Decorating the ceiling with fabric with your own hands. Fabric ceilings: installation instructions. Draping the ceiling with fabric: basic rules

In the planning process home interior great importance add to textile design. This usually concerns the design window openings curtains, choice of bedding or upholstery for upholstered furniture. With successful use of the color and texture variety of matter, it is possible to decorate and ceiling covering, besides, this is a kind of masking of the shortcomings of the repair or an option for successful stylization. Draping the ceiling with fabric at home is an excellent solution for people who are brave and ready to experiment.

Which fabric do you prefer?

To choose the right material for drapery, first let’s ask ourselves: for what purpose did we decide to settle not on a structure made of plastic or plasterboard, but on fabric ceilings? Unusual but very interesting design move.

We immediately get rid of two main problems:

  • we hide repair defects, uneven slabs, sloppily sealed seams under the ceiling fabric;
  • We quickly turn an ordinary ceiling into an original, exclusive work of art.

Using a thin light fabric you can create a ceiling covering in the form of identical waves

We choose textiles taking into account the general design trend, when color, pattern, and even the weaving of threads play an important role. We use thin fabrics in the assembly, thick ones can be stretched. The stronger the threads and the denser the weaving, the more decoration options you can use. For example, elastic, waterproof fabric can be easily stretched, but thin silk requires careful handling.

The type of fabric for the ceiling in the apartment should be chosen in advance; you also need to take care of the availability required quantity in the shop. Please note that some types are displayed as a sample, to purchase you need to place an order, and this usually means 2-3 weeks of delivery.

Leather, satin and crystal pendants - a beautiful example of an Art Deco ceiling

Determine what fabric is on ceiling will do specifically for your interior:

  • durable canvas;
  • traditional herringbone or jacquard curtains;
  • noble velvet;
  • delicate silk;
  • luxurious satin;
  • eco-friendly linen.

Greek sea ​​style: freshness, lightness, all shades of blue

Of course, we also take into account the place of decoration. For example, for a nursery it is better to use natural fibers, for a living room - elegant and noble cuts, and a bedroom is considered best place for experimentation, because in a purely personal relaxation corner you can safely fantasize with various types textiles

DIY ceiling drapery

Consider the three methods of attaching fabric below, and make sure that draping the ceiling with fabric with your own hands will require only a little skill and a great desire to change a boring environment.

Creating a wooden frame

First, we assemble a frame of arbitrary shape from wooden or plastic slats. It can run along the perimeter of the room, create a lattice or even two tiers. Then you should fix the fabric on the ceiling with your own hands: we fix the textiles either with a construction stapler (for a long time) or with special removable clips (for frequent changes). Using the frame, it is easy to change the overall appearance of the room by creating unique steps, a light canopy or a translucent dome in the upper part of the room.

Photo printing technology has made fabric ceilings even more sophisticated

Seamless coating

This method ideal for rooms of small length and width. To decorate the ceiling with fabric, you will need one roll of material, preferably something durable that is not afraid of tension. To make the work easier, we wrap a piece of material that matches the area of ​​the room on a long wooden rod(you can use a block). We secure the free end to the entire width of the room and slowly unwind the roll, fixing the edges of the material along the walls.

The tension should be such that the material does not sag. Large rooms will require additional fasteners in the form of slats or special decorative elements.

Options for removable ceiling drapery in wooden house: simple and harmonious

Removable draperies on lindens

"Lips" or "Velcro" allow draperies to be removed periodically for cleaning or washing. The installation process itself is quite simple and is suitable for decorating the ceiling with fabric with your own hands: we glue the first halves of Velcro to the slabs in several places, and sew the second halves to one or more textile fabrics. We fasten the material in one step, simply connecting the halves. We remember that textiles in this case should be as light as possible.

Video on installation of Descor fabric ceiling

Using textile draperies is a great way to create original ceiling from fabric with your own hands. Tired of color or pattern? Just change the material.

