Samples of decorative plaster. Textured plaster: types and application features. Basics of technology for applying textured plaster

To complete the appearance of the walls on this moment main competition wallpaper coverings makes up plaster for interior decoration.

It’s worth mentioning right away that you shouldn’t confuse it with a regular material for smoothing out imperfections in the surface, because decorative plaster combines the properties of a leveling, finishing and finishing layer.

Features of decorative plaster

In composition, it is also a powdery mass, but differs in composition due to its impurities. In addition to the main components, stone chips, wood fibers, and coloring pigments are mixed into it.

Modern plaster for the interior and its advantages

Let's look at the advantages of using this finishing material, which both designers and other people are happy to use to implement their projects during renovations at home:

  • There are no restrictions on the application of layers; it adheres equally well to brick, stone, wood, drywall and other surfaces. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the base should not be flexible and movable, however this rule applies to any finish;
  • Decorative plaster replaces the base, finish and finishing layers, perfectly coping with their tasks at one time. It is plastic, fills irregularities and cracks;
  • There is no such factor as absorption of odors, it can easily be used in the kitchen, as well as in rooms where people smoke;
  • It has good soundproofing properties;
  • Unlike wallpaper, there is no need to join the pattern, the pattern will not be repeated, it depends only on how the master wants to make it;
  • The plaster consists mainly of environmentally friendly materials, is safe and does not require the use of adhesives;
  • According to its composition, the material is considered moisture resistant, it tolerates weather conditions well, so it is suitable not only for dry rooms, but also for places with high humidity and temperature changes;
  • The plasticity of the composition gives it the ability to level out defects without preliminary preparation. In case of severe defects, you can prime the surface and that’s it;
  • The material is breathable, and this is important for the microclimate of the room, and also extends its service life well;
  • Plaster does not limit the master’s imagination to strict ornamentation; it can be used to create a wide variety of patterns and designs using different colors and tools;
  • The coating withstands mechanical stress and lasts a long time.

Decorating a house with decorative plaster is becoming increasingly popular. Decorative plaster of walls is done not only in private houses, but also in apartments. In this regard, many are interested in what kind of material this is and what it is intended for.

What is decorative plaster? This is a special, plastic mixture, often with the addition of various kinds of stones, mica, etc. It is intended for decorating and finishing walls, less often ceilings. How is it different from ordinary plaster? Let's read its composition.

Decorative plaster is made from:

  • Lime, cement, gypsum, acrylic, silicate and others - as a binding component. They ensure that the plaster adheres to the surface. Gypsum is used very rarely due to the fact that such a mixture will harden quickly. And there will be difficulties with applying a drawing or pattern.
  • Fillers – in most types decorative plaster fillers such as sand, mica, marble chips, pebbles, etc. They serve to give the plaster that same decorative effect.
  • Additives - these can be agents that prevent the formation of foam, plasticizers, etc.
  • Water is, finally, the solvent for this whole mixture.

Simply put, decorative plaster differs from ordinary plaster only in the filler. But it is these components that make it unique. What distinguishes decorative plaster from traditional types finishing materials, such as wallpaper.

Wallpaper or decorative plaster

If you are faced with a difficult choice of material for wall decoration, choosing between decorative plaster and wallpaper that imitates it, we suggest you compare them to make the right decision.

Firstly, the price of the material. The most simple wallpaper under decorative plaster are cheaper than the plaster itself. However, not all so simple. If you add up preparatory work for wallpapering, puttying, stripping, glue, etc., then the benefit will not be so striking. The only exception is Venetian decorative plaster. Here, “Venetian” wallpaper will cost much less than the original.

Secondly, the service life. Decorative plaster has a clear advantage here. It will serve you for at least 30 years. And some of its species are up to 50-60 years old. Wallpaper will have to be changed after a maximum of 15 years. And in most cases, within 5-10 years. By the way, do the math and include changing the wallpaper in the paragraph above about comparing prices for materials.

Thirdly, maintenance of the finish. Decorative plaster is easy to wash and clean. Not all types of wallpaper can boast of this.

Fourthly, this is the uniqueness of the resulting decorative plaster pattern. Wallpaper has a finite number of types of patterns.

We could go on and on about the advantages and disadvantages of both decorative plaster and wallpaper for decorative plaster, but the conclusions are already clear. If you want simplicity and cheapness, wallpaper is your choice. If you have the opportunity to spend money, if you want uniqueness in decor and durability, finish it with decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

All decorative plaster is divided into two large groups.

Types of decorative plaster.

  • decorative plaster for interior work
  • decorative plaster for exterior use

These two types of plasters differ in that external decorative plaster is more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, i.e. fades less in the sun. And facade decorative plaster tolerates “wet” weather conditions much better. It is resistant to rain, snow, etc.

Due to its properties, decorative plaster for the facade of a house exists in fewer types. Therefore, we will consider options for decorative plaster for interior decoration. Because they also include options for the facade of the house.

