Making a kitchen set with your own hands. Make your own wooden kitchen step by step. Ready-made direct kitchen projects

Phew, the renovation is finished, there's a line for furniture. We start, of course, with the kitchen.

Having made miscalculations with furniture makers - from home-made garage furniture to well-known brands - I received figures (Kyiv) from 4 to 7 thousand dollars (I will not mention Italian and German brands). This is despite the fact that the kitchen has only the lower part. And this does not take into account the cost of equipment, sinks, and mixers. Well, it’s not a fact that if you pay decent money, you will get a result of appropriate quality. My neighbor paid 3 thousand for the kitchen - incorrect measurements, multiple visits to “finish it on the spot”, inexpensive fittings (doesn’t smell like closers), the countertop swelled after a few months of use.

Pricing among furniture makers, as it turns out, is quite simple - the total cost of materials is multiplied by a factor from 2 (garage) to 3 and even higher (brand). Two-thirds of the cost of a high-tech kitchen comes from fittings. Accessories for one kitchen drawer The full extension Blum Tandembox Intivo costs a little less than $100, but each drawer will cost the end buyer $200-300. Not a bad return on investment considering the very easy to assemble and well-documented fittings, right? In practice, this is a profit of 100-200 dollars for 15 minutes of work. Want to do something custom? No, this is absolutely impossible! But in reality, no one just wants to use their brains.

My neighbor’s dressing room was completely made by her sister herself. This got me thinking. If a girl did something like this, then can’t I, a big fan of crafts, with a diploma from a technical university, make my own kitchen with these strong and hairy hands of mine? Of course I will, damn it!

So, the decision has been made, let’s assemble the kitchen ourselves!

In search of our solution and style, my wife and I looked at thousands of photos of different kitchens. As a result, we agreed that the lightness of the interior is above all and we don’t need upper cabinets - we refuse them due to open shelves made of tempered glass. For the lower cabinets, the only correct solution was chosen - full extension drawers. The undisputed leader in these solutions are the products of the Austrian company Blum, and we will work with them.

Of course, in any business there are many nuances, and the devil, as we know, is in the details. We replenish the theoretical base on forums, on the website, which is very good for these purposes (look at what kind of furniture people make with their own hands in the “Competition” section), and study photographs. The Internet has answers to all questions.

We divide the work into stages:


The simplest step, which nevertheless must be performed especially carefully. As you know, there are no right angles and you, accurate to the millimeter, need to draw a drawing of the place where you want to place the kitchen, indicating the location of the water, electricity, and all sorts of stupid pipes, if you have them.

Even during the renovation stage, I bought a Leica Disto D2 laser rangefinder. This is a very convenient thing that will come in handy more than once in life, so you should not skimp.

During the measurement, I was faced with the fact that the angle was not quite straight - 91 degrees. And this one degree will give us a five-centimeter hole between the wall and the back of the last cabinet on a three-meter segment - this is if we assemble it “correctly”, at a right angle. Later I will show how I easily solved this problem.

Design development

Kitchen furniture almost always has a modular design - that is, it consists of individual cabinets. The width of the cabinet is usually a multiple of 15 centimeters - 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 cm. In fact, this is just a tribute to the unification of production, so nothing stops us from deviating from this standard. During assembly, kitchen cabinets are fastened together and covered with a tabletop - so the modularity of the design may not be obvious.

What does it represent kitchen cabinet? A bottom, two sidewalls, two narrow strips that fasten the sidewalls on top (they do this only to save material) and a back wall made of thin fiberboard. This is the basis on which everything else is hung. Is it difficult to do this? Not at all. At the design stage, we don’t even need to know how we will fasten all these parts together.

There are several popular programs for designing furniture. Some do this in AutoCAD, others do not use software at all and make drawings on paper. I used PRO100 - it's really simple as hell, you'll get the hang of it in a couple of hours.

This is what I came up with as a result of the design:

Everything about Blum products is superb - simply an example of German-Austrian engineering. Use the proprietary Blum Dynalog program and, as a result, you will receive drawings with all the markings necessary for installing the fittings:

I will tell you the design details below, using photographs of finished products as an example.

Purchase of kitchen appliances

I recommend not leaving this stage “for later”. At a minimum, it is advisable, if not to buy, then at least clearly decide what you will buy later and download all the documentation for these products. Oven, stove, sink - although they are made according to some kitchen standards, they may have design features. Making a kitchen without even imagining what equipment you will put there is wrong, you will suffer. For example, I didn’t take everything into account with the oven - so the facade under the oven had to be additionally milled, which was not initially part of my plans.

I bought an oven and an induction hob Gorenje, Eleyus hood, Franke Java sink, faucet with Grohe Blue filtration system.

Ordering firewood (chipboard, fibreboard, facades)

I used to think that furniture production involved large workshops, expensive machines, and dozens of staff. Of course, this happens, but many people also work in garages. In order to produce furniture, you do not need to saw chipboard and make facades - this is exactly what dozens of people do in large workshops on expensive machines. That's where we go.

The result of the design should be an Excel file containing a list of all the panels we need. Like this:

In terms of materials, my choice was:

— Egger Cappuccino 18mm chipboard as cabinet material
— Egger Platinum White 16mm chipboard as a material for drawers
— Egger fiberboard for the rear walls of the cases
— Painted MDF as facades

Now a nuance! The company we are visiting has a chipboard warehouse program - these are the thicknesses and colors that they constantly keep in stock in large quantities. If the chipboard you need is included in the warehouse program, you will pay for that amount square meters, as much as you need. But if it’s not included, you’ll have to buy Chipboard sheets. One sheet, in the case of Egger chipboard, is 5.8 sq.m. And if you need 6.3 sq.m. you will still have to buy two sheets.

