Experience 5 7 years. Interesting chemical experiments that can be easily repeated at home. Another experiment will involve

Scientific discoveries gave humanity a lot original ideas. In rainy weather or when bored, some of them will become in a great way have some fun. We offer you 10 cool experiments. They can be carried out at home even by children, but preferably under adult supervision. These experiments use basic ingredients that are always available in the kitchen. Simple but interesting tricks are based on the principles of chemistry, physics and biology. Well, let's get started!

What you will need: a raw egg, two bowls (or plates), empty bottle from water.

Progress of the experiment. Squeeze the bottle to release some of the air. Then bring its neck close to the egg on the plate, almost close. Having unclenched plastic container, you will see how the yolk is sucked inside the bottle - together with the air, it rushes to occupy the empty volume.

Why is this happening? After compression, some of the air was “squeezed out,” which means that the pressure outside became greater. Thus, the air literally “pushes” the yolk into the bottle.

Experiment: Create Non-Newtonian Matter

What will you need? Water, cornstarch, deep mixing bowl, food coloring. Put it on old clothes so as not to get dirty, cover the table with oilcloth.

Progress of the experiment. Pour a glass of water into a deep bowl, then add a glass of cornstarch into the same bowl and mix everything well. You can add food coloring if desired. Now slowly dip your hand into the mixture. As you can see, this is very easy to do. Do the same thing, but with force - as a result, the substance will “repel” your hand.

Why is this happening? Oobleck is a non-Newtonian substance. Sometimes (for example, when it is poured), it appears as a liquid. But! When you put pressure on the mixture, it behaves like a solid body, and upon impact it can even have a repulsive effect.

Soda and vinegar - instead of a pump!

What we need: regular vinegar, bottles with a narrow neck, balloons, baking soda.

Progress of the experiment. A mini-geyser is made using a similar principle, but we slightly modify the well-known experiment. Pour 50–100 grams of vinegar into bottles. Having made a roll of paper, we put one end of it in balloon, which needs to be inflated. Inside the other end of a kind of tube we pour 2-3 tablespoons of soda. Now you need to carefully place the balls on the necks of the bottles. Be careful not to let the baking soda spill out of these rubber containers prematurely. The preparations are completed, you can start the fun part. Pour the contents of the balls into the bottle and enjoy watching.

Why is this happening? The molecules of soda and vinegar instantly combine and a powerful reaction occurs. As a result, carbon dioxide (CO 2) is produced, which inflates the balloon so much that it can even explode.

Coloring flowers using the capillary method

What we need: fresh white flowers (daisies and carnations are great, if you don’t have flowers you can even use celery), glass jar, food coloring, scissors. We also advise you to be patient, since you will see the full result of the experiment only after 24 hours. But after some time you can watch how an amazing transformation takes place.

Progress of the experiment. Pour water inside the jar and add dye of any color there. We dip flowers into this liquid and watch how the delicate white petals gradually turn a different color.

Why is this happening? Water evaporates from the flower's petals, so the stem absorbs the colored liquid from the jar. Gradually the colored liquid reaches its petals.

Determining the amount of sugar in soda

What will you need? Unopened cans of diet and sugary drinks, a large container of water (a bath will also work for this experiment).

Progress of the experiment. Immerse soda cans in water. Not all of them will sink to the bottom. Those that remain floating below the surface contain a lot of sugar. Fans of diets can safely drink “heavy” drinks.

What is the reason for this discrepancy? The density of regular and diet carbonated drinks is different, and its value is affected by the sugar content. As a result, some cans flounder in the water, while diet drinks safely go to the bottom.

Magic bag

What you will need: A bag with a special plastic zipper, a couple of sharpened pencils, a mug of water. We recommend doing the experiment over a sink or bathtub, as the temptation to pull out the pencils after the experiment will be great!

Progress of the experiment. Fill the bag with water and zip it up. Then we quickly pierce it through with several pencils, one at a time. As you can see, the holes did not even create a gap - the bag remained completely sealed.

