Interesting activities for children 5 years old. Classes for a five- to six-year-old child. Knowledge about the world around us

At 5 years old, the child became stronger both physically and psychologically. It matters to him how he looks, what he wears. He already perceives himself as a person, understands that he is different from others. He has his own opinion and defends it not with whims, but tries to explain it by giving reasons. Children at five years old are quite physically resilient. They can run 200-300 meters at a fast pace without stopping. If there are obstacles on the way, they deftly jump over them or run around them.

Children have well-developed coordination of movement. With their eyes closed, they can easily reach the tip of their nose, ear, crown, or knee with their finger. Five-year-old children are quite dexterous; they throw and catch even a small ball without missing, as if they were kicking it. They can run along a thin plank, jump forward and back, over obstacles - holes, grooves.

A five-year-old child has a good memory. He is able to memorize new words, both Russian and foreign, voluminous poems, the meaning of which he does not even understand. Tries to find out the meaning of new words. He's rich lexicon– 2500-3000 words. He manages to express his thoughts quite easily, accurately conveying his feelings or impressions in words. Does not get confused by the concepts of “yesterday” and “tomorrow”, “dinner” or “breakfast”. If an error occurs, he immediately corrects himself.

Out of five or six words, using logical reasoning, he easily finds an extra object. For example, he will realize that from the words “spoon”, “plate”, “pan”, “chair”, “cup”, “glass” - the foreign object is “chair”. If the objects in the picture are shown incorrectly, he will find the mistake and explain what is wrong.

Child care at 5 years old

By the age of five, a child uses a toothbrush more and more confidently. He runs it over his teeth in the right direction, cleaning the interdental spaces. He knows how to rinse his mouth thoroughly, so brushing his teeth can already be done using children's toothpaste (without fluoride). From the age of five, you can try to teach children to take a morning shower. This will help you quickly get rid of morning drowsiness and get a boost of energy. This procedure will not only keep the body clean, but also has hardening properties. After a shower, you need to dry yourself and rub yourself with a towel.

Parents should teach children to neatly fold clothes on a high chair. Usually at this age children take it off and put it on themselves. Firstly, this way they become accustomed to neatness, and secondly, the clothes do not wrinkle, and they will not have to look for them all over the room after sleep.

From the age of five you can teach your child to wash his face with soap. Closing your eyes, apply a soap solution with light movements, without rubbing the skin. Can be used good soap or special mild cleansers. You should not overuse soap washes; once a day is enough. If his skin has become dry or chapped in the cold, lubricate it before going to bed thin layer baby cream

Nutrition of a child at 5 years old

By the age of five, the growth of the child’s body slows down somewhat compared to previous years. Therefore, the need for additional calories is reduced. The amount of animal proteins consumed is reduced, but the proportion of fats and proteins of plant origin increases. The calorie content of the daily diet should be approximately 2000 kcal. Proteins and fats should account for one part each, carbohydrates – 4, i.e. The ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be 4:1:1. This diet will allow the child not to feel hungry, and at the same time not to overload the digestive system with fatty and heavy foods. It is necessary to ensure that his diet contains enough vegetables, as a source of many essential microelements. Should be supplemented with daily nutrition raw vegetables and seasonal fruits.

Daily routine for a 5 year old child

From the age of five, a child can already be taught to restore order and cleanliness in the apartment. Many children do not need to be forced; they themselves will happily help wash the dishes, wipe the dust, put things in order on the bookshelf or in the toy box. Therefore, special time should be allocated for this in his daily routine. The schedule will have to be compressed a little, possibly reducing the time allotted for games. If a child attends additional sports clubs or creative clubs, this also needs to be taken into account. Time spent on the road should not be wasted, but used wisely. Along the way, you can learn poetry, count, and learn something new. Otherwise, the daily routine is similar to what it was at 4 years old: four meals a day, one 1.5-2 hour nap during the day, games, walks.