Companies engaged in cutting and edging chipboards and producing facades can today be found in almost any regional center of the country. You give them drawings and money. They give you all your firewood, packaged and delivered even to your apartment, although I, for example, had to sweat and drag these hundreds of kilograms from the entrance to the apartment.

Cutting and edging chipboard, fiberboard, facades, delivery - all this cost me $650.

Order accessories

No problem. But there is practically no point in scouring large construction hypermarkets - they mainly offer inexpensive mass markets. It is better to find a decent furniture fittings supplier with a large assortment and buy everything there.

I bought:
— 12 sets for Blum Tandembox Intivo full extension drawers
— 2 hinges + bluemotion for the door under the washbasin
— 1 roll-out grid with closer for the oven


Purchasing tools

In general, any handy guy already has some tools. I had to buy a Makita screwdriver, a Bosch jigsaw, clamps and a Wolfcraft jig.

I’ll warn you right away - there’s nothing to do in assembling furniture without a screwdriver! There's an absolutely fucking amount of screws. And Chinese disposable crafts for 40 bucks will not help you. You need a serious, good screwdriver. Don’t be stingy, it will come in handy more than once in life.

So, at the beginning of the process we have:

First of all, let's take the firewood to the balcony and sort it into pedestals. Fortunately, each element has a sticker corresponding to the part number in the above list of parts:

Well, let's get started!

Almost all Italian cabinet furniture is assembled using dowels (chops) - an advantage this method The disadvantage is that no parts of the fasteners come out, the disadvantage is that furniture assembled on dowels is not dismountable. Furniture makers prefer confirmat for such purposes - it is much less demanding in terms of tolerances.

The connection on the dowels requires an accuracy of 0.5 millimeters in fitting the mating holes. This result is difficult to achieve without the use of a special tool. Therefore, the following tool was purchased:

So, our task is to assemble the first cabinet and understand whether our arms grow from our ass, or from our shoulders. We take the sidewall and make holes that will be connected to the bottom with dowels. Pay attention to the drill depth limiter on the drill. I hope there is no need to explain why it is needed. Buzzing:

Here's what we got:

The holes on the sides are 40 mm. from the edges, central in the middle. The width of the sidewall (this matters, I’ll tell you later) is 560 mm. The jig operates in both drilling and copying modes. Copy to the second side. This is the principle of operation of the conductor for drilling counter holes, I show it using the example of a drawer:

Let me remind you that when connecting with dowels, the accuracy of drilling the counter holes is important (plus or minus half a millimeter). With these tools, I never had a problem with this - the parts fit into each other with little effort. This device will save your time a lot - just for fun, I tried to make manual markings on test pieces of chipboard - this is many times more time-consuming and much more likely to make an error.

Here is the bottom of the box with counter holes already drilled for the sides:

I drilled 20 holes and voila, my hands are not growing out of my ass:

Let's move on

Now we need to equip the cabinet with drawer guides, legs and a fiberboard back wall. There is nothing complicated in installing guides - everything is done in the same Blum Dynalog program, you get exact dimensions points where the guides will be attached. There is one rule here - measure seven times, cut once:

Simple as two and two. If you make a mistake within 3 millimeters, everything will still work perfectly. Great technique!

Mounting the legs is also not difficult. The main thing is to set yourself a standard for their location and follow it on all cabinets:

Another cabinet (the widest, 80 cm) is ready. It already has guides and legs.

There is absolutely no need to worry about some flimsiness of the product - as soon as the back wall is mounted, the cabinet will be filled with pleasant strength. Shown here First stage fastening the backdrop - the bottom is secured with two screws on the sides, the diagonals and corners are measured, the top is secured with a clamp to the frame. Now you can safely peel off the screws (after pre-drilling with a two-mm drill):

Well, there seems to be progress already:

We are preparing the facades. On the left on the facade there is a drilling jig (the same Wolfcraft), to the right there is a manual countersink:

Unfortunately, I didn’t film the process of assembling the boxes, but with this fittings it’s very simple work. One box takes 10-15 minutes. Three hours of work and the fronts are already on the boxes:

This is where the jigsaw came into play - I used it to saw holes for the sockets, after which I asked for silicone to seal the open cut. Well, I hung up the filter control unit and the filter holder itself:

When all the cabinets were ready, it was time to reunite them. At this stage, it is important to adjust the legs to bring them level - that is, the top of the cabinets should lie in the same plane. We clamp the cabinets together with clamps, and be sure to make a “lining” - a wooden block into which the drill will go. If this is not done, serious chips will appear at the outlet hole.

Well, we install the hinges - crocodiles, as real furniture makers call them (I'm not real). The holes for the hinges were ordered - in general, you can make them yourself; there is a Fostner drill for this.

I brought a tabletop, Luxeform Boston 38 mm. I asked to make cutouts, they did it, but look how interesting it is:

In principle, they are right. Transporting a massive table with a full cutout is a risk – it may break. I had to work with a jigsaw. The cut must be siliconized - the open end of the chipboard will quickly swell if this is not done. Well, here you can see how the issue with the obtuse angle was resolved - everything is quite simply leveled out. Naturally, I first made a drawing with geometry calculations.

A small ambush awaited with the sink. The instructions say “Comrade, take a core and fuck well in the center of the sticker.” On the reverse side, in the place where the holes should be, a cut was made - just like on the tabletop. I took the core, took a hammer and let’s, carefully, bale it around the sink for $500. The hand did not rise, the heart sank. In general, I disregarded the instructions, made holes in a circle, after which I tapped it once, processed it with a file and everything became fine:

I also dealt with the plumbing:

Oh, how I exhausted myself with the choice of tap... Filtered water is needed, but I didn’t want to install this nasty additional tap at all - I set out to find a tap with both filtered and tap water. The choice of such mixers on the market is extremely scarce. I was wildly delighted when I found such a thing as Grohe Blue. Its beauty lies in the fact that it is not only a faucet, but also a branded filter, and I am ready to trust a company like Grohe blindly. In the end we are very pleased.

