Is there a single company in battlefield 1. Like a thief in the night

The Battlefield series has always focused on multiplayer, unlike its main competitor. However, the developers from DICE never leave their creation without a single-player campaign, which is present in each part of this military shooter.

Despite being single cannot boast of variety and does not have puzzles, which is why it basically does not require a walkthrough, we still decided to prepare this guide. Here you can simply refresh your memory of a previously completed plot, or get acquainted with it for the first time if you do not want to go through the campaign on your own.

Task No. 1. Steel thunderstorms

A prologue begins in which you will play as soldier Ethan Claiborne. The First World War is in full swing, and you are at the epicenter of another large-scale battle.

You need to defend the point, firing back from the approaching waves of German soldiers. A stationary machine gun will greatly simplify your task, but it will soon be destroyed by the airship. Now grab the shotgun to continue fighting. One way or another, the enemies will overwhelm you and kill you.

After this, the game switches to another character - tanker Alfred Carlyle. Use the main gun and machine gun to shoot enemy units. Soon the hero will notice a powerful German weapon that can penetrate the tank - destroy it. Like last time, failure will soon await you - the tank will be hit by an artillery strike.

The third scene will again unfold on a different section of the front. This time the main character is Grady Armstrong, who is participating in a trench battle. The Germans released poisonous gas, so you need to wear a mask. Hold out as long as possible, shooting the enemy. However, failure awaits this hero too.

You will see the last event from the perspective of an unknown soldier. You must shoot at the advancing Germans until you are stunned from behind. Next, the artillery shelling will begin, in which you and the German warrior will survive. A cut-scene will begin in which both fighters decide to lay down their arms and go their separate ways.

Task No. 2. Through dirt and blood

The prologue is over, and now the missions will become more consistent. You will play as one of the main characters (of which there are several in Battlefield 1) named Edwards - he is an ordinary mechanic in the British Army, who is assigned to the Mark 5 tank.

You should talk to your team leader and then meet the others: Pritchard, who is standing at the anti-personnel gun, McManus, who is in charge of reloading, and Finch, whose job is to repair your vehicle.

Chapter 1. With all my might

Your first combat mission will be a breakthrough to a group of Germans dug in with artillery pieces. It is necessary to destroy these formidable weapons to simplify the task of the infantry. Destroy any powerful stationary guns with the main cannon, when as a soldier - with a machine gun.

First of all, get to Piccadilly Mill, breaking through the mud and windfall. Here you will find yourself open to enemy fire, and what’s more, the marshy terrain will slow you down, so look around and quickly eliminate your opponents.

During the mission you will almost never have to leave the tank, so when you reach the point near the mill, just stand still and defend it. By the way, your car is not invulnerable, and even grenades can damage it.

The second point will be Kitchener's Ridge, where the next artillery positions are located. Shoot them from afar, then move forward. Having captured this point, go to Beren's Crossroads, where there will be even more German guns.

It will be difficult to identify them by eye, so focus on the sound and trajectory of the shots.

If your tank is low on HP, repair it as this feature is always available. Finally, on the approaches to the position you will meet a more equal enemy - an armored tank.

The German vehicle does not take damage from shots to the front, so you will have to get creative and go from behind, where the weak point of the tank is, or shoot at the sides.

When the vehicle is destroyed, you will be bombarded by artillery, which will significantly damage the tank. This time you must get out of the vehicle and protect mechanic Finch while he restores it. Alas, your friend will be killed during repairs, so you will have to repair the car yourself.

Finally the tank is working - get inside and go to the enemy positions. While killing enemies on the road, get to the artillery pieces and destroy them.

After that new goal will become Big Willie's farm, having captured it you will again receive the task of destroying the enemy's guns. Soon you will encounter a new tank - blow it up and go past the bridge. Next, you will get stuck in the mud, after which the enemy will knock the tracks off the tank. A cutscene will begin, during which crew captain Pritchard decides to send a carrier pigeon to management. The Germans surrounding your tank will shoot the captain, but you will still have time to release the bird.

The final mission will unfold as a pigeon - you must simply fly to the headquarters, flying through the marked routes. When the allies receive the message (the coordinates of the tank), they will strike the enemy with artillery, destroying the Germans surrounding your vehicle.

Chapter 2. Fog of War

The mission for the tanker continues. Some time has passed since the last task, and now you find yourself in a fog. There is no way out - you have to go on foot. To get through the Bourlon Forest in a tank, you must secretly deal with the guards at the post.

If you are detected, the alarm will be raised, but the tank itself will come to your aid. But it’s better to play in stealth, methodically dealing with the Germans. Having defeated them at the first point, go past the wire fence and move to the next one, where you need to do the same thing.

Now you can return to the tank and get to the bridge. The Germans are attacking you here, so you'll have to act quickly. While the crew is fighting back, you must leave the vehicle again and, on your own, pass the area under the bridge.

There, turn right and deal with the guards. Next you need to get to the bunker, moving to the left. If you are discovered on the way and raise the alarm, the Germans will call for help.

Chapter 3. Malfunction

As you work, your tank will break down - its spark plugs will burn out. Not far from the stopping place you will find a village where the Germans settled. Perhaps you can find a replacement part there, but to do this you will have to deal with the occupiers. You and McManus will leave the tank, but he will refuse to go with you to certain death.

To explore the area, use the mill, which you can climb to the top of. There is a sniper rifle there, which will greatly simplify your task. Use binoculars to mark all available Germans, and then deal with them. Now you can leave the structure, get close to the village and pick up one of the four candles.

At the new mill you will come across a sniper who can quickly kill you. Moreover, in one of the houses you can find a dangerous flamethrower, with whom you should not close your distance.

