the examination - this significantly increases the chances of successful conception.

Two areas of training

Regardless of whether one of the spouses has infertility or not, the advice that experts give to couples aged 30-35 when planning a pregnancy is, for the most part, approximately the same.

Preparing for conception includes measures for:

  • improving fertility - the ability to conceive of both parents, since with age there is a deterioration in the quality of eggs and sperm, and the condition of the whole organism;
  • identifying health problems in women and, if necessary, in men. Existing diseases need to be identified in advance and therapy carried out that will eliminate or reduce the impact of pathologies on the development of the fetus and the well-being of the expectant mother during gestation.

Typically, all stages of preparation for successful conception take approximately two to three months. If one or both parents have chronic illnesses, planning may take six months. During this time, the woman will be able to pass all the tests, prepare herself for bearing a baby, and the man will be able to increase his fertility, increasing the chances of fertilization of the egg.

Point one: consultation with a gynecologist

The very first step from which any pregnancy planning begins, regardless of whether it takes place after 30 years of age or before reaching this age, is a visit to the gynecologist’s office. The expectant mother can make an appointment with a doctor at a antenatal clinic or private clinic. The gynecologist will make the first conclusions by examining the patient’s medical record, finding out everything about past pregnancies, past abortions or spontaneous miscarriages (if any).

The gynecologist should also analyze the methods used by the future parents for contraception and conduct a colposcopy to exclude any pathologies affecting the cervix. If necessary, he will remove the uterine device and discuss with the woman the abolition of contraceptives.

Records of previous or chronic diseases will also be important information for the doctor, because the gynecologist must refer the woman for further examination, drawing up a list of necessary measures.

Typically, the first stage includes the following examinations:

  • consultation with a general practitioner;
  • change various analyzes– general, for infections and hormones, etc.;
  • necessary ultrasound examinations;
  • visiting an endocrinologist (if indicated);
  • consultations with narrow specialists (in the presence of chronic pathology);
  • conversation with a geneticist (if at least one parent is over 35 years old, this is a mandatory procedure).

At the antenatal clinic, all examinations can be completed free of charge. In a private clinic, preparation for pregnancy will cost a considerable amount.

If there are indications, the man is referred to an andrologist and to have a spermogram to ensure his health and normal fertility, since male infertility today, just like female infertility, is quite common. Both spouses should donate blood to determine their blood type and Rh factor, so that the doctor is aware of the possibility of Rh conflict during pregnancy.

According to indications, the gynecologist may recommend that the woman take daily measurements. basal temperature by day of the cycle in order to identify any violations in advance and prescribe treatment. The basal temperature chart must be drawn up for at least 3 months.

Therapist: important and necessary

It rarely happens that, having reached the age of 30-35 years, a person remains completely healthy, so due attention should be paid to examination by a therapist, because pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by a heavy load on the female body. The doctor will listen to and examine the woman, measure her blood pressure, and if indicated, refer her to see narrow specialists. It is necessary to check the condition of the cardiovascular system and abdominal organs. An ECG is mandatory, regardless of the presence of complaints.

It is important to consult with a therapist about your chronic diseases: what to do to prevent them from worsening during gestation, how to prepare for conceiving a child with an existing pathology. The doctor must help the patient avoid any possible relapses; this is why a period of pregnancy planning is necessary.

It is the therapist who can direct the woman to the necessary vaccinations that will protect her body from dangerous infections. After vaccinations, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 1 to 6 months. You cannot conceive a child immediately after vaccination.

If, based on the results of the examination, courses of therapy were prescribed, including antibiotics, antivirals, steroids or other hormonal drugs, then the timing of when conception will be permissible must be further clarified with the doctor.

With or without indications

The list of specialists you need to contact when planning a pregnancy is individual; The therapist and gynecologist will tell you where to start.

Most often, visits to the following specialists are prescribed:

  • Dentist. All dental problems must be resolved before conception, eliminating the possibility of infections and the onset of inflammatory processes during gestation. Sanitation oral cavity when preparing for pregnancy is included in the mandatory list.
  • Otolaryngologist. Even if there are no chronic diseases of the nose, ears or throat, it is worth visiting an ENT doctor to rule out infection of the mucous membranes.

The examination and preparation for pregnancy routine includes an examination by an ophthalmologist.