Why is this happening? The tightly sealed bag is made from flexible polymers. When punctured, the plastic surface seals tightly around the pencil, so it does not leak.

Cleaning copper coins at home

What do we need? Tarnished coins, 1/4 cup white vinegar, one teaspoon salt, cup water, two bowls (non-metal), paper towels. We recommend wearing glasses to protect your eyes.

Progress of the experiment. Pour water, vinegar into a bowl and add salt. IN ready solution place the coins. After some time, we evaluate the degree of their purification.

How it works? The acetic acid reacts with the salt to help clear the copper oxide from the copper pennies. Rinse the coins with water after the experiment, otherwise they will become greenish color. After clearing a dozen copper coins, make another one interesting experience. Put in old mortar metal coin. You will see the steel color change to yellowish. This happened because the metal attracted copper oxide molecules.

Flying ghosts

What do we need? An inflated balloon, ghosts cut out of tissue paper, and something to generate static electricity (your clothes or hair will work for this purpose!).

Progress of the experiment. We glue the paper figures at one end to the table using tape. Then we rub the balloon hard on clothes or hair, and bring it closer to the lying silhouettes. Oh no! The ghosts have woken up and are trying to take off!

How it works? Rubbing a rubber ball against fabric or hair creates a negative charge on the surface, which attracts paper ghosts to itself.

Dancing Raisin Experience

What we need: raisins, a bottle of mineral water, a transparent drinking glass

Progress of the experiment. This experience is extremely simple. Pour into a glass mineral water. Add a handful of raisins there and watch them “dance” in the glass container.

Why is this happening? Tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide (CO 2) cling to uneven surface highlights. As a result, they become lighter and rise to the surface, where the bubbles burst. Then the raisins become heavy and fall back down, where they are again overtaken by CO 2 bubbles.

Colored milk painting

What do we need? Two plastic dishes, milk, food coloring, cotton swabs, liquid soap. Since we will be dealing with dyes, it is advisable to cover your clothes with an apron.

Progress of the experiment. Pour a little milk into the bowl - just enough to cover the bottom. Then we drop colored dye onto its surface. Having dipped a cotton swab in liquid soap, we touch the epicenter of the color inclusions on the milky surface. Now we begin to draw surreal stains.

Why is this happening? Food coloring is not as dense as milk, so the drops will stick to the surface at first. But adding soap to the tip of a cotton swab breaks the surface tension of the milk by dissolving the fat molecules. The paint molecules move smoothly along the milky surface, pushing off the soap layer.

Do these interesting experiments at home, with children or in a friendly company. You yourself won’t notice how quickly the time flies while enjoying this useful entertainment, and the inquisitive minds of young know-it-alls will board new scientific peaks.

Entertaining chemical experiments will prepare children to study chemistry at school. Most of the experiments carried out at home are not dangerous, educational, and effective. Some experiments are provided with a written description, which will help explain to the child the essence of the processes taking place and awaken interest in chemical science.

When conducting chemical experiments must be observed at home following rules security:

Simple experiments for little ones

Chemical experiments for young children, carried out at home, do not require any special substances.

Colored bubbles

For one such experiment you will need:

  • fruit juice;
  • sunflower oil;
  • 2 effervescent tablets;
  • decorative transparent container.

Stages of experience:

You can create bubbles with a stronger shell yourself by mixing water and dishwashing detergent in a 2:1 combination + a little granulated sugar. If you add glycerin instead of sugar, the bubbles will be very high. large sizes. Adding food coloring to the soap solution will create colored glowing bubbles.

Night light

You can make a night light at home using simple substances. To do this you will need:

  • tomato;
  • syringe;
  • sulfur heads from matches;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach.


  1. Place sulfur in a bowl, add bleach, and leave for a while.
  2. Draw the mixture into a syringe and prick the tomato from all sides.
  3. To start the chemical reaction, hydrogen peroxide must be introduced. This is also done with a syringe in the place where the petiole was located.
  4. Being in dark room, the tomato will emit soft light.

