Is it possible to remove the gypsy curse? Gypsy damage and the evil eye What are they like, gypsies

Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 17 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to remove gypsy curse

How to remove gypsy curse

On Wednesdays, wash yourself by the river while reading a special spell. Perform the ritual twelve times in a row. The spell words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My dear mother gave birth to me,

The Mother of God blessed.

God help me,

Lord, protect:

From the evil gypsy eye,

From any witchcraft spell,

From enemies, foes,

From ghosts, bites,

Damned speeches, glaring eyes.

And if there is already something superficial,

Take it, take it off,

Free my body and soul:

With all my might, eyes, elbows,

From speeches, from blood, from relatives.

Lord, save me

Save and defend

Wash it off me, rinse it off,

Free from any damage.

I will support myself with the holy word,

I'll wipe myself off with the wind.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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How to remove damage? Currently, the most common methods of removing damage are water spells. Fumigation and wax casting are less commonly used. The spells and prayers that are read can be different, but their meaning remains the same: either a conspiracy

Women of Roma origin are endowed with absolutely incredible power, which they can use to your detriment. How the situation will unfold is unknown. Therefore, advice: if you meet a gypsy on the street, do not enter into conflict! It will be worse for you. Have you heard about gypsy corruption?

The Tale of Gypsy Corruption

The fact is that these people are ancient and “isolated”. Therefore, their magic is not traditional, original and not simple. Gypsies pass on from generation to generation the most ancient knowledge, born at the dawn of humanity. In addition, the entire people are united into a special energy “organism”. They will protect their own from strangers, no matter what the relationship is within the clan. To offend a representative of the Roma people means to make not one enemy, but many.

Even if curses follow you, this is not damage. To really influence the energy sector it is not enough simple words. At a minimum, the gypsy should look into your eyes (or touch). Try to avoid this. Gypsy corruption considered the strongest. At the same time, it affects all aspects of life at once: money, love, career. Health suffers especially. This energy attack is like a tornado, sweeping away everything in its path.

Protection from gypsy damage

Of course, the most The best way protection from gypsy corruption - not to provoke the wrath of representatives of this people. By the way, usually they are all completely normal people, living their own lives. Only strong aggression against them can cause such anger that you will suffer energetic damage. That is, if in your soul you do not feel hatred or contempt for them, then there is nothing to fear.

Please note that “reading” your feelings is a simple matter for a gypsy. And when she sees something there that she doesn’t like, she can “flare up” instantly. This is not even anger, but a centuries-old resentment at the persecution to which these people were constantly subjected.

If you were unable to avoid unpleasant communication, then it is worth taking some precautions. If you heard “may you perish” or the like, try. It’s even better to get wet after a shower and it cleans well! field sit with lit church candles. Experience at the same time negative emotions there is no need to go to the offender. This will only make your situation worse.

A strong person can deal with any gypsy damage directly. The fact is that the gypsies are very good, born psychologists. Looking into the eyes, they immediately determine what kind of person a person is, what emotions he experiences. If you have no fear, but more love and compassion, then communication will be built differently. Kind and strong people they are very respectful. They simply will not cause harm, cheat, or deceive. So, if you didn’t manage to run away right away, keep your “straight back”! Do not show cowardice or anger and everything will end very well!

How to remove a gypsy curse?

Probably everyone has jumped over a fire once in their life! This is an excellent ritual for cleansing energy from damage! If you suspect (or know) that a gypsy has cast a spell on you, remember this summer entertainment. You need to take a knife and make a fire. Stick the knife in front of the fire and say: “I’m leaving you here!” Jump over the fire shouting “Free!” That's all! It is better to leave the knife in the ground. Let the negativity “drip” from its blade. You can pick it up only in a week if you really want it.

In this article:

Gypsy negative magic or damage is a strong program of negative energy aimed at causing harm. Gypsy rituals are considered one of the most powerful and effective in the whole world.

For many centuries, this ancient people has been using rituals that are passed down from generation to generation, and have survived to this day practically unchanged. Russian folk rumor has endowed all gypsies magical abilities, but in reality this is not the case. There are not so many truly strong practitioners among the gypsies.

For hundreds of years, Gypsies have jealously guarded their occult knowledge from other peoples. With the help of such knowledge, they can seriously influence the person himself and the entire world around him. Gypsy practices allow you to put a person into a psychological stupor, create strong attachments, instill certain thoughts in other people, and much more. Secret rituals should never extend beyond the boundaries of one clan, and this condition is observed by all representatives of a given ancient people.

