Recipes for dishes on a long hike. What food to take on a hike. Potato soup with fresh meat

Hello friends!

As you already know, I really love mountains. It’s fortunate that I live in Almaty, at the very foot of the city. In winter, however, I’m not much of a fan of mountain treks: when it’s -25 outside, I almost never leave the house. Fortunately, my freelance business allows this.

Just recently I bought it in a fresh powder, my hands were frozen perfectly. A good reason to write a useful article while waiting for the season. This time about what to take from food on a mountain hike.

3 main principles: lightness, benefits and satiety! Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether I’m going for one day or on a multi-day expedition to. I think that it is not at all necessary to carry heavy cans of stew (except maybe a couple...), and a couple of onions can turn any tourist brew into a feast of the gods.

On the first day of the hike, you can have a blast with tomatoes

I will say right away that I do not adhere to any special science in programming and buy all products based on my inner feeling and a written menu.

  1. talk with the participants of the hike about the specific preferences of each
  2. write a menu for each day
  3. based on 2 large meals and 1 snack per day
  4. To make it tasty and interesting, I repeat 1 dish once every 3 days.

I definitely include carbohydrates, sweets, fatty foods and vitamins in the menu. For in the mountains the body is exhausted and the only joy of the flesh for it is to eat deliciously. For the latter, I don’t hesitate to wrap even a head of hard cheese in a rag.

Breakfast products

I love hearty breakfasts, no matter whether I'm on a hike or at home. Apparently, the hiking habit forces me to eat heavily in the morning. In action are:

  1. Bystoff porridge. 2 packets per person (1 packet is a mockery) with condensed milk and a handful of raisins.
  2. Cocoa with condensed milk (tasty and nutritious).
  3. Salty sushi with a piece of cheese or smoked sausage (even during the times of vegetarianism in the mountains, I turned into a meat eater, because I don’t care)
  4. Noodles instant cooking(1 pack per person) with chopped pieces of smoked sausage. In our area, instant “lagman” is a wonderful product and is widely sold in supermarkets. Of all the “noodles” presented, it is most like food: with meat, vegetables and spices.

In a saucepan - wild mushrooms (pasture), on the burner - mustard)

Afternoon snack

In the afternoon, around 12 o'clock, we usually stop for a short rest for tea and a small snack. During it, the following are actively involved:

  1. Salty sushi (instead of bread) with sausage, cheese and other variations (lard or, for lovers of Central Asian delicacies, kazy)
  2. Less often - canned fish. They must be thoroughly washed down with hot tea. Because after them you really want to drink.
  3. Pate made from spare parts of birds (it’s wonderful to spread on salted dryers)
  4. If you don’t mind carrying bread with you, it’s better to take thick Borodino bread. It is great for long-term storage and goes great in the mountains.
  5. A couple of candies (kozinaki, halva, chocolate)
  6. and a lot of tea (this is the main must-have for me on any hike)

For dinner

Dinner, like breakfast, is plentiful and tasty for me. I do not share the ascetic aspirations of some adherents to take as little food as possible on mountain hikes. Still, the body must recover and nourish itself.

For dinner I prefer to cook soup! This is where pre-stocked onions come in handy. And here you can safely throw a can of stew, previously stored in your backpack, into the soup.

Options for a group of 4 people:

  1. Soup from a pack (2 packs for four), a can of stew and 1 small onion. If you believed me and didn’t take the stew with you, then without the stew. The meal is wonderful! Liquid, hot in the mountains goes with a bang
  2. Puree (not rollton in a jar, but quick-cooking in a pack), 2 packs per person. 2 cans canned fish. This is only served in 1000+ star hotels near glaciers and mountain passes.
  3. Buckwheat (Wheat or Barley) with stewed meat and onions. If you also sprinkle it with spices hidden in your backpack, it will be really cool. True, I stopped carrying buckwheat with me. Even in times of hunger it does not interfere. Therefore, I found an alternative in the form of wheat and barley porridge. Alternatively, some kind of pasta.
  4. Ready-made mixtures, such as “bulgur with vegetables”, “masurdal”, etc. A very tasty and nutritious alternative to the endless tourist hell in the form of buckwheat.

Drinks on mountain hikes

There are crazy mountain tourists who basically drink water from streams and eat two Snickers for 3 days. I do not share this approach. Still, I like to go to the mountains with an arrangement.

For drinks I take:

  1. Cocoa. A wonderful energy drink (especially with condensed milk), especially in the morning
  2. Herbal infusions: I specially brought sagan-dali and good fireweed tea. But I also like to pick peppermint and sweet pepper along the trails.
  3. Shu-puer. I'm a big fan. Of course, there is no time for tea ceremonies in the mountains. But cook good people A good black pu-erh, especially during the day, is a great joy.
  4. Traditional tea bags. I drink it exclusively in the mountains, so I usually take the one that is more expensive and tastier. Black (delicious when brewed with milk) and some fruity one (I especially like Summer Bouquet from Greenfield).

As a plus, I always take 2-3 lemons with me on a long hike. They are divine as a snack or in tea! Yes, and they help maintain the body in combat-ready condition. Vitamin Tse, after all.

Mountains and Chinese are one of the most harmonious combinations in the Universe

Layout for one-day routes and direct routes

With one-dayers everything is easier. Food for the hike is taken from home: boiled eggs, sausages in deli pastry, cheese cakes, chocolate, apples, tea (pu-erh, herbal or ginger). If you are a vegetarian, try lavash rolls with cheese and vegetables.

For a PVD (Weekend Trek), you can take some provisions with you from home + add some delicacies cooked on a burner: porridge with Adyghe cheese and crackers, some vegetables, and a lot of tea delicacies.

Not long ago, a basket of fried wings from KFC became a break in the pattern for me. It's really delicious))) Except for the plastic cold French fries.