Carefully! You can no longer eat this tomato.

Sizzling balls

You can make your own sizzling balls for children's bathing.

During work, hands must be protected with gloves.


Floating worms

For the next experiment you will need:

  • 3 jelly worm candies without sugar sprinkles;
  • soda;
  • acetic acid;
  • water;
  • glass glasses.

Stages of work:

  1. The first glass is half filled with acetic acid.
  2. Pour warm water into the second glass and dilute 60 g of soda.
  3. Place the candies in the solution and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the candies from the soda solution and place them in a glass with the essence.
  5. The surface of the candy will immediately become covered with bubbles; they will continuously rise to the surface and fall to the bottom of the glass. This happens because the soda first fills the pores of the candy, then, reacting with vinegar, it releases carbon dioxide, which raises the candy to the top.
  6. When they come into contact with air, the bubbles burst, the candy sinks to the bottom and again becomes covered with bubbles and rises.

Experiments for older children

Chemical experiments for children at home can be more complex and interesting.


So, any schoolchild can simulate a volcanic eruption at home:

Colored foam

To experience creating colored foam you will need:


  1. The glasses are placed on a tray, half filled with soda, and dyes are added.
  2. Mix vinegar with detergent and pour into glasses.
  3. Colored foam will come out of each glass. You can pour the vinegar mixture into glasses several times until all the soda is released.

Malachite egg

Coloring experiment chicken egg in malachite color long lasting but interesting:

  1. To do this, remove the contents from the egg: make 2 holes and blow it out.
  2. For weight in empty egg Place a little plasticine.
  3. Dissolve a spoon in 0.5 liters of water copper sulfate(This can be purchased at a hardware store).
  4. Dip the egg into the solution; the shell should be completely immersed in the solution.
  5. After a few days, gas bubbles will appear.
  6. After a week, the shell will acquire a light blue-green color.
  7. After a month, the color of the shell will become rich malachite.


Making fireworks with your own hands:

  1. Magnesium shavings are very finely ground.
  2. Sulfur match heads are separated from the wood. You will need 2-3 boxes of matches. Crushed magnesium is mixed with sulfur powder.
  3. Take a metal tube and seal one of the holes tightly with plaster.
  4. Pour a mixture of magnesium and sulfur into the tube. The mixture should not occupy more than half of the tube.
  5. The tube is wrapped several times with foil. A wick is inserted into the free hole.
  6. Such fireworks can only be exploded in deserted places.

Coloring water blue

To color a colorless liquid blue you need:

  • alcohol solution of iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vitamin C tablet;
  • starch;
  • glass glasses.

Performing the experiment step by step:

  1. A vitamin C tablet is ground into powder and dissolved in 55 ml of warm water.
  2. Pour 5 ml of the resulting solution into a glass, add 5 ml of iodine and 55 ml of heated water. The iodine should become discolored.
  3. Separately mix 18 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 5 g of starch, 55 ml of water.
  4. The iodine solution is poured back and forth into the starch solution several times.
  5. The colorless liquid will turn dark blue. Iodine loses color when it reacts with vitamin C. Starch turns blue when mixed with iodine.

Simple experiments on the properties of metals

Chemical experiments for children at home can be carried out with metals.

For simple experiments will need:

  • fire;
  • pieces of various metals;
  • foil;
  • copper sulfate;
  • ammonia;
  • acid.

To experiment with copper wire, a small piece of metal is twisted into a spiral and heated strongly over a fire. Then immediately lower it into a container with ammonia. The reaction will occur instantly: the metal will begin to hiss, and the black coating formed when exposed to fire will disappear. The copper wire will shine again. It is better to do the experiment several times, then the color of the ammonia will turn blue.

