How to lay a soft roof correctly - step-by-step instructions. Installation of a soft roof: technology, diagram and step-by-step master class How to make a roof from a soft roof

The number of fans of soft roofing is growing like a snowball. And this is not surprising - just remember the visual appeal and operational advantages of one of the most modern coatings. But there could be even more supporters of flexible roofing materials if they knew that installation can be completed without the involvement of a team of roofers. Today we will try to fill this gap and share not only construction technology, but also the secrets of experienced craftsmen.

Soft roof structure

Before talking about the design of a roof with a soft roof covering, I would like to briefly mention the features of this unique material. In essence, it is a modified roofing felt. But the basis of flexible tiles (in the future we will call them shingles) is not banal cardboard, but stronger and more durable fiberglass or polyester fabric. Improvements also affected impregnation. Waterproofing of soft tiles is provided by a modified polymer-bitumen composition, thanks to which the points critical temperatures managed to shift to higher values.

The multilayer structure makes the soft roof durable and absolutely waterproof

Basalt or slate chips are applied on top of the flexible tiles - it not only determines the design of the coating, but also makes it more resistant to mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation and others external factors. The bottom of the tiles are covered adhesive layer, which is covered with a protective film. In some cases, a fine mineral coating is applied to the lower surface - then the adhesive part is a wide strip in the upper part of the shingles.

Roofing pie design

The multilayer structure makes flexible tiles not only strong, but also durable - some manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products for up to 25 years. As a rule, soft roofing materials easily overcome this threshold. Of course, we are talking about cases where the base of a soft roof complies with accepted standards, and the material is laid strictly according to the prescribed technology.

Studying the construction of roofs covered with bitumen shingles, let’s immediately divide them into two types:

  • cold,
  • warm.

The first ones are built for cold attics. Many websites and print publications sin by pointing out the inappropriateness of installing simplified roofing pies for residential buildings. Like, if a house is intended for year-round use, then its roof must be warm. This statement is fundamentally incorrect - most of the private houses of the old housing stock were cold. Moreover, a cold roof has its advantages. And the most significant of them is durability. In winter, ice practically does not form on such a roof, which, as you know, is one of the worst enemies of flexible tiles. In addition, the simplest roofing pie is perfectly ventilated, which means that the wooden frame will always be dry. As for energy efficiency, for thermal insulation you will only need to insulate the attic floor. As you yourself understand, its area will in any case be smaller than that of the roof.

Using cold roof on a residential building it is necessary to insulate the attic floor, the area of ​​which is noticeably smaller than that of roofing structure

So the structure roofing pie for cold roofs includes:

  • step (sparse) lathing made of wooden beams or steel profile pipes;
  • solid flooring (made of plywood, OSB or shag boards);
  • insulating lining;
  • bitumen coating.

Roofers working as part of professional teams often recommend installing a super-diffusion membrane under the underlayment, arguing for higher security. wooden base from moisture. This is a rather controversial statement, which I personally cannot call anything other than wastefulness. A regular waterproof lining leaves virtually no chance of the wooden frame getting wet due to snow or rain. Such actions on the part of specialists can only be explained by the desire to earn a certain amount for an operation that requires minimal labor costs. As for a warm roof, in this case the installation of moisture-resistant coatings is mandatory due to the use of thermal insulation.

Warm roofing pie allows you to use any attic space for year-round use

To insulate the attic, fibrous materials are most often used, which, when wet, can lose most of their unique abilities - this is what needs to be protected. From below - from moist air, and from above - from leaks. In this case, the roofing pie should have the following structure:

  • slats for mounting cladding panels;
  • vapor barrier waterproof film;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • waterproofing windproof vapor-proof membrane;
  • counterbeam;
  • sparse sheathing;
  • continuous flooring;
  • lining base;
  • flexible bitumen coating.

You may argue that the slats installed from the attic side have nothing to do with the roofing pie, and you will be absolutely right. However, we still indicated them due to the fact that in our case they also act as fasteners for the lower layer of vapor barrier.

Video: correct installation of a roofing pie is easy

Technology of laying roofs from soft tiles

A roof covering made of soft bitumen tiles is similar to tile only visually. Not only the installation technology differs, but also performance characteristics, service life, maintenance and repair procedures. And although the work on constructing a roof made of flexible tiles cannot be called too complicated, you will have to carefully follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is best to divide the construction process into several stages:

  1. Purchase of materials and preparation of tools.
  2. Preparatory work.
  3. Laying insulating materials.
  4. Arrangement of counter-lattice and sheathing.
  5. Construction of a solid foundation.
  6. Laying the top layers of the roof.
  7. Installation of additional elements and arrangement of passages.

By organizing your work time in this way, you will not only minimize the number of possible errors, but will also be able to make the most informed decisions about hiring outside help.

How to calculate how much and what materials you will need

The first thing you need to do when starting mathematical calculations is to draw up a detailed drawing of the roof or create at least a basic sketch indicating the exact dimensions and features of each slope. The calculation itself includes determining the geometric dimensions and number of main parts of the structure:

  • additional elements;
  • valley carpet;
  • lining layer;
  • ventilated ridge or roof aerators;
  • timber for step lathing and counter lathing;
  • boardwalk;
  • soft covering.

It must be said that the accuracy of the calculations affects not only the cost of the roof, but also the timing of the work. For this reason, we will understand the features of calculating all components of the roof in as much detail as possible.

Additional moldings

To finish and protect various parts of a soft roof, several types of extensions are used:

The presented additional moldings are produced in the form of planks standard length 2 m. However, in order to determine the number of certain slats, the length of the area in need of protection should be divided by 1.9 or 1.85. This is due to the fact that aprons and strips are not mounted end-to-end, but with an overlap of 10–15 cm wide.

If the roof structure includes grooves and junctions with vertical surfaces, then their waterproofing is ensured by a special valley carpet. Manufacturers produce it in the form of 1×10 m rolls, presenting a choice of several color solutions to match the tiled covering.

When choosing a valley carpet by color, it is not at all necessary to get the exact color - a slight mismatch of tones will be a plus, making an ordinary roof extremely stylish and expressive

When calculating the total length of the carpet, you should make a 20-centimeter reserve for each valley - it will be needed for proper installation of the lower part of the joints.