The therapist can refer a woman to other specialized specialists based on test results or after studying the outpatient card of the expectant mother:

  • if there are problems with the kidneys and urinary tract - see a nephrologist and urologist;
  • if you are diagnosed with an allergy, consult an allergist and dermatologist;
  • for diseases of a neurological nature, including migraines, see a neurologist.

Sometimes the patient requires consultation with an immunologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and surgeon.

A visit to an endocrinologist is especially important for those couples who have already experienced many unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, or if the woman has too much or too little weight, an irregular monthly cycle, or there are systematic failures in it. In this case, the endocrinologist will refer the patient for tests to determine whether there are disturbances in the functioning of the hormonal system, which plays a huge role in conceiving and carrying a baby. If a girl fails to get pregnant within a year, a visit to this specialist is mandatory.

Diseases of the thyroid gland often cause problems with conception and lead to infertility, so the expectant mother should check the functioning of the thyroid gland at the stage of pregnancy planning. It would be a good idea to measure your blood glucose levels and rule out diabetes.

Genes decide a lot

  • at least one of the future parents has reached the age of 35;
  • in the family of one or both, facts of genetic diseases transmitted by inheritance have been identified (schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome, etc.);
  • the couple already has a child with such disorders;
  • there have been stillbirths, spontaneous miscarriages, and regressing pregnancies in the past;
  • future parents are closely related.

A consultation with a geneticist may be limited to a conversation, but it is possible that special tests will be needed so that the doctor can predict the likelihood of having a healthy child without genetic pathologies.

Other studies

The mandatory list of medical examinations when planning a pregnancy, regardless of the age of the expectant mother, includes:

  • ECG: it is necessary to check the condition of the heart before the stress that will be placed on it for as long as 40 weeks;
  • fluorography: done only at the planning stage or before it, since such examinations are prohibited after conception;
  • tests for the presence in a woman’s body of antibodies to such pathogens of infectious diseases as rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, toxoplasma, etc.

If necessary or at the request of the woman being examined, she can be sent for an ultrasound examination of the pelvis: doctors will assess the health of the organs of the reproductive system. This is especially important for patients with suspected infertility.

Independent measures

In addition to the examination, future parents need to prepare for conception themselves, especially if their age has passed the 30-year mark and the optimal time to have a child is already behind them.

Self-preparation when planning pregnancy includes:

  • Review of the diet, transition to a healthy, balanced, wholesome diet. It is necessary to add to the daily menu the amount of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins necessary for the body, so that in the first weeks of gestation there is no shortage of them. Experts recommend including foods containing a large number of folic acid, important for the reproductive system:
    • spinach,
    • salad,
    • broccoli,
    • white cabbage,
    • cereals.

Folic acid is necessary for the female body, especially the reproductive system: it contributes to the correct, without pathologies, development of the fetus implanted in the uterus.

In order to prevent anemia and iron deficiency, which negatively affects ovulation, you need to eat green apples, pomegranates, buckwheat, and bananas.

  • Accumulation in a woman's body useful substances. To provide the body with the substances necessary for conceiving and bearing a child, it is recommended to start taking vitamins and mineral complexes. During the planning period, gynecologists often prescribe Femibion, a complex vitamin preparation rich in folic acid and other useful elements. Taking Femibion ​​or other multivitamins allows you to create optimal conditions for pregnancy.
  • Complete cessation of any habits that could negatively affect the woman’s health and the baby’s development. This is especially true for smoking and drinking alcohol. It is better to spend more time in the air, walk and drink freshly squeezed juices rich in vitamins.
  • If you are overweight, you need to lose weight before conceiving a child. A nutritionist will help you adjust your diet.

When doctors conclude that a woman is ready for pregnancy, it is worth preparing directly for conception. A man should not only drink alcohol at this time, but also go to the bathhouse or sit in hot bath. Do not smoke or drink too much coffee, or take any pills without consulting your doctor. Nutrition, physical activity, lifestyle - all this can affect the quality of sperm, and therefore the possibility of conception.

During this period, women are prohibited from performing procedures such as vaginal douching. The psychological message is also important. A positive attitude is one of the most important factors for successful conception, therefore, if the expectant mother has any fears, it is better to consult a psychologist in advance. This is especially important for those who have already experienced failures when trying to conceive or give birth to a child, who have been diagnosed with infertility. Sometimes it is important to “turn off your head” and forget about all the problems in order to successfully conceive a healthy baby.

