Is it possible to pay for water according to the standard? VI. The procedure for calculating and paying utility bills. When will there be a major renovation of my house at

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What is recalculation for water in a housing and communal services receipt?

Citizens living in comfortable housing are provided with various household services: water supply (cold and hot), electricity, gas supply, sewerage, solid waste removal.

Parts 4, 5 of Article 154 of the Housing Code of Russia regulate the contents of the receipt for payment of utility services. By law, residents pay for cold and hot water, electricity and sewerage, which are spent on general household needs.

The total payment entered by the management company into the receipt for payment of utility services is calculated on the basis of data from communal and apartment meters. As a result, the owner pays more than what he has “dripped” on the meter.

In the absence of water meters, accrual is carried out according to consumption standards based on the number of citizens living in the premises. A similar procedure for paying for water supply was established by RF Regulation No. 354 in 2011.

IN payment document Many people noticed the “recalculation” column. It contains an amendment in the form of an increase or decrease in the final payment amount.

The resource provider can make more accruals based on the results of checking the meter readings. The reverse procedure is possible only after the owner of the apartment has written a corresponding application to the Criminal Code.

Recalculation - the difference between charges for a consumed resource and what was actually paid for it in cash. The final value of the Criminal Code is entered into the appropriate column of the payment for housing and communal services.

Grounds for recalculation

Laws Russian Federation regulate the process of charging fees for public utilities. There are rules that give the right to recalculate not only for water supply, but also for other utilities.

Important! If there is an IPU in a residential premises, recalculation is possible if one of the following grounds is present:

  • checking the readings of individual metering devices (IMU). If a discrepancy is detected between the data transmitted to the settlement center and those recorded by the employee during a door-to-door visit, a recalculation is made. If the readings were overestimated relative to the real ones, the adjustment will be in favor of the consumer. Otherwise - in favor of the resource supplying organization;
  • violation of the rules for connecting to the water supply. This fact is established by a special commission. Based on the results of the audit, she draws up an act on the basis of which the Criminal Code makes recalculation. As a result, the owner is charged an additional amount for the resource consumed without accounting. In the case of water, the calculation is based on the throughput of the water supply system at the entrance to the apartment. In addition, they make an order to eliminate the incorrect connection. If it is not possible to set the date of the “tie-in”, additional accrual is made for the last quarter (clause 62 of PP No. 354);
  • interference with the operation of water meters. Most often, the reasons are the failure of the seal and missing the deadline for the next IPU verification. Recalculation is carried out from the date of sealing, but not more than one quarter from the moment the fact of interference in the design of the water meter is established. This simple procedure allows you to identify cases of unauthorized access to the meter structure;
  • poor quality of services. For example, resource supply with long interruptions, poor purification, or hot water supply with a temperature below normal. In addition to recalculation, in this case the consumer has the right to demand a fine from the management company in accordance with Part 4 of Article 157 of the Housing Code of Russia and the ninth section of Rules No. 354.

Consumers of the resource have the right to initiate the recalculation procedure along with the management company employees conducting checks of the IPU readings.

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For what period can water recalculation be made?

The owner of a residential premises should be aware of the beginning of the period for which recalculation can be achieved. If there is an IPU for water during the first 90 days, payment is calculated based on the average consumption rate. After this, they switch to resource consumption standards for a specific area.

The specified algorithm is used only if there are water meters in the premises. In their absence, from the very beginning, management specialists use legally established resource consumption standards in their calculations.

Recalculation is carried out after comparing receipts for payment of utilities and IPU readings.

In practice, updated rules began to be applied: the above scheme works for six months, after which employees of the management company or resource supply organization check the readings of water meters on site.

Recalculation with installed meters

The house has a water IPU installed, and the amount in the receipts is established based on the consumption standard for the number of residents living. Why is this happening?

Important! This scenario is possible in the following cases:

  • the owner of the premises installed water meters, but did not report this to the Criminal Code. The device does not have the necessary seals, which means that readings from it cannot be taken as the basis for calculations for the resource consumed. To correct the situation, invite a representative of the management company to seal the meter. In the future, mutual settlements will take place according to his testimony. Recalculation for the previous period is not provided for by law;
  • The IPU verification period has expired. To complete this, contact your management company or a licensed organization. Its employees will come to you, check the suitability of the device and give you a paper stating that the readings correspond to the flow rate.

