Floral interior decoration. Indoor plants in the interior, design and placement (57 photos). Interior decoration with plants

Indoor plants in the interior are a wonderful way to add natural charm and incredible comfort to your apartment environment. Flowers will not only decorate the decoration, but will also lift the mood of the owners on a gloomy and gloomy day. However, not all apartments are suitable for creating a magnificent and mesmerizing greenhouse.

But with desire, imagination and a little effort, you can create a magnificent green corner for relaxation even in a tiny studio.

1. Less is more

You don't need to turn your home into an exotic tropical jungle. Set up a couple of tall pots ornamental shrubs V different angles. As a result, even the tiniest room will look visually larger and more voluminous.

Large trees with netted leaves, on the contrary, will optically reduce its area, lower the height of the ceiling and fill the atmosphere with gloom.

2. Use hanging structures and sleek shelves

Flowerpots, consoles, small tables and slides in the form of stairs hanging from the ceiling make it possible to form an original composition in interior design even with the help of miniature plantings. Place flowerpots on different tiers near a window or any other light source.

In the following photos you can see several design options for the greenhouse. With their help you can make your little one winter Garden even more beautiful and compact!

3. Miniature Japanese garden

Most owners of modest apartments use it to decorate their rooms. exotic plants from the Land of the Rising Sun. Tiny bonsai, ficus and bamboo, as well as a variety of Japanese decorative elements(millstones, garden lamps or cast iron figures) will transform any room.

They do not take up much space, but at the same time add brightness and expressiveness to the atmosphere.

4. The second wonder of the world

Hanging gardens, housed in pots attached to the ceiling, are a wonderful way to decorate a tiny apartment. These plantings give the decoration incredible charm, sophistication and magnetism.

However, caring for such flowers is very difficult. So, for example, for watering you will have to adapt so as not to spill water on the floor.

5. Beauty with benefits

Pay attention to the windowsill. You can make the most of its potential. To do this, simply plant a variety of different varieties in pots instead of begonias and roses. spices- dill, basil, lettuce, onions, as well as vegetables - miniature tomatoes and carrots.

Such home decor Great for placement in the kitchen or balcony. In addition, every day you can delight yourself with herbs and spices.

6. Greenhouse in the bathroom

Many indoor plants need a warm, humid environment. Where can you easily create such conditions? Of course, in the bathroom. Small bathroom you can decorate with beautiful flowerpots, corner posts And wall shelves. Since such rooms do not have natural light, choose shade-loving flowers for decoration.

7. Light and airy atmosphere

In order to create a laconic and relaxed design, choose low, or, conversely, light and slender flowerpots.

Instead of flowerpots, buy long glass vases, spherical aquariums and flasks. Such compositions will fit perfectly into small studio interior, and will also fill the atmosphere with incredible charm, comfort and warmth.

A distinctive feature of a residential interior can be considered the active inclusion of greenery and the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Moreover, compared to other design details, indoor plants in the interior of an apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greenery in the interior can solve several problems, for example:

  • Both artificial and natural flowers can contribute to the ecological balance of the human environment;
  • the abundance of green color helps to facilitate the visual work of the eyes;
  • indoor plants in the interior can increase air humidity.

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and living, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of the living space.

Interesting information for owners of small spaces! the position of the green composition, in which larger plants are located in the foreground, and smaller ones in the background, visually lengthens the space.

The green group can have both independent artistic value, and, used as a background, it can emphasize the merits of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • butterflies.

How a houseplant brightens up a place

A comfortable existence within the walls of an apartment depends on how well the plants are selected depending on the activities taking place here. For example, in areas for sleeping and mental work, a neutral work environment is encouraged, and greenery should match this.


When planning, try to avoid the accumulation of living indoor plants in the interior, which “steal” oxygen in the room (flowers consume oxygen at night and release it during the day). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - plants that suitable for placement in the bedroom because they release oxygen at night. Aloe is also worth having because extracts are prepared from its healing leaves that increase protective functions body. And the juice of this “green friend” heals the skin and prolongs its youth.


You should select flowers for the children's room in such a way that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially on the psycho-emotional and physical level.