Planning for infertility

Separately, it should be said about the preparation for conception of a couple in which one of the future parents has been diagnosed with infertility. It is diagnosed based on the results of the above examinations, but doctors may prescribe additional ones.

The next step for couples with fertility problems is to contact specialized centers dealing with technologies in the field of reproduction (ART), including IVF. After consultation with a reproductive specialist, the pregnancy planning period can be extended, the list of examinations expanded, which will ultimately help increase the chances of successful conception. If IVF is contraindicated, it is worth considering the option of surrogacy or child adoption.

The main thing is the result

Pregnancy, regardless of the age of the parents who expected and planned it, is happiness. It has been proven that after 30 years, conception is more difficult and less frequent, but nothing is impossible if you start preparing in advance and do not lose heart even if you have been diagnosed with infertility.

The main thing is to take the first step, start planning your pregnancy and follow all the recommendations of specialists. We must remember that even in completely healthy couples under 30 years of age, conceiving a child does not occur immediately as soon as they refuse contraception. According to statistics, pregnancy occurs after about three to six months of attempts, and sometimes within a year.


First of all, I would like to dispel myths - the expectant mother already has enough reasons to worry (some doctors of the “old school” like to “warn” about the numerous difficulties of pregnancy at 30 years old), why focus on far-fetched fears.

“Getting pregnant and carrying a child after 30 is more difficult.”

This statement is more suitable for women aged 35-45 years.

From birth to adulthood, our body develops, blossoms, and then begins to age. Gradual age-related changes occur in all functions of the body, organs, and at the cellular level. And yet, 30-35 years is the period when a woman can still conceive and bear a child without any problems. Despite the fact that the risk of termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) increases from 7% (among women 20-29 years old) to 18%.

Risks during pregnancy, complications, difficulties associated with pregnancy depend on the individual physiological characteristics of the body. If by this age you have acquired bad habits, lead a passive lifestyle and have a bunch of health problems, including on the female side, there will be problems. You can reduce the risks if you plan your pregnancy for the sake of your future baby. If you are young at heart, care about your body and health, continue to take care of yourself and feel free to start planning your pregnancy.

Theoretically, risks are possible in both cases, but under the supervision of a doctor they can be avoided or minimized (in most cases, not counting inherited diseases).

“You can’t give birth to a healthy child after 30”

The risk of giving birth to a baby with pathology (chromosomal abnormalities) is present and is due to heredity. A geneticist will help dispel your fears; perhaps there were no such diseases in your family or in your spouse’s family. And if there were, it is not at all necessary that they will be passed on to your baby. But as a last resort, after visiting a specialist, you both will have a choice and the opportunity to discuss it to the “point of no return.”

“Pregnancy after 30 years will only end with a caesarean section”

Indications for a cesarean section are indeed greater in women after 30, but the reasons lie in their state of health, and not in age. If you are morally determined, and the condition of the reproductive system is assessed as satisfactory (at least without adhesions, with good muscle tone, correct position of the uterus), you can give birth yourself, without surgical intervention. It’s another matter if you’ve already had a caesarean section...

“After a pregnancy like this, I will lose my physical attractiveness.”

When the balance is between your beauty or the birth of a child, some women will prefer the former. I have no right to judge them. But this formulation of the question is fundamentally wrong. There is no need to be afraid of giving birth: if you are confident in own strength, you can return your body to its previous shape. If a woman did not take care of herself before giving birth and does not intend to do so after, then even at 20 years old, pregnancy can end in loss of form. Everything is in your hands, and yours. Of course, changes cannot be avoided, but they can happen in positive side. Many women over 30 note that “late” pregnancy affected them in a positive way. These women became happy mothers and remained attractive because:

  • took care of the intake of calcium into the body in sufficient quantities during pregnancy,
  • took care of increasing the elasticity of the skin and thereby were able to avoid stretch marks, deterioration of teeth and sagging breasts.

“A child will not be happy with elderly parents”

There is no reason for this fear at 30-something years old. The problem of fathers and children will manifest itself with any age difference. But your maturity and wisdom will play into your hands. It is not easier for young parents to understand their child; they are still focused on their own desires (they have not yet had enough fun or travel). Your relationship with will depend on your ability to interact with your child.