For the next experiment you will need solid iodine, crushed aluminum, warm water. Iodine is mixed with aluminum in equal parts. Water is added to the mixture. The powder begins to burn, releasing purple smoke.

Another experiment will involve:

  • chrome-plated paper clip;
  • galvanized steel nail;
  • pure steel screw;
  • acetic acid;
  • 3 test tubes.

Stages of experience:

  1. Metal objects are placed in test tubes, filled with acid, and left for observation. In the first days, hydrogen evolution is observed.
  2. On the 4th day, the acid in test tubes with coated metal objects begins to turn red. In a test tube with a steel screw, the acid becomes Orange color, a precipitate appears.
  3. After 2 weeks in a test tube with a paper clip, the acid turns red, but only in upper layers. Where the paperclip is located, the acid is colorless. After removing the paperclip, you can see that it appearance not changed.
  4. The acid in a test tube with a nail is colored with a smooth transition from red to pale yellow. The nail hasn't changed.
  5. In the 3rd test tube, layered coloration of the liquid and sediment are also observed. The screw turned black, the upper microlayers of the metal collapsed.

Conclusion: unprotected iron is susceptible to corrosion.

For the next experiment, you need to prepare a blue solution of copper sulfate (dissolve several crystals in water, stir). Place non-rusty nails in a test tube and fill with solution. After some time, the solution will turn green and the nails will turn copper-colored. This happened because iron displaced copper from the liquid, and the displaced copper settled on metal objects.

To conduct the “Hydrogen Glove” experiment you will need:


  1. The saline solution and copper sulfate solution are simultaneously poured into the flask. When mixed, a sea-green liquid is obtained.
  2. Make a lump of foil and place it in the hole of the flask. Immediately, hydrogen begins to rapidly evolve.
  3. Put a rubber glove on the neck, it will instantly fill with gas.
  4. When the glove comes into contact with fire, it ruptures and the gas ignites. The liquid in the vessel gradually acquires a dirty gray tint.

The most spectacular chemical experiments for children

Chemical experiments for children at home are very diverse, and some are very impressive.

Colored foam

To make a large number of colored foam you need:

Bleached green

For the experiment on bleaching greenery you will need:

  • brilliant green solution;
  • glasses;
  • bleach;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • pills activated carbon.


  1. Water is poured into 6 glasses, a drop of greenery is added to each.
  2. The 1st glass is set aside for comparison, bleach is added to 2, ammonia to 3, peroxide to 4.
  3. Ammonia instantly discolors the liquid.
  4. Small bubbles appeared in the glass with bleach, and the solution became colorless.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide will discolor the liquid gradually, over about 15 minutes.
  6. Adding vinegar to the solution will make the liquid brighter.
  7. After 30 min. the liquid becomes lighter.
  8. Activated carbon brightens the solution.

Pharaoh snake

Conducting an experiment called “Pharaoh’s Snake” will require:

Stages of experience:

  1. The sand is soaked in alcohol and formed into a cone.
  2. A recess is made at the top.
  3. Mix soda with sugar and pour into the well.
  4. The soaked sand is set on fire.
  5. The mixture will turn into black balls, soda and sugar will begin to decompose.
  6. After burning the alcohol, a snake will appear, consisting of the products of burning sugar.

Pharaoh's snake made from sugar and soda:

Fire without a spark

To create a fire without a spark, you need potassium permanganate, glycerin and paper.


  1. Place approximately 1.5 g of potassium permanganate powder in the center of a sheet of paper, cover with the free edge of the sheet.
  2. Apply 3 drops of glycerin to the paper in the place where the powder is located.
  3. After 30 seconds, potassium permanganate will begin to hiss, smoke and produce black foam. The exothermic reaction will heat the paper and it will catch fire.


To make small fireworks at home, you need to choose a small fireproof dish with a long handle.


  1. On a paper sheet you need to pour a crushed tablet of activated carbon, the same amount of potassium permanganate and the same amount of iron filings.
  2. Fold a piece of paper in half to combine the powders (powders should not be mixed with spoons or spatulas; they may ignite).
  3. Carefully pour into a fireproof container and heat over the burner. After a few seconds. the heated mixture will begin to emit sparks.