Activities with a 5 year old child (how to develop)

To develop speech with children, it is useful to memorize tongue twisters and counting rhymes. By pronouncing them slowly at first, then at a rapid pace, the child develops clear pronunciation and good diction. There are special mathematical counting rhymes, by repeating which children additionally learn counting and simple arithmetic operations. If your child has just started learning the alphabet, you can play lotto with him. Large letters are written in a row on a wide strip of paper. The child is given tokens - paper circles or squares. The adult names the letter, and the children look for it on their paper and, if found, cover it with a token. The game continues until the entire row is covered. Instead of letters, you can also write numbers.

Develops well logical thinking a game where you need to find an extra item. From the proposed pictures, the child must choose one that is different from the others. For example, among the pictures with flowers there is one with a mushroom. Or all the cards have musical instruments on them, and one has a hammer on it. You can make handy teaching material yourself, buy it in a store, or print pictures from the Internet.

To introduce children to numbers, you can buy coloring books in which, to get the outline of the picture, you need to connect the dots with the numbers in order. When the drawing is ready, you can decorate it. At the age of 5, you need to show your child how to use the telephone and teach him to make calls on his own. Explain simple rules movements, tell why a traffic light is needed, what each color means and what actions are performed when they light up.

Games and toys for children aged 5 (how to entertain)

From the age of five, a child increasingly prefers the company of peers to spending time alone. They are very interested in playing together role-playing games- school, hospital, daughters and mothers, war, store. They establish their own, sometimes quite complex rules, and introduce settlement currency in the form of candy wrappers. Children are so enthusiastic that their play can last for several hours. Moreover, boys can also play with dolls. This is quite typical for a five year old.

If a child has the ability or desire, he can be enrolled in sports sections. From the age of five you can already engage in gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, chess, hockey, and some types of martial arts. It's time to send your child to ballroom dancing, drawing, and teach him to play the piano. Just do not need to force or persuade children, they must show their desire themselves.

Some of my favorite pastimes remain reading fairy tales, children's books, modeling, drawing, designing, putting together puzzles and cubes. They also love to listen to children's songs, often singing along themselves. Sometimes children get interested in collecting. They collect postcards, candy wrappers, and inserts on a specific topic. Many modern children mastered a computer at the age of five and love to play games on it. Parents need to monitor the amount of time spent in front of the monitor, limiting it to half an hour a day.

Raising a child at 5 years old

Five years is still enough childhood, but the child must understand that he does not live alone. Therefore, it is necessary to obey certain rules both in your apartment and in in public places. You need to explain it to him so that he understands everything correctly. Then life will be easier for him and his parents won’t have to blush for him.

Often, five-year-old children can be insolent to their mother, disobey, and try to establish their own rules. You shouldn’t shout or swear at them, it’s better to show restraint. It is necessary to talk to them, explain that they hurt my mother and disappointed her. She suffers from this, her heart hurts. It is necessary to induce in the child a feeling of shame for his action and repentance. He should not be forced to admit guilt, he must come to this himself. Parents need to show by example what the relationship between loved ones should be like. Therefore, if there are quarrels and swearing in the family, the father screams, and the mother breaks dishes, it is useless to demand decent behavior from children.

The child must also be taught the rules of decency. He should address adults as “you” and not interfere in their conversations. When meeting people you know, say hello, including your peers. It is necessary to teach him the basics of communication skills: control aggression, politely ask for help, thank him, say goodbye when leaving. Do not be greedy, share or exchange toys. When educating, it is not forbidden to use both methods of encouragement and punishment.

Five years is the first small anniversary. Have you noticed how your child’s interests, habits and behavior have changed? Each stage had its own difficulties and incomprehensible moments. They still exist. Therefore, it is worth knowing about them, at least some, in order to behave correctly in specific situation. For example, many children at the age of five have a rapidly developed imagination. Sometimes they themselves cannot determine the line between truth and fiction. Therefore, if you notice that your child has surpassed Baron Munchausen himself, you should not scold him or catch him in a lie. After all, he himself believes in what he says. Dream and imagine with him. And then direct the conversation in the right direction and explain that these are invented actions and heroes, but in life everything is different. If you find that your child is fantasizing in order to avoid punishment, you need to take timely measures. Conduct educational work, and tell that it is not noble and cowardly to hide the truth. And for offenses and bad deeds it is necessary to answer, and even be punished.

