How to become a wind mage daily ritual. Teaching magic at home. Initiation into vampires as part of a special rite

How to become a magician and gain witchcraft abilities? Let's consider recommendations for beginning sorcerers and magicians of all elements, features of the initiation ritual.

In the article:

How to become a magician in real life

Magical powers are a pipe dream. But it’s possible to join the magicians. If a person initially does not have superpowers from his ancestors, the path will be difficult. It’s easier for people who have abilities from birth: children grow up in a magical environment, where they are taught to manage the gift.

If there are no magicians among your relatives, you should not despair - the situation can be corrected. A simple person can do both.

First you need to choose a patron - a certain element. The task is simple: you can choose the patron element of the Zodiac sign.

If a person feels that that element is not suitable, he can choose any one. To become a sorcerer, it is important to undergo a rite of passage and turn to higher powers with a request to bestow power.

A real magician will need the following essential attributes:

  • notebook (records ongoing rituals, new spells and rituals);
  • black cape;
  • ritual knife (ideally should be made by hand, but any with a black handle will do);
  • (selected by date of birth or the one to which a person will be drawn - magic stones have different properties, sometimes you will have to select different stones for rituals);
  • mirror (used in rituals where it is necessary to open the door to another world).

A magician needs a faithful companion, usually an animal. It is believed that a faithful assistant is a black cat (sometimes a snake or toad), but this opinion is erroneous. Cats are able to sense the approach of danger and strangers negative impact. But a wizard's pet is a reflection of the wizard's nature. A pet is selected with which the person has an energetic connection.

To become a truly experienced and powerful magician, you need to work on yourself - work every day. If you are passive in your studies and stop trying new practices or forget old ones, your abilities will dissipate over time.

How to become a water magician at home

To become a water magician, you need absolute unity with the elements. You will need a set of certain witchcraft attributes and desire. Water- a powerful element.

A magician who is able to communicate with spirits is granted angelic patience, composure, and calmness. Apart from the people taking part in the ritual, no one should know about the ritual - this entails negative consequences.

Initiation ritual

The ritual is performed both independently and with outside help. You will need to come to the shore of a natural reservoir exactly at midnight. There shouldn't be a single soul around. The magician undresses and slowly plunges headlong into the water for no more than a few seconds.

The water collects some liquid into the dish. Afterwards, the magician comes out of the water onto the shore, places 13 candles in a circle, lights it, puts on a black cape and places a container of water in the center of the figure. The sorcerer stands in the center and says:

Spirits of water, come! Show up! Answer my call! Grant me peace, tranquility, wisdom and strength. Temper my weapon (at this point the ritual knife is lowered into a container of water) so that it protects and protects me from all sorts of misfortunes and defeats my enemies!

After the spell, the magician monitors the reaction of the candles. If the fire goes out, the spirits will not fulfill the request. If the candles are burning, the spirits are ready to become protectors and patrons.

You should thank them for the respect shown, dip your fingers in a container of water and draw a cross on your forehead. Afterwards, bow deeply to the spirits and leave the ritual site. In order to have a greater connection with the chosen element, there should always be liquid in the house. It is better to buy an aquarium with fish.

Earthbenders - hardness and power

To become an earthbender requires special persistence. Art is not for everyone. Even after the initiation ceremony, one should not expect that they will become merciful in the coming days.

These forces do not forgive mistakes: to truly join the earthbenders, you will have to arm yourself with perseverance and perseverance. If the magician is not sure of his desire, it is better not to undertake the ritual, so as not to anger the spirits who will subsequently take revenge.

How to perform a ritual

To carry out the ceremony, they go at night to a plowed (preferably sown, but without sprouts) field. The magician creates a protective barrier by placing seven candles in a circle. Afterwards, the ritual knife is stabbed into the ground. Stretching out your hands to the ground, say:

Mother, damp earth, I trust in you! Spirits of the earth, come to me, become witnesses of my formation! Answer my call! Grant me firmness and confidence, perseverance and masculinity. Become my protectors and helpers. Don't let you stumble and go astray from your chosen path!

