Who is Angel Gabriel? Archangel Gabriel. Heavenly angelic hierarchy

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Name: Acts of Archangel Gabriel
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"Gabriel" is derived from the Hebrew name "Gabriel". This name literally means “The Almighty is my strength.” Along with Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel is mentioned in the book of Daniel, where he explains the vision to the prophet.

Four Archangels
Gabriel is one of the four angels who stand on the four sides of the throne of God and act as guardians at the four ends of the world. These four archangels ( Gabriel, Michael, Uriel and Raphael; in Russian tradition Gabriel, Mikhail, Yuri and Rafail), which are still called upon in prayer for the coming sleep, are often mentioned together. These four names are engraved on one gold tablet found in the tomb of the wife of Emperor Honorius. Most often, Gabriel is mentioned next to Michael, as occupying second place after him. On one Gnostic gem there is a Greek inscription: “Michael is the highest, Gabriel - the most powerful" The three angels who appeared to Abraham were Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Michael takes his place at the right hand of the Lord, Gabriel - on the left. Gabriel had the image of a “husband” and, according to the Talmud, it was he who was the same “man dressed in linen” who is described in the book of Yehezkel.

Gabriel is the lord of fire. It is he who is entrusted with the liberation of both Abraham and Hananah, Michael and Azariah from the fiery furnace. In only one case is Michael called the lord of fire, and Gabriel the lord of water. Gabriel is also in charge of the ripening of fruits.
Gabriel appeared to Moshe in the clothes of a worker and taught him how to make a seven-branched candlestick. Like all angels, Gabriel has wings, but while Michael flies around the world with one flap of his wings, Gabriel needs two flaps to do this. Very often, Archangels Michael and Gabriel act together, but the former, as the guardian angel of Israel and the heavenly high priest, is more busy in heaven, while the latter fulfills the duties of a messenger before the Almighty, carrying out all His plans on earth.

Actions and responsibilities of Gabriel, the rise of Rome
In addition to the indicated actions and responsibilities assigned to Gabriel, he also often acts as an instrument of the Almighty. So, after visiting Abraham with the other two angels, he goes to destroy Sodom and save Lot. The angel Samael, wanting to destroy Tamar so that David would not descend from her, stole the things left by Judah from her, with which she could prove her loyalty to him; however, Gabriel restored them again. He taught Yosef all seventy languages, and he also brought Yocheved to Amram. When the slaves of Pharaoh's daughter wanted to convince her to refuse to save Moses, he struck them down with a blow. During the marriage of King Shlomo to the daughter of one of the pharaohs, he (according to some opinions - Michael) stuck a reed into the middle of the sea. Over time, a lot of sea mud collected around it, from which an island was formed, and Rome was subsequently built on it. He struck the hordes of Sancheriv with plague. He marks the brows of righteous and sinful people special signs. It fell to his lot to throw fire at the Temple and the city, which the angel took from the hands of the cherub. Gabriel prevented Queen Vashti from appearing at the call of King Ahasuerus and restored again the story of the services rendered to this king by Mordechai (according to some opinions - Michael), the memory of which was destroyed by Shimshai. Finally, according to a later legend, he defeated the judges who refused to take the side of Shimon ben Shetah in his fight with King Alexander Yannai.

Judaism and angels
Judaism strictly prohibits the worship of angels. “Pray neither to Michael nor to Gabriel, but only to Me, and I will answer you directly.”
The name Gabriel plays a significant role in some gems, in numerous papyri that treat magic among Christians and Muslims. “In Christianity, like Judaism, Gabriel stands next to the Archangel Michael, but not on the same level as him.” Even to this day, Gabriel plays a significant role in the mystical literature of Christians and Mohammedans.

Legends about Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel is often mentioned in the legends of the peoples of the world. They were somehow borrowed from the Oral and Written Torah, but over time they were distorted and mixed with folklore.
There are many traditions in Arabic literature that are directly or indirectly borrowed from the Haggadah. Archangel Gabriel (“Jibril”) is mentioned only twice in the Quran. However, according to commentators of the Koran, Gabriel is repeatedly spoken of, only under different names; for example, he is called "Ruh al-Quds" ("spirit of holiness"), "Ruh al-Amin" ("spirit of faith"), "Shadid al-Quwwa" ("formidable par excellence") and "Rasul Karim" (“noble messenger”). According to Beidawi's explanation, the name Gabriel means "servant of God."