Fern (nephrolepsis) and adiantum (Venus hair) – have a calming effect, affecting mainly nervous system. Cyclamen and Crassula develop in humans Creative skills and hard work. And soleirolia and uzambar violet bring good mood and a positive attitude help relieve depression.

Important! You need to know when to stop and it’s better to limit yourself to two or three small plants in the room.


For example, for the kitchen you should purchase plants that can tolerate temperature changes. Aloe, ficus, asparagus, and any artificial flowers can tolerate kitchen aromas and heat.


"Pike tail" or sansevieria - looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and hardy - it will easily take root not only on a well-lit, sunny kitchen window-sill, but also in a semi-dark place, and will even withstand the shade in the hallway. In the hallway, which usually suffers from a lack of daylight, however, both live plants and artificial flowers can exist quite happily, which can bring coziness to it.

Aspidistra– is modest in her beauty, but at the same time it is difficult not to notice her. This indoor plant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Ferns With their bright greenery and graceful plant shape, they fit perfectly into any interior. There are many varieties of them, and some have little need for light.

Monstera- quite shade-tolerant plant, and if you plant saxifrage with green leaves or small-leaved philodendrons in a pot, then such a spectacular composition can decorate the interior of the hallway and kitchen.

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is the living room, and your own compositions are chosen for it. For common room You should choose bright or large types of flowers. Zamioculcas, or " dollar tree”, is an ideal accent landscaping option. It will decorate any living room interior, giving it a kind of “European” feel, despite its “African” origin.

When placing fresh or artificial flowers on the floor in the living room, they are usually installed in the relaxation area - near armchairs and sun loungers.

Vriesia received the name “flaming sword” because of its spectacular striated leaves and bright spike-shaped inflorescences - orange or red. It's amazing for creating bright accents in the interior of the living room, especially if it is located in a well-lit place.

Anthurium will also help to “add fire” to the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether they are artificial flowers or real ones. Outwardly, this “handsome plant” with its bright red coloring resembles a graceful flamingo bird; it is shade-tolerant, but will bloom well only in a bright living room. Most often they are installed on the living room floor decorative vases with branches, artificial flowers or large living plants.

A correctly selected pot will be able to highlight the beauty indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, so choosing it is an action no less responsible than purchasing the plant itself. So, the humble sansevieria ( pike tail) will “sparkle” with other colors if you place the flower in a gold-colored pot.

On a note! You can achieve sophisticated style in the interior in a simple way: choose the right color and shape of pot for indoor plants.

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on the style of your apartment:
  2. In order for the pot to match the flower, for plants with mono-colored leaves, choose bright, but not flashy colors, products, but for variegated leaves, monochromatic containers are better suited. A flowering plant, which loses its decorative value in the off-season, also needs to be supported with an original pot, for example, a glass or metal container. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome-plated products are most often used as flowerpots for the kitchen;
  3. Bright pots with house flowers, quite suitable for the kitchen, will fit perfectly into the light monochrome classics;
  4. For laconic interior In the photo, you need to select shiny dishes for indoor plants - black or white;
  5. interior room in rustic or romantic style, painted containers for sweets or tea, in this case acting as pots for indoor plants, will add originality.

The effect of even the simplest compositions of indoor plants can be enhanced by lighting to emphasize the originality of the interior.

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When bringing a plant into your home, you should always remember that it is alive, and choose the place for its further “residence” taking into account the preferences of your green friend, and not under the influence fashion trends or “Feng Shui” trends.

A flower located in an unfavorable place will bring a lot of trouble instead of joy. Below is a list of the ten least attractive places for plants in the apartment.

1 bedside table

With sufficient lighting and no drafts, the flower can feel good in the bedroom.

However, as a result of uncontrolled movements during sleep, searching by touch for an alarm clock or glasses on the nightstand, there is a risk of accidentally pushing it onto the floor.

The result: the ruined life of a green friend and unplanned cleaning.

2 Bathroom

Most bathrooms are located inside apartments and do not receive natural light.

Most likely, there are few plants that will love tropical heat, high humidity and will not require lighting.

There is no need to subject them to such tests.

Artificial flowers would be much more appropriate in the bathroom.