How dangerous is the corruption of gypsy magic?

Gypsies have a colossal knowledge of magical rituals destructive force However, not everyone can take advantage of such rituals. Even the most powerful gypsy magicians do not dare to use some of the rituals of their people, fearing the consequences.

Gypsy magic and damage are allowed for use only against people who have caused great harm to the family, because to the common man It’s quite difficult to incur such anger from an ancient people.

In addition, contrary to the opinion of most people, the gypsies are well aware of the consequences of damage to the performer, which is why they rarely take on the task of inducing negativity on order.

Their most strong weapon- scam, gypsies will easily deceive for the sake of profit, but will never endanger their family for the sake of money. That is why modern professional magicians have great respect for gypsy customs, which prohibit the use of negative programs at a whim.

Removing gypsy damage

There are many types of damage among gypsies, one of the most common is called a “loop”. Under the influence of this negative program, a person becomes completely energetically attached to a certain place, person or object. This ritual can be used as a dry spell to harass its victim.

Most negative gypsy programs act on the target as strong object damage. Such rituals are used against people who have in some way greatly harmed the entire gypsy family or one of its representatives.

As with any negative program, the effects of corruption from the gypsies can be combated, but it is better not to take actions that could cause the wrath of this ancient people. In addition, remember that the gypsies can only harm you if they have any of your personal belongings.

If a gypsy accosts you on the street, just ignore her. No matter what words a woman curses you with, remember that she cannot harm you in any way. Don't give her money, even a coin can be used to harm you.

Remember also that if you voluntarily gave the gypsy money, then you don’t need to regret it and, moreover, under no circumstances demand it back, don’t shout, don’t threaten.

You could make a mistake and lose your finances, you shouldn’t aggravate the situation, because you can very easily run into a practicing witch, whose strength and experience will be quite enough to ruin your life.

Your own health and well-being of your descendants are worth more than any money. Don’t regret what you lost, or better yet, don’t give anything to the gypsies and don’t take anything.

If you have somehow caused negativity and heard unpleasant words from the gypsy, for example, “let you perish,” “go to hell,” or something else, then you should accept simple, but effective measures to quickly counteract negativity.

As soon as you get home, immediately go to the shower, stand longer under the stream warm water and focus on the thought that the water is washing away everything from you negative energy. In addition, in the evening, light a church candle and read any prayer you know several times.

Surely you know that gypsy curse extremely strong negative. But in order to understand the reason for the refusal of almost all sorcerers to the client’s request to lift the gypsy’s curse, you need to understand the very essence of the magic of the nomadic gypsy people. In most cases, it is closely intertwined with an egregor, in other words, the patron of a family or clan, who has fed on the energy of more than one generation of the clan and is a powerful dark demon. An ordinary gypsy, even one who practices Black magic, does not have enough strength to cast a curse or destroy someone’s life.

The gypsy curse is sent by addressing an egregor who patronizes one person or the whole family, which have the functions of an energy vampire. From the moment when influenced people release negative energy, egregors feed on them. This can no longer be compared with simple negative Thus, it will be almost impossible to overcome this negativity. After all, absolutely all egregors feel euphoria while harming and causing suffering to people, that is, they will not give up on their own until they reduce a person’s life to complete collapse.

It may seem that for a Black Magic caster, neutralizing and removing the gypsy’s curse will be as easy as shelling pears, but this is far from the case, and may even refuse help. Many people do not know that after applying this negativity, thin bodies the victims are captured not by the egregors themselves, but by their minions, the servants of hell, so to speak, who in some religions are called demons.

To remove damage of this kind, it is initially necessary to carry out and drive away the demons that have captured the subtle bodies of the victim. It is important that in addition to carrying out the banishing process, the caster must intimidate the creatures to ensure that they never return. Now the picture is clear of the very reason why most sorcerers refuse to remove the gypsy curse.

Symptoms of the gypsy curse

The magic of the gypsies is strong and there is only one clear proof of this, which works flawlessly on any man and is not inferior in its effect to such a ritual as. But before you decide to visit a sorcerer or witch, it is important to make sure that you really need to lift the gypsy's curse. Therefore, first answer these questions:

· Have you had a run-in with one of the gypsies in the near future?