Draping the ceiling with fabric - fashionable solution, stylish, sophisticated design. You can invite a specialist to do this work, or you can do everything yourself if you want to try, learn something new, and gain interesting life experience. It's easier than it seems.

Which fabric is better to choose?

Regardless of whether the ceiling will be upholstered with fabric yourself or a professional will take on the work, the first thing you need to do is choose the fabric.

The most popular options are:

  • velvet;
  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • organza;
  • chiffon.

Velvet, silk, satin look luxurious, ideal for decorating the ceiling in the living room, bedroom, nursery, even hallway. Linen, organza, chiffon create a different effect. Silk and satin reflect light. The flickering is captivating - in the twilight, in bright light.

Silk clothing suits both women and men. The silkworm butterfly weaves its spindle day and night so that a person can decorate his home with this material. She gives a miracle, a fairy tale, and will protect the house invisibly.

Velvet seems to absorb light. At the same time it radiates. It symbolizes mystery, riddle, and intrigue. I just want to touch him, at least with a glance.

Draping the ceiling with velvet allows you to create an atmosphere of ease, romance, and encourages dialogue.

Linen is simple and light. This is a durable material that evokes pleasant associations. Reliability, practicality, rationality, optimism - this is about him. It is easy to work with when decorating the ceiling, it is not a easily soiled material, and is easy to care for.

Organza and chiffon are full of coquetry. They will help to revive the wonderful story of Scheherazade, Princess Jasmine, the daring Aladdin, and the Genie who grants every wish.

If you select golden color, coffee, beige, silver, orange, burgundy, lay luxurious carpets in the room, the story of Cleopatra will come to life. Chests, chests of drawers, dressing table, coffee table made of solid wood will complement the interior. Wooden furniture in general will come in handy.

You can choose neon colors and another illusion will be born. Shades of green combined with sky blue will fill the space with lightness and freshness. Such decor will contribute to the revival of strength and restoration of harmony. Photos of fabric ceilings beckon to a world where everything is possible.

For centuries, fabric has been used to decorate rooms, ceilings, and walls. IN small apartments its use is also appropriate, although it is not the most popular solution. Many other options have been invented, but this one is the most delicate and sophisticated. A lot depends on the color.

Natural colors and a play of black and white are in fashion. However, modern suspended ceilings can be anything - there are no restrictions, all prohibitions have been lifted.

If we are talking about a living room or hallway, it is of course better to choose colors that are suitable for the epithet “restrained”, “unobtrusive”, “polite”.

There are special fabrics for decorating the ceiling - they have a denser base and are resistant to dust settling and fading. They can not only be draped, but also glued. If you plan to create a frame, any material will do.

Classic mounting option

Covering the ceiling with fabric is a unique technology. The work is carried out almost silently. If you invite neighbors to visit, when new design will be created, for them the changes will be an absolute surprise.

You won’t have to clean the apartment for long after installation either. Construction waste there will be practically none. This is definitely a plus.

Before you go to the store for fabric, you should draw a sketch, calculate the footage of the fabric, and take into account the reserve for drapery. In addition to the fabric, you will need to purchase beams for the frame with a small cross-section and dowels. You will need a construction stapler.

The beams are nailed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling and around the chandelier. The fabric is attached to them using construction stapler- from one edge of the wall to the other, then to the opposite wall.

The ceiling is completely closed in length, let's assume. In width, the material should be attached a little differently - start from the middle of the wall, move towards the corners, controlling the tension.

All that remains is to rip off the staples by gluing the tape. The ceiling is ready. It's not the only one possible variant fastenings

Movable frame

It is permissible to create a frame, tension the fabric and use this structure as a movable element.

The new ceiling can be attached at a distance from the original surface, at an angle, adjusting the height if necessary. Such additional features, of course, may be of interest.

It's more difficult option, since the mechanism for fixing and adjusting the height must be carefully thought out. Creating ceilings with your own hands is still a difficult task.

A specialist, of course, will make any dream come true. It’s good if you know a mechanic or have a personal interest in devices and simple mechanisms like levers. In this case, the decor will be created and the structure will be safe.

