Determination of appearance type by seasons. What are the types of appearance and how to determine your type? Bone structure of the face

Incorrectly chosen colors in clothing and accessories can make even very beautiful girl. On the contrary, well-chosen shades will distract attention from the shortcomings of your appearance and emphasize your advantages. It became easier to make the right choice after the concept of appearance color types appeared in the terminology of stylists. This classification is based on drawing a color analogy between appearance types and seasons. Knowing your color type is extremely useful, since for each of them the Internet contains thousands of recommendations for choosing the most successful color schemes in clothing.

The essence of the theory of color types

The theory of 4 color types of appearance came to the fashion sphere from the artistic world. Starting point considered the publication in 1980 of the book “The Colors of Beauty” by author Carol Jackson.

The theory is based on the fact that in each season certain colors predominate in nature. Comparing these colors with the characteristics of a person’s appearance, each of us can be classified into one of 4 color types:

  • winter;
  • summer;
  • spring;
  • autumn

There is also an additional division of types into warm and cold. If the color types of your appearance are spring and autumn, then they are warm, if winter and summer are cold. This classification reflects the nature of the shades that are most suitable for each type.
Determining the color type of appearance is based on external characteristics, including:

  • skin tone (including a tendency to tan or redness, the presence of freckles);
  • eye color;
  • coloring of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

You can correctly determine your color type only if you follow the following rules.

  1. Evaluate your appearance only after you have completely removed your makeup.
  2. Dyeing your hair and eyebrows, as well as tanning, can correct your color type. Its original meaning can only be determined by your natural data.
  3. Look at yourself in daylight: it’s better to go to a window. Artificial lighting can distort the perception of colors.
  4. Wear neutral clothes light shades, and bare your shoulders and neck to objectively assess your skin tone.

After analyzing your appearance, you need to write down all your characteristics so that it is more convenient to compare them with the characteristics of different color types.

4 color types of appearance according to seasons

Each of the four seasons has certain color characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them.


The winter color type is clean, deep and cold. It corresponds to people with the following characteristics:

  • The skin is white, cool tones. A dark-skinned version with an olive tint is also possible. Contrastes sharply with hair and eyebrows. White skin burns easily in the sun, while olive skin tones acquire an even golden tan. There are no freckles.
  • Eyes range from dark chestnut to black, with cool blues, grays and greens also common.
  • Hair and eyebrows are rich black and chestnut shades, without a red tint. If blond, then ashy.

The winter color type of appearance is represented by such celebrities as Demi Moore, Halle Barry, Monica Bellucci, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.
Cold but rich colors suit winter girls. The ideal option would be bright black, white, steel shades, as well as various variations of blue and pink. Neutral tones and warm brown palettes should be avoided.


Summer appearance color type is soft, cool, light. Its description is as follows:

  • The skin is a delicate milky color, or olive without yellowness. Blush pink. The contrast with the hair is low. Olive skin tans well, milky skin is prone to burns.
  • The eyes are cool, blue or green, or a mixture of these two colors.
  • Hair and eyebrows range from light blonde to deep brown, with a characteristic grayish haze.

The summer color type is personified by Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Natalia Vodianova.
Representatives of summer will suit soft, muted shades - light blue, turquoise, cream, burgundy. But dark and contrasting colors only focus attention on the shortcomings of this type Ms.


Spring is a color type of appearance, characterized by purity, warmth and light. It can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Light skin cream or golden tone as if shining with warmth from within. Peach blush. Tan with a slight reddish tint.
  • Eye color: blue, emerald, green, amber.
  • The color of hair and eyebrows ranges from light blond to medium chestnut, with golden and reddish shades.

The spring type is typical for Svetlana Khodchenkova, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, and singer Valeria.
“Spring” will look good in natural, fresh, but not very bright colors. Peach, orange, coral red, lilac, all kinds of variations of brown and beige are suitable. You should avoid dark colors that sharply contrast with your light appearance.


The warm color type of appearance, corresponding to autumn, is associated with softness, warmth and depth. It corresponds to the following features:

  • Warm skin tone with a golden glow and freckles. Tans poorly, has no blush, low contrast with the hair.
  • The eyes are mostly brown, but there are also amber, olive, warm green, and blue.
  • Hair and eyebrows - brown with a golden tint, black, red.

The autumn color type of appearance is represented Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Yulia Savicheva.
To understand what colors suit autumn girls, just look at the landscape of a bright autumn forest. These are shades of earth, colorful foliage, trees. Warm shades of brown, pistachio, coral, terracotta, and olive will highlight the beauty. It is necessary to avoid all cold colors, as they will overshadow the natural warmth of appearance.

Theory about 12 color types of appearance

The introduction of the theory of color types into the field of fashion has greatly simplified the selection of colors for different types of appearance. However, many people have had difficulty classifying their appearance due to the presence of characteristics belonging to the characteristics of different seasons. To solve this problem, in the 90s, coloristics was replenished with another theory called “12 color types of appearance.”
This theory is based on 6 characteristics, each of which contains a branching into 2 color types. You only need to relate yourself to one of the signs. Let's look at their characteristics:

  1. Bright spring and summer. These are people with blond or chestnut hair color, with gray, transparent blue or green irises, as well as light skin tones.
  2. Dark (deep) autumn and winter. Hair - from dark chestnut to blue-black, eye color orange-brown or green, skin covering dark.
  3. Warm spring and autumn. If the color types of your appearance are autumn and spring, this is characterized by red and brown hair with golden highlights, expressive brown and green shades with golden notes and creamy and milky skin.
  4. Cold spring and winter. The cold color type includes black, chestnut and ash hair color, blue, gray and light brown iris, pinkish skin.
  5. Clean winter and spring. This appearance is rich in bright contrasts. Hair - from medium brown to black, or rich light blonde. Eye color – transparent blue, blue, green, yellow-brown, emerald. The skin contrasts sharply with the hair color.
  6. Mild summer and autumn. Neutral, not too expressive appearance. The hair color is unsaturated light brown, and the color of the eyes is gray-blue, brown, and light green. Low skin to hair contrast.