· You have visited gypsies or have the misfortune of having them as neighbors;

· Your sworn enemies are addicted to dark magic, and their hatred is so strong that it can push them to visit a gypsy witch in order to cast a curse;

· Suddenly problems appear in relationships, you notice and see terrible things in your dreams that make you think about imposing a black curse;

· Your vitality are constantly depleted and the feeling of “pulling” them out of your aura does not go away;

· You feel discomfort throughout your body, mainly in the abdominal area;

· Your dreams became about hellish creatures attacking you or crowds of women mocking you;

· Close people become concerned about your well-being, even if you feel well;

· Problems appear with focusing and remembering things, which involuntarily suggests a slow onset of madness;

Is it possible to remove the gypsy curse yourself?

The gypsy curse must be removed, because it is an extremely dangerous energy disease. It can become a source of energy for the creatures living in you and the egregor that controls these creatures. Without your energy, the egregor cannot exist.

Energy vampires need to receive negative energy, which is especially pronounced during periods of human suffering. This is why the creatures that have captured you influence the occurrence of problems for you and your loved ones.

All attempts self-deliverance from the demons inside you will only worsen the situation, because only an experienced sorcerer is able to expel them from you. Here it is not enough to know or - a curse, this is a different kind of negativity, the strongest of all possible. You can try, but in the end, such actions will turn you into a prisoner own body, turning you into a disabled person. This can often have a negative impact on people you love, for example by giving your child a disease that cannot be treated.

Gypsy curses must be neutralized as quickly as possible. The fact is that such forces have the properties of “reproduction”. In other words, they grow and over time will begin to spread to all family members, turning into a so-called family curse. Removing such damage is tantamount to an operation; all affected areas are cut off and only then rehabilitation begins. And if this negativity is removed, as one of the most powerful curses, a person’s energy reserves are removed: luck, health, talent, happiness, love, and so on. Therefore, immediately after completing the cleaning, you need to read, and also put up magical protection in order to protect yourself in the future.

Negativity of such power destroys the life of its victim completely and irrevocably. Transforms successful and self-sufficient people into losers afraid of their shadow. Because, to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to reboot your energy field. And everything that was prescribed to you at birth will be removed from the information fields of your aura. We can only hope that fate will not play a cruel joke on you, bringing you face to face with an angry representative of the Roma people.

Everyone who communicated with them has their own opinion on this matter. The range here is enormous: from admiration to complete rejection. Representatives of this people have always been treated with distrust and prejudice. They are considered dishonest, having an “evil” eye and, of course, sorcerers, all without exception. It is believed that magic is in the blood of gypsies, and they have mastered it since childhood. Is it really? Yes and no! The uniqueness of the Roma is that the Roma are a deliberately non-territorial nation. “We are united not by our country of residence, but by our romanipe - the gypsy spirit. Romanistan is not a place, but people.” Gypsies are nomadic, free people, with a rich history and traditions. And therefore it is difficult to imagine them with permanent job, With work book and pension experience. But how can you live and how can you earn money? But one cannot imagine the wandering of gypsies as aimless wanderings or a romantic craving for changing places.

For centuries, the basis of life for most of them was crafts; the gypsies were skilled traders, skilled blacksmiths, jewelers and horse breeders. Therefore, this phenomenon was based on economic reasons: camp artisans needed markets for their products, artists needed a new audience for performances, fortune tellers needed a change in clientele. In each case, the area of ​​movement was specific and relatively small - approximately 300–500 km². The lifestyle also dictated the trade. The gypsies had to be able to do everything that would help them survive: steal and sell, buy and resell, forge, remake, make and sell, sing, dance, tell fortunes, bewitch, cast a spell... Thus, from generation to generation, from year to year, the esoteric abilities of the gypsies were formed and improved, along with all others. They passed on to their descendants their hypnotic abilities, divination abilities, magical rituals and rituals, as well as the skills of blacksmithing, trading and jewelry. But, for some reason, the world was filled with more rumors and fears, myths and fables specifically about the amazing esoteric abilities of the gypsies! Many representatives of this people really have unique abilities (as, indeed, do representatives of other nations too).

Gypsies are a daring, proud people, and therefore not understood and accepted by everyone.