Chemistry sets for children

Chemical experiments for children at home will help to conduct special sets substances and tools.

Experiment kit “Vulcan”

Designed for children over 14 years old, it allows you to independently reproduce the eruption of a small volcano.


To conduct the experiment, you first need to make the volcano itself; sand or gypsum is suitable as a material. When the mountain has frozen, a special powder is poured into the depression and set on fire. The substance begins to burn spectacularly, throwing out sparks, and ash appears.

The advantages of such an experiment include a visual representation of flammable substances. Disadvantages: availability harmful substances, can only be used once.

Price: 440 rub.

Chemistry set

The kit provides for growing crystals at home.

The set includes:

  • ammonium crystal;
  • dye;
  • polypropylene container;
  • gloves;
  • colored glass base;
  • stirring tool;
  • instructions.

Stages of work:

  • Pour crystalline powder into a container and mix with 150 ml of boiling water.
  • Stir until completely dissolved.
  • The base of the crystal is immersed in the liquid.
  • Cover with a lid for 60 minutes.
  • Add a substance to form a crystal into the cooled water and close the lid.
  • After a day, remove the lid.
  • Wait until the top of the crystal appears above the water.
  • The water is drained, the crystal is removed and dried.

The experiment is very interesting for children and is practically safe, but it will take at least 4 days to complete.

Cost of the set: 350 rub.

Set for chemical experiments “Traffic light”

Set includes:

  • sodium hydroxide;
  • glucose;
  • indigo carmine;
  • 2 measuring cups;
  • gloves.

Sequence of experience:

  1. Glucose (4 tablets) is dissolved in 1 glass using a small amount of boiling water. Add 10 mg sodium hydroxide solution.
  2. A little indigo carmine is dissolved in the 2nd glass.
  3. A solution of glucose and alkali is poured into the resulting blue liquid.
  4. When mixing the solutions, the liquid will turn green (oxygen in the air oxidizes indigo carmine).
  5. Gradually the solution will turn red, then yellow. If the vessel with the yellow solution is shaken, the liquid will turn green again, then red and yellow.

The experiment is spectacular, interesting and safe. The disadvantages include insufficiently detailed instructions.

Set price: 350 rub.

Advantages and disadvantages of home experiments

Experience name Advantages Flaws
Pharaoh snakeAvailability of materials, entertainmentNot safe
Growing CrystalsComplete security, visibilityThe experiment is quite long
VolcanoClearly demonstrates the interaction of substancesLong preparations for the experiment
Experiment on the interaction of metals with various liquidsEffectiveness, safetyRequires a lot of time to carry out
Home fireworksEntertainment and availability of substances usedNot safe

Most chemical home experiments, when carried out correctly, do not harm the child’s health, but it is better to carry them out under adult supervision. All the necessary substances can be found in any kitchen.

Experiments will reveal to children the secrets of the interaction of substances and arouse interest in understanding the world.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: chemical experiments for children

Home miracle laboratory: chemical experiments for children:

Your baby has already grown up. He is over 4 years old. you dealt with him early development and taught the most basic and important skills: walking, dressing, communicating with peers, distinguishing colors and shapes. Now your child is a completely independent, mature person and can not be distracted for 5-10 minutes while completing the task you propose. If you have a question “how to develop a hyperactive child.”

Our answer: Continue to develop perseverance.

If you have already sent your child to kindergarten, then your he/she will receive the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for entering school. Just don’t rule out home education and development. Your journey together into the land of simple children's tricks, experiences and experiments is only just beginning to unfold. The time has come to become more deeply acquainted with the unknown world around us. Take a different look at the house and the objects in it, the nature outside the window, at things that are already familiar to you. Continue to communicate with your child and spend time together. Organize interesting experiments, experiences and tricks for children at home.