Gabriel and Coran
According to legend, Gabriel opened and told Muhammad the contents of the Koran. Because of this, some Arab writers believed that the Jews considered Gabriel their enemy! This was confirmed by the statement of the prophet himself that the enemies of Gabriel were the enemies of God. Gabriel presented himself as a mediator between Allah and the prophet. This also explains the fact that at the beginning of some suras of the Koran there are three letters, aleph, lamed and mem. Ibn Abbas interprets them in this way: aleph - the designation of God, lamed - Gabriel, ma'am - Muhammad. Gabriel pronounced the command of God before the prophet: “Read!” Because of this, he is revered by Muslims as “the guardian of heavenly treasures (Revelation).” He is one of the angels who communicate directly with God (al-Mukkarabim). Together with three other angels, Gabriel will survive the day Last Judgment when all other creatures perish.

Acts of Gabriel
According to Arab legends, as a messenger of God, Gabriel took part in the creation of Adam, because God commanded him to collect all kinds of clay, from which the body of the first man was created. After the expulsion of the first parents from paradise, Gabriel took pity on them: he gave Adam and Eve a small bag of wheat and taught them to sow it and then collect the grain. He also gave Adam an ox so that he could plow the ground with it. The same archangel taught Adam to make fire using flint and iron. Gabriel was also friendly to the forefather Abraham, helping him when Nimrod threw him into a blazing fire. Nimrod, using a catapult, threw Abraham into the air, and he would certainly have fallen into the fire if Gabriel had not caught him and held him in the air.

Arab artists depict Gabriel as one of the three angels (Jibril, Michael and Israfil, who corresponds to the Jewish Uriel) who visited Abraham. The angels did not want to taste the food offered to them by the patriarch without first paying the cost of the flour. Then Abraham replied: “You will pay for her by glorifying the Most High,” to which Gabriel nodded his head approvingly and said: “Truly this man is worthy to be called a friend of God.”

About the destruction of Sodom

Commenting on the story of Lot and the angels who came to him in Sodom to inform him of the punishment awaiting the local residents, the authors explain that Gabriel touched the inhabitants of the city with his wings so that they went blind. With the same wings, Gabriel lifted the entire city into the air to such a height that the barking of dogs and the crowing of the roosters of Sodom could be clearly heard in the sky. Then the angel turned the entire city over in the air and forcefully threw it down to the ground. Abraham begged Gabriel to spare the city if there were ten believers in it. In the end, the archangel promised Abraham to help save Lot and his family with the exception of Lot's wife. However, having found in Lot’s behavior confirmation of the words of the Almighty about the complete depravity of the inhabitants of Sodom, Gabriel put an end to the city in the above manner.

Fall of the Tower of Babel
In the account of Moses' mission to Pharaoh, Arab commentators attribute a prominent role to Gabriel. Telling about the tower built by the ruler of Egypt in order to rise to the God of Moses, it is said that Gabriel touched it with his wing and it fell apart, splitting into three parts: one fell on the Pharaoh’s army and instantly killed a thousand people, the other fell into the sea, and the third collapsed to the ground, crushing the builders, not a single one of whom survived. When Pharaoh was ready to believe in the God of Moses, Gabriel grabbed a handful of sea silt and smeared it on the king’s mouth. Subsequently, talking with Muhammad, Gabriel boasted of this foresight, explaining it with his fear that the Almighty would not be imbued with compassion for the pharaoh.

God threatened to bring down Mount Sinai on the Israelites if they did not accept the Law. When the Jews began to persist, Gabriel was summoned to the mountain and began to hold its top above the heads of the people gathered at its foot.

Gabriel also came to Moses with the message that the giant Og was in a helpless position, caught in his own trap, and encouraged him to kill this king.

Message to King David
It fell to Gabriel to be a messenger to King David, crushed by his sinfulness, and to declare to him the forgiveness granted by God. The same angel gathered a mass of demons from everywhere and delivered them to their new ruler, King Shlomo. In another legend, the Almighty gathered the birds so that they would bow before King Solomon. Gabriel also delivered to the latter from paradise a magical ring with the inscription “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet.” Previously, this ring belonged to Adam. All this happened on Friday, the 27th day of the month of Muharram.

Other deeds of Gabriel
Stories about the deeds of Gabriel are also preserved in the folk traditions of the Moriscos. Gabriel played the role of a witness (notary) at the marriage of Adam and Eve. He encouraged Abraham to marry Hagar. He replaced Isaac with a ram on Mount Moriah and kept Abraham from sacrificing his own son. Gabriel announced to Sarah the birth of Isaac. When Joseph was in prison, Gabriel taught him to use sand for ritual ablutions in the absence of water. Gabriel, disguised as Joseph's father, protected the latter from the attempt by Potiphar's wife on his chastity.