Then they touch the ground with their hand and take a little in their hand. The collected earth is wrapped in a scarf - this is a magician’s amulet that he carries with him. It is better to leave some of this soil near the house, and wrap the other half securely and carry it in your bag.

After the call, spirits must come to witness the reincarnation. If the entities agree to help, the magician will feel an energy flow.

How to become a fire mage yourself

Fire is the element of warriors. Mages who choose this patron have incredible strength and are capable of inflicting powerful damage to enemies. They are usually quite hot-tempered: if they get angry, they are capable of destroying everything around them to achieve their goal.

A person with a large reserve of fire is capable of becoming a strong fire magician. vitality and energy. The rituals performed require a lot of effort and are not always available.

Rite of passage

To become a fire mage, a special ritual is performed. The place is prepared in advance - deserted and quite large. When choosing a location, the need to draw a circle with chalk is taken into account (it is impossible in a field or forest). Collect three small piles of branches and hay, place them at equal distances from each other in the form of an isosceles triangle.

A circle is drawn in the middle with chalk, the magician stands in the center, holding a large lit candle in his hands (necessarily in a cape). IN left hand a ritual knife is taken and heated over the flame. They raise the knife and say:

Spirits of fire, I conjure you, I call you to me! Come and witness my transformation. Grant me endurance, will and power. Grant me the power to destroy and create. Temper my weapon so that I can defeat all my enemies with it! Be my protectors and patrons!

You need to say the text 3 times and monitor the behavior of the candle. If the flame flickers and decreases, the spirits have arrived. If the fire remains as before, the call is ignored.

When the ritual is completed, the magician bows deeply to the spirits and thanks them for their appearance and protection. When the spirits leave (the candle flame becomes calm), you can leave the circle - before this, crossing borders is prohibited.

Is it possible to be an airbender in reality?

You can ask the air to become an intercessor and patron of a magician. The main advantage of the element is the power to see the future. If a magician reaches the pinnacle of witchcraft, the future can be changed.

Carrying out the initiation ritual

A vacant lot is needed for the ceremony. Exactly at midnight, the magician comes to the designated place, places five candles in a circle and lights them counterclockwise. Then the person stands in a circle, places a ritual knife at his feet and raises his hands to the sky. The words of the spell are pronounced loudly:

Spirits of the air! I call you! Come before me! Grant the power to see and know what is unknown to others. Grant strength and power! Become my patrons, protect and protect from enemies!

For a long time people have been looking for a way to solve their problems, and one of the solutions for them is Magic force, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Despite this, there have always been and will be those who want to master magic. And since some have psychic abilities, then you can try to become a magician.

Magic and people

Since ancient times, people have wanted to become magicians. And it is worth defining the difference between sorcerers, wizards and magicians. A magician is a more noble status because, in addition to strength, he possesses knowledge and constantly improves it. The sorcerer is presented in a negative way because his specialty is black magic. Wizards do not harm people, but they have much less power and knowledge compared to a magician. The magicians themselves are black and white. But they are all united by the presence of a great and unknown power.

The secret of magic is in the power of human thought. But developing this power will require a lot of time and effort. Therefore, many people give up training because the results do not come immediately. But this is the natural order of things - you always need to invest a lot of effort to achieve something. And magic is no exception.

Magicians must keep their emotions under control, directing them in the direction they need. Those who stimulate positive emotions in themselves will become white magicians, and those who stimulate negative ones will become black magicians.

It often happens that black magicians go crazy, as they are forced to constantly stimulate emotions such as the desire to kill, hatred, envy, lust and others.

White sorcerers

Both black and white wizards were equal at the beginning of their journey and did not know what would await them next. Only after completing the training, when the initiation ritual takes place, do some separate and devote themselves to serving the darkness. Others act for the benefit of people. White magicians are divided into several categories:

Stimulation positive emotions helps them do good and help people. You can distinguish a white magician from thousands of other people by the feeling of power that emanates from him. You want to be close to such a person on a subconscious level, and it often happens that people feel calm next to a white magician. White Mage differs from black only in that the light one uses his abilities for the benefit of people, and the evil one uses his abilities to do terrible things. But the mechanism of operation is the same.