After installing an individual meter for cold and hot water supply, invite specialists from the water utility. They will install seals and record the date in their order. The paper with information about the installed water meter remains with the owner.

The citizen is obliged to take it to the Criminal Code and attach it to the application for recalculation of fees for consumed housing and communal services for a certain period.

The refusal to recalculate by the management company for the specified period of time is illegal. If this happens, file a claim with the court to establish the fact of overpayment for housing and communal services.

Reporting incorrect readings

Incorrect information about the IPU readings that the citizen submitted to the Criminal Code is one of the main reasons for the discrepancy in the accrued fee and the actually consumed resource. Having noticed the fact of overpayment, the owner has the right to contact the management organization with a request for recalculation.

Proceed as follows:

  • call the authorized employees of the resource provider in order to draw up a report and record in it the exact readings of the IPU as of today’s date;
  • fill out an application for recalculation and attach an act to it. Submit the papers to the settlement department of the Criminal Code in accordance with the established procedure;
  • next month, payments from the management organization will arrive with recalculated amounts for the resource consumed.

Please note! Recalculation for domestic hot water is carried out on the basis of RF Regulation No. 354 and clause 61 of the Rules. The main thing is that the IPU comply with accepted standards, have seals, and the fact of their installation is recorded in the Criminal Code. Only in this case their testimony is taken into account by resource supply organizations.

Hot water is not up to standard

Hot water is one of the most expensive utility resources. Its payment accounts for a significant share of all housing and communal services expenses, but the quality of the service is not always good. If red-colored water flows from the faucet, its temperature is slightly higher than room temperature, and sometimes there is simply no water for a long time, then the owner has the right to demand a recalculation.

According to sanitary standards, temperature hot water cannot be lower than 65°C. The “Rules for the Provision of Utilities” contain requirements for temperature fluctuations during the day: no more than 3-5°C. For water with a temperature below 40°C, the consumer pays as if it were cold.

If it simply does not reach the standard, then the fee is reduced by 0.1% per hour for every 3°C below 65°C.

An owner who is not satisfied with the quality of the water supply service provided has the right to draw up and submit a claim to the management company. Paragraph 104 of the “Rules” states that upon receipt of an application, an inspection is carried out within two hours.

The period can be changed by agreement of the parties. A special commission draws up an act on site, one copy of which remains with the tenant.

Residents who have been refused by the Criminal Code to verify the specified information have the right to draw up an act on their own. Based on this, the management organization will be fined in the future.

The fact of supplying hot water at insufficient temperature, confirmed by the act, is the basis for recalculation. An application for it is submitted to the resource provider. It also indicates the period of poor quality service. It is determined in accordance with paragraph 112 of the RF PP No. 354.

The difference in payment for the service in favor of the client is not issued in cash, but remains in his personal account and will be credited against subsequent charges.

Watch the video. The procedure for recalculating utility bills:

Features of the procedure

Remember! The procedure for recalculating charges for the provided hot water service is carried out:

  • based on the owner’s application;
  • on the basis of an inspection report, survey or protocol.

The first option is initiated by a consumer who is dissatisfied with the quality of the supplied resource. The main thing is that the Criminal Code accepts the application. To confirm the grounds for recalculation indicated in it, attach supporting documents to it.

How to make an application

The application must be submitted in writing.

Attention! The document structure should look like this:

  • the name of the management company, its address and the name of the director;
  • personal data of the service consumer;
  • name of the paper (claim);
  • requirement to recalculate indicating the grounds for this;
  • information about charging fees for using the service;
  • signature and date of the applicant.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application for recalculation of hot water fees:

What documents will be needed

Evidence of deviation of the quality of the provided CG from the standard is:

  • certificate of verification of the IPU, certificate of verification of testimony;
  • act of measuring the temperature of the hot water supply;
  • an act indicating that the water is turned off;
  • expert opinion on the quality of tap water.

As confirmation, the consumer can provide extracts from the application book kept by the management organization.

Can they refuse?

Refusal to carry out recalculation is not excluded. As a rule, this happens in the absence of convincing evidence of the absence of residents in the apartment.

The second reason is the lack of an application within the established 30-day period and access to the residential premises of the management company’s employees to check the testimony of the IPU.

The management company does not want to recalculate: a complaint to the State Housing Property Inspectorate

In case of refusal, first contact the State Housing Inspectorate with a complaint about the actions of the Criminal Code. In it, succinctly indicate the essence of the problem, the reaction of employees of the management organization and other important information.