Let's experiment. Let's take simple, familiar objects and see what else they can do. Don’t rush to get the multi-volume “Big Soviet Encyclopedia" It contains a lot of useful and interesting things, but you will need it much later. In this section of the educational website for children, you will find an excellent collection of educational games and entertaining development games. The proposed experiments will interest both boys and girls. And you already have everything you need to organize a “home laboratory”. Look in the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms. Found it?

Then think, what element do you want to study today? What experiments will you conduct in your home laboratory? Choose from the list and get started.

Experiments for children

  • Experiments with water/density
  • Experiments with sand / sugar / salt / starch
  • Experiments with light / mirrors / candle / color
  • Experiments with equilibrium / electricity / thermal conductivity

I have something for you interesting offer. I want to give you a gift. Very useful for you, your child and your whole family. They say that best gift- this is a book. And today I want to give you two wonderful collections. This step by step instructions on how to set up your own home laboratory at home. This book contains amazing experiences with water for you. And you will find the answer to the question of how to tame sound. And if there are a lot of sounds in your house, then it’s time for you to master these entertaining experiments.

With the help of entertaining experiments, you will introduce your child to the four main elements: water, air, fire and earth (its gifts). Give your child a ton of positive emotions. Teach your child to observe, analyze, draw conclusions, and express his thoughts. Our task is not to raise young chemist or physics. We want to make your child's childhood interesting, happy, fun, and as educational as possible. Prepare him for further education at school. Make sure that this training is easy for him. Arouse interest in learning, develop curiosity and perseverance. It’s interesting to answer a million different questions that pop up in thousands of “PocheMuk”’s heads every day.

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Share your impressions of your joint experiences in the comments.

Do you think that today's children spend more time playing on their phones than necessary? Worried that your child is becoming addicted to gadgets? Believe me, almost all parents face this. Children and adults cannot imagine life without digital technologies, what can you do? This is the era we live in. Many modern children begin their first acquaintance with the world through sterile Computer techologies and virtual perception.

When your baby is busy with a smartphone, tablet or computer, it bothers you less. The child is engaged, he does not run, does not make noise, does not irritate you. You can relax and go about your business. Isn't that great? Of course, if you are going to raise a half-blind disabled person with mental disabilities.

Many experts compare digital addiction to alcohol and drug addiction. To prevent this, the editors "So simple!" I have collected 9 simple and entertaining experiments for you that will especially appeal to preschoolers.

Experiments for children at home

With the help of ordinary improvised means that everyone has in the house, your baby will learn to carry out the most real scientific experiments. Imagine how delighted he will be when he sees chemical reactions and physics tricks! He will like this much more than cartoons and video games.

Rainbow milk

You will need

  • full fat milk
  • plate
  • food colorings
  • liquid soap or detergent
  • cotton buds


  1. Pour milk into a plate. Add a few drops of food coloring in different colors.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the detergent and touch the surface of the milk.
  3. Watch an amazing reaction: the milk will begin to move, shimmer and play with colors.
  4. Explanation

    Colors move due to the interaction of molecules detergent with milk molecules.

Fireproof ball

You will need

  • 2 balls
  • candle
  • matches


  1. Inflate the first balloon and hold it over the candle to demonstrate that the fire causes the balloon to burst.
  2. Fill the second ball with water, tie it and bring it back to the candle.
  3. It turns out that the ball does not burst and calmly withstands the flame of a candle.
  4. Explanation

    The water in the ball takes away some of the heat from the candle and prevents the walls of the ball from melting, so it does not burst.

Lava lamp

You will need


  1. Fill the jar with water to about a third of the volume and dissolve food coloring in it.
  2. Pour vegetable oil to the top of the jar. Observe that the oil and water do not mix, but remain on top.
  3. Add 1 tsp. salt and watch an amazing reaction happen.
  4. Explanation

    Oil and water have different densities. Oil is lighter than water, so it's on top. Salt makes the butter heavier so it sinks to the bottom. If you replace salt with any effervescent tablet, the effect will be simply enchanting!