The lining layer is installed both over the entire area of ​​each slope, and partially - it all depends on the steepness of the surface. If the roof slope is more than 1:3 (18 degrees), then only areas susceptible to leaks are protected with a roofing carpet:

  • internal corners of junctions of adjacent slopes;
  • ridge part;
  • ribs;
  • areas with clivus fractures;
  • edges at gables and cornices;
  • ventilation outlets.

When laying the insulating carpet, it is necessary to make an overlap of 10–15 cm. For this reason, its calculated quadrature should be 1.1 - 1.15 times greater than the total area of ​​the slopes. If the lining is partially installed, then the length of the strips of the roofing carpet corresponds to the length of the parts of the roof that are prone to leaks.

The underlayment can be laid both along and across the slope

The width of the lining for partial waterproofing should be 40–50 cm. An exception can be made only for skates and external corners, reducing this value to 25 cm.

Ridge aeroelements

When calculating the number of ridge aerators, it is assumed that one element 1.2 m long is capable of providing ventilation for about 25 m 2 of the under-roof space. If point aeroelements are used, then the total area of ​​adjacent slopes should be divided by 5 - that is how many square meters of roofing pie are “served” by one such element.

The design of the ridge aerator allows for ventilation of the roofing pie on roofs of any configuration

Please note that point aero elements vary in height. Short ones are used on steep roof slopes, and long ones on flat surfaces.

Lumber for sheathing

For arranging the sheathing it is used wooden beam with a cross section of at least 40x40 mm, as well as a board with a thickness of 25 mm. The length of the counter beam is easiest to determine - it is equal to the length of the rafter legs. As for the sparse sheathing, the total length wooden elements determined based on standard width pitch for bitumen shingles - 37 cm for rafters located at a distance of 0.9 m from each other. Therefore, the length of the rafter leg in centimeters should be divided by 37 and multiplied by the width of the roof - this will be the required length of the beam that will be needed to sheath one slope.

Solid base

Sheets of plywood or OSB used to construct a solid base must be installed staggered, that is, with overlapping seams. For this reason, when determining the area of ​​the material, it is necessary to make an amendment:

When determining the amount of plywood or OSB in sheets, it is recommended to sketch their location on paper with the most dense laying - in this way it will be possible to avoid waste of material during installation.

Covering and roll materials

During the installation process, two types of tile shingles are used - ridge-eaves and ordinary. The first ones are produced in the form of packages designed for 12 linear meters. m of ridge and 20 linear. m cornice. When calculating the second, the same correction factors, as for a solid base (simple roofs 3–5%, combined roofs - up to 10%). To determine the number of sheets of flexible shingles, the total square footage of ordinary shingles is divided by the area of ​​one bitumen strip. One pack of soft tiles is usually designed for 3.5 m 2 of roofing - knowing this number, it will not be difficult to calculate how many packages you will need to buy.

Before installation, tile shingles from different packs must be mixed - this will eliminate the appearance of areas of the roof that are not uniform in color.

The amount of materials that will be needed for a warm roofing cake is calculated with the following tolerances:

  • waterproofing and vapor barrier - at least 4%;
  • roll thermal insulation - according to the area of ​​the slope;
  • slab insulation - up to 4%.

It is easy to notice that the amount of roll and slab insulation practically does not depend on the complexity of the roof. This is due to the fact that such materials are easily joined together and do not affect appearance designs.

What tools and supplies will be needed

In addition to roofing and wood materials During the work you will need the following equipment and tools:

  • saw;
  • hammer;
  • scissors for cutting metal accessories;
  • metal spatula for mastic;
  • roofer's knife (differs from the usual one with a hook-shaped cutting part).

In addition, you should purchase regular nails, which will be needed for the construction of a wooden base, and special ones for attaching a soft roof. The latter are distinguished by a wider cap (diameter 8–10 mm) and have a length of 25–30 mm. Fasteners that are used in automatic pistols are also suitable - such hardware has a length of 40 mm. The number of nails is calculated based on the consumption of 4 pieces. per shingle or 500 grams per 10 m 2 of roofing.

For one-time use, it is not necessary to buy a special tool - you can get by with replaceable hook-shaped blades for a regular construction knife

During the installation of flexible tiles, you will need bitumen mastic intended for waterproofing building structures. Its volume can be determined by the area of ​​the roof - for every 10 m2 of coverage, up to 1 liter of liquid mixture will be required.

The price of bitumen mastic is affected by both the type of material (cold or hot application) and composition. The cheapest is bitumen-polymer waterproofing, while the most expensive is bitumen-polymer-aluminum coating. The latter is highly resistant to thermal aging and UV radiation. In our conditions, bitumen-rubber mastic will be sufficient - it has an average cost and has good installation and operational characteristics.

Preparatory work

The preparatory stage includes several steps:

  • dismantling old roof(if necessary);
  • installation of lathing frame;
  • installation of thermal insulation and accompanying layers;
  • construction of a solid foundation.

The installation of a warm roofing pie is carried out in the following sequence:

Table: determining the thickness of a solid base for a soft roof

Previously, we have already talked about the need to lay the slab material staggered. In addition, thermal gaps of about 5 mm should be left, otherwise in the summer heat sections of the roof will arch. Gaps of 70–80 mm are left on each side of the ridge to create effective ventilation roofing pie.

It should be noted that for a cold roof it is enough to build a sheathing and a boardwalk - the need for other elements disappears due to the maximum simplification of the design.

Video: how to build a solid base for bitumen shingles

Step-by-step instruction

The manufacturer provides for laying bitumen shingles at outdoor temperatures down to -15 °C. Since installation in cold period requires additional thermal equipment and the cost of heating materials, it is best to start work in the warm season, choosing days when the temperature rises above 20 °C. In this case, the bitumen component will be heated due to solar heat, which will allow for a strong connection of all layers of the roof.

Laying soft roofing can be carried out in winter period- the main thing is that the temperature does not drop below -15 degrees

In order to properly distribute time and effort, we suggest using step-by-step instructions for laying a soft roof on your own.

Formation of the lining carpet

Rolled materials made of fiberglass impregnated with a bitumen-polymer mixture are used as a substrate. There is no point in giving up the soft base - the lining is needed for additional leveling of the surface, waterproofing, insulation and sound absorption.
Strips of rolled waterproofing can be laid parallel or perpendicular to the horizon line - the main thing is to ensure an overlap of 10 cm along long side insulation and 15 cm at the joints.