3 Cabinet or high shelf

The placement of flowers under the ceiling is unsuccessful for three reasons:

  1. difficult to reach the pot to water;
  2. during watering there is a possibility of the pot overturning;
  3. watering occurs uncontrollably, the soil dries out or is moistened in excess, and water accidentally spilled on furniture is not visible.

Removing plants every time before watering is also not very convenient.

4 Computer desk

No plants, including cacti, can neutralize the radiation of computer monitors.

But they receive harm from such a neighborhood on a par with a person. Operating equipment dries the surrounding air, creates noise unfavorable for flowers, and its radiation has the same negative effect on flowers as on people.

5 Kitchen

The kitchen is not a completely unsuitable room for growing herbs.

You just need withstand a number of conditions:

  • place pots with plantings so that they do not interfere and cannot be accidentally broken;
  • provide good daylight and ventilation without drafts;
  • protect greens from hot steam and splashing drops of boiling fat.

6 Children's room or other places for children to play

In this case, there is no universal recipe. Young children should be kept under supervision at all times as upside down flower pot- the least they can do.

In this case, there is a danger of being injured by thorny leaves or cut by fragments of the pot.

For older children, it is better to prohibit outdoor games in the apartment, especially with a ball, baseball bat or hockey stick.

In general, you should be guided by the situation - no one knows your child better than you. And, if parents are sure that their beloved child can have several flowerpots with fresh flowers in their room, then so be it. Just blame yourself later.

7 Battery

IN winter period turns on in houses central heating. Heated radiators dry out the air, and plants don’t like this very much.

In some apartments, even the window sills are well heated. At this time, it is better to move the flowers away from radiators or take measures to protect them from too hot air.

An automatic humidifier or a wet cloth on a radiator will help solve the problem of dry air.

8 Within reach of pets

Animals, like children, require an individual approach. One pet will never pay attention to a pot with a flower, and another will not pass by so as not to bite off the stem or dig up the root.

You can protect the plant from the dog by raising it higher. It's more difficult with a cat, but if you surround the pot with objects or smells that she doesn't like, perhaps her interest in greenery will go away.

9 Window sill

The ideal lighting for most plants is indirect light. In direct sunlight they wither and die.

That's why open window sill a south-facing window is suitable only for cacti accustomed to hot desert conditions.

Plants that do not like light too much will take root on the northern windowsill.

Flowers should be placed on the western and eastern window sills, guided by the amount of light on them and the requirements of specific varieties of greenery.

10 On the aisle or in the hallway

When trying to make your home as green as possible and placing pots and tubs of flowers in any accessible corners, you should take into account the needs of plants and not forget about your own convenience.

If a flower blocks a passage or interferes with free movement, sooner or later it will be broken or dropped.

A poorly placed plant will cause injury if you stumble upon it in the dark.

In addition, flowers located in corridors and on passages are attacked by invisible enemies such as drafts.

Well located and within optimal conditions plants will serve as a joy to the owner and will enliven the atmosphere of the apartment.

At the same time, plantings in unsuitable areas suffer, constantly get sick, grow poorly and hardly bloom, bringing only disappointment in return for pleasure.

It is advisable to promptly notice and immediately respond to such alarming symptoms, changing the conditions of the plants for the better.

(modena select=23, Living rooms to order in Moscow)

A house devoid of plants is a rarity. And this is quite understandable: flowers give the room coziness and charm, create an atmosphere of reliable hearth and home. When placing flowerpots with indoor plants, you need to take into account not only the aesthetic factor, but also the degree of light-loving nature of the green “pet”. How to place indoor flowers in an apartment to make it beautiful, compact and safe. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do this so that a man-made home greenhouse fits organically into the interior of the room. We hope that our tips will help you use home flora in your design in a practical, thoughtful and intelligent way.

How to choose a place?

The premises should not be converted into a branch of the local botanical garden. 2-3 plants are enough to make a beautiful accent on them. But it is important not to overdo it. Many exotic species are quite finicky to care for, so you should not purchase them if you are not confident in your knowledge of how to care for them. Now let's look at how best to place indoor flowers in different rooms.


