How to make a bunk bed from chairs. How to assemble a bunk bed? Instructions for assembling a bunk bed. Instructions for making a baby bed by hand

Studying the assembly diagrams for bunk beds is not the first stage. First of all, you need to decide on the material from which you will make sleeping area for two. You can make a design:

  • from plywood;
  • wooden planks
  • metal;
  • polypropylene pipes.

Plywood is quite thin and not the most durable option.

The price for a sheet of 150 × 150 centimeters and a thickness of 20 millimeters (optimal for a bed) ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles.

It will be impossible, for example, to jump on a product made of this material - the sheet will support a weight of no more than 80 kilograms. Therefore, plywood is suitable for creating a sleeping area for small children, but not for adults.

A bunk bed made of plywood will be quite cheap, but not very practical to use. it will support the weight of two small children, but not adults

Chipboard for the bed is much better.

One sheet with dimensions 250 × 180 cm will cost approximately 900 rubles.

The surface must be smooth, without cracks, chips, nicks, or protrusions. Optimal thickness– 15 mm.

If you decide to create a bed from a board, choose natural pine. It is considered the most suitable for sleep. Does not emit harmful and hazardous substances, hypoallergenic, particularly durable and resistant to external influences (if treated with an antifungal compound at the production stage). Square meter costs 300 rubles. A two-tier sleeping system made of pine will last for 50 years, no less!

To create furniture for sleeping and relaxing, metal is also used, but not sheet metal, but a metal profile is used to create a frame. These are hollow pipes that are characterized by strength. The bunk bed will be strong, which is important if it is used by both adults and children.

A meter pipe will cost about 5 thousand rubles. Not cheap!

In addition, in order to work with the material, you will have to purchase a welding machine. Handling it requires special knowledge and skills, and using the unit at home is not recommended for safety reasons. If you are determined to assemble a system from a metal profile (and it will last more than 50 years), then carry out the work in the garage or on the street.

A bunk bed made of metal profiles looks stylish and original. But to assemble one, you will definitely need a welding machine and skills in using it.

Polypropylene pipes are only suitable for DIY bunk beds. The system simply cannot support the weight of an adult.

The price per linear meter is 50 rubles.

The inside of the pipe is reinforced, that is, reinforced with metal, which helps to increase its strength and stability. Of course, it is impossible to connect pieces of material with self-tapping screws and nails. For this, liquid nails or silicone glue and special fasteners are used.

Important: choose any material of your choice. If welding machine or opportunities to get polypropylene pipe If you don’t have one, then to create the bed of a bunk bed, experts recommend choosing chipboard or pine boards.

They are easy to work with, the materials can be processed, are durable, do not emit toxic substances, are available, and are inexpensive.

The best materials for making a bunk bed are chipboard or pine board. They are durable and can withstand heavy weight, last about 50 years

The following tools will help you make a sleeping place:

  • saw;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • screwdriver

It is not necessary to choose tools of any specific brands and models. Work with what you have at hand. The units can be borrowed from friends or neighbors. Now in some construction stores they are even available for rent.

From words to deeds: we calculate the parameters of the future bed

So, the material for the 2-tier bed was chosen with your own hands. We take chipboard or wood. Now you need to make a calculation so as not to buy too much. It matters what age the furniture is intended for. In accordance with this, the length of the bed is calculated:

  • for children from 3 to 11 years old – 120-150 cm;
  • for teenagers – 150-180 cm;
  • for adults – 180-200 cm.

The width of the product is from 80 to 100 centimeters. This is quite sufficient according to SANPiN standards. The distance from one tier to another is at least 1 meter, so that you can sit on the first floor without resting your head on the second.

The first tier cannot lie on the floor (although if you like this particular design, then this option is also possible). Usually a distance of 10 to 30 cm is left between the floor and the lounger.

Important: the base of each lounger, where mattresses will subsequently be placed, can be made solid or slatted. In the first case, more material will be needed, but the second option is less durable.