From my own experience I can say that steep slopes It is best to lay the roof lining in a vertical direction. And not at all because in this case the likelihood of leaks during heavy rainfalls is reduced. The fact is that under the influence of gravity, the waterproofing panels sag, and folds form on the surface. In order to level them well and secure them correctly, additional time and effort is required - you cannot do this without assistants. As for gentle slopes, here, of course, the winner is horizontal method fixation, as simpler and more reliable. It is only important to start working from the overhang and move towards the ridge. In this case, each subsequent strip of waterproofing will cover the edge of the previous one and water will not have a single chance to get under the upper layers of the roofing pie.

Partial laying of the underlayment is only possible on roofs with steep slopes

When deciding to partially lay the underlayment on steep slopes, you should ensure that the most important areas are protected. So, on both sides of the valley and at the edge of the slope (eaves line), the width of the bitumen waterproofing should be at least 50 cm, while for ridges a strip of this size is divided in half.
To fix the lining layer, nails or fastening with construction staples are used in increments of 25 cm. In areas prone to leakage (valleys, abutments, etc.), the lining should be glued with a bituminous compound.

List of materials that are suitable for use as bitumen base, the manufacturer indicates in the installation instructions for flexible tiles. Replace them with available coatings such as roofing felt or polyethylene film irrational due to short service life, rapid thermal aging and other factors.

Installation of valley carpets and additional strips

When choosing a bitumen-polymer carpet for arranging valleys, they are guided by the color of the main coating. For decorative purposes, you can choose a material that differs in tone - this will emphasize the line of each valley and make the roof more expressive. Experts recommend covering the valley with a continuous panel 1 m wide, always gluing it with mastic to the board base. If you need to join two pieces, then the joint is located as close as possible to the peak of the roof. The overlap of the top sheet on the bottom sheet must be at least 20 cm with mandatory fixation using liquid bitumen waterproofing.

The valley carpet material is laid over the entire surface of the valley and glued to the base with mastic

To protect the edge of the sheathing from draining condensation and sedimentary moisture, a cornice and gable trim should be installed on top of the insulating carpet. To fix the planks, roofing nails are used, which are driven in in a zigzag pattern at intervals of 10–15 cm (at joints - up to 5 cm). It is necessary to maintain an overlap of adjacent additional elements of 3–5 cm, placing the edges of the planks along the contour of the cornice or end protrusion. It is advisable to attach the drip edges first - in this case, at the corners of the slopes they will be covered by gable strips.

The joints of the eaves and gable strips are overlapped and reinforced with roofing nails.

Before installing the cornice and end protection, it is recommended to frame the perimeter of the solid flooring with a batten with a cross-section of 20x40 mm. If there is an edge along the edges of the slope, then the waterproofing is installed on top of it and cut off behind the perimeter line. After this, additional elements are attached.

Laying cornice tiles

Horizontal marking lines applied to the backing simplify installation and allow the tiles to be laid in even rows. It is best to form them using linen twine rubbed with chalk. The cord is pulled in the right place and released like a bowstring to leave a mark on the dark surface of the substrate.

For even laying of eaves tiles, it is necessary to apply chalk markings to the lining layer

Starter shingles are laid at a distance of 1 cm from the eaves line and secured with roofing nails. To prevent the tiles from coming off under strong wind loads, the fasteners are driven in at a distance of 25 mm from the edge. Each subsequent strip is laid end-to-end, and the joints are protected with bitumen mastic.

Installation of ordinary tiles

The main covering is installed in the direction from the center of the slope, placing the first row of shingles at a distance of 2–3 cm from the edge of the eaves strip. To fix soft tiles, simply remove protective film from the adhesive layer and press the shingles tightly to the substrate.

When laying the bottom tiles of ordinary tiles, make a small indentation from the edge of the eaves sheets

The final fastening is carried out with nails at four points - along the edges of the strip, as well as above the depressions between the inner petals. The top sheets are offset by 1 petal. Thanks to this, the same “tiled” texture appears, and in addition, the joints and places where the soft roof is fixed are closed.

The soft roof installation diagram provided by the manufacturer makes it easy to understand the nuances of the technology.

The tiles protruding beyond the edges of the slopes are cut off, after which the cut is treated with bitumen mastic.

Video: soft roof installation technology from the material manufacturer

Arrangement of the ridge and sealing of penetrations and junctions

Ventilation of the under-roof space is provided by aeroelements installed on top of the ridge. TO wooden frame they are secured with self-tapping screws or nails. After this, the ridge part is covered with flexible tiles. There are no special strips of soft bitumen coating for external corners - they can be made by cutting the eaves tiles. The petals cut along the perforation are placed across the ridge and secured with a nail at each edge. The next element is placed with a 5-centimeter overlap, and for additional sealing, the contact area is treated with bitumen mastic.

The ridge aero element must be covered with a layer of bitumen tiles, otherwise precipitation will quickly render it unusable

Places where pipes, cables and other communication elements pass through the roof slope must be closed with special passage units. They are attached directly to the base even before installing the underlayment.

Junctions to walls and chimneys require special attention, otherwise flowing down vertical surface moisture will penetrate inside the roofing pie

During the installation process, the upper layers of the roof are placed over the penetration, impregnated with mastic and trimmed in place. In the same place where the slope comes into contact with a brick chimney or wall, roofing materials are placed on the surface of the vertical structure. For additional protection, a piece of valley carpet and a shaped metal apron (junction strip) are used.

Video: arrangement of a passage unit for a soft roof

Cost of asphalt shingle roofing

By doing all the work yourself, you can save a lot of money, because the total cost of the roof will consist only of the costs of necessary materials. Depending on the manufacturer, the price per square meter of budget and mid-level soft roofing varies between 800–1,500 rubles. If we talk about the premium segment, then certain types of flexible tiles are sold at prices up to 4,000 rubles. Of course, in this case there is no talk self-installation There is no question - anyone who can fork out for such expensive material will also find money for a professional team. The services of the latter, by the way, are not cheap - from 600 rubles per square meter finished coating.

As you can see, building a soft roof with your own hands is not at all difficult, which, however, does not exclude due care and following the technology developed by the manufacturer. If you do everything efficiently, the roof will delight you with its appearance and trouble-free operation for many years. Otherwise, it is better not to take on the work at all, otherwise the roof will constantly remind you of its existence with leaks and other unpleasant moments.