They are touchy and vindictive, I think that this is a manifestation of self-defense from an “aggressive” world that does not accept them. Therefore, and also due to their emotionality and impulsiveness, gypsies always resort to revenge if they are offended or harmed in some way. They can also eliminate those who interfere with them. If you treat the gypsy honestly and fairly, of course, she will not harm you, and may even reward you with something. Gypsies are generous both in revenge for their enemies and in good deeds for those who treat them kindly. The gypsy evil eye can be induced deliberately, because they, for the most part, have an excellent command of these abilities. He is stronger than the one that is being directed randomly your detractors. By symptoms gypsy evil eye it is easy to confuse with damage, so both damage and the evil eye received from a gypsy are removed using the same methods. This evil eye, like damage, can be inherited, i.e. Once smoothed over or damaged by a gypsy, a person can pass this negativity on to his children. But do not be afraid of all representatives of this glorious people! If you give a gypsy alms (donate) or give money at her request for fortune telling, this will serve as a payoff from her evil eye and damage. But not all gypsies are neutral towards you. I have already written that I consider this behavior of the gypsies to be self-defense, because many of us also treat them without sympathy; most often this is not justified, but is the result of historical and ethnic legends, speculation, tales and myths, i.e. our fears and concerns. Each of us has heard a lot about representatives of a given people who engage in fraud (are there many of them among the Slavs or other peoples?).

Gypsies are often accused of hypnosis, when the victim voluntarily gives the gypsies their last money, takes off their gold jewelry and even takes them into the house to give away something valuable (read about this below). It happens that when a representative of the Roma people refuses to tell fortunes for money or simply give money, he begins to shout and curse. There are frequent cases of attempts to rob on the street (but robbers are found among representatives of all nationalities), and if they are unsuccessful, the reaction of the gypsies is to curse the offender. The emotionality of this people is a big plus for all of us because it is not customary for the gypsies to cause damage in secret, you will immediately know if the gypsies begin to have a negative attitude towards you - they express their discontent sincerely and quite noisily. However, this cannot be said about representatives of this people, who receive visitors-clients in their homes and, for money, engage in esotericism: fortune telling, magic, divination, etc.

Gypsy “work” is indeed very powerful if it was done by a Master!

How to remove the gypsy evil eye cast during a conversation between a gypsy and you:

When trying to start a conversation, beg for alms, or tell fortunes to a passerby, gypsies often try to touch the person they are communicating with with their hand, or remove hair from their clothes or head. It is not advisable to allow this, because in this way the gypsies can take away their luck or vital energy. What to do if you are touched? While the gypsy is still near you, shake your right hand in her direction, the hand pressed to the body with only one finger - the right little finger. You seem to be unfolding right hand towards the gypsy from yourself. At the same time, you definitely need to say with a little grin: Take it for yourself, beauty!

How to remove gypsy damage:

If you are sure that a gypsy has damaged you (you have heard curses addressed to you) or your ill-wisher took advantage of the gypsy’s services and damaged you (this can be determined by making a diagnosis, come, I will be glad to help you). You can try to do several rituals yourself, but it’s better to contact a professional esotericist because I have already written that gypsy “work” is a serious negative, especially if there is an emotional background (message).

So: First ritual.

This ritual is performed twelve times, every Wednesday. You cannot skip sessions, interrupt them or do them for less than twelve days, otherwise it will not work. Wash only with river water or water taken from a well or spring (any number of times) and read the plot:

In the name of the Holy Trinity.

How my mother raised me

So the Virgin Mary blessed.

Son of God, help, Lord Jesus, protect!

From the eye of the evil gypsy,

From dashing, demonic witchcraft,

From enemies and enemies,

From the gypsy shackles.

Sweep away the unkind look,

Throw demons and demons into hell,

From the body, from the soul, from the eyes,

From the legs, from the stomach, from the arms and shoulders.

With red, flowing blood,

Drive away from your heart like a gray cloud.

I support myself with the holy word,

I wipe myself with the wind.

Now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

You cannot wipe your face after this; wait until the water drains and dries naturally. When you take water on the way home from a river or spring, you cannot talk to anyone or turn around. This conspiracy not only removes damage and the evil eye, but also protects against them for some time.

Second ritual.

If you were cursed by someone from the gypsy people, you can remove this negative at the gypsy grave. Wait until there are no gypsies or other people near her. After this, you can come up and stand at your feet. Interlock your little fingers together. They can only be unhooked after you say the last word conspiracy and you will go home. But first the “Our Father” is read. After the prayer, read the conspiracy:

Lord, Father, give me protection,

Don't let the gypsy tribe miss me

Don't let them listen to me

Don't let them get into my soul.