Yosef's robe was a gift from Gabriel, who wove it from heavenly silk for Abraham when the latter was in danger of being cast into the fiery furnace. Abraham gave it to Isaac, Isaac gave it to Yaakov, and he gave it as an amulet to Joseph. Gabriel appeared before Yosef, unwrapped the robe, and clothed him in it. The same Gabriel, having first placed a small child in a cradle so that it could testify in favor of Joseph, established through this child the latter’s innocence when Potiphar’s wife accused him of an attempt on her honor. The length of Joseph's imprisonment, according to Gabriel, was so significant because Joseph trusted people more than God. Gabriel restrained Joseph from sending a letter to his father so that Yakov would thereby suffer punishment for one of his previous, admittedly minor, sins.

1. Gabriel is one of the four angels who stand on the four sides of the throne of God and act as guardians at the four ends of the world.
2. “Michael is the highest, Gabriel is the most powerful.”
3. Gabriel is the lord of fire.
4. Gabriel often acts as an instrument of the Most High.
5. Gabriel is one of the angels who communicate directly with God.
6. Together with three other angels, Gabriel will survive the Day of Judgment, when all other creatures will perish.


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Prayer to Archangel Gabriel

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Orthodox people are distinguished by their deep faith not only in God, but also in many saints. They often come to church and bow before the saints, reading prayers and asking for help. There are many different stories where saints actually helped people get out of the most terrible situations. In the Orthodox world there are many saints who are revered by believers. But one of the most revered is the image of Archangel Gabriel. Prayer to Saint Gabriel is very powerful and gives protection to a person from many troubles and problems.

A little history

Archangel Gabriel is revered in the Orthodox world as a very strong protector. Even in the Bible he is mentioned as the supreme angel who led the struggle of the light forces against the dark. He, together with Archangel Michael, cast out the devil. It was Gabriel who warned the Virgin Mary about the coming trouble, when there was a threat of destruction of all babies.

What do they pray to Archangel Gabriel for?

The prayer to Archangel Gabriel is very powerful. People turn to him for help:

  • If you have problems getting pregnant,
  • With assistance in adoption,
  • They ask for a good pregnancy,

In addition to the above, it should be noted that this saint is also the patron saint of muses and educators. Especially those who work with children in school and preschool education institutions.

It should be noted that the ministry of the Saints is directed by God to the salvation of all human race. And also for the return of people who have fallen away from God to the Almighty. There are suggestions that he strengthened the Lord in His prayer on the Mount of Olives. This is mentioned in Luke 22:43.

Prayer to Archangel Gabriel for help

As mentioned above, Orthodox people very often read prayers to saints. There is an opinion that every person should definitely pray and bow to his guardian angel. So, as for Archangel Gabriel, since ancient times it was believed that he needed to read prayers not only to people with the same name, but also to his entire family.

Since the prayer to Archangel Gabriel is very strong protection not just for one family member, but for the whole clan. As mentioned above, people turn to him for help not only about giving a child, but also about healing and protection. Single girls ask for marriage. Or rather, about helping to meet a good couple. In addition, when turning to a saint in prayer, they ask to add bright emotions. Namely:

  • peace,
  • serenity,
  • the joy of communicating with friends,
  • harmony in relationships, etc.

Gabriel also helps everyone who transmits information to journalists, writers, and teachers.

Many Orthodox people think that only a priest can read the prayer to Archangel Gabriel. Allegedly, only in this case will it have special power. In fact, this is far from the case. Every person who has faith in his heart can read the prayer. The main thing is to do this with faith, hope and sincerity. Moreover, this can be done not only within the walls of a temple or church, but also at home in front of the image of the Saint.

Text of the prayer to Archangel Gabriel:

Oh, holy great Archangel Gabriel, standing before the Throne of God and illuminated by the illumination of the Divine Light, and enlightened by the knowledge of the incomprehensible secrets of His eternal wisdom! I earnestly pray to you, guide me to repentance from evil deeds and to strengthen my faith, strengthen and protect my soul from seductive temptations, and beg our Creator for the forgiveness of my sins. Oh, holy great Gabriel the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, who prays to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but an ever-present helper to me, may I unceasingly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the power and your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch the video prayer to the Archangel Gabriel:

Prayer to Angel Gabriel


Healing Archangel of the Second Cellular Memory Site IET

(Third Eye, or Sixth Chakra)

Gift of Healing: Divine Direction

Helps us get rid of uncertainty and mistrust

Angel Gabriel is a delightful archangel of healing, his energy is strong, powerful, unwavering and absolutely definite. His energy is like a powerful compass showing me the way.

As a child, I used a compass to avoid getting lost in the forest: the magnetic needle always pointed north, and I could determine where to go. I didn't see magnetic lines, but I always believed that the compass would show me right direction. This is my sense of Gabriel: he is like a spiritual compass, pointing us to Divine direction.