Beautiful kitchen set from natural wood from the manufacturer

Today, kitchen furniture manufacturers produce a whole arsenal of diverse products. However, this abundance does not always satisfy the consumer. In this case, a do-it-yourself wooden kitchen set will be an excellent alternative to purchasing ready-made kits.

DIY wooden kitchen in a modern style

Kitchen is one of the most functional corners home, which means that increased operational requirements are placed on its furniture. At self-production kitchen furniture, the following nuances should be taken into account.

– Small area. In apartments old building All rooms are quite compact, and therefore it is important to plan carefully rational organization workspace.

– Exposure to temperature changes and high humidity. Resistance to these factors is mandatory.

– High degree of exploitation. All coatings must be wear-resistant.

Do-it-yourself compact corner kitchen made of light wood

Wooden kitchen for country house with your own hands

Personal participation in the furniture business provides a number of significant advantages.

– Personal quality control of products at each stage of production. Employees of furniture companies do not always show proper responsibility, and therefore various flaws are often found in their products. This can be avoided if you do the kitchen yourself.

– Freedom in choosing shapes, models and designs. You can design a kitchen set taking into account all your wishes.

- Choice quality materials and accessories. The owner is interested in purchasing high-quality components for his future furniture.

– Cost savings. Labor costs are excluded;

– Pleasure from the process. Creating a kitchen out of wood with your own hands is a creative and exciting process.

Unusual kitchen in rustic style, made by yourself

Deciding on design and construction

Simple and reliable wooden kitchen frame

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the kitchen frame. Kitchen cabinets come in frame and frameless varieties. In frame ones, the frame serves as the basis, making the structure quite stable and durable. It should be noted that the frame is not the most common for wooden furniture facade type. For kitchen set Do it yourself, a frameless façade is more suitable. In this design there is no base frame, and the doors are fixed directly to the frame. The absence of a frame significantly expands the cabinet space, making it more convenient and functional. It's important to remember that appearance such a kitchen set will be a little unusual. Therefore, adherents of traditional forms are better off opting for frame furniture.

The process of assembling a frame kitchen on site

As for the frames themselves, they also have different variations. The most common are prefabricated and glued. Prefabricated frames are cheaper, but lower quality. A responsible master will not skimp on quality and will opt for a glued frame.

DIY installation of a finished kitchen frame

Choosing the right design is also very important. It must be carefully thought out, taking into account the placement of the stove, oven, sink, dishwasher and washing machine. The main design highlight of DIY wooden items is the emphasis on naturalness, simplicity and environmental friendliness. By embodying this idea, the product acquires its true meaning, uniqueness and character. Since the entire composition is a complex and intricate system, it is better not to overload its individual parts with decorative delights. The cozy texture of wood more than compensates for such minimalism.

Original DIY wooden kitchen in rustic style

Necessary materials

Materials for wooden kitchen units

When choosing a material, you should take into account its operational and aesthetic characteristics, and what the final appearance of the kitchen set will be. It is advisable to personally examine samples of wood, study the texture, feel, touch the texture. The most common wood species are:

- birch.

Ash has excellent performance properties. Products made from it are of high quality and durable. Its universal texture is suitable for both classic and high-tech interiors.

Durable material – ash for the kitchen

Oak is a vivid embodiment of stability and reliability. It is resistant to various types of deformation, humidity and temperature changes.

Reliable material – textured golden oak

Beech is prized for its refined hue. In addition, it can be tinted in any color, which gives the master unlimited freedom of artistic imagination.

Unusual material - beech for hand-made furniture

Alder is ideal for classic design DIY kitchens. It is very flexible and allows you to create a wide variety of facades. A kitchen set made of alder is elegant in its simplicity and does not require decorative items.

Alder material - for classic kitchen design

The popularity of pine is mainly due to its low cost. However, its performance characteristics are not much inferior to expensive breeds. In addition, pine has a healing effect by releasing useful phytoncides involved in the prevention of colds.

Texture of cheap material - pine

Another a budget option- this is a birch. Despite its cheapness, it is durable and easy to use. There is one caveat - birch is susceptible to rotting, but this problem is easily eliminated by treating it with special compounds.

Budget-friendly and durable material for the kitchen with your own hands - birch

As for the materials directly involved in the assembly process, their list includes the following elements:

– doors for cabinets;

– Euro screeds;

– laminated MDF as the back wall;

– laminated fiberboard for the walls of drawers;

– shelf holders;

– chipboard sheet for the tabletop;

– fittings parts;

All items should be checked for defects beforehand.

Required Tools

Tools for assembling a kitchen set with your own hands

For independent work above the array you will need the following inventory:

– hacksaw for cutting;

– tape measure for taking measurements;

– confirmations;

– screwdriver, emery sheet, hexagon, primer;

– a manual router – you will need it in order to efficiently profile the edges and holes for fittings;

– Forstner drill;

– level for accuracy of placement of parts;

– iron – it helps to glue edge tapes well;

electric drill;

– jigsaw;

– plane (preferably electric).

Manufacturing process: step-by-step instructions

  1. Preliminary preparation

Before you begin assembling it yourself, you need to prepare all the components and parts of the future array. They are cut out from the selected material using a jigsaw. Their saw cuts need to be sanded. Sandpaper works well for this purpose. To prevent moisture and mold from entering, a melamine sheet is placed on each of the cuts. edge tape. In order for the dimensions of all elements to be clearly verified, it is advisable to create a cutting map. There are special services for this on the Internet. This preliminary work will allow you to avoid errors in cutting. In addition, this diagram will take into account the size of the saw cut.