If you were able to accurately identify yourself with one of the characteristics, then you need to decide on the color type. To do this, you need to check which palette of the color types included in the trait suits you best. This is done by applying pieces of fabric or colored paper to the face. The main shades of 12 color types are presented in the images.
Finding the right colors is not as difficult as it seems. Apply shades corresponding to the color types to your face one by one and ask yourself questions: “Which of these colors favorably shades my skin tone and highlights natural beauty, and which one is blocking me, taking all the attention to itself?” It will be easier to select the right shades if you involve an outside observer in this process.

Now you know how to determine your appearance color type. If it is not possible to contact a specialist, you can do it yourself. However, stylists do not advise following the rules of color types fanatically, using only “allowed” shades in images. In fact, you can wear absolutely any color. Even if the shade does not suit your type, you can always combine it with one of the “right” colors, thereby neutralizing the negative impact on your appearance.

Have you ever come across the concept “appearance color type”?
If not, then we suggest you get to know this very useful information(not only for women!), because without precise knowledge of your color type, face shape and figure, it is very difficult to find your personal style. It's like decorating a house that hasn't been built yet.

The basic theory of color types consists of four parts - types of appearance.
Of course, it is impossible to put all the variety of skin-hair-eye combination options created by nature into four clear groups. Nevertheless, this theory makes it possible to at least abandon shades that are not at all yours!

Nature is the best teacher, day after day she shows us completely free of charge how colors can and should be combined harmoniously - in all imaginable shades and at any time of the year. How can we find practical application of the knowledge gained from lessons from nature?

Stylists all over the world use color theory of seasons, which proceeds from the fact that all people can be divided into four color types: Winter, Spring, Summer And Autumn.

This division has nothing to do with your loved one temperature conditions(being a passionate supporter of icy showers and arctic frosts, you may nevertheless turn out to be Summer), nor to age (a blooming young girl may well be Autumn), nor to temperament (hot residents of the southern regions most often belong to the winter type).

A person is born with certain shades of skin, hair and eyes. Just as each season has its own color combinations, so each person has his own color palette.

Pay attention to the perimeter of the picture: these are the colors and shades that are most suitable for a particular color type

The color palette of each season can be characterized as follows: Winter And Summer- This cold tones, Spring And Autumnwarm, because in the natural palette of winter and summer, shades based on cold blue predominate, and in the palette of spring and autumn, shades based on warm yellow predominate.

In addition, Spring and Winter are bright, clean and clear colors, while Summer and Autumn are restrained, discreet, a little blurry.

So, let's get down to specifics.


For Winters Nature is characterized by clear, crisp, bright colors and an abundance of contrasts: black tree trunks against a background of sparkling whiteness, bright red bunches of rowan berries under the snow, thick green pine needles, bluish silhouettes of snow-covered spruce trees, delicate pink color morning dawn and the dark blue of distant mountain peaks.

Representatives of the winter color type are also characterized by bright and contrasting colors of appearance.

Winter's hair is most often dark: from dark brown to blue-black. But in Winter there are both platinum blondes and those with silver-gray hair.
The skin is very delicate, white with a pinkish tint, colors Ivory, as well as light and dark olive.

Eyes with bright whites, iris shades range from black, dark brown and tea-colored to steel, blue-gray and violet blue.
Typical representatives of the winter type are blue-eyed brunettes Alain Delon and Elizabeth Taylor. Also included in Winter are Angelina Jolie, Aishwarya Rai, Dita Von Teese, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Monica Bellucci.

The color principle of the “winter wardrobe”: distinct cool colors.
Winter is the only type that can fearlessly wear black, taking it as the basis of their wardrobe. Those who consider black a universal color and supposedly suitable for everyone are mistaken - in fact, “real” black suits few people. Many representatives of the winter type can afford snow-white - also an unaffordable luxury for representatives of other types.

Numerous shades of pink look unusually good in typical Winters: from fuchsia to snow pink; blue: from royal blue and cobalt to azure and snow blue; green: from dark pine and emerald to color sea ​​wave. Intense shades of purple, red and some shades of gray are also good.

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Winter preferably avoided cool but restrained shades of Summer, it is not recommended to wear bright but warm colors of Spring, and are strictly contraindicated Winter warm blurry colors of Autumn.

Among representatives of the winter type, as well as among representatives of other color types, there are “atypical” Winters, for example, with a weakly expressed contrast. Only a specialist can determine exactly what type a person belongs to and what shades will decorate him and emphasize his individuality.


It is not at all difficult to imagine the awakening of nature, shining with youth and joy, surrounded by colors, as if permeated with light. A bright sun appears in the blue sky, buds bloom in yellow, pink and purple, soft lilac saffron flowers with bright yellow stamens, tulips, daffodils, light green leaves on trees delight the eye... Warm, bright, sun-warmed colors, strikingly in harmony with spring color type of appearance.

Typical representatives of this beautiful type are Anna Kournikova, Gwyneth Paltrow, Claudia Schiffer, Meg Ryan, Amanda Seyfried, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Charlize Theron.
Attention: Platinum blondes are not this type!

