Fortune tellers and clairvoyants for psoriasis. Four steps to treating psoriasis. Conspiracy based on folk remedies

Good health!
I conjure water for healing
My name is Alexander, higher education, civil engineer.
All relatives on the father's side are a dynasty of doctors, all 6 cousins(I'm the seventh) doctors, they are mostly surgeons, so their parents are also doctors. When I chose my profession, I went my own way and decided to be a builder.
Do I have the gift of healing? You will understand on your own, if there is a desire and need for this, taking into account the current situation in life with well-being, energy, health of you or your family or friends.
In ancient times, doctors were recognized not by those who had a diploma, but by those who had stable healing results, including in relation to the health of the doctor-healer himself. Therefore, the criterion for a person to possess appropriate knowledge is and will be how he helped himself in his problems.
My case is loss of ability to work 16 years ago. Disability groups 2 were given immediately. It was scary to hear, let alone receive such a sentence. The situation is so serious that any sudden movement of mine could turn me into a “vegetable” for life. As a result of the disease, his height decreased by 12 cm. All vertebral discs collapsed. They were crushed (what is called Schmorl's hernia), and then the intervertebral pads dried out. The bone parts of the vertebrae were pressed and deformed from the load, and osteoporosis began. And this is already very serious. The entire spine, to put it simply, “flew.” There are X-ray images in which all this can be seen even if you are not a specialist. I can show it to anyone who wants it. Everything is documented. He walked with difficulty and constant pain, anemia of the limbs, ischalgia of the sciatic nerve was constant day and night, and he dragged his leg when walking. He limped and walked unnaturally. It’s clear that the nerve roots were pinched; walking can only be called the same thing relatively.
Thinking about starting a family or children was hopeless and unreasonable. Responsibility. And what kind of breadwinner am I in this state? I tried everything, the best osteopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, ointments, etc. Medicine turned out to be ineffective, practically powerless, only spinal surgery could save me from the prospect of becoming a “vegetable”, and then only if I was lucky, since even with a paid operation with replacement of disks, the doctors did not give a 100% guarantee in my case, everything was too neglected. There was no one to rely on. Operations are very expensive. I tried the same prayers.
This went on for over a year.
Then a gift came, thanks to which he himself restored his failing health.
In less than six months I forgot about the pain, and after another six months my height of 1.1 cm returned. I even have school age There were sometimes lumbagoes in the lower back, but after healing this never happened even once. Of course, I not only drank water, but also did a mini-minimum of proper exercises in a lying position, which improves lymphatic drainage, blood flow and stretching. Everything is gradual, there is no need to rush, all changes are through the breath of life. Doing exercises correctly is not just about moving your arms and legs. You will drive more quietly, you need to do everything wisely.
When he recovered, he got married. I felt that I could take responsibility for the birth of children, I have two daughters, smart and beautiful, one is 15 years old, the second is 13, and before that I was childless. Now the children and wife live permanently in Holland and receive a European education.
Now I support and further improve my health. Life becomes even more beautiful when health returns along with wisdom.
Until now, I have practiced healing only among my family and closest friends, including at a distance in emergency cases, when a person was on the verge of a stroke or severe illness. Zhenya often removed the evil eye. The evil eye is directly visible on a person. In any case, it’s clear to me. My wife is beautiful, her peculiarity is that she is very sensitive and because of this she has a subtle mental structure that is open to influence. She had the evil eye more than once. There are glaring people, and there are people weak from the evil eye, there are not many of them. My wife is one of those. When I removed the evil eye, her face changed and a blush appeared literally before her eyes. This little miracle always surprised and pleased me.
The realization that the gift should be used for those whom it can help, and not just family and friends, came gradually, like the morning dawn. Perhaps this is my mission.
This is a short story.
To contact us on the topic of healing with living water, send an SMS to +7-905-507-06-62, or write an email with the subject “on living water” [email protected], briefly state what the question is, I will respond with an SMS, or call, or answer by email, or set up a time for a meeting.
Then our meeting will take place, come with an empty plastic bottle 0.5 liters. Diagnosing the problem will take 5-7 minutes. It’s good if you know your medical diagnosis, but as a rule, medicine already states the consequences, and the root causes are not the main function of medicine. If the person is bedridden, then you need to bring his photo. At the first meeting, briefly outline the essence of the problem and wishes, I will answer any questions you may have, including whether or not you will still need pills, which ones and in what case. How to use healing water if you are still forced to take medications and other questions related to the topic of the meeting. After communication, I will take your empty bottle.
Then, the next day, or I will tell you on what day you will need to pick up a full bottle of living water enchanted for healing.
Man is 80% water. Now scientists have proven that water can remember and carry information in an unlimited volume. As for structured water, there is both pyramidal water and silvered holy church water. You yourself may be able to cast a spell on water. However, the strength, degree of effect and direction of influence of one or another structured water are different, and accordingly the result is different. The healer usually has the gift of targeted effects on water and, as a result, on the human body.
As an example - musical instrument violin. There are many craftsmen and factories making violins, but there is only one Stradivarius master. Each person has his own path in life and his own talents.
At the second meeting there will be communication for 5-7 minutes, receive instructions on how to drink water correctly and be healthy. It turns out that you need to be able to take both living and non-living water. The quality of the source water is spring water, spring water, or pure natural water. Mountain peak» . Tap water I don’t use it for spells, since it’s dead water. Everything is like in a fairy tale, because there are wise tips there.
I have no restrictions regarding health restoration. I consider living water one of the most effective means and is ready to help you.
From personal experience healing: during and after taking the living water enchanted by me, a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole is observed, healthy energy, psychological stability, awareness, mental learning abilities, ability to concentrate, mood increase, the body recovers faster, the syndrome of “constant drowsiness and fatigue” goes away ", "restless legs syndrome" (when such a feeling is like muddy legs), headaches go away, sleep normalizes and there is enough for proper rest, even if you get up at 4:30, blood pressure normalizes, there is no need to limit yourself in food, because “zhor” goes away, without fasting and masochistic diets, weight normalizes. You are more capable of intelligent self-control. I can go on and on about the rejuvenating effect on the skin and the tone of all kinds of muscles, but it’s better for you to try it once and evaluate the effect than just read about miracles many times. In general, the attitude towards the world around you will radically change, self-confidence and positivity will appear. I personally don’t see any miracle in this. For me this is a natural result.
If, as you think, there are no problems, but inertial sluggish processes are observed, such as fatigue, drowsiness, I still recommend trying water for the effect of restoring healthy energy in the body, feeling the difference before and after drinking water. See for yourself how simple it is living water will help the body restore the disturbed balance, adjust the harmony of energy-informational connections in a positive way and, as a result, strengthen the immune system at the DNA level, and this is your potential for a joyful and successful life. I affirm that the sensations and perception of life are other main possibilities!!! Success comes to a person's level of awareness. Look for nothing but clarity. Socrates.
I live on Yartsevskaya Street, near the Molodezhnaya metro station.
Sincerely, Alexander.
Tel. +7-905-507-06-62
[email protected]