Having collected all the parts, get on the horse and return to the car. Near the tank, a German hiding nearby will try to kill you, but McManus will come to the rescue.

Chapter 4. Steel on steel

You will reach a village where there are German tanks and vehicles. You will have to destroy them all, and the opponents will attack at the same time. To simplify the task, hide behind buildings, of which there are many in the area.

After passing the village, go to the Burlon depot, where you will have to fight your way. First, kill all the soldiers and stationary guns with light vehicles, then switch to tanks.

When the point is conquered, the Germans will send reinforcements to you. You already know how to deal with different types of enemies, so you won't have any special difficulties. Small tanks, by the way, are nimble, but they are destroyed on the first hit, so take care of them first. After repelling the attack, go to Cambrai, where your allies should be waiting for you.

On the way, a cut-scene will begin during which your car will be hit. A group of Germans will rush towards you, shooting down McManus. Townsend will decide to save you both by luring the enemy closer and blowing him up along with himself and the tank, while you and your comrade retreat to Cambrai.

Task No. 3. Friends from high places

A new character in the Battlefield 1 campaign will be British air force pilot Clyde Blackburn. In addition to being a virtuoso with an airplane, he is also an excellent poker player.

During the prologue, Clyde will chain George to a table during the game and then go to his Bristol airplane. Machine gunner Wilson is waiting for him inside, and he will offer to test this baby.

Chapter 1. Test flight

This mission is training to fly an airplane. You will fly over the Vosges Mountains in France. Fly behind the fighter, at the same time following the instructions of the game and getting used to the controls.

After this, you will be asked to shoot, attacking aerial dummies - balloons. Once you've dealt with them, fire missiles at targets on the ground.

Soon real enemies will arrive - German fighters, and then you will have to put all the acquired skills into practice.

Don't forget to use your sight to make your task easier and shoot down the enemy faster. The most effective technique is to attack from behind - try to sit on the German’s tail to destroy him in a matter of seconds.

Once you've dealt with the first and second waves, you'll trigger a cutscene. In the video you will see how the hero gets to the German base, takes a few pictures, and then returns home.

Chapter 2. Total war

Having obtained valuable data about the fortress German Empire, you helped the command. The ground offensive has already begun, so you will have to go there again, but in the form of combat units. You need to deal with the enemy's air defense, thereby clearing the way for your bombers, who can undermine the fortress.

First of all, destroy the enemy's balloons using a machine gun. Don't even think about flying through them, as you will die immediately. After that, switch to the enemies below - German vehicles with anti-aircraft guns. They are best attacked with missiles in a dive.

When all enemies on the ground have been destroyed, the command will finally send the first wave of bombers. You have to defend them by attacking enemy interceptor fighters. Basically, the enemy will try to get on your ally's tail, so immediately position yourself further away from the bomber to instantly be behind the German fighter.

By the way, you can always restore your plane using the repair button. When the first wave reaches the target and strikes, you will have to repeat the mission, again destroying ground targets. Afterwards, a second wave will arrive, which will need to be protected from fighters. Soon they will reach the goal, but you will be shot down in the process...

Chapter 3. Fall from Heaven

Your device was shot down, but the main character Blackburn still managed to eject. As a result, he is carried into enemy territory, to the rear, on one of whose trees he ended up. Noticing the German, the protagonist frees himself and hides under the cart.

Under the cart you will find a cartridge that can be thrown to the side to distract the enemy. When he moves away, leave the cover, grab the spatula and stun him. Grab his weapon, then move on. Along the way, you will again have to defeat the enemy using stealth. Your ultimate goal is to leave the enemy zone and return to your allies. Moving west, you will soon find a small German detachment.

If you run fast, you will be noticed, so walk in a crouch. By the way, it is not necessary to deal with all the enemies - you just need to quietly pass them to get to the front.

You will go through the trenches and then get to your own crashed plane. It turns out that Wilson survived, but was seriously injured. You will have to drag it on your shoulders to the allies, moving through the trenches.

For now, you should not go into the spotlight, as the machine gunners may mistake you for the enemy and destroy you.

Finally, you will meet a British soldier, after which a cutscene will begin. Then you will find yourself in the hospital where Wilson is lying. After some time, the deceived Rackham will appear, who will take up arms against the main character and decide to take revenge on him by handcuffing him.

Task No. 4. Forte et fidele

A lot of time has passed since the previous mission. Blackburn has already left the hospital and is now awaiting trial for deception. Then Wilson appears, who wants to protect the hero at the meeting. However, everything goes awry, as at that moment the Germans begin to attack the base. Your accuser and guard are killed by fire from the fighter, after which Wilson frees you to go to the fighter together.

Like real heroes, the two of you must defeat all enemies, holding the German vehicles until the Allies arrive. The Germans will often try to get behind your rear, so be prepared to maneuver frequently.

Next, bombers will arrive with the intention of razing the base to the ground. However, then your allies will come to your aid, after which the skirmish will develop into a real air battle. To quickly deal with bombers, try to attack them in the center of the car, where the pilot is located.

But even after this the battle will not end. Now you need to deal with the airships - ignore all opponents and fly towards them. You can't get by with just a machine gun, so get ready to fire rockets.

When you destroy the first zeppelin, you will be shot down, after which the heroes will decide to board the second airship. Next, on your own two feet you must get to the anti-aircraft gun, having dealt with the entire crew along the way. Finally, you can use the anti-aircraft gun and deal with the enemies in the sky. In the end, all that remains is to destroy the last enemy zeppelin.

A cutscene will begin in which an enemy airship will fall onto your airship. You will survive and end up in the water.