The initial stage of the kitchen furniture manufacturing process

  1. Assembly of elements

Assembling upper cabinets in the kitchen

After taking into account all the measurements, individual parts and elements have been prepared, they need to be laid out in order of assembly. This will make the assembly process more streamlined.

Kitchen cabinets are assembled according to the following algorithm:

  • If there are drawers, then the guides are installed first. In this case, be sure to use a level.
  • If shelves are provided, you need to drill holes to attach them.
  • Separate holes are drilled for inter-wall fastening.
  • Its side walls are attached to the bottom of the cabinet.
  • The top part is attached.
  • The legs are attached.

Once all the products are assembled, you can begin their installation.

Kitchen furniture assembly

  1. Installation

If the process of assembling the kitchen coincided with the renovation, then everything construction works must be completed before installation begins. The walls and floor of the room must be prepared for fastening furniture. You can take a piece of MDF as an apron. Installation usually begins with the lower elements. To do this, use a level. After all the products are connected to each other (Euro-ties are used for this), a common wall is fixed behind the entire array.

DIY kitchen installation and assembly

In the countertop you need to mark the location of the stove, work surface and sinks. At each section, corresponding holes are cut out and treated with construction sealant. The tabletop itself is attached with self-tapping screws to the finished cabinets.

Installing a countertop is a responsible process

After this, the upper elements are installed. The most optimal distance between the tabletop and the bottom of the upper cabinets is 650 mm. In order to determine the height of the canvas for fastening the upper elements, it is necessary to add to the indicated distance the height of the cabinets and 10 mm occupied by the fastening structure. The upper tiers are secured with special canopies installed on the rear walls.

At the end of the kitchen installation, you fix the doors in the open position with your own hands. To do this, the door hinge is fixed on the door, and then mounted in the wall.

Installed doors in open position

After installing the headset itself, electronics, built-in elements and various accessories (handles, rails, dryers, etc.) are installed.

Installation oven and built-in hob

Video: Homemade kitchen made of wood. DIY kitchen made from tongue and groove boards.

It’s interesting that a person who has money did everything with his own hands..

And I got a wonderful result...

This kitchen was not made by a professional furniture maker or cabinet maker,

Everything about Blum products is great. Use the proprietary Blum Dynalog program - it will do everything for you and, as a result, you will receive drawings with all the markings necessary for installing the fittings:

I will tell you the design details below, using photographs of finished products as an example.

Purchase of kitchen appliances

I recommend not leaving this stage until last. At a minimum, it is advisable, if not to buy, then at least clearly decide what you will buy later and download all the documentation for these products. Oven, stove, sink - although they are made according to certain kitchen standards, they may have design features. Making a kitchen without even imagining what equipment you will put there is wrong, you will suffer. For example, I didn’t take everything into account with the oven - that’s why instead of the front under the oven, you still see a hole (you need to mill the front a little until you get the hang of it).

I bought a Gorenje oven and induction hob, an Eleyus hood, a Franke Java sink, a faucet with a Grohe Blue filtration system (the first in Ukraine in this version, By the way). $3200

Order firewood(chipboard, fibreboard, facades)

Previously, I sincerely believed that furniture production required large workshops, expensive machines, and dozens of staff. Of course, this happens, but many people also work in garages. In order to produce furniture, you do not need to saw chipboard and make facades - this is exactly what dozens of people do in large workshops on expensive machines. That's where we go.

The result of the design should be an Excel file containing a list of all the panels we need. Like this:

Regarding slab materials, my choice was as follows:
Egger Cappuccino 18mm chipboard as cabinet material
Egger Platinum White 16mm chipboard as material for drawers
Egger fibreboard for cabinet back walls
Painted MDF as facades

Now look at the nuance. The company we are going to has a chipboard warehouse program - these are the thicknesses and colors that they constantly keep in stock in large quantities. If the chipboard you need is included in the warehouse program, everything is ok, you will pay for as many square meters as you need. But if it’s not included, you’ll have to buy chipboard sheets. One sheet, in the case of Egger chipboard, is 5.8 sq.m. And if you need 6.3 sq.m. you will still have to buy two sheets.

Companies engaged in cutting and edging chipboards and producing facades can today be found in almost any regional center of the country. You give them drawings and money. They give you all your firewood, packaged and delivered to your apartment.

Cutting and edging chipboard, fiberboard, facades, delivery - all this cost me $650.

Order accessories(handles, legs, tandem boxes, etc.)

No problem. But it’s better not to scour all sorts of Leroy Marlens, since they mostly present an unworthy mass market. It is better to find a decent furniture fittings supplier with a large assortment and buy everything there.

I bought:
12 Blum Tandembox Intivo Full Extension Drawer Sets
2 hinges + bluemotion for the door under the washbasin
1 roll-out grid with closer for the oven
All this cost $1200

Purchasing tools

In general, any handy guy already has some tools.
I had to buy a Makita screwdriver, a Bosch jigsaw, clamps and a Wolfcraft attachment.

I’ll warn you right away - there’s nothing to do in assembling furniture without a screwdriver. There is an absolutely huge number of screws. And Chinese disposable crafts for 40 bucks will not help you. A screwdriver is for a man what a dildo is for a woman. Don't skimp. Treat yourself. It will come in handy.

So, at the beginning of the process we have:

First of all, let's take the firewood to the balcony and sort it into pedestals. Fortunately, each element has a sticker corresponding to the part number in the above list of parts:

Well, let's start assembling. Almost all Italian cabinet furniture is assembled on dowels (chops) - the advantage of this method is that no parts of the fasteners come out, the disadvantage is that furniture assembled on dowels is not dismountable. Furniture makers prefer confirmat for such purposes - it is much less demanding in terms of tolerances.

The connection on the dowels requires an accuracy of 0.5 millimeters in fitting the mating holes. This result is achievable without the use of a special tool, but with huge hemorrhoids. Therefore, the following tool was purchased:

Drill the first holes in the side of the cabinet:

So, our task is to assemble the first cabinet and understand whether our arms grow from our ass, or from our shoulders.

We take the sidewall and make holes that will be connected to the bottom with dowels. Pay attention to the drill depth limiter on the drill. I hope there is no need to explain why it is needed. Buzzing:

Here's what we got:

The holes on the sides are 40 mm. from the edges, central in the middle. The width of the sidewall (this matters, I’ll tell you later) is 560 mm. The additive operates in both drilling and copying modes. Copy to the second side. This is the principle of operation of the filler for drilling counter holes, I show it using the example of a drawer:

Let me remind you that when connecting with dowels, the accuracy of drilling the counter holes is important (plus or minus half a millimeter). With these tools, I never had a problem with this - the parts fit into each other (moaning) with little effort. This device costs nothing - 40 bucks. It will save you a lot of time - just for fun, I tried to make manual markings on test pieces of chipboard - this is many times more time-consuming and much more likely to make an error.

Here is the bottom of the box with counter holes already drilled for the sides:

We drilled 20 holes and voila, our hands are not growing out of our ass:

Okay, let's move on. Now we need to equip the cabinet with closers, legs and a back wall made of fiberboard.
There is nothing complicated in installing door closers - everything is done in the same Blum Dynalog program, you get the exact dimensions of the points where the guides will be attached. There is one rule here - measure seven times, cut once:

Simple as two and two. If you make a mistake within 3 millimeters, everything will still work perfectly. This is a wonderful technique.

Mounting the legs is also not difficult. The main thing is to set yourself a standard for their location and follow it on all cabinets:

Another cabinet (the widest, 80 cm) is ready. It already has guides and legs.

There is absolutely no need to worry about some flimsiness of the product - as soon as the back wall is mounted, the cabinet will be filled with pleasant strength. The initial stage of attaching the backdrop is shown here - the bottom is secured with two screws on the sides, the diagonals and corners are measured, the top is secured to the drawer with a clamp. Now you can safely peel off the screws (after pre-drilling with a two-mm drill):

Well, there seems to be progress already:

We are preparing the facades. On the left on the facade there is a drilling jig (the same Wolfcraft), to the right there is a manual countersink:

This is where the jigsaw came into play - I used it to saw holes for the sockets, after which I asked for silicone to seal the open cut. Well, I hung up the filter control unit and the filter holder itself:

When all the cabinets were ready, it was time to reunite them. At this stage, it is important to adjust the legs to bring them level - that is, the top of the cabinets should lie in the same plane. We clamp the cabinets together with clamps, and be sure to make a “lining” - a wooden block into which the drill will go. If this is not done, there will be serious chips at the outlet hole.

I brought a tabletop, Luxeform Boston 38 mm. I asked to make cutouts, they did it, but look how original (did I place the commas correctly?):

In principle, they are right. Transporting a massive table with a full cutout is a risk – it may break. I had to work with a jigsaw. The cut must be siliconized - the open end of the chipboard will quickly swell if this is not done. Well, here you can see how the issue with the obtuse angle was resolved - everything is quite simply leveled out. Naturally, I first made a drawing with geometry calculations.

Properly selected kitchen furniture will provide comfort while working and will fit organically into the overall design. You can choose a ready-made kit, order production according to custom sizes or make a kitchen set with your own hands.

DIY wooden kitchen set


Even with little carpentry experience, you can cope with the task. Making a kitchen with your own hands will allow you to:

  • Reduce the cost of the headset several times (at least 2). The difference is especially noticeable if, due to the features and layout of the kitchen, a standard set of furniture is not suitable, you need to make it to order;
  • Create individual scheme design that best meets functional requirements;
  • Make a unique set, give it an original shape;
  • Be confident in high quality assembly at minimal cost.

Luxurious wood-effect corner kitchen with dark countertops

At the same time, you will need to spend time developing drawings and diagrams for making a kitchen set with your own hands, choosing the material, and the manufacturing and assembly process itself. It is necessary to have skills in working with tools - this guarantees quick results.

Kitchen set, assembled with your own hands beautiful facades top drawers

Material selection

It’s easier to make your own kitchen from chipboard. To make the headset cheaper and maintain good performance characteristics, several types of material are used:

  • Suitable for the base of the structure regular slabs from chipboard. The back walls can be made of fiberboard, the side and bottom walls can be made of chipboard. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the leakage class of phenol compounds. It is better to choose E1, it is quite durable and emits less phenol-containing substances than E2, E3. A more environmentally friendly option is MDF and solid wood, but they will cost more;

    Do-it-yourself corner kitchen set made of chipboard

  • The fronts of kitchen furniture - doors and front walls of drawers - must be made of material that can withstand constant cleaning. They can be made of wood, with carved designs, or glass inserts. You can buy ready-made MDF facades. A more budget-friendly option is smooth chipboards coated with paint or self-adhesive film. Their service life is much shorter, unlike wooden furniture, which can be stored for more than one generation;

    Kitchen made of MDF, painted green

  • The tabletop must withstand moisture, temperature, and be scratch-resistant. Covered with film or varnished chipboard will quickly lose its appearance. Laminated or postformed would be more suitable. The last option is a slab covered with a layer of plastic, resistant to impacts, offers many color and pattern options, and can imitate the texture of stone or wood.

    Ceramic tiles as a worktop for the work area

Important! If a stove is built into the kitchen unit, wood for the structure is not suitable for fire safety.