Soft tiles can be laid on any type of roof, but they are especially suitable for use on roofs of complex configurations that have joints and transitions. Installing soft tiles with your own hands is not difficult, but for quality work you need to know some features. We tried to talk about this in detail in this article.

What are soft tiles?

This elastic material is made using a special technology from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with bitumen. Externally, soft tiles are small plates of various shapes (rectangular or pentagonal, hexagonal), made in the form of rhombuses or ovals, honeycombs, etc.

The use of special additives from styrene-butadiene styrene and polypropylene can significantly increase strength, enhance frost resistance and reduce the thermal conductivity of tiles. Colored stone chips applied to its front side serve not only decorative decoration, but also additional protection from mechanical damage and burnout.

Installation of a roof made of bitumen tiles

Installation procedure for soft tiles

1. This type of roofing is mounted only on continuous flooring (sheathing). Its thickness depends on the pitch of the rafters: the greater the distance between rafter legs, the thicker the material from which the flooring is made should be. You can use moisture-resistant plywood, tongue-and-groove boards, particle boards etc.

2. For the roofing to look aesthetically pleasing, it needs to be laid perfectly: the slightest unevenness will make the tiles look sloppy.

Installation of wooden flooring under flexible tiles

Important! Since wooden sheets or boards can change in size when temperatures change, be sure to leave 3-5 mm deformation gaps between boards or flooring slabs.

3. To extend the service life of the roof, it should be provided with steam and wind insulation and ventilation gaps.

4. The vapor barrier film is attached to the inside of the sheathing and is fixed with nails or a stapler, and then pressed with a wooden plank in increments of 60 cm. The overlapping areas of the film are glued with double-sided tape.

Laying a vapor barrier layer

5. Residential attics should be pre-insulated. Plates insulation laid staggered (in a checkerboard pattern) on top of a vapor barrier layer between wooden blocks.

6. For additional waterproofing of the most problematic areas of the roof, it is folded out on the eaves, valley, and ridge slope where it breaks. underlay carpet. If the roof slope is insufficient (up to 12-18°), it should be rolled out over the entire surface of the roof. It is advisable to additionally treat all joints with bitumen mastic.

Installation of underlay carpet

7. The underlay carpet is installed with overlap 10-15 cm and secured with roofing nails in increments of 15-20 cm. It is not advisable to bend this material. To create overlaps on roof slopes, it can be cut into 10-15 cm.

Installation of cornice strips

9. Installation of soft roofing begins from the eaves. For this it is better to use a special cornice tiles, on which a self-adhesive layer is applied to enhance waterproofing. If it is missing, the tiles installed on the eaves should be thoroughly coated with mastic. Additionally, it is secured with roofing nails with wide heads.

Laying order of the first row

Advice. For installation, tiles from the same batch should be used. Otherwise, significant color deviations may occur. To obtain an even pattern, it is better to alternately use shingles (tiles) from different packages.

10. When installing decorative tiles of complex shape, the “petals” should be laid out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. drawing diagram.

11. Material cutting It is more convenient to carry out with a special knife with a hook-shaped blade. To do this, you can use a regular hacksaw for wood. In order not to damage the soft tiles, it is better to cut on a special board.

12. In order for the roof to look neat, it is better to place beacons made of strong threads, which will serve as guidelines during installation.

Installation of subsequent rows

13. Subsequent rows of tiles are also attached to the base using roofing nails. Their caps are completely hidden behind the petals of the next row. The first row is laid starting from the center of the ramp, gradually moving to the sides. Along its edges, the tiles are trimmed if necessary.

14. When installed in the warm season, the bitumen included in the flexible tiles will melt within a few days, and self-vulcanization of the shingles will occur. If the weather leaves much to be desired, to fuse the tiles together, they should be treated with a construction hair dryer.

Important! Flexible roofing is not recommended for installation when low temperatures ah (not lower than +5°C) - in the cold, the tiles become too fragile and can break in places where they bend.

15. To ensure ventilation, aerators are installed at the ridges or anywhere else on the roof. The places where they meet must be protected with a lining carpet and coated with a layer of mastic.

Roof fans

16. To protect the most vulnerable areas of the roof, additional components are used: ridges and valleys (a flexible strip or curved shingles laid at the junction of the roof planes). They are laid simply: a fragment of the shingle is bent and then fixed with roofing nails in 10 cm increments. With the help of ridge tiles, you can also strengthen the bypasses of air ducts, communications outlets and antenna mounting points.

17. Since leaks most often form in areas where valleys are located, it is advisable to lay two layers of shingles in such places.

Advice. When working in conditions of low temperatures, it is better to slightly warm up ridge shingles and valleys on a warm metal pipe to increase flexibility.

Laying the valley

Soft roofing is a term that combines a number of flexible roofing materials with excellent consumer properties. Its piece and roll varieties perfectly protect the house from atmospheric “misfortunes” and effectively decorate the exterior. They weigh little, do not require effort in cutting and fastening. Among the advantages is the ability to lay the coating yourself.

For perfect result It is not necessary to have the skills of a roofer. You need skill, patience, tools and information about how the technology of laying a soft roof differs from other methods and how to properly install a roof.

Materials from the group of soft roofing coverings are modified versions of the good old roofing felt. The new developments borrow from their predecessor flexibility and lightness, which rightfully top the list of advantages. Kept steadfast water repellent properties, thanks to which the wooden base and rafter system last longer. The composition has been improved, due to which the period of flawless operation of the materials has increased threefold.

Based on the installation method, the class of soft roofing coverings is divided into three types:

  • Roll materials, supplied in the format corresponding to the name. These include bituminous descendants of roofing felt and new representatives, such as polymer membranes. Roll coverings are laid in strips. Bituminous materials are attached by fusing, polymer materials by partial or complete gluing. With their help, they are mainly used to equip flat and gently sloping roofs with slopes up to 3º, permissible up to 9º. Rolls are in demand mostly in industrial construction;
  • Roofing mastics, supplied ready-made or cold to be reheated. Sprayed or applied in a thick layer on flat roofs, resulting in a monolithic coating without seams. Reinforcing mesh is used for strengthening. The scope of application is limited to flat roofs.
  • Bituminous shingles, supplied in flexible shingle tiles. Essentially, it is an improved roofing felt material, cut into relatively small sheets. The edge of the shingles is decorated with figured petals to imitate the ceramic prototype. The back side is equipped with an adhesive strip for attaching to wooden base. Glued individually. Additionally, roofing nails or self-tapping screws are driven into each shingle. When a bitumen roof is heated by the sun's rays, the tiles are sintered and transformed into a continuous roofing shell.