Types of interior decorative plasters

1. Relief - so called because the pattern they create turns out to be in relief. Divided into subspecies:

  • Structural decorative plaster - the pattern is obtained mainly due to the composition of the decorative plaster. Pebbles, quartz sand and the like in the mixture give the pattern a certain structure when applied. Typical representatives are decorative plasters “Bark beetle”, “Fur coat”, “Lamb”.
  • Textured decorative plaster – this type of decorative plaster is distinguished by its fine grain and plasticity. Here the pattern is obtained through a special technique of applying plaster. To do this, they use both improvised means - brushes, film, sponges, etc., and industrial special products - rollers with a specific stencil design.

2. Smooth - accordingly, the pattern turns out smooth. A representative is “Venetian” decorative plaster imitating marble or onyx finishing.

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration and facade decoration also differs in its composition. Depending on the main connecting element, decorative plasters are divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic decorative plaster – contains acrylic resins. It has good protection against water and moisture, but has poor breathability. Weak abrasion resistance compared to other types of decorative plaster. Low fire safety.
  • Mineral decorative plaster - consists mainly of cement, lime and gypsum. Good, natural plaster, suitable for finishing rooms with normal humidity. On the facade, in the bathroom and kitchen, it requires additional protection in the form of painting, varnishing, etc. Good air permeability makes the indoor microclimate healthy and pleasant.
  • Silicone decorative plaster is a universal mixture for any premises and building facade. Good vapor permeability, moisture resistance and abrasion resistance make this type of decorative plaster suitable for any finishing work.
  • Silicate decorative plaster is another universal mixture for decorating indoors and outdoors. Not afraid of water, sunlight, antistatic. But application requires skill, as the plaster hardens quickly.

We hope you understand the types and types of decorative plaster. Let's look at a photo of decorative plaster in the interior.

Decorative plaster in the interior

Using different types of decorative plaster and methods of applying it, you can achieve very different design effects. Here everyone will find the pattern that they like. However, keep in mind: often the samples of decorative plaster in the store and what you end up with on the wall may not match. After all, each application of decorative material is different from the previous one. But despite this, the resulting effects can be generalized.

Effects of decorative plaster

  • Venetian plaster. It looks like a polished stone or marble surface. Apply on any surface prepared for its application.

  • Travertine effect. A complete imitation of stone called travertine. The porous surface and light pale color make it an excellent room decoration.

  • Concrete effect. With the help of this type of plaster, an absolute imitation and creation of the effect of a concrete wall occurs.

  • Skin effect. For lovers of discreet luxury, this look is ideal. Thanks to its texture, it conveys well and creates the effect of a wall covered in leather. At the same time, thanks to the variety of tools, with the help of decorative plaster in the interior of the room it is possible to create an imitation different types skin.

  • Wood effect. Incredibly accurately imitates the appearance of wood coverings, thanks to the accuracy of the transfer small parts and plant patterns.

  • Silk effect. To create it, a mother-of-pearl coating is used, which, smoothly shimmering, creates the feeling that the wall is covered with silk.

  • Effect brickwork. It is popular due to its low cost compared to real brick and its accurate imitation of the presence of brick in the interior.

  • The "bark beetle" effect. Using this technique, you can get a pattern that imitates the effect of a surface damaged by a bark beetle.

  • Orange peel effect. Will ideal option for application under painting for rooms in oriental design.

  • Wave effect. Imitates the look of a sea wave. At correct selection The paint looks very nice on the surface.

  • Flowers effect. Decorative plaster “flowers” ​​is used in frequent cases and stands out among the general variety of decorative plaster styles. When creating a pattern, the shape and appearance of the flower depends solely on the spatula used and its movements. In this case, there is no connection to color and shape. You can decorate and paint the finished wall either in one color or using different techniques.

Types of finishing with decorative plaster are very diverse. Some use ready-made, template forms, while others can create their own art and create patterns that are pleasing to their soul.

The use of decorative plaster in the interior of rooms

Decorative plaster in an apartment performs one of the main functions of room decoration. A correctly selected design of decorative plaster will make the interior even more beautiful and perfectly complement the style taken as a basis. Also, each room of the apartment requires an individual approach due to the peculiarities of its location and external characteristics.

Using this type of finishing material in the kitchen would be an excellent choice, as it is easy to clean and looks quite decent on the wall surface. Types of plaster used for decoration: Venetian, with imitation of marble or stone surface; imitation silk, plaster with small or large crumbs, etc.

The main thing that is worth emphasizing is that decorative plaster should be applied only to one wall of the room, so as not to make the kitchen too “heavy” and not spoil the design of the room.

Often, when finishing with decorative plaster, Venetian plaster or various textured types that are easy to clean are used for the bathroom.