The skin of spring-type people can be ivory-colored, as well as transparent golden or bronze, and is often covered with a light peach blush. Freckles are always golden in color. People with a spring color type have a tan that is honey or golden brown.

Hair is usually light: from light red to flaxen, straw and honey. But even if the hair is golden brown, natural blonde strands shine in it. Representatives of the spring type turn gray very late.
The eyes are almost always light, ranging in color from grey, sky blue and turquoise to amber. Have brown eyes Spring are extremely rare.

The color principle of a spring wardrobe is warm and clear colors. Black color doesn't suit them at all. In black outfits they look tired and colorless.

It is important to mention that women of this color type always carry something delicate and fragile within themselves, regardless of size and weight, which is why there are many delicate light tones in their color palettes.

Golden beige or light shades of brown are perfect as the basis of a wardrobe: caramel, milk chocolate, as well as neutral and warm color camel hair.

Spring should be careful with the color white: “spring” shades of white are delicate, with a light creamy undertone; Ivory color looks great for Spring. Under no circumstances is snow-white recommended, as it makes Spring dull and pale.

In this type of palette many shades of yellow and orange: spring yellow is delicate, with a warm undertone; golden; honey Shades of orange are delicate and pure: apricot, coral, salmon.
Red: from the color of watermelon pulp to poppy red with an orange tint. Lilac: from lavender and light lilac to violet without a pink tint.
Blue: sky blue, soft and pure aquamarine, turquoise, pure dark blue, cornflower blue.
Green: expressive color of May greens, the color of green apples.

Spring should be avoided warm but blurry colors of Autumn. Only representatives of the spring type with dark skin can borrow some rich dark shades from the Autumn wardrobe. The bright, but cold colors of Winter do not color the warm Spring at all. Unfortunately, it is representatives of this type of appearance who often make the unfortunate mistake of preferring black and white combinations in clothing.

Anti-colors: Cool, washed-out grey-based colors of Summer, such as grey-blue, as well as bluish shades of red.


It’s worth looking around and you will see what colors are typical for summer in nature. The air trembling from the heat and the blinding sunlight seem to cast a smoky veil over the explosive splendor of summer colors. The yellowish-beige colors of the foliage seem somewhat faded in the sun. The mood of this time of year is determined not by bright, but by muted tones: cool blue sea ​​water, haze enveloping the city on a warm morning, faded brown and gray colors dry stones and cracked earth.

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Representatives of the summer color type of appearance are also characterized by cool restraint in soft, calm tones, as if muted by a light grayish coating. It is this noble ash shade of hair and eyebrows that usually causes the greatest dissatisfaction among representatives of the summer type and pushes them to the most unimaginable experiments when coloring their hair.

The summer color type is the most common among Europeans, but in terms of the dissimilarity of options it surpasses all other types. Suffice it to say that Summer it can be Azure, Crystal, Garnet, Opal, Quartz... We will not discuss in detail all possible options and their differences, we will only focus on the general color concept.

Representatives of the summer type can be either dark or light brown-haired or platinum blonde. Common to this type: there is always an ashy tint in the hair.

The skin is delicate, it can be creamy milky, light pink, pale pink with a beige tint. This type's freckles are always grayish-brown. Tanning occurs in people with the summer color type olive color.
Eyes: from transparent blue and steel gray to olive and brown. Very often there are eyes of “mixed” colors, for example, blue with a dark border, gray-green, greenish-blue with the typical light cream color of the whites of the eyes. The color of the white usually does not contrast with the iris, but, as with any rule, there are exceptions to this.
Typical representatives of the summer type of appearance are Uma Thurman, Cate Blanchett, Sienna Miller, Cameron Diaz, Marilyn Monroe.

Color principle“summer wardrobe”: exquisitely elegant restraint of muted cool tones.
Gray is perfect as the basis of a wardrobe: blue-gray, gray-blue or taupe; soft blues: smoky blue, indigo (denim blue) or plum blue; beige-brown with a grayish or pinkish tint: from light coffee to the color of a withered rose.

Numerous shades of lilac look great in a typical Summer: from pink-lilac to lavender, from muted purple to eggplant; red: from the color of watermelon pulp to raspberry, from burgundy to wine red.

Let's fly should be avoided cold but bright shades of Winter. Especially undesirable are black, which the summer type can replace with anthracite, and pure white, which can be replaced with vanilla. The summer type often makes the mistake of mistaking the warm brown from the Autumn palette for “theirs.” Summer should remember that in his Brown always has a grayish or pinkish undertone.

Anti-colors: Eliminate warm clothes from your wardrobe bright colors Spring, for example, orange or golden yellow.


When you hear the word “autumn,” your memory brings to mind the red, yellow, orange, and golden richness of the warm, earthy colors of the autumn forest. But the contrasts found everywhere give the autumn splendor a special charm. Red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange highlight each other's sophisticated shades. How many wonderful epithets autumn knows! Golden, crimson, foggy...
Or maybe: Burgundy, Carmine, Lemon, Shchegolskaya, Sparkling?

After all we're talking about about the color theory of the seasons, according to which representatives of the autumn color type are characterized by rich, rich, slightly muted colors of the autumn palette in nature.

It is very important to determine exactly what type Autumn applies to a person to choose a palette that suits him perfectly color combinations in clothes. Of course, this statement applies equally to representatives of all four color types. After all, only then the amazing effect of healing and rejuvenation without plastic surgery It will literally be obvious: your eyes will shine even brighter, wrinkles will become less noticeable, and your skin will seem to glow from within with a grateful light.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to carry out such an analysis on your own, without the help of a specialist, so in this article we will focus on the general characteristics and recommendations for this type.