Other life hacks and amenities

  • Spices and Maggi cubes. With them, any camp brew turns into ambrosia! As an alternative to regular table salt, take Svanskaya. It wonderfully complements any buckwheat/pasta/cereals.
  • You can eat ALMOST anything with ketchup! What is not eaten with ketchup is dressed with mayonnaise and eaten. That. If you take with you a plastic packet of ketchup and the same packet of mayonnaise, you can eat ANYTHING with them!
  • Ginger ! A wonderful remedy for maintaining vitaminosis, Have a good mood and pleasant warmth from drinking tea.
  • Mustard. In our area (Kazakhstan) there are very tasty seasonings “3 wishes”. Their mustard is very strong and at altitudes above 3000m it is considered a special delicacy.
  • Coffee . I don’t like coffee myself, but in the mountains I can drink a glass of some instant version. It's hot and wonderfully warm.
  • Gummies, like gelatin bears. In conditions of constant stress on the knees, this product becomes not only tasty, but also very useful.

To be honest, even after 10 years, the question of what to take for food on a hike in the mountains continues to be relevant for me. Sometimes I follow the beaten path, sometimes I improvise. So, several times I was able to taste overseas dishes in the form of freeze-dried products. The solution is quite interesting, but not too budget-friendly.

The food issue has been completely resolved. You walk from village to village and eat traditional Nepalese dal bhat.

I myself am not a supporter of total restrictions. Because, as I already said, food on a mountain hike is not only about weight and calories. This is a whole ritual that can bring happiness and unite any group, even the most diverse. Therefore, we need to improvise and look for options. In the mountains, everything is eaten with great appetite! And some, especially advanced ones, are not too lazy to even carry watermelons with them to the peaks.

Of course, I myself have not carried watermelons and there is little that can inspire me to stuff such a berry into my backpack. Everything here is very individual. Therefore, try, improvise! And let your hikes be not only beautiful, but also delicious.

Good weather and good digestion to you!

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What food to take on a hike? What kind of cookware should I use? What to eat while traveling? (10+)

Meals on the hike

Before you start packing for a hike, you need to know that there are different ways to travel. Professional tourists usually divide trips into water, hiking, skiing, mountain, cycling, sailing, automobile and so on. Moreover, each of these types has its own categories of complexity. Sometimes beginners confuse a serious hike with a picnic (or just a one-day outing). But, it is worth considering that a picnic is a walk, main goal which hosts entertainment events in small company(or a large one) with an appetizer (or kebabs) for fresh air. Most often, on such “hikes” there are no restrictions on the products that you can take with you. But a completely different matter is a serious hike in nature, when most of the time you have to be on the move, according to a set schedule, with small breaks. That is why in this case food supplies, their weight, energy value and usefulness are calculated.

The main task of nutrition on a hike is to restore energy reserves in the body. It’s still not possible to set up a gourmet restaurant for yourself on a camping trip. So, when choosing food, think about its nutritional value, weight, shelf life and, also very important, its ability to be easily digested and absorbed. When traveling, contact with unfamiliar microflora is inevitable. So it’s better to take bifidumbacterin (bifidobacteria concentrate) with you and consume it before meals. This will ensure normal, stable digestion. A little about the importance of bifidobacteria. Also very important in the same vein is chewing food thoroughly. The acid in our stomach disinfects foods quite well. But for this it is necessary that the gastric juice has access to the microbes. If microbes are hidden in a piece of poorly chopped food, then indigestion is inevitable. They say that sandwiches spoil the stomach. It is not true. The stomach and intestines spoil poorly chewed sandwiches.

Camping utensils

Initially, you should clarify which utensils you need to take with you and exclude. Most main advice: “Don’t take glass or ceramics with you!” Banks, glasses, glass bottles and cups should be left at home. After all, these items are quite fragile, therefore, they can break easily. Moreover, glass/ceramic dishes usually weigh much more, and believe me, every gram will count on a serious hike. The next thing to remember is that you will be hiking for several days, so you should stock up on a pot for your group (preferably 2 - one for tea, the other for food), you should know that the volume is calculated at approximately 300-400 grams per person, so you need to take a pot of the appropriate size so that no one goes hungry. You should also take care of the bowl, mug, spoon and knife. It's best not to take a fork. It is best to take utensils from stainless material, and Lately Thermal mugs have gained popularity because they retain the heat/coldness of the liquid poured into them for a long time (for example, tea or spring water). Each participant in the hike must have a personal set of utensils (plate, spoon, mug). It is recommended to put products either in plastic containers or in bags, which can then be burned in a fire.

Product selection

Never take perishable foods with you on a hike, such as boiled/fried food or ready-made salads. But cereals are an irreplaceable part of your portion. You can take pasta, buckwheat or other cereals. It is best to take canned or dried meat, but for the first 2-3 days, salted meat is perfect, which you can then put in the pot. A lot of salt prevents it from spoiling, and then you won’t need to throw “white death” into soup or porridge. You can also take vegetables that will not wrinkle (such as tomatoes), as well as beans, dried mushrooms, nuts, a small amount of spices, dried fruits, bread (for the first days, and then you can prepare crackers for later), salt. Such food is simply shuffled around, weighs little, and also helps restore the strength that was expended on the transition. It won’t hurt to take a chocolate bar or chocolate bars with you, firstly, they contain the glucose necessary for the body, and, secondly, they will improve your mood when you sit around the fire in the evening. By the way, coffee and tea should be carefully packaged in special hermetically sealed containers.

So what conclusions can be drawn from the above information? You should take the following products with you on your hike:

  • canned food: fish, stew;
  • dry foods: mushrooms, herbs (dried can also be used), vegetables, meat;
  • for the first days, salted meat;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, rolled oats, etc.;
  • cheese and smoked sausage (it usually lasts longer than, for example, boiled);
  • pasta;
  • drinking water;
  • chocolate and cookies (light) for tea, you can also take condensed milk;
  • salt, spices, sugar, coffee, tea.

Drinking water

You should also pay attention to the availability of water, because without it a person can live much less than without food. Moreover, during a hike, a person sweats and, accordingly, loses a lot of moisture. That is why you should take a bottle of water with you during such events. Of course, this does not include cooking. But the route should be designed in such a way that each overnight stay is located as close as possible to water resources(springs, wells, etc.). Remember not to take too much supplies with you, as you will have to carry it all yourself.