To summarize, we will spend on an “adult” product:

  • two sun loungers without a base (around the perimeter) – 180+180+180+180+80+80+80+80 = 1040 cm of boards or chipboard;
  • solid base for sunbeds – 180*80*2 = 288 square meters;
  • the connecting parts are beams; they are placed vertically to connect the sunbeds to each other. A total of 4 beams are required (in this case, we also take into account the height of the sun loungers - 15 cm each; 100 is the distance between the “floors”, 20 is the height from the floor to the bottom sun lounger) – (100+15+15+20)*4 = 600 square centimeters.

You can learn how to make the calculation correctly from the video instructions:

Important: DIY bunk beds for children and adults require the creation of a ladder.

It's easy to do. Connect two vertical beams with slats together using nails. Height - approximately 100-140 centimeters. This option is the simplest.

About how to make complex and original stairs for a sleeping place, watch the video:

Schemes and drawings of a bunk bed

You can design the product yourself. But this requires certain skills and education. If you have neither one nor the other, use ready-made diagrams and drawings, which are presented below:

Using the simplest drawing of a bunk bed, you can build a high-quality structure - there are no unnecessary parts, economical consumption of materials

The complex design involves creating a bunk bed with a wide staircase and storage drawers. This product is more practical to use

These are the most simple drawings wooden bunk bed to create with your own hands. They are better than others for making bedroom furniture at home. The dimensions indicated are arbitrary and can be adjusted to suit your project.

Important: if you do not have the opportunity to order mattresses according to your sizes, first buy standard mattresses, measure them and make a sleeping place taking into account the obtained dimensions.

Buy mattresses first, and only then design and assemble a bunk bed, otherwise you risk being left without mattresses at all - the sizes you need may not be available

How to make a sleeping system yourself: step-by-step instructions

Before you start making a two-story bed, let the chipboard or boards lie in the house for at least 3-4 days to “get used to” the humidity and temperature of a particular room. Then it will be easier to “collaborate” with the materials.

  • Cut the wood according to the selected drawing and diagram;
  • Please note that there should be a small distance between the frame and the mattress. During operation, the “liner” moves slightly in all directions. Take this fact into account and leave “allowances” of at least 4 cm;
  • first assemble the lower tier, attach connecting elements to it, and then make a second tier on them; the staircase is added at the very end of the production process;
  • the finished structure must be attached to the wall so that it does not “move” from its place during use. To do this, use a hammer drill. They use it to drill holes in the wall and connecting vertical bars, insert self-tapping screws and fasten the product. It is not necessary to do this, but it is advisable for safety;
  • the resulting product is varnished. Choose products from the companies “Tex”, “Veres”, “Tselko”, “Alpina”. A three-liter jar costs about 700 rubles. After varnishing, the structure is left to dry and ventilate. The stage lasts about a week. After this, the system is ready for use.

You can learn more about how to construct a 2-tier bed with your own hands from the following video:


Now you know how to make bunk beds with your own hands. The process is not complicated, but long-term and responsible, requiring step-by-step compliance with all points. It is better to assemble a bunk bed from chipboard or pine boards. Make accurate calculations before starting the process.

Study the diagrams and drawings in detail, modify them in accordance with your dimensions.

Take care of own safety. Use only working power tools. Wear safety glasses when sawing. Firmly fasten parts and parts of the system together to avoid structural damage.

Handmade items are increasingly gaining popularity. Including furniture. This will take some time, so you will have to be patient. But there are also many advantages to creating the necessary things with your own hands.

Surely you have already come across various ideas for creating sofas or other garden furniture from pallets. Interesting solution for use in different directions. But today we will talk about how to create furniture for your home.

In particular, how to make a bunk bed with your own hands.

Why is it better to make a bed rather than buy it? There are many answers. Let's start with the fact that when creating, you choose the material yourself, and you know exactly its characteristics: strength, reliability. Upon completion of the project, you will be sure that this creation will last a long time and will not fall apart the first time you use it.

Creativity plays an important role in preparing for work.

There are times when a buyer cannot find what he needs in a store. This is especially true for furniture: the size doesn’t fit, you don’t like the design, it looks sloppy, and many other reasons. There are two ways out of this situation: register individual order or make everything with my own hands. By choosing the second option, you will not have to explain to the contractor what exactly you want and pay a huge amount of money to complete the order.

You can realize all ideas exactly down to the details.