In private low-rise construction, the piece variety is actively in demand, because flat and low-pitched roofs over one- or two-story residential buildings are built extremely rarely. Domestic buildings have a “flat” fate, but not every owner will decide to buy membranes and mastics for the roof of a barn. This means that we will pay attention to the installation of the most popular bitumen shingles.

Step-by-step installation of bitumen shingles

Roofs with any slope and degree of architectural complexity are covered with piece flexible material. True, bitumen shingles are not recommended for roofing if the slope angle is less than 11.3º. The material is produced by numerous manufacturers. Each of them strives to provide their own products with unique qualities and properties beneficial to the installer.

Despite some differences, the technology for installing a soft roof follows the same scheme. There are small nuances, but they are not important.

Rules for preparing the base

Flexibility is an advantage and disadvantage of bitumen coating. On the one hand, it allows you to significantly speed up the process. After all, it takes a little time and a minimum of effort to form junctions, drill pipes, and arrange valleys and cornices. On the other hand, due to the flexibility of the material, a continuous sheathing is required so that the bending shingles rest entirely on a solid, level base.

You can build a continuous sheathing before installing a soft roof:

  • from OSB-3 boards, recommended based on budget cost and sufficient strength;
  • from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood marked FSF;
  • from tongue-and-groove or edged boards, the humidity of which should not be less than 20%.

The sheet material is laid in staggered patterns such as brickwork. It is important that there are no cross-shaped joints. It is necessary that the weak areas where the slabs join are evenly distributed over the counter-lattice. Gaps of 2-3mm should be left in the seams, required for free movement. rafter system during temperature fluctuations.

The boardwalk is installed parallel to the roof overhangs. Also take a running start if the length of the board is not enough for the slope. The place where two boards meet on the slope should be supported by a counter-lattice beam, and four nails should be driven into it. Ordinary boards are secured with two nails on both sides. They must be laid so that there is a gap of 3-5mm between the longitudinal elements. Before work, edged boards are sorted. Those that are thicker should be distributed at the base of the slope, those that are lighter should be sent upstairs.

Ventilation is the key to impeccable service

The excellent water-repellent properties of the bitumen coating are due to the tiny number of pores that can allow moisture and air to pass through. A reliable hydro-barrier works in both directions. Raindrops do not penetrate inside the roof structure, but steam does not escape outside. If you do not provide a free path for evaporation, condensation will accumulate on wooden roof trusses and lathing. Those. a fungus will develop, because of which you will have to say goodbye to a durable roof.

For long-term, impeccable service, it is necessary to install a roof ventilation system that includes:

  • vents designed for air flow in the eaves area. In addition to the influx, they must ensure the free movement of air from bottom to top along the planes of the slopes. The products are open channels, formed by lathing and counter-lattice;
  • ventilation gap between the bitumen roof and the insulation laid on top of the vapor barrier. Designed for ablution air flow insulation;
  • holes in the upper zone of the roofing pie. These can be either the ends of the slopes that are not closed at the top, or specially designed vents with plastic barrel, resembling a miniature chimney.

Ventilation must be arranged in such a way as to prevent the formation of air pockets in the under-roof space.

Laying insulating carpet

Without exception, all manufacturers of asphalt shingles strongly recommend laying an additional waterproofing carpet before installing shingles. The list of materials suitable for carpet is usually indicated in the instructions. The products specified or similar in characteristics are approved for use.

Replacement is highly undesirable, because a composition incompatible with the coating will prevent the bitumen layers from joining into a monolith and will contribute to swelling. Polyethylene excluded. Ruberoid too, because the service life of a flexible roof is longer. It is unreasonable to lay less durable material under a coating designed for 15-30 years of operation.

The technology for laying an insulating carpet under flexible tiles includes two options, depending on the steepness of the roof:

  • Installation of a continuous carpet on pitched roofs with an angle of inclination from 11.3º/12º to 18º. Roll waterproofing laid in strips, starting from the overhang, moving towards the ridge. Each strip laid on top must overlap the previous strip with its own ten cm. If it is necessary to join two sections in one row, they are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. The overlap is carefully, but without fanaticism, coated with bitumen mastic. The insulation strips are attached to the base with roofing nails every 20-25cm. Strips of barrier water-repellent protection are laid on top of the continuous carpet in valleys and overhangs, as well as around roof junctions. Then skate and convex corners roofs are equipped with original insulating material;
  • Laying partial insulation on pitched roofs with a slope of 18º or more. In this case, the valleys and overhangs are protected with bitumen-polymer material, and only the edges of the gables, ridge and other convex corners are covered with strips of insulating carpet. Insulation, as in the previous case, is used to border the intersections of the roof with communication pipes and roof junctions. The width of the bitumen-polymer barrier along the overhangs is 50 cm, in the valleys it is 1 m, so that each of the protected slopes has 50 cm. When laying around junctions and pipes, the insulating strip is partially placed on the walls so that the material covers 20-30 cm of the vertical surface.

The installation of a flexible roof with partial waterproofing is allowed by manufacturers, but there are no ardent supporters of this method among them. Naturally, on steep slopes less precipitation is retained, but the circumstances are different: ice, slanting rain, etc. It's better to play it safe.

The bitumen-polymer carpet for valleys is selected to match the tiles. A slight deviation from the color of the coating is allowed if there is a desire to emphasize the lines of open grooves. It is advisable that the valleys be covered with a continuous strip of barrier insulation. But if joining of two pieces cannot be avoided, it is better to arrange it in the upper part of the roof with an overlap of 15-20 cm. There is the least load. The overlap must be coated with bitumen mastic.

Protection of gables and eaves

The perimeter of the roof is equipped with metal strips. They are needed to protect weakened areas of the sheathing from moisture and as roof design elements. The planks are laid edgewise on the edge of gables and overhangs. The edge line should coincide with the roof outline line. Fasten with roofing nails in a zigzag pattern every 10-15 cm.

If there is a need to join two planks, they are laid with an overlap of 3-5 cm, at least 2 cm. The pediment planks overlap the eaves at the corners of the roof. In places of end and joining overlaps, fasteners are hammered in after 2-3 cm.

Most flex roofing manufacturers recommend installing both types of metal protection over the underlayment. However, the developers of the Shinglas brand recommend placing cornice strips under the carpet, and pediment strips on top of it. Before installing gable and cornice strips on a plank sheathing, they also advise first nailing a block and then attaching metal protection to it.

Formation of passages through the roof

Chimneys crossing the roof, communication risers, antennas, and private ventilation openings require special arrangement. They create a potential hazard in the form of an open path for water leaks. Therefore, before installing the covering of the place roof penetration covered with sealing devices or systems. Among them:

  • Rubber seals designed to cover small diameter points. Holes for antenna, for example;
  • Polymer passage elements used to equip roof intersections with sewer and ventilation risers. They are produced specifically for arranging roofs. The passages are simply attached with nails to the continuous sheathing. Bitumen shingles are laid on top, which are actually trimmed around the passage and fixed with bitumen mastic;
  • Plastic adapters for your own roof ventilation. The holes are closed with vents, a ridge element with channels for removing fumes, and perforated devices for cornices.

The rules for arranging passages for large chimneys should be considered separately. In addition to the threat of leaks, they are also a fire hazard. Chimneys are sealed in several stages:

  • the walls of the pipe are protected with parts cut from asbestos-cement slabs according to its actual dimensions;
  • A triangular strip treated with a fire retardant is installed around the perimeter of the pipe. To make it, you can split the block diagonally. A baseboard is suitable for replacement. The chimney plank is not attached to the sheathing! It must be fixed on the walls of the pipe;
  • lay flexible tiles, placing the shingles on the strip;
  • parts are cut out from the valley carpet according to the dimensions of the pipe with set bar. The width of the parts is at least 50 cm. The patterns are attached with a 30-centimeter overlap to the pipe walls using glue or bitumen mastic. First, glue the front part, then the sides, and finally the back. The lower edge is placed on top of the laid tiles, the upper edge is inserted into a groove on the pipe wall;
  • Finally, the multilayer insulation system is secured by installing a metal apron and treating the joints with silicone sealant.

There is a simpler and cheap way: the parts of the insulating lining of the pipe are cut not from carpet, but directly from galvanized metal. Then half of the work steps will disappear by themselves.

Wall junctions are sealed using a similar method. Only there is no need to install asbestos-cement protection, and the protected surfaces must be plastered and treated with a primer before installation.

Rules for laying eaves shingles

In order to create guidelines for the installer, it is better to first mark the roof with coated construction lace. Horizontal lines are applied in increments equal to five rows of flexible tiles. Verticals are struck in increments of one shingle.

After preparing and marking the roofing surface, you can safely begin laying flexible tiles, following the algorithm:

  • The first to be installed is the cornice row of tiles on the overhang. You can take a special ridge-eaves tile or cut out the starting element yourself by trimming the petals of ordinary ordinary tiles. You need to step back 0.8-1 cm from the edge of the metal cornice strip and glue the cornice shingles. For gluing, you need to remove the protective tape from the adhesive layer and coat the remaining areas with mastic;
  • the laid eaves tiles are secured with roofing nails in increments equal to the width of the petal. When hammering, the wide head of the hardware must be strictly parallel to the surface continuous sheathing. Distortions are unacceptable. Hammer the nails at a distance of 2-3cm from the top edge of the shingles. Fixation sites must overlap next row roofs;
  • The first row of flexible tiles is laid. It’s better to start from the center of the slope to make it easier to align horizontally. You should retreat 1-2cm from the bottom line of the starting row and glue it using the already proven method. Nail with four nails at a distance of 2-3cm from the groove between the petals;
  • It’s also more convenient to start installing the second row from the middle. But the shingles must be moved so that the tab is above the groove of the first row of shingles and the attachment points are completely covered;
  • The upper corner of the tiles laid next to the pediment is cut in the form of an equilateral triangle with sides of 1.5-2 cm. pruning is needed to remove water.

You can continue laying shingles according to the linear principle, i.e. laying down a whole row, one after another. You can use the pyramidal method with “building up” from the middle of the slope to the edges or diagonally.

Two ways to construct a valley

Two methods have been developed to form a valley:

  • Open gutter device. Row tiles are laid to the valley axis on both adjacent slopes. Only the nails stop driving at a distance of 30cm from the axis. After laying the coated cord, valley lines are marked on the slopes, along which the coating is carefully trimmed. The width of the valley is from 5 to 15 cm. To prevent damage to the soft roof during cutting, a board is placed under the tiles. The corners of the tiles located near the valley are trimmed to remove water, then the back side of the covering elements is coated with mastic and glued.
  • Closed gutter device. The tiles are laid first on the slope with the smallest slope so that approximately 30 cm of material is located on the adjacent slope. The shingles are secured at the top with nails. Afterwards, the second slope is covered, then a line is beaten on it, 3-5 cm away from the axis, along which cutting is carried out. The corners of the tiles are cut to remove water, and then the cut loose elements are glued to the mastic.

The nuances of laying tiles on a ridge

Upon completion of the installation of the tiles on the slopes, they begin to arrange the ridge. Ventilation ducts the body of the sheathing must be left open, so a gap of 0.5-2 cm is left between the tops of the slopes. To ensure ventilation, the ridge is equipped with a plastic aerator. It is not very attractive, so for the sake of aesthetics it is decorated with universal ridge-eaves tiles or shingles cut from shingles.

Nail the tiles with 4 nails. Each subsequent element must cover the fasteners of the previous one. The tiles are mounted on the ridges from bottom to top. The ridge is arranged in the direction of the prevailing winds so that the open areas turn to the leeward side.

In detail the process of installing a soft roof with explanations step-by-step technology The video will demonstrate the styling:

No particular difficulties were found in the construction of a soft roof. Eat technological features. If you strictly follow them, you can easily do the installation yourself with excellent results.

Which were the most popular just recently?

This is the well-known slate, galvanized steel and. For roofing works a whole work team was required, since all the necessary activities took a significant amount of effort and time. The emergence of modern new generation materials has made it possible to significantly simplify these procedures.

Soft roofing is superior to many other materials in its technical and performance qualities. It is one of the most popular various configurations.

What properties does this material have?