Usually on a hike you take food 3 times a day, as it should be: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So, in the morning you need to eat light, but at the same time nutritious foods. During this meal, you should not overload your body, because in an hour you will be on your way, and a full stomach will be a big obstacle. This can be porridge (for example, rolled oats, rice or millet) with condensed milk or dried fruits. It is better to avoid meat for breakfast. For a snack (lunch), it is best to make sandwiches. After all, uncovering pots and lighting a fire - all this takes a lot of time, and you still have to go to the place where you will spend the night. The main meal usually occurs at dinner. Here you can already have a walk: cook porridge with meat/stew, drink tea with chocolate...

Leaving the parking lot

Remember that when leaving a parking area, you should carefully inspect it for any remaining debris. Under no circumstances leave it behind you and pick it up from others as much as possible. Things that are burned can be burned in a fire, and the rest will have to be carried with you to the nearest trash can, which most likely will only be in the village. The fire should be carefully extinguished so that not a single ember can start a fire.

The right diet

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that every day a woman who plays sports spends approximately 2.5 thousand kcal. But on hiking trips, participants already spend about 3,000 daily, and sometimes more. Therefore, knowing energy costs and energy value products, you can make a list/quantity of provisions that are needed for the trip. If such an event is not too difficult, then this list (for each day) will be as follows:

  • meat (canned or dried) - 150 grams;
  • porridge - about 90-120 grams;
  • cheese - 50 grams;
  • chocolate - 90 grams;
  • pasta - 90 grams.

The remaining products are already calculated individually, or the caretaker distributes them independently. You can give out sweets and/or dried fruits at snacks. And never forget that the main goal of any hike is to enjoy “communication” with nature!

A collection of delicious camping recipes. First and second courses.

Second courses

Fried mushrooms

Clean, wash and scald mushrooms hot water and dry. Cut into large slices, add salt and fry on all sides in a heated frying pan in oil. After this, sprinkle with flour and fry again. For 2 kg fresh mushrooms- 15 - 20 tablespoons of flour, 8 -10 tablespoons of butter. You can fry mushrooms with potatoes by placing them 10 -15 minutes before the mushrooms are fried


Egg powder 1.5 tablespoons per person. Powdered milk 10 g per person. Butter (ghee) 1 teaspoon per person. Salt. Pour the egg powder intended for the omelet into a large bowl (1 egg corresponds to 1/2 tablespoon of egg powder) and pour in the prepared milk at the rate of 1/3 cup per 1.5 tablespoon of egg powder. Add salt and beat with a spoon or a well-cleaned twig with a fork. The omelette will be more “massive” and nutritious if you add a little flour or semolina to this mixture, then mix well. Pour the egg mixture into a hot frying pan (if not, into a bowl) with oil and fry over high heat. As soon as the omelette begins to thicken, remove from heat, cover with a lid and let simmer for 3-5 minutes. When laying out in bowls, it’s good to add at least a little to the omelette tomato sauce. The omelette will benefit even more if you first fry finely chopped lard or brisket (omelet with cracklings) in a frying pan or lightly fry the sausage. A great variety on the hike is an omelette with cheese. The cheese is crushed with a knife or, better yet, on a grater (the group should still have a simple grater with them, which has both light weight and small volume, but is of great help in the variety of food being prepared) at the rate of 15-20 g per person and added to the egg mass. In this case, you should also add a pinch of baking soda.

Baked potatoes

Rake the hot ashes of the fire, put the washed but dried potatoes there, and cover the top with the ashes so that the potatoes do not protrude. Heat coals on top of the ash. In about an hour the potatoes will be ready.

Baked potato in foil

Let the fire burn down to form sufficient quantity ash and coals. Sprinkle a layer of earth over the ashes and place burnt coals on it. Wrap each potato in food foil and spread the entire portion between the coals. Willingness to determine by piercing potatoes with a thin stick.

Fish baked on a fire

To prepare a kind of “fish kebab” there is no need to peel the scales or remove the heads - just gut the insides and lightly salt the carcass. Then string the fish onto a bark-free twig 8-10 mm thick with a pointed end (in no case should you use conifers trees), piercing the tip of a twig through the sides and head so that the carcass does not rotate freely around its axis. The other end of the twig is inserted into the ground directly next to the fire that has just burned out, tilted towards the fire (angle from the vertical 20-30°). In the future, all that remains is to rotate the twig around its axis, turning the fish towards the fire either with its belly, then with its side, or with its back so that the carcass is evenly baked. With this cooking method, the natural, “live” taste and aroma of the fish are completely preserved. Some tourists believe that in order not to disturb the “live” taste of the fish, it is not recommended to salt the carcass before cooking. It is better to salt the finished fish to taste when starting to eat.

Millet milk porridge with raisins

Millet 2 cups. Milk 4 cups. Granulated sugar 4 tablespoons. Raisins 3/4 cup. Butter 4 tablespoons.

Salt 1/4 teaspoon. Pour well-washed millet into boiling lightly salted water and cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water, pour in hot milk, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Cook the porridge over low heat until done. Meanwhile, pour the sorted and washed raisins into a bowl, add the rest of the sugar and heat over low heat, stirring, until the raisins have steamed, then mix them with the porridge. When serving, pour oil over the porridge.

Buckwheat porridge crumbly

To make buckwheat grains harder and not crumble during cooking, first fry the buckwheat a little in a frying pan or at the bottom of a saucepan. Boil salted water in a kettle in a 3:1 ratio to the required amount of buckwheat. Pour the fried cereal into boiling water and cook until tender, determining its taste and color.

Millet porridge

Place more water on the fire than is needed to prepare the porridge. Required amount Rinse millet cereals in warm water, rubbing between your palms to remove millet flour, which gives the porridge a bitter taste. Pour boiling water over the millet cereal until it barely covers it, bring to a boil and immediately drain. Then pour boiling water mixed with milk into the cereal in a ratio of 1:6, add salt, add sugar to taste and cook over medium heat. After 30-40 minutes the porridge is ready.

Pearl barley porridge

Rinse pearl barley in cold water. Boil water in a kettle in an amount five times greater than the amount of pearl barley. Pour the cereal into unsalted boiling water and cook over low heat for 40 minutes, adding water if it boils away. When the porridge is ready, add salt and keep on fire for a few more minutes.