Incredible comfort

Perhaps the most convenient option for fastening fabric is Velcro fastening for clothing. They are glued to the slats and sewn to the edges of the fabric. The material is securely fixed and additionally sewn if large, solid fabrics are used. They can be removed at any time without much difficulty or excessive effort, cleaned of dirt or replaced.

It is not recommended to install a fabric ceiling only in the kitchen and bathroom and toilet. In other premises it is guaranteed to last for at least five years, and if desired and cared for, longer.

Photo of a fabric ceiling

Nowadays textile design is at the peak of popularity: only it will quickly and exceptionally cleanly change the interior, bringing incomparable comfort to our home. High-quality draping of the ceiling with fabric yourself is quite possible even for beginners, and the lack of experience is more than compensated by the sincere diligence and conscientiousness of the owner.

Draping with fabric is best option cosmetic repairs ceiling:

  • no need preliminary preparation ceiling;
  • its quick installation;
  • the ability to perfectly hide visible defects of the old ceiling.
  • The fabric is aesthetically perfect both in design and texture.
  • It retains heat perfectly.
  • The material is elastic and therefore resistant to any mechanical stress.
  • Well-chosen fabric in color and texture effectively emphasizes the design.
  • All cosmetic defects of the ceiling are flawlessly hidden.
  • This luxurious and romantic design creates the illusion of a cozy oasis even in a noisy city center.
  • Draping the ceiling with fabric is the widest scope for our imagination, taste and individual style.

The advantages of such ceilings

What we drape with

Silk is considered the ideal material for such drapery.

But Newest technologies ensured the appearance on the market of other high-quality fabrics with improved properties:

  • they have high density, and the fabric will not tear during installation or operation;
  • the quality of the drawing has been improved: it does not change its color from sunlight;
  • moderate elasticity does not allow such fabric to sag due to excess moisture in the air.


The choice of fabrics for drapery is huge:

  • a traditional Christmas tree will suit any style;
  • a cute matting is indispensable for country style;
  • linen fabric made from compressed thread is beautiful and durable;
  • jacquard will bring respectable comfort to the apartment;
  • decent velvet delights with luxury;
  • thin elegant silk will give exquisite solemnity;
  • cozy cotton will create a mood of calm and carelessness;
  • reliable canvas carries a feeling of unshakable well-being;
  • exotic jute awakens imagination.

Advice! It is better to drape the ceiling with fabrics from natural materials: only they will give the room natural beauty and, being environmentally friendly, will not provoke allergies, in addition they will retain heat and reduce noise levels.

Special types of drapery

  • Drapery with leather, tapestries, and curtain fabrics will be exclusive.
  • Sound-insulating fabrics (see) will protect against annoying extraneous sounds.
  • Drapery fabrics that repel dust will make it easier for us to care for the new ceiling.
  • Waterproof fabrics will retain their impressive appearance even with high humidity in the room.

Drapery color

Light monochromatic fabrics will visually significantly increase the height of the ceiling, and with ornaments they will comfortably frame our nest, for example a bedroom or a nursery.

Spectacular fabrics can transform ordinary standard room to a majestic palace.

DIY drapery

Fabric is much easier than other modern finishing materials.

Seamless way

A seamless method is possible if the width of the fabric is equal to the width of the room - this is an ideal option.

  • First, we carefully wrap the fabric around one rod, and carefully roll out the fabric with the other rod.
  • Then, trying it on, we unwind the roll along the ceiling.
  • We fasten the material only along the edges, leveling it only at the fastening points.
  • We will place the inevitable seam in a dark place, away from the center of the ceiling, and skillfully preserve the integrity of the pattern.

Important! We buy fabric with a margin of at least 1 meter.

DIY fastening methods

We attach the fabric to the ceiling with slats, clips, glue, Velcro or using a tablet.