You will need

  • tray
  • plastic bottle
  • plasticine or modeling clay
  • food coloring
  • vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda
  • 1/4 tbsp. vinegar
  • 1/4 tbsp. water


  1. Cut it plastic bottle in half.
  2. Make a volcano out of plasticine or clay around the bottle.
  3. Pour 1/4 tbsp inside. water, add food coloring, soda, vinegar.
  4. Watch a “volcano erupt.”
  5. Explanation

    The molecules of vinegar and soda enter into chemical reaction, and active release of carbon dioxide begins. Therefore, the mixture foams and is pushed out of the bottle. If you sculpt buildings, vegetation, and put figures of animals and people around the volcano, you will get a real home “cataclysm”!

Invisible ink

You will need

  • milk or lemon juice
  • brush or feather
  • paper
  • hot iron


  1. Dip the brush into milk or lemon juice.
  2. Write something on a piece of paper. Wait for the lettering to dry.
  3. Heat a sheet of paper with an iron and watch how the inscription appears.
  4. Explanation

    Milk and lemon juice are organic substances and are capable of oxidation, that is, reacting with oxygen. When heated with an iron, such ink turns brown because it “burns” faster than paper. Vinegar, orange and onion juice, and honey have the same effect. Even if the baby does not know how to write yet, he can draw a secret letter.

floating egg

You will need

  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 5 tsp. salt


  1. Carefully lower the egg into the first glass of water. If it remains intact, it will settle to the bottom.
  2. Pour into the second glass hot water and add 5 tsp. salt. Dissolve the salt, wait until the water cools a little, then drop in the second egg.
  3. Watch the second egg float on the surface instead of sinking to the bottom of the glass.
  4. Explanation

    The density of an egg is much greater than the density of water. But the salt solution is more dense than the egg, so it remains floating on the surface.

Rainbow at home

You will need

  • deep transparent plate
  • A4 sheet of paper
  • mirror
  • flashlight


  1. Place a mirror at the bottom of a transparent plate. Pour some water.
  2. Shine a flashlight on the mirror.
  3. Catch the reflected light with a sheet of paper and watch a bright rainbow.
  4. Explanation

    The beam of light is not actually white, but consists of several colors. When the beam passes through the water, it splits into its component parts in the form of a rainbow.

Walking on eggshells


  1. Cover the floor with garbage bags and place 2 trays of eggs on them. Make sure all eggs are pointed side up.
  2. Invite your child to walk on eggshells. By placing his foot correctly, he will be able to walk on them without breaking one. Do not believe? Try it too!
  3. Explanation

    As you know, egg shells are very strong, despite their fragility. With uniform tension, the pressure is distributed throughout the shell so that it can withstand even heavy weight without cracking.

Spark plug pump

You will need

  • plate
  • candle
  • cup
  • food coloring


  1. Dissolve food coloring in water.
  2. Light a candle and place it on a plate.
  3. Cover the candle with a glass. Watch how the water is drawn into the glass.
  4. Explanation

    A candle needs oxygen to burn. When it ran out inside the glass, the candle went out and the internal pressure decreased, and the pressure outside the glass pushed the water inside.

That's how easy it is to do exciting things with the help of improvised means. chemical experiments for children. Introduce your child to productive and informative games that will develop his curiosity, thirst for knowledge and interest in the outside world.

This is a real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

In a Montessori group, learning is conducted from the concrete to the abstract. Experiments in a Montessori environment are therefore the first introduction to science. Distinctive feature Montessori experiments - children must participate in the conduct, and not just watch from the sidelines. Therefore, all experiments for children from three to six years old are understandable and easy to perform. They can be done at home and in the classroom.

Experiments with children 3–4 years old

  • What attracts a magnet?

A large magnet is placed on the tray and a basket with metal and non-metal objects is placed.