An expensive option is a countertop made of natural or artificial stone. At home, it is difficult to make a cutout to install a sink and appliances. You can do the work in a specialized company, but you will have to spend money.

This is what an artificial stone countertop looks like: work area kitchens

You should not make a modular kitchen out of solid wood. The material is subject to shrinkage, shrinkage will lead to an uneven overall surface.

DIY kitchen with plasterboard niches

Required Tools

To make cabinets and install kitchen units with your own hands, you need:

  • Roulette, ruler;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Hacksaw, pliers, hammer;
  • File, sandpaper;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Electric drill and drills;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric planer;
  • Level (for greater accuracy - laser), plumb line;
  • Workbench, vice;
  • Clamp.

Necessary tools for DIY kitchen assembly

The fasteners you will need are:

  • Confirm screws;
  • Guides for drawers, it is better to choose ball ones;
  • Furniture ties for connecting sections;
  • Crocodile hinges for attaching doors to cabinets;
  • Dowels for installing tabletops.

Assembling the bottom drawers of a modular kitchen set

Additionally, you need to select handles for drawers and doors.

Measuring features

First you need to decide what the design will be: angular, as in the photo, or straight. The first allows you to save space. For a beginner, it is easier to perform a direct type modular design. It is easier to move it away from the wall if necessary, and it is easier to replace or repair a separate cabinet. To make a corner kitchen with your own hands, you can use photos of drawings with dimensions:

Project of the lower cabinets of the future kitchen set

Attention! When making a kitchen with your own hands, drawings and diagrams must be completed after purchasing built-in appliances and a sink in order to take into account their dimensions. If you purchase ready-made facades, you should focus on their parameters.

Making a kitchen from plywood with your own hands

When determining the design scheme, you need to consider:

  • Availability of gas sewer pipes and water supply - during installation you will have to make recesses for them, and the sink cabinet is made without a back wall. For stability, you need to secure the walls of the structure with metal corners;
  • Size of the hood – a special cabinet can be made for it;
  • Dimensions of the dryer in the cupboard. It is better to purchase it in advance and adjust the dimensions of the pendant module to it.

Connecting water filters and other communications

The corner kitchen is designed taking into account the same features. For hanging cabinets you need to determine comfortable height location. You can use the drawings and diagrams in the photo to make your own kitchen:

Calculation of a typical cabinet for a modular kitchen

Another drawing that can be used in practice

DIY kitchen assembly process

Main details

After determining the number of cabinets and their sizes, you can proceed to the manufacture of parts.

Marking places for fasteners

A standard cabinet consists of 4 parts:

  1. Horizontal (2 pcs). It is located between the side walls, to which it is attached with confirmatory screws. Its width should be smaller finished cabinet for two thicknesses of side walls. If the chipboard is 1.6 cm, and the cabinet width is 80 cm, then the horizontal size is: 80-(1.6*2) = 76.8 cm;
  2. Side wall (2 pcs);
  3. Shelf (usually 1 piece). It can be screwed to the walls, then its width should be equal to the horizontal. If you make it removable and place it on shelf holders, for convenient installation you need to make it 3 mm narrower than horizontal;
  4. Back wall (1 piece). To make the structure lighter, it is made of fiberboard. The height and width should be 5 mm less than the body parameters. This eliminates the wall from bulging with small cutting errors.

Cut material for future headset

The parts are cut out with a jigsaw after careful measurements. You can order a cut when purchasing materials. It will be done for an additional fee. The furniture factory already has blanks that are used for sawing. As a standard, their sizes are multiples of 15, which must be taken into account when drawing up your own drawings and diagrams for a kitchen set. Blanks can be made to individual sizes, but it costs more. Finished parts for each module must be numbered to avoid confusion during subsequent work.

Lower kitchen cabinets assembled

Workpiece processing

When moisture gets inside the cut, the product swells and becomes deformed. Gluing the edges to the edges of all parts will help avoid this. It should match the blanks in color. On one side it is treated with glue, which melts when exposed to high temperatures.

Corners of drawer joints treated with silicone

Edging is done using an iron and thick fabric:

  • The iron heats up to medium temperature;
  • The part must be placed with the cut facing up, measure and cut off the edge (with a margin of 2-3 cm), and attach it to the cut;
  • Heat the edge with an iron, pressing it firmly against the part. The movements are smooth, do not stay in one place for a long time, so as not to burn the tape. The glue will melt a little. Without waiting for it to cool, press it with a cloth folded in several layers;
  • After cooling, trim the protruding edges of the edge with a stationery knife without scratching the surface of the workpiece;
  • Carefully file the cut edges so that there are no sharp or clinging areas.

Do-it-yourself edge trimming

For convenience, build a stand for workpieces from a board and two bars that are attached to it. You can place the part between them, freeing up your hands for edging.

Varnishing the facade of a kitchen unit

Assembly and installation

Before starting work, you need to sort the parts for each cabinet to ensure completeness and save time during assembly.

Base cabinets

Assembling lower cabinets for the kitchen

All parts are connected in the following order:

  1. Collect drawer(one or more, depending on the model). TO external parties attach guides for retractable mechanism, parts of which are attached to the side walls of the cabinet;
  2. Twist the horizontal and side parts of the box, secure the shelf or holders;
  3. Check the diagonal - place the body face down on the floor, use a tape measure to measure the distance from opposite corners, it should be the same;
  4. After nailing the back wall on one side first, check the diagonal again. Secure along all edges, the distance between nails or screws is 10 cm;
  5. Screw the legs by turning the cabinet upside down.

Assembling lower cabinets for the future kitchen

Place it in the desired location and then screw the doors. After installing the cabinets, you can fasten the tabletop.