  • Light weight ensures a reduction in the load on the building as a whole and on the roof structure in particular.
  • Excellent sound insulation properties They make even the sounds of hail or rain inaudible for the inhabitants of the building.
  • Tightness guarantees excellent protection of the house, walls and roof space from winds and moisture.
  • Wonderful appearance. This coating looks elegant and quite status-worthy, in no way inferior in appearance to natural.
  • Significant periods of use. Such coverage lasts for about thirty years on average. Naturally, it needs current repairs and carrying out preventive work.
  • Simplicity and ease of installation, as well as subsequent maintenance. Even one person can handle the job, requiring only a few days to complete the work.

What is this wonderful soft roof?

It is important to consider that it is recommended to lay soft roofing on pitched roofs with an inclination angle of more than eleven degrees. Maximum size The angle of inclination can be any, its value is not limited.

DIY roofing

As noted above, one person can handle the installation of soft tiles.

What materials and tools will he need?

  • Directly roofing material.
  • Trowel and mastic for gluing.
  • High-quality sealant for treating areas of coating adjacent to walls and pipes, as well as for finishing connecting seams.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Roofing nails and hammer.
  • Pencil and plumb line.
  • Trims for neat finishing of ends and cornices.
  • Gloves.

Preparing to lay a soft roof

What is the main difference between soft tiles and other roofing materials?

  1. The fact is that this type The roof covering must be laid on a continuous solid base.
    Let’s say it is successfully mounted on timber, and the gaps between the individual beams do not in any way degrade the quality of the coating.
  2. But it does not have a fixed rigid structure, like metal or like.
    It has to be mounted on special boards (oriented strand boards), on a tongue-and-groove or edged board, or on thick moisture-resistant plywood.
  3. If boards are preferred as a base for soft tiles, then it is better to buy them in the winter and use them in the summer. This is what experts advise.
    It will benefit from “resting” in the stack for a certain time, during which time it will acquire the required level of humidity. Ideally, it should be 20 percent. It is better to choose boards about 10 cm wide; it is more convenient to use material of approximately the same size.

Features of a soft roof device

Before you begin laying and strengthening the roofing material, you need to carry out a number of mandatory measures to strengthen individual areas.

Installation of under-roof carpet

This is a kind of non-woven fabric impregnated with a bitumen mixture and treated with a special coating. It is located on the valleys, ends and eaves of overhangs. It is usually purchased in the same color as the main roofing material.

  1. The canvas is carefully glued with an overlap of 15 cm horizontally and 10 cm vertically, in the direction from bottom to top.
  2. All joints of the product are well coated with mastic. The ridges should have 25 cm of under-roofing carpet, and 50 cm on the sides of the valley.
  3. Cornice overhangs and ends are finished with it to a width of 40 cm.
  4. Secure the carpet with large roofing nails at a distance of 20 cm from one another.
  5. It is necessary to install steel eaves strips on the eaves overhangs, on top of the roofing carpet.
  6. Special pediment strips are mounted and secured at the ends of the roof.

Soft roof in winter. Prerequisites for installation

Regardless of whether the roof covering is installed with my own hands, or by specialists, working surface must be kept clean and dry at all times. This is an indispensable condition!

What else is important when laying a roof in winter?

  • It is advisable that everyone necessary work were carried out exclusively in relatively warm weather. Temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees Celsius.

  • In cases where there is an urgent need to carry out work in winter, you should use special hot air heating pad. In addition, the roofing material stored for work must be kept in a room with a positive temperature (close to room temperature) for several hours.
  • A freshly laid bitumen roof needs warmth.
    Why does she need it? The fact is that on the inside, each shingle (a sheet of three or four separate tile petals) is equipped with a self-adhesive lining made of. And although it (shingles) is nailed to the base of the roof structure, its individual components are glued together under the influence of solar heat.
    They are also firmly soldered to the roofing base.
    In cold weather this is impossible, so the reliability and tightness of the roofing will noticeably suffer.
  • During the laying process bitumen roofing must be used from several different packages at the same time.
    This is required so that there is a uniform alternation of shades of materials. Standard packages may vary slightly in color. Knowing this and specially combining material from different packs, you can get an original design. In addition, if repairs are required in the future, it will be easier to select pieces of a suitable color.

Ventilation for soft roofs

The installation of a soft roof is a multi-stage process, including several stages. One of the first is reliable equipment ventilation system. Experts are well aware that poorly ventilated (or unventilated) roofing often causes rapid damage to rafters.

Condensation accumulating on the roof, rot and mold, icicles and ice - all these unfavorable factors contribute to the fairly rapid destruction of the rafters.

How to avoid this?

Special vents and ventilation outlets under the eaves, as well as a pre-designed gap between the tiles themselves and the base of the roof, provide excellent air circulation to the under-roof space. They also do an excellent job of removing water vapor.

Do-it-yourself mastic for soft roofing

This polymer bitumen material necessary for laying the outer layer of soft tiles. With its help, an elastic, uniform coating is formed that can withstand mechanical and temperature deformations of the base. According to technology, when laying for fixation roll material on the roof, hot and cold mastics will be required.

Traditionally, cold compounds are used for the internal parts of the coating, while hot ones are used to coat the outer layers. Bitumen and roofing felt are cold types of mastics, roofing felt and tar are hot types. The composition of the substance used, in addition to bitumen, must include a dust-type filler or made of fiber. Ash, lime or gypsum are often used as dust materials.

The highest quality mastics contain polymers. Ready composition You can buy it, but if you want, it’s quite acceptable to make it yourself. There is nothing complicated about it.

Cold mastic:

  1. For this you will need bitumen and filler for it.
  2. You need to take two containers, in one of which you need to place two portions of bitumen, in the other a couple of portions of diesel fuel and one filler.
  3. At the same time, both dishes need to be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. When the water finally evaporates from the container with bitumen, the contents of both are mixed.

As a result of such actions, a cold product is obtained.

To make hot mastic:

  1. Filler is carefully added to bitumen heated to 200 degrees in small portions. The process must take place at a temperature of at least 160 degrees, this should be closely monitored.
  2. After uniform mixing, the product is ready. You can also check its quality yourself.
  3. The composition heated to 60 degrees is applied to a slope having an angle of 45 degrees.

If the mixture is good, it will not drain from the inclined surface. After hardening, the product will remain smooth, without defects and.

Soft roofing technology

During the work process, you should follow simple rules. It is best to place individual roofing sheets in different rows so that the joints are aligned. In other words, this is called taking a running start. This type of flooring significantly improves the moisture-proofing qualities of the coating.