To always look spectacular, a woman must find her own style and priority shades in clothes and makeup. For this purpose, it is recommended to determine your type of appearance by time of year. A simple analogy with the seasons is a great hint for fashionistas.

A little history

The theory that people's appearance corresponds to the four seasons did not originate empty space. It was preceded by the research of artists and other creative people, as well as many years of observations by psychologists. The first fundamental work on this issue can be considered the book “Color is my beauty,” which was written in 1980. He focused on the fact that a person’s belonging to one or another color type is inherent in nature.

If we go deeper into history, we cannot help but mention M. Yu. Chevrel, who was an outstanding chemist and also worked in the royal workshop that produced tapestries. In 1839, he published a work in which the rationale was given for the fact that colors located near the face can affect skin tone. This knowledge was later used by artists.

Already in the 1920s, many US universities introduced such a subject as “Coloristics”. The course was based on the book “Color is You” by S. Kazhil. By 1960, the works “Interaction from the German artists D. Albers and J. Itten” were published. They described the possibility using certain colors It is beneficial to emphasize the advantages of appearance. These works are also used by modern stylists.

Appearance type by season: how to determine

To create a harmonious image, you should first carefully study your reflection in the mirror, highlighting the key characteristics. Next, it’s worth determining the type of appearance by time of year. Photos of nature in different seasons will certainly allow you to draw analogies with the human form. If you already have some assumptions about your color type, it is worth confirming your guesses through practical experiments.

The colors are “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”. To accurately determine whether you belong to one of them, you will need multi-colored scraps of fabric or sheets of paper. Remove makeup from your face and sit comfortably in front of the mirror. The first half of the day, which is characterized by good natural light, is best suited for the experiment.

Alternately hold the cloth or paper to your face different colors to find out your type of appearance by time of year. How to determine the appropriate shade? Your intuition will tell you. So, the skin will react to “your” color in the most positive way. She will become tender and fresh. The eyes will acquire an attractive shine, and the lips will become more expressive. If the shade turns out to be inappropriate, the exact opposite will happen. The complexion will become pale and sickly, all defects (dark circles, wrinkles, rashes) will become more noticeable.

Important nuances

If you do not have any bright and expressive characteristics, it will be quite difficult to determine the type of appearance based on the time of year. These tips will help make this difficult task easier:

  • Ask a family member for help. When assessing your skin's reaction to a particular color, you may be biased, because you have your own favorite shades. And from the outside it will be noticeable immediately.
  • The room in which you will conduct the experiment should not be decorated too brightly. Ideally, the walls should be white so that all attention is focused only on the dough. If you don't have access to such a room, have someone hold a white sheet behind you as a backdrop.
  • Of course, it is important to remove makeup from your face. However, accessories can also distort the impression. Thus, before the experiment, you need to remove earrings, pendants, bracelets and piercings, if any.
  • Although dyed hair cannot change the color type, it can be somewhat confusing during testing. To objectively assess the impact of a particular shade on your appearance, hide your hair under a white scarf or cap.
  • Your clothes of any color should not be reflected in the mirror. It is recommended to bare your shoulders.
  • If you have natural hair color, it will be much easier to determine your appearance type. To do this, you need to look at them in sunny weather. If bronze or golden highlights play on your curls, then you belong to the warm spectrum. Cold type means ashen or silver hair color.

Cold or warm?

If pink, blue, and green shades suit you best, this means that your range is cool. This includes the color types of appearance “winter” and “summer”. Warm red, yellow, orange tones are the main calling card of “autumn” and “spring”.

Despite the fact that both “winter” and “summer” refer to a cold palette, these color types correspond to different shades. So, when choosing a wardrobe and makeup, you should consider the following:

  • summer shades are quite light and muted with a bluish tint;
  • Speaking about the winter color type, it is worth noting that it corresponds to the same colors as the summer one, but in a brighter and more saturated variation.

AND warm shades, corresponding to “spring” and “autumn”, are also slightly different. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • spring shades belong to the yellow-orange palette (they should be as bright and cheerful as possible);
  • the basis of the autumn palette is red (unlike spring, the shades will be muted and quite pale).


It will help you navigate the choice of makeup and clothing based on the type of appearance depending on the time of year. Winter has the following characteristics:

  • pronounced contrast between pale skin and dark hair;
  • expressive eyes of deep brown or blue color;
  • bluish or olive tint to the skin;
  • blue-black or dark brown hair.

To imagine the visual image of “winter,” you should look at celebrities. Thus, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Natalia Oreiro have a similar type of appearance.

By analogy with the seasons, color types of appearance are distinguished: “winter”, “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”. So, if you find signs of the cold season in yourself, take on board these tips:

  • In makeup, focus on the lips. At the same time, we welcome bright shades lipsticks that will look best against fair skin. Cherry color is best.
  • Use light tones of powder with a pearlescent sheen. This will help make the noble paleness of the skin even more attractive.
  • When it comes to eye makeup, you should stick to muted, cool shades. Pink, olive or purple shades will look good. As for eyeliner and mascara, it is better to prefer graphite to black.
  • A classic wardrobe suits winter girls best. It is recommended to use bright shades of a cold palette. An exception is the color red, which suits this type of appearance perfectly. To prevent the image from seeming boring, it is worth adding a few extravagant accents to it.
  • To emphasize the nobility of the image, use original, but miniature accessories. They must be made of precious metals, pearls or crystal.