A six-year-old child is no longer the foolish child he was just recently. He has already experienced a rapid leap in physical and intellectual development. It is important not to stop there, but to continue to develop the child further, because school is coming ahead, for which he must be well prepared both psychologically, physically and intellectually.

Children's educational activities for children

The main condition for conducting any classes with children is the child and his joy from the activity. Interesting educational activities for children 6 years old are simply necessary for them, but only on condition that they are interesting.

You can study in special children's centers and development schools, where you can find any activity to suit your taste. In addition, classes can be conducted at home if the child agrees. Not every preschooler is able to study at home with his mother, or rather, not every mother is able to study with her child. Some simply do not have the patience, while others do not have enough experience to organize the learning process competently. That is why many parents prefer to turn to specialists who conduct correctional and developmental classes for children.

Physical development of the child

At the age of 6 years, a child’s development occurs very rapidly. The baby’s coordination of movements increases several times; he is already able to do things that mothers had never even dreamed of before: making two or three movements at the same time, for example, jumping up and clapping their hands. Many children at this age are already riding with all their might on two-wheeled bicycles, roller skates and skates.

Nevertheless, physical education and developmental activities for children 6 years old are as necessary as air. Children are very restless, they need to always be on the move, this is one of the basic needs of a child. That's why it's worth sending him to some section or dance class. Boys enjoy going to the swimming pool, skiing, wrestling, and girls enjoy gymnastics and figure skating. However, such a distinction by gender is very arbitrary. Good physical development is necessary for full intellectual development.

Musical educational activities for children

All children love to listen to, sing, and dance to songs, regardless of their age. In general, music greatly develops a child, improves his memory, attention, motor skills, so music lessons are simply necessary. For one child, these classes will be of a more in-depth nature in a special music school. Many children at this age are already beginning to master some musical instrument, such as the violin, recorder, piano and accordion.

Other children who do not have great musical talent will nevertheless be very happy to attend various musical development classes for children. It is very well received by children aimed at developing a sense of rhythm, intonation and even acting skills. The Zheleznovs' songs are mini-dramatizations and finger games that kids simply adore. These also include group round dances and rhymes. However, it is not at all necessary to look for this particular technique. It is enough to take any song and try to perform it not only with your voice, but also with your body, showing movements. By the way, these movements can be invented together with the child, thereby developing his horizons and imagination. The main rule of any activity is: activity should be fun!

What needs to be developed in a child

In order for the future student to be ready for school everyday life, interesting developmental activities are simply necessary for him! They need to be led in several directions. These include the following:

  • Development of intelligence. This also includes general development, the knowledge that a child accumulates by this age. Knowledge about the world around him, about the properties of objects, about the cause-and-effect relationship of processes, and also it is necessary to develop logical thinking, teach literacy, elementary mathematics and teach the basics of reading. Some children, however, by the age of 6 already read quite fluently, but still this phenomenon is not widespread. In addition, many begin to learn foreign languages, this also relates to the development of intelligence.
  • Development of psychological processes. These processes include memory, attention, concentration and will. The development of these processes occurs constantly, many activities are considered as a means for their development. For example, many parents send their child to study English language in order to develop his memory.
  • Development of imagination and creativity. Many children themselves take great pleasure in drawing, sculpting from plasticine, and practicing unconventional creative art techniques. For some this is not so easy and therefore they need to be helped with skillful but gentle guidance.
  • Speech development. Despite the fact that the child’s speech is already quite well developed, you still shouldn’t stop there. You need to read a lot, then discuss what you read, do all sorts of speech exercises.

Conditions for conducting classes

Developmental activities for children 6 years old should not be random; on the contrary, they should be strictly systematized. Otherwise, there will be no proper result, and your preschooler will not get used to studying, then you may encounter his protest, because he is simply not used to studying.

The main rule of any activity is: it should be fun! If the activity does not bring pleasure to either the child or the adult, it is worth reconsidering the principles of the activity. Educational games and activities for children will be useful only when they are performed and carried out easily and naturally.