Decorative plaster in the hallway, as well as in the corridor, forms the main impression of the apartment’s design. Speaking about the types of decorative plaster in rooms of this type, we can name the main ones that best meet the requirements (resistance to cold, moisture and good operation): velvet and silk effect, “bark beetle” effect and Venetian plaster.

Finishing the balcony with decorative plaster allows you to maintain the harmony of the design with all rooms of the apartment. Also, it performs an excellent heat-retaining function, is quite easy to operate and maintain, insulates sound and, at the same time, allows the walls to breathe. To decorate the walls, different types of plasters are used, from textured, with imitations different plants and reliefs, to, for example, imitations of stone or brick.

DIY decorative plaster

If store-bought decorative plaster options are not suitable for you for some reason, you may be thinking about how to make decorative plaster with your own hands. Well, everyone can do this. In addition, you can save a lot on materials. Let’s make a reservation right away: decorative plaster made independently will not be as high quality and durable as factory-made material. But the service life of such decor of 10-15 years is quite suitable for most people. Especially considering the relative cheapness of such finishing.

So, how to make decorative plaster? It all depends on what kind of room you want to decorate with decorative plaster. self-made. Or maybe you want to finish the facade? In these cases, the material used will be different.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster for interior decoration is made either from gypsum or cement putty or plaster.

For finishing residential premises with normal humidity, do-it-yourself decorative plaster using ordinary putty is suitable. It is made like this:

  • We take the same amount of starting and finishing gypsum putty. Instead of starting putty, you can use gypsum plaster. Then you will get the so-called decorative plaster from ordinary plaster. They usually mean gypsum plaster.
  • Pour the mixture of putties into a bucket of water at room temperature or add them alternately.
  • You can add a little diluted wallpaper glue. This will improve resistance to mold and mildew. And it will slightly increase the time you use the mixture.
  • Mix everything thoroughly with a mixer or a drill with an attachment.
  • The resulting mixture should have the consistency of regular sour cream.
  • DIY decorative plaster using ordinary putty is ready!

Important! Decorative plaster prepared in this way dries quite quickly. Prepare the amount of solution that you can apply in 10-15 minutes. It will be even better if two people apply the plaster: one applies the base layer, the second immediately completes the drawing.

This decorative plaster can also be used in rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen and bathroom. But it will definitely need to be protected with water-repellent varnish.

This type of plaster is not suitable for finishing the facade. But you can replace gypsum putty with regular tile adhesive. Any cement-based adhesive mortar will be suitable for gluing ceramic tiles. For greater flexibility and increased adhesion, add a little primer to the water.

From such a mixture, for example, you can make decorative bark beetle plaster with your own hands if you add a small stone of a fraction of about 2 mm to it.

Important! Do not forget that the decorative plaster that you have made will need to be protected from moisture with façade paint.

How to apply decorative plaster

Regardless of whether you made the decorative plaster yourself or bought it ready-made in a store, applying decorative plaster is the same.

First, you need to learn how to properly apply decorative plaster. This knowledge will help you understand the process better and supervise the workers. And they will be even more useful if you do the finishing with decorative plaster yourself.

Let's prepare necessary tool for decorative plaster:

  • Construction bucket
  • Trowel for decorative plaster
  • Spatulas
  • ironer
  • Rollers for decorative plaster
  • Masking tape (tape)
  • Wax for decorative plaster
  • Mixer or drill with attachment
  • Varnish for decorative plaster
  • Stencils for decorative plaster

It is possible that you do not need everything on the list. It depends on the type of plaster you have and what technique of applying decorative plaster will be used. For example, if decorative plaster is expected to be applied with a roller, then you need one. If decoration will be done using improvised means, then add them to the appropriate list.

So, how to apply decorative plaster to walls? Or maybe you need decorative plaster on the ceiling? Let's try to summarize the processes that need to be performed regardless of the type of plaster and the place where it is applied.

  • Preparation for decorative plaster - includes preparing walls or ceilings, preparing tools, sealing contours for decorative tape with masking tape.
  • preparing decorative plaster - be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions, if available. These are indicated there useful information as the consumption of decorative plaster per m2, required amount water and other proportions, working time with the mixture, drying time of decorative plaster and much more.

Let's take a closer look at some of the nuances. Do-it-yourself decoration of walls with decorative plaster begins with preparing the base. Whether it's walls or ceilings, they should be free of large potholes, cracks or sagging. The old finish must be cleaned and the surface primed. If you want to apply decorative plaster on drywall yourself, then putty the joints and screw caps. Walls for decorative plaster are not prepared as carefully as the ceiling. The thing is that a slightly larger layer of decorative plaster is usually applied to the walls than to the ceiling. And it perfectly hides minor imperfections: scratches, peeling putty, etc.

The exception is the application of Venetian plaster. In this case, the walls, like the ceiling, should be as smooth and clean as possible.