We associate the “spring” type of appearance according to the season with lightness and freshness. It is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  • fair skin with a hint of peach or ivory;
  • light pinkish blush or freckles on the cheeks;
  • eyes are quite light (brown, blue or gray);
  • blonde hair, the shade of which can vary from light brown to golden.

If you cannot independently determine your type of appearance by time of year, compare yourself with famous personalities. So, Nicole Kidman and Meg Ryan can be considered “spring”.

Colors based on the time of year imply compliance with certain rules that will make your appearance even more expressive. Speaking about “spring”, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • As for makeup, transparent “watercolor” colors are the most appropriate. It is worth noting that the spring color type is the only one that allows emphasis on both the eyes and the lips. It is best to use pink, coral, and gray-brown shades. The complexion should be warm.
  • A “spring” wardrobe should be flowy and delicate, made from light natural fabrics. Clothes should be light and pastel. Green, blue, gray and peach shades are welcome. It is not recommended to wear yellow and red colors.
  • "Spring" involves wearing clothes in romantic style. Also, this color type combines favorably with authentic things. Styles should be as simple as possible. It is unacceptable to overload the image with details.


The hot sun is associated with the “summer” type of appearance according to the season. But, despite this comparison, this cetotype is cold. It is characterized by the following features:

  • thin transparent skin with a barely noticeable olive tint;
  • sometimes there are pale freckles;
  • eye color is usually muted;
  • light brown or brown hair with a reddish or silver tint.

The summer color type includes Natalia Vodianova, Christina Aguilera, and Jennifer Aniston.

The color types of appearance are determined by the time of year in order to form an ideal, harmonious image. If you belong to the “summer season”, take into account these tips:

  • This type of appearance will look most advantageous if you focus on the eyes in your makeup. Special attention should be paid to eyebrows and eyelashes, making them jet black or chocolate brown. When choosing shadows, pay attention to smoky shades, as well as
  • If you decide to focus on your lips, the shades should be soft and pastel. The summer color type carrot, burgundy, lilac and
  • In clothing, you should give preference to calm shades, which will somewhat balance out your bright appearance. Since the summer type of appearance is cold, the colors must be appropriate. From a warm palette, you should pay attention to the cherry shade.
  • Almost all known clothing styles are suitable for the summer color type. Nevertheless, it is worth shaping your wardrobe so that nobility can be traced in your image. Clothes should be made of soft fabrics that will fit your figure beautifully.


Each type of appearance has its own unique flavor depending on the time of year. “Autumn” - and a cheerful woman who exudes warmth. The following traits produce a similar effect:

  • hair with a reddish or bronze tint;
  • pale skin of ivory color or with a warm golden tint;
  • eyes are mostly brown, but gray is also quite common;
  • During the warm season, freckles appear on the nose and cheeks.

The brightest “autumn” women can be considered Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts.

Every girl is simply obliged to understand such an issue as color types of appearance. How to determine the appropriate makeup and wardrobe? You can do this by trial and error, or you can turn to the advice of stylists. So, for “autumn” the following recommendations have been developed:

  • A win-win option for makeup is golden shades. This applies to both lips and eyes. You can also highlight your eyelids with beige, olive, terracotta or mustard shadows. As for eyebrows and eyelashes, it is better to dye them brown.
  • The manicure should be dominated by shades of red and burgundy. For calmer looks, you can use brown, golden or beige polish.
  • As for clothing for this color type, it should also correspond to the autumn color scheme. Khaki, red-brown shades, orange, gold and beige things will look good. Radical white or black is best avoided. They can be replaced with ivory and dark brown.
  • “Autumn” women are best suited to a sporty style. Country style clothes will also look good. Try to use clothes made from textured fabrics in your wardrobe. The fittings must be massive.
  • When it comes to jewelry, give preference to gold. Speaking of stones, it is best to use amber, pearls, and corals.


The girls who correspond to each other may differ significantly from each other. certain type appearance according to the time of year. Photos of women from the same season, upon closer examination, demonstrate differences in contrast. The following types are distinguished:

  • The light type is quite rare. It is a combination of pale skin, clear blue or gray eyes, and golden hair. It is worth noting that this type is quite rare in nature. And among celebrities this includes Cate Blanchett. Mostly women create it artificially by dyeing their hair and applying light powder. When creating an image, you should be careful with bright and dark shades, because they can extremely unfavorably emphasize pallor.
  • The natural type is characterized by medium contrast. Usually such people have brown hair, peach skin and fairly light eyes. The most prominent representative among celebrities is Jennifer Aniston. The natural type should emphasize its advantages with light or muted tones.
  • Contrasting are fairly common color types of appearance. In a photo of a representative of this color type, a dark-haired girl with light skin usually looks at us. The eyes are brown or gray, quite expressive. In some cases, a bright look is combined with light brown hair. As for the wardrobe, it is recommended to combine light and dark shades within one look.
  • The bright type is the most expressive and colorful. Main hallmark- it goes very well with black hair. The eyes are usually brown, but sometimes the iris can be colored bright blue. Representatives of this type look best in black or white clothes. Experimenting with bright colors is also encouraged.