P.S. As a child, when I was 5-6 years old, I was not afraid of dogs, I flaunted it, several times it turned out that I approached in front of my friends and petted an unfamiliar dog. There was not much understanding and experience. One day, while walking in the yard, I saw a stray dog ​​calmly gnawing on a bone. I decided to approach him lovingly and pet the big dog. Despite the fact that she tensed when I approached, this did not stop me, I touched her back... She snapped very, very harshly and what people call “fright” happened to me. The story seems simple, but the consequences are complex. I gradually began to waste away. The doctors didn't diagnose anything at all. And there are a sea of ​​doctors around me, a whole clinic. The face seemed to be covered with moss, I say figuratively, but it was very similar to how it was seen from the outside. Pale greenish skin. I even heard an offensive word addressed to me once, “like a pale kid.” I myself didn’t feel any changes in myself, I watched and listened as everyone gasped and groaned. Someone advised my mother to go see her grandmother, a healer. I remember very well this moment, how we walked to her village, her house, how she examined me and what she did. Then she gave me some water.
The result is this: the “fear” disappeared as if by hand. A healthy complexion has returned. I am very grateful to her even after all these years...

Hello, I wanted to contact you about psoriasis, I have been suffering from psoriasis for about 20 years, I have not been treated with anything and anywhere, but the results are zero.


Good health to you, Anatoly!

Reading your letter, I remembered that some of my friends also, in the literal sense of the word, suffered from such a manifestation on the skin. I can say for sure that rashes have their own cycles. And you must agree that during the off-season the more active manifestation of this disease occurs.

So, already knowing the “aggressive” periods, you, Anatoly, should prepare your body in advance. Although psoriasis is considered a disease of the outer skin, the source of its occurrence must first of all be looked for inside your body.

You must have heard the expression that all human diseases arise from a constant nervous state and uncontrolled gluttony?