Methods of applying decorative plaster

Decorative is applied interior plaster with your own hands on the prepared surface with a spatula and trowel. You can use a smoothing iron. In some cases, a spray bottle is used if spray application is intended. In any case, the technology of applying decorative plaster to initial stage is the same. First, apply the base layer, the base. This layer is made continuous. Then it is decorated until it dries. The method of decoration depends on the type of your plaster and your imagination.

If you are doing decorative wall plaster with your own hands for the first time, practice on a piece of drywall or on that part of the wall that will be covered by furniture. As you gain experience, move on to other areas.

The technology for applying Venetian decorative plaster is somewhat different. It is applied in thin layers with a rubber spatula using neat multidirectional strokes. There can be 5-8 such layers. Before applying the next layer, allow the previous one to dry thoroughly.

Decorative plaster of the facade

Finishing the facade with decorative plaster yourself is not a difficult task. The main challenge is working at height if your home is more than one story high. The very decorative plaster of a house outside is practically no different from the technology of applying decor inside a room. Let's look at decorative plastering of the facade of a house using the example of the most popular type: applying decorative bark beetle plaster.

How to apply decorative bark beetle plaster

To begin, prepare the surface as described above: level big differences heights and clean. Then apply primer. It is better if it is soil with quartz sand. Prepare a mixture of decorative plaster. Apply a small layer of plaster with a trowel. Let the “bark beetle” dry a little and start decorating.

Move the trowel along the plaster using a rotating motion. Or you can only make vertical or horizontal movements. It all depends on what kind of drawing you ultimately want to get. Movements should be without strong pressure.

Painting decorative plaster

There are no special secrets in painting decorative plaster. We think everyone can cope with this task. Just choose the right paint for facade or interior work, as well as the hairiness of the roller. A solid background is made with a roller long pile. If you want to paint only the top protruding layer, use foam roller and paint without pressing the roller too hard against the wall.

Repair of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster periodically requires repair or restoration. Cracks, swellings, peelings and chips appear on it. It is not difficult to repair the damaged area with your own hands.

If you notice swelling of the plaster, go over the entire surface of the wall with a wooden hammer and listen to how it sounds. A dull sound will tell you which area has peeled off. This area of ​​damaged plaster should be removed using a hammer drill, chisel, hatchet, etc. Then clean the wall with metal brush and prime. Before applying a new composition of decorative plaster, wet it well warm water not only the cleaned area, but also the adjacent plaster for better adhesion of the materials to each other.

Try to apply decorative paint and repeat the pattern that was there earlier. To ensure that the difference in the pattern is not so noticeable, repair the plaster by knocking out a rectangular area.

After the plaster has completely dried, it must be repainted. This way you will mask the joints and heterogeneity of the layers.

Cracks in decorative plaster can be repaired in a similar way. The crack should be widened and all the measures described above should be carried out.

How much does decorative plaster cost?

The price of decorative plaster varies greatly depending on the manufacturer, country of origin and type of plaster itself. The cheapest decorative plaster costs about 2 US dollars per kg/l. The best decorative plaster from famous Italian manufacturers can cost up to a hundred dollars or more per kilogram or liter.

On average, you can voice the following prices: simple relief plaster will cost about 5 dollars, and Venetian plaster about 15 per kg/liter.

Prices for work with decorative plaster vary less and depend on the type of plaster and the qualifications of the craftsman. The average price for work with decorative plaster is 10-30 dollars per square meter. “Venetian” costs more than working with textured plaster. However, take into account the surface preparation work and subsequent protection of decorative plaster with wax, varnish, paint, etc.

Decorative plaster reviews

Our description of decorative plaster should have helped you decide whether you need such a finish and whether it suits your home. And if you answered “Yes” to these questions, then you most likely asked yourself: decorative plaster, which is better?

Reviews from real buyers and users play an important role in choosing decorative plaster. Those who have lived with decorative plaster finishing for several years and can tell you what nuances should be taken into account. Or warn against purchasing one or another type of decorative plaster, or buying from a specific manufacturer or retail chain.

Here are some typical reviews about decorative plaster:

We made ourselves a Venetian in green tones in our bathroom. Looks great. It wouldn't be the same with tiles. And the decoration without seams changes color depending on the lighting, it’s a sight to behold. True, the cost was considerable. But they were willing to pay for beauty.

I decorated my toilet with textured plaster. I did it myself after reading articles on the Internet and watching master classes. It fit perfectly on plastered walls, but there was no way to finish the LSU box. The glass-magnesium sheets had to be plastered on the floor, because streaks from the decorative plaster remain.

I made the plaster itself and applied it myself. The whole family decorated it and are very pleased with the result. No one else has or will have such patterns. And it turned out to be very budget-friendly, I didn’t expect it.

The thing is certainly remarkable, but the price is exorbitant. I'll put up some decorative wallpaper for myself. Cheaper and more practical.