And give me, Jesus, deliverance,

Healing from evil curses.

The curse is leaving me,

Goes to my blood enemies.

My word goes far

The matter helps him easily.

Demons descend on the grave,

They settle on the gravestone,

They live there now

They don't bite me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

You need to leave without looking back and without talking to anyone until you get home.

Ritual three.

The plot is read on a full moon, but on Sunday (you need to guess). They read while looking at themselves in the mirror. The mirror should not be on the table, i.e. it should hang on the wall or dressing table. CONSPIRACY:

The gypsy sorceress, the one who lies in the coffin and guards her coffin.

You walked the earth boldly, you did your magic work.

She took away and collected happiness from people, she stole luck and gave it to herself.

Give me, dead thing, good luck.

Give me, sorceress, happiness in addition.

I command you the fortieth psalm and the forty-first psalm and the first of black magic.

I’m taking away your luck and happiness to boot.

Amen, amen, amen.

The next day you need to go to church and buy 9 candles. Place the first 3 candles at the crucifix and remember all the deceased relatives. Place the next 3 candles to the icon of Panteleimon - the Healer with a prayer for your health. Place the last 3 candles to the image of Jesus, with words of repentance for your sins. When leaving church, be sure to make a donation. Remember that if you have heard something negative from the gypsies, no matter why it happened or who is to blame, you can ignore such words only if you have magical protection or a strong amulet. If not, hurry up and carry out the ritual of getting rid of the evil eye and damage. But there is no need to panic and consider that your life is over. Strong negative impact you can get it not only from gypsies. If you find it difficult to do the rituals yourself, come to my appointment, I will be glad to help you.

Once again I draw your attention to the fact that negativity can be made by a representative of any nation who practices magic or witchcraft. Anyone can send a negative energy message in your direction, energetically strong man and break through your biofield, even without witchcraft.

Smile, give people acceptance, be tolerant, be kind and like will attract like to you. God bless you!


The gypsy people have such a concept as “filth”. A woman's lower body, clothing, and even the ground underneath are considered defiled. Based on this, Roma women are forbidden to rise above the first floor of the house. A man can also be defiled if a gypsy woman touches him with her skirt (not counting cases of fulfilling marital duty). It is also considered a punishment for any crime. The defiled man moves away from the camp. He eats and sleeps separately until he is cleansed. Only then, having made a joint decision, will the community allow him to return back. Wedding. A gypsy wedding is a unique phenomenon. This event is usually celebrated on a grand scale and with great pomp. Usually parents try to get their children married as early as possible, so that the young ones do not have time to deteriorate, and the bride can easily adapt to life in the groom’s family. It happens that couples form as soon as children begin to walk.

Gypsy newlyweds

The choice is influenced by the wealth and status of families in society. Everything is discussed in advance. When the time comes to get married, the groom's parents bring the bride price. This is rather formal, since at the wedding all this is passed on to the young people. By the way, wedding gifts are usually given in large quantities and luxuriously. All the relatives of the camp gather for this holiday. The festivities go on for more than one day, and sometimes drag on for weeks. Another tradition is to prove the bride's innocence. After the first wedding night, the newlyweds must show the guests a sheet with blood. Thus confirming the piety of the newly-made wife.


After the wedding, the girl comes to live in her husband's house with his family. Over time, the young people acquire their own home and move out. But there is a strict rule that the youngest son must always live with his parents in order to help them and provide a decent life.

Gypsy children

The gypsies have a cult of children. These people love all children, without exception, both gypsies and any other nation. They always try to pamper them, treat them, cheer them up, and never punish them. When you come to a house where children live, you are sure to bring them gifts and presents. Elders are also very respected. Their opinion is considered law.

Gypsy cuisine

Roma Gypsy cuisine is quite simple. Most often, gypsies eat chicken, lamb, and pork. They especially love beet soups, sauerkraut. Northern gypsies prefer potato dishes, southern ones also prefer corn dishes. Like every people, the gypsies also have their own National dishes. Since ancient times, gypsies lived in or near the forest, so they ate caught animals while hunting - hare, wild boar, etc. Special a traditional dish gypsy - hedgehog (fried or stewed). It is a dish of the Sinti Gypsies, Polish and Baltic Gypsies, associated with long periods of forced life in the forests during the persecution of Gypsies in Europe. Gypsies love spicy food.