So, this is something worth thinking about first. Think about how your body works as a whole. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and, whenever possible, to cleanse it and control the incoming food.

I would like to know what your constant treatment consisted of over the course of many 20 years? When did you first notice a significant change in the skin and on what parts of the body? All this information plays an important role in choosing tactics for cleansing and eliminating the “root” of psoriasis.

Perhaps, Anatoly, you should turn to the holy great martyrs such as the Great Martyr Artemy, who heals stomach diseases, or St. Fedor, whose prayers help heal the gastrointestinal tract. Having healed the gastrointestinal tract, the body will begin to cleanse itself of “ingrained” toxins throughout the body. I'm warning you

You know that it is during this period that the most intense manifestation of psoriasis will begin.
Next, all you have to do is help your body and not overload your stomach. I would also advise you to turn to the prayers of the healer Panteleimon and St. Nicholas the saint. There are many facts confirming complete healing from psoriasis when turning to the saints.

I wish you strong patience and successful healing.

When treating psoriasis, we can recommend taking a course of salt baths with specially selected infusions medicinal herbs. Before the bath, 10-15 minutes before, take a glass of cleansing tea. In addition, on the days when you carry out a course of medicinal baths, to enhance their effect, you need to take medicinal products from natural herbal ingredients, as well as treat the affected areas skin ointments and balms.

Step 1: Drink cleansing tea

Before taking a bath for psoriasis, brew tea from stinging nettle, or from dandelion roots, or from St. John's wort herb. It is necessary to brew tea for 20-25 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of 3% to tea apple cider vinegar for 200-250 g of drink. The tea should be drunk immediately before taking a bath.

Step 2. Taking a medicinal bath

Salt bath with yarrow herb. Good results in the treatment of psoriasis can be obtained by dissolving 700 g of ordinary salt in 160-200 liters of water (standard bath volume), then adding 2 liters of yarrow herb infusion.

The infusion itself is prepared as follows: pour 3-4 handfuls of chopped yarrow herb into 2 liters cold water, leave for an hour. Boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for another hour, strain, add 300 g of salt. Stir. Pour into the prepared bath at a water temperature of 37-38º C. Take a bath up to your chest for 15 minutes. Do it every other day, course - 10-12 baths.

Salt bath with soapwort herb (or herb), we can also recommend using a bath of sea ​​salt with the addition of an infusion of soapwort herb (or herb).

To prepare a bath, you need to dissolve 300-400 g of sea salt in 200 ml of water, then add 1 liter of infusion of the herb soapwort. The infusion itself is prepared as follows: 100 g of crushed soapwort herb, pour 1 liter of cold water, leave for an hour. Boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for another hour, strain, pour into the prepared bath at a water temperature of 37-38° C. Take a chest-deep bath for 20 minutes. Do it every other day, course - 8-10 baths.

Step 3. Use of medicinal ointments

After you have taken a bath, you should dry yourself, taking the necessary care so as not to aggravate the inflammation or damage the foci of the skin disease. Then the areas where the skin is affected by psoriasis must be treated with an appropriate ointment or balm. It is clear that for the course of treatment you need to choose one remedy and use it during the entire time of taking salt baths.

Honey balm (healer's recipe). Fresh egg white - 1 tsp. spoon, bee honey (preferably linden) - 0.5 teaspoon, Vaseline - 50 g.

Psoriasis lesions are lubricated thin layer balm and rub it thoroughly 2 times a day.

Honey balm with celandine (healer's recipe). Egg white - 2 tbsp. spoons, May bee honey -1 tbsp. spoon, celandine herb powder - take on the tip of a knife (about 1 g), medical Vaseline - 50 g.

Psoriasis lesions are lubricated with a thin layer of balm and thoroughly rubbed in 2 times a day.

Ointment from the tripartite series. The herb and 70% alcohol are mixed in equal parts and evaporate in a water bath until the extract becomes thick, which is filtered or drained. Then 3 g of this extract is thoroughly mixed with 50 g of petroleum jelly and 50 g of lanolin.

Apply the prepared ointment once a day to the areas affected by psoriasis.

Soapwort ointment. Finely chop the soapwort roots, soak them for 5-6 hours in warm water. In this case, foam is formed, which must be removed 3-4 times, then the roots are removed from the water, dried, and ground into powder. To make an ointment, take 1 teaspoon of dry roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, leave for 12 hours.

After a bath, lubricate the areas affected by psoriasis with the prepared ointment.