Task No. 5. Go ahead, Savoy

Together with a new hero named Luca, you will be taken to the Italian front. The prologue begins with the fact that, already a veteran, the protagonist recalls the events he once experienced. Then he and his brother took part in the battle of the Dolomites: the hero himself was in the special forces of the Italian army Arditi, armed with heavy armor with a machine gun, and his brother Matteo led the battalion.

Chapter 1. “Or we will win...”

You have received an order to take possession of the Church of St. Anastasia. The gameplay for Luka is quite new, since you will be clad in heavy “armor”, which allows you to endure a lot of damage, but significantly affects your mobility. Shoot all enemies, especially paying attention to flamethrowers, who also have high defense.

When the objective is captured, you will have to attack enemy guns using anti-tank explosives. Destroy enemy armored vehicles and climb the hill where the infantry group is located. Then move to the bunker, which contains a powerful cannon - blow it up.

After leaving the previous point, go to the indicated hill on which the anti-aircraft guns are located. Once you've dealt with them, you'll trigger a cutscene.

The following picture will appear before you: enemy planes are approaching Matteo’s battalion, which threatens its complete destruction.

After the video, quickly run to the anti-aircraft gun and deal with the aircraft. The enemy’s “birds” will decide to retreat, but on the way back they will blow up a mountain, the avalanche from which will still cover the battalion. A damaged plane will fall near our hero, but the armor will protect it from fragments.

Chapter 2. “...or we all die!”

After the “bird” falls, Luka will take off his damaged armor and go look for his brother. Along the way you will deal with enemies, after which you will hear a call for help. At the bottom you will reach the Alpini fortress, which is defended by the last remnants of your army. Sit on the machine gun and bring hell on earth to the attackers.

Armor-piercing equipment will have to be taken in a different way - with grenades from cover. When the armored personnel carrier arrives, wait until the soldiers leave it, then throw a grenade into the crowd. The attack has been repulsed - it's time to continue the search for Matteo.

From the hill, explore the environment and mark the enemies. After that, step forward, clearing the path for yourself. Apparently your brother is imprisoned inside the fortress across the street, so you'll have to infiltrate it. This can be done in two ways: on top, going around it from behind, or underground. At the Horn of Austria you will have to clash with a group of opponents.

Hide behind obstacles, as armored soldiers will fight with you, who are very difficult to defeat head-on. Ultimately, you will still get to the room and find your brother, but, alas, he will turn out to be dead.

Task No. 6. Messenger

The new location is Greece, or more precisely the Gallipoli Islands, in the Dardanelles region. The video will begin on the ship where our main character, Frederick Bishop, is located, who was brought here by a dashing straight from Australia.

Chapter 1. Cape Helles

Attacking the enemy from the Dreadnought, the hero breaks through to the ground, after which he leaves the ship and leaves comrade Foster. Here you will have to fight your way through enemy machine-gun fire, moving from trench to trench. Throw grenades and shoot the enemy up close using a shotgun.

At Cape Helles you will find a point that you need to get to. Deal with the infantry to speed up the process. After completing the operation, you will launch a video where Bishop will announce the capture of this height.

Chapter 2. Without communication

The allies need a liaison, which is your comrade Jack Foster. The hero does not want to send his newbie friend to certain death, so he takes on this task himself. First of all, kill the enemies on the roof, using binoculars to detect the enemy. After the battle, go to the point to get information about the state of the front.

As you go around the enemy to the left, you will again find soldiers on the roof that you can deal with. But you are also free to act quietly, distracting the guards by throwing cartridges. Soon you will reach the front, but it turns out that they are under attack. The base is being shelled by enemy artillery, which you must report to the command as quickly as possible.

On the spot, failure awaits you again - the enemy has launched a massive offensive, attacking your headquarters. Help your allies fight back, then report to the commander about the state of the front. Now you must visit the contact point in the rear. Inside you won't find anyone - only

It is necessary to leave the territory after telling the rest of the army about what happened. As you remember, there is no connection, so you will have to report yourself. On horseback, get to the first point where the commander is located.

Fend off the enemy attack to trigger a cutscene in which Bishop will tell the commander bad news. However, even now your task does not end, since there were volunteers in your army who had already left the headquarters and went to storm the enemy fortress. Foster left with them.

Chapter 3. Take care of yourself

Get to Fort Nebet, guarded by numerous enemy groups. You'll have to find your way in by following right side. On the way, past the camp, grab the necessary equipment and mark the soldiers with binoculars to make your task easier.

You will soon reach the fortress, meeting Comrade Foster and the squad at the entrance. Most of the guys are wounded, and the newcomer refuses to leave them. Bishop offers to cover the guys while they retreat.

Now you will have to fight the fortress one on one. At the highest point of Nebet you will find excellent cover from where you can methodically shoot enemies. While you get there, you will be attacked by the fort's soldiers.

To defeat the flamethrower, go behind him and shoot at the cylinder. Next, you will have to fight back for a long time at the top of the fortress, but at the very end you will be wounded. The shelling will begin, which will wipe the base off the face of the earth along with all its inhabitants...

Task No. 7. Nothing is destined

The mission is conducted from the perspective of the narrator Lawrence of Arabia. It will tell about the battles on the Arabian Peninsula, in the center of which will be the heroine Zara, Lawrence’s wife.

Chapter 1. Hiding in plain sight

You will find yourself on a hillock, from where you can explore the surroundings and identify all the enemies. When the job is done, go ahead and get to the train. Sneak inside through the hatch and, walking quietly, cut out all the opponents.

You can go ahead at any time, but the stealth gameplay for this mission is more authentic. Use a machine gun and cover the enemies with heavy fire, or continue to sneak and cut everyone out one by one.