Chronic diseases

After 30, many women already have chronic diseases. During pregnancy, they enter the acute stage. Risks are hidden in incorrect, careless treatment or in its absence. You should not take your usual pills (which you have already taken to relieve an exacerbation) without the supervision of a doctor. Only experienced specialist can prescribe a necessary and sufficient dose to a pregnant woman, and monitor changes in the body after taking medications.

If you refuse treatment, the disease can lead to complications, which in turn can lead to premature birth. Because the we're talking about about the health of mother and baby, it is necessary not only to consult a doctor, but also to approach the choice with full responsibility good specialist- experienced, decent, responsible.

Possible complications

At the age of 30, the list of theoretical complications during pregnancy expands significantly. The expectant mother may (or may not) experience various disorders in the functioning of the body, health problems. The likelihood of their occurrence increases if there are prerequisites for this - genetic predisposition, bad habits, excess weight, passive lifestyle.

What should you mentally prepare for? To high blood pressure during pregnancy, varicose veins, edema, pain in the lumbar region and kidney failure.

Not the first birth

A certain stability during pregnancy at 30 years old can be expected if the child is not the first, but the second or third. Many midwives have noticed: the body “remembers” past experiences and “acts” according to almost the same scenario.

Recover from a previous birth

The risk of complications during pregnancy at 30 years of age increases if the body “did not have time” to return to normal after a previous birth (recovery requires 1.5-3 years).

In a woman's body aged 30+, more follicle-stimulating hormone is produced, because of it, during ovulation, two or three eggs may mature instead of one. The likelihood of getting pregnant with twins increases 3-4 times. This news will please many, but remember that with multiple pregnancies, the risks of complications increase.

Planning and preparing for pregnancy: minimizing risks

From all that has been said, the main conclusion is that good preparation will give every chance of having a healthy baby. For the sake of the health of the unborn child and your own peace of mind, before conception you should:

  • tone the body (not only pump up the abs, but also intimate muscles)
  • undergo a full examination of the body to identify all the risks, be sure to go to the gynecologist, visit a geneticist (to find out about hereditary diseases and inform your obstetrician-gynecologist later, he will monitor the signs in order to warn you in time)
  • carry out prevention if there are chronic diseases, cure teeth and “sores” that can be cured
  • prepare mentally for the fact that conception will not happen immediately (2-6 months, and not 1, as at 25 years old for most women)
  • find a good obstetrician-gynecologist and follow the doctor’s recommendations exactly,
  • During pregnancy, take care of a balanced diet, the supply of vitamins to your body and the normalization of your emotional state.

If you wish, you can find a reason to refuse pregnancy after 30 years. But if you really want to experience the happiness of motherhood (for the first time or again), remember, a lot depends on you. With good preparation and responsible behavior during pregnancy, you have every chance of giving birth to a healthy baby and maintaining your health.

In the 19th century, people gave birth at the age of 16-20. Half a century ago, a pregnant woman over 28 was officially called an old-timer. Modern girl does not see a problem in postponing the first pregnancy until the age of 30+. Gynecologists all over the country are asked how to prepare for pregnancy after 30 years, or even after 40. What risks does late pregnancy entail and how to neutralize them?

Are there any chances of getting pregnant?

Psychologists support the desire of many women to postpone pregnancy until adulthood. Not every 20-year-old girl is ready to give up self-realization, her interests, entertainment for a long time and immerse herself in caring for the baby. At 30 comes the age of conscious “adult” motherhood. The woman has already matured as a person, as a professional. Now she is ready to succeed as a mother.

The body of the modern average 30-year-old woman is physiologically younger than her peers 100 years ago. Proper nutrition, healthy life, medicine help women stay young and energetic longer.

Still, you can’t fool the biological clock. Obstetricians-gynecologists say: the ideal age for the first pregnancy is up to 28 years. The second and third births can take place later without problems. The body “remembers” the process of gestation; the birth canal is already prepared. However, according to doctors, you should not give birth to a second, third, and so on child after 35 years.

However, even if you do not fit into these ideal age limits, this is not yet a reason to refuse the desired pregnancy. According to Rosstat, on average, the first child is born at the age of 27 years. However, more than twenty-five thousand Russian women gave birth to their first child at the age of 45 or older! But it is important to remember: an “adult” mother needs to prepare especially carefully for conception.