Step 4. Taking medicinal infusions

While taking baths, it is necessary to take medicinal infusions from plant materials.

Celandine and violet. Greater celandine and tricolor violet, herbs. Take both equally and mix. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the top of the mixture. Leave for 6 hours.

Drink 1 glass of infusion 2 times a day after meals every day during a course of baths.

Bay leaf. 2 tbsp. spoons of finely crushed dry leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 4 hours, strain. Add boiled water to the original volume. Drink during the day in 2-3 doses after meals. Take the infusion no more than 8-10 times every other day.

Stinging nettle and dandelion roots. Nettle leaves with flowers - 2 parts, dandelion roots - 1 part. Mix everything, brew 1 tbsp. spoon topped with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For a long time, healers and healers have drawn their energy from the surrounding nature and elements, then directed the resulting energy to treat the suffering.

They presented gifts and asked for help in return; it was from then on that “commandment” words were passed on from mouth to mouth. The spell for psoriasis is often used today, since even modern medicine cannot identify the causes of the disease. This disease, according to modern doctors, is chronic and its development cannot be predicted.

Treatment of the disease begins from the moment it manifests itself. However modern means medicine cannot effectively deal with it. Folk remedies and beliefs come to the aid of sufferers. magical rite and rituals. Believing in the healing power of herbs and magical properties conspiracies, and also having sufficient energy, you can, with the help of prayers, heal yourself or cure another from the most serious diseases. That is why treatment against psoriasis is most effective through conspiracy and folk remedies.

Drug treatment can have serious consequences, since modern medicine is based on chemicals and other chemotherapy options.

It is no secret that psoriasis can completely ruin the life of a sick person, while powerful sorceresses and healers can cure this disease. White witches can also cure deadly diseases if the patient believes in it and the witch has sufficient strength.

The action of the ritual and the means for its implementation

Under the influence of the ritual against psoriasis, a person is endowed with a large amount of positive energy, which is enhanced by folk remedies. This energy activates the body’s internal reserves, which begin to actively fight the disease.

It is difficult to say how quickly treatment will occur after a conspiracy, since this is influenced by several factors:

  • General condition of the patient;
  • Correct choice of ritual;
  • Stage of the disease;
  • The power of the person who speaks.

Particularly severe stages of the disease will require long-term treatment, which can last from several months to several years. Of course, additional health improvement with folk remedies will not hurt. It is very important to initially set a goal, regardless of the time frame for achieving it, then the conspiracy will help, even if it takes years.

Conspiracies are carried out not only on the patient himself, but also on folk remedies, individual herbs or objects. Most often, such drugs are prepared by grandmothers-healers, after which they should be treated with the affected areas or taken orally. In any case, such treatment is most effective and does not entail any negative consequences, unlike chemotherapy.

Conspiracy based on folk remedies

In the case of this disease, you must read strong conspiracy from psoriasis, since simple prayers will not cope with such a complex illness. An experienced, strong healer must perform the ritual, otherwise there will be no effect from the treatment. There are several rituals based on folk medicine.

In the first case, the prayer should be read 9 times. The means to achieve the goal will be rose hips, alcohol tincture of rowan, linen fabric and a candle. First, place a lit candle, over the flame of which rose hips should be held. Then, one by one, these berries are touched to parts of the body (palms, feet, knees, elbows, face), after which the berries are lowered into alcohol tincture red rowan. At this moment, you can begin to read the prayer 9 times, after which you wipe the above-mentioned areas of the body with linen cloth. After wiping, the fabric is completely burned over a candle.

Conspiracy “For psoriasis” with folk remedies

“I chase the disease with fire with flame, I drive it into red. From palms to feet, from knees to elbows. No ulcerative dryness, no creaking itching, no skin pits. I will wash the remains with a rag in the morning and burn them over the fire. From now on, forever, from the palms and feet, from the knees and elbows. As my veins are in me, like threads in flax, so in
the flame is a sick sore, until the last spark, until the end. I am healthy, but the fire is ill. Key, lock."

The conspiracy is carried out late in the evening on the moon, as it symbolizes the extinction of negative energy.

At the end of the ritual, the person must go to bed naked. In the morning, rinse areas of the body with water in the order indicated above (face at the most last resort), after which the used tincture with berries is buried deep in the north side of the house. From above, the burial place of the tincture is covered with a massive stone. The rinsing is repeated every morning.

You can also read the egg yolk spell. The remedy for performing the ritual against psoriasis is the yolk of one egg. The ritual begins, according to folk legends, at midnight. The yolk is separated from the white, then the spell should be read on it 3 times.