Then a video will begin in which the heroine will be in the hands of the enemy. However, in a moment the invaders will be attacked by El-ourens and his thugs, who will slaughter all opponents. The leader of your saviors will tell you about a certain steel monster that, like death, inexorably destroys all living things in its path.

Chapter 2. Work for the young

The steel monster is actually an armored train that cannot be stopped without a direct order from above. You will have to deal with three commanders who own capsules with the coveted code. Each of the leaders sat down in forts that were placed along the railway.

Ride your horse to the first fort. It doesn't matter in what order you clear them, but we went to the weapons depot, since it is less protected than the others. On the road to it you will meet an Ottoman detachment - destroy it and move on. On the spot, find the tallest building, on the top floor of which the target is located.

Next, visit the ruins - the second fort. You can use the nearest armor-piercing vehicle and roll enemies to the ground, or go quietly, methodically cutting out opponents. The target will be outside, walking with the soldier. Distract the latter if you are playing secretly, then quickly kill the commander and take the capsule.

The third fort is a village that is more protected than the others. Deal with the enemies and kill the target located in the house. You will not have time to deliver the code, as a prisoner will suddenly attack you - the same commander whose life was saved by your savior from the previous chapter.

Chapter 3. Listen to the desert

From the cut-scene you will learn that Tilkichi (that is the name of the former captive) managed to escape from El Orens. At some point, he will begin to boast, after which he will become distracted, which our heroine will take advantage of. When Tilkichi dies, the next video will play, where Zara and Lawrence will discuss a plan to attack the steel monster.

Get to the place where you decided to ambush the train. Alas, there will be many enemies here that you will have to deal with.

Use all available means for battle, including dynamite, which can be found in the warehouse (saber icon).

Near the warehouse, use the tower, from where you can remove the lion's share of the enemies with the help of a sniper. After this, you will have to come face to face with equipment and machine gunners in armor. In this case, it makes sense to use a field weapon.

When the job is done, a cutscene will begin. Zara will place a bomb, which will soon be attacked by a steel monster. The train will be stopped, after which enemies will begin to get out of it.

Get back behind the field gun and wreak havoc on them. But you shouldn’t sit for a long time at the same gun, as people from the train will shoot at you from powerful guns- you will have to constantly change your position. When you deal with them, the final cutscene will begin.

This ends the walkthrough of Battlefield 1. You did it, congratulations!

Video: complete walkthrough of Battlefield 1

Like if it was useful

After controversial experiments with , which not everyone liked, the decision to make a shooter on an unusual theme is a challenge for DICE to itself. Will the studio be able to make a game about war that competitors have avoided?

Or maybe it’s just the opposite, and in the web of dirty trenches lies a diamond in the rough? Indeed, the setting for a video game, although rare, is quite logical for a shooter: there are firearms, a wide theater of combat is available, there is even equipment for any occasion.

Isn’t it interesting to see how they fought 100 years ago, how they died for the dying empires of the past, how they won battles that are now legendary?

Battlefield 1 Single Player Campaign

In their new creation, the developers simply had to create a single-player mode, because it is through it that it is easiest to introduce the player to the world of the game. Multiplayer with its crazy dynamics and youthful voices in voice chat is not at all suitable for this purpose, because war is something that needs to be talked about calmly, without unnecessary fuss.

This is how it all turned out: the campaign is divided into six parts, each of which is an independent, complete fictional story. Perhaps this is the most elegant solution, which DICE could have done. They don’t need to build a strict linear narrative, artificially stir up interest in a limited circle of characters and pull in yet another nondescript plot about the fight against terrorism or the Russians.

Each story presents its own problems; it is a relatively short story about a specific combat mission. Here is the tank team, which equips its own tank feminine, so as not to go crazy in the war, and an enthusiastic pilot eager to take to the skies for exploits, and even a free retelling of one of the exploits of Lawrence of Arabia.

In its brevity, Battlefield 1 is reminiscent of the excellent film “Saving Private Ryan” and the good old film, which showed the path of a small but very valiant squad of fighters to a fatal height.

The war in the game is shown very honestly, but without “trash”, as was sometimes the case in and often in Mikhalkov’s films. Battlefield 1 is blood, dirt, death, explosions, but at the same time it is a fight for your homeland, for loved ones, for friends. Each story is heartfelt and unique in its own way.

Perhaps some will consider the fact that all the stories are told from the point of view of the participants of the winning side to be a disadvantage, that is, you won’t be able to play as the Germans or Austro-Hungarians.

On the one hand, this is a big miscalculation, because they also fought, even if they lost, without their view of the war the picture seems incomplete. On the other hand, the motivation of the developers is clear: “small” victories different people formed into a common victory for the Allies.

To sum it up, it can and should be noted that for the first time in many years, a multiplayer shooter has appeared that provides a single player experience that in itself is worth the purchase.

Battlefield 1 multiplayer

This is the second and main component of the game, which takes place on 9 maps. As in the single-player campaign, you will have to fight all over the world, and thanks to this diversity, online battles are very fresh.

The basic mechanics of the game, the same for all games in the series, have been preserved: all fighters are divided into two teams, and each player can give preference to one of four classes - attack aircraft, scout, medic and support. On each map, depending on the mode, certain goals are involved, the completion of which is rewarded with victory points.

Whether the war in Battlefield 1 will be different from what people usually see in online shooters from DICE - this was the main intrigue until the release. And the developers did not disappoint.

Firstly, the specifics of combat operations have changed. You constantly have to make a choice between rapid-firing, but inaccurate machine guns and rifles that hit accurately, but require a longer reload, or even even manipulation of the bolt after each shot. Assault rifles that favorably combine qualities different types there were no weapons 100 years ago.