The division can also be carried out according to initiation rituals. Someone may choose a dark initiation ritual for themselves in the hope that it will make them omnipotent. But this is not so, since these magicians are equal in strength, it’s just that the dark ones can harm a person, destroy his life, and therefore everyone thinks that they are stronger.

Black magicians

Just as you can pick out a white magician from a crowd, you can spot a black one. He smells of darkness, people feel bad around him, you always want to look down when such a person passes by. Black magicians constantly live in terrible emotional state. Hatred, anger, lust - this is what dark wizards accumulate in their rituals, because without them magic will not receive its power. They are divided into the following categories:

Now dark magicians are only a shadow of the great medieval warlocks, not to mention the black magicians of the ancient East. The powers of magicians are weakening because they are driven not by a desire for knowledge, but by satisfying their own needs.

It is quite possible to learn how to become a magician in real life. You don’t need to go on a pilgrimage or leave civilization for this. Rest is certainly required, but everything can be done at home. The main thing, as already said, is to be patient, because this process is difficult and long. You need to learn to control the power of thought, which is not so easy to do given its speed. First of all you need to know A few things to help with the learning process:

Energy flow

The main component of magic is the flow of energy, which is controlled by the power of thought. This flow of energy is like a beam that must be directed at an object in order to have an effect on it. There are light and dark energies, which differ in their effects. First of all, you need to learn to meditate.

With the help of meditation, you can keep your consciousness and thoughts under control and direct them the way you want. A common mistake that beginners make during a ritual is that they think sequentially using linking thoughts: “So, now I’ll take this knife, then I need to read the spell, then hit my hand with it and drip blood onto the photo. And you have to get angry before you start reading...”

This is fundamentally wrong. Thought should not interfere, but, on the contrary, help during rituals. Its purpose is to support emotional control. You need to combine thought and energy into one stream for the magic to work. If you think about something else for even a minute during the ritual, it will not work.

Emotions, which are supported by thoughts, play an important role. To cause harm to a person, you must really want it, enjoy his suffering. If you need to cure someone, you need to evoke compassion and an altruistic desire to help. Therefore, dark magicians suffer from mental illnesses, which are caused by constant stimulation of negativity.

There are certain rules, following which you can learn magic at home. For example, at first there is no need to carry out any complex rites or rituals, since there is not enough experience, but gradually the power will increase and the rituals will become more and more complex. To master the magic of home, you must adhere to the following rules:

These are the basics you need to follow to learn magic.

Rite of passage

In the literature devoted to magic and witchcraft, one can often find references to a certain inauguration rite that a neophyte must undergo in order to become a magician. The ritual is divided into black and white. Black - strictly specialized. But, in fact, most black magicians went through white ritual initiation, and only later did they realize that white magic will not help them achieve what they want.

This ritual is the first serious undertaking for a beginner. In the white ritual, it is necessary to heal the disease. In a black ritual, this disease must be caused. That's why they are held almost together. Those who fail these tests must dedicate more time to studying. Those who successfully complete initiation will become full-fledged magicians from neophytes. But this is practiced only among those who study with a mentor. You can arrange such a ritual for yourself if you study alone.

Most of the ancient knowledge disappeared along with its bearers. Perhaps this is even good, because now information spreads very quickly, and everyone would know about such opportunities and want to have superpowers. There's no denying that modern magic inferior to the ancient one, but if now people receive the kind of knowledge that was available to the magicians of the Ancient East, it is unknown in what direction this knowledge will be directed. This could be the end for humanity, so let the majority remain ignorant for their own good.

This article will tell you the secret and the way to really and quickly become a sorcerer for real. How can people become involved in magic? There are two ways: either having innate abilities or acquiring them. However, it is far from a fact that a born evil sorcerer will become one in reality, because mastery is manifested through natural internal sources. This is the same talent that a person receives from birth or develops in himself thanks to an abundance of training and insatiable perseverance. What needs to be done in order to finally decide on the chosen path and understand that these are not at all fruitless fantasies, that you can make everything come true? How to become a real evil sorcerer for real.

A little explanation

First of all, feel the strength in yourself, understand and feel what it is. Magical skills are incomplete without other vital character traits: faith in one’s own strength, the desire to achieve what one wants at any cost, the sharpness of a clear mind and a powerful imagination. Do you have the qualities of an adventurer, will you be able to make a bet to gain power and knowledge (the stakes are high, you know that) and what will you dare to risk and sacrifice to achieve your goal? Magic is not child's play. This is a serious game characters which are adults and responsible people. You can also get acquainted with the information of all forces with or without wings, if this interests you, of course.

It is not by chance that a sharp mind is mentioned, because liberation from illusions is not enough; it is necessary to have the skill of an objective and correct assessment of the situation and oneself in a comprehensive picture of the world. For example, you shouldn’t overestimate yourself, since full confidence believing that your talents are some kind of gift from above, given by the Divine itself. That's bullshit. Witchcraft abilities are given to you by nature, it is part of your spirit, and it is up to you to decide whether to use them or not. Another ideological block is the belief that magic is the embodiment of evil, and those who give preference to this art are the servants of Satan, another race from another world. It's a delusion. Enchantment is spiritual path the human race, which appeared long before any states and religions. Compared to religion that enslaves human soul, magic has the opposite purpose - protecting individuality, leading along the path of spiritual growth and complete dedication to the world, but not as a sacrifice in the name of something, but as an organic part of the majestic universe, which the individual instantly absorbs into himself. So, you give and get rich. Another trap for those who are wondering how to become a powerful sorcerer for free and for free: the belief that your future is predetermined by fate, and the direction is destined from above. All this is just empty ambition and gigantomania. A sorcerer is the sole owner of his own destiny, having authority over other people. No matter what abilities a white sorcerer has, he remains a man, and among the many he is one more of them.

How to become a sorcerer and magician

  • Watch what and how you spend your talents. A truly powerful magician and sorcerer knows how to keep his powers under control and give an account of every action he commits.
  • Lead a correct lifestyle, do meaningful and purposeful actions, do not leave society, but live within it, fit into it, know how to give energy and receive more power, double or even triple the amount.
  • Learn techniques for entering an altered state of consciousness. Stay in harmony with your soul and spirit. You must own your power and be able to control your desires.
  • Any sorcerer has an additional source of power. And it is located throughout the surrounding world. The main condition for spiritual growth is the ability to freely draw energy from there.

We hope ours helped you answer your question, and you now know how to become a sorcerer for real and without much effort!

Many people wish to have magical powers. Some want to use them for the benefit of others, while others want to use them for harm. Therefore, they are very concerned about the question: “ How to become a magician in real life at home?

Mages, who are they?

Most people ask themselves this question. The abundance of prejudices and speculation generated by the media and articles on the Internet does not give us a clear and correct answer.

A magician is a person who has inner strength, which he can use as necessary to achieve any goals. This power is like creativity, it can be developed and improved, and at the same time can be lost and lost if it is not used.

How to become a magician in real life at home (spell)

If you believe that you have this inner power within you, then it needs to be developed and improved, and spells with which you can develop magical abilities will help with this. The most difficult moment for beginners setting foot on the path of magic is overcoming internal fears of the unknown.

Each novice magician must determine one of the four elements (earth, water, fire, air) that will help him. To do this, you must have special attributes to perform magic spells. The main attributes are:

  • a bowl of clean spring water;
  • paraffin candles;
  • a handful of earth;
  • ash.

To perform the ritual, choose a quiet and peaceful place. It is important that you feel calm and confident in this place. Light a candle, place the rest of the attributes around it (a bowl of water, earth and ashes). Concentrate, close your eyes and say the following spell in a low voice (you can whisper):

“Spirits of Fire, Earth, Water, Air! Hear me! Come to the call of the suffering! I am in your will, show me my element!”

After these words you will feel peace and tranquility. Open your eyes and carefully watch the candle flame:

  • if the flame leans towards the bowl of water, then your assistant is the Spirit of Water;
  • if towards the ash - Spirit of Fire;
  • towards the earth - Spirit of the Earth;
  • if the flame is raised upward, your assistant is the Spirit of Air.

Once you know your element, you need to start developing your abilities. It should be remembered that choosing an element is only a small step before becoming a real magician. Beginners sometimes forget about this and stop improving.

How to become a Water Mage during a full moon

Water is a very powerful element. You have to learn to feel it. You need to visit the shore of a river or lake as often as possible and mentally enter into dialogue with the Spirits of Water. If you feel that you have become one with the Spirit of Water, you are ready to become a real Water Mage.

An initiation ritual will help you become a Water Mage in real life at home right now. To carry it out at midnight, when the full moon is shining in the sky, you need to come to a natural body of water. You need to strip naked and go into the water. After standing for a few minutes, slowly lower yourself under the water. Stay underwater as long as you can and go ashore.

Now fill the prepared container with water. Place the vessel on the shore, place 13 candles around it and light them. Stand in the center, pick up a bowl of water and read the spell:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

After reading, pay attention to the candles:

  • if they continue to burn brightly, then the spirits have heard your request and will help you;
  • if they go out, then you won’t be a Water Mage.

How to become an Airbender right now

An Airbender must have a strong spirit. To develop fortitude, you need to learn to control your internal forces. To this end, you need to make friends with the forces of the wind. This can be achieved by praising and pleasing the Spirit of Air daily, performing a simple ritual. While fresh air, or standing at open window pronounce:

“Spirit of Air, Great art thou! Grant Me, Your servant, strength!”

To become an Air Mage in real life, you need to perform one more ritual. At night, go out into the vacant lot. It is advisable that the place be deserted and no one walks there (a forest is good). Place 5 candles in a circle. Stand in a circle and read the plot:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!

If after reading it blows strong wind, then the Spirits of Air came to your call. Contact them again with your request. Now you can talk about what you want in your own words. After that, bow deeply, put out the candles, take all the props and go home.

When you come home, open all the windows to let the Spirits of Air into your home. From now on, they will help you in everything and protect you from everything bad.

How to become a firebender in real life

To do this, it is necessary to use both living fire (the flame of a candle, a fire) and its second form - ashes. Try to look at them as often as possible and think at this moment about the formidable strength and power of fire, which brings joy and pain.

Fire is considered the element of warriors. Mages who choose him as a patron have great power and can cause serious harm to their enemies. These people are often quick-tempered and persistent. They do everything to achieve their goal.

People with a large supply of energy and vitality are capable of becoming a Fire Mage. To gain special strength and power, you need to perform a special ritual.

Choose a secluded place outdoors(this could be a landing or a large park). If you have a summer house, you can perform the ritual there. The main thing is that there are no people nearby and no one interferes with your actions. Place three piles of brushwood on the ground so that they lie in the shape of a triangle and set them on fire.

Stand in the center of the triangle, take right hand light a candle and read the plot:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Show yourself to me.

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

You need to read the spell three times. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle. If it goes out, then the Spirits of Fire ignored your request. If it flares up with renewed vigor, then you have been heard and your request will be fulfilled in the near future.

At the end of the ritual, bow three times different sides and leave the circle.

How to become an earthbender

You should remember that only a calm and balanced person is destined to become an earthbender. If you are not one, then you should establish and streamline your life, and only after that begin to enter into dialogue with the Spirits of the Earth.

In order to become an Earth Mage in real life, you need to perform a special ritual. We must come to the plowed field. It is desirable that it is sown, but the sprouts have not yet sprouted. Place 7 candles in a circle, light them and stand in a circle. Pick up the earth and read the spell:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities,

Make me an earthbender!

Then wrap the earth in a scarf and always carry it with you. This will be your amulet from everything bad.

If you have magical power, then under no circumstances stop developing it in yourself.

Video: how to become a magician in 5 minutes

All more people wants to have magical abilities and be able to use them in real life. How to become a sorcerer and subjugate the forces of nature, as well as wield secret knowledge, inaccessible to the majority?

There are several ways to become a magician or witch and gain a magical gift. But first you need to decide what you need it for.

Why become a sorcerer?

Before asking for help To higher powers asking for the gift of witchcraft or moving on to practical magic, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Becoming a magician is not only an opportunity to understand and use magic, but also to observe necessary rules. Among them:

  • the magician is always responsible for his actions;
  • any magical rituals require a clear sequence;
  • the sorcerer must be an honest person, otherwise magic will turn against him;
  • the sorcerer must have strong spiritual strength, otherwise small evil spirits and elemental spirits will not be subject to him;
  • It is not recommended to show any emotions during the performance of rites and rituals;
  • the sorcerer believes in magic, otherwise his power will be wasted.

Therefore, before you try to become a sorcerer right now, think about whether you are ready to use your gift and knowledge for good purposes, whether you have the fortitude and strong magical abilities to truly master the secrets of magic.

Directions of Witchcraft

A magician is an interesting and quite profitable profession, but not an easy one. Like any other, it has certain specialties. You need to decide in what direction your future work will take:

How to Determine If You Have Witchcraft Ability

There are several important details, which allow us to determine whether a person has innate abilities for magic. Among them:

  • good intuition;
  • love of reading;
  • desire for loneliness;
  • interest in magic;
  • love of nature;
  • strong will;
  • left-handedness;
  • presence on the left side of the body birthmark unusual shape;
  • eyes of different colors.

If for the most part you have noted these facts in yourself, it means that you have certain magical abilities that allow you, right now, if you wish, to become a magician or.

Rules of a real magician

A real sorcerer, capable of subjugating spirits and seeing future events, follows a number of rules that help him in rituals and communication with otherworldly “friends.” Among them, the five most important can be noted:

The three surest ways to become a magician

It is unlikely that you will be able to become a sorcerer in one second, because first of all you need to ask the highest deities for permission to use your gift. If all important conditions are met, you will gain the ability to feel and see magic in all manifestations of life and, with the help of practice, will be able to become a real wizard.

There are three surefire ways to become a magician. Among them:

  • receive a gift by inheritance;
  • undergo training with another sorcerer;
  • become a sorcerer with the help of the right spells.

By inheritance, the magical gift is passed down through generations from the eldest sorcerer or witch in the family. That is, a grandson or granddaughter receives special abilities and the so-called key to magic (most often it is a resident spirit) from a grandfather or grandmother. After this, they can learn to cast magic, and the “key” will tell them the right direction for their powers.

Another way to become a sorcerer is to undergo training with another magician.

Most often, students are taken on by those magicians or witches who do not have procreation or for some reason do not want a “family” continuation of the magical work. In this way, they accept their student, share secret knowledge with him and pass on the key - the ability to perform magical arts.

And another opportunity to gain the practical foundations of witchcraft is to cast right time and in the right place magic spells, addressed to the Higher powers, in particular, to the four elements.

The ritual can be performed at home. What do I need to do:

  • At home, place four identical bowls on the table.
  • Pour some earth into one, pour a little into the other clean water, in the third you need to put a small candle and light the fire. The fourth bowl should remain empty.
  • Open the window. The ritual is best performed at night during the full moon, but it can also be performed at dawn.
  • Cast a spell on the four elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth:
  • “Forces of Nature, you have control over seas and rivers, fields and mountains, forests and plains, the past, the present, and the future! Grant me some of your knowledge and power! I swear I will use them for good and will not harm an innocent person! Let it be so!"

The spell is best cast several times. If you are heard, you will feel a light breeze, sharp heat or, conversely, extreme cold. Such an unexpected change in the atmosphere in the house suggests that your wishes were heard and approved at the very top. Now it depends only on you how strong and powerful your magic will be in real life.