What is the name of a society where commodity farming predominates? Subsistence farming and commodity production

In the conditions of the existence of this form, people independently provide themselves with the necessary goods, satisfying their own needs.

Natural economy has its own characteristics.

Mainly this form economic organization is a closed complex of relationships. The society itself in which these relations exist includes isolated and fragmented economies (regions, estates, communities, families). Moreover, each element of the structure provides for itself, relying only on own strength. Thus, in a subsistence economy it is carried out various work: from the extraction of raw materials to the production of products ready for consumption.

Subsistence farming is characterized by the presence of universal manual labor. At the same time, any division into types is excluded. Each worker, having the simplest equipment (shovel, hoe, rake, etc.) does everything necessary work. In the old days, there were sayings about such “universal workers” (“Jack of all trades,” for example).

Subsistence farming is characterized by direct economic ties between consumers and production. These relationships develop according to the “production-distribution-consumption” scheme. In other words, the division of production occurs between producers, and then it (the product) goes into personal consumption, bypassing exchange for other goods. This scheme ensures the sustainability of subsistence farming.

The most simple form economic relations dominated the world throughout the pre-industrial era - for more than nine and a half millennia. This is due to many factors.

Subsistence farming is characterized by some economic stagnation. This is due to the very slow increase in production. Besides, manual labor does not contribute to the improvement and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

For economic activities in conditions natural production characteristically low. In many economically backward countries, a village worker is able to feed only two people. At the same time, natural food does not fully satisfy the traditional needs of the main part of society.

These factors depend on each other and hinder the development of this. As a result, in a subsistence economy, cause-and-effect relationships form a kind of closed system. Experts call it the “circle of economic stagnation.”

Under capitalism there was natural and commercial farming. The second received further development c The subsistence farming system has been preserved to a greater extent in countries with pre-industrial economies. B is not enough developed countries by the mid-20th century, more than half the population was employed in semi-subsistence and subsistence farming. Currently, as analysts note, the economic system in these countries is going through a turning point.

In Russia, the natural way of farming is observed in the gardens and vegetable gardens of urban residents, as well as in the subsidiary plots of peasants.

In the history of the development of the Russian economy, experts identify a number of paradoxes. For example, since the “movement towards the market” was announced, the number of personal plots with a subsistence type of farming. Thus, development went in the opposite direction. Moreover, instead of striving forward, many areas of the state have increased their economic isolation. In these areas, a ban was introduced on the export of products to other regions. Thus, local leadership sought to increase the supply of the local population.

Corporate Economics

With all the diversity of economic entities, the key role in modern market economy corporations play. They form the corporate sector of the economy.

Most often, corporations are organized in the form joint stock company(AO). Large joint-stock companies form the corporate sector of the economy and use modern and diverse technologies for doing business in market conditions.

General economic motives for the merger industrial enterprises with trade, credit and financial, scientific organizations is, in particular, the possibility of:

Reducing production and transaction costs;

Increasing the investment attractiveness of business and its sustainability in conditions of fluctuating economic conditions;

Concentration of investment resources in priority areas of production.

Corporation processes that take advantage of the corporation as a form of business organization are decisive in modern stage development of integrated structures. On this basis, the most common are concerns, holdings, and business alliances.

Research and synthesis of the reasons for the creation and activity of financial - industrial groups(FIGs) made it possible to identify the main factors of their formation, which should be classified as the dominant factors in the development of integration economic processes in general. These include factors of organizational design and development financial capital, technological (achieving effects of scale, averaging, synergy), market (saving on transaction costs) and managerial.

Natural economy- this is a type of economy in which production is aimed directly at satisfying the producer’s own needs. Natural production is characterized by the following features that express the essence of its inherent economic relations.

Main features subsistence economy are the underdevelopment of the social division of labor, isolation from the outside world; self-sufficiency in means of production and labor, the ability to satisfy all or almost all needs using one’s own resources.