First meal

Potato soup with fresh meat

Boil meat broth. Chop the peeled onion and fry in butter or fat skimmed from the broth. Place the chopped potatoes along with the fried onions into the boiling broth, add salt, Bay leaf, pepper and cook for 25 - 30 minutes. Potato soup can be cooked not only with meat, but also with fish broth. For 1.5 kg of meat - 3 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of onions, 6 tablespoons of butter.

Bean soup with meat

Canned meat 800 g. Canned beans in tomato sauce 850-1000 g. Boiled smoked brisket or loin 250 g. Spices. Salt to taste. Place finely chopped brisket or loin into boiling water, and then the beans. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Place the meat, add 1 spoon of dry vegetable seasoning. 5 minutes after the next boil, the soup is ready. White bread crackers can be served with the soup.

Green cabbage soup (nettle\sorrel)

Sort out the nettles or sorrel, rinse well, put in a bucket, add hot water and bring to a boil. Then drain the water, squeeze out the greens and chop finely. Cut the onion into small slices and fry, then add flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer the resulting dressing into a bucket, mix well, dilute hot meat broth, add bay leaf, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, put sorrel or nettle leaves and salt in a bucket. Sour cream and hard-boiled eggs are recommended for green cabbage soup. For 1.5 kg of meat - 1 kg of sorrel or nettle, 5 onions, 5 tablespoons of flour and 6 tablespoons of butter.

Soup with fresh mushrooms

Clean and rinse fresh mushrooms (ceps, boletus, boletus, etc.). Cut off the roots, chop and fry in oil. Separately, fry the roots and onions. Cut the mushroom caps into slices, scald, and drain the water. Place the mushrooms in a bucket, add water, and cook for 40 minutes. Then add potatoes, fried mushroom roots, roots, onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 20 - 25 minutes. Ready mushroom soup it's good to add sour cream.

Canned meat you need to add it to the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking, and serve it preheated directly into bowls for second courses. Adding one or two tablespoons of table vinegar during cooking makes the meat more tender and the fish stronger.

When cooking porridge over a fire the amount of water should be increased by approximately 1.5 times. For porridges cooked in water, the amount of salt should be one teaspoon (10 g) per mug of cereal. For porridges cooked in milk -5 g. For sweet porridges, salt is added to taste.

In the highlands, rice, millet and pearl barley they don't cook well. But pre-soaking them significantly reduces cooking time. If you put meat in cold water, the broth for the soup will be tasty and strong, but the meat will be overcooked. If you want to get more tasty meat, it is placed in boiling water.

Buckwheat should be pre-fried in a frying pan. To prepare porridge for breakfast, the cereals are soaked in the evening.

Cereals for porridge, pour into salted water, and peas, beans and beans are salted when they are boiled.

Milk Burns less if you rinse the dishes before boiling cold water, and also avoid violent boiling. If the milk still burns, don’t be upset - add a pinch of salt and place the boiler in cold water - the “burnt” taste will disappear.

Fried fish in camping conditions it is prepared in the same way as at home, but you need to follow a few rules. Heat the pan well, then pour in vegetable oil and then place the pieces of fish, salted and rolled in flour. Turning the pieces over to the other side, place the chopped and salted onion. This will greatly improve the taste of the fish. To prevent the fish from falling apart during frying, it should be salted after cleaning and left for 10-15 minutes.

Do you have any recipes? delicious dishes? Share with us! Send to [email protected] with the subject line "Camping dishes"

For a long time, during my hikes, I wrote a food layout for the entire hike and all participants.

What products to take with you

  1. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, freeze-dried mashed potatoes - now they sell even more or less tasty ones, millet, oatmeal porridge)
  2. Meat/fish: canned fish and stew, raw smoked sausage, sudzhuk, freeze-dried meat, dried meat.
  3. Butter (necessarily ghee!!! regular butter won’t stand it)
  4. Lots of different seasonings - so that the same buckwheat is different and tasty every day!
  5. A wide variety of dried fruits - for breakfast cereals, for snacks
  6. Hard cheese like Altai - lives well without any refrigerators for about 3 weeks
  7. Nuts can also be added to porridge and nutritious snacks
  8. Fry slices of black bread in butter with garlic, and simply dry breadcrumbs for white bread.
  9. Lemons for tea and as a snack for alcohol.
  10. Chocolate
  11. Tea, coffee, sugar, salt
  12. Dry soups in bags - you can also cook cereals on their basis, or cook them as separate soups, adding potato sublimate, a lot of seasonings, lemon juice, garlic - the resulting puree soup tastes quite passable and tasty.
  13. Garlic.
  14. Dried vegetables in vacuum packages (carrots, onions, beets are sold).

It seems like I didn’t forget anything important. All of the above live for a very long time without cold. You can cook something new every day; we managed to not repeat a single dish from these products over the course of 10-12 days!
Such layouts are designed for live fire. (wood, fire)
Gas layout (for mountains or treeless areas) is a little different.
Fresh vegetables are not written because this is a camping menu. No one normal person, if he is carrying a backpack for 2 weeks, he will not take with him a fork of cabbage, beets or a kilogram of carrots.

What are we preparing from this?

  1. “Merchant-style buckwheat” - at the bottom of a kettle/pan in melted butter, fry raw sausage in slices, cover with buckwheat, fry for one minute, add water (with a dry bag of soup diluted in it) and simmer until done. Eat with garlic croutons from black bread.
  2. Soup with rice.
  3. Potato soup
  4. Borsch (vegetables are dried, and potatoes are in powder form).
  5. Fish soup from canned fish.
  6. Vermicelli (noodle) soup can be made with milk, if you like (with milk powder), it can be with fish, or it can be with meat.
  7. Soup with buckwheat and croutons, if you are not too lazy, take 300g of plain flour in a sealed bag for homemade croutons :-) (powdered eggs are also sold for the same purposes)
  8. all soups, first sujuk or freeze-dried meat is boiled in water, cook for a long time until the meat becomes soft, then cook the soup in this broth - very nutritious and satisfying.
  9. Buckwheat, rice, pasta, potatoes - with stew, with fried sausage.
  10. Potatoes with fish.
  11. Mashed potatoes with milk powder and egg powder + ghee.
  12. Navy pasta sprinkled with cheese.
  13. In the morning you can have sandwiches with cheese or sausage, you can have oatmeal porridge with condensed milk with raisins, nuts, dried fruits and sprinkled with chocolate.
  14. etc. and so on.