Throughout the spiritual evolution of mankind, Gabriel's presence has shown the way and given understanding. Gabriel continues to do this today. Whenever we call upon him, Angel Gabriel will come to help us overcome our indecision and see the direction in which we should move in accordance with the wishes from above. It also helps strengthen our faith so that we actually move in that direction.

When I call on Angel Gabriel for help, no compass needle appears in front of me; It’s just that situations arise in life that clearly indicate the path. Some doors close quickly, some of my efforts are unsuccessful and seem futile, while others, on the contrary, bring excellent results and come easy. And the path becomes clear to me.


You can invite Angel Gabriel as you work to unblock the energy in the second cellular memory region of the IET (third eye, or 6th chakra). His healing energy especially helps those who are at a crossroads, unable to make a decision, or do not know where to go.

Angel Gabriel, please accept my heart's invitation and connect your energy with mine. Bring me the gift of Divine direction, help me overcome doubt and confusion. Help me see clearly the path God has laid out for me.


Members of the IET Wisdom Group, through prayer and the call of their hearts, invited Angel Gabriel to join us. When this happened, the group made the following observations:

  • Gabriel's energy feels like a white, cold, spinning whirlpool. It moves in front of me, capturing objects, and when objects find themselves in this whirlpool, they acquire extreme clarity
  • I imagine a man standing right in front of me. He is tall, more than three meters, reaching up to the ceiling. He looks a little like Michael, but he's different
  • I see him in all his splendor, in a robe and with a golden crown on his head
  • Gabriel is so close that I almost feel like he's sitting on my lap. He reminds me of the king from a deck of cards, he is regal and majestic
  • I get a pulling sensation in the middle of my forehead, as if Gabriel is pulling me forward
  • It seems to me that the light is directed directly at us from above; I feel as if I'm surrounded
  • In my mind, Gabriel lacks the compassion that Ariel and other angels have. His energy is rational, it is the energy of the mind
  • I vibrate, Gabriel's words create a very fast vibration. I think that's the difference between transmitting information and knowing
  • I feel as if my third eye is emitting light and everything becomes clear.


We are pleased to use the mechanism of human speech to communicate with you today. Our goal and our gift is to pave the road leading to your self-realization. It's funny how our energy seems regal to you; for what you feel is not our energy, but your own. Our goal is to lead you to self-realization, to help you fulfill your mission on earth.

To achieve this goal we use different situations, helping you understand your capabilities, your potential. These situations may seem like random coincidences to you, but in fact they are planned from above and arranged in such a way as to show you the way.

We are responsible for what you meet the right person or you find yourself in the right circumstances. The right phone call rings, the right offer arrives.

We are also responsible for the fact that even in confusion, in fear, in the midst of chaos, a moment of enlightenment arises when you suddenly clearly see a way out of the situation. We have the gift of sending you true, deep, spiritual enlightenment and showing you the right path through what you call knowledge. Knowledge is nothing more than the deep understanding that we have implanted in your consciousness. This understanding has no boundaries. We put it into you in a split second - as if a blinding flash flashed. This knowledge is a gift from above, used by us to guide the ever-evolving consciousness of humanity.

It seems to you that we appear right in front of you. Your physiology dictates that you move in the direction you are facing. It's our pleasure to point you in the right direction. Quite often your ego, this given by God the gift of your independence, out of fear, tells you to move in the wrong direction. It is our pleasure to help you understand the situation from a loving perspective and thereby change the intended direction.

We are happy when you live the Divine truth, when you realize your greatness, see your strength and know what your purpose is. It makes us happy when you see how perfectly you were created to play a wonderful role in accordance with the Highest Design.

When you invite us to journey with you, call upon us to illuminate your darkness, call upon us to bring you clarity so that you can see the essence of every life situation and understood how you need to act.

Helping you act is not our task, for there are many other angels who will help you with this. Our job is to show you the map, help you chart your course, and guide you, no matter how confusing the world may seem to you.

For from God's position, there is no uncertainty. It will give us great joy to convey this certainty to you.

Heavenly angelic hierarchy

  • glorification of God;
  • protective function;
  • intermediary function.

Angel Gabriel performs a basic, fundamental function - he is the main messenger of God, as indicated by the meaning of his name: “God is my strength.” IN Christian tradition he, along with Raphael and Michael, is among the saints.

Prayers to angels

Angel Gabriel: characteristics, place in the heavenly hierarchy and main references in sacred texts

Angel is supernatural creature, acting as an intermediary between God and his creation, man. According to the beliefs of monotheistic religions, angels were created by God himself to perform the role of “messengers”. God is invisible and intangible to man, therefore, to convey his will, he created angels, for they embrace both the otherworldly transcendence of God and the created essence of man.