Each new layer should lie on the previous one with a good overlap of at least 8-10 centimeters. In those places where the coating comes into contact with pipes and other communications, as well as with the edges of the roof, the material is cut to shape. The edges of the roof are securely glued using mastic.

It is not at all difficult to lay a roofing carpet around antennas, chimneys and other communications if you measure and calculate everything in advance and apply the necessary markings. The so-called pass-through elements necessary for this should be ready. The joints between the pipes and the roof itself are reinforced with the special under-roofing substrate mentioned earlier, and then covered with the same mastic.

The tiles are already laid on it, then the passage elements. It’s a good idea to treat the joints. When the soft roofing covering is installed up to the slope, special elements called ridge elements will be required. With their help, the tops of the slopes are covered, they are secured with mastic and secured with nails.

From all that has been said, we can draw a conclusion. Modern soft roofing is a wear-resistant and easy-to-work material that has a very affordable cost.

Subject to strict adherence to flooring technology, as well as upon purchase quality materials, you can be sure that the resulting roof will not only be attractive, but functional and reliable protection dwellings.

As roofing Any moisture-proof materials can be used. But it is also important that they are resistant to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage. Has all these characteristics soft bitumen shingles.

In the process of work, the following scheme for constructing a roof made of soft roofing is used. First, the rafters are installed and a vapor barrier is laid, then a layer of insulation is placed, it is waterproofed, and finally the roof covering is laid directly.

soft roof - diagram

Preparatory steps: installation of rafters and insulation

To install a soft roof with your own hands, you must first prepare basis. First, a reliable rafter structure is installed. For it, take a beam with a section of 15x5 cm. Rafters placed at a distance of approximately sixty centimeters. The configuration of the roof depends on how they are located. The advantage of soft tiles is the ability to install them on roofs with any slope and other features. After installing the rafter system, all wooden parts must be treated with antiseptic compounds.

High-quality installation of a roof made of soft roofing requires mandatory use vapor barriers. The material is laid parallel to the cornices, from above, starting from the ridge, and moving down.

Installation of soft roof instructions. Photo

Individual strips are laid with an overlap of ten or fifteen centimeters. The joints are insulated using foil adhesive tape. Attach the vapor barrier to the rafters with a construction stapler.

A mandatory step is insulation soft roof. Slabs are used as insulation mineral wool . They are placed with outside in two layers, having previously completed the rough sheathing of the rafters from the attic side.

The first layer is laid in the space between the rafters. The insulation is laid perpendicular to the eaves line. The thickness of the first layer of mineral wool is about fifteen centimeters, which corresponds to the size of the rafters.

installation of soft roofing. Photo

In order for the insulation of a soft roof to be as effective as possible, a second layer of mineral wool is required. To lay it, counter beams are attached at a distance of sixty centimeters from each other. The timber is taken with a section of 5x5 centimeters. It is positioned in such a way that the second layer of mineral wool is laid parallel to the cornice. Such insulation of a soft roof covers almost all cold bridges.

​The insulation is covered vapor diffuse membrane. It releases steam from the material, but prevents moisture from penetrating into it. The membrane is laid parallel to the cornice and secured with a construction stapler. At the joints, overlaps of ten centimeters or a little more are made, and then they are glued with self-adhesive tape.

installation of soft roof step-by-step instruction. Photo

Laying a soft roof with your own hands

If you consider the design of a roof made from a soft roof, you can pay attention to the presence ventilation gap between the vapor removal membrane and the base of the roof. Just five centimeters is enough for air to circulate freely.

Another layer of counter beam, which is already located parallel to the rafters, helps to create a ventilation layer. This type of soft roof structure is the most optimal.

Elements with a cross-section of 5x5 cm are used as counter beams, positioned at a distance of 30 cm. The bars are not laid end to end, but have gaps of about five centimeters.

Direct installation of a soft roof with your own hands is carried out as follows.

The counter beam is fixed to the sheathing OSB boards, which are moisture resistant. It is necessary to leave gaps of approximately four millimeters between individual sheets. Differences in height should not exceed two millimeters.

During the installation of a soft roof, be sure to take care of the installation drainage system . Immediately after fastening OSB boards hooks should be installed to hold the gutter. Then the gutter and all other parts of the drain are installed, including the funnel and pipe.

roof soft roof installation. Photo

soft roof with your own hands. Photo

Next, installing a soft roof with your own hands involves laying it on the surface wood board waterproofing material. It is placed with overlapping seams. Longitudinal overlaps must be at least ten centimeters, and transverse overlaps - twenty. All seams are additionally sealed. To do this, they are treated with bitumen mastic.

To install flexible tiles, mark the roof. Then the material is laid and fixed with rough nails with a galvanized surface. Begin installation of flexible tiles from the eaves. It is laid in rows, rising towards the ridge.

The next stage of installation of a soft roof is laying ridge elements . To ensure that individual elements of flexible tiles lie tightly and are not lifted by the wind, they are fixed using bituminous materials.

Installation of flexible tiles is being completed closing the joints and their careful isolation. It is imperative to cover with slats the junction of the roof to the pipe, walls or other elements. Also, upon completion of the installation of the soft roof, all additional work is carried out. Such as installing skylights, snow guards, soffits on eaves, etc.

Installation of soft roof video instructions

Video installation of soft roofing

Photo of a roof with a soft roof

The relative ease of installation of flexible tiles is not the only advantage of such a roofing covering. The variety of appearance should also be noted.

The gray-blue roof of the house perfectly emphasizes the brick color of its walls. The shape of individual tile elements is hexagonal, which creates an interesting pattern and visual effect. The roof covering looks like scales. The unevenness of color enlivens the surface and makes it voluminous.

Soft roof photo

Light brown roofing is discreetly neutral. It does not draw attention to itself, but emphasizes the beauty of the building itself and the roof of a complex shape with many planes. The elements of the tiles are square, which echoes stone wall, which we see on the right side.

Soft roof photo

The dark brown material with rectangular elements looks severe, but it makes the complex roof more attractive. Dark color sets off the light walls of the house and is supported by other brown elements present on the facade of the house.

Soft roof photo

The roof is covered with soft hexagonal tiles. The presence of color transitions and lighter spots makes the roof surface visually more interesting. It is quite dark and therefore does not blend in with the rest of the building.

The simplicity of the form of these flexible tiles is balanced by an interesting combination of matte and textured surfaces. A roof with such a coating will look strict, but at the same time elegant. It will decorate any home with the appropriate color scheme.