The beautifully decorated hall is business card Houses. If it's lit, great. However, in most modern apartments this is a darkened room. Therefore, only shade-loving and unpretentious crops are suitable here.

Important! Try to choose lush, large plants. They look especially good when illuminated by fluorescent lamps.


There are all the conditions for your home flora to feel good. The kitchen is warm, humid and usually good lighting. For this reason it is possible varied selection house plants. The only negative factor is significant temperature changes. But tradescantia, asparagus, ivy, Kalanchoe, ficus, and aloe are resistant to them.

Important! You can beautifully place flowers on the wall, place them on the windowsill or on specially purchased shelves.

Living room

Usually this is the most spacious room in the house, so tall, large-leaved plants are great for the living room. Baskets woven from natural wicker with flowers placed on the walls look beautiful.


You shouldn't have too many plants in your bedroom. Flowerpots installed on the windowsill look best. If the window sill is wide, you can place a long wide flowerpot on it original design with succulents or a bed of cacti. Small delicate plants will fit perfectly on a narrow windowsill. Classic example- Uzambara violet. If the dimensions of the bedroom allow it, a tall outdoor plant (the same ficus, monstera delightful or palm tree) is appropriate in the interior.

Important! Strongly smelling species should not be placed in the bedroom. Otherwise - insomnia at night and headache in the morning you are guaranteed.

Crops such as aloe and Kalanchoe are also useful in the bedroom. They are not so beautiful and exotic, but they release oxygen at night, improving the microclimate in the room.


A couple of colors are enough for a children's room. The main thing is that they are beautiful and unusual. Good for girls flowering plants, for boys - flora with leaves and (or) a trunk of a bizarre and original shape.

Important! Indoor greens must be safe for the baby: non-poisonous and without thorns. If the child is very small, it is better to hang “green friends” in flowerpots on the wall.

If the child has a weakened immune system, you can put lemon or chlorophytum in the nursery. They have a disinfecting effect and reduce the number of pathogens.


Accommodation indoor flowers in the bathroom - a rarity. More often than not, something similar can be seen in the photo. designer interiors. In a typical city apartment, frankly, there is not too much space, so most often you have to abandon this idea. But if we're talking about about a spacious bathroom, and even with a window, then the best place difficult to find for moisture-loving flora.

Important! Depending on the design features of the specific room in which you want to place houseplants, choose the appropriate method for installing them. Our master classes will help you with this:

Home flowers and style

The choice of a particular plant largely depends on the style in which the room or apartment as a whole is decorated. Let's look at the most typical examples of how to decorate a room with flowers in pots.

Historical style:

  • Many interiors (especially for older people) largely retain the features of the Soviet era. It would be logical to choose plants characteristic of that time. Lovely but unpretentious begonias, tradescantia or ivy are appropriate in a “Soviet” interior.
  • If the apartment is spacious, with high ceilings or stucco decorations (what is commonly called “Stalinist Empire style”), best choice are such “elements of prosperity” as ficuses, ferns or palms (yucca, dracaena, robelini date).
  • A small and modestly furnished room will be decorated with violets, geraniums, impatiens or cacti.
  • For classic style Monsteras, palms, azaleas are suitable, different kinds ivy and ferns. Vases of a strict or “antique” shape, natural shades, preferably made of natural ceramics.

High tech

A room in a high-tech style will be decorated with plants with a clear crown geometry and original shaped leaves. These are callas, gardenias, spathiphyllums, anthurium, monstera. Vases must be modern design- plastic or metal, painted in bright colors.


The main requirement for plants is beauty, sophistication and smoothness of form. Suitable for this style different types cacti, asparagus, dieffenbachia, various types of palms, dracaenas. Flowerpots are of irregular ornate shape, painted or decorated with mosaics.

Eco style

This interior is characterized by plants in flowerpots made of natural materials, decorated with wood, rattan, sea pebbles. The choice of plants and composition of indoor flowers in the apartment depends on the suitability of the interior to a particular culture:

  • African savanna, desert in Mexico - milkweed, succulent species, cacti.
  • Japan - dracaena, yucca, bonsai in combination with stones.
  • Karelia - moss, stones; of plants - ferns, araucarias.

Important! It is appropriate to place decorative ethnic elements next to plants.