Upper parts

The principle of cabinet assembly is similar to the lower cabinets. The upper modules can be secured using mounting strips: one is screwed to the wall, the other to the cabinet. First you need to determine at what level the mounted modules will be located. To keep the plank level, you need to use a level to mark the line for its future location. You cannot measure the distance from the floor to the plank with a tape measure to avoid unevenness and distortions.

Attaching upper cabinets to a mounting plate

After securing the rail to the surfaces, you can hang the cabinets. Check their location with a level and tighten the modules together using a clamp. Install between the tool and the cabinet walls wooden spacers so as not to spoil the surface.

Upper kitchen cabinets before and after painting

Intersectional ties will help secure the cabinets together, for which you need to drill holes inside the cabinets. To prevent chipping, hold a block of wood where the drill exits. The work is completed by installing the doors on the upper cabinets.

The final stage of assembling a kitchen with carved facades with your own hands

Modeled after an old kitchen

If the design of the installed set is suitable in shape and size, but you need to replace it, you can use it as a basis for making a new kitchen with your own hands instead of drawings:

  • Disassemble the old modules into parts, number the parts of each so as not to confuse them later;
  • Clean them from dust;
  • Take measurements according to which the parts of the new headset will be manufactured;
  • Cut out pieces of the desired shape from a sheet of chipboard;
  • Connect, secure new fittings, and install in place.

DIY kitchen furniture decor

During the work, you can adjust the sizes of some parts if they are not satisfactory. You can rely on photos of drawings and dimensions to make a kitchen with your own hands.

Today, the kitchen is the place where the whole family is most often together. Long gone are the days when the entire population of an apartment gathered in the living room in front of the TV. The fact is that it has now become more convenient to find all the films and programs of your choice on computers or tablets. Nevertheless, the common breakfast, dinner, and just evening gatherings with tea remained, that is, the importance of this room cannot be underestimated. Naturally, all of the above does not apply to those people whose apartments have a separate dining room. Moreover, cooking and storing all the utensils is also very important and convenience and comfort cannot be neglected in this regard.

How to make a kitchen with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Now we will not analyze the situation when the room intended for the kitchen is not prepared for this purpose at all - that is, there are no pipes, electricity, etc. in it.

It would be best to accept as reality a room with which you can work. The walls have already been erected, flooring, the ceiling was made and communications were installed.


First of all, you should draw a plan of the room on paper. First, a general one is created, since you will need to measure the height and width of the walls, any partitions, window sill gaps, etc. (the latter, by the way, can later be used as part of the tabletop). In addition to all of the above, the plan should also include household communications. You should indicate where the wiring is, where the gas pipe goes, and also note the water supply and more.

But before you wonder how to make a kitchen with your own hands, you need to decide on its shape. It can be linear, that is, built along one wall, L-shaped or corner, or U-shaped. The latter type is usually chosen when a room with a separate entrance is allocated for the kitchen.

Decide now where you will store the dishes, where you will put the refrigerator, where you will place the work surfaces, stove, sink, and how the cabinets will be placed. Naturally, the stove needs to be located closer to gas pipe, refrigerator or electric stove - to the sockets, and the sink - closer to the water supply. This is logical, this way you can avoid unnecessary costs.

Drawing of the future kitchen

Here you need to display all the products that will be used. That is, every bedside table, cabinet and sink must be drawn. Dimensions also need to be indicated - this avoids confusion. Particular attention should be paid to the height of the tabletop. It is determined by the height of the person who will most often work in the kitchen. You also need to correlate the dimensions of future bedside tables, drawers, tables and stoves with the countertop.

It should be shown in the drawing what materials future pieces of furniture will be made of, not only their facades, but also their frames. Again, the countertop needs to be given some attention Special attention. Then, separately, choose household appliances.

There is a way to make your choice easier. It will be useful because in a two-dimensional drawing it is not always possible to determine how certain devices, surfaces, etc. will look. Therefore, you can use fashion magazines, or ask your friends whose existing options designs you like, how to make a kitchen with your own hands. Photos from magazines will help you deal with many difficulties. There will definitely be a suitable design. In addition, today there is sufficient quantity programs, after working with which you can create a three-dimensional, even interactive, kitchen drawing. No special skills are required here (if you have old enough children who understand computers, entrust this to them. This way you can save time and let the children know that they are trusted).

Materials for making furniture

How to make a kitchen with your own hands so that it turns out durable, comfortable and of high quality? In fact, there is nothing complicated here. It will be easiest with cabinets, which, in fact, you need to make yourself.

The sides are best made from 16 mm MDF - it is suitable for both cabinets and shelves or cabinets. The side walls of the drawers can be made of half-centimeter fiberboard. The main thing is to purchase a laminated version. Rear walls can be made from plywood - they are the most unused, and in general will remain practically invisible. In addition, if any problems arise, they are easy to remove or replace. If you do not have the proper experience, it is better to buy doors separately - they are sold in construction supermarkets, and therefore this will not be a particular problem (and it is better to select the doors first, and only then make the cabinets, instead of adjusting everything at the last moment).

A separate issue is the countertop. It is best to also purchase it separately. A natural stone or a material similar in composition and properties would be good here. If you want to do this yourself, then you can use thick chipboard, about three centimeters (but better a little more). Before installation, you need to cover it with several layers of protective agents so that the wood is not damaged due to excess moisture.

In addition, you will need all sorts of accessories - the list is quite long. There are Euroscrews, hinges with handles, ball or roller guides, cabinet legs, edges, as well as shelf supports, and, of course, corners. The most important thing here is not to forget to buy something. These are all little things, but they can become decisive in the question of how to do cozy kitchen with your own hands.

What is even more important here is the acquisition household appliances- few people can make a sink or stove on their own, and therefore they must be purchased separately. It’s better to start choosing right away, since the dimensions of the same slab must match the rest of the work surfaces, otherwise it will look pretty funny.