A few facts about color types

When trying to determine the type of appearance according to the time of year, women constantly encounter certain difficulties. They are mainly associated with myths that have managed to form around this topic:

  • It is impossible to say unequivocally that any of the “seasons” is not suitable specific color. Each of them has many shades, among which you can choose the one you need for winter, spring, summer, and autumn. The only exceptions are orange, black and white.
  • Many women think that the type of appearance can change depending on the time of year if, for example, they dye their hair or sunbathe in a solarium. However, “season” is an innate characteristic that persists throughout life. Successful metamorphoses will only emphasize belonging to it. And trying to change, for example, “spring” to “autumn”, there is a risk of ruining the appearance.
  • It is worth noting that the characteristics of color types are very conditional, and they can be determined by the prevailing aggregate. It is quite rare to find a “season” in pure form. Thus, blondes are not always “spring,” and green-eyed girls are not always “autumn,” and so on.


The expression that there are no ugly people is quite true. It’s just that sometimes ineptly chosen makeup or wardrobe colors can completely cover up all the advantages of one’s appearance and make flaws more noticeable. Thus, such a science as coloristics is simply irreplaceable in matters of beauty.

All people can also be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The color type is determined by our pigments depending on the predominance of yellow or blue shades in the color of the eyes, hair and skin. They harmonize perfectly with each other in their natural form. Therefore, if we want to create harmonious combination colors in our image, when choosing clothes, cosmetics or hair dye, we should learn from nature.
So, the rules for combining shades...

“WINTER” appearance type.

Represents a cool color direction. This is the most striking type of female appearance. Cold, contrasting and bright colors predominate. Leather. Two types: 1. very light, white, pinkish-bluish, transparent and pure, like porcelain, without blush, 2. southern type - olive or dark, but with a cold tint. Capable of pigmentation, tans quickly, while acquiring a delicate olive tone. Hair. As a rule, they are burning dark: dark ash, dark brown, blue-black, although there can also be platinum blondes. A cold, ashy shine is clearly visible on the hair. Dark eyelashes and eyebrows. The hair creates a contrast with the light, porcelain color of the skin. Eyes. Dark brown, green, dark blue, gray (except light ones) with bright whites. Lips. Juicy with a bluish tint. Typical representatives: S. Crawford, N. Oreiro, E. Taylor, T. Samoilova, A. Samokhina, E. Bystritskaya, N. Varley, L. Polishchuk. “Winter” ladies have a cold skin tone. Among girls of this type, two types are distinguished - “snow white” with very fair skin and dark eyes and hair, and dark-skinned “southerners”. A distinctive feature of this type is dark eyelashes and eyebrows.

"Winter" is usually dark-haired, ranging from black with a blue tint to dark chestnut. Sometimes there are ash-blond girls of this type. The eyes of “winter” are blue with a tint of ice, blue, bright gray, black.

The emphasis in makeup is on the eyes or lips. This kind of girl demands bright colors. It is better to take white powder with silver shimmer. Eyeliner - silver, black, blue, emerald. Shadows suitable are pink-white, lemon, blue, purple, black. Any cool-toned mascara will look good.

The main rule for “winter” is to use cool shades. Blush should be applied very carefully and only on the cheekbones, matching the lipstick. Cold ones are preferred on the lips pink shades, as well as deep cherry and red color.

It is better to choose a “winter” girl’s wardrobe in classic style. The colors are cool and bright. Bright red, pink, blue and green tones will suit such a girl.

Extravagant accessories are fine, but there shouldn’t be a lot of them. They should be expensive and unusual, made of leather, metal, crystal, pearls. Precious metals - platinum and white gold. Diamonds are suitable stones.

WINTER WOMAN belongs to the cold color type along with Summer Woman, in contrast to Spring Woman and Autumn Woman, who, as a rule, go with warm colors.

Characteristic features of the “winter” type of appearance:
- hair of a very dark color: from dark chestnut to black, tar;
- dark eyebrows and eyelashes;
- skin color is much lighter than hair;
- white, shining eyeballs, creating a clear contrast with the dark iris of the pupil.

“Winter” ladies most often wear the following clothing colors: snow-white, black, light green, steel gray, silver-platinum, denim blue, blue, turquoise, lemon yellow, purple, pink, emerald.
Red can be gorgeous on winter-type women, especially carrot, dark cherry and burgundy shades.

If you are lucky enough to be born not just a brunette, but also a beauty with blue eyes, then in this case blue-blue shades are definitely yours.

The winter type of appearance is very lucky with the black and white colors that have been popular at all times - a winter woman always stands out in an elegant, formal outfit of these colors, because black and white combinations enhance her attractiveness.

The WINTER woman is a bright, spectacular woman who, up to 30 years old, can do almost without makeup, her natural features and natural characteristics are so bright and noticeable. But a careful and sophisticated intervention of cosmetics will not harm her, especially in the case of a festive appearance.

Eye makeup for winter women is done in light, cool shades, and much less often in rich ones.

Lipstick and lip gloss, nail polish
Color: bright red, burgundy, lilac with a hint of burgundy, pink, dark cherry, sometimes carrot

So, a winter woman is the owner of a dark, very bright and cold type of appearance; cold - not in temperament and character, but in color scheme, suitable for her contrasting appearance - due to the very dark color of her hair, black shining eyes, and the general light background of the skin.

And no matter what makeup she wears, she should remember that a woman of her type does not need large quantities makeup, it catches the eye even without these tricks. Excessive color palette can make it vulgar, rude, funny, so you should highlight only the lips or only the eyes, and be sure to have a lot of powder available. light tone, which will help to highlight the external advantages of the face.

White snow and black trees, a snow-covered field and black huts - it is from such analogies that the name of this type of human appearance - “winter” - arose.

Type of appearance “SPRING”.