Secondly, battles involving vehicles are played differently. Missile systems had not yet been invented, and helicopters and “jets” were not yet in the projects, so a tank and even a run-down wedge was a serious problem for the soldiers of that time.

Paragliding is somewhat different from air battles in. The speed is lower, the arsenal is weaker, but you can get into a bomber and drop bombs directly on the heads of your opponents. But it’s better not to lower the altitude: a burst of machine gun fire can easily turn half of the wing into mush.

It is impossible not to touch upon the topic of realism, as well as historical authenticity. There were some contradictions here, because the developers wanted to please everyone - both history buffs and fans of good action.

So, Battlefield 1 multiplayer cannot be recommended as a reconstruction of the battles of the First World War. All cards follow the tenets of the series: the cards are designed so that all classes would be interested in playing them.

There are no hours-long trench firefights, no large-scale chemical attacks. The game contains many aspects of the fighting of that time, but they are made in a modern way for the sake of dynamics. Roughly speaking, the game is very similar to Battlefield 4, if you do not focus on some features.

What was removed and what was added

Battlefield 1 inherits most of the game mechanics from its predecessor, but there are plenty of changes, both big and small. These are the ones that will be discussed in this section.

There's a new game format called Operations, which is essentially a playlist of two or three predetermined cards.

The idea is extremely simple: two teams start a battle on the same map, each receiving a task to defend or attack. After this, the battle begins, divided into three waves.

After they pass, there is a pause, but then the battle continues on another map, and the result of the previous battle is taken into account in the final result. It is interesting that at one of the steps an airship or an armored train enters the battle, and then the main objective commands - to destroy it as quickly as possible or to protect it from attacks.

Another new mode- “War pigeons”. In it, players rush around the map in search of birds, which are the only connection to the headquarters. Those who can get the “birds of peace” first will be able to unleash an artillery strike on their enemies.

Finally, online battles are available without the cumbersome Battlelog setup. Now you can log into the server directly from the game, which saves a lot of time.

But fans of the so-called “gunporn” will be somewhat disappointed not to see in Battlefield 1 large quantity various additions to weapons. We'll have to forget about all these collimators, laser sights, sights with dynamic magnification and handles - 100 years ago we fought without them.

Along with the diminished customization options, the system for developing a player’s account has changed; now it is more similar to what can be seen in Battlefront. Weapons no longer accumulate experience, although they do collect statistics, and the discovery of new types of weapons is tied to a special currency - bonds.

You can get them for active participation in battles. Combat kits have also been revised: in addition to experience boosters, they contain unique “skins” for weapons.

The changes also affected classes. For example, the engineer was abolished, and his functions in combating equipment were taken over by support. Thus, this class is constantly choosing between the ability to supply fellow soldiers with ammunition and the availability of means to combat tanks and armored vehicles.

These are just the most important features of the new project from DICE, and as the game progresses you can find many more things that were not in Battlefield 4.

Graphics and technical execution

Battlefield 1 runs on new version Frostbite engine, and even before the release it was clear to everyone that the game’s graphics were in perfect order. And now, after the release, it should be noted that the game’s picture is almost photorealistic.

Let's do a little test. Below you will see two images:

Which one is a screenshot from the game and which one is a photograph? Write your opinion in the comments!

But making a nice picture is one thing, but providing it with high-quality technical implementation is quite another. And here DICE didn’t lose face either: the game is superbly optimized. So much so that system requirements almost identical to those of Battlefield 4.

Yes, that’s exactly it: on a system that runs the last part of the series, as they say, at “ultra”, Battlefield 1 works very well, slowing down the frame rate only in very intense scenes.

This is phenomenal, because the developers were able to significantly rework the graphics part while maintaining the old system requirements. Moreover, in multiplayer the performance is even higher!

There are no problems with the network code either, at least this is the opinion formed after ten hours in multiplayer. This is a good result, considering the problematic launch of Battlefield 4.

Sound and music

Like all other components, the sound of the game is high quality. This also applies to music that is created using orchestral arrangements, and the sounds of gunfire, voices and all kinds of noise. The battles in the game sound very natural!

Of course, you shouldn’t expect revelations if you have two small speakers from Genius or cheap “droplets” on your desk.

A miracle will not happen, and for truly cool sound you will have to get a fancy headset, an expensive sound card, or even an entire audio system. The game supports all this, so the only question is the thickness of the wallet.

A wonderful game about a terrible war

It's not for nothing that DICE is considered one of the best teams that makes shooters: Battlefield 1 once again demonstrates its skills.

An unexpectedly strong single-player campaign, cool multiplayer, which although does not shine with realism, is very interesting in itself, breathtaking graphics, accessible not only to those who paid a lot of money for the next Titan - all this makes the game an excellent purchase.

If you believe the historical anecdote, on April 1, 1915, a funny thing happened. Fighting They were walking with all their might when a French plane flew over the German position and dropped an impressive-sized shell. Of course, people got scared and ran away, but instead of an explosion they saw... a huge ball with the inscription “Happy April 1st!” on it.

This is probably one of the best examples that even during war, life goes on. That real people shoot, explode and die with their dreams, feelings, characters... and relatives who are waiting for them at home. Battlefield 1 announced from the very first story trailer that the game would be dedicated to them, small but important stories ordinary people, whose sacrifices led to victory. IN DICE We honestly tried to show them, but it didn’t work.

But there are colorful explosions, destructibility, excellent sound and excellent multiplayer. As always.

The story trailer gave hope that at least this time DICE would do everything right. Alas.

Lost generation

From the first frame, one gets the impression that the idea to move the action of Battlefield 1 during the First World War arose after the release Valiant Hearts. These games are very similar in mood, and they try to reveal identical themes. So, the local plot is several stories about the heroes and events of that war.

