Marine style in interior design. Sea, sea: how to create an interior in a marine style? Marine style room design for girls

It’s decided, let’s go to the sea! Or we don't go. However, this is no longer so important - you can fill your entire apartment with marine style, and the only thing that will be a little missing is sea ​​water. There are many options for adding nautical elements to your home design. Decorating a children's room in a marine style, using accessories in the bedroom and living room, as well as in the bathroom, is popular.

Marine style photo

If you are running out of ideas on what colors or items to use, take a look at our photos. Of course, the number of marine items in the interior depends solely on your desire, so it opens up to you absolute freedom for creativity.

Marine style in the interior

Before starting the renovation, we recommend developing an interior design on a piece of paper or computer. In the case of a marine interior, this is as easy as shelling pears, because each of us knows how (okay, at least schematically) to draw marine elements. After you have planned where the starfish will be and where the sky and sea will be, you can begin decorating the interior of the room. All the motives of the sea beach and all its real elements can become a source of inspiration for implementation in your apartment.

Children's room in a marine style

The undisputed leader in the use of marine elements is a children's room for a baby or teenager. The use of blue tones with soft yellow and white accents helps to calm the child and his good sleep, and unusual figures fill the room with magic underwater world. Pillows, curtains and even bedding in a nautical style - your child will be delighted.

DIY nautical style

Another good thing about this style is that you can make a room in a marine style with your own hands. To do this you need to have paints in gentle tones, a couple of brushes and that’s it, go ahead - you can start painting on the wall. Draw on it a sea pier or lighthouse, a beach with animals or dolphins splashing in the water, add a starfish in a frame instead of a picture - renovation with minimal costs ready.

Nautical design

This style is used not only in ordinary apartments, but also in cottages, primarily due to the possibility of using it in large rooms. A swimming pool in a private house can be decorated with sand around it to create a beach effect; you can put a fishing net or beautiful lifebuoys.

Bathroom with sea elements

Few people use blue tiles for bathroom walls, but in vain. Using tiles painted in the form of the sky or the sea improves your mood and relaxes you, and paintings with seascapes will make even the saddest skeptic dream. Don't forget that beautiful pictures You can lay tiles not only on the walls, but also on the floor.

Marine style accessories

However, sometimes it is enough just to use accessories to dilute regular design interesting elements seas. A painting, a vase, a shell, a world map or a compass - and all guests will be interested in coming up and touching these treasured figures.

Of course, let’s not ignore the fish: the idea of ​​​​putting a wide aquarium in a free space near the wall has never brought harm to anyone. In general, look at our ideas and photos and decorate your rooms in a marine style!

Sea style in the interior will appeal to those who love a delicate combination of all shades of blue and white. Apartments decorated in a marine style are very expressive, unique and look expensive. This probably makes this design attractive among different segments of the population. Marine motifs, a combination of natural wood and antique items in the interior give the house an alluring appeal.

Three principles of style

The nautical style dates back more than a hundred years, but, nevertheless, always remains modern and fresh. The marine motifs used in clothing and in the interior of the apartment remain virtually unchanged. Of course, there are certain differences between design ideas XX and XXI centuries, but general trends quite recognizable.

The marine theme in a modern interior is supported by three main directions.

  • The design always includes white and blue colors and their different combination– stripes different widths and patterns.
  • A marine-style interior uses natural wood. Furniture is made from wood, and the interior must also be decorated with wooden floors.
  • The nautical style is necessarily complemented by antiques, motives that have direct relation to the sea - models of sailing ships, steering wheels, chests, shells. These items are always found in photos of interiors with marine motifs.

The vintage feel of an apartment decorated in a marine style does not disappear even if you add modern design– fashionable floor lamps, lamps, household appliances. The marine style does not suffer at all from such decorative items, but on the contrary, acquires sophistication and modernity.


A nautical-style room must have wooden floors and white walls. Against such a background, you can even do family photos, without photo studios. It is better to cover the floor in the apartment rooms with woven straw or its imitation in the form of a carpet. A home with a nautical theme doesn't have to be filled with fancy furniture.

The nautical theme is perfectly supported by the sofas, coffee tables, tables and chairs with massive, stable shapes. However, in some cases, a house in which marine motifs are present can be decorated using light bent furniture. Such furniture must correspond general style apartments and fit into the marine interior with color, wooden base or decorative elements similar to other accessories.

Despite its simplicity, the marine style can look quite elegant - if the sea theme is maintained color palette style, that is, a combination of white, blue and blue. Adding wood to this palette keeps the nautical style fresh and simple.

A marine-style room can look luxurious in a photo or upon visual inspection if you use natural materials of the highest quality.

The design of a room in a marine style should be complemented by special details that add sophistication. Sometimes it’s the little things that can say much more about the owner and his home than large things.