  • Plastic or wooden slats We mount them on the ceiling, and then use a pneumatic stapler to attach the fabric to them with metal staples.
  • Plastic clips securely fix the fabric, and we push its edge into the gap with a special spatula, as with.
  • Tablet from wooden frame and the fabric stretched over it can be easily fixed to the ceiling. Such a tablet can subsequently be quickly removed for cleaning or reupholstering with a new cloth.
  • Using a frame you can make any architectural changes: arrange a dome, a tent, steps, ledges, etc.
  • Glue(special!) we use for light delicate silk, carefully ironed in advance. We glue the fabric in the usual way - like wallpaper, strictly joint to joint, so that the joints are invisible. After applying the glue, stretch the canvas, then press it to the ceiling.

Note! We apply glue only to the ceiling and, when the glue has set a little, we simply apply the fabric and iron it with a cotton napkin, moving from the center of the fabric to its edge.

  • Velcro- the most convenient way of fastening: we fix one tape on the ceiling, the other - from the inside of the fabric. Now we can easily and quickly remove the fabric from the ceiling at any time for washing or cleaning and stick it back in its original place.
  • It is very fashionable to combine fabrics when dividing a room into zones.: shiny and matte, which reflect light differently, creating magic game glare

Fabric ceiling design

Draping the ceiling with a dome-shaped fabric will give the room a unique exotic flavor and grace.

Attention! The straightness of the pattern can annoyingly emphasize the unevenness of the ceiling.

  • Rich velvet gives a charming effect - a feeling of security, comfort and luxury, and weightless, ephemeral tulle gives a sophisticated, sophisticated glamor.

  • Drapery in the form of a tent will bring the spirit of romanticism.
  • A large pattern on the fabric will create the effect of wide free space.

As you can see, draping the ceiling with fabric yourself is an easy job, and its successful result will exceed all our expectations, making us sincere adherents of such a simple and wonderful method of repair.

Which modern views do we know the ceiling finishes? There are not so many of them: tensioned, suspended plasterboard, in the form of plaster, painted or covered with wallpaper - there are enough options. But one of the most original is the use of fabric on the ceiling, as seen in the photo. This solution allows you to get a high-quality and environmentally friendly interior that will look harmonious with different styles room decoration.


    thermal insulation;


    environmental friendliness;

    quick and easy installation;

    there is no need to prepare the surface first;

    defects in the rough ceiling can be easily eliminated;

    flexibility in relation to mechanical impacts;

    Dismantling is also easy, so the fabric can be removed and cleaned or the design can be changed and replaced.

Choosing material

If previously silk was the more relevant material, now the range has expanded significantly:


You can choose any material, even based on the photo. To do this, you should focus on your taste or the opinion of a professional, as well as your purchasing budget.

Of course, priority is given natural materials, because they are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, and have good heat and sound insulation. If you cannot do without seams, then they should be hidden in the darkest corner of the room. For decoration it is better to use bright hues fabrics.

How to make a fabric ceiling

There are options:

    Velcro can hold the fabric. One adhesive part is attached to the inside of the fabric, and the second is attached to the ceiling.

    Frame option. Can serve as a basis metallic profile or slats that are nailed around the perimeter taking into account the horizontal level. Fastening is possible with staples or clips. The use of a framework allows you to implement original ideas: multi-level design, space zoning, dome, combined options and so on.

    Using glue. Before the procedure, the fabric must be stretched, glue is applied to the ceiling, and then the canvas is smoothed out in a similar way to leveling wallpaper. As a result, the rough ceiling will have to be leveled.

Preparation of materials and tools


    scissors, including for metal;

  • screwdriver;

    upholstery cord;

  • threads and sewing machine– a workshop for stitching fabrics.


    glue when installing glue and Velcro when using it;

    masking tape;

    the fabric itself;

    ceiling plinth;

    screws and dowels;

    hook with thread for chandelier;

    metal profile or slats;

    cable channels to protect wiring.