And, of course, one of the main advantages self-creation furniture is satisfaction with the result own work. It's nice to know that you made the thing yourself.

By making furniture with your own hands, you benefit from:

  • Price;
  • Quality;
  • Design
  • Accuracy in measurements.

The only downside is that the process will take longer than purchasing.

So, if you decide make a bunk bed with your own hands - let's get started!

Choosing design and construction

There are many varieties of two-tier models - as much as your imagination allows. Let's look at the most popular ones.

  1. Traditional

The easiest to make. Consists of two tiers ( sleeping places ) and stairs. Suitable for a nursery with enough space.

This bed does not contain elements of other furniture and significantly saves space.

  1. With a sofa

The sofa on the first tier diversifies both aesthetically and functionally. This model will save more space in room , because you won't need an additional sofa. It can be used as a bed or simply as a place to relax. Well suited for placement in the living room.

To make this model you will additionally need a sofa. It will be built into the structure.

  1. With drawers

In this model, drawers or shelves are attached to the stairs leading to the second floor, used instead of cabinets. In this case, it will take up a little more space in room than the traditional one.

You can save space by using linen closets or toy closets.

  1. "Attic"

This option significantly saves space in room. Sleeping area located on the second tier, the lower one is intended for working area. Usually it includes a work table, various shelves and racks. This design is usually chosen for older children (teenagers, students). Basically, such a bed is a single bed, but if desired, two people can be accommodated on the second tier. You can build it in a corner with two sleeping places On the second floor. An important condition when designing this model is strength.

The height of the ceilings should be taken into account, since the lower tier must be quite high.

  1. Three-bedroom bunk

There are various proposals to convert a bunk bed into a triple bed. If child still small, besides the apartment one-room , you can do it with double bed on the first tier. If this product is for baby – you can place both places at the top.

The bed option will depend on the design you choose.

  1. Transformer

Such models are very popular as they save a lot of space. It consists of a table, cabinets and sleeping place . A table or a mattress can be retractable.

If you don't have enough free space indoors, and the child is already going to school, it is worth thinking about this type of product.


We have figured out which models are the most popular and comfortable, now we will decide what is needed in order to start building a bunk bed.

First of all necessary draw a drawing. The most convenient option will take ready-made diagrams on the Internet, and, focusing on them, create your own project.

You will need to take measurements of the part of the room where the product will be located and determine the size of the structure.

The following data is used in the drawing:

  • Product height;
  • Length;
  • Width;
  • Distance from the upper and lower tier;
  • Length and width of the stairs;
  • The space between stair steps;
  • Height of the upper tier;
  • Width of supporting beams;
  • Locker sizes.

If you are planning lockers, be careful about the distance you need to place them.

Photos of finished options will help you clearly determine how to make a drawing correctly.


When choosing materials, consider your skills and the range of available tools. Chipboard or solid pine are excellent for work. Let's prepare the tools we need for the job.

You can use sheets of plywood for the base under the mattress.

Depending on whether you will cut the material yourself or entrust it to professionals, we select the set of necessary tools. The best option will cut the boards according to measurements using professional tools in furniture workshop. Then all you have to do is connect all the parts.

We need instruments and devices for measuring and fixing. You can't do your work without a simple pencil.

For this you will need: a screwdriver, screws, glue, level, drill, hammer, Sander for processing finished product, blank material sawn according to measurements.

Making two-tier furniture is not difficult if you prepare everything necessary tools and recall existing construction skills.

Let's get started

So, all preparations are completed, you can start making a bunk bed with your own hands.

Now let's move on to creating the back.

Make the second tier in the same way.

Using self-tapping screws and the method of connecting parts “under the countersunk”, attach the ladder to one of the racks.

If necessary, guards can be secured to the top bunk.

If the design involves the presence of drawers, then the ladder should be attached from the outside to the supporting structure rack . Now attach the drawers to the stairs according to the drawing.


It’s worth thinking about decor before production begins, as it can affect the project. Experienced craftsmen can make furniture in the shape of a house, car, or boat. You can attach “branches” instead of stairs, along which “young Mowgli” will climb to the second floor.

U experienced craftsman the bed looks like it came out of the pages of a fairy tale book.

A common option is to add a Swiss wall, athletic rings or rope. Beds with a slope in the form of a slide have earned great popularity.

You can implement any design depending on the imagination and skill of the master.

If you have built classic model bunk bed, and thought about the design only later, then use any textiles for decoration: pillows, hanging decorations. attach the rope.

There are plenty of options that creative people will find it without difficulty.

In general, making a bunk bed with your own hands is not so difficult, moreover, it is profitable and beautiful.

We wish you success in your creativity!

VIDEO: Instructions for assembling a bunk bed.

50 photo ideas for do-it-yourself double beds:

Chests of drawers and other furniture items, including various beds. If you have two children but don't have much space in your room, you may be thinking about making a comfortable bunk bed. This solution can literally save you, since this bed would not take up much space, but would bring great benefits. Independent solution problems will save you money. Making such a bed yourself is not that difficult. All you need to do is have an idea about the future bed, buy necessary materials and study the instructions for manufacturing the structure. All this will be discussed in our article. You can learn how to make a bunk bed with your own hands easily and correctly. And even if you are not a craftsman who makes all kinds of furniture every day, you will be able to do it!

Advantages and disadvantages of a bunk bed

Such designs are considered very popular nowadays. It is worth noting that previously they were widely used in children's rooms. And here it’s not just about the fact that they significantly save space (although this is the main factor). Often such an original bunk bed is used to make a child’s room more original and cozy. Children love something unusual and they really like this bed.

Moreover, the structures cannot always be double. This can be a single bed, on the second floor of which there is a sleeping place, and on the first floor - a working place desk or, for example, a computer desk. It has been observed that a child sleeps on such a bed more willingly, so you won’t have to spend hours persuading him to go to bed. Even the fact that children have to agree on who will sleep on which floor is also good for their development and ability to communicate with others.

If you are thinking about buying such a bed or making it yourself, keep in mind that it will cost quality product will be quite expensive. There are cheaper models, but their quality is low and therefore there is no guarantee that your child will not get injured. The bed model, the manufacture of which will be discussed further, is very durable, reliable, stable and safe; it can support both a child and an adult.

By the way, there are craftsmen who, for family reasons, even make a three-tier structure. Although most experts call this overkill, since the level of danger is much higher.

To summarize, by making a bunk bed for your children, you will receive the following advantages:

  • You can save space in the room, because mainly beds and sofas take up the most free space, which can be used in more useful purposes, especially if the family lives in a one-room or two-room apartment. The space under the bed can also be used. You can put boxes or other things there that will no longer take up space in the room.
  • Unlike sofas or folding beds, it does not need to be constantly disassembled and reassembled. The child just needs to cover it and the room is considered clean.
  • Your children will be more willing to go to bed and their time in the room will be even more fun.
  • If you decorate such a bed beautifully, it will become an excellent addition to the interior of the entire room.

Despite their advantages, such designs also have disadvantages that you also need to be aware of. They are as follows:

  • Insecurity. Whatever one may say, such a design cannot be called 100% safe. And the point is not just the unreliability of the structure, but the fact that we're talking about about children in high altitude. While playing, they can simply fall from the second tier. Some children often wake up at night, so when they are awake and not oriented, they can easily fall out.
  • Some children are afraid of heights, so they will not agree to sleep on the second tier.
  • All you know is that warm air accumulates at the top, so it will always be hotter on the second tier, and the air there is dry. A child who suffers from a bronchopulmonary disease should not be there.

That's all you need to know. After weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide whether it is worth resorting to the construction of this structure or not. Also along the way, you should choose whether to buy a bed or make one yourself. Well, now, we will figure out how to make such a bed with your own hands.

The main thing is the size

Before developing a bed project and starting to manufacture it, you need to consider some points. First, you or your child must choose comfortable spot where it will be located. Secondly, consider the location of the stairs that will provide access to the second tier. Well, an important point is the dimensions, which will be ideal for a comfortable and safe location on the first and second tier.

If we talk about sizes, there are certain rules that need to be taken into account when designing:

  1. The distance from the lower tier to the floor should be such that an adult feels comfortable sitting on it. Please note that you can store some things under the lower tier.
  2. The distance between the lower and upper tier should allow an adult to sit comfortably inside. This will be convenient both for parents, who will be able to spend time with their children, and for children, who will not hit the top tier when jumping out of bed.
  3. The height of the ceilings in the apartment or house should be taken into account. The upper tier should not be located too high so that the child does not hit the ceiling.

The bed, the manufacturing instructions for which we provide, is intended for a room with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The thickness of the mattress is chosen to be 20 cm, and the size of the sleeping place will be 180 cm by 80 cm.

Tools and materials

The finished bed will be made from natural material– a tree that has proven its practicality and quality for centuries. Pine is ideal for this purpose. First of all, you need to prepare all the necessary components with which you will work. So, you need to purchase:

  • pine beams 40×60 mm for stairs;
  • pine beams 50×100 mm for racks and mattress frame;
  • pine board 20×100 mm, 20×150 mm and 20×150 mm for spacers and sides.

You shouldn’t be tied to a specific length of the boards yet; first you need to see what parts are required, calculate their total length and purchase the material.

In addition, you cannot do without your own skillful hands, thanks to which you can complete such a design. Please note that making a bunk bed from a simple pine board is much more difficult than, for example, from a laminated chipboard board. To do this, you will need certain skills to process the edge and glue the chipboard onto the cuts. So if you are a beginner, use boards.

In addition, to make the base on which the mattress will be placed, you need to buy:

  • a sheet of plywood 9 mm thick or a set of slats with lath holders;
  • screws, screws, self-tapping screws and corners;
  • PVA glue and sandpaper;
  • thermal tape or plastic edge;
  • decorative plug washers.

Before you start making the bed, all the wood that will be used should be left indoors for a week. So, your material adapts to the environment to acquire the same temperature and humidity as the room in which it will be placed. finished bed. Thanks to this, all elements will not warp in the finished form.

The wood that will be the basis of the entire frame must be well processed. It's important to work with the right material, which would be perfectly smooth, polished and free of various defects. If your material is homemade, cheap and unprocessed, then you will have to carry out the processing yourself, which will require a well-equipped workshop. Since not everyone knows how to do this and has suitable tools, it is better to buy ready-made boards that just need to be cut. Their cost, however, will be higher.

When making two-tier furniture, you can’t do it with just your hands. To work you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • pliers and hammer;
  • building level, square, pencil and tape measure;
  • metal detector (you can take a magnet) and wiring.

A few words about the drawings

To make some preliminary calculations, you need to familiarize yourself with the drawings of the future bed. But first you need to do it. There are two options here: either draw it yourself, choosing your own custom sizes, or take some drawing from the Internet. The first option is the priority and here's why:

  1. The most important parameters are not so much the length and width as the height of the bed. On the Internet you can find various standard sizes, which are not always suitable for your room. For example, not everyone has 2.5 m ceilings, although this is the most common height. The height of some rooms can reach 5-6 m or vice versa - 2 m. The child who will be on the second tier must not only sit freely, but also move around. It's unpleasant when the ceiling hangs directly above your head. A baby sitting on the top tier should not touch the ceiling with his raised hand.
  2. When you plan that children will sleep on the bed for several years, not just one or two years, you need to choose the sizes with some margin. The standard is 90×190 cm. The only thing in this case is the orientation of the mattress used.
  3. When calculating the ratio, you need to take into account the thickness of your mattress.

Do detailed drawing simply necessary. It is important to make a diagram of two sun loungers, the end and facade of the structure. It is necessary to draw taking into account the scale and, if possible, in as much detail as possible. If you make the diagram correctly, it will be very easy to calculate required quantity materials.

If you want to use ready-made diagram, which you found on the Internet, make sure that the dimensions of the structure will fit into the dimensions of the room. If you need to change or make adjustments, do it exclusively in proportion. For example, you cannot change the height of the bed by 30 cm and place the lower bed higher without consequences. Each change will affect the reliability and stability of the bunk bed. Therefore, if you decide to make changes, apply them to the entire structure proportionally.

Below you can see drawings of a bunk bed:

Making and assembling a bed

You can cut the materials yourself, or you can place an order from a specialized company that, according to your drawings, will do everything perfectly. Once all the materials are ready, you can assemble the bed.

That's all, after the varnish has dried, you can install the mattress and your children can enjoy relaxing in their new bed. The structure is assembled with bolts and screws, so if necessary, you can very easily disassemble and assemble it. But it shouldn't stop there. You can equip the bed with an additional tabletop, or, if necessary, make the lower tier movable so that it can be converted into a table. Children will definitely like this transformable children's bunk bed.


Below is a master class on making a children's bunk bed:

The manufacturing process is in full swing. The main work is shown here:

The bed is almost ready:



A children's room with a bunk bed is convenient. There are several advantages. Firstly, it saves space. And it’s not always a matter of small area, although this is a common problem. After all, even in spacious room It is advisable to leave as much free space as possible for outdoor games and toys. Secondly, you can organize the space in a more orderly manner: make drawers at the bottom, attach or add a cabinet to the side. Thirdly, the kids like this environment. And for both girls and boys. Moreover, you can build a children’s bed with your own hands in a couple of days.


There are many varieties of children's bunk beds. And it's not about the size, but about the designs. Let's start with the principles of construction:

  • The basis of the structure is a frame made of timber, to which all other parts are attached: sides, railings. The bars must be higher than the level of the upper lounger by the height of the back or sides. To ensure safety, the height should be at least 40 cm from the top edge of the mattress.

    The design is based on four vertical beams, to which all other parts are already attached.

  • They make two identical beds with thick posts and a strong frame. One is placed on top of the other and connected using dowels or pins. If the height of the legs and backrest is not enough, and the mattress of the upper tier is too low, the racks are further increased, not forgetting to strengthen the joints.

  • They're making arrangements downstairs workplace, and on top there is a sleeping area. Such 2-tier beds are also called “loft”. This option is for those whose children compete with each other. And two sleeping places on different floors will cause constant conflicts. Two such “kits” solve the problem. Read about the types of attic beds and how to make them yourself.

    A two-story loft bed is an excellent solution for small room or rival children

  • Corner arrangement of beds. When the bedrooms are not located one above the other, but against two adjacent walls. Then downstairs there is also the opportunity to organize a workplace or play space ().

  • The sleeping places are located along one wall, but not above each other, but shifted. This option makes it possible to use the available space more efficiently - fill it from wall to wall.

  • Roll-out or pull-out two-story children's beds. This is a transformable furniture option. During the day, the lower berth is hidden under the upper one. With this construction, the height of the bed may be small. This is a solution for those who are afraid that children may fall from the second floor or stairs.

The choice of designs is great, but that's not all. Stairs add further variety. They can be as ordinary as wall bars or in the form of steps or boxes stacked on top of each other. The most economical option is conventional: they require little material and take up little space. But you can put things in a ladder of drawers, like in a chest of drawers, which is also practical. And such steps are even more reliable: you can attach high railings to them to make them even safer.

Stairs made of rungs or steps can be located in front - along long side beds. At the same time, they are sometimes made in the center, sometimes on the right or left. Another option is stairs from the end. They are also made vertical, and then they take up almost no space, and sometimes at an angle. It’s easier to climb on these, but it’s not always possible to place them: the space doesn’t allow it, and it’s easy to get caught on the protruding legs.

What materials are they made from?

For the frame, they mainly use wooden beads or make it from boards. Here are the options below. All other elements can be made from boards. This material is natural, but working with it is not easy and takes a long time: every detail requires careful processing, and there are many of them, since the boards are usually not wide, otherwise such a bed will look rough. If you have any skills, it's worth a try. If not, better use other materials.

A do-it-yourself bunk bed can be built faster if the parts are cut out of sheet material: Chipboard, or . Chipboard is better take, you can find the same plywood. It can also be painted: if you take birch furniture plywood. She looks good. It is only important to saw off evenly so that there are no chips along the edge.

Chipboard edges can be treated with special tapes. They are self-adhesive; they are glued through a rag using a regular iron. Only these materials have an unpleasant feature: their production uses a binder that releases formaldehyde into the air. Since the substance is harmful, its quantity is monitored and regulated. For the manufacture of children's furniture, fiberboard and plywood with emission class E1 are allowed. In terms of the amount of substance released, it is no more harmful than wood.

Drawings with dimensions

Regarding how big or small to make the bed when children are still small. In principle, you can immediately install a full-size bed. It just seems like it will take a long time for them to grow up. In fact, before you know it, “children’s” sizes will become small. And then the problem arises: where to put the old bed. Naturally, it’s a shame to throw it away, but used furniture doesn’t sell very well. Therefore, recommendations: make a bed right away standard size: 1*2m or so.

Frame drawing for a bunk bed

Drawing of a double-decker bed frame and necessary materials

Corner bed drawing

Stairs to bunk beds

DIY bunk bed: photo report

To save space in small room It was decided to make a bed on the second floor, and equip a workstation for a computer on the first floor. If necessary, by adding a jumper in front and making a shield under the mattress, you can also make a sleeping place on the first tier.

A drawing was developed and materials were calculated. It was decided to make the frame from spliced ​​boards. This is both cheaper and more reliable: a guarantee that the pillars will not twist when drying. Therefore, boards were purchased, as well as small-section timber for strapping. The width of the bed is made to match the size of the existing mattress

The following materials were needed:

  • for the workplace - furniture board thickness 18 mm and dimensions 600*2000 mm;
  • pine boards 90*45*3000 m - 16 pcs;
  • pine beam 45*45*3000 m - 8 pcs;
  • for the base under the mattress 2 sheets of plywood 9 mm thick, dimensions 1525 * 1525 mm;
  • corners, screws, bolts.

The board was purchased already planed and sanded: the farm does not yet have equipment for processing it. Let's start right away with making the pillars:

  • We cut it to size - the height of the pillars is 185 cm. A total of 10 identical ones are needed: in the corners and one pillar on the second side of the stairs.
  • We fasten them in two: we lay one on top of the other evenly. At the same time, make sure that tree rings were sent to different sides. This way, most likely, the pillars will remain level. We drill a hole at the top and bottom for the bolts and tighten the boards, placing washers under the head and nut. So that all this “beauty” does not spoil appearance, drill large diameter We make indentations so that the nut and head are recessed. Then they can be closed with furniture plugs or covered with wood putty.

  • We begin assembling the frame. At a height of 145 cm, the first row of timber is the base for the mattress, at a height of 75 cm, the second row is the frame for the desktop. Under the timber we make a groove in one board half its width. We insert the bars into the resulting recesses and screw them into the end with self-tapping screws. Then we attach the corners to them, and then at the corners there are other pieces of strapping.

  • We apply timber of the required length (145 cm) to the corners and fasten it with self-tapping screws. We attach the corners to the ends of the beam.

  • We take two more posts and attach the corners of the side rails to them at the same height. Now the structure stands on its own. All that remains is to attach a long beam to the top trim.

  • At the top of the frame, another beam is screwed in length. This is a stiffening rib for plywood. You can make crossbars from short sections, but then to support them it is better to make support strips and nail the ribs to them. When nailing, you need to make sure that they are all in the same plane. Plywood is laid on top of the frame and nailed to the frame with small nails.

  • A stand is installed that will serve as a support for the steps of the stairs. It can be made from one beam, which rests on top harness and one 185 cm long.

  • If desired, steps can be embedded. If you have a jigsaw, this is not difficult. You can also plant them in the corners. It is less aesthetically pleasing, but reliable and simple.

  • In order to save money, we did not buy furniture panels, but made the tabletop from boards. If you also come to this decision, it is also advisable to place a support beam under the outer edge of the boards, otherwise the board will sag under load (put your elbows on the table).

  • Remained Finishing work: stuff the railings, cover the nails with wood putty. After drying, sand and coat with paint or varnish.

The option is simple. To implement it, you only needed a screwdriver, a wood saw and fasteners. This assembly option is for those who are unfamiliar with carpentry and find it difficult to make cuts and grooves. If you really don’t like the protruding fastener, you can close it decorative overlays: thin planks can be placed on glue. They will hide all the imperfections of the assembly.

For another option for assembling a homemade bunk bed, see the video.