Are cockroaches and bedbugs really planted in apartments by pest control services? Unscrupulous entrepreneurs themselves introduce cockroaches into the homes of Khabarovsk residents

Entrepreneurs who provide insect pest control services to the population in Khabarovsk resort to dirty tricks in pursuit of big earnings. Insect extermination companies first plant cockroaches and bedbugs in houses, and then post advertisements on these houses about the provision of their services, reports AmurMedia news agency.

Let us remind you that bedbugs and cockroaches are increasingly annoying residents of Khabarovsk. Over the past few years, cockroaches have appeared in city residents' apartments many times more often than before, and even those city residents who have just moved into new buildings complain about bedbugs. According to pest control officials, the reason for this invasion of harmful insects lies in illegal immigrants - they are the ones who bring bedbugs and cockroaches with them. However, the townspeople themselves have no doubt that cockroaches infest the city for a reason - they are helped by the very same insect extermination companies who thus want to earn more money.

Khabarovsk resident Tatyana Mikhailova lives in a house on the street. Chernyakhovsky is already 4 years old, but six months ago cockroaches appeared in her house. Tatyana tried to get rid of the insects herself, but all efforts turned out to be even. After some time, the number of malicious creatures increased significantly. Old-time neighbors said that there had been no cockroaches in their house for many years, and their appearance was not an accident.

Neighbors saw suspicious people approaching the balconies on the 1st floor and placing something there. Our neighbors were not able to catch anyone by the hand, but there is no doubt that the cockroaches were planted in our house on purpose. That's how they make money. First they create a problem, and then they rush to help. This is the type of income,” said Tatyana Mikhailova.

In a private conversation with the correspondent. AmurMedia news agency, one of the representatives of such a company admitted that in order to increase income one really has to “play” dishonestly and resort to any tricks.

We don’t have many clients; this business is not the most profitable. So anything can happen. Cockroaches reproduce well and quickly; they are able to colonize an entire apartment building in a matter of months. You just dump a jar of cockroaches in the entrance, and after a while you put up a notice “Destruction of cockroaches” on the same entrance. It’s possible to do it easier - throw cockroaches onto the balconies located on the 1st floor,” said an employee of the pest control service.

Also, employees of the cockroach extermination service report that over the past few years, the number of requests from Khabarovsk residents to such companies has increased significantly and continues to grow. People complain that they can't cope with insects on our own fails, and therefore you have to rely completely on specialists.

In several districts of Khabarovsk, residents noted the appearance of hordes of cockroaches in their homes. The insects multiplied soon after advertisements for the provision of pest control services appeared on entrance doors and pillars. Clear one-room apartment from mustachioed pests a certain company offers for 3 thousand rubles. In addition, the service guarantees the client that cockroaches will not cross the threshold of the treated home within a year.

Khabarovsk resident Tamara Komarova used the services of one such company. The girl has been unsuccessfully fighting cockroaches for two years now. The products from the store did not help, so Tamara decided to use the services of professionals.

“Last year in August they called me for the first time, they came, harassed me, there was literally a lull for a week. When we applied there again, they said: “pay 50% and then we’ll come and poison you.” Why am I contacting them a second time and there is no guarantee? Where should I go, why should I pay so much money?” Tamara Komarova is indignant.

“Since now the competition is very strong, there are many offices, we resort to simple tricks: we plant [cockroaches] with the most in a simple way. Troubled apartments are swarming with them. We are not squeamish, we collect cockroaches in a jar and feed them to them. On the first floor, through the windows, you pour right onto the windowsill, or the same thing basement, cockroaches scatter very quickly,” said Oleg.

It is almost impossible to hold such businessmen accountable; they work at night. According to biologist and amateur entomologist Evgeniy Novomodny, breeding cockroaches in this way is not a very difficult task.

“They calmly settle around the house. Like spiders, cockroaches travel through air ducts, but they can also travel along walls; if your window is slightly open, they can come,” said Evgeniy Novomodny.

But getting rid of a group of mustachioed tenants is not so easy. According to experts, no chemical will repel insects on long term. Even the most concentrated chemicals are designed for a maximum of six months, but even in this case the manufacturer of the drug may exaggerate.

“The products last for six months, but this is in laboratory conditions, where there is no dust, oxygen, sun, all the conditions that are created in ordinary housing. I don’t know of a single product that has a residual effect of a year,” said Yuri Kosyi, head of the licensed service for exterminating insects and rodents.

According to the law, insect baiting can occur in two ways: through a cleaning procedure (with weakly concentrated agents) or complete disinfestation (with specialized preparations). In the second case, the performer must have a license. According to Yuri Kosoy, there are only four such organizations in Khabarovsk, and before inviting specialists to your home, you need to inquire about the company’s reputation.

Entrepreneurs who provide insect pest control services to the population in Khabarovsk resort to dirty tricks in pursuit of big earnings. Insect extermination companies first, they plant cockroaches and bedbugs in houses, and then post advertisements on these houses about the provision of their services, reports the news agency AmurMedia.

Bedbugs and cockroaches are increasingly annoying residents of Khabarovsk. Over the past few years, cockroaches have appeared in city residents' apartments many times more often than before, and even those city residents who have just moved into new buildings complain about bedbugs. According to pest control officials, the reason for this invasion of harmful insects lies in illegal immigrants - they are the ones who bring bedbugs and cockroaches with them. However, the townspeople themselves have no doubt that cockroaches infest the city for a reason - they are helped by the very same insect extermination companies who thus want to earn more money.

Khabarovsk resident Tatiana Mikhailova lives in a house on the street. Chernyakhovsky is already 4 years old, but six months ago cockroaches appeared in her house. Tatyana tried to get rid of the insects herself, but all efforts turned out to be even. After some time, the number of malicious creatures increased significantly. Old-time neighbors said that there had been no cockroaches in their house for many years, and their appearance was not an accident.

- Neighbors saw suspicious people approaching the balconies on the 1st floor and placing something there. Our neighbors were not able to catch anyone by the hand, but there is no doubt that the cockroaches were planted in our house on purpose. That's how they make money. First they create a problem, and then they rush to help. This is the type of income - Tatiana Mikhailova said.

In a private conversation, one of the representatives of such a company admitted that in order to increase income, one really has to “play” dishonestly and resort to any tricks.

- We don’t have many clients, this business is not the most profitable. So anything can happen. Cockroaches reproduce well and quickly; they are able to colonize an entire apartment building in a matter of months. You just dump a jar of cockroaches in the entrance, and after a while you put up a notice “Destruction of cockroaches” on the same entrance. You can do it easier - throw cockroaches on the balconies located on the 1st floor - said an employee of the pest control service.

Also, employees of the cockroach extermination service report that over the past few years, the number of requests from Khabarovsk residents to such companies has increased significantly and continues to grow. People complain that they cannot cope with insects on their own, and therefore they have to completely rely on specialists.