Warm, discreet, fresh natural colors predominate. This is the lightest color type. Leather. Light with a beige-pinkish tint or soft golden with a warm peach tint and a slight blush, the face is characterized by a gentle, natural radiance. Freckles of a golden brown hue (not grey) are possible. Tans well. When tanning it acquires delicate shade“coffee with milk”, but can also reach a dark brown color. This is one of the differences between spring-type skin and autumn-type skin, which usually has difficulty tanning. Hair. Light with a yellowish tint - light brown, straw, linen, golden-ash, light brown, but always with a warm, golden tint, often with natural light strands. Eyelashes and eyebrows match the hair or are slightly darker. A spring woman is most often either a natural blonde or a light brown-haired woman. Eyes. Gray, walnut, pistachio, yellowish-green, blue, turquoise - different color, but not dark. Lips. They have a warm, natural pale pink. Neither eye color nor lips contrast with the skin. Typical representatives: K. Bessinger, A. Kournikova, G. Polskikh, A. Mordvinova (Goldanskaya), M. Levtova, M. Polteva.
Spring Woman

Most often, the Spring Woman is a natural blonde or fair-haired brown-haired woman. Hair color is golden, wheat or amber. The skin is light, thin, peach or milky in color, slightly susceptible to tanning. Eyes blue, gray or light green.

A representative of the spring color type is distinguished by thin skin, a warm peach complexion and sometimes freckles. “Spring” has blond hair - honey-golden, ash or yellow-beige. The eyes of this type are also light - blue, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown.

In spring makeup, you should use delicate watercolor tones. This is the only type that can simultaneously emphasize both eyes and lips - there is only one thing: dark colors girls are undesirable in “spring” makeup. It is better to choose a foundation with a light consistency and a warm shade. It is ideal to highlight the eyes with blue, taupe, purple and white pencils. Pink, peach, green and gray-blue shadows are also suitable.

A spring girl can safely use colored mascara. With it, her image will look fresh and unusual, and black mascara will add severity.

Blushes in peach, salmon and pale brown colors will look great.

For lips, it is better to use transparent lip gloss - it can be applied to any lipstick to match your makeup.

The “spring” wardrobe consists of clothes in light and delicate colors. These can be the colors of the first green, peach, apricot, blue and aquamarine, warm pink and gray. Instead of white, it is better to choose beige.

“SUMMER” appearance type.

Most common among Russian women. There are three subtypes of Summer - contrasting, medium and non-contrasting. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the more contrasting Summer will be. Summer has ash or light brown hair, gray, green, watery blue and even light brown eyes and light skin - grayish or olive, with closely spaced blood vessels and redness.
Dull, cool colors predominate. The most common type of appearance in Russia. Leather. Delicate, light pink, with a bluish tint or a cool light olive color. Thanks to the cold basic tone, it seems noble and fragile, and never has a red tint. Birthmarks and freckles are always gray or ashy (never golden or tan). With the exception of very light options, it tans quite well. After tanning, it acquires a delicate peach tint. Hair. Light or dark (no darker than brown) with a cool, ashy tint. Eyebrows, like hair, always have an ashen tint. Eyes. Blue, gray-blue, green, green-blue, green-gray, blue, hazelnut, whites are clouded, milky. Lips. Cool pink. Typical representatives: K. Diaz, M. Jovovich, U. Thurman, I. Dapkunaite, E. Yakovleva, S. Nemolyaeva, N. Belokhvostikova.

Refers to the cold color type along with the winter woman, in contrast to the spring woman and autumn woman, who suit warm tones.

A characteristic feature of the summer color type is hair with a steel platinum or ash tint without a golden or red tint.

These also include ladies who were born blondes, but with age have lost their light brown tone and received dark brown shades of once blond hair. Often they are forced to dye their hair to restore the color definition that has been lost over the years.

Preferred colors of fabrics and makeup:

The summer woman is distinguished from the winter woman by the absence of black or dark brown eyes and the striking contrast between skin color and hair color. From the spring woman - darker eyebrows, not too white whites, skin that does not redden from tanning and tans better, darker hair with a metallic sheen. From the autumn woman - the ability to stay in the sun for a long time and tan well, the absence of warm copper shades in the hair.

If you are not a black-browed, black-eyed brunette, but pink and eggplant, black and white combinations in clothes suit you, but red and burgundy are completely unbecoming, then you are most likely a summer woman.

By the way, the eyebrows and eyelashes of summer-type women never give the impression of sun-bleached straw (like those of a spring woman), they are not as dark as those of winter-type women, but they cannot be called light either.

Any muted cool tones will suit “summer” women. They especially suit smoky makeup - gray, beige, lilac, gray-blue shades and dim sea green.

Lips are favorably shaded with carrot, raspberry, pink-lilac, burgundy lipstick. For them, softness of color, low contrast, and chamber pastel are important.

In Russia, the summer type of appearance is the most common, because “Rusichs” were called that way because from ancient times they had light brown hair. “Summer” girls are distinguished by a cold complexion - porcelain or olive and tan perfectly.

The hair is usually ashy, ranging from blond to brown. The eyes of “summer” are gray-blue, light gray, green, hazel. You can use cool shades in makeup. For girls of this type, it is better to choose gray, brown, black, green or turquoise eyeliner, as well as pastel and silver shades, lavender, pink, blue and pearlescent. Foundation and powder should be cool pink or beige. It is better to take blush in cool, restrained tones.

For “summer”, black or brown mascara is suitable.

It is better to exclude clothes in bright flashy colors from your wardrobe. Colors should be pastel and cool, preferably shades of blue, beige, as well as raspberry, pink, and the color of ripe cherry.
It is not advisable to wear clothes in peach and golden tones, as well as burgundy.

Appearance type “AUTUMN”.