Natural economy - closed system organizational and economic relations. The society in which it dominates consists of a mass of economic units (families, communities, estates). Each unit relies on its own production resources and provides itself with everything necessary for life. She performs all types of economic work, ranging from mining different types raw materials and ending with their final preparation for consumption. Natural production is characterized by manual universal labor, which excludes its division into types: each person performs all the basic work. It applies simplest technique(hoe, shovels, rakes, etc.) and handicraft tools. Naturally, under such conditions work activity is low-productivity, production output cannot increase significantly. Subsistence farming is characterized by straight economic ties between production and consumption. It develops according to the abbreviated formula “production - distribution - consumption”. That is, the created products are distributed among all participants in production and - bypassing their exchange - go into personal and industrial consumption. This direct connection ensures sustainability of subsistence farming.

Natural economy - historically first type of economic activity of people. It arose in ancient times, during the period of formation of the primitive communal system, when human production activity began and the first branches of the economy appeared - agriculture, cattle breeding. Subsistence farming existed among primitive peoples who did not know exchange and private property. It was a system of closed, economically independent communities. Subsistence farming also prevailed in the ancient slave states, although there was already a fairly developed commodity production. It was one of the main features of the feudal economy. Natural shape here there was a landowner's economy and a surplus product appropriated by the feudal lord. The latter acted in the form of various natural duties and payments. The economy of the feudally dependent peasant was subsistence in nature. The peasant family was engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and processing of their products into finished consumer goods.

Certain elements of natural economy take place and in modern developed countries where commodity-money relations dominate. Subsistence farming predominates in many developing countries. More than half of the population is employed in subsistence and semi-subsistence farming in underdeveloped countries. According to experts, subsistence farming will occupy a significant place in the economies of these countries for a long time. Many peoples of Africa and Indian tribes living in the interior regions of Latin America and Southeast Asia maintain a wide variety of specific forms of subsistence farming (hunting, fishing, cultivation, nomadic cattle breeding).

In the Republic of Belarus, subsistence farming is preserved in the personal subsidiary agriculture of peasants and in the garden plots of urban residents.

Main disadvantage subsistence economy is that it cannot ensure an increase in labor productivity, and therefore maintains only minimal living conditions. Therefore, having started with natural economy - the very first form of organization of economic life, humanity did not stop there and moved on to commodity production.

type of economy in which production is aimed at satisfying the producer’s own needs. “Under a natural economy, society consisted of a mass of homogeneous economic units... and each such unit carried out all types of economic work, starting from the extraction of various types of raw materials and ending with their final preparation for consumption” (V.I. Lenin, Complete collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 3, p. 21-22). N. x. arose in ancient times and dominated at a stage when there was no social division of labor, exchange and private property. In a slave-owning society and under feudalism, N. x. remained dominant, despite the development of exchange and commodity-money relations. K. Marx pointed out that N. x. prevails on the basis of any system of personal dependence, both slave and serf (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Works, 2nd ed., vol. 24, p. 544). For N. x. characterized by isolation, limited, traditional and fragmented production, routine technology and slow pace of development. With the deepening of the social division of labor N. x. gradually being replaced by commodity production. Under capitalism, peasant farms retain the features and remnants of modern agriculture. During the transition period from capitalism to socialism in some countries, N. x. is preserved as one of the economic structures. Among those that existed in Russia immediately after October revolution V. I. Lenin called 1917 socio-economic structures “... patriarchal, that is, largely natural, peasant farm"(Complete collection of works, 5th ed., vol. 36, p. 296).

N. x. persisted for a long time in economically backward areas globe(Asia, Africa, Latin America), where, before colonization by Europeans, tribal or feudal relations dominated. In countries that freed themselves from colonial dependence (especially in countries with a “capitalist orientation”), in the mid-20th century. 50-60% of the population is employed in subsistence or semi-subsistence farming.

Lit.: Marx K., Capital, Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 23-25; Lenin V.I., Development of capitalism in Russia, Complete. collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 3; Problems of industrialization of developing countries, M., 1971.

T.K. Pajitnova.