Developing intelligence

There are a large number of games and books aimed at developing a child’s intelligence. It is enough to play some games and complete various tasks from books so that the development of intelligence occurs in accordance with age.

Educational activities for children at home are not at all difficult to carry out, knowing only the direction in which you need to move. So, what can you do with your child at home, on a walk, to unobtrusively develop him:

  • Discuss the weather, what has changed compared to the weather yesterday. Discuss the seasons, what happens to nature and animals.
  • Remind your child what day of the week, date and month it is. Remind you what day it will be tomorrow and what day it was yesterday. Discuss the parts of the day: morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Discuss what items are made of what and what they are needed for.
  • Talk about professions, talk about what jobs existed before and what new professions.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the development of a child’s intelligence is directly influenced by his communication with adults, which is very valuable in itself. It is worth paying the child’s attention to everything that surrounds him, asking him questions for reflection, so that he understands himself, and does not receive a ready-made answer.

Development of memory and attention

Developmental activities for children 6 years old must include tasks for the development of memory and attention. In order to develop memory, you need to memorize poems, memorize plot pictures, various small parts. A good task is: look, remember, and then tell me. The child looks at the pictures for a short time, then they turn over and he begins to remember what was drawn on them.

The game “What has changed?” is suitable for this. This is a game in which one is removed from a sequence of pictures or toys, and then the child is asked to remember which picture is missing. In addition, it is useful to compare two pictures and look for differences in them.

Developing creative intelligence and imagination

Educational activities for children 6 years old must include creativity and the development of imagination. You can and should draw with your child, sculpt from plasticine and salt dough, make appliqués from paper and natural materials, stage plays, glue and make various crafts.

There are a huge number of books aimed at developing the artistic skills of the younger generation. You need to create with pleasure, and then make an exhibition of the completed works or give these works to your family and friends. The main thing is not to stop praising and emphasizing the importance of what you have done yourself. Educational activities for children at home, aimed at developing creative potential, are very important for the development of intelligence and various psychological processes.


Living next to a child is extremely interesting; watching how he changes from day to day is simply a pleasure! Correctional and developmental activities for children should be a joy for everyone, and only in this case everything will work out!

Here is the complete archive of the free electronic magazine Korablik.

Preschoolers are characterized by curiosity and desire. Boring primers and dry presentation of material repels children from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with the child, as an aid for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are getting ready to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate your developing mind with useful knowledge without interrupting the gameplay.

The electronic magazine “Korablik” has carefully selected tasks aimed at comprehensive development child. The collected exercises activate the child’s logical thinking and allow him to apply existing knowledge in practice. Each edition contains exciting exercises that every preschooler will enjoy. Convenient presentation of material promotes rapid memorization of new knowledge.

A fascinating magazine has collected on its pages useful material, which is able to lay the necessary foundation for further learning. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Brief content of the Korablik magazine by numbers:

Preparing your hand for writing, mathematics, the world around you.

Mathematics, logic, the world around us.

Preparing the hand for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparing your hand for writing.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship No. 6 (download/view in JPEG format)

Development of hand motor skills, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship No. 9 (download/view in JPEG format)

Preparing the hand for writing, developing speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical concepts, hand motor skills.

Logical thinking, the world around us.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematical concepts.

Speech development, mathematics, the world around us.

Understanding the environment, preparing the hand for writing.

Mathematics, development of hand motor skills.

Classes to develop speech by writing sentences and stories.

The world around us, nursery rhymes.

Mathematics for kids: classification.

We develop attention and fine motor skills of children's hands.

We compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills, and look for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects according to their internal signs, we solve logical problems.

We teach children the classification of objects.

Classes to develop the intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulation gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the topic “Man and his health.”

The world around us, environmental education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

Children's first steps into mathematics.

Complexes of developmental exercises.

Physical education classes for the development of motor creativity of preschool children.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developmental activities for preparing older children preschool age to schooling.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic “Winter”.

Lessons on the topic “Winter”.

Math classes for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech in preschool children.

Classes on teaching children to read.

Classes to teach children 4-5 years old to read through play.

Classes on teaching reading to children 4-5 years old.

Classes on teaching reading to middle preschool age.

Cards-tasks in mathematics 1st grade.

Lessons on the theme “Autumn”.

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for developing memory, exercises for developing attention.

Lesson notes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for developing attention and thinking.

Developmental exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, classes on speech development.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Riddle games, developing hand motor skills, math problems.

Unconventional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (lotto), solving crossword puzzles.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut-out pictures, crosswords.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 1-10.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 22-32.

Games and tasks to develop a child's attention, thinking, and memory.

Tasks for preparing your hand for writing (we draw in cells).

Exercises and problems in mathematics for primary grades.

Entertaining material on the Russian language for primary school children: games, quizzes, metagrams, anagrams, charades, logarithms.

Mathematics for preschoolers, tasks for preparing hands for writing.

Tasks for the development of attention, thinking, memory.

Mathematics tasks, speech development tasks, tasks on understanding the world around us.

Tasks for the development of logical thinking in preschoolers.

Exercise 1

Compare by size

Measure the length of the pencils using a ruler. Which one is the longest? Which one is the shortest? Show the pencils in order from longest to shortest. Color each pencil with a different color.

Task 2

Choose by shape

Find matching patches for your rugs. What shape are they (what geometric shapes are they similar to)?

Task 3

Preparing your hand for writing

Finish the pattern and color the pictures

Task 4

Color page

What colors will be obtained by mixing red and green, blue and red paints? Color the objects in appropriate colors.

Task 5

Be careful

Find the exact same gnome as in the picture

Task 6

Remember the pictures

Animals play football. Remember who has what number. See the next task below.

Task 7

Remember what number each animal had. See previous task

Task 8

Walk down the path

Walk along the paths without going beyond the edges and without lifting your pencil from the paper.

Task 9

How is the number 10 composed? Name all the options.

Task 10

Match the patches to the rugs. Explain why these particular patches are suitable.

Task 11

Draw exactly the same shapes in the empty squares.

Task 12

Compare by size

Which doll is the tallest and which is the shortest? Which crib is the longest and which is the shortest? Choose a suitable crib for each doll.

Task 13

Draw exactly the same figures in the empty cells. From which geometric shapes do they consist?

Task 14

Preparing your hand for writing

Finish the pattern and color the picture

Task 15

Color page

What colors will be obtained by mixing red and white, white and black paints? Color the objects in appropriate colors.

Task 16

Be careful

Find the toys on the shelves that are drawn in frames below.

Task 17

Walk down the path

Help the insects get to the flowers.

Task 18

Fun account

Tell us how they were compiled. For example: 8 consists of 6 white circles and two black ones.

Task 19

Brain teasers

What happened first and what came next? Show pictures in in the right order. Make up a story based on the pictures.

Task 20

Complete the pictures and color them.

Children aged 6-7 years usually come to first grade differently prepared. Some people have certain talents, while others find developmental classes more difficult and acquire all the knowledge they need for the future directly at school.

However, you need to understand that school material will be learned much better and faster if the child feels confident in the lessons and is prepared in advance. But preparing for school is a long-term event and you need to start working with children for two years already in a playful way to develop thought processes. And classes with children 4-5 years old will be aimed already to master the basics of mathematics, grammar and other disciplines.

You don't need to be a qualified teacher to practice at home. Today we will talk about recommended developmental activities for children 4 years old and older and how to conduct them correctly at home.

Planning and program

Starting from 2-3 years old, every game or walk can be turned into a developmental activity. But for parents, with this form of training, it is very important not to miss many aspects, so all classes must be conducted according to the prepared program.

It is recommended to plan educational activities with children 4-5 years old a week in advance. Thanks to this planning, you will be able to prepare necessary materials for classes and understand what is more interesting for the child, and which aspects are best developed in the baby.

Just like in the preschool exercise, Regular classes with your baby should be carried out in the following areas:

  • logic and arithmetic;
  • speech and literacy development;
  • drawing, modeling, appliqué and design;
  • physical exercise;
  • activities that help develop your horizons;
  • literature.