The sophisticated charm of nautical style is evident in the carefully selected accessories for each room. It may take a lot of time, but the design will surprise not only you, but also your guests.

Marine style at its finest fashionable version welcomes the use not of white and blue, but of beige and pastel blue. This approach allows you to make the interior calmer and more relaxing.

At the same time, the remaining themes of the marine style remain unchanged, that is, wooden motifs are also used, marine items and natural items are used in the interior. natural materials. The nautical theme should also be supported in the room’s accessories.


The marine theme in the interior of the room is also observed through wicker or wooden furniture, equipped with special removable covers and mattresses. This reduces the touch of luxury and makes the design reminiscent of colonial style. Exotic flowers and potted plants, such as palm trees, are suitable for such an interior.

Decorating in the chosen bedroom style will require the use of high-quality bedding with a marine theme. The aristocracy of the bedroom enhances classic furniture, and sophistication will appear if the bed or soft sets combine with the rich color of the sea (in English language it is called navy).

Marine design will look simpler and at the same time more modern when choosing furniture with laconic forms, although in the photo such an interior looks somewhat unfinished. Perhaps marine motifs will appear more clearly if you hang pictures with the appropriate theme, a steering wheel or an imitation of a compass on the walls.

The theme of the sea is perfectly supported in the style if you use wickerwork - skillfully made mats, baskets, cornices, roller blinds, chests. A room for which this design has been chosen looks not just cozy, but also quite comfortable for anyone to live in.

The marine design of the room is also supported by appropriate accessories placed in the walls, on the bedside tables, and windows. Light touch You can add country style to a room with pillows decorated in quilting style. Using the same decorative technique allows you to maintain the main style motifs in the main design.

Marine interior welcomes a large number of pillows different sizes both in the bedroom on the bed, and in the living room on sofas, armchairs and chairs.

Only designers can achieve a marine-style interior for one room and the entire house in full accordance with the chosen direction. Simple tips to follow will help you avoid several common mistakes yourself.

    • The house and its design will fully reflect the theme of the sea if only blue is used in the design, but not black. In some photos you can see modern interior with black accessories or other items. This approach leads to the loss of the main theme of the sea. We can say that black shades completely deprive the marine design and the entire house of freshness.
    • You shouldn’t make the rich navy color the main color for the walls. A deep shade of blue is good in moderate doses - when it colors stripes, marine patterns on rugs, pillows, and bed linen. Navy looks dark on all walls, and the entire interior takes on an unnecessary gloominess. This design is not pleasing even in the photo.

  • In the photo of the classic nautical style you can see striped blue and white materials, but you shouldn’t fill everything with them free space. Otherwise, the interior will look too colorful.
  • Marine style in the interior does not accept replacement natural wood to its artificial analogues. Let better house will be filled with less furniture, but it must be of high quality and completely natural.

Marine design, with the right approach, is suitable for any room. You can also decorate your kitchen with a sea theme, using themed accessories for these purposes - multi-colored pebbles, shells, starfish, souvenirs from warm countries. You can create panels from these little things or simply stick them on cabinets, walls, or place them in beautiful vases.

Almost everyone loves the marine style in the interior, since its main criteria are freedom, as well as the anticipation of distant travels. In addition, this style helps to visually expand and fill the room with “air,” and this is a particularly important point in the design of modern city apartments.

Marine style interior

If you definitely decide to create an interior in a marine style, it is important to consider several nuances. First of all: you shouldn’t show the full breadth of your freedom-loving soul and arrange the entire apartment in a similar style. If alone sea ​​room will really be a kind of “oasis” at home and will help you relax and unwind, then the whole room in the style of the seven seas can “put pressure” on the psyche, in addition, constantly being in the same color contrasts, you will be haunted by a feeling of deja vu. So decide on the choice of room: especially since the marine style is suitable for decorating absolutely any of them.

Color palette

The main colors of a marine-style interior are, of course, blue and white, as well as a variety of their shades. Additionally, “beach” and “ship” colors are used: sand, light brown, ocher, golden, as well as the colors of the sky at sunset. Also an integral solution is stripes or various patterns in the form of nautical knots. Combinations can be either soft or contrasting, it depends on what you want to do in the room: highlight bright accent or make it more spacious. Even though deep blue tones have a calming effect, you need to be careful with them, since a dimly lit room in such a solution will simply be gloomy. If you decide on a marine-style interior solely because of the blue color color scheme, dilute it with light furniture and curtains, and also add bright artificial lighting.

Decor elements

Decor in a marine style interior – a paradise for those who love to travel and bring from different countries all sorts of summer memories. Well, finally you can put shells on shelves, put cute pictures of seascapes and even models of ancient ships there.

All this will undoubtedly be more than appropriate, but! Try to restrain yourself and not turn your room into a storage room: details should decorate, and not narrow the space. In addition to the above-mentioned items, old, shabby suitcases (which can also serve as storage or a table), ship gear, and textiles with nautical symbols would be appropriate. You can also use small lanterns instead of lamps and a decorative ship's rudder. Or maybe you also have a bottle in which a treasure map is hidden? Put it in a prominent place! On the windows you should hang curtains in light shades made of natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton (you can even make them from unbleached linen). If the room is very small, a good decision There will be the use of blinds: this way you will hide from prying eyes and at the same time will not violate the overall integrity of the situation.

Ship or beach?

The marine style in the interior has two branches: either you create a room in your apartment filled with the rays of the sun and the distant sound of waves, or you create an impromptu ship cabin with maps on the walls and functional details.

Quite often they try to combine both of these branches, and the result is something like a dwelling in the spirit of the memories of an old sea dog. This is undoubtedly a very romantic option, especially if you like all the elements of nautical style combined and can’t resist any of them. But from the point of view of practicality, it is still better to select a type of marine style based on the meter realities of the room. For example, for a children's room, a naval style would be just perfect: bunk beds will fit very harmoniously into general interior, the mess will look not like chaos, but like the dwelling of sailors, and in the morning you can, with a clear conscience, rush in there and shout “Whistle everyone up! Arrr!”

The same goes for the bathroom. – this will no longer be a tiny room “in cramped conditions, but not in any way,” now it will be a real ship’s cabin with many interesting and ingenious devices.

And what can we say about the kitchen, which is always the object of close attention regarding how it can be expanded or at least “shove” more of everything into it. Now this is no longer a kitchen! This is a ship's galley, in which all items have a functional use. Such a galley kitchen will be perfectly combined with a variety of drawers and cabinets, which will also serve as a table or chair.

Happy sailing!

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If not everyone, then most people love the sea. In every person, the sea awakens its own associations: beach holidays or travel, the adventures of pirates or the discoveries of pioneers, modern liners or ancient galleons.

But for everyone, without exception, the sea is always wonderful and positive. A room in a nautical style will become a cozy place for those who like to dream; this style is perfect for decorating a nursery, office, living room or bedroom.

Modern designers distinguish three types of marine style:

  1. Beach bungalow. Indispensable for those who love lying on the beach. The interior should create the impression of a tropical hut, so the number of items in the room is minimal; natural materials are used in decoration - bamboo, rattan.

  1. Yacht. The most popular type of nautical style, which allows you to turn a room into a cabin or captain's bridge.
  2. A summer house on the seaside is intended for relaxation, so light colors predominate in the interior, light wicker furniture and translucent fabrics are used.

Advice: you need to clearly decide what type of nautical style will be implemented in the room in order to avoid bad taste and confusion.

Decorating a room in a marine style

Choosing a color palette

When creating a living room, children's room or bedroom in a marine style, designers advise choosing the right color scheme, which determines the character of the room.

Of course, the main color is white, it is necessarily present in any case.

  1. Beach colors are blue, cyan, sunny yellow, sand, which are diluted with red, grass, cherry.
  2. Colors such as:
  • dark blue and blue;
  • black;

  • gray;
  • bright red, as well as green and yellow, are used as accents.
  1. House on the coast. The interior contains:
  • warm wood tones;
  • blue;

  • turquoise;
  • azure;

In this case, not pure white is used, but shades Ivory, linen, cream.

Decoration Materials

When creating an interior in a marine style, it is necessary to use high-quality natural materials, because the finishing harmonizes the interior, giving style completeness. In this case, plastics and plastics are used only if they successfully imitate natural finishing materials.

If you choose a marine-style room design, the photos in the gallery will help you determine suitable options finishing.

  1. Walls. You can decorate the walls either on a budget or using expensive finishing textured materials. Options:
  • painting with water-based paint;
  • wallpaper finishing - plain or paintable;

  • combined materials - light tinted ones are placed up to half the wall wooden panels or lining, above - wallpaper or painting.

On a note! To implement a marine style, it is good to make one wall the color and texture accent of the room.

For this:

  • a mural is created, maps, sailboats, a compass rose, a steering wheel or a view of the ocean from a porthole are depicted on the wall;
  • the wall is plastered under a sandy surface, inclusions of shells are possible;

  1. Floor. It leaves a feeling of warm, pleasant to the touch, so the material is selected accordingly:
  • bleached parquet board or laminate;
  • maple, ash or bamboo floorboard;

  • ceramic tiles imitating shells, pebbles, sand;
  • self-leveling floors with a 3D effect that recreates the sea surf;

  • cork;
  • low-pile sand-colored carpet.
  1. A properly designed ceiling maintains stylistic unity. Ceiling finishing is done in different ways:
  • plastering and painting white or light blue (painting dark blue is not recommended, as this negatively affects mental condition of people);
  • multi-level plasterboard structures;

  • suspended ceilings in white or with a marine pattern;
  • a combined method - drywall and PVC film, which allows you to create a view from the porthole of the starry sky or the expanse of the sea;

  • wood - light boards with which the ceiling is sheathed, or beams on which a hammock or ropes are attached.