Mentions of angels can be found in sacred texts of Jews, Christians, Muslims and Zoroastrians. Angels are considered most fully and thoroughly in the Christian tradition: information about them is in the Gospel, Revelation and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul. Angel Gabriel is one of the most frequently mentioned in the Gospel, he is essentially the personification of the “Good News”.

The origin of angels and their nature

The exact time of God's creation of angelic powers is not indicated in Revelation. One can only assume that they were revealed earlier than the entire material world and earlier than man. After all, some angels, in particular Lucifer, fell away from God precisely because of jealousy for his new creation. They were indignant: how could God love creations made of clay and mud more than perfect, fiery angels?

Angels are incorporeal, and therefore freed from human needs, they do not need food, air, or reproductive function, and life in them is supported by divine grace. They are also not located in a specific space and time and can change their location at lightning speed.

The angelic nature is ideal, perfect, for they are created in the image of God, however, by the will of God, they, like people, are endowed with reason and free will, which allowed, at one time, some angels to lean towards the path of evil.

Thus, angels were part of the global Divine plan. They are an ideal, spiritual essence, the world of things created then is the sensual principle, and the totality of these spiritual and sensual principles is man.

Heavenly angelic hierarchy

The most extensive celestial hierarchy was proposed by Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite, in which he indicates 9 angelic ranks. Despite the fact that the angelic hierarchy represents unity, there are three angelic degrees in it: their gradation is associated with different levels of closeness to the Lord's grace.

The lower degrees receive divine grace and enlightenment through the higher ones. The highest, and thus closest to God, are the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. They are the ones who accept God in pure form and are able to contemplate it without intermediaries.

Middle degree – Dominance, Strength and Authority. They perform a kind of administrative function. The Dominions govern all other angelic orders, the Powers deal with helping people and work miracles, and the Powers tame the devilish forces.

The lowest angelic degree is the Principalities, Archangels and Angels. The beginnings are mainly carried out management functions, Archangels are evangelists, bringing people the truths of Revelation (the angel Gabriel belongs to the archangel rank), Angels are mentors of the human race, moving people to virtuous actions.

The Areopagite himself subsequently stated that such a classification is arbitrary and cannot fully reflect the whole picture, because only God knows this. It is also a rhetorical question exact amount angels, just remember Ockham’s maxim “how many angels dance on the end of one needle.”

Angel Gabriel: who is he and what is his angelic mission?

In the books of the biblical canon, only 2 Archangel names are mentioned: Michael and Gabriel. In addition to them, in non-canonical literature there are 5 more Archangels close to the divine throne.

All Archangels perform specific functions:

  • glorification of God;
  • war against the forces of evil and their leader Lucifer (Michael leads such a mission);
  • protective function;
  • intermediary function.

Angel Gabriel performs a basic, fundamental function - he is the main messenger of God, as indicated by the meaning of his name: “God is my strength.” In the Christian tradition, he, along with Raphael and Michael, is among the saints.

It was Gabriel who was sent by God to the prophet Daniel in order to interpret his dream and give him information about the end of the Jewish captivity. He was also sent to Zechariah with the news that Elizabeth, his wife, would bear him a son, who would be called John the Baptist. When Zechariah, being in his old age, did not believe the angel, Gabriel punished him, saying that Zechariah’s lips would not utter a word until the angel’s message came true.

The most famous biblical story associated with Gabriel is the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary, that she is blessed among women and carries in her womb the child of the Lord. This plot is a favorite theme of European painting and iconography. In most compositions we can see an angel with a lily or a scepter in her left hand and with her right hand raised, symbolizing a gesture of blessing; Mary is depicted as humble, listening to the good news.

The central figure of such compositions is the Angel Gabriel. Photos of such compositions (not all of the original paintings and icons are widely available) indicate an emphasis on the figure of an angel, bright, winged and majestic. But this situation is typical only for early European creativity: after the 14th century, the emphasis of importance shifted to the image of the Virgin Mary, and Gabriel, in turn, began to be portrayed as humble, sometimes even kneeling.

Prayers to angels

Prayers expressing a request to any Archangel are differentiated depending on the functional characteristics of the Archangel, for example:

  • They turn to Archangel Michael with a request to overcome their base passions.
  • Prayer to the angel Gabriel is directly related to his prophetic functions; people turn to him in order to find out their hour of death. Moreover, it is worth remembering that none of the angels has global information, for example, the date of the second Coming of Christ, etc., only God knows this.
  • Archangel Raphael can fulfill requests for moral and physical healing.
  • The Holy Archangel Uriel is an enlightener; he can tell the person asking for a solution to a pressing problem.