Installation of fasteners

For clarity, all described operations are supplemented with clear photos. First, we determine the ceiling level and make marks with upholstery cord or a marker. The lowering of the ceiling can be calculated using a simple formula:

c = a + b,

a – thickness of the beam, b – caliber of the cable channels, c – height of the structure.

Consequently, when using 30x30 mm timber and 18 mm cable ducts, we get a ceiling of 48 mm.

Cable channels can be attached to bars in increments of 0.5 meters.

It’s worth taking care of the chandelier in advance. To do this, you need to secure a piece of timber to which we screw the hook. The calculation must be made so that the hook is located 2 cm below the level of the ceiling being built. To determine this distance, it is necessary to stretch two diagonals using a rope.

Features of fabric stretching

It is better to perform the procedure not alone, but together. The edge of the fabric must be draped over a plastic tube, which is inserted with the fabric and snapped into the cable channel lock. All sides of the canvas are secured in the same way.

The tension should be carried out from the center of the wall, gradually moving to the corners. It is necessary to pull with strong force, but so that the tubes do not jump out of the groove.

Even before the final fastening of the material, a hole should be made for the cable and hook of the chandelier. This could be scissors, a knife or even a lighter.

It should be noted that for more reliable fastening, fasteners should be made on plastic tubes, which are pre-pasted masking tape. Moreover, an increase in the number of folds will only benefit.

After creating a hole for the hook and cable, carefully pass these elements through it. The hole will then be closed with a chandelier cap. It is not recommended to make a hole in advance, otherwise, taking into account the stretching of the material, it will be very difficult to guess its location.

How to disguise fasteners

The fasteners can be hidden using a ceiling plinth. Installation is carried out using special glue or liquid nails.

Additionally, baguettes can be painted. This can be done after installation or before.

Fabric on the ceiling is beautiful and practical

The use of fabric ceilings is an excellent modern alternative to many other options. As a result, you can get a particularly comfortable space with an attractive appearance. Moreover, you can do all this with your own hands, which is especially valuable.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

At the stage of finishing the ceiling, you need to focus on finding the best one, optimal for you, from the many options. This choice may well be fabric ceiling, created with your own hands. This modern alternative has many advantages that justify its popularity.

How practical can a fabric ceiling be?

This question worries many. To understand the difference and the main advantages you need to know the main thing about it:

  • it withstands temperature well;
  • satisfactory strength;
  • simple installation that requires a minimum of time (see video);
  • and, of course, excellent appearance.

Types of fabric ceiling installation

This is the one important point, which you should be careful with. After all, when choosing fabric stretch ceilings, you need to consider that you will need to install them yourself. Therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. For example, a U-shaped profile is installed much faster and easier than a clip profile. It all depends on desire, abilities, and talents.

If you decide on a simple option, then you will need:

  1. Bead;
  2. Wedge;
  3. Decorative insert.

We must not forget that this particular type, although easy to install, is not as strong and durable as the clip type.

If your choice is the second type of profile, keep in mind that the structure and system are different. In the photo materials you can see the main differences between the two installation systems.

Let's get straight to work

First of all, we proceed to the first task - we determine horizontal level. To do this, we use any type of special meter (laser/water level).

The next stage is to measure the corners of the room to accurately install our clip profile system.

We fix the baguette and stretch the fabric according to the principle: from a fixed angle to the sides. Now we proceed to install the second opposite corner. This way you should have two base points already secured, which is essentially half the job.

Next, one by one and slowly fasten fabric cloth between the insert and the profile. Thus, we stretch the fabric base over the entire ceiling area. Your activity can be considered completed, the only thing left is to record decorative elements, install lighting fixtures. The practical part of our task can be considered completed.

Fundamentally important points

During the installation of the fabric ceiling, you will need an assistant who can carry out the work in parallel with you. additional work(hold the fabric, fix the corners, stretch and fasten the fabric).

It should be noted that by doing the work correctly, following all the tips and tricks, in just a couple of hours, your room will have an unsurpassed look, which largely depends on the type of ceiling and its structure.

Video of installing a fabric stretch ceiling with your own hands