To support the nautical style, lighting either neutral, white, or deliberately antique, with copper or steel trim are selected.

Depending on the purpose of the room, different lamps are needed:

  • Wall lamps in the shape of sea creatures look good in the nursery;
  • in the living room - an antique chandelier-fan, with copper blades or a sconce-wheel or anchor;

  • in the bedroom there are fishing lanterns or lamps decorated with pearls and shells.

Marine style room design

Arranging any room in the apartment in the style of sea open spaces or beach holiday, Special attention You need to pay attention to the choice of furniture. In this case, products made of plastic, glass, metal, heavy and elaborate in shape, with many decorations are not suitable. It is better to buy wicker or wooden furniture simple geometric shapes.

Furniture products are decorated with light abrasions and aging. The color scheme is mostly dim, pastel shades brown, blue, turquoise, sand, even better just white.

The marine style is maintained in the room not by the number of accessories, but by their quality. The more natural and natural they look, the better. The following items will decorate the room:

  • compass, barometer;
  • a mirror designed as a porthole;

  • collection of sea knots;
  • vases with seafood - shells, multi-colored sand;

  • thematic paintings and photographs;
  • souvenirs brought from a cruise or summer vacation;

  • sofa cushions to match the style.

Textiles match the interior. Therefore, the windows are decorated with light curtains made of canvas, linen or thin transparent fabrics. In one case, rope knots serve as grabs, in the other, shell-shaped grabs are used.

Important! The design of a room is largely determined by the carpeting.

Cotton carpets with images of ships, anchors, sea animals, as well as with a wavy pattern or stripes fit well into the marine style.

Marine style room for a boy

Depending on the child’s wishes, the room is designed as follows:

  • cabins of a respectable yacht;
  • pirate sailing ship;

  • modern liner;
  • warship.

Based on the option, materials for decorating walls, floors and ceilings, as well as colors, are selected.

Advice: don’t get carried away with blue and white colors - it makes the room boring.

The highlighted wall looks interesting, on which a painting is applied depicting old map world, or paste photo wallpaper with a seascape.

You can cover the walls with white boards, creating the impression of a real cockpit.

A room for a boy in a nautical style (photo various options offered) must have a certain amount decorative elements, which maintain stylistic unity. They could be:

  • models of ancient ships;
  • wooden or forged chest;

  • signal flags;
  • flags of different countries;

  • ship's bell;
  • helm-clock;

  • maps, globe.

Whatever version of the nautical style is chosen for implementation, the boy will find it useful sports section, where there is always a rope and rope-ladder. A hammock stretched across the room looks interesting (and can also be used for its intended purpose).

Marine style room for a girl

Optimal for a young beauty suitable option“House on the coast”, providing an abundance of light draperies, elegant furniture and charming decor in pastel colors.

Such a room should be bright, it is good if it is oriented to the south or southwest. Big windows slightly covered with light curtains made of thin fabrics, such as muslin. If you need to protect the room from light, it is better to hang horizontal blinds with wooden slats.

The floors and walls are finished with light materials, it is preferable to use the following colors:

  • white warm tones;
  • coral;
  • sand;
  • azure;

  • a strip combining variations of these tones.

The floor and walls should give the impression of being bleached in the hot sun, warm and pleasant to the touch. Therefore, most often the walls are painted or covered with discreet wallpaper, and parquet, boards or laminate are laid on the floor.

On a note! Of particular importance is correct selection furniture items.

Such a room in a marine style (photos of the best interior designs are offered in the gallery) is often furnished with wooden or wicker furniture made from bamboo and rattan. For furniture, worn wood of white, ocher or light brown colors. Products made of plastic, glass, chromed metal are inappropriate, however, products with a finish in the form forged elements fit beautifully into the interior. Furniture with slatted fronts is appropriate. Upholstery on upholstered furniture should be with a floral print or striped in pastel colors.

It is important not to overload a girl’s room with accessories, because the nautical style is quite ascetic and simple.

As a nice decor for a beach house, you can use various items that will perform additional functions:

  • wicker baskets and wooden chests for storing things;
  • soft floor cushion instead of a chair;

  • be sure to have a mirror in a beautiful frame;
  • a tulle canopy that can be placed above the bed;

  • plates with shells, vases that will decorate the room;
  • photographs, paintings with seascapes;

  • exotic crafts made of wood or bamboo.

This implementation of the nautical style will suit any romantic girl, and the room will become a cozy corner for her.

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