In conclusion, it should be noted that church canons do not prohibit praying to angels and honoring them, however, angels are simply the likeness of God, a product of his creativity, therefore, they cannot be an object of worship equal to Him. The 35th canon of the Council of Laodicea ruled that the worship of angels is a manifestation of heresy. There is a separate holiday dedicated to the 7 Archangels, the servants of the Holy Trinity, celebrated on November 8th. The date is extremely symbolic: November is the 9th month, as an analogy of the 9 ranks of angels. The separate honoring of Archangel Gabriel falls on April 8, that is, on the second day after the celebration of the Annunciation.

One of the highest angels appears in the Old and New Testaments as the bearer of joyful tidings. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, during the offering of incense, the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - the birth of the Savior of the world.

According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; According to the teachings of the Mohammedans, Mohammed received his revelations from him and was carried to Heaven by him.

On the icons he is depicted with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canonical books:

Dan. 8:16 and 9: 21;

OK. 1:9 and 26.

Saint Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the “Guide to Painting Icons,” “is depicted holding right hand a lantern with a candle lit inside, and a stone mirror on the left.” (Fartusov, p. 226).

This mirror made of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of nations, proclaims to people the secrets of God's economy and the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian Fortress of God or Power of God .

Read also:

Hello. Please tell me, are there such Archangels in Christianity: Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Jophiel? Thank you. Hope.

Priest Mikhail Samokhin answers:

Hello. Hope!

In Orthodoxy there are no Archangels with such names. The canonical books of Holy Scripture mention the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. In the apocrypha "Book of Enoch" the Archangels Barachiel, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Raphael, Uriel and Jeremiel are mentioned. The names of the Archangels that you give refer to Kabbalistic angelology, that is, in the teaching about Angels of the late Jewish tradition, which existed in parallel with Christianity.

Sincerely, priest Mikhail Samokhin.

The story of salvation and miracles of Archangel Gabriel

Throughout the long history of human salvation, Archangel Gabriel was famous for his miracles. It is believed that the memory of Archangel Gabriel was established on Mount Athos back in the 9th century. Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Athonite monks in a cell near Kareya, where with his finger he wrote on a stone the hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos “It is worthy to eat.” This cell is still called “Worthy.”

  • Archangel Gabriel also appeared to Biblical characters - Moses, while he was guarding the flock. Archangel Gabriel told the chosen one of the Lord the secret of how our world was created. It was the words of Archangel Gabriel that Moses wrote down in the Book of Genesis. Biblical prophets Usually they proclaimed the will of God about the future, while Moses spoke about the events of the past.
  • Archangel Gabriel also appeared to the prophet Daniel to announce future Kingdoms and the coming of the Savior.
  • The Archangel Gabriel came to Saint Anna to say that she would give birth to a daughter, the Most Pure and Blessed - the Virgin Mary, who would become the Mother of our Savior.
  • Many times Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary herself when She was in the Jerusalem Temple. The High Priest and Prophet Zechariah learned from Archnagel Gabriel about the birth of John the Baptist. The punishment of the prophet by muteness for distrusting the words of the Archangel, the appearance of the Most Pure Virgin with the good news... All these are stories about the Archangel Gabriel.

The angel, coming to Her, said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women. When she saw him, she was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be. And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.

The angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zechariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will call his name John; and you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great before the Lord; He will not drink wine or strong drink, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb; and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; and he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and to the disobedient to the minds of the righteous, to present to the Lord a prepared people.

  • He also came to righteous Joseph in moments of doubt. He appeared before the shepherds near Bethlehem and appeared to the Lord Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen Jesus before the coming suffering. It was Archangel Gabriel who appeared after and before the myrrh-bearing women: And early in the morning on the first day of the week, that is, on Sunday, when the sun was rising, they came to the Tomb. And they said to each other: who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us? And, looking, they see that the stone has been rolled away; and he was very big. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on right side, dressed in white clothes; and were horrified. He says to them: do not be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, crucified; He has risen, He is not here. This is the place where He was laid. But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see Him, just as He told you. And they went out and ran from the tomb; They were seized with trepidation and horror, and they did not say anything to anyone, because they were afraid. Risen early on the first day of the week(on Sunday), Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom he cast out seven demons. She went and told those who were with Him(that is, the apostles), crying and sobbing(Mark 15:46–47; 16:1–10).

Many miracles are associated with his name, which were also reported by ordinary believers.

Archangel Gabriel was sent to the Lord Jesus himself to help, strengthen and support. This is a sign of the greatest trust of God the Father. Therefore, we can also turn to Archangel Gabriel with prayer requests. If demons cast evil thoughts, then all good things come to us from the Lord through the angels, to whom God has entrusted protection over people. Angels suggest the right decision; we call their voices “the voice of conscience.”