Just realizing “I want a child” is not enough for successful pregnancy. Obstetricians note that for older mothers, the risk of pregnancy complications and “problematic” births is quite high. And conceiving at 30-35, and even more so at 40, can be problematic. After all, the older a woman is, the lower her fertility (ability to get pregnant). This is due to the gradual decline of ovarian function, hormonal changes, and loss of tissue elasticity.

With age, the quality and quantity of women's eggs steadily decline. The process is individual, but on average it begins after 30. The difficulty of conceiving a child at an older age comes down to the fact that approximately half of the cycles will pass without ovulation.

After thirty

How to prepare for pregnancy at 30? The basic principles are the same as for younger expectant mothers.

  • If you have any chronic diseases (even if not directly related to reproductive function), it is important to achieve remission. After all, even a banal exacerbation of gastritis reduces a woman’s fertility. The most dangerous diseases that can manifest themselves during pregnancy are pathologies of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Timely pregnancy planning after 30 includes consultations with specialized doctors. Not all diseases can be cured with medications that are safe for the fetus. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health in advance.

  • Lead healthy image life, quit smoking, completely give up alcohol, move a lot. These recommendations are so banal that they sound like boring. But each of these factors is really important for the maturation of a healthy egg.
  • Pregnant women after thirty have an increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Be sure to start eating only healthy foods without GMOs, additives, dyes and preservatives. Give up sweets. You can and should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables even before you prepare to conceive a child. You may need complex vitamins (they should be prescribed by your doctor). A course of folic acid will probably be needed before conception.
  • Visit a gynecologist and get tested. Important nuance. At the age of 20, when planning a pregnancy, it is not necessary to take hormone tests. If a girl has a regular cycle, it is usually enough general analyzes, as well as screening for STDs. And only if conception does not occur within 12 months will a more detailed examination be required.
  • At thirty the situation is completely different. Every lost month can cost you dearly. After all, fertility declines with age. Therefore, the gynecologist will most likely immediately send the couple for a hormonal profile study. If deviations are detected, they can be corrected with special medications.
  • With age, the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities increases. For example, at age 20, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is 1:1300. At 30, the risk is already higher – 1:900. And it will only grow with age. Preparing for pregnancy after 30 involves a visit to a geneticist. This is important to do if your close relatives have had cases of congenital diseases.
  • My husband needs to visit a urologist or andrologist and take a spermogram. After all, with age, a man’s number of healthy sperm decreases. There are medications that improve sperm quality, which should be prescribed by a doctor. The sooner the husband is examined (and, if necessary, begins treatment), the sooner the desired pregnancy will occur. And the time factor is very important for you.

If you are planning a second pregnancy after 30 years, or even a third, and you are generally healthy, then you have every chance of having a baby.

After thirty-five

Planning a pregnancy after 35 includes the same points that we listed above (for 30-year-olds). But there are also special risks.

To understand how to prepare for pregnancy after 35 years, where to start, you need to take into account a number of factors that complicate conception and the course of pregnancy.

There are chances of getting pregnant at this age. But not as high as for young girls. Compare: if at 20 years old the probability of becoming pregnant within one monthly cycle (with active sexual life) is 20%, then for a 35-year-old woman it is only 5-7%. The reproductive capacity of the ovaries and uterus decreases, and the number of ovulations decreases. The mucous layer of the uterus becomes thinner, making it more difficult for the egg to implant. Sometimes menstrual cycles become irregular, making it difficult to determine your expected ovulation days.

At this age, women's hormonal levels change. Often the body does not produce sufficient quantity the hormone progesterone, which is very important for conceiving and bearing a child. The problem is solved by taking duphaston or utrozhestan. Planning a pregnancy after 35 years of age involves taking these medications. They should only be prescribed by a doctor based on tests.

The likelihood of miscarriage increases. Moreover, as on early, and at a later date. At the age of thirty it will be strong psychological trauma, because a woman takes this process more seriously than someone who became pregnant at 20 years old. Therefore, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor leading the pregnancy. Much depends on how to prepare for an “age-related” pregnancy - proper preparation reduces risk.

When planning a pregnancy after 35 years of age, consultation with a geneticist before conception is mandatory. The risk of having a child with genetic disorders increases several times. For example, at 35 years old the probability of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1:380. Therefore, during pregnancy, do not refuse tests that detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus. After the diagnosis, it will be clear: everything is in order and you can give birth or the risk of having a sick child is too high.