An adult takes a magnet and checks what it will attract. They start with a metal object: they bring it to a magnet, it is attracted, and it is put aside. They take a non-metallic thing: it is not attracted, it is put aside in the other direction. Then the child is asked to sort on his own.

Older children may conclude that a magnet attracts metal.

  • Floats or sinks.

A box with 12 objects, half of which sink, half of which float, a bowl and a jug of water is placed on the tray.

Fill the bowl with water. Take a thing from the box, name it, look at it with your child. Discuss whether it is big or small, heavy or light. Gently lower the object into the liquid to see if it floats or sinks. Depending on the result, set it aside. Now do the same with the “contrasting” item and put it aside. Sort out all the contents of the box, asking your child to guess in advance whether this or that item will sink. Finally, ask why some things sink while others float. Lead to the conclusion that the material is important.

You can do this exercise with plasticine: in the form of a ball it will sink, and the plasticine cake will stay afloat. Conclusion: shape is also important.

Two identical containers are filled two-thirds full with water. Place a spoonful of salt in one, stirring each time, until it stops dissolving and begins to settle as a sediment.

Take two eggs. One is placed in a container of fresh water - it sinks. The second egg is placed in a container with salted water - it floats near the surface.

Conclusion: salt makes water denser. This density prevents objects from sinking. It is easier for us to swim in the sea than in fresh water.

  • How do plants drink?

Pour water into a glass and add food coloring to create a rich color. Place a stalk of celery in a glass and leave overnight. In the morning, cut off part of the stem. You will see that the stem has absorbed the paint and is colored when cut.

If you replace the celery with white flowers, children can clearly see how the plants drink.

Experiments for children 4–5 years old

  • How to raise the water level.

Fill the glass to the very top. Tell the children that without adding a drop you can make the liquid overflow. Take the stone and carefully lower it into the glass. Invite your child to lower the stones. Pay his attention to how the liquid rises above the edge of the container, as if forming a bubble. Continue until the glass is overflowing.

Conclude that a solid body displaces water, raising its level.

  • Mixing colors.

You will need six small glasses, water, a pipette, blue, yellow and red paint, and stir sticks.

Pour some water into a glass, add a few drops of blue paint, and stir. Repeat with the other two cups, adding yellow paint to one and red paint to the other.

Take a glass with blue liquid and pour some into the empty one, pour the other part from the glass with yellow. Mix and create this way green color. Repeat with yellow and red, and then with red and blue.

Invite the children to record the results of the experiment on paper. Draw three circles on the sheet: two next to each other are the colors being mixed, one below them is the result.

  • Condensation.

Fill the shiny tin can half water, add ice cubes or snow. Place in a warm place and watch: small droplets appear on the walls.

A similar experiment can be done by heating water in a pan and then filling it with ice cubes. Take the lid and hold it over the pan. Water vapor will rise and condense on the lid and then flow back into the pan.

  • Monitoring the rate of evaporation.

Pour water into a bottle with markings and place in a warm place. Mark the level for the next day. Conclude that the level has decreased. Fill two bottles with the same amount of liquid and place one in a warm place, the other in a cold place. Offer to measure the fluid amount the next day. Draw a conclusion about the effect of temperature on evaporation.

Experiments for children 5–6 years old

  • Fireproof ball.

You will need two balls. Inflate the first balloon and ask your child to bring it to a burning candle. The ball will burst. Pour water into another ball. It will absorb the heat of the candle, and nothing will happen to the ball.

  • What burns and what doesn't.

This experience is always carried out under the guidance of an adult. Take a large bowl, a thin long candle and various materials: paper, wood, iron, wax. The child puts an object in a bowl and sets it on fire, watching what happens to the material: it burns, melts, or simply heats up. Carry out the experiment with an ice cube - it will put out the candle. Make a conclusion about what materials burn.

These entertaining experiments in the spirit of Montessori, they will introduce children from three to six years old to the basics of science.