There was room here for a variety of sketches: about the crew of the Mk-V tank, and about the pilots of the British Air Force, and about the sacrifices made by the Italian Arditi, and about the Australian heroes who fought the Ottomans on the shores of Gallipoli. Even the legend of Lawrence of Arabia was touched upon.

Each story is dedicated to a mission lasting one and a half to two hours, and the storytellers are honestly trying to touch and impress us. They share real facts about the First World War, the characters depict the drama in every possible way, and majestic, slightly sad music plays in the background, as expected. And at first it really seems like DICE has succeeded.

At times the campaign brings back memories of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault And Call of Duty 2. Is not in the best possible way speaks about the plot itself, but the feeling is still pleasant.

But over time, this impression dissipates - for such a serious topic, the developers simply did not have enough timing and screenwriting talent. There are few videos here, during gameplay the characters discuss almost nothing interesting, and events unfold very quickly. The character has just appeared on the screen, and now they are killing him, trying for some reason to escalate the situation.

It all looks strange, because in an hour you don’t learn anything interesting about the characters and you simply don’t have time to become attached to them. Here the character is dying, tragic music is playing in the background, and the only thought that arises in the head in these seconds is: “What’s the name of the guy who just blew himself up?”

Sometimes it is difficult to believe what is happening also because the events seem illogical and feigned. Some heroes continually fall into unjustified hysterics, others try to behave heroically where it is inappropriate. And sometimes completely unrealistic things happen on the screen in the spirit of B-movies: with miraculous rescues, stupid suicidal attacks and inexplicable miracles (we will do without examples - these are all spoilers).

The faces and character models in the videos are excellent. It's a shame they aren't shown often.

Each mission offers something different: one is tank battles... The other is trench battles... The third is something like capturing outposts in the style Far Cry 3 . And while doing it all isn't always fun, variety definitely benefits the campaign.

As a result, the scripts seem chaotic, naive, like fairy tales written by children and for children. The only positive impression is left by the story of the Australian officer Frederick Bishop: he is trying to help a young and inexperienced compatriot survive the battle. Yes, it’s simple, but the hero’s motives are clear, he doesn’t do anything stupid, and he’s likable from the very beginning. It's not hard to believe in him.

But after a lot of books about the war, after many good films, after the same Valiant Hearts, which brought together and brilliantly told the stories of several heroes at once, all this does not look the best.

Winds of freedom

The gameplay of Battlefield 1 is also ambiguous: sometimes it gives very interesting experience and surprises, sometimes puts you to sleep. The fact is that DICE decided to move away from the formula Call of Duty with its corridor linearity and create a sandbox effect. Almost every level is an open area with its own tasks and ways to solve them (even in the tank stages). And it would seem that all this is very cool. There are almost always several paths, you can attack enemies from the rear or slip through completely unnoticed, and sometimes this gives pleasant moments.

Sandbox stages suffer at times due to stupid opponents and not always good design levels, but the chosen direction cannot but rejoice. There are very few good sandboxes now, and who knows, maybe in the next game DICE will do much better.

Eliminate snipers at observation points and pick off targets from afar with a silenced rifle. Plant explosives under enemy equipment and cause sabotage. Go to the rear and shoot enemies with their own machine guns. Or simply sneak into the camp unnoticed with a knife in your hands. There are many options for the development of events, and some of them are really interesting.

But it’s often the other way around: there seems to be space, but there’s nothing to do. You simply crawl forward and, yawning, either bypass enemies or continuously shower them with fire. The Swedes went in the right direction: they tried to give more freedom, make the gameplay smarter, but they forgot that even in a sandbox you need at least some kind of staging and interesting situations. Instead, they give you an area, set tasks, bombard you with enemies - and you can have some fun yourself. And nothing in the spirit of the sniper stage in a thunderstorm from Bad Company 2 there is no trace of it here.

Flying in the form of a dove over the battlefield is perhaps the most powerful scene in the game. It's a pity that the developers never came up with anything truly original.

At the same time, at times all this is aggravated by bad stealth. Enemies do not always behave adequately, and sometimes notice heroes when it would seem impossible, and vice versa. And in general, the local artificial intelligence is another problem of the game. Sometimes opponents can surprise you: they come from behind, surround you and suppress you with fire. And sometimes they get lost and start behaving stupidly: they bump into snags, move in circles, go somewhere, or run into trouble. Once they even took turns running into the doorway only to die immediately.

Pyrotechnician's dream

But everything is saved by the classic features of the Battlefield series: amazing work with sound and picture, as well as destructibility. When you drive a tank across a huge battlefield, infantry is running nearby, the tracks are realistically kneading the mud, and buildings are flying into small pieces with a characteristic roar... you want to scream with happiness. Sometimes there are situations that no other game is simply capable of generating yet.

Battlefield 1 has a rare quality: it knows how to awaken the inner child. It’s worth driving a tank into a brick house, sending an enemy airplane into a free fall, or blowing up a flamethrower’s fuel tank (and with it the buildings next door), and you experience genuine delight.

So you, while driving a tank, accidentally fired at a building where the Germans stored artillery shells, and the explosion immediately destroyed several houses. Or he decided to try himself as a sniper, perched on the balcony of a mill, and the Germans destroyed him with anti-tank weapons right under the hero’s feet. If you hide from the enemy, the enemy can literally blow up a wall or collapse a ceiling.

And all this with a signature, spacious, rich sound, when it seems that the war has come straight to your home. Bullets seem to fly right over your ear, and during explosions you involuntarily want to look back to check whether everything is exploding in the game or outside the window.