The ability to bear and give birth to a child depends on the elasticity of muscles and tissues internal organs. Before and during pregnancy, you need to do simple physical exercise. This increases the chances of giving birth not by cesarean, but naturally.

The risks of pregnancy after 35 include the threat of termination, which is 17%. The first trimester is a particularly dangerous period. Adult women are also at risk of developing endometriosis and polycystic disease, and these diseases have a negative impact on the ability to conceive a child.
And yet there is a chance to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. Remember: children “come” to those who really want it.

After forty years

Natural pregnancy at forty is possible, but its probability is lower than at 35. A healthy woman no longer has 10-12 ovulations per year, like a 20-year-old, but four to six. This reduces the chances of conceiving a child at 40 years of age and later.

At this age, hormonal levels change. The threat of termination of pregnancy or miscarriage is 33%. A baby may be born with Down syndrome in one in 110 cases.

However, there are chances for successful conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child! You just need to want it very much. ? Need careful preparation. It includes all the same points as for younger mothers. It is also important to contact a gynecologist in advance: he will draw up an individual program of preparation for pregnancy.

Be prepared to have a cesarean section. But even in the physiological department of the maternity hospital, a 40-year-old woman in labor is not uncommon.

With a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, you have an excellent chance of conceiving and having healthy children.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of every woman. Times have changed, and now having your first child at 30 is not a problem. There would be desire and health. How to plan a pregnancy after 30 years, what is the difficulty of such a pregnancy - you will find out in this article.

Modern world determines the early physical development of a person. At the same time, the successful social component is significantly inferior in comparison with past times. Providing for yourself and your family independently is work that not everyone can do. Therefore, the birth of a child is often postponed until better times.

First pregnancy after 30 years

Having your first child at 30 is a common occurrence these days. Previously, such mothers were called “old-timers” and a lot of complications were predicted. Now pregnancy after 30 years is the norm, which has its pros and cons.

Possible risks of a first pregnancy at this age may include:

  • Threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). Over time, the uterus loses its ability to hold a fertilized egg.
  • Severe gestosis (late toxicosis) is a serious complication that occurs in the middle of pregnancy. Symptoms of gestosis are the presence of a significant amount of protein in the urine, swelling, and high blood pressure.
  • Unproductive labor. This is due to the fact that the birth canal loses its elasticity with age. In this case, the solution to the problem is a caesarean section.
  • There is a high risk of having a child with Down syndrome.

How to prepare for pregnancy after 30

Pregnancy at 30 and having your first child is not a reason to worry. Stressful situations are now contraindicated. The main thing is proper emotional preparation. Hormonal changes caused by disorders affect the development and formation of the embryo. Physical training necessary stage on the way to a happy birth.

Strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and anterior abdominal wall will normalize weight, speed up metabolism and facilitate the birth process.

Preparing for pregnancy after 30 takes time and effort. The advantages of such a pregnancy will be:

  • Most often, pregnancy after 30 years is desired and planned. Future parents have sufficient financial resources for the birth and full upbringing of a child.
  • The time for so-called “maternal fever” has passed. This life period does not require proof of the exceptionality of your child. A mother who is over 30 years old takes care of her child and rejoices at his success.
  • Life experience allows you to analyze and act carefully. Young mothers more often use other people's advice or act intuitively.
  • Late pregnancy provides a surge of hormones that can rejuvenate the body.

The disadvantages of pregnancy after 30 years include:

  • Conception will not be quick. This is due to a decrease in the number of eggs capable of fertilization.
  • The risk of not carrying the pregnancy to term and giving birth to a child with disabilities increases.
  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation can affect the course of pregnancy.
  • There is a high probability of having twins or triplets, which will cause incredible stress on the body.
  • Caesarean section is often the only way to have a safe delivery at this age.

Planning a pregnancy after 30 years requires:

  • Medical examinations. As needed, prescribe treatment.
  • The expectant mother should understand that proper rest during this period is the main thing. A properly balanced diet and standardized physical exercise are also necessary.
  • Accurate implementation of the doctor’s recommendations is the key to the health of mother and child.
  • Trust the doctor and confidence in him professional competence. In many cases, childbirth after 30 years occurs with complications; it can be postponed or accelerated according to indications. Also only possible solution there may be a caesarean section. Therefore, it is important to trust your doctor.

A woman over 30 years of age who is in normal physical shape and has no chronic diseases has a slightly increased risk.