Most often, such girls are characterized by green, amber-brown or cognac eye color and hair of all shades of red - chestnut, copper, fiery, brown with a reddish tint. The structure of the hair is thick, elastic, and often curly. The skin is usually beige, dark, with freckles, and reacts painfully to the sun - it turns red and inflames.
Rich colors are typical, the main shades are red and yellow. Leather. Light and warm ivory or dark with a golden beige or peach tint. Red or yellowish-brown freckles are possible. The skin does not tan well (most often the result is redness of the skin). Hair. Dark brown, red (dark or light), chestnut, always warm shades. Eyebrows match the color of the eyes or are one shade lighter; eyelashes are often too light, which makes the eyes seem devoid of contour. Eyes. Light and dark brown, green, turquoise, gray with golden specks. Lips. Bright. Typical representatives. P. Cruz, D. Roberts, E. McDowell, N. Kidman, M. Terekhova, M. Plisetskaya.
Girls of the “autumn” color type have a golden or slightly yellowish highlight. Such skin practically does not tan.

The eyes of “autumn” are light blue, gray, muted green, golden brown or dark brown. The hair color of girls of this type varies from bright red to chestnut.

Foundation and powder can be any shade except cold pink. It is better to paint your eyes with brown, blue, green or black pencils. Shades of warm natural shades - apricot, salmon, copper, bronze, sandy brown, eggplant - are suitable for pencils. For eyelashes, you can take mascara in blue and purple shades.

Blush in terracotta, walnut and peach colors will look ideal. It is better to choose a lipstick with a golden shimmer, brown or orange tint.

Suitable items for your wardrobe brown flowers, from golden to chocolate. Also, the dignity of the “autumn” girl will be emphasized by the color of dark turquoise, green shades, as well as warm red and warm pink. It is not recommended to wear things in cold gray and red colors.

Contrasting, expressive accessories will suit such a girl. Jewelry made of wood, amber, and coral will look great. Of the precious metals, it is better to choose yellow matte gold.

Refers to the warm color type along with the spring woman, in contrast to the summer woman and the winter woman, who, as a rule, suit a cold color scheme.

Characteristic features of the "AUTUMN" type of appearance:
- the skin has a warm golden or pale yellowish tint and does not contrast with the color of “rusty” hair, it tans poorly, and even a short stay in the open rays of the sun can cause a burn to the skin;
- hair - not too dark, but not light either, with a pronounced reddish tint: copper, chestnut, red;
- eye color - green, grayish-blue, blue, brown;
- eyebrows and eyelashes - thick and light, golden in tone, sometimes very light;
- no natural blush;
- edge of the pupil with golden dots (not always);
- golden brown freckles on the face and body (not always).

Preferred colors of fabrics and makeup:

“Autumn” ladies of the warm golden type suit combinations of dark and light shades of the same color; cozy, soft, rich, “clay” colors of clothing will suit them: khaki, autumn green, gold, beige, mustard, earthy and dim orange, red brown, champagne color. Preferred style: folk and country.

It is better to replace white with light cocoa or ivory, and black with warm dark brown or warm dark green (yellow shades add warmth).

Makeup for AUTUMN type women is done in soft, delicate and warm colors: olive, dark green, copper, brown-orange, yellowish-brown, golden brown, golden beige, beige-gray.

Color of lipstick, lip gloss and nails for autumn woman:
red-brown, burgundy, rust, copper, beige, golden, brown, brown with a hint of orange.

Today our stylist will tell you how to independently determine your color type of appearance.

The most popular question for an image stylist is: “what colors suit me.” And this is not surprising! In creating a harmonious image, YOUR colors are a very important point. And the idea of ​​a suitable color palette will come only after you have precisely decided on the type of appearance.

I would like to note, however, that the type of appearance changes over time! This happens for various reasons: you dye your hair a radically new color, you start going to the solarium and actively sunbathing, you change your eye color with the help of colored lenses (yes, this also happens).

The color of your appearance can change with age. For example, the appearance types of actress Helen Mirren in her youth and now are completely different!

Your colors will help you decide on the style of your outfit. Let's say, if your appearance is more in the light and warm group, then the dramatic style with its classic red and black contrasting combinations is not for you.

When to determine your appearance type?

    If you have never determined your type of appearance, you will be able to do so immediately after studying this article.

    If you have ever determined your appearance type, then I recommend checking it every time after changing your hair color, at the beginning of autumn (or after a trip to the south) and approximately once every two to three years (just in case).

How to prepare for the test to determine your appearance type?

    you must be without makeup, hair completely removed from your face;

    you will need a mirror, a white blouse or white fabric to drape yourself in

    (from neck to waist), two sheets of paper (or two pieces of fabric)

    coral and pale pink;

    Testing is best done in daylight.

How to test for your appearance type (color type)?

Step one

Determine your skin type: cold or warm.

Apply coral color to your face first, then pale pink. Look carefully at your face: if, for example, your face is fresher in coral color,If you are younger, then you belong to the warm color type.

Step two

Determining hair color.

Hair can be:

Light brown, light chestnut, blond;

Red, chestnut, ash-chestnut, honey;

Black, dark brown

Determine which color your hair color is closest to.

Step three

Determine eye color.

Eyes can be:

Grey, grey-blue, light blue

Brown, nutty, amber, dark brown

Green, gray-green, green-brown

Determine which color your eyes are closest to.

Step four

Light appearance

Dark Form

Rich look

Subdued appearance

Contrasting look

Step five

Now you need to combine all the received parameters and find a suitable group from the table

Step six

Get to know your color palette.