Fans of modern dogfights may be disappointed, but the flying and spectacular duels with German aces are definitely some of the best scenes in the single-player campaign.

Air combat is a completely different story. The local airplanes are very easy to control, but here, unlike some World of Warplanes, you can feel the weight of the plane, the manipulation of thrust, it is much faster and more maneuverable, thanks to which you experience completely different sensations during flights. It’s especially pleasant when you rush along a cliff, make a loop, or closely follow the enemy, smashing his wings to pieces with machine guns. When an enemy with a characteristic sound “goes” down to the ground, engulfed in flames, unique emotions rage inside.

It's more fun together

And this is where multiplayer comes in handy. In Battlefield, the multiplayer component has always been at the forefront, and the new part is no exception. All the delights described above - destructibility, loud explosions, air battles, and scale - are in network game open up to their full potential. At the same time, no one is trying to portray a tense drama; instead of stupid bots, real players take the stage, and thanks to this, all of the listed advantages play with new colors.

The mood of the maps in the game is strikingly different from everything that was in the series before.

During the time that we had to prepare the review, we only managed to test the “Operations” mode. But after several hours it became clear that the opinion about the online game was unlikely to change at the end. Years go by, the rules and setting change, but Battlefield feels the same as before. Crowds of soldiers are still rushing across the field, bullets are whistling in the narrow streets, enemy tanks are smashing buildings overhead. Even the ubiquitous campers are there. As before, the feeling of a chaotic, but almost real battle is created.

And that's great!

About modes

The “Operations” mode itself is very reminiscent of Rush from the “classic” Battlefield (despite the fact that Rush itself has not gone away either). So, one side will have to sequentially capture enemy points, moving forward, and the other will have to defend them. The attackers have a limited number of available fighters, and the main difference of the new mode is the “story” introductions, when each battle has its own backstory, and before the battle the narrator shares historical data about it.

Each operation is divided between several interconnected maps, and battles gradually move from one area to another. This creates an even more vivid sense of the scale of what is happening (despite the fact that there are up to 64 players here), when not just one small map opens up in front of you, but a whole front of six “sectors” at once. What’s nice is that on some maps there is an airship hanging over the battlefield, which at a certain moment can be shot down, making the battle more spectacular.

The game features the already mentioned Rush mode, the classic Conquest with Team Deathmatch, and Domination, familiar from previous installments, as well as the completely new War Pigeon ("War Pigeons")

In the latter, two teams of a dozen people each fight for... pigeons. The task, as soon as the location of the bird becomes known, is to get to it first, recapture it and hold out for a certain time. At the same time, for all opponents, the player with the bird becomes almost enemy number one: literally everyone tries to kill him. The fights are tight, fun and much faster than in the same “Operations”. Nothing revolutionary, but participating in such competitions is very interesting.

In the end, the setting itself plays into the project’s hands. The First World War provides fresh sensations that some may miss. Trying to get used to the changes dictated by a new time period is a special pleasure. The local weapons shoot completely differently from modern models: in some places the recoil and rate of fire are surprising, in others there are unusual ballistics, when the bullet goes down at a short distance. Each rifle takes some getting used to, and sometimes you simply forget to use a bayonet.

You also need to get used to the influence of new aviation, represented by slow and fragile airplanes, as well as clumsy tanks and “live” horses. They manage to change established habits and techniques, because, sitting in a trench, you don’t expect a horseman to jump in there, cutting everyone down with a saber. And when you are in the air, you forget that now even an infantryman shooting accurately with a rifle can shoot you down.

There are also all the attributes corresponding to the First World War: sometimes giant airships fall from the sky, you can get under a gas attack. Even the new maps were useful: fighting in dirty trenches or on the narrow streets of a sunny French city is at least unusual.

Steel Pioneers

Battlefield 1 has a ton of different equipment and transport. You can use warships, airplanes and bombers, tanks, motorcycles, horses, armored vehicles, airships and even trains in battles. And here they are especially important, because for the first time in the series even separate classes appeared - tankers and pilots. Mastering the technology of the First World War is very interesting, and now we will tell you about particularly interesting examples.

Take, for example, the British Mark V tanks. Large, heavy, clumsy, but possessing incredible combat power, the monsters from this line were invented just in time for the First World War. Military equipment of those times was far from ideal, and these tanks were extremely unreliable. But they fulfilled their task and became real legends.

In Battlefield 1 Mk V, an entire mission is dedicated to its crew, where they have to control the tank, and sometimes repair it, look for spare parts and protect it from enemies. These units are shown as clumsy, stuck in the mud, but very powerful iron “monsters”. Believe me, meeting such a colossus in multiplayer is far from the ultimate dream.

Aircraft She also underwent a baptism of fire in the First World War. These were light, but incredibly powerful and maneuverable vehicles, and air battles were associated almost with knightly duels, when the aces respected each other immensely. And here airplanes are represented by several types at once. We liked two models the most: the German triplane Fokker Dr. I and the British Bristol F.2 Fighter biplane.

It was on Fokker Dr. I Manfred von Richthofen, aka the “Red Baron,” achieved his most spectacular victories. This specimen was incredibly maneuverable, albeit leisurely. Although some of the shortcomings of the first flying machines more than once became fatal for pilots: due to problems with oil, engines regularly failed, pilots lacked visibility, and sometimes the wings simply fell apart right in the sky. Fortunately, this does not happen in the game, but all the advantages - in particular, maneuverability - are preserved. Well, the triplanes themselves, although during the course of the war they appeared in a variety of colors, here they are painted bright red. Apparently, in honor of the “Red Baron”.