In some cases, only a complaint to the housing inspectorate can resolve disputes between the owners of residential premises in the apartment building and the employees of the management company.

Important! The result of the work of the State Housing Inspectorate over the previous year was the identification large quantity violations of the law. This is mainly the provision of low quality housing and communal services. Besides this, many residential buildings included in the list of emergency and dilapidated buildings.

It makes sense to contact the housing inspectorate if there is no response to repeated complaints to the management organization. If the problem cannot be resolved directly with the Criminal Code, or a gross violation of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is revealed, also report them to the State Housing Inspectorate.

Before filing a complaint with the inspectorate, please read some of the nuances.

Ignorance of them may cause the application to be returned or refused:

  • Make your complaint only in writing. In it, briefly describe the situation that has arisen with references to the norms of the Housing Code and their violations;
  • back up your words with strong arguments. It is important that you complained to the management company many times, but there was no response to this. Evidence must be written;
  • Attach to the complaint an appeal indicating receipt marks or an extract taken from the telecom operator about calls made to ADS numbers. By now, all management companies already record telephone calls from clients. In the application it is enough to indicate the date and time of calls to the Criminal Code;
  • Make a complaint to the housing inspectorate in two copies. They will have one left. The second one will be returned to you, but before that it will be marked with the incoming number, date, surname and position of the employee who accepted the document.

If you were not given an acceptance mark, then send a complaint by Russian Post by registered mail with notification of delivery.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample complaint to the State Housing Property Committee against the payment management company:

59 b) in case of failure by the consumer to provide readings of an individual, general (apartment), room meter for the billing period within the time limits established by these Rules, or an agreement containing provisions for the provision of utility services, or a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building - starting from the billing period for which the consumer did not provide meter readings to the billing period (inclusive), for which the consumer provided the meter readings to the contractor, but no more than 3 billing periods in a row;

Clause 81 (12) of these Rules clearly stipulates that a meter whose calibration interval has expired is considered out of order. It follows from this that data for calculating water charges, which are submitted based on the readings of such a water meter, will not be accepted.

Methods for recalculating water payments

If the subscriber has a duly registered water meter(s) in his apartment, he is given the opportunity to take the initiative. It consists of promoting the installation of meters to those neighbors who do not have them. It is quite clear that if there is no HOA in the house, it is difficult to carry out such work, and it is unlikely that such people will like the presence of means of metering real consumption in their house.

As can be seen from the Resolution, recalculation of water in the presence of meters may well take place. In this case, the surcharge appears on the receipt solely due to factors beyond the subscriber’s control. By the way, here it is worth adding the difference in consumption between the actual (not recorded) and standard value for subscribers who do not use meters. It turns out that the whole house pays for its neighbors. From the point of view of utility suppliers, this is quite fair.

Rules and procedure for recalculation for utilities according to Resolution 354

  1. If necessary, make payment adjustments during the absence of residents all services are recalculated at the same time. The amounts accrued for monthly payments are divided by the number of calendar days. After calculating the cost of services for one day, the amount is multiplied by the number of days of absence, and the resulting result is subtracted from the total amount of payments.
  2. Recalculation of gas fees is carried out if there is no meter in the apartment. How long is it possible? An amount proportional to the days of absence is deducted from the total gas bill.
  3. Recalculation of electricity charges is possible only if the payment was calculated according to standards, and not according to meter readings. Sometimes extra kilowatts are accrued due to controller error.
  • The meters were not verified on time. In this case, payment is made at tariffs that are higher than payments based on metering indicators;
  • the pipeline was inserted independently if the pipe diameter exceeds the established standards;
  • There are no seals on the meter or its integrity is damaged.

Is it legal to recalculate utility bills for water during absence?

If, during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and (or) checking their condition, the contractor establishes that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the metering device being checked (distributors) and the volume communal resource, which was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of payment for utilities for the billing period preceding the inspection, then the contractor is obliged to recalculate the amount of payment for utility services and send it to the consumer within the time limits established for payment of utilities for the billing period in which the contractor an inspection was carried out, a requirement for payment of additional fees for utility services provided to the consumer or notification of the amount of utility fees overcharged to the consumer. Excess amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods. The amount of the fee must be recalculated based on the readings of the meter being checked taken by the contractor during the inspection In this case, unless the consumer proves otherwise, the volume (quantity) of the utility resource in the amount of the identified difference in readings is considered consumed by the consumer during the billing period in which the contractor carried out the check.

c) travel tickets issued in the name of the consumer (if the consumer’s name is indicated in such documents in accordance with the rules for their execution), or their certified copies. If travel documents are issued electronically, the contractor is presented with a printout of them on paper, as well as a document issued by the carrier confirming the fact of using the travel document (plane boarding pass, other documents);

The procedure for recalculating payments for heating and hot water

If the service is centralized heating was provided later than the established deadlines or in case of early completion heating season, as well as in cases of interruptions in the provision of heating services exceeding the permissible ( Once a month for 12 hours a day), recalculation is carried out as follows (subject to apartment or house heat meters):

This Procedure defines the mechanism for recalculating payment for services not provided or services provided not in full or with reduced quality. The Procedure applies to entities of all forms of ownership providing services (providers) and consumers (individuals and legal entities). If the contractor has not provided the heating and hot water services provided for in the contract, or has provided them incompletely or with reduced quality, he is obliged to recalculate the amount of payment for these services within 1 month following the estimated month.

How to recalculate water bills using meters: application, procedure according to Resolution 354

Payment for hot water supply constitutes a significant part of all utilities, and its quality is not always satisfactory. If the faucet comes out rusty, or slightly warm water If there are interruptions in supply, the consumer has the right to count on recalculation of amounts for DHW of inadequate quality.

  • Record accurate instrument readings with the participation of suppliers. To do this, you need to call specialists from the heat and water supply organization and draw up a report.
  • Attach a document for inspection of metering devices to the application and submit it to the billing department of the service provider.
  • Expect recalculation, which will be reflected in the next payment receipt.

Recalculation of water in the presence of meters

You should pay attention to the data indicated in the receipt: accrual amounts for water supply are carried out solely according to the information provided, while the ODN column is changed, or a separate recalculation line may be indicated in the receipt.

As for points 4-6, this, as will be shown later, is the calculated share in the general household expense item. It includes: leaks that occur in risers; residents who do not have registration; reduction of water meter readings, as well as cleaning work stairwells, watering lawns on the territory, etc.

Recalculation of utilities: procedure, norms (in clear language from a lawyer)

3) Travel tickets, issued in the name of the tenant or their certified copies. If the tenant used electronic travel documents on the trip, then he must take from the carrier a certified printout of them on paper, as well as other documents issued by the carrier confirming the fact of the trip - a boarding pass for the plane, a receipt for boarding the train and other documents.

In accordance with paragraph 90 of this Procedure, the accounting department will have to recalculate the payment for utility services in proportion to the number of days when tenants-consumers of services were temporarily absent from the apartment. This number of days is determined by the number of complete calendar days of absence, excluding the day of departure from the apartment and the day of return. The deadline for performing the recalculation is 5 working days from the date of receipt of the tenant’s written application.

Recalculation of utility bills according to the law

For example, forgetfulness or family vacation may be the reason why the apartment owner temporarily does not transmit the data from his meter. In this case, the next month after the property owner resumes data transfer, he will be recalculated.

Here we consider only the aspect that concerns residential premises without meters. Everything is clear with the meters; recalculation will be done automatically when the next data from the metering devices is downloaded. Answers to all questions regarding the legality of the actions of public utilities are given in the Resolution.

How to correctly calculate the payment for hot water

If for other categories of consumers all issues regarding utility payments are resolved by special employees on staff legal entity, then the population calculates and pays for hot water consumption independently. At the same time, he is also entrusted with the obligation to pay expenses for general household needs. For this purpose, a common house hot water meter is used, which is installed on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of residential premises.

The first option is the most profitable for the owner of a residential premises, since it allows him to pay only for the volume of hot water that he actually consumed. At the same time, every month he will need to transfer meter readings to the local resource supply company. It is usually called “Vodokanal” or “Teploenergo” and is municipally owned.

30 Jul 2018 120

Reading time: 6 minutes

Owner's utility costs square meters are growing every year. Of particular importance is the ability to save money and look at payslips with knowledge. And if inconsistencies are identified in them, demand recalculation of accruals. In addition, there are other reasons for increasing or decreasing the amount on the receipt. In this article you will learn how recalculation is carried out utility payments for water according to the meter.

How is the water fee determined?

Payment for water is a concept that includes not only the cost of the resource itself. It also consists of the costs spent on supplying and ensuring proper quality of water.

The final amount is also affected by the presence of in-house measuring devices at the consumer’s disposal. After they are installed, the fee is calculated by multiplying the readings by the tariff.

Legal basis

Section 7 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) is devoted to payment for utility services. In Part 2 of Art. 157 of the Housing Code specifies that water supply fees are calculated in accordance with the tariffs established by the region. Basic concepts in the field of water supply and sanitation are regulated by the Federal Law of December 7, 2011 No. 416-FZ “On water supply and sanitation”.

The key link in regulation is the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (Resolution No. 354). They establish the rights and obligations of the consumer and the seller, and provide a scheme for recalculating the amount of water charges.

Cases involving increased water charges

At the initiative of the supplier or management organization, the price of water may change upward in the following cases:

  1. Based on the results of checking the values ​​of metering devices, periodically carried out by representatives of the supplier. Recalculation of readings after verification occurs quite often. If the tenant underestimates the readings, then the detection of a violation will be followed by charging for water according to the data taken by the inspector.
  2. If any irregularities are detected in the meter connection. In addition to the act requiring the removal of the connection, the resident will be charged an additional fee based on the volume of water that he could have consumed.
  3. If an external influence on the meter is detected: broken seals, damaged integrity. The recalculation is similar to the second basis.

Reasons for reducing water charges

The consumer has the right to put forward a demand for a reduction in water charges. The RF Housing Code and Resolution No. 354 identify the following grounds for downward recalculation:

  1. Temporary absence from housing. This is relevant for apartments without meters, as well as to explain the lack of submission of information on the meter.
  2. Provision of services of inadequate quality and/or their complete absence. If there is no water or cold water flows from a hot tap, you should act quickly.

A specialist must record the violation. To do this, you should contact the dispatch service. The dispatcher is obliged to accept the message, register and report its number.

According to the regulations contained in section 10 of Decree No. 354, the inspector must arrive within 2 hours from the moment of the call. During the inspection, he will assess the temperature and water pressure and draw up a final report.

The inspection report is confirmation of the validity of the recalculation requirements.

Let us remind you that recalculation can also be performed if a technical error is detected in the calculations. Typos and inaccuracies are common. The fact of their detection should be reported to the management organization.

Rules for charging fees in the absence of submission and incorrect submission of data

If the apartment has a water meter, the tenant has the right to report its readings. But it is not always possible to use this right. And if you haven’t submitted your testimony for a long time, the water fee may increase.

The accrual rules are determined by clause 59 of Resolution No. 354. In clauses. “b” is fixed: if the data is not transferred, the fee for the first 3 months is calculated taking into account the average consumption for the previous six months. If the tenant has forgotten about the meters for more than 3 months, then the payment is made according to consumption standards (clause 60), but without a coefficient.

When resuming the submission of information, the consumer may think about whether they should recalculate the water bill if they have not submitted the information for more than 3 months. There is no recalculation for the previous period. According to paragraph 31 of the Resolution, the supplier is obliged to use readings from apartment meters only for the billing period for which they were taken.

If readings were also taken in June for April-May, only the water used in June will be paid for on the meter.

Many payers have a question about what to do if the readings were reported incorrectly: the figure was changed upward, the readings for hot and cold were mixed up. cold water and so on.

When contacting the supplier, the fee will be recalculated, and the overpaid money will become an advance payment for the following months. Another option: the tenant will be credited for the amount underpaid for services in the previous billing period. This scheme of action is also valid if the electricity meter readings were reported incorrectly.

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How to request a recalculation of water charges based on the meter

To receive a recalculation of water charges, you need to inform the service organization (MC, HOA, housing cooperative) or the service provider if the water supply agreement was concluded with him directly. The data from the payslip will help you understand where exactly to go.

Recalculation of water meter readings in 2019 is carried out upon written application. It is drawn up in free form, but requires the presence of mandatory information:

  1. Full name of the applicant.
  2. Residential address.
  3. Request for recalculation.
  4. His period.
  5. Reasons for carrying it out with supporting documents attached.

There are two ways to submit:

  • send the application by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery and a list of the contents, keeping the receipt and notification;
  • Appear at the organization in person and register your application with the responsible person. You should take two copies of the application with you; the employee must put a registration number, date and signature on yours.