I really like to cook stew separately as “meat with gravy” and add a handful of finely chopped walnuts.
And most importantly - a LOT of different seasonings! The taste will be different. I cooked rice - generously poured curry into it, buckwheat - all sorts of oriental seasonings, into pasta - usually an Italian set of spices.
I buy the seasoning not individually (this is for the home, for home gourmet), but in combined forms, such as “Italian herbs”. “Seasoning for pilaf”, “Seasoning for soups” - just right for nature! than dragging 25 bags separately and pouring a pinch from each.

Camping recipes

Weekend hikes are available to everyone. As a rule, tourists participate in them with their whole family. Such a hike is a holiday, especially for children. Therefore, from the point of view of food and diet, tourists try to make their diet festive, especially since such hikes do not have too difficult obstacles or heavy backpacks. You can take any food on a weekend hike, since they all can be stored for 1-2 days .

Here you should not get carried away with canned food or concentrates. It is better to prefer fresh vegetables/fruits, dairy products and fresh meat products. For 1- and 2-day hikes, it is advisable to mainly prepare food at home. But you should not rely entirely on personal initiative. This leads to the fact that each tourist sets out on the route with only 3 elements: hard-boiled eggs, sausage sandwiches and cheese sandwiches. The smartest ones also take salt with them. This traditional “diversity” in no way corresponds to the general high spirits. It would be good if someone figured out how to string this boring sausage onto a twig and fry it over the fire. Therefore, even during a 1-day trip, you should appoint a caretaker, whose functions include menu development and personal distribution preliminary preparation of certain dishes among the participants of the hike.

It is difficult to give specific recipes for certain dishes here - any of them can be used on such trips. It is important to remember that 1- and 2-day hikes are a vacation, a holiday. Therefore, everything here should be festive - the mood, the appetite, and the nutrition.

Multi-day category trips are another matter. This is already work. It’s not really possible to take all sorts of pickles with you. You won’t be able to take with you not only potatoes or cabbage, but even fresh bread. How to provide the required variety of dishes?

Below are recipes for dishes, the preparation technology of which and the range of ingredients that comprise them fully correspond to camping conditions.

First meal

Noodles. 1 bouillon cube per person. Noodles or vermicelli 30 g each. Spices. Butter (melted) 1 tablespoon.

Place pre-mashed bouillon cubes into boiling water and stir. Add noodles or vermicelli and cook the soup, stirring, for 15-20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of dry vegetable seasoning such as “Appetit”, “Veda” or “Yazhinka”. Do not add salt to the soup, as salt is contained in both the bouillon cubes and the seasoning. Individual salting of soup is allowed.

Broth with dumplings. 4 bouillon cubes per person. A glass of flour. Butter (ghee) 3 tablespoons. Egg powder 1/2 tablespoon.

Pour a glass of water into a bowl, add butter, boil, throw in half a bouillon cube, stir. Add the cereal, stir, heat for 1-2 minutes, and then, removing from heat, add egg powder and mix thoroughly. Meanwhile, boil the amount of water required for the broth in a saucepan, put the previously mashed bouillon cubes into the boiling water, and stir. Drop the prepared dough into the boiling broth in small portions (1/4 tablespoon each). Readiness is 2-3 minutes after the dumplings rise.

Bean soup with meat. Canned meat 800 g. Canned beans in tomato sauce 850-1000 g. Boiled-smoked brisket or loin 250 g. Spices. Salt to taste.

Place finely chopped brisket or loin into boiling iodine, and then the beans. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Place the meat, add 1 spoon of dry vegetable seasoning. 5 minutes after the next boil, the soup is ready. I can serve white bread crackers with the soup.

Green cabbage soup with meat. Canned meat 500 g. Young nettle 400 g. Sorrel (or sorrel) 200 g. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Fat 2 tablespoons. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Boil water in a saucepan in the amount necessary to prepare the first course for the whole group. Sort out the nettles, rinse well, cook in boiling water until soft, place on plywood, chop finely. Temporarily pour the broth into another container. Sort the sorrel, wash it, cut large leaves. Melt the fat in a saucepan, add flour and fry, stirring. Then put finely chopped nettles into a saucepan, mix well, dilute with the hot broth left over from boiling the nettles. Add bay leaf, pepper and cook for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add sorrel leaves, salt, and meat to the pan.

Kharcho. Canned meat 500 g. Rice 1 cup. Dried onion 30 g. Garlic 15 g. Ghee (butter) 1 tablespoon. Tomato puree 2 tablespoons. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Place the washed rice in a pan of boiling water. It should cook for 40-45 minutes. During this time, lightly fry the tomato paste in a bowl of oil. 20 minutes before the end of cooking the rice, put the onion, crushed garlic, black pepper (15-20 peas), suneli hops 1/3 teaspoon, and salt into the pan. Add fried tomato paste to the soup 10 minutes before. In 5 minutes - meat. It is very good if you can serve freshly picked wild garlic leaves with the soup.

Fishing soup. Small fish 1.5-2 kg. Large fish 2.5-3 kg. Dried onions 30 g. Dried carrots 50 g. Dried potatoes 200 g. Spices. Salt 1/3 teaspoon.

Gut small fish, remove gills, and wash carcasses. Divide all this fish into 3 parts. First, cook the first portion of fish in boiling salted water (small fish can be cooked with scales) for 20-25 minutes. Then carefully pour the broth into another bowl, discard the boiled fish, and cook a second and then a third portion in the drained broth, each time draining the broth and discarding the boiled fish. Finally, add black pepper (10-12 peas), bay leaves, onions, carrots and potatoes, as well as prepared pieces, into the boiling broth, strained through cheesecloth. large fish. After boiling again in 20-25 minutes, the soup is ready. Individual salting of the dish is possible.

Mushroom soup with vermicelli. Fresh mushrooms, 200 g per person. Vermicelli 25 g per person. Dried onions 25 g. Dried carrots 30 g. Butter 60 g. Spices. Salt 3/4 teaspoon.

Fresh mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus - clean and rinse. Cut off the roots, chop finely and fry in a frying pan along with onions and carrots in oil. Cut the mushroom caps into fairly large slices, put them in a saucepan, add water and cook for 30-35 minutes. 20-25 minutes before the end of cooking, add vermicelli, mushroom roots fried with onions and carrots, salt, bay leaf, black pepper (3-4 peas).

Semi-liquid dishes

Semi-liquid dishes (kulesh) in terms of thickness occupy an intermediate place between soups and main courses. Tourists most often call this dish “porridge soup.” Since it can replace a 2-course lunch, which saves fuel and time, kulesh is often used in complex tourist trips. True, the thickness here is achieved not by special culinary art, but by simply increasing the filler (cereals, pasta, legumes, canned vegetables, etc.), which does not always lead to maintaining high taste qualities.

Pasta rolls with meat. Canned meat 500-800 g. Pasta 400-450 g. Dried onions 40 g. Tomato paste 2 tablespoons. Butter (ghee) 3-4 tablespoons. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. One bouillon cube. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Place the pasta in a saucepan in salted water and cook for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type and thickness of the pasta. Meanwhile, in one bowl, dilute the bouillon cube with 3 cups of the simmering broth from the pan. In another bowl, fry the wheat flour with butter until light yellow and dilute the resulting mass with the cubed broth. In another bowl, fry tomato paste with dried onions and also transfer it to a bowl with toasted flour. Add salt and spices: ground pepper, suneli hops (1/4 teaspoon), bay leaf. Mix everything well. First transfer the cooked pasta to cheesecloth and let the broth drain. Pour out the remaining broth in the pan. Place the hot pasta back into the pan and add oil. Pour the prepared sauce from the bowl here, stir and put on low heat for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add meat to the pasta. Stir and soon place into bowls. Distribute the sauce that has accumulated at the bottom of the pan evenly among the participants.

Pea kulesh with brisket. Peas 500 g. Smoked brisket (loin) 300 g. Dried onions 40 g. Dried carrots 40 g. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Oil 3-4 tablespoons. Wheat flour 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Cook the pre-soaked peas until half cooked (15-20 minutes). Peel the brisket, remove the bones, chop finely, and fry along with the onion. Also chop the carrots finely and fry over low heat along with tomato paste and oil. Fry wheat flour with butter until light yellow in color and dilute with 2-3 cups of pea broth. Add fried brisket and cooked tomato paste here. Drain the half-cooked peas from the pan onto cheesecloth, let the broth drain and put it back into an empty pan, adding a bay leaf, 5-7 crushed cloves of garlic, ground pepper, pour everything over with the prepared sauce, mix well and put on low heat to simmer until tender (about 15 -20 min), stirring occasionally.

Second courses

Millet milk porridge with raisins. Millet 2 cups. Milk 4 cups. Granulated sugar 4 tablespoons. Raisins 3/4 cup. Butter 4 tablespoons. Salt 1/4 teaspoon.

Pour well-washed millet into boiling lightly salted water and cook from the moment of boiling for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water, pour in hot milk, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Cook the porridge over low heat until done. Meanwhile, pour the sorted and washed raisins into a bowl, add the rest of the sugar and heat over low heat, stirring, until the raisins have steamed, then mix them with the porridge. When serving, pour oil over the porridge.

Pasta with meat. Pasta 400 g. Canned meat 500 g. Dried onions 30 g. Butter (melted) 4 tablespoons. Tomato paste 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt 1 teaspoon.

Boil the pasta in salted water until tender. Drain the broth. Place the pasta in a well-heated frying pan with oil and lightly fry, stirring occasionally. Place the meat in a large bowl, disassemble it into small pieces, add onion, finely chopped 5-7 cloves of garlic, tomato paste, stir well and put on low heat. Place the pasta in bowls and place the warmed meat on top.

Omelette. Egg powder 1.5 tablespoons per person. Powdered milk 10 g per person. Butter (ghee) 1 teaspoon per person. Salt.

Pour the egg powder intended for the omelet into a large bowl (1 egg corresponds to 1/2 tablespoon of egg powder) and pour in the prepared milk at the rate of 1/3 cup per 1.5 tablespoon of egg powder. Add salt and beat with a spoon or a well-cleaned twig with a fork. The omelette will be more “massive” and nutritious if you add a little flour or semolina to this mixture, then mix well. Pour the egg mixture into a hot frying pan (if not, into a bowl) with oil and fry over high heat. As soon as the omelette begins to thicken, remove from heat, cover with a lid and let simmer for 3-5 minutes. When arranging into bowls, it’s good to add at least a little tomato sauce to the omelet. The omelette will benefit even more if you first fry finely chopped lard or brisket (omelet with cracklings) in a frying pan or lightly fry the sausage. A great variety on the hike is an omelette with cheese. The cheese is crushed with a knife or, better yet, on a grater (the group should still have a simple grater with them, which has both light weight and small volume, but is of great help in the variety of food being prepared) at the rate of 15-20 g per person and added to the egg mass. In this case, you should also add a pinch of baking soda.

Fish baked over a fire. To prepare a kind of “fish kebab” there is no need to peel the scales or remove the heads - just gut the insides and lightly salt the carcass. Then string the fish onto a bark-free twig 8-10 mm thick with a pointed end (under no circumstances should coniferous trees be used for this purpose), piercing the tip of the twig through the sides and head so that the carcass does not rotate freely around its axis. The other end of the twig is inserted into the ground directly next to the fire that has just burned out, tilted towards the fire (angle from the vertical 20-30°). In the future, all that remains is to rotate the twig around its axis, turning the fish towards the fire either with its belly, then with its side, or with its back so that the carcass is evenly baked. With this cooking method, the natural, “live” taste and aroma of the fish are completely preserved. Some tourists believe that in order not to disturb the “live” taste of the fish, it is not recommended to salt the carcass before cooking. It is better to salt the finished fish to taste when starting to eat.

Buckwheat porridge with lard and onions. Put 1-2 tablespoons of butter in a well-heated frying pan and, when it melts, add buckwheat and fry over low heat until the cereal is well browned. After this, pour the toasted cereal into boiling salted water and cook over low heat until thickened for 10-15 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and let it evaporate (previously wrapped in a clean rag) for 1-1.5 hours. Meanwhile, finely chop the pork lard and fry along with the dried onions. When serving, place the fried lard and onions into the prepared buckwheat porridge and stir. If the porridge is not hot enough, reheat it before serving.

Semolina. Semolina 4 cups. Milk 5 glasses. Sugar 1 tablespoon. Butter 1/2 tablespoon per person. Sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Pour semolina into boiling milk, stirring continuously, in a thin stream, add salt, sugar and cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes. When serving, spread the butter into bowls.

Mushroom stew. Fresh mushrooms 250 g per person. Butter (melted) 3-5 tablespoons. Flour 1 tablespoon. Spices. Salt. Sprinkle washed, coarsely chopped fresh mushrooms with flour and simmer in a frying pan until tender. butter, adding a little water, salt and spices (dry vegetable seasoning), but so that the smell of spices does not clog the smell of mushrooms.

Mushroom goulash. Fresh mushrooms 250 g per person. Lard 50 g. Dried onion 25 g. Tomato paste 1 teaspoon. Spices. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Mix peeled, washed and chopped mushrooms (white, boletus, boletus) with onions fried in lard, tomato paste, salt and simmer all together for 15-20 minutes.

Pancakes with yeast. Flour 5 cups. Milk 5 glasses. Egg powder 1.5 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 2 tablespoons. Salt 1 teaspoon. Yeast 50 g. Butter (melted) 200 g. Lard (for greasing the frying pan) 20 g.

In a saucepan, yeast and 3 cups of flour are diluted in 2 cups of warm milk. The well-mixed dough is covered with a napkin and placed in a warm place for 30-40 minutes until the volume doubles. Sugar, salt, egg powder, and butter are added to the prepared dough. Mix everything and add the rest of the flour, then knead until elastic and gradually dilute with the remaining 3 glasses of warm milk. Place for the second time in a warm place - 30-35 ° C - until it rises and doubles in size. The risen dough is mixed again and allowed to rise again, then immediately begin baking pancakes.

It is better to bake pancakes in pans with a thick bottom. The dough should be poured into a well-heated frying pan, coated with fat. After each pancake is baked, grease the pan again with butter or a piece of lard placed on a fork. The dough is poured into the frying pan and, tilting it, poured into the entire pan.

For pancakes, use wheat or buckwheat flour (the latter can be used from products baby food), and sometimes both together.

Yeast preparation. The quality of the dough largely depends on the quantity and quality of yeast. Before use, the yeast should be “fed”. To do this, they are bred in small quantities. warm water or milk with 1 teaspoon of sugar and half a glass of flour, mix well (until sour cream is thick) and put in a warm place until a “cap” appears or the volume increases 3-4 times. The amount of yeast is taken according to the amount of flour (the average norm is 25-40 g of yeast per 1 kg of flour). The increase in yeast norm depends on the type of dough being kneaded.

Pancakes with soda. Flour 3 cups. Water 3 glasses. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Soda 1/2 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1 teaspoon. Lemon acid 1/3 teaspoon

Water is gradually poured into the egg powder, ground with sugar, and salt and soda solution are added. Mix well and the resulting liquid is gradually poured into the flour. The dough is stirred until the flour lumps disappear. Diluted finely crushed citric acid is poured into the prepared dough. Stir everything well and immediately begin baking pancakes in the usual way.

Butter pancakes made from pancake flour. Pancake flour 4 cups. Vegetable oil 1 cup.

Dilute pancake flour in warm water or milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Vegetable oil is added to the prepared dough. Mix thoroughly. From the resulting mass, whose thickness resembles thin sour cream, they begin to bake pancakes. Butter pancakes are distinguished by the fact that they never burn and easily turn over when frying.

Pancakes. Flour 3 cups. Milk 4 cups. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Beat the egg powder with sugar and salt, dilute with one glass of milk, add flour, knead the dough until smooth, then dilute with the rest of the milk, stir and start baking in a medium-sized frying pan.

Semolina pancakes. Flour 1/2 cup. Semolina 1/2 cup. Milk 3 glasses. Egg powder 1/2 teaspoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon. Butter 15 g.

Add semolina to boiling milk (1 glass) and add butter. Boil the porridge until cooked and put it in the refrigerator for 50-60 minutes. Make a dough from flour, egg powder, 2 glasses of milk and salt and mix it with cooled semolina porridge. The mass is stirred until smooth. Pancakes are baked in a small frying pan, turning them from one side to the other.

Pancakes. Flour 3 cups. Milk 2 glasses. Egg powder 1/2 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Salt 1/4 teaspoon. Yeast 30 g. Butter or vegetable oil 250 g.

The dough is kneaded from flour, milk and yeast, covered with a napkin and placed in a warm place to rise. Add egg powder, salt, sugar, and 1 teaspoon of butter to the risen dough. The well-mixed dough is left to rise again for 15-20 minutes, after which, without stirring, they begin to bake the pancakes. The pan should be hot, the oil should be heated, and the pancakes should be fried on both sides. Before taking a portion of dough, moisten the spoon with water.

Spring rolls. If the group plans to make filled pancakes for dinner, then the dough is prepared in the same way as for ordinary pancakes (see above). However, they are baked only on one side (without turning them over). Place the filling on the fried side of the cooled pancakes, wrap them and fry them in oil on both sides.

The fillings available on the go are:

Minced freeze-dried meat. Minced meat 150 g. Dried onions 15 g. Wheat flour 2 teaspoons. Water 1/2 cup. Salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

The sublimate is soaked for 15-20 minutes. Then it is fried in a frying pan with butter and onions, after adding a little water. Add salt, pepper, and other spices, sprinkle with flour and knead everything well. The minced meat is ready for laying out into pancakes.

Minced freeze-dried cottage cheese. Cottage cheese 75 g. Powdered milk 3 tablespoons. Egg powder 1 teaspoon. Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon. Flour 1 teaspoon. Salt 1/2 teaspoon. Vanilla sugar 1/3 teaspoon (powder). Raisins 1/3 cup.

The cottage cheese, placed in cheesecloth, is soaked for 5 minutes, then squeezed out, milk diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream, egg powder, sugar, raisins (pre-soaked for 5-10 minutes in hot water), flour, salt and vanilla sugar are added. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. The minced meat is ready for laying out into pancakes.


Drink made from rose hips. Rose hips 400 g. Sugar 400 g.

Pour boiling water over the rosehips washed with cold water and cook under the lid at low boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 6-8 hours (usually overnight, then the drink is poured into thermoses for direct consumption). Strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth, add sugar.

Cranberry juice. Cranberries 125 g per 1 liter of drink. Sugar 120 g. Sort the cranberries, mash with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Pour water over the pomace, boil for 5-8 minutes, add sugar and squeezed juice. Cool the resulting drink and pour into thermoses.

Berry compote. Raspberries 2 cups. Black currants 2 cups, gooseberries 2 cups. Red currants 1 cup. Sugar 250-400 g. Water for syrup 2 cups. Assorted berries can be replaced with 1-2 components. Sort the berries and pour into a bowl. Prepare the syrup: add sugar to water and boil, stirring. Pour hot syrup over the berries. Place the compote in a cool place. It should be drunk chilled.

Fresh berry jelly. Berries 800 g. Granulated sugar 300 g. Potato starch 120 g. Citric acid 1 g. Water 2 l.

Sort the berries, rinse with cold water, place in a bowl, then mash thoroughly in a non-oxidizing bowl with wooden spoons or a well-shaved spatula. Squeeze out the juice, put the remaining mass in a saucepan, add hot water and boil for 5-6 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. Pour granulated sugar into the prepared broth and bring to a boil again. At this time, dilute the starch in the squeezed berry juice and add it to the boiling liquid. Stirring continuously, bring to a boil, but do not boil!

Milk with honey. Powdered milk 85 g. Honey 50 g.

Add honey to hot milk, stir or serve it separately.

Cocoa with condensed milk. Cocoa powder 30-40 g. Condensed milk with sugar 200 ml. Sugar. 100-120 g. All this for 1 liter of drink.

Dilute part of the sweetened condensed milk with a small amount of water and gradually mix with cocoa powder. Then add the rest of the milk and bring to a boil.

Instant coffee with milk. Instant coffee 2.5-3 g. Sugar 20-25 g. Milk 75-100 g. All this for 200 ml of drink.

Instant coffee does not need to be brewed or filtered. This allows you to prepare it with minimal time. Rinse a glass or mug with hot water, add instant coffee, add sugar, stir and fill 1/3 with boiling water. After this, pour in hot milk and serve to the travel participants.

Tea in English. Tea 4 teaspoons. Water 4 glasses. Sugar 8 teaspoons. Cream 200 g.

Rinse the tea saucepan with boiling water, put tea in it, cover with a lid and steam for a while. After 5 minutes, pour a little boiling water (so that the water covers the tea), and after another 5 minutes, top up the saucepan with boiling water. Pour into mugs and serve with cream.

Infusion of pine needles. When there are no other sources of vitamin C, pine needles should be used. This is especially true for participants of ski trips. All types of needles contain large amounts of vitamin C in winter. Cedar, fir and pine needles are especially rich in it.

To obtain an infusion of vitamin C from pine needles, you need to collect needles from branches whose thickness does not exceed 3.-4 mm. Before use, rinse the pine needles with water and chop them with a knife, hatchet, etc. For each cup of chopped pine needles, pour 4 cups into a saucepan hot water. If possible, it is recommended to slightly acidify the water with diluted acetic acid. Close the pan and leave for several hours (overnight is possible) in a relatively warm place. After this, strain the infusion through a double layer of gauze or a clean cloth, lightly squeezing out the pine needles, and drink 1 glass a day (preferably in small portions, as it has a bitter, not entirely pleasant taste). When leaving the bivouac, the infusion can be poured into one of the thermoses for use directly on the route.

Cereals and dishes prepared from them occupy a special place in the diet of tourists. They are a source of quickly digestible carbohydrates and provide about 25% of the total calorie intake.

When cooking porridge on a primus stove, you need to know the ratio of water and cereal (Table 26).

Table 26.

Name of cereal Amount of cereal (g) included in a 0.5 l mug Amount of water (l) per mug of cereal (mug capacity 0.5 l) Amount of cereal (g) required to obtain 500 g of porridge
crumbly viscous liquid crumbly viscous liquid
Buckwheat 420 1,5 3,0 - 240 125 -
Millet 440 1,5 3,0 3,5 200 125 100
Rice 460 2,0 3,5 5,0 180 115 85
Pearl barley 460 2,5 3,5 5,0 170 110 85
Oatmeal 380 - 2,5 3,0 - 100 85
Manna 400 - 2,5 3,0 - 110 85
Hercules 180 - 1,0 1,6 - 125 100

When cooking porridge over a fire, the amount of water should be increased by about 1.5 times.

For porridges cooked in water, the amount of salt should be one teaspoon (10 g) per mug of cereal. For porridges cooked in milk -5 g. For sweet porridges, salt is added to taste.

Milk porridges (except semolina) are first cooked in water (TO-SO% of the total amount of water required for this porridge), and then, when the water begins to be actively absorbed into the cereal, milk powder diluted in water is added.

To eliminate the bitter taste, millet cereals must be rinsed in water several times before cooking.

Buckwheat should be pre-fried in a frying pan.

To prepare porridge for breakfast, the cereals are soaked in the evening.

Cereals for porridge are poured into salted water, and peas, beans and beans are salted when they are boiled.

To avoid sticking, rice should be cooked strictly according to time, and when ready, rinse with hot water.

The duration of cooking porridge over a fire is as follows: oatmeal - 10-20 minutes, buckwheat - up to 60, semolina - 5-10, oatmeal - up to 60, wheat - up to 90, millet - 40-60, pearl barley - up to 120, rice - up to 60 min.

In the highlands, rice, millet and pearl barley do not cook well. But pre-soaking them significantly reduces cooking time.

If you put the meat in cold water, the broth for the soup will be tasty and strong, but the meat will be very boiled. If you want to get more tasty meat, it is placed in boiling water.

Canned meat should be added to the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking, and served preheated directly into bowls for second courses.

Adding one or two tablespoons of table vinegar during cooking makes the meat more tender and the fish stronger.