We did decorative plaster in the kitchen. The walls look very interesting. But it would be better if the apron was made of tiles. I'm tired of washing off grease near the stove. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Man has always strived to make his home more convenient, cozy, more beautiful, using available funds. With the advent of new materials, its capabilities have expanded significantly. The developed types of decorative plaster for walls make it possible to create a surface of a wide variety of textures, structures, and properties. Sculptural (three-dimensional) painting has developed, the material of which is a decorative mortar for the finishing coating, and the “canvas” is the surface of the wall. From a simple even layer of one color to a complex range of color transitions and the play of light with many layers of Venetian in one direction, as well as bas-relief modeling in the other. All these are various possibilities that are provided by decorative finishing compositions based on classic and new binders and fillers. What are the main types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration, the article says.

Types of decorative plasters by composition

Among the components of a monolithic finishing material, the main ones are the binding components.

By the type of binder, any finishing compositions are defined as:

  • (solutions based on tenacious gypsum, cement, lime),
  • (acrylic resins as binders),
  • (where the binder is liquid glass),
  • (on synthetic resins).

The shape of the filler particles determines the operational and external appearance qualities of the resulting monolith.

According to the size of the stone chips - the filler that sets minimum thickness finishing layer, compositions are divided into:

  • fine-textured (crumbs, stone flour - from 0 to 0.5mm),
  • fine-textured (crumbs - from 0.5 to 1 mm),
  • medium texture (crumbs - from 1.5 to 3 mm),
  • large-textured (crumbs - from 3 to 5 mm).


Connections with a mineral binder are different for different jobs:

  • strength,
  • non-flammability,
  • water-repellent properties,
  • resistance to harsh atmospheric influences,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • good thermal insulation,
  • sound absorption,
  • biocide,
  • good adhesion to any materials,
  • low cost,
  • steam production,
  • frost resistance.

The coating can be from white to dark gray. Special additives make the compound resistant to UV rays. The finish does not tolerate vibrations and internal stresses (cracks). This type of material is not for buildings near the railway. The dry composition needs protection from moisture.


A relatively new type of connection acrylic resins. When dry, it forms an elastic coating with enviable longevity. It has a varied palette, is impact-resistant (due to elasticity), frost-resistant, and accumulates dust. Combines well with minerals. However, a primer for acrylic is required, otherwise the base material, absorbing water, disrupts the hardening processes of the layer. For acrylic mixtures, any primer is suitable that meets the following conditions: if the wall is brick, you need a primer for brick, a concrete one for concrete, etc.

Acrylic resin is flammable, so fire retardants are added to the mixture. In terms of vapor permeability, resistance to UV rays, and cost, this type of compound is inferior to mineral ones. Due to its elasticity, the connection perfectly withstands vibrations and sudden temperature changes. The composition can be for internal or external use, or universal. Acrylic mixtures are on sale ready for use.


The most expensive of all types of decorative plaster for interior decoration are silicone-based compounds. However, they are the most reliable and practical. Due to the high price, mixtures are most justified in finishing a bathroom or small areas of the surface of the walls of a room. The mixtures are suitable, but almost never used for facades.

The compounds are very elastic (such compounds are often called) and can be given any shape. The composition includes various additives that increase protective and functional qualities.

Silicone connections:

  • withstand sudden temperature changes,
  • frost-heat resistant,
  • are not afraid of dampness,
  • resistant to UV rays, do not fade in the sun,
  • after complete drying, they become resistant even to impacts - the coating is difficult to scratch or knock off,
  • serve excellently (up to 20 years) in extremely unfavorable conditions.

After the layer dries, the color shades of the mixture do not change. The connections have high adhesiveness. Sold ready-made in containers various volumes. In most cases, when thickening, mixtures are diluted with water.

Among the disadvantages of silicone compounds, the following are noted:

  • price,
  • high probability of fraud,
  • the difficulty of dismantling the old coating.


Produced on the basis of silicates. In fact, the compound is a mineral. Usually used for facade works. Sold as a dry mixture or ready-made. Service life in extreme conditions up to 20 years.


  • good heat insulator
  • vapor permeable
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations,
  • waterproof,
  • are not afraid of dirt,
  • easy to clean,
  • “sticks” perfectly to polystyrene foam and mineral wool materials,
  • does not burn

The main disadvantages of the connection are:

  • low elasticity, high probability of small cracks appearing on the surface,
  • primer and paint are only silicate,
  • poor palette
  • only specialists can work with silicate compounds (they harden very quickly),
  • cannot be mixed with other types of compounds,
  • high price of material,
  • high level of acidity (which makes it impossible to classify as environmentally safe).

Fillers, modeling, binding components

The main components of different types of decorative plasters are binders and fillers.

The structure of the finishing mortar, stone chips or flour, and other modeling components are created. The pattern formed on the surface of the layer depends on their color, shape, and size.

Modeling components:

  • flakes,
  • crumbs of various rocks,
  • polymer or ceramic granules,
  • cotton, textile, wood and synthetic fibers,
  • balloons,
  • fragments of mica, crushed quartz,
  • grains of sand
  • metal powders,
  • shell fragments, etc.