You have only 30 days to apply. Changes to the payslip will be visible next month.

It is also worth mentioning how to recalculate water meters if readings have not been submitted. Although the provisions of Resolution No. 354 do not provide for recalculation at the request of the tenant, in practice many management companies reduce the fee. In addition, after checking the meters, based on clause 61, the supplier will be obliged to recalculate based on actual consumption. In any case, it would not be superfluous to submit an application for recalculation.

What documents to prepare

To carry out recalculation, you need to provide documents. Their composition depends on the reasons for changing water payments. So, if you did not provide evidence due to temporary absence from your place of residence, you should prepare:

  1. Statement.
  2. A document confirming the fact of absence indicating the period: travel certificate, tickets, certificate of being treated in a hospital, and so on.

For recalculation related to low quality of services / lack thereof:

  1. Statement.
  2. Service verification report.
  3. results expert opinion, for example, about the composition of water, other evidence.

How to get water recalculation without a meter

If there is no metering device, there is still a chance to save money. But recalculation is available only if there is a confirmed lack of technical ability to install a meter (section 8 of Decree No. 354).

There are other features of recalculation:

  • it is possible if the period of continuous absence of the consumer from housing exceeds 5 days;
  • payment for sewerage is recalculated when recalculating the payment for hot water supply and hot water supply;
  • the cost of water for ODN is not recalculated.

To reduce your payment you need:

  1. Write a statement indicating all absent residents, dates of departure and arrival, and reasons.
  2. Attach documents confirming your absence to your application.
  3. Submit an application to the service provider.

It is important to remember: if the tenant submits an application before departure, the recalculation will be made within 5 working days or no later than 30 days after the end of the period of absence.

Where to complain if a recalculation is refused

It is the responsibility of the supplier and management organization to change the amount of payment for water supply services depending on the circumstances. If the management company refuses to recalculate water costs, you can find leverage.

First, you should receive a written refusal from the company. You can complain about this refusal to the prosecutor’s office and Rospotrebnadzor. An appeal, supported by a written refusal and a copy of the application for recalculation, will become a reason for verification. If the requirements are justified, a recalculation will be made.

If the instructions of the regulatory authorities do not find a response, there is another chance to restore justice -. It will also help with compensation. moral damage. You can go to court without going through the supervisory authorities.


Recalculation of payments for water according to the meter can be made either at the request of the resident or at the initiative of the supplier based on the results of checking the device. The cost may change upward or downward. To request a recalculation in your favor, you should contact the management organization or service provider, providing an application and documents confirming its validity.

Recalculation for housing and communal services: Video

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

If you do not submit your water meter readings on time, do not panic; penalties will not be charged for this and the supply will not be cut off.

There is a grace period during which there are simply no accruals. This is the first 3 months.

After this, it is time to calculate averages. From 3 to 6 months, you will be given historical averages.

For those who have not paid for 6 or more months, payment will be introduced according to the standard (regional tariff without water meters), plus an increasing factor from 1.5 to 2.

The legal framework obliges owners to provide meter readings every month, but there are circumstances that prevent this. For example, long absence.

Payments will continue to arrive during this period, and no one will exempt the tenant from paying for utility services. However, the fields on the receipts will be filled in in a special way. They will return to the previous version only after a break and the resumption of transmission of readings.

After transmission is suspended, hot and cold water supply is first calculated according to monthly averages, and then according to the standard. The last method of calculating payments is used if, for some reason, the tenant was unable to resume submitting testimony on time and the break was more than 3 months.

According to the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2013 N APL13–82, you are not required to submit monthly water meter readings. There can be 6 such periods. For the first 6 months, you should calculate the water according to the average value (calculated over an annual period). If you do not transmit water meter data for 6 or more months, the accrual will be at the normal rate.

Why, if you have a water meter, do receipts arrive as expected?

Possible reasons why the housing and communal services receipt indicates the norm:

  1. The water meter has expired.
  2. The new meter is not sealed.
  3. For a long time (more than 6 months), the owner did not provide representatives of the water utility with access to the apartment for inspection and verification.
  4. Testimony was not taken and transmitted in a timely manner.

After the issue is resolved, a recalculation occurs, but not in the first 2. The measure is not taken even in case of debt arising due to calculation according to standards.