Required Tools

These tools will be needed not only by those who are going to do the entire room from start to finish on their own, but also by people who are bothered by minor defects and other troubles. How to do a kitchen renovation with your own hands? This question comes up much more often than the above. But the “helpers” you will need here are quite different - among power tools, these are a drill and a screwdriver, as well as a jigsaw (the latter is for those who will cut the purchased wood themselves). In addition, you will need a tape measure, a pencil, a building level and a square. It will also not be superfluous construction knife, a hacksaw for wood, as well as sandpaper. In addition, there is also important point in the form of screwdrivers and wrenches- doors, as well as some other parts, must be carefully screwed to the walls or floor.

How to make a corner kitchen with your own hands?

In fact, the action plan described above is also suitable for a corner kitchen. But they are more common than linear ones simply because for small spaces this is the only way to build a comfortable and large work surface.

The differences start right where you think - in the corner. It is this place that will have to be thought out more carefully than the rest, simply because if you make just a right angle, most of the working surface will be inaccessible. So you will have to work hard and work on these places longer, making a smooth transition from one surface to another. In addition, the same should be done with wall-mounted and floor-standing cabinets.

Summer cuisine

Naturally, at the dacha it will be slightly different from its urban counterparts, but not so much that the work plan becomes completely different. So an ordinary country kitchen will be almost the same as the one in your apartment, and therefore you just need to follow the plan described above. But summer room- this is something completely different.

So how to make a kitchen in your country house with your own hands? It is usually distinguished by the absence of walls, and also by the fact that it stands right in the yard, on the site. It’s not hot there, and therefore this design is ideal in the period from late spring to mid-autumn. Naturally, both the construction and the layout will vary significantly.

The first difference here is the foundation. It must be strong enough to support the weight of not only the structure, but also all the people. Sometimes this number can reach a dozen or even a dozen, which together has a significant weight. Therefore, it is better to make the foundation from stone. The building itself is built from wood - it is light and when processed protective compounds can withstand both weather and climatic conditions, as well as operating conditions such as heat and moisture.

The walls, even if they are erected, do not cover the kitchen on all sides - usually on three. In addition, they are solid somewhere up to the middle (this is done to cover the furniture), and then you can arrange a wooden mesh or even use columns, leaving open space. A light gable roof is usually laid on top with appropriate additions in the form of drains for water and other things.

It’s also easier with furniture here - there’s no need to create places to store utensils. So everything will consist of a work surface, a stove (usually electric), a barbecue that can be made removable, and also, in extravagant versions, a stove. In addition, if the summer room is large enough, it can also serve as a gazebo and external veranda.

For children

How to make a children's kitchen with your own hands? In fact, it is difficult to understand the connection between real and children's cuisine. Nevertheless, it is there. Children develop, and therefore they develop new interests. If you want to involve them in cooking in the future, it would be wise to give them a kids' kitchen. In addition, such a toy will keep them occupied for some time.

So, such kitchens are on sale, but it is best to make them with your own hands from an old chest of drawers or a large cabinet. The doors here need to be removed. Everything else depends on your imagination and ingenuity.

For example, you can make something that resembles a smaller version of the kitchen. That is, let’s take the presence of a large chest of drawers as a fact. The doors have already been removed and all the shelves have been taken out - you can get to work. You need to place one central shelf somewhere at a height of a third of the total height of the chest of drawers. The stove will be located on the right - you will need to make shaped switches, something like burners, an oven door, etc. We have a sink on the left. Between them there is a surface where you can make a cabinet. All this is painted, decorated and brought into divine form. If you have a daughter and you are wondering how to make a kitchen for dolls with your own hands, then the same plan will do. Only in a smaller version, of course.


Well, in this matter you need to understand that making a hood yourself is quite difficult - it requires certain special skills that most of us do not have today. Therefore, the option of installing a hood will be considered. This is not so easy - the main part is located above the stove, and it is this that works by drawing out air. The air duct itself is usually made of corrugated pipe. It is he who brings the air out into the street through the external wall ventilation.

If you are still concerned about the question of how to make a hood in the kitchen with your own hands, then you will need the same corrugated pipe and several fans. In addition, you will need to carefully cut the holes for the pipe, since everything must be airtight.


How to make a ceiling in the kitchen with your own hands? Before you start working on it, you will need to decide for quite some time which type is best to choose. It's not easy because ideal option simply not. The problem here is that the humidity and temperature in the kitchen fluctuate quite wide range. In addition, you also need to take into account how easily the ceiling will be washed - at least a few times the splashes will reach there. Moreover, you need a material that minimally absorbs odors.

The first option here is plaster. You can get by with a couple of working hands. You can wash the plaster quite often; it does not burn. True, in the event of flooding, such a ceiling will not protect you at all: at best there will be stains, and at worst, parts of the finishing that have fallen off. Next comes the suspended ceiling. Here you need to remember that wooden sheathing doesn't fit. If you use a cassette design, then you don’t have to worry about humidity and temperature. In addition, you can install convenient lighting. There are also disadvantages - nothing will be washed off from such a ceiling. But the undoubted advantage here is easy replacement, so the question of how to do a kitchen renovation with your own hands will not arise at all. You will only need to purchase several panels and put them in place of the damaged ones. Last view - stretch ceiling. This is very a good option- they do not burn, but only melt, which increases fire safety. In addition, such ceilings will protect you from flooding - unless it is very large. This concludes the question of how to renovate a kitchen with your own hands. The photos presented in the article will help you understand this issue.


In general, you should have already understood that it is possible to make a kitchen yourself, even if it is not very easy. Any questions that may arise can be resolved with the help of our article.

The most important thing when renovating a kitchen is careful planning. This allows you to avoid many problems and solve the question of how to make a kitchen with your own hands.