Psoriasis spell for egg yolk

“The skin is sick, the muscle is alive, the bone is white, the bone is yellow. 3 monks are walking, 3 crosses are being carried: one healing one - for me, one for the monastery, one for the parish. Conspiracy, white with a cross, monk, sick yolk with me. The chicken is on a pole, and its egg is on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
God (name), did not want, did not want either a trap, or a potion, or dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The charmed yolk is applied to the affected areas and is not washed off until the morning. The ritual is repeated for 12 days. At this time, it is necessary to observe strict fasting: tea and black bread.

Today, people especially often turn to the services of magicians and psychics. Some are looking for a solution to material problems, others are trying to establish family relationships. Still others seek to look into the future. But where to find a good fortune teller in Moscow? How to distinguish a professional from an actor? The text will tell you everything.

Wonders of Magic

There comes a time in every person’s life when he loses faith in himself and hopes to find answers to the questions that bother him on the outside. Then people appear who, according to them, have a certain mystical power. They can help grief. But law enforcement officers note that “assistants” often turn out to be scammers whose goal is to profit from their client’s misfortune.

Selecting a person who actually has certain abilities from thousands of advertisements is not easy. Magicians claim that they are able to lift a family curse, find and cure diseases against which doctors are powerless, and establish financial position, attract good luck and much more. What fortune tellers specialize in, information about their work can be seen immediately under the advertisement, which they also paid for.

Doctors' opinion

The Slavs believed in extraordinary powers long before Christianity came to their lands. The people were not only sure that there was another world invisible to the naked eye, but they also knew that it was nearby. Among ordinary people healers, soothsayers, magicians and witches lived. Such persons mastered hypnosis, saw possible futures and read the signs that nature sent. They charged the water and collected herbs. Today it has a completely scientific name. For example, treatment with plants is called herbal medicine.

Doctors boast about this skill and fortune tellers about such practices are ambiguous. After all, medications have been tested by scientific laboratories, whereas traditional methods based on traditions and legends. If you overdo the dose, harvest at the wrong time, or mix the ingredients incorrectly, the consequences can be fatal.

Sorcerers of Rus'

The same can be said about prophecies. People who turn to those who talk about tomorrow sometimes misinterpret the information. Consequently, they can make mistakes that will change their lives the worst side. Therefore, even if you are received by a strong fortune teller in Moscow, this does not mean that she will be able to correctly explain what she sees.

Before turning to such people for help, think carefully about whether you are ready to accept information that should remain secret.

After the arrival of Christianity in Rus', many real magicians, witches and healers went underground. Those who accepted new religion, have not stopped doing what they love and helping people. But now religion closely monitored their actions and often excommunicated the sorcerers from the church. However, the flow of people who asked for help from the witches did not decrease.

A good fortune teller in Moscow today is a rarity, but magicians and sorcerers have long been invited to work in the highest authorities.

Hereditary wizards

Even before the baptism of Rus', each prince enlisted the support of the Magi, who helped him accept right decisions. After the persecution and destruction of the pagan priests, monks began to play their role. Subsequently, the clergy began to be partially replaced by scientists. For example, the famous astrologer Nostradamus worked for some time at the court of Queen Catherine de Medici of France.

The Russian emperors also had their own personal mystics. Thus, a monk named Abel served Catherine II and her successors. Although the preacher was not officially part of the inner circle of the top government, his predictions were taken seriously.

Almost all fortune tellers boast about their pedigree, but historians about the connection of modern magicians with famous real personalities are very ambiguous. On the one hand, little is known about the lives of such persons. Therefore, the possibility that this or that witch is a descendant of a world-famous sorcerer is still possible. But it is almost impossible to study such a relationship without the help of specialists.

Dark force

Not only kings and emperors turned to witches for help. Today, fortune tellers and clairvoyants often work for politicians, businessmen and stars; show business stars are the most likely to leave information about their work.

Public people were protected by psychics such as Vanga and Juna. The first had continuous telephone communication, the second lived opposite the Kremlin. Of course, the state elite kept such things secret, but over the years more and more facts of such cooperation become known.

Even light magicians note that any fortune telling is associated with evil spirits. In ancient times, before performing mystical rituals, girls removed the cross from their necks, the belt from their clothes, and unraveled their braids. If everything is clear with the first one, then why did they do other things? The fact is that, according to legend, the knots did not allow evil spirits to approach the body. And such a ritual was impossible without evil spirits. The ceremony was carried out in a deserted place, which was considered cursed.