When do you need to submit water meter readings?

Information about data transfer is indicated in monthly payments. If they are absent, you can seek advice from the management company (MC). If this option is not suitable, then they are guided by the average terms in the country. In Russia, it is most often prescribed to transmit readings from the 18th to the 25th.

What happens if you don’t give your testimony?

The first time, nothing bad will happen; cold and hot water will simply be calculated based on average monthly readings. The values ​​will be taken from past payments. Indicators for the last six months will be taken into account. The data is summed and divided by 6.

The resulting average will be used instead of missing readings for 3 months. There is no need to expect any additional surcharge, fine or tariff increase during this period of time.

In case of long-term evasion of obligations to transmit evidence, an increasing factor of 1.5-2 is introduced. It applies to the regulation in force in a particular region.

How to resume meter readings

When calculating the volume of water consumption according to the norm for a long time, a problem arises with sending meter readings over the Internet. This happens when the owner of a residential premises consumes resources in a smaller volume than he is credited with.

When filling out the online form, the site will indicate that the transferred values ​​are less than in the previous period and they cannot be taken into account.

Resuming transmission of readings after a long break.

To avoid renewal difficulties, you do not need to use the electronic method. It is worth resorting to other acceptable methods and transferring the testimony to the Criminal Code:

  • by phone;
  • during payment (at the cash desk, bank);
  • in the housing office.

The situation is complicated by the fact that not all organizations that accept payments from the public send meter readings. This is definitely not the responsibility of the post office and small offices..

Is it possible to request a recalculation under Resolution 354

Based on rules 354, citizens have the right to control the correctness of charges, and also demand recalculation of water according to meters.

Moreover, if there is a significant discrepancy between accrued and actual meter readings, organizations themselves initiate the procedure. After which the consumer receives receipts that do not require payment for sewerage and water.

If the housing office has not taken any action on its own, then you need to contact the service provider or the housing office and write a statement containing a request to make a recalculation.

For what period are water recalculation done?

After 6 months of no data transfer, you have the right to recalculate. As a result, you will have to pay extra or receive a refund. If you overpay, the difference remains on the client’s balance and is written off in subsequent payments.

If the problem arose because the owner did not live in the premises, then the entire period of absence is taken into account. You must provide proof of travel. In other cases, recalculation is done only for the last six months.

Despite the fact that the calculation of payments for utility services is now carried out mainly by computerized systems (and this excludes the human factor), errors in receipts are still possible.

Therefore, it is important to monitor current tariffs and amounts in payments. If an error occurs in the direction of decreasing or increasing the utility bill, a recalculation is made.

This action is also carried out when a person does not live for a long time at his place of registration, when inaccurate metering data was provided, and for many other reasons. The easiest way to recalculate water is when meters are installed in the apartment, but you can do it without them.

Recalculation for hot water is carried out according to Decree 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account latest changes in him. New data must be indicated on the receipt for the next month in a special column “recalculation”.

If the amount in the receipt for water supply has been reduced, the supplier of this important resource will make a new calculation himself, without waiting for the consumer to act. But if an unreasonably large amount is charged, it is in the interests of the consumer to resolve the issue himself. To do this, you need to write an application to the Management Company.

ATTENTION! Recalculation is the difference between the amount that was accrued and the one that actually needs to be paid.

Recalculation for water

Resolution No. 354 allows recalculation for cold, hot water and other resources. The recalculation procedure itself depends on whether the apartment has a meter or does not.

If there is a meter, there may be several reasons for recalculation.

  • When accounting indicators were submitted incorrectly. Supplier representatives may periodically check the performance of individual metering devices. Perhaps the owner submitted incorrect data to reduce the amount of utility payments, or simply wrote down the numbers incorrectly. Recalculation can increase the payment amount (while hiding the correct indicators) or reduce it.
  • Recalculations for water are also carried out when the consumer has violated the rules for connecting to networks. To confirm the fact of connection with violations, a special commission is created and a report is drawn up. According to this act, the consumer is charged the amount to be paid for the unaccounted resource. And then the connection should be eliminated.
  • In the case of an illegal connection to the water supply, it is sometimes difficult to determine how long the consumer has been using the resource. In this case, Resolution 354 requires payment to be calculated for three months and standard norms consumption.
  • The basis for recalculation is also interference with the operation of the meter, damage to the seal, or missed deadlines for checking the device. A new amount is calculated for the time when the filling was installed (but not more than three months).
  • The reason for the recalculation may be the low quality of the services provided, interruptions in the supply of hot water in this case, or its supply at a low temperature. A supplier who has violated its obligations must, under Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, pay a fine to the consumer.

The basis for recalculation may be different; in the situation, both suppliers and consumers are to blame.

All new connections to engineering communications and home networks should be carried out with the help of specialists Management company(another housing and communal services organization) and with permission.

Features of the procedure

Recalculation of the incorrectly accrued amount for hot water can be carried out:

  • at the request of the consumer;
  • on the basis of an inspection report, inspection or on the basis of a protocol.

In the first case, the homeowner submits an application to the company responsible for supplying water. It is important that this application be registered; you can also attach documents such as a conclusion on the quality of the service, an inspection report.

An application from a consumer is considered for no more than 5 days, this is established by law.

A positive result of the review can be considered recalculation in favor of the consumer and reimbursement of overpaid money. They can simply be counted towards future payments for hot water supplies.

What to do if the water supply company refuses to recalculate. If the consumer is confident that he is right, he can calmly contact the prosecutor’s office, the court, or Rospotrebnadzor.

Incorrect counter data

Incorrect data on cold or hot water supply transmitted to the resource supplier is one of the most common reasons for recalculation. If the consumer notices an overpayment, he can contact the Management Company and request a recalculation. There is a certain procedure.

  • The consumer calls specialists from the heat and water supply company so that they record exact indicators metering devices, issued a report on this matter.
  • Such a document is attached to the application. The service provider needs to record documents and transfer them to the billing department.
  • If everything is done correctly, recalculation receipts should arrive next month.

The main document for recalculation for hot water supply is Resolution No. 354 and the Rules approved by it (clause 61).

It is important that the meters themselves are in good working order and meet all requirements. Only in this case will their indicators be taken into account by the billing department of the supplier company.

Low quality of services

Hot water is expensive, the payment for it is a significant part of the amount in the receipt. Therefore, it is important that the accrual for this utility service is made correctly.

Not only the indicator of resource consumption is important, but also the quality of the water itself, its temperature (it must meet the standards).

If these requirements are not met, there is a compelling reason for recalculation. According to SanPiN standards, the water in the hot water pipes must have a temperature of at least 65 degrees, deviations during the day should not go beyond 3-5 degrees.

Perhaps the temperature is only slightly below normal, then the payment should be reduced by 0.1% for every 3 degrees.

IMPORTANT! If the water in the hot water pipes is below 40 degrees Celsius, it should be considered cold when calculating payments.

The consumer can control the quality of hot water supplies himself; in case of violation of the contract with the supplier and SanPiN standards, submit an application to the housing and communal services company, serving the house. Employees of this company are required to come to the applicant’s address within 2 hours after submitting the application and check his information.

An inspection report must be drawn up, one copy of which must be in the hands of the consumer.

Not all Management Companies will be willing to admit poor quality your work. If an application about low water temperature in the hot water pipes was refused, no one came to check the information, you can invite your neighbors and draw up a joint report.

As a result, the management company will receive a significant fine from higher organizations. But a conscientious company will send its specialist, he will confirm the fact of cold temperature, this will become the basis for an application for recalculation.

In the application for recalculation, it is necessary to indicate in what period the service was provided of poor quality. Recalculation will allow you to return the amount that was unreasonably spent on paying for the service. But the money is not given to the consumer; it is credited to future utility bills.

Required documents

Basically, to solve such an issue you always need standard documents. This is an instrument inspection report carried out by a representative of the supplier, the Management Company, or another housing and communal services organization. And also an act of measuring temperature (if recalculation is needed due to Bad quality water), certificate of lack of water supply, protocol for checking the quality of the resource.

Extracts from the organization’s statement books may also be included.

Responsible persons

As a rule, the Management Company is responsible for the supply of water directly to the consumer, and consumers make mutual payments with it.

ATTENTION! Heat supply companies are responsible for the quality of hot water supply only up to the point of separation between the centralized and domestic systems.

Such information may be useful to those consumers who want to apply for recalculation and do not know who the person responsible for the service is.

The application must be submitted to the registration department of the Management Company. You can write an application in any form; there is no exact sample. But you must indicate to whom the complaint is being submitted, your own data, the reason and justification for the recalculation.