Iconographic images

On icons, the Archangel Gabriel is usually depicted with a blooming branch of paradise or a lily flower. You can also find images with a spherical mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle inside a lamp. Archangel Gabriel is often depicted on the northern doors of the iconostasis and is one of the shield holders on the Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire.

What can you ask Archangel Gabriel for?

  • Archangel Gabriel is asked for help in any complex issues, having to make a difficult decision.
  • Knowing about the announcement of the birth of a long-awaited child righteous Anna, believers ask Archangel Gabriel for conception.
  • Archangel Gabriel is asked to guide a lost soul on the righteous path.
  • About help with depression and despondency.

In Christianity, there are many important figures who are truly devoted to the Almighty. The archangels closest to God have miraculous powers and have the desire to return lost souls to the true path.

These beings are called upon to fulfill certain roles that are rationally assigned by the Supreme Father. An Orthodox person leading a pious life always has the right to count on the divine help of Archangel Gabriel, who is one of the highest heavenly messengers.

The role and significance of the Archangel in Orthodoxy

His main task was to deliver good news and knowledge. The Church assumes that the Archangel Gabriel is privy to all the secrets of the Lord, which is demonstrated in the truthful prophecies that the messenger announced. In the heavenly hierarchy he is destined highest place Seraphim.

About spiritual life:

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel

In the Holy Scriptures, this heavenly messenger appears as the main defender of humanity from the harmful effects of passions. He is considered the servant of miraculous achievements, the owner sacred knowledge, a messenger of joy and salvation.

About other archangels:

On a note! In Rus', the veneration of Gabriel began immediately after Vladimir baptized the people.

Initially, the Archangel was the patron saint of the capital Kyiv, as stated in the Ipatiev Chronicle, created in 1037. These records also tell that when creating the Orthodox monument of the Golden Gate, Yaroslav the Wise asked for blessings from Gabriel and of the Blessed Virgin. The first church in Rus', erected in honor of the archangel, saw the light of day in 1413.

Gabriel's Help to Believers

The heavenly messenger has a special favor on the part of the Lord, therefore Orthodox believers have the right to hope for the necessary help.

Researchers believe that the prayer sung by Gabriel himself emits divine radiance and strong vibration. People of those professions that are associated with the dissemination of information (journalists, writers, teachers, etc.) turn to him.

On a note! Church craftsmen with extreme reverence depict on canvas an event that tells of the descent of the divine light to the Virgin Mary and the announcement that she will become the Mother of God.

Gabriel is shown in a deacon's vestment and with wings, which speaks of unquestioning service and heavenly origin. With his right right hand he performs the blessing of the future Mother of God, and in his left hand there is a spear. In other versions of the paintings, the attributes are: a green branch of the tree of paradise, a lantern with a lit candle, and an all-seeing mirror.

Prayer service rules

The request must be thought out in advance and made with a clear conscience and in clear language.

  1. You should join the heavenly beings by allocating a special place for them in your soul and home altar. You need to get rid of irritating factors in your environment.
  2. The likelihood of receiving an answer increases if you say the prayer out loud and use the name of the Lord, who is in every atom of the Universe.
  3. In order for Gabriel to hear the petition and understand that you really need it, it must be said daily and persistently.
  4. Contact the archangel if you really need help and you can’t handle it on your own. There is no need to bother him over trifles.
  5. Having desired a gift from the archangel and the Almighty, you need to imagine the consequences of its fulfillment in your own imagination. A person must clearly decide whether to ask for it. You should prepare for a “surprise”, since gifts are made up of a combination of good and bad deeds.
Interesting! The most ancient image of Gabriel on the territory of Rus' is considered to be a painting called “Angel of Golden Hair”. Currently, this icon is kept in the museum of St. Petersburg.

Some researchers confirm that the date of writing dates back to the 13th century, but the painting was discovered only in the 20th century. The head of the Archangel is covered with golden hair, to which golden threads are laid, which symbolizes divinity.

Angel Golden Hair. Archangel Gabriel

Orthodox online store Svyatsy.Org - icons of the Holy Archangel Gabriel.

Days of Praise archangel Gabriel

The Church honors this heavenly messenger three times a year:

  1. The Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is celebrated April 8. This celebration follows the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. The celebration has existed in Israel since ancient times; it was prescribed in the church charter and was accompanied by joyful chants.
  2. The re-celebration of the Council takes place 26 July. There is an assumption that the celebration is connected with the good consecration in honor of Gabriel of the temple in Constantinople, built in the 17th century.
  3. The memory of all heavenly messengers is celebrated November 21. On the same day, all people named Gabriel are glorified.
Interesting! In Byzantium, only the two greatest archangels were revered. Archangel Michael was glorified to a greater extent, and Gabriel was known only in Nazareth. Here a most beautiful temple was erected to the latter, where he announced to Mary the imminent miraculous appearance of the Savior. It was only in the 9th century that Gabriel was given a special date of veneration and several prayer texts were written.