Each of the subjects should be evenly distributed in the program throughout the week, depending on what is most interesting to the baby. For example, you need to teach him literacy and letters only when the child himself is ready for it. And this does not have to be done at 4-5 years old, perhaps earlier, and perhaps later.

An approximate plan for developmental activities might look like this:

As you can see, such activity planning for children 4-5 years old includes daily creative activities and physical labor. During the period of growth, babies must develop maximum coordination of movement and splash out their energy, as well as develop imagination and motor skills.

But it will be difficult to include all disciplines in one day. Children at 4-5 years old get very tired, and you shouldn’t overload them with activities, even if they are interested in them.

The number of developmental activities may vary, it depends not only on your child’s inclinations, but also on the schedule. So, after kindergarten or a development center, it is not always possible to have time for additional clubs, and children do not always have the strength to do something at home. And the work of parents also affects this; they usually conduct classes at home on weekends or in the evenings.

If your child attends some specialized clubs in certain disciplines, then at home you can devote time to the material that was studied there in order to consolidate what has been learned.

Practical tasks for children 4-5 years old

When a child turns 4 years old, he needs to work on his existing skills, as well as on deepening his knowledge. The tasks must become more difficult all the time.. The basic list of a child’s skills by the age of five is as follows:

  • the ability to use prepositions correctly;
  • understand where is right, where is left, behind and in front;
  • distinguish between the concepts “many” and “little”, “more” and “less”;
  • name nouns by number;
  • be able to count to 10;
  • have the skill of drawing lines with a pencil without lifting it from the paper.

When the baby can perform the listed actions, you cannot stand still. It is important that the activities develop the baby and are interesting to him, otherwise he may lose interest in learning.

Tutorials and examples

As for the practical tasks themselves, they can be found in large quantities in special manuals for children.

Series of special benefits for children contain the following:

  • story visual materials;
  • games with stickers;
  • tasks for the development of a child’s logical thinking;
  • tasks to develop writing skills and much more.

Reading and writing

If you want your child to learn to read and write before school, then take a specially designed primer for preschoolers, which contains visual material about merging letters into syllables; its methodology is fully consistent with school curricula.

Also use educational games. For example, in order for a child to remember letters and be able to identify the first syllable in words, offer to think of any letter and look for objects in the ABC book or in the picture that begin with it. If your skills are already sufficiently developed, you can play for speed, and also complicate the task to find words with 2 letters or a specific letter at the end.

Another skill development game is to glue letter cards onto household items, according to what letter they begin with. You can deliberately confuse the letters so that the child finds the mistake.

Flashcards and other visual aids

Regardless of what discipline you are studying with your child, you can actively use cards with different exercises or pictures.

So, if you want to teach your child where “right” is and where “left” is, then you can use a special poster with drawn palms or pictures with circled images in one direction or another.

And to strengthen your knowledge of numbers and counting skills, you can use coloring books, where you not only need to color the picture, but also connect the dots in order to find out what is shown.

Thanks to the plot pictures, you can develop your baby’s speech. For example, ask questions about them or ask them to write stories. With the help of paired cards, logical thinking develops well when you need to find one object for another that is connected with it. For example, a picture with shoes will go well with a picture of a leg, etc.

Thematic lessons and foreign languages

When the child has already mastered the basic skills for his age, he can move on to more serious activities. For example, you can conduct thematic classes, which will help develop the baby’s thought processes and his horizons. Topics may vary:

If your baby’s speech skills are already quite good, and he speaks his native language well, then you can start studying with him foreign language. This can be done both at home and in special clubs, where learning takes place in a playful way.

Physical activity for children 4-5 years old

At this age, along with intellectual and creative development, sports development must also be present. And if parents do not have the opportunity to send their child to a sports club, then they need to study at home. The following is recommended:

  • ball games (football, volleyball, etc.);
  • morning work-out;
  • gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • dancing.

Naturally, each baby develops differently; do not scold your child if you see that something is not going according to plan. Best suggest those games, with the help of which the child can develop certain skills.

Parents, of course, should be involved in the preschool development and education of their child; this is very useful. However, it is absolutely impossible to turn this process into a routine or labor obligation. Children should enjoy the activities and learn with pleasure and inspiration.