Binders are divided into mineral (lime, cement, silicates, gypsum) and polymer (acrylic and silicone resins, binder dispersions) types. Only white cement from M400-500 is suitable for decorative mortars

Lime paste is often used as a binder. It has high plasticity due to the ability to retain water with its small particles. By enveloping the filler grains, it acts as a lubricant, reducing friction between them. Therefore, lime compounds are easy to lay and can be easily applied in a thin layer.

The silicate binder finish has remarkable durability. It sets quite quickly. Decorative material is used for facade work.

Polymer finishing solutions are based on various binder dispersions. The basis in polymer solutions are dispersions of various polyurethanes. This is an aqueous suspension of tiny particles of polymer adhesives. During polymerization, they stick together, forming a film-like mass, compact and harden, acquiring water repellent properties. There are water-soluble and organic-soluble mixtures. Polymer binders “stick” to all substances, with the exception of polyethylene, clean glass, fluoroplastic, and polished metal. Once dry, they remain elastic and often even stretch.

There are also magnesium binders. They have their advantages, but are caustic and hygroscopic. Therefore they are very rarely used.

According to the modeling characteristics of the composition, technique, as well as the final effect of the plaster, there are:

  • , of which application various techniques create a relief texture,
  • structural, forming a variety of textures due to modeling components,
  • – from which, using a special layering technique, they are obtained flat coverings imitating natural stone
  • flock.

Textured plasters

These are finishing solutions for final finishing. interior spaces. Unlike other coatings, they have a predominantly fine-grained structure and a more delicate consistency. Intended for decorative works, because with their help they decorate walls, creating the desired relief or pattern.

The mixture is plastic, with high viscosity. Most compositions do not shrink after applying a layer. Does not pay attention to dampness, temperature “exploits”. There are also solutions intended for facade work.

Positive aspects of the material:

  • the surface can be given different textures,
  • the material is easy to work with,
  • convenient release form,
  • a large assortment,
  • the finish is durable,
  • is resistant to UV rays, the surface does not fade,
  • environmentally friendly,
  • compatible with various types of dyes,
  • good heat insulator
  • takes other supplements easily.

Release form:

  • in plastic buckets (the finished composition can be tinted),
  • powder mixture (diluted with water at room temperature before use).

Decorative plaster has different types of textures and. To do it yourself, they are popular (bark beetle). Popular varieties of decorative plaster with the addition of river sand - “sea breeze”, with particles of mother-of-pearl - “marmorino” ().

Structural plaster

It differs from textured in that when applied in an even layer, a variety of decor is obtained due to figured modeling inclusions of various kinds, types and sizes. When applying the mixture to the base, modeling inclusions form a textured surface of various types. Structural materials can have strictly calibrated stone chips (from fine-grained to coarse-grained), or contain stone fractions of different sizes.

The color decor of the coating is obtained in various ways:

  • using different types of stone chips (stone),
  • surface painting,
  • adding pigments directly to the mixture.

Venetian plasters

“Canvases” formed on the wall by a covering of thin layers The finishing materials made from gypsum, lime, and stone dust are amazing and make you want to repeat them. But it's always exclusive. The most commonly used stone flour is marble waste. The colors of the layers can be made up of the color of the finished Venetian paste, the tone of the translucent base and the tint of the varnish or wax. A special technique for working with each layer creates a matte or glossy imitation of a natural stone surface. Ready-made materials offered by manufacturers are expensive. True, the solution consumption is small, since the layers are made thin.

The Venetian is not always an imitation of the appearance of a large stone face. Wet silk paste with mother-of-pearl is available for sale. It is used to obtain a wall surface that imitates crinkled Chinese silk. Designer plaster walls in Venetian technology– it is always a combination of feeling, artistic taste, craftsmanship and... high quality material.

Stone chips

Both marble flour and stone chips are used for finishing. The crumb has fractions: small 0.5-1 mm, medium 1.5-2 mm, large 2.5-3.0 mm. For structural compositions, medium and large stone chips are used, small ones are used for textured compositions. Marble chips lend themselves well to coloring using various methods.

Stone chips, being a filler on a transparent acrylic base, serve beautiful decor large rooms and facades. A ready-made composition is produced: adhesive and binding materials, small stones (the main ones are marble, quartz, granite).


  • hides wall defects,
  • unpretentious in care,
  • can be washed with soapy water,
  • the finish attaches well, holds firmly,
  • resistant to mechanical stress,
  • has a rich palette,
  • weatherproof,
  • sticks to most types of wall building materials,
  • very durable,
  • vapor permeable.


  • quite heavy weight - up to 4 kg/m2,
  • It’s difficult to knock it down and change it, it’s easier to cover it with putty.


A new type of decorative plaster is flock (another name is chips). Modeling filler – acrylic film flakes (differ in color, structure, size, shape). The finishing can imitate leather, suede or velor. The solution is sold in the form of an emulsion with flocks, or the components are purchased separately.

Flocks can:

  • be with glitter,
  • have a variety of shapes - straws, circles, etc.
  • have different colors, even with a fluorescent or holographic effect.

Flocks are:

  • two-component (when the flakes are located directly in the mass of the binding emulsion);
  • three-component (when the adhesive base is applied first, then dry flakes are “sprayed”, work on final finishing consists of applying a varnish layer).

Particularly noticeable advantages:

  • highly decorative qualities,
  • good thermal insulation value;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to damage;
  • non-flammability;
  • low maintenance requirements.

Disadvantages include:

  • high cost,
  • the varnish layer stops the pores of the wall,
  • requires special equipment for application to the surface.


An important mission of filling space with color is performed by colored plaster for interior work. With its help, a background is created or attention is focused. Strictly speaking, only flocks, mixtures with colored clays and pebbles, in which the tone is set by the color of the crumbs, have their own color (except for white) - the color of the filler. Some mixtures are sold unpainted. You can buy pigments for them different colors, adding and mixing which, you can get any desired tone or shade.

There are ready-made solutions, colored by the manufacturer. The richest palette of products available for sale can please any designer. With the addition of metal and pearl dust, the colors gained luminosity and mystery. you can read in our articles.

Criterias of choice

In order to understand what types of decorative plaster are suitable for you, you need to study “physics” - the conditions for purchasing, applying, operating the coating, and “lyrics” - the needs of the interior and the needs of the soul.

Main selection criteria:

  1. Condition of the wall surface. There is a rule developed over centuries: a durable coating cannot be applied to weak walls. The finishing layer should be no stronger than the wall.
  2. Internal or external operating conditions of the coating. and for interior decoration do not replace each other.
  3. Mode of production finishing works and performers. Complex techniques are trusted to professionals. The Venetian is unlikely to be useful to an amateur.
  4. Financial capabilities, amount of costs. Economical mineral or expensive silicone – the most common question financial opportunities. Less expensive does not mean much worse. You can find a worthy analogue among more affordable mixtures.
  5. Aesthetic preferences.

Consider possible options for choosing decorative plaster, weigh all the pros and cons , choose the one that best suits the most important criterion for you. You can also seek advice from a specialist.

Where and what type is used

Let's take a closer look at where and what type is best to use:


  1. For external work - yes;
  2. For interior work - yes;
  3. Vapor permeability – high;
  4. Water absorption – high;
  5. Resistance to dirt – average;
  6. Not resistant to vibrations, abrasion;
  7. Palette – medium;
  8. The cost is the cheapest.


  1. For external work - yes;
  2. For interior work - yes;
  3. The base surface is any high-quality primer;
  4. Vapor permeability – low;
  5. Water absorption – low;
  6. Do not use indoors - bedroom, living room;
  7. Not resistant to fire;
  8. The palette is rich;
  9. Cost – average;
  10. Note – elastic.


  1. For external work - yes;
  2. For interior work - yes;
  3. The base surface is any high-quality primer;
  4. Vapor permeability – high;
  5. Water absorption – high;
  6. Resistance to UV radiation – high;
  7. Resistance to pollution – very high;
  8. Do not use indoors - without restrictions;
  9. Not resistant to - no restrictions;
  10. Types of pigment – ​​organic, inorganic;
  11. The palette is rich;
  12. Cost – the most expensive;
  13. Note – elastic.


  1. For external work - yes;
  2. For interior work - no;
  3. The base surface is a silicate primer;
  4. Vapor permeability – high;
  5. Water absorption – average;
  6. Resistance to UV radiation – high;
  7. Resistance to pollution – high;
  8. Do not use indoors - without restrictions;
  9. Not resistant to – vibrations;
  10. Types of pigment – ​​inorganic;
  11. Palette – medium;
  12. Cost – average;


  1. For external work - yes;
  2. For interior work - no;
  3. The base surface is any high-quality primer;
  4. Vapor permeability – low;
  5. Water absorption – low;
  6. Resistance to UV radiation – low;
  7. Resistance to pollution – low;
  8. Do not use indoors - without restrictions;
  9. Not resistant to fire;
  10. Types of pigment - no;
  11. The palette is rich;
  12. Cost – expensive;
  13. Note – elastic.

Caring for decorative coatings

Only 2 weeks after completion of work can the decorative plaster of the walls be washed. Walls with the effect of velvet, corduroy and flock are washed with a soft cloth soaked in water. No brushes! The maximum is a sponge and a solution with soap. A soft brush for washing finishes with quartz filler, which is resistant to abrasion, is allowed. Wash the varnish or wax surface with a soft cloth using water, soap solution or dishwashing detergent. The Venetian is wiped with a damp soft cloth. Areas that are heavily soiled can be washed using a diluted soap solution.

Various types of decorative plasters have firmly taken their place in interior decoration, created coatings have a number of amazing positive properties. When deciding to use such coatings, choose carefully and the result will not disappoint you.

To create antique interiors you cannot do without decorative plaster, because best solution for artificial aging of walls simply does not exist. Amazingly cracked wall covering, traces of corrosion, patina - all these effects are unthinkable without a plastering solution.

Replacing decorative plaster with paint will not only “reduce the cost” of the interior visually, but will also reduce the number of exquisite design options by hundreds of times. Apparent savings will lead to additional expenses, because over time the paint will begin to crack and peel off from the walls, but this will not happen with plaster for at least ten years.

Compared to paper wallpaper, smooth decorative plaster looks much more prestigious. In addition, there is no need to calculate the number of rolls and make sure that they are from the same batch (due to the difference in shades). Wallpapering is not complete without adjusting the pattern, so there will be a lot of scraps. Due to uneven walls, the canvases will have to be overlapped, because that when glued end to end they will “lie” crookedly. A repeating wallpaper pattern initially cheapens the design, creating the impression of a serial design. Not to mention that the edges that bend over time make such walls look sloppy.

An ideal alternative to wallpaper from the point of view of convenience, versatility and economy is decorative plaster, which can be used without worrying about the listed details.

This amazing finishing material is sold in Moscow and other Russian cities through the Clavel-Trade trading network. The range of decorative plasters is regularly updated with new types. You can select an effect, order a product, get acquainted with its characteristics and see photos of finished coatings in interiors on our website.

Types of decorative plaster by composition and how best to use them

Depending on the recipe, decorative plaster is divided into 4 types:

limestone (Venetian), the main components of which are lime and micro-marble. Its extinction period is estimated at two to three years, which determines the strength and durability of the coating. Creation modern interiors With the design of walls “marbled”, it is impossible to do without finishing material based on slaked lime, prepared for at least 3 years.

Silicate plaster. In addition to “liquid glass”, the plaster mixture includes natural fillers - marble, sand, talc. Thanks to them, the plaster has unique quality– maintain its original appearance, despite exposure to moisture.

Acrylic decorative plaster. Eco-friendly water-based latex combined with ground marble and a silicate mineral called wollastonite is excellent for finishing facades and walls inside buildings. If finishing technology is followed, the service life of acrylic-based decorative plaster reaches 15 years.

Silicone plaster is similar in composition to acrylic with the addition of polysiloxane polymers, in other words, silicones. The coating of these components withstands weather surprises, including fluctuations in humidity and temperature changes, which is why silicone mortar is used for facade work.

You can make truly profitable purchases by visiting the salons of the Clavel-Trade network. The assortment always includes lime, silicate, acrylic and silicone plasters, which will help create any type of decor both in interiors and for exterior use.

Types of textures

Decorative plaster differs not only in composition, but also in the different tactile properties of the coating.

Which interior plaster is smoothest to the touch: Venetian, textured or structural?

One of the most pleasant to touch is the Venetian one. It is used to create a perfectly smooth, smooth coating. Using a lime-based composition, it is easy to imitate a marble surface with the inherent warmth of stone and mirror-like smoothness. In contrast to prices for the most budget finishing natural stone, the cost of walls with Venetian plaster is an order of magnitude lower.

Whether the surface will be very or slightly rough when using structural plaster depends on the size of the filler particles included in the composition: silicate, dolomite, barite or marble. If they do not exceed 1 mm, then you will not be able to feel the relief with your hand. Fillers bigger size(from 1 to 3 mm) will make the coating textured and slightly rough to the touch.

Due to mineral additives, structural plaster masses They have high strength values, so they are rarely used for interior decoration. They are mainly used to cover facades and walls in high-traffic areas: corridors and entrances.

Textured plaster creates a very smooth and pleasant to the touch relief. It is formed due to the high viscosity and plasticity of such a material. The particles included in its formulation with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 mm are responsible for the microrelief of the coating, however, it will not be rough: only velvety.

Is it expensive to decorate walls with decorative plaster?

What does the price of the finishing coating consist of?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the thickness of the layer. Everything is simple here - the more abundantly we plaster the walls, the greater the material consumption will be. For a rough calculation you can use the following formula- 1 additional millimeter of coating thickness requires one kilogram of plaster per square meter.

The second is the number of layers needed to create a certain effect. In this case, the labor costs of the master and the time required to complete the entire “pie” increase, because Each new layer requires careful drying.

Plastering walls yourself can be cheap, but then creating an exquisite interior design will have to forget.

The cost of finishing work is also influenced by the quality of its execution - the higher the qualifications of the finisher and the more time he spends on creating the desired effect, the higher the cost of execution will be.

The complexity of the finishing project and the exclusivity of the implemented effect will require additional costs. The same applies to the saturation of the color scheme, because the more intense the color of the walls, the more colorant you will need.