The help of Archangel Gabriel extends to those believers who turn to him with sincere humility.

Video about Archangel Gabriel

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Holy Archangel Gabriel is an angel who conveys good news and knowledge. He is considered one of the highest angels in the Testaments. He announces to the priest in the temple the birth of John the Baptist. In the Bible he is called the guardian angel of all the people. Below we will look at the features of the icon of the saint and what Orthodox believers ask for when praying and bowing to him.

Icon of the Archangel Gabriel

The icon of the Archangel is highly revered in Orthodox Church. His image is in every church and temple. As mentioned above, he has a large role to play in communicating pious news to the earth. The date of the celebration of the Archangel’s day is connected with this. It is celebrated after the Annunciation.

It should be noted that, probably, connected with such honor is the fact that he is often depicted with Mother of God. The Feast of Archangel Gabriel is celebrated every year on April 8th. But on July 26 it is celebrated again. The most famous image of the icon is “Archangel Golden Hair.” It depicts the saint close-up. The icon received its name due to the fact that it was painted with the addition of gilding.

About Archangel Gabriel

According to legend, Saint Gabriel always guarded the Virgin Mary throughout her entire life. It was he who warned Mary’s husband about the king’s plan to exterminate the babies; he ordered them to flee to Egypt along with the child and the Mother of God. He taught the forefather Moses the scriptures in the desert. It was also from him that there was a message about the beginning of the world and the creation of the first man and taught all wisdom.

It should be noted that Gabriel is one of the four archangels that are described in Jewish accounts. He is considered one of the two highest ranking angels in the Islamic and Christian religion.

Saint Gabriel is a unique archangel. The fact is that this is probably the only woman in the highest spheres. Feminine essence also confirms the story that tells how she took the protesting soul and instructed him throughout the time she remained in her mother's womb. Or rather, all nine months.

Since the Holy Angel is considered the ambassador of God, he is usually depicted next to another saint to whom the message was supposedly sent. As a rule, Gabriel is depicted in images in rich clothes. Sometimes they depict a crown on the head and a scepter in the hand.

It is worth noting that everything tends to change, and the image of the saint has changed since the end of the 14th century. Since that time, the Virgin Mary has increasingly been depicted as the queen of angels, and Gabriel as one of her charges, wearing a lily instead of a scepter.

How does Archangel Gabriel help?

In everyone's life Orthodox man An angel has a special place. It protects from everything bad, notifies about impending trouble or illness, and acts as a guiding star in life. Of course, this all happens exclusively only in the case of deep faith and prayer. The power of Archangel Gabriel is the fourth vibration of Divine light, which according to legend tends to manifest itself as pure white light.

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Such power can heal many diseases and help in solving everyday issues. And so, what do they pray to the Archangel Gabriel:

  • About healing from serious illnesses and ailments,
  • About healing from infertility,
  • For liver and kidney diseases,
  • They ask for cleansing from frightening thoughts and feelings,
  • From getting rid of various types fears and phobias.

Also, with sincere prayer, you can ask for help in getting rid of depression, many psychological diseases, ask for faith, love, help in marriage and much more. Of course, for each specific case there is no need to look for a special prayer. You can sincerely pray in your own words of the image and with sincere faith, Gabriel will definitely bless you for what you asked for.

You can also read the akathist to the Archangel Gabriel. Only if you decide to read it regularly before the image, then for greater power of prayer it is recommended to receive a blessing from a clergyman before reading it. By the way, this is one of the few saints to whom it is customary to pray for childbearing.

Also, an akathist to St. Gabriel helps preserve the health of a woman during an interesting situation, as well as the health of her unborn child. It is recommended to read the prayer not only for people with a name like the archangel, but also for all his relatives.

Text of the prayer:

O most wonderful Archangel of God Gabriel, most zealous prayer book for our souls, on the day of your triumph we earnestly pray to you, our intercessor: ask with your holy all-powerful prayers before the Throne of God, always offered, (preserve this holy temple until the end of this world), confirm and strengthen the faith of Christ and expand Orthodox Christian patristic Orthodox faith to remain blameless until the end of your days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, to always bring true repentance for our sins to God, and to be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the Last Judgment of God, to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for us, and together with you to glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name The Most Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Lord is always with you!

Watch also the video about the Supreme Angel Gabriel: