How to remove snow faster. How to remove snow. Snow scraper

So far, winter has not pleased the central regions of Russia with snowdrifts. But, as always in our country, snowfall can happen unexpectedly and simply cover up everything around. Therefore, we decided to talk ahead of time about how you can remove it from the site quickly and without special effort.

Shovel and shovel are different

What do Russian people do when they own house covered in snow? That's right, those who are richer take up motorized snow throwers (the sophistication of which directly depends on the level of wealth of their owners), and the overwhelming majority of the population still takes shovels bought at the next sale from the barn and begins to manually turn over cubic meters of snow masses.

However, individuals make their work much easier by showing remarkable ingenuity in this matter.

So, a military pensioner from Mordovia Valentin Alekseevich There are several shovels in the arsenal. And which one should be used in each specific case depends on a number of factors.

“If I have to clear a site at the beginning of winter, when the snow is falling on the bare ground and has not yet compacted or frozen,” says the man, “then I take out a plastic Chinese shovel, of which there are plenty in ordinary chain stores. Firstly, it is very light in itself. Secondly, its edge, as we popularly say, “scoop,” is equipped with a duralumin attachment. This means that it will glide along the ground quite smoothly, without getting caught on anything.”

When precipitation is heavy and occurs at the height of the season, then, according to Valentin Alekseevich, there is nothing better than a good old Soviet plywood shovel. Especially if its bucket is not flat, but slightly curved. “What did the kids ride down the slides on when there were no ice tubes in sight? he asks. — Just on cardboard and plywood. So such a wooden shovel, despite its archaic nature, will help you cope with the task faster. With a slight push forward, it rolls well along the previously trampled snow base, thus picking up more snow and clearing a little more space. But plastic won’t work like that; it’s too light for this, whereas a plywood shovel with a wooden handle has just the right weight for this.”

If you need to remove snow that has fallen and become compacted, then, the pensioner believes, a shovel with a metal bucket will be just right. “There was a special demand for them in the mid-eighties of the last century,” the pensioner clarifies. “By the way, the production of these from duralumin or galvanized iron was often carried out by workers in factories at the rate known in those days.” So, with such a tool, Valentin Alekseevich assures, it is very convenient to break clods and trim the boundaries of paths. “Chinese plastic, of course, can also be used in this way,” he does not deny. “But it’s fragile, it can crack, and then what’s the use of it?” And if the metal bends or becomes jagged, then the defect can be corrected in a couple of minutes with two or three blows of a hammer or using a file.”

At the beginning of spring or during a thaw, the pensioner complains, you have to combine all three: “You can’t leave the melted snow with plywood, it’s heavy in itself, and the shovel also gets wet.” Plastic, again, can crack under load. The metal one gets caught on the bottom hard layer every now and then. Therefore, I proceed as follows: I cut off the metal border and fold back the plastic one. And if you just need to move the snow, I take a wooden one, turn it over to face me and rake it like a rake to make it more even.

Basin, brick and tarpaulin

“I live in a private house alone, my children and grandchildren have left all over the world,” says another pensioner, but this time from the Ryazan region, Marina Viktorovna. — When I was younger, I didn’t count how much snow I had to move with my hands per day. Now my health is not the same, I’m afraid I’ll break my back, so after light snowfalls I clean the paths in the area using the “old-fashioned” method.”

According to the woman, it is extremely simple and effective. You just need to put a few bricks in a metal basin and tie a rope of the required length to the handle. “All that remains,” Marina Viktorovna develops her thought, “is just to roll these “sleds” back and forth around the site, and the main job is done. And the remaining snow rolls can be easily swept away with a plastic broom or an ordinary broom.”

Freelance copywriter Maxim K. all year round lives in one of the remote dacha villages of the Shatursky district, and assures that it is better and more peaceful to work here. “There is only one significant drawback,” he emphasizes, “in winter you have to clear the snow yourself, not only in the yard, but also along the street. In order not to break my back, I had to improve the snow shovel.”

Maxim no longer remembers on which Internet resource he saw the idea that sank into his soul, but it turned out to be very effective. The essence of the know-how is as follows: a bushing is attached to the handle of the shovel, and an ordinary wheel, for example, from a teenager’s bicycle or a garden wheelbarrow, is put on it. Moreover, the attachment point is chosen in such a way that part of the handle with the bucket forms the short end of the lever, and its top is correspondingly long (it is important that external corner the contact of the shovel to the ground was as blunt as possible). “This device works very simply,” says Maxim. — Place the shovel on the wheel, tilt it slightly, and roll it forward until the bucket is full. Then you lift it a little, take it to the right place and dump it. In terms of strength expenditure, I always get the feeling that I’m not clearing snow, but walking with a baby stroller. True, such a “car” rolled poorly in the loose snow at first. Therefore, we had to carry out “additional tuning” - wrapping the wheel rim with a metal chain.”

It is not known for certain whether a summer resident from the Voskresensky district once visited Sergey E. he drew the same site or idea, as they like to say in certain scientific circles, “from the general information field of the planet,” but his adaptation is an obvious creative modification of the previous one. Only in this version a wide scraper is used, and instead of one wheel there is an entire axle from a stroller. The operating principle is the same.

Another “people's inventor” from the Vladimir region, Nikolay M., removes snow on his property using a tarp, salt and ropes. But this method requires preliminary preparation.

“If I know that, for example, there will be snowfall tomorrow, or it has just begun and threatens to turn into a protracted snowfall, I do this,” Nikolai shares his experience. — I sprinkle the area that needs to be cleaned with coarse salt, then I lay out ropes in a random order (about a finger thick) and cover it with a tarpaulin on top (the salt and ropes prevent it from freezing). When the precipitation stops, I simply take the tarpaulin by one edge and roll it along with the snow to the side. I used cellophane before, but it has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it can tear under the weight of the snow, and secondly, it is very slippery, you can break your legs on it if you need to walk on it.”

True, in this way Nikolai clears only a wide concrete path to the gate and blind area around the house. “Otherwise,” he says, “the soil can be so salted over the winter that nothing will grow in the garden in the summer.”

To quickly clear snow, you can, of course, use a shovel out of habit, or, if possible, purchase automatic snow removal equipment. But these methods are not suitable for everyone, so it will be useful to find out what are 5 other ways to quickly clear snow around your house.

To quickly clear snow, you can purchase automatic snow removal equipment

Method 1: Salt

How it works: salt is scattered over the surface of the snow cover and mixed with the snow. Under influence environment after 15-30 minutes, the snow begins to rapidly melt, which turns into a vapor and liquid state with reagent impurities, forming slush - a porridge-like mass that remains after chemical reaction.

Salt scatters on the surface of the snow cover

Pros: Fast and high-quality results.

  • Salt is an extremely aggressive reagent that cannot be removed 100% from the territory.
  • The combination of sodium and chlorine literally kills all living things, so you should not use salt in areas where pets live.
  • The soles of shoes, car tires and road surface.
  • Getting salt on the soil or plants growing nearby is highly undesirable.

Salt is an extremely aggressive reagent

Important! It is advisable to immediately remove the consequences of dealing with snow outside the local area, otherwise there is no need to talk about preserving the soil fertility of your site.

Method 2: Shovel-scraper or scraper

In appearance, a scraper is a wide shovel with a curved handle and low sides.

How it works: a scraper differs from a standard shovel in that it does not throw away snow. They push him with their weight in front of him. In this way, energy and time are saved, since not only the muscular strength of a person’s arms takes part in the work, but also the weight of his entire body, while the load on the back is minimal.

A scraper looks like a wide shovel

  • Cleaning work is carried out much faster due to the excellent glide of the scraper through the snow.
  • The wide base allows you to capture a large volume of snow.

Wide base allows you to capture a large volume of snow

  • Due to its large dimensions, clearing can only be done on a wide section of the road. Narrow and small areas cannot be cleared of snow with a scraper.
  • The scraper may break decorative coating garden path.

Method 3. Shovel blade on wheels

How it works: A rectangular, curved shovel is attached to a wheeled device that is moved around the site by a person in front of him. Snow masses are collected in layers and moved away from the road.

They push him with their weight in front of him

  • ease of operation;
  • allows for high-quality clearing large areas;
  • efficiency in cleaning both freshly fallen and compacted snow;
  • fast cleaning speed compared to using a conventional shovel;
  • reducing the load on a person’s back.

Cons: none.

Blade shovel on wheels

Important! The best materials for making a scraper are aluminum and plastic, as they guarantee light weight and strength.

Method 4. Automatic snow removal equipment

This can be a walk-behind tractor or mini-tractor equipped with a special snow shovel, or a compact self-propelled or vehicle-mounted snow rotor with an auger that grinds snow masses and throws them to the side.

How it works: Soft snow is shifted, layered, in the direction specified by the snow shovel, or crushed in an auger mechanism to the consistency of snow dust and poured in the desired direction.

Automatic snowblower

Important! If the snow cover is thicker than 1 meter, upper layer Snow should be removed with a shovel to reduce the likelihood of the snowblower breaking down.

Have you ever woken up to find your driveway covered in snow? Although this seems quite common, there is a certain approach to this task.


Part 1

Preparing to shovel snow

    Be aware of any health hazards. If you are out of shape, have spinal problems or heart disease, it can be really dangerous for you. After the snowfall, hospitals are overwhelmed with heart attack victims and back patients. Hire a local teenager or borrow a snow blower from a neighbor instead of doing it yourself.

    Dress appropriately. You should be dressed warmly, but not in such a way that you start to sweat profusely after a few minutes of work. Wear several layers of clothing that are easy to remove and will not restrict your movement.

    Wear appropriate shoes. You need warm boots that stay firmly on your feet and have good grip. Proper soles will help you maintain balance and reduce the risk of injury.

    Use an ergonomic snow shovel. Ergonomic blowers have a curve in the handle that helps you keep your back straight, reducing the risk of back injury while you shovel snow.

    Use a scoop with a surface where nothing sticks. This will make clearing the snow less tiring and it will slide off easily.

    Stretching. Warm muscles will be more productive and less likely to injure them. Please pay Special attention to stretch your limbs (arms and legs) and back.

    Sprinkle sand or salt on slippery soil. Some areas may be uneven and may cause slips or falls and injury. Before shoveling snow, sprinkle salt and sand in any dangerous areas where you will have to stand while shoveling snow. This will improve your contact with the ground and reduce the risk of injury.

    Get up correctly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance and bend at the knees, not at the waist or back. Keep the shovel close to your body instead of extending your arms all the way out. Tighten your abdominal muscles and then push yourself up to your feet, as if you were doing a squat.

    Find right place where you will shovel the snow. You don't want to twist your body while kicking up snow because this can hurt your back. Make sure there is a place directly in front of you where you can dump your shovel load. If you need to push the snow a little further, move your legs instead of turning your body.

    Remove areas with deep snow in several approaches. Never try to remove deep snow in one go. It's better to clean an area of ​​2.5-5 centimeters at a time, resting in between. This will reduce the weight of the load and the risk of injury.

    Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. Snow removal is very difficult physical labor, and you must take care of yourself to avoid harmful consequences. In the cold you don't feel so thirsty, but dehydration can make itself known very quickly, with such large volumes physical activity. Take your time.

There is no more beautiful time than winter. Light frosty freshness and snow-white snowflakes floating overhead. Trees and houses wrapped in snow caps. Everything is as if in a fairy tale. However, just a few hours after the start of this delight, every owner will think: how to remove the snow? This necessary work, if you don’t clean everything at once, then within a day there will be ice on this place and you can get into big trouble.

Sometimes the onset of snow comes as a surprise. However, you should respond immediately. To clear the path of snow near the house, you can use a plastic shovel. If suddenly you don’t have a shovel at home, you can quickly make one with your own hands. Our grandfathers also used this method.

You need to prepare:

  1. wooden handle;
  2. a piece of rectangular plywood;
  3. hammer;
  4. nails.

With the help of these simple items you can assemble a good shovel that will last at least a few days until you can buy a new one. If the plywood is strong, you can take a wider piece. Then the device of this shovel will allow you to quickly remove snow in the yard.

The advantage of modern shovels is their lightness. Since the snow mass itself is not always light, and when clearing it there is a large load on the spine, plastic shovels are simply ideal.


Sometimes machinery is used to clear snow. A machine for clearing snow from a local area is somewhat reminiscent of a lawn mower. It also has a motor and a device for gripping snow. This machine then presses the snowflakes into blocks and stacks them. All mini snow removal machines can be classified as follows:

  • tracked;
  • self-propelled;
  • wheeled.

When choosing such equipment for your home, you should also consider the power and height of snow that this particular model can remove.

Of course, there are also huge snow removal machines. They have higher equipment, greater power and size. However, they are of no use for a private home. They are used for removing snow from roadways, wide paths in parks and parking lots. Machines of this class are often equipped with equipment for spreading anti-icing compounds.

Snow removal on site

Why remove snow from roadways? pedestrian paths and courtyards - understandable. But sometimes it becomes necessary to completely remove snow from the area. For what? Sometimes there are reasons for this.

Some plant species cannot tolerate snow. In a relatively short period of time, they can freeze irrevocably. Other plants may simply break under the weight of the snow. This forces the owners of such delicate crops to carefully monitor them in winter period and clean them from snowflakes. To do this, it will be enough to simply shake off the snow from these plants at some intervals.

Experts advise that such plants should be prepared for winter while still warm. They are usually wrapped in special material or simply in polyethylene. Tree crowns can be tied with rope. This will make it easier winter care for heat-loving plants.

For ordinary lawns and shrubs, the presence of snow is just for the better. It protects against severe frosts and nourishes root system, so in this case there is no need to clear the snow. However, when leaving snow, you need to ensure that its surface is not covered with an ice crust, otherwise the plants may die.

How to clear snow from a roof?

Caring owners of their homes make sure that snow is also removed from the roofs. Of course, until it gets warmer outside, it will not cause any inconvenience. But when the melting begins, it will be too late to remove the snow on the roof. And ice blocks can damage your home's roof and even tear off your gutters. Icicles falling from above can cause harm to health and can even take the lives of people around. How to remove snow from the roof?

It would be good if this house was built with your own hands and snow holders were provided on the roof in advance. It is best that they are dispersed over the entire surface of the roof, and not just in one place. Then the snow will not slide in whole blocks onto people’s heads, but will melt gradually. But it’s not always lucky to start from scratch and provide for everything in it.

Removing snow from your roof is important because the total snow mass can be hundreds of kilograms. In addition, the slightest melting can lead to roof leaks and damage to the interior of the house. If the winter is long, and even with temperature changes, then in the event of a leak, the internal beams will not have time to dry out, which will lead to rot, and subsequently to the destruction of the roof frame.

You can install a heating system on the roof. A cable is laid around the perimeter, which will gradually melt the snow cover, thus preventing snow from accumulating on the roof. However, usually this method of protecting the roof from snow is not cheap and is unaffordable for many.

If the roof of the house is made of ondulin, slate or metal tiles, and the angle of inclination is not so great, then you can safely climb onto the roof and clean it manually. It is important not to use shovels with metal tips. This may damage the surface of the coating. The shovel should have either a plastic attachment or a wooden one.

The sequence for removing snow from the roof is as follows:

  1. first you need to free the cornices from snow;
  2. Now you can gradually move towards the ridge.

Do not remove ice from the roof, as this can easily damage the coating. Use special care when cleaning soft roofing materials. For example, bitumen coatings become very brittle and brittle from frost.

If you have to work on a roof with a large slope, then you definitely need to tie yourself with a safety rope. In addition, it is not advisable to work on a steep roof alone. It's good to have a partner. He will be able to provide insurance and provide tools if necessary.

To remove snow from roofs, today shovels have been invented that can easily remove snow even from the ground. A special scraper with an extendable handle will rake the snow layer by layer, while the person stands quietly underneath.

Where to put the collected snow?

Once you remove the snow from your roof and yard, you can consider half the job done. However, it is important to keep track of where the snowdrifts are stacked. If you put them under the house, then by spring you will have to repair the blind area and pump out water from the basement. One of the good options for where to put the snow would be to scatter it evenly over the garden or lawns. You can collect it into piles yourself, but they should not lie on the walkway or block the flow of water into the gutters. If this is not possible, then it would be good to take the snow mass outside your territory.

Snow: light and airy or a whole block?

To understand how important it is to clear snow from your roofs, it’s worth knowing how much it weighs. These seemingly light, weightless fluffs can turn out to be much heavier than you might think. The weight of snow can vary significantly depending on humidity, the size of snowflakes, and air temperature. Newly fallen snow can be both light and wet. As experts have calculated, a cube of snow can contain from 50 kilograms of freshly fallen dry snow to 600 kilograms of melting snow. From this we can conclude that if the roof area of ​​a house is about one hundred square meters, then up to six tons of snow are located above the heads of household members. Knowing how much snow weighs, you will most likely want to remove it as quickly as possible, no matter what difficulties this may cause.

If you do not remove snow from your home in a timely manner, at the first warming it will lead to icy paths and ice in the yard. Then you will have to not only shovel the snow that has become incredibly heavy, but also break off the ice blocks. There are also special scrapers and crowbars for this purpose. However, this will take a lot of precious time and a person will spend a lot of effort. Conclusion: it is better to do everything in a timely manner.

Clearing the first clean snow brings great joy. Snow brings purity and ease of breathing. Plus, the freshly fallen snow is not heavy, which means it won’t be difficult. Of course, if the owner of the house does not need to run to work at six in the morning, then he can arrange a wonderful winter holiday and enjoy the white beauties with the whole family.

As you can see, removing snow from the area and from the roof does not require too much time and effort. In addition, it is important to remember how many different types of equipment have now been created to help a good owner. All these tools will turn snow removal not into a hard chore, but into an enjoyable family job!