Money cleanses the soul of a sorcerer

Very often people are looking for a magician who works at minimal rates. It should be noted that almost every sorcerer today has fixed prices for one or another service. A fortune teller in Moscow who doesn't take money is a real rarity.

And according to folk beliefs, if a witch or any other person with extraordinary abilities takes money, she may lose her gift and will no longer be able to help people.

But there is another opinion. Fortune telling - great sin. Only a select few can look into the future; mere mortals are deprived of this opportunity. Accordingly, a person who wants to know what will happen tomorrow takes guilt on his soul. But money removes the guilt from the sorcerer, and the sin passes on to the one who asked to lay out the cards.

No impressionable people allowed

Perhaps related to these beliefs is the fact that fortune tellers in Moscow very often ask for remuneration for their work. Reviews of magicians who work according to the “give as much as you see fit” system are usually positive. Such mystics are trusted more, because they do not want to profit from the client.

You definitely shouldn’t go to sorcerers, people who take everything very close to their hearts. After all, what the cards show can become the basis for the scenario of later life.

You should not trust sorcerers who work through the Internet and telephone calls. Every self-respecting magician knows that it is impossible to feel the energy of a person located thousands of kilometers away from him. Effective contact can only be established through direct communication. In any case, it is difficult to find a real sorcerer and easy to find an adventurer and a charlatan.

There are truly professional fortune tellers and clairvoyants in Moscow. Reviews of their work say: where conventional ways of solving problems are powerless, turning to intangible entities will help.

The best witches

One of the most popular clairvoyants is Daria Mironova. Fame came to the woman after the television project “Battle of Psychics.” Since then, she has been trying to help people as much as possible. He gives advice on the radio, broadcasts on one of the leading channels, where he talks about the fate of his clients. Shares the secrets of magic with readers in his book. Despite the popularity white magician I haven’t stopped accepting people.

Natalya Pokrovskaya is also known as a good fortune teller in Moscow. Reviews of the work are left by satisfied clients. The witch's ancestors practiced magic in the Altai region for many centuries. Today a woman adheres to the traditions of her ancestors. The energy with which she works is pure. The fortune teller does not hide his power. She constantly helps people who come with problems.

Fortune tellers without advertising

Ilona Novoselova can also tell a lot about herself. A 27-year-old girl remembers her very well previous life. Then she may have received her gift. The magician also often tells the difference between an amateur and a real fortune teller. There are thousands of charlatans working in Moscow today who promise to cure all diseases and help in any area of ​​life. But Ilona notes that even a strong sorcerer can never be 100% confident in his abilities. Novoselova is honest with her clients, so she is not afraid to indicate her home address and personal phone number.

But you can visit not only clairvoyants who have well-promoted websites and constantly advertise their services. Fortune tellers in Moscow, tested by time and people, work even without promotion through the media. They do not have offices or offices. Such persons receive visitors in their kitchen. They do without lush surroundings and mystical accessories. People learn about unusual talents not from newspaper advertisements, but from relatives, friends and neighbors.

Matrona of Moscow

The Church has a negative attitude towards such practices. Deeply religious people are convinced that such a force cannot draw energy from good sources, but feeds on darkness. Therefore, fortune telling on cards and visits to people involved in witchcraft are unacceptable for a person who believes in God.

If you are haunted by problems and difficulties, you can always turn to the Creator for advice and help.

If you nevertheless decide to visit a person with an extraordinary gift, then you need the most powerful fortune teller in Moscow, whose work is blessed by the church. Mother Matrona was a healer during her lifetime and did not stop helping people after her death. They say that Stalin himself visited her. Her relics are located in Pokrovskoe convent. Everyone who comes to the righteous woman receives God's blessed help.

Final instructions

If you went to the witch and found out that the future is disappointing, do not be upset. Remember: even the exact sciences make mistakes. And in your case we're talking about about peculiar amateurs. On the other hand, perhaps fate is giving you a chance to change something in your life.

Not everyone knows where to find a good fortune teller in Moscow. Reviews about the work of certain individuals are not always truthful. Therefore, before seeking advice from magicians, carefully check the information about them.

Very often people go to them just to talk. But there are friends, family and even psychologists for this.

You should also remember that black magic always comes back to you. It is especially difficult to perceive love spells. Later, what the woman stole from her rival will leave her. The husband will not love for long under the influence of the spell. Is this a feeling at all?

Problems need to be solved, and not wait for help from dark forces.