The two-seat Bristol F.2 Fighter biplane was used by British forces. Although it was designed for reconnaissance, the device turned out to be so successful that in the First World War it began to be used as a fighter. It is on the “Bristol” that most of the solo mission dedicated to the pilots will take place. In the game, these airplanes are light, but you can literally feel their thrust and weight, they are very maneuverable, and it’s a pleasure to fly them.

When it comes to the First World War, it’s hard not to think about airships. In the game they are represented by the L32 Zeppelin model - the so-called "rigid airship". The point is that the carrier gas was distributed among separate compartments. All this stuff was in a metal frame covered with fabric. Such giants reached a length of almost 250 meters, and their mere appearance on the battlefield could plunge the enemy into horror.

L32 was one of one hundred and nineteen Zeppelins built in Germany by the company of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Firing from its side guns is something! And when the colossus, having caught fire, falls to the ground... This is a must see!

Also worthy of attention is the British battleship HMS Iron Duke, named after the nickname of the Duke of Wellington, known as outstanding commander. This battleship participated in almost all the main battles of the British naval forces of the First World War and more than once proved himself with the best side. In the game, you can fire from it, and from a very decent distance, also attacking targets on land.

Greetings, dear readers, this is your website and review of Battlefield 1! By the way, you can familiarize yourself with the preview. So, what is the first thing you want to say about the new brainchild of DICE? Impressive. Indeed, from the very first minutes of the game the level is visible.

The graphics are simply amazing. The detail is amazing. Dirt on the weapon, raindrops, magnificent special effects... The list could take a long time and you can’t say everything, but one thing is clear - the graphical component is magnificent. In my opinion, there are no games with such graphics in 2016, and they won’t be released before the end of the year. Destructibility, as stated, is present. And what else. Everything can be destroyed. And it looks incredibly juicy and realistic.

Gameplay. Naturally, there are differences here between a single company and network mode, so first things first.

Single player campaign. Once again, DICE is trying to make a suitable and mature single player, but, once again, they fall a little short. The game takes place during the First World War, and the entire plot revolves around the theme ordinary person on the battlefield. War, like a disease, comes and declares itself, and you have to live with it. There is no specific protagonist in Battlefield 1. Every now and then we have to play for a variety of people, from different countries, with different motives and characters. The topic is actually quite mature and heavy. The game honestly tries to touch us and bring us to a stingy male tear when one or another character suddenly stupidly dies, along with his dreams and hopes, or, on the contrary, is incredibly saved from a seemingly inevitable death. But it doesn’t work out very well, to be honest.

In Battlefield 1, the developers decided to move away from the classic linearity of levels for single players in this series. They gave us more freedom, as it were. We tried to show some semblance of a sandbox. In general, this is quite interesting, because we ourselves decide how to complete this or that task. But the developers forgot to think about what we actually should do there, somehow entertain the player. That is, in fact, we have a location and a task that needs to be solved, and a horde of enemies. All. Do what you want and how you want. It sounds cool, but without certain staging moments it looks boring. Although in general everything is excellent, and I don’t see this as a negative, since we all love Battlefield not for the single-player campaign. The single here is more like a training manual, preparing us for real battles with real people.

As for the main thing, the battles themselves and the combat system, here the developers from DICE showed us aerobatics. It feels like it’s the First World War. And you have to get used to this. There are quite a few cartridges, so you often have to go hand-to-hand. In addition, the battle distance is now much closer. Ballistics have also changed, and bullets are dropping earlier than we are used to. Skirmishes are now being conducted almost point-blank at each other. Each weapon, be it a rifle, pistol, or something else, also has its own characteristics. Each weapon must be studied, gotten along with it and found your own approach to using it. It's the same with technology. There will be quite a few types of it here, as I already wrote in. You need to get acquainted with all this, understand and feel it, learn to handle it normally. For this, in fact, there is a single company in Battlefield 1.

As for our enemies and artificial intelligence in single player, it’s kind of 50/50. Sometimes they act really logically and harmoniously, and sometimes they’re downright stupid. Also, in a single company there are some kind of stealth missions. When playing on a difficult level, you will sometimes have to replay them several times.

I would also like to mention the excellent sound. Thanks to the sound effects, you really get the feeling that you are in a real battle. The whistle and ricochets of bullets, the roar of explosions, even negotiations in technology, like real ones! In general, set the difficulty level to the maximum and go ahead into the single-player campaign, deal with weapons, equipment and feel like sad meat caught in the millstone of the First World War.

In the end, I’ll say this - don’t waste your money on this amazing game, it’s worth it. Battlefield 1 is one of the few games this year that not only met, but even exceeded all our expectations.

I will talk about multiplayer in a separate article, since the topic is very extensive and it is impossible to fit all this information into the format of one review. You can read it!


Dma Game

According to the administration

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At the beginning of summer, representatives of Electronic Arts announced that the Eastern Front of the First World War would be completely absent from Battlefield 1. This indicated that the Russian Imperial Army would not be represented in the game. In multiplayer mode, players would also not be able to try on the Russian overcoat. From the first days of the project going on sale, it will be possible to fight in the ranks of Britain, Germany, Ottomania, Austria-Hungary, Italy or America.

Later it became known that France, which was one of the key countries in that war, would be added to Battlefield 1. They plan to include it in the project with the first update of They Shall Not Pass. After this statement, many began to assume that the Russian Empire would be added in the same way.

Then these were just guesses, but now everything has been confirmed by the creators of Battlefield 1. Addition Russian Empire will become a season pass and appear in one of four downloadable add-ons.

Let us remind you that Premium Pass holders will have the opportunity to download updates to Battlefield 1 two weeks earlier. Players are given a huge choice of sides to fight for. Available now in Battlefield 1 more types armies than in previous parts.

Screenshots of the game Battlefield 1: