Samples of coffee tables. How to make a table with your own hands? Industrial style

Brick is one of the oldest building materials. It has been known to humanity for several thousand years. Its simplest types are made from ordinary clay and some aggregates. The mixture is allowed to dry in the mold and then fired at a temperature of +1000°.

In regions where the sun is quite active in the summer, making bricks at home can be even simpler. It simply dries under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Such products can be used for the construction of small one-story buildings, both residential and utility.

Clay mining and testing

Availability of the right clay for the job depends on the area in which you live. But, most often, to detect it, it is enough to go just a few centimeters below the turf layer. You can do this both on your own site and in specially designated public areas (public quarries).

Take a soil sample in any convenient part of the site. If the soil becomes an oily reddish mud when water is added, then you have found a good place for clay extraction.

The quality of manufactured bricks directly depends on the fat content of the raw materials. The simplest way to determine this important characteristic that's how it is. Collect clay samples from different places on your site.

Take 0.5 kg of earth, add a little water to it and mix thoroughly. Do this until the clay absorbs all the water and sticks to your hands.

Having prepared such a steep “dough”, make it into a cake with a diameter of about 10 cm and a ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Perform a similar operation with each of the selected samples. Dry the products for two to three days.

If they crack during this period of time, this means that the alumina is very fatty and quartz sand must be added to it. If the products remain intact, and the ball that you throw from a height of 1 m does not break, then the raw material has normal fat content.

Skinny types of clay do not crack, but also do not have sufficient strength. It is necessary to mix in richer types of soil. Add sand or clay in stages.

And check the quality of the resulting mixture every time. So until optimal proportion components in the solution will not be calculated.

If you don't find good clean and concentrated clay nearby, you will have to buy it from an industrial quarry.

How to make raw brick?

There are several simple ways to make clay brick on one's own. But there are three main ones:

  • Unfired brick with the addition of chopped straw or adobe
  • Unfired building material or raw material
  • Burnt or ordinary red masonry brick

Let's start with adobe. If it is made from good raw materials and properly dried, then in many respects it will not be inferior to baked brick.

Properly constructed adobe buildings have a service life of at least 70 years. If the walls are thick enough, they are cool in summer and warm in winter.

Start by knocking down a large container with low sides to mix the mixture. Combine two types of clay (lean and fatty) and straw in a ratio of 1:1:5. Add water and mix the solution well with a shovel.

Before you start making bricks, you will also need to make molds for them. The material for their manufacture can be 2.5 cm thick boards and two pieces of plywood.

Before starting work, the straw should be thoroughly chopped. If you do this poorly, then its lumps will significantly reduce the strength of the adobe. Wheat, well-dried stalks are best suited for work.

The dimensions of the templates should be equal to the parameters of standard bricks: 25x12x6.5 cm. You can make small conical protrusions in the upper and lower lids that will form recesses in the brick. They are needed to improve the adhesion of the material to the solution.

Connect all the elements of the forms with nails, the length of which should be 5-6 cm. Make the top cover removable. To make brick making work faster, you can knock down several of these templates.

  • After the solution is ready, you need to fill out the forms. Before doing this, moisten them a little with water on the inside and sprinkle with cement or fine dust. This will make removing the brick much easier. Place the finished mixture into molds. At the same time, do not forget to compact it so that the clay fills all the corners. Remove excess dough with a metal spatula. Next, install the top covers. After waiting for a while, remove them. Turn the mold over on the rack and remove the product.
  • Drying clay bricks is the most important operation. When the process of water evaporation occurs, the particles of the substance in the product come closer together due to surface tension forces and its volume decreases. Shrinkage occurs only up to a certain limit, a maximum of 15%. After this, a decrease in volume does not occur, but the physically bound moisture does not yet have time to evaporate completely. A shelving rack under a canopy is best suited for drying.

The most important thing here is that the workpieces are not exposed to direct sunlight and at the same time are well ventilated. The duration of the drying process depends on climatic conditions - humidity, temperature and air mobility environment. Under natural conditions, the operation takes from 7 to 14 days.

The water resistance of unfired clay bricks produced is not very high, so external walls made from it must be additionally protected from the damaging effects of moisture. What you can do for this:

  • The length of the roof overhangs must be at least 60 cm
  • Be very careful when bandaging the seams of the brickwork.
  • Place door and window openings no closer than 1.5 m from the corners
  • After the walls have dried and settled, plaster them or cover them with a suitable material, such as siding.

Clay unfired bricks without the use of straw are produced in exactly the same way as adobe. The only difference is that instead of straw, you need to add a little sand to the dough, in the same proportion - 1:5. Pure quartz sand of fine fractions is best suited for this.

Making baked brick

It should be immediately warned that firing raw brick is a rather complex technological operation. Doing it yourself at home is not very rational. But, if you need a very small batch, for the construction small house, then you can do this.

Raw firing is divided into three parts:

  • Warming up
  • The firing itself
  • Gradual and controlled cooling

Now about these processes in more detail:

    • Burning

You can warm up and roast the raw material in a regular metal barrel of 200-250 liters. First cut out both bottoms and place it on an iron stove without a top.

You can also do this over a fire. When using it, dig a hole 50 cm deep and place the barrel on legs about 20 cm high. This will ensure more uniform heating.

Place the blanks one on top of the other with small intervals. Once the barrel is full, cover it with a metal lid. This is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of cold air into it.

When firing bricks, the fire must be maintained for approximately 20 hours. This mode depends on the properties of the clay and is selected experimentally.

During the process, both hygroscopic, that is, physically bound, and hydrate, chemically bound, water evaporates from the workpieces. In addition, a partial decomposition reaction of carbonates occurs, and all impurities of organic origin are burned. The entire volume of workpieces placed in the barrel is heated evenly.

Clay minerals are completely destroyed, and the clay itself transforms into a new - amorphous state. At temperatures of +800...+1000° for low-melting types of clay and at +1100...+1200° for refractory varieties, the substance sinters, that is, ceramics are formed.

    • Cooling

The barrel filled with bricks must cool in stages and be sure to closed lid. You can regulate the temperature by reducing the fuel supply to the fire or stove.

Lower the temperature slowly. And only when you bring it to +650° can the process be accelerated. Open the barrel after the material has completely cooled, after 5-6 hours.

The technological operation of cooling the finished brick is one of the most critical processes. Freshly fired material does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and the entry of cold outside air. If this happens, the brick will crack.

When production ceramic bricks at home will be finished, you need to check its quality. Break the finished red brick into two halves. A correctly made brick inside should have a uniform color and structure.

Fill these halves with water and wait a few hours. If during this time the material does not collapse or has no differences in color on the fault, then everything is in order and you can begin construction from it.

Do not forget that red baked brick must be soaked before laying. The raw material does not need such an operation.

Do-it-yourself bricks are mostly made in small quantities for your own needs. Ordinary clay or fireproof is used in the construction of small projects. To make it, mix the solution, put it in molds and dry it. To give the necessary strength, they are fired in a special oven.

Much more often, material is required for interior decoration. They use decorative, facing, created using simple technology from plaster, cement, as well as its imitation using plasterboard and paper.

Types of brick and its features

All products have standard sizes 65×120×250 mm, 88×120×250 mm or smaller, but multiples in all respects. Building bricks are made from fusible clay; in the finished state, they have slight porosity to reduce thermal conductivity and adhesion to the mortar.

It is well fired in a kiln at 900–1100°. Underdried has scarlet color, poor characteristics: insufficient strength, low water resistance, poor frost resistance. Burnt (iron ore) usually with curved shapes and high thermal conductivity. In construction, high-quality bricks are used for laying walls, chimneys, stoves, except for the firebox area.

They use fireproof material that can withstand high temperature. It is made by firing clay with fireclay, but it is impossible to make at home - it requires 1500°. If the brick is overexposed, it becomes covered with a shell similar to glass. Its quality is easily recognized by appearance– sandy yellow color, granular. Upon impact, it shatters into large pieces, and the unburnt one crumbles into small pieces. It cannot be used for laying fireboxes or chimneys - it does not retain heat and may collapse.

The apartment is finished with decorative brick and has an original design. The products have different parameters and surface structure, rectangular shape and slightly rounded edges, and a wide variety of colors. The wizard will help you choose the most suitable options for the interior. The types differ in production technology and material:

The advantages of decorative products include long service life, light weight, resistance to abrasion, water and fire. Has some imperfections in painting if low quality materials are used. Due to the convex surface, the volume of the room is visually reduced.

The main advantage of facing brick is its beauty. At the same time, it is durable, resistant to atmospheric agents, and is successfully used for interior and exterior work. The variety of shades is amazing - you can choose the color to your taste. The sizes vary, allowing you to realize any idea. The wall acquires a unique design.

The industry produces several types that differ in their front surface and quality:

  • glazed – has a special layer that adds volume;
  • ceramic - it is used to create patterns;
  • clinker - less aesthetically pleasing, but with increased wear resistance and strength;
  • hyper-pressed - consists only of limestone and cement, does not contain clay.

The production of the latter is carried out without firing, but under high pressure. Does not retain heat well and is used indoors.

Making at home

Production technology building material made from clay has been known for centuries. You don’t need machinery or equipment or the skills of a highly qualified specialist. Proven methods and new techniques are used, which allows us to obtain high-quality products at minimal cost.

To give the brick strength, it is fired in a kiln. If a lot is required, a permanent structure is built; for small volumes, even metal barrel. Modern supplements improve quality characteristics: thermal insulation properties, resistance to frost, moisture, cracking.

Preparation of raw materials

Not all clay is suitable for making bricks. Only high-quality material is used, which does not contain stones, pebbles, earth, or white inclusions. Strength, durability, resistance to low temperatures and water. It is first checked for fat content. A small amount is soaked, and when the material becomes homogeneous, roll into a ball with an approximate diameter of 5 cm.

It is left in the shade to dry thoroughly, then testing begins. If it bursts, the clay is oily, you should add 5 parts of fine river sand to it. But this is an approximate dosage; you will have to experiment to achieve a high-quality composition.

Cracks may not form. Then they take the ball and let it free fall from a meter height to hard surface. If it survives the impact, the strength is high, suitable for brick. When it breaks, the mixture is diluted with a fatty composition. It or sand is poured in small portions, checked each time until the desired composition is achieved.

Greater ductility facilitates manufacturing. To achieve this state, the crushed raw materials are placed in a wide box, water is added in several steps, mixing everything thoroughly. Leave in this form for at least three days until the composition becomes homogeneous. Cover the container with a moistened cloth or film.

Product molding

The finished solution is placed in wooden or metal boxes. They are calculated for one brick or more. The inside must have a smooth surface. Before filling, lubricate with oil or use whitewash (water and chalk). The forms can be collapsible or solid, as shown in the pictures.

When filling containers with clay, take into account that when it dries, and then when fired, it decreases in size. Therefore, each side is increased by 10 mm. For ease of use, the box is made without a bottom and with removable sides. It can be made to form one solid piece, which is then cut into pieces with a string or a metal plate soaked in water.

Fine sifted water is poured onto the moistened sides and bottom. river sand or some sawdust. Lay the prepared mass and compact it. During the shrinking process, clay is added until it is even with the edges. The excess is cut off with a metal or wood strip or a large spatula. The surface is smoothed and the box is removed. The product is left to dry for 1–2 hours. Readiness is determined by pressing with your fingers - there should be no traces left. Rejected copies are allowed for processing.

To make bricks with your own hands in large quantities, you should take care of the equipment. A homemade screw press, where a jack is used for drive, will make the work easier. Hot water for preparing the solution speeds up the initial drying.

How to dry it properly

Quality largely depends on how moisture is removed. The more uniformly and longer the process lasts, the stronger the material becomes. If the temperature is not constant, overheating is allowed, then cooling, cracks and deformation appear. Usually the formed blanks are placed under a canopy.

In open areas, the top and sides are covered with fabric to protect from sunlight at midday, and in case of rain - with film. Don't forget to shoot when the weather is moderate and there is no precipitation. They make sure that the base is not wet - even on dry ground they spread a film or lay boards, and then put raw material on top.

The material laid out in one layer dries faster, but requires a lot of space. Therefore, they make vertical bags of 6–8 rows, each sprinkled with sawdust or sand. Place loosely and leave small space so that air can pass through. When the bricks dry out from below, they build them up with freshly made bricks. Taking into account the fact that the process occurs faster from above, all products will be ready at approximately the same time. The outside air temperature must be at least 10°.

If clay brick is simply dried without firing, it will turn out raw. It has a faded brown color. In terms of performance, it is almost no different from red, but is more susceptible to deformation and less durable. If you use high-quality raw materials and dry them well, the characteristics are almost comparable.

The duration of the process depends on the weather. At normal temperatures without excessive humidity, bricks of small standard sizes dry in 10–15 days. Readiness is determined by testing. Take one raw material from the middle and break it in half. If there is no dark spot, which indicates moisture, the required quality.

Firing technology

If a person is making building bricks for the first time, then he does not have a special oven. If something like this is not planned in the future, there is no point in building it. A metal container of 200 liters is used, holes are made in the bottom.

Choose an area where there are no underground communications. Dig a hole of a slightly smaller diameter, 0.5 m deep. Place stones 20 cm high on the sides, with a barrel on top of them. Raw material is placed inside - 35–40 pieces included. They are laid with gaps and closed at the top.

A fire is lit under the container. The firing process is long and tedious, lasting 20 hours. They start early in the morning, constantly maintaining a high temperature by adding fuel. When the required time has passed, leave it to burn out. It is impossible to simmer so that the barrel cools slowly, otherwise the baked clay will crack.

Better firing is obtained if you use a homemade oven, the design of which is shown in the figure below.

The properties of brick are determined by many process factors:

  • time of temperature rise and its final indicators;
  • holding at the achieved parameters;
  • cooling rate.

The construction of the furnace begins with a foundation 0.5 m deep and 0.6 m wide. Then they lay out vertical walls half a meter thick. After reaching ⅔ of the height, they are gradually narrowed, forming a chimney, on which a pipe is placed to improve draft. Burnt brick or raw brick is used. To make the structure easy to disassemble when no longer needed, the masonry is done using thin mortar. A 10-centimeter layer of crumbs or small crushed stone is poured under the stove.

An opening is provided for loading, which then serves as a firebox. A well-fitted lid or door is installed on it. All external walls are coated with a thick layer of clay. After laying the raw material, the fuel is ignited. At first, only 150° is required; you should not increase it sharply - a lot of steam accumulates, which threatens destruction. Low-grade firewood is used.

After 48 hours, the temperature is gradually raised to 1000° and maintained for up to four days. The flame should be light orange. When they stop heating, seal the cracks that appear on the walls and leave until completely cooled. The quality of the bricks is checked by breaking one of them. Well fired has a uniform color and structure. If you fill it with water for several hours, the original appearance should not change.

How to make decorative brick

The very popular material has noticeably displaced traditional wallpaper. Many are stopped by its cost, but you can make it yourself using available raw materials. You will need gypsum or Portland cement; options from plasterboard or even paper are known.

You need forms that are commercially available, but they are expensive. At home, they can be made from thick cardboard. Glue the box according to standard dimensions of 250x65 mm with a height of 0.5–3 cm. To prevent the walls from creeping, wrap them with wire mesh. Something embossed is placed on the bottom, otherwise the front surface will come out flat. A good matrix is ​​obtained from liquid polyurethane; it can be used to set up production in large volumes.

Three options - gypsum, cement with foam, papier-mâché

Quality is almost 100% dependent on raw materials. The best result is obtained with the use of G-16 grade gypsum. You can use G-5 or G-10, but plasticizers and fiber fiber should be added to it.

The mold is sprayed with soapy water and allowed to dry so that the products fly out of it. In the meantime, prepare a solution: add 600 ml of water to 750 ml of gypsum and mix thoroughly. If you don’t have a mixer, use your hand in rubber gloves to knead all the lumps. This is done quickly so that the composition does not set. Next, it is poured into the matrices and smoothed with a spatula.

After half an hour, take it out and fold it up. Natural drying takes a long time, especially if the temperature is low and the humidity is high. An ordinary oven, set at 50°, will help out. After a few hours, the surface will turn white, which indicates that the product is completely ready.

The second original and simple way:

  • Styrofoam balls are poured into the container;
  • in another bowl, mix white cement and fine sand in a ratio of 3:1;
  • add water little by little to make the mixture creamy;
  • It is poured into balls, mixed, and poured into molds.

If they have a flat bottom, do not wait for them to dry completely, but take them out and process them with wood carving tools. It should be completed in one day. With this method, each product acquires an original look, because it is practically impossible to produce identical ones with manual finishing.

Simple instructions will help you make decorative paper bricks:

  1. 1. Tear the cardboard and pour boiling water over it, adding it periodically, as the water is strongly absorbed. The cooled mass is crushed with a mixer, excess moisture is squeezed out through a mesh. Sort out the lumps, removing too small ones, otherwise you will get a smooth surface.
  2. 2. A paste is made from starch and poured into paper pebbles. Take a little just to moisten it. Add boostilate, mix everything and get dough for bricks.
  3. 3. Send the mass into molds pre-lined with polyethylene to make it convenient to remove after drying. The recommended thickness is about one centimeter.

All that remains is to give it the desired color. For this, acrylic dyes are used, heavily diluted with water. They cover the front surface 2-3 times. Finally, after complete drying, a colorless varnish is applied.

Imitation brickwork

Sometimes you don’t want to tinker with solutions and shapes, but you really want to give the room an original design. It will help to make a false wall, for which plasterboard is used. Cells are applied to the sheet the right size, cut along the lines, then individual parts are processed.

GCR does not have the necessary texture. To give it the appearance of decorative brick, use any plaster that has good adhesion, such as isogypsum. The mixture is diluted with water to the desired consistency until it becomes plastic. Then they apply it to the workpieces with a spatula and give the desired relief. Dry for a day or two, then process the edges. They paint it and after a few hours stick it on the wall.

If the finishing is done to imitate facing bricks, the second layer is not applied. Instead they use acrylic paints, which are carefully applied with a spray several times. Care is required to ensure that the paper does not peel off - it is recommended to use waterproof material. Finally, apply a clear varnish to add shine.

Cardboard for imitation - very economical option. They take the boxes, disassemble them and cut them into rectangles. The wall is marked, a blank is glued to each cell. When it dries, begin applying the relief. Use paper napkins and knead them well with your hands. Then they are combined with fake bricks using glue to heavy wallpaper. Immediately apply the same composition on top, form many folds and leave to dry.

Acrylic paints are used for finishing. The first layer is undiluted, then tinted with heavily diluted water. Secured with matte varnish.

These are not all brick making technologies. You can use other materials, such as plastic panels. Various ways it is permissible to combine, choosing at each stage the most suitable one.

It's nice to have a house outside the city! But what if there is a plot of land, but there is no money for building materials? So, you need to build from what you have!

Materials for making bricks and blocks

Today everyone is accustomed to buying ready-made building materials. And our ancestors did everything with their own hands. And their houses were strong, warm, cozy.

Today's craftsmen also began to make bricks with their own hands for the construction country house. A variety of materials are used for this.

You can make the following building materials at home:

  • concrete cinder blocks;
  • adobe bricks;
  • terrablocks.

With diligence, labor and patience, all the work can be done without any purchased mechanisms. And the financial investment on the material can be kept to a minimum.

Brick and block molds

Of course you can buy them. But since you decide to do everything yourself, then you should build the molds for filling yourself. Moreover, ready-made bricks will be useful not only for building a house, but also for building a poultry house, garage and other utility rooms.

If possible, you can make metal molds. But the easiest option is to put them together from plywood or wooden planks.

They make either single molds, double molds, or multi-piece molds. First, the walls of the box are knocked together. It is best to make the bottom of the mold retractable. But the covers are not attached in any way, but are simply placed on top. It is recommended to fill them with cone-shaped cones to create voids in bricks and blocks.

Although some craftsmen make do without lids at all when making bricks. Their bricks and blocks are cast, solid, without voids. In this case, more material is consumed, and the thermal conductivity of the walls is higher. That is, housing is less warm, since it is easier to share temperature with the environment.

If the mold is made for casting two or more blocks or bricks, then partitions are inserted inside. They can be made either stationary or removable. The latter option is considered more successful, since the bricks can be removed without any problems after removing the partitions.

Molds for making blocks and bricks differ only in their sizes. Moreover, everyone chooses for himself how large his building materials will be.

Concrete cinder blocks

This option is the most expensive of the three mentioned above. But, nevertheless, by making the blocks yourself, rather than purchasing them, the master significantly saves money.

For a concrete cinder block you need to take:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 6 parts sand;
  • 10 parts filler.

The filler is expanded clay or crushed stone. But a thrifty owner can replace purchased ingredients with ordinary garbage, which is easy to collect in his yard, from his neighbors, or (forgive me, people with an aristocratic upbringing!) in a landfill.

It is important to use as a filler something that does not rot and does not shrink.

These are:

  • broken glass;
  • stones;
  • pieces of brick;
  • plastic;
  • small metal parts.

When combining ingredients, it is necessary to measure the parts based not on the weight of the materials, but on their volume.

The volume of filler is calculated using a method based on Archimedes' law.

To do this, you will need a container of known volume and water. First, they put the material into it. Then fill everything with water, filling the container completely. After this, all that remains is to simply calculate how much water fits, subtract this number from the known volume of the container. What will remain is exactly the figure that will be equal to the volume of the material being measured.

Adobe bricks

To produce building materials of this kind, the following ingredients are required in equal volumes:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • wet manure or;
  • filler.

The following are used as fillers:

  • crushed insulation fibers;
  • reed fines;
  • shavings;
  • sawdust;
  • chopped straw.

You can add lime fluff or cement to the mass to increase strength.

If you have difficulty finding peat or manure, experts advise making your own stabilizer for bricks. To do this, vegetable tops, leaves, and weeds are dumped into a special pit and filled with clay solution. After three months, the rotted mass can be used as an ingredient for making adobe mortar.


It is even easier to use ordinary earth as a material for bricks and blocks.

For earthen bricks you should not take upper layer soils in which they are found in large quantities plant roots, and located deeper. Silted soils are not suitable for work.

Ingredients for Terrablocks:

  • 1 part clay;
  • 9 parts of earth;
  • 5% fluff;
  • 2% cement;
  • filler (slag, garbage, crushed stone, expanded clay, crushed insulation).

You can mix the ingredients for the composition with your feet, placing it in a pit, large capacity type of bath. There is an option to do this work using special devices– soil mixers resembling concrete mixers in miniature.

Drying bricks

Concrete bricks and cinder blocks dry in one to two days in good warm weather. But adobe and earthen building materials have to be kept under a canopy for a week or even about half a month. A canopy is necessary to protect bricks and blocks from precipitation and sunlight.

Moreover, adobe and terra bricks are first dried in a horizontal position for 2-3 days, and then turned over on their side. After a few days, they are transferred to the opposite side, then with the bottom part up.

If brick production takes place in winter period, for drying it is necessary to equip a room with walls, ceiling and heating.

It is very important to remember when building a house from adobe or earthen bricks: finishing cannot be carried out earlier than a year after the construction of the walls!

This rule follows from the fact that buildings made from this building material have a tendency to shrink strongly.

Video about how to make earthen bricks using a simple homemade machine

If necessary, brick production is carried out at home on your own. Having understood the stages of production, choosing the right material and the manufacturing method, you can stock up on building materials without large material costs. The technology for preparing laying elements must be observed as much as possible, since if it is violated, the result will be spoiled.

Preparatory activities

Before making homemade red brick at home, you need to prepare raw materials, materials, and arrange the premises in order to produce fragments using a handicraft method. You buy consumables or look for them yourself. When making calculations, you need to assume that for 1000 fragments you need at least 2 m³ of clay and sand. If you make raw materials yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • hedge trimmer and pitchfork;
  • pickaxes;
  • wheelbarrow for transportation.

For the artisanal method, it is recommended to select the location in advance consumables. The best raw materials are located in a dry place, not flooded by atmospheric and groundwater. The algorithm for extracting raw materials with your own hands is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove bushes and thickets from the location of the materials.
  2. Dig a trench to improve access to raw materials.
  3. Gradually deepen to clay deposits.

To facilitate transportation, it is better to lay out the road from the place of extraction to the place of production, paved with wooden boards.

The quality of the material is checked by the presence of cracks in the dried clay ball.

After preparing the building material for manufacturing, it is necessary to check how greasy it is. To do this, you need to clean the clay from additional elements: specks, pebbles and lumps. After this, roll the soaked raw material into a ball with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a thin cake with a circumference of at least 10 cm. Leave the resulting blanks until completely dry for 2-3 days. If cracks do not appear, the clay is suitable for making or any other material.

Material Shape

After selecting and preparing the raw materials, clay bricks begin to be formed. Cement and other materials are placed in wooden or metal forms. More often used collapsible structures, from which it is easier to obtain rectangular or rounded bricks. Inner surface should be smooth and clean. Before pouring cement or clay, it is better to lubricate the mold with oil, whitewash or water to prevent the material from sticking to the edges of the structure. Preparing for the house during the formation process should be carried out taking into account the fact that when drying, the volume of the material decreases, so the mixture must be compacted strongly.

Composition of blanks

Before making a fragment manually, you need to know what elements to include in the composition in order to improve the performance properties of the material. The main ingredient is clay, but depending on the purpose, the components of the building mixture include additional components. Based on their contents, the following types of bricks from scrap materials are distinguished:

Quartz sand makes up the majority of the silicate material.
  • Silicate - consists of quartz sand and lime in a ratio of 90% to 10%.
  • Red refractory brick - made from clay and plasticizer.
  • Ceramic material can be prepared from a constantly used composition and clay admixtures of small fractions.

Before making bricks from cement or other material, you must consult a specialist, because there are various subtleties in mixing, storing or calculating raw materials. Therefore, in order for the masonry to be durable and look professional, you need to know exactly how to use manual force. Homemade brick clay will be warmer if you add sawdust or a plasticizer to it, and if you strengthen the fragments with cement, the installation will last longer.