Most gypsies have a very complex etiquette, consisting of rules of behavior depending on the gender and age of the person. At festivals and feasts, women and men sit separately. During holidays, it is considered shameful and impolite to those present to get very drunk. Young people can drink only with the permission of their elders. And those who are not allowed to drink must prevent conflicts and monitor the amount everyone else drinks.


The gypsies believe that a person needs everything in the next world, the same as in ordinary life. If a person dies, then, depending on his gender, relatives or friends are given 3 objects through the coffin: an icon (if a man died - male, woman - female), a bed and a carpet (symbolizes the road). Relatives and friends go in procession from the house behind the coffin. They throw a scarf on the ground - “road”. The relatives of the deceased cannot carry the coffin. Essential items and alcohol are placed in the coffin (for meeting relatives). Mirrors are hung in the house for 40 days. Close relatives of the deceased do not cut their hair or shave their beards for 40 days. During the year, relatives remain in mourning and do not attend fun events such as weddings, birthdays, etc. The length of time they spend in mourning depends on how the relative grieves. If a person grieves greatly, then the period of mourning can last much longer. After 40 days, they give a laid table to a relative, in accordance with the gender of the deceased.


It is not customary for gypsies to talk out loud about love; you cannot touch another woman, even while dancing, unless you can express your passion in a song or dance. That is why in the culture of this people it is customary to entertain oneself with creativity. The world knows many successful musicians, circus performers, dancers and actors - representatives of this people.

The gypsies have a baron

This concept originated in Russia and is associated with the release of Johann Strauss’s operetta “The Gypsy Baron” in 1885. In the Gypsy language there is the word “baro”, which means big, in combination “baro manush” or “rai baro” - a big person, an important person. Due to the consonance of the word “baro” and the word “baron” existing in European languages, it was the latter concept that came into use when talking about gypsies. Most ethnic groups of gypsies do not have a leader in the community or a big man, with the exception of the Kelderars. In any case, barons are those people who are more educated than others, or simply live better, so they can be turned to for advice and they are the ones who conduct dialogue with the authorities.

Gypsies know how to hypnotize and tell fortunes

Gypsies are wonderfully able to confuse and distract attention and hypnotize. The gypsies needed to earn money, and since everyone looked at them as a strange and mysterious people with supernatural abilities, the most enterprising simply began to use this stereotype, but without directly resorting to hypnosis or supernatural abilities. I am revealing to you, as a psychologist, the secret of “gypsy hypnosis”, which is on everyone’s lips. Gypsies know very well that a person has five senses and they must be “loaded” all together at the same time in order to disorient the victim. Vision - with bright clothes, hearing - with fast speech, and in the left ear, which perceives information about feelings, emotions, imagination and creativity, they talk about money, and in the right ear, which perceives numbers and logical diagrams well - they give information that you are sick, lonely and unlucky. Therefore, gypsies most often “work” in pairs or in a crowd. Our brain goes into a trance! They also affect the sense of smell with a specific odor and touch - they love to touch us, remove hair, or simply stroke the victim.

And gypsies also have in their memory a million necessary skills in the field of human psychology, which they are taught from childhood. It is part of their life, it is part of their “job”, and directly affects their earnings. It's simple, in this case there is no magic, it's NLP.

Roma do not work or study

There is a layer of declassed citizens in any nation, including the Roma. These really only have elementary education and are engaged in trading or marketing goods. But there are many representatives of this nationality, assimilated into the land on which they live: they honor their culture, serve the state, engage in science, etc. Every year a congress of gypsies is held in Prague, which attracts best representatives gypsy peoples. Singer and musician Elvis Presley, Nikolai Slichenko (actor, and now director of the Moscow Musical Drama Gypsy Theater "Romen"), Zlatan Ibrahimovic (football player), Ivan Rom-Lebedev (Soviet actor), Dufunya Vishnevsky (film director), Tony Gatlif ( film director, winner of the Cannes Film Festival prize), Alexey and Mikhail Ilinsky (writers), Alexander Berdnikov (musician, member of the group “Korni”). The list of gypsies who have contributed to science and culture does not end here, and let’s hope that it will only grow.