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Question 23 Subsistence farming

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Natural economy

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Natural economy

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(ON) the author TSB


Economic science highlights:

Subsistence form of farming (production);

The commodity form of the economy (production).

Historically, the first of the general economic forms was subsistence farming.

Natural economy- this is a type of economy in which the products of labor are intended to satisfy the producer’s own needs, that is, for consumption within a separate economic unit.

The origin of natural economy dates back to ancient times, when there was no social division of labor and the product of labor did not take a commodity form. In a subsistence economy, production, as a rule, coincides with consumption, which creates a certain stability of the economy. The basis of subsistence farming is agriculture combined with domestic industry. IN pure form natural farming existed under the primitive communal system, but was most developed under feudalism. Subsistence farming predominates on the basis of any system of personal dependence, both slave and serfdom. It performed in various forms: primitive community, Asian community, German community, Slavic zadruga, etc. In pre-reform Russia, subsistence farming was the basis of the corvee-serf system. Under feudalism, the surplus product took the form of natural duties and payments in favor of the feudal lord. Subsistence farming is characterized by routine technology, which makes it possible to ensure only production at the same level, i.e. simple reproduction.

Subsistence farming existed in all pre-capitalist socio-economic formations. It also exists in the modern Russian economy. Small farmers, as well as peasants on their own personal plots and city dwellers in their dachas predominantly conduct subsistence farming, consuming most of the produced labor products in their family. Subsistence farming is preserved in economically less developed countries, in which tribal and feudal relations still exist.

Question 24 Commercial farming


Commodity farming- this is a type of social production in which the products of labor are produced not for one’s own consumption, but for exchange through purchase and sale on the market, i.e., to satisfy the needs of other people.

For the existence of commodity production, two conditions are necessary:

Social division of labor;

Economically isolated commodity producers.

It is important to note that the presence of a social division of labor does not mean the presence of a commodity economy. Thus, within a separate community there was already a division of labor: some members of the community fished, others hunted, others made tools, etc. However, there was no commodity economy, because the products of the labor of individual members belonged to the entire community and were consumed without being exchanged. The exchange of labor products occurs between independent, isolated producers. Therefore, for the existence of a commodity economy, a second condition is necessary - the presence of economically isolated commodity producers.

Three major social divisions of labor are known in history: the separation of pastoral tribes, the separation of crafts from agriculture, and the separation of trade. The social division of labor is an important factor in saving labor and increasing its productivity.

Commodity farming is the opposite of natural farming; it is an indirect form of recognition of social labor through purchase and sale. It arose during the period of decomposition of the primitive communal system, developed under slavery and feudalism, and became universal under capitalism, when human labor power as a set of physical and mental abilities to work becomes a commodity. With a developed commodity economy, not only the products of labor, but also factors of production (means of production and labor) are transformed into goods. In a commodity economy, the labor of the producer becomes not only isolated, but also hidden social, since goods are produced to satisfy the needs of other people.

Natural economy

Natural economy- a primitive type of management in which production is aimed only at satisfying one’s own needs (not for sale). Everything necessary is produced within the business unit, and there is no need for the market.

The main features of a natural economy are the underdevelopment of the social division of labor, isolation from the outside world; self-sufficiency in means of production and labor, the ability to satisfy all or almost all needs using one’s own resources.

The development of the productive forces of society and the social division of labor objectively prepare the conditions for the replacement of a natural economy with a commodity economy, where producers specialize in the production of one particular product.

In slave society and feudalism, subsistence farming remained dominant, despite the development of exchange and commodity-money relations.

Subsistence farming has survived to this day in economically backward areas of the globe (Asia, Africa, Latin America), where tribal or feudal relations dominated before colonization by Europeans. In countries that freed themselves from colonial rule in the mid-20th century, 50-60% of the population was employed in subsistence or semi-subsistence farming.

In modern Russia, subsistence farming is represented by the personal subsidiary plots of peasants and the garden plots of urban residents.

see also

  • Feudal economy
  • Subsistence farming (agricultural technology)

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