Doors in Arabic style. Oriental furniture in traditional Moroccan style. Handmade decorative items

The oriental-style interior is associated with the luxurious palaces of Arab sheikhs, where there is a lot of gold, elephant tusks and expensive fabrics. The interior of these rooms is truly amazing.

A small piece of the mysterious East can be brought into ordinary city ​​apartment, if you create a bedroom interior in a similar vein.


It should be noted that the oriental style is a flexible concept, since the East is represented by more than one country, and each of them has its own rich culture. Among them are not only Arab states, but also countries located in northeast Asia: China, Japan, Taiwan. The interior of each of these countries has its own characteristics.

The Asian direction is represented by China and Japan.

Chinese interior is full of light. It is not customary to use a lot of furniture in it. The bed and other furnishings are low. This is explained by the fact that in all Eastern countries it is customary to sit on the floor. The furniture is made only from natural wood.

Bamboo mats can be used for decoration, although they are of course more functional in Asian homes.

The decor contains easily recognizable traditional Chinese motifs: bamboo stems, birds, goldfish, dragons, flowers. Painting with hieroglyphs often decorates rooms in this style.

You can hang traditional red lanterns in your room. They are used for more than just lighting. Superstitious Chinese believe that they ward off evil spirits.

To create a completely authentic interior, you should act strictly according to the philosophy of Feng Shui. This is a teaching on how to use knowledge of the mysterious forces of nature to attract love, wealth and longevity into the home.

Another characteristic element of the interior is the fan. According to Chinese beliefs, he transforms negative energy in the house in a positive way. In addition, its meaning changes depending on what is drawn on it and where it will be hung. For example, a fan with the image of a spruce or cedar placed on the eastern wall of the house is responsible for health. And the same object with a school of fish in the wealth zone lures money into the house.

Whether to believe in it or not, everyone decides for themselves. But it is a fact that the fan looks stylish and adds Asian exoticism to the interior.

Japanese style is slightly different from Chinese. It is characterized by minimalism, strict lines and restrained colors. The color range is usually limited to cream and chocolate or other similar shades. A red accent is required.

The light should be diffused, dim. Lamps with paper lampshades will help achieve this.

The painting uses images of Japanese palaces and pagodas, sakura, lotuses, samurai, and the sun. Diversify discreet interior You can use screens with traditional motifs. Japanese weapons will also look natural in such a room.

An authentic trinket for decoration would be the Maneki-Neko. This is a figurine of a cat beckoning with its paw, which the Japanese have long placed in their homes. They believe that it attracts love, wealth and other benefits.

However, most often, when speaking specifically about the “oriental” style in design, they mean countries such as the UAE, Tunisia, Morocco and other Arab states.

An Arabic-style bedroom can transport anyone to oriental fairy tale"Thousand and One Nights". Only the brave and original person will take the risk of decorating his bedroom, imitating Moroccan palaces drowning in luxury.

Furniture and textiles

Furniture for a room in the Arabic style should be massive, made of noble wood dark colors. The bed should be as low as possible. It is worth remembering that the Arabs were nomadic people who is used to sleeping on the floor. And this fate did not spare the sultans.

Since the bed is the central element of the design, it should be decorated luxuriously. The headboard should attract attention. It can be massive, from carved wood with inlay. The canopy over the bed should resemble a tent and be made of expensive heavy fabrics, such as velvet or silk. In truly rich interiors, bed posts are decorated with carvings, inserts from valuable species stone or even elephant tusks.

There should be a lot of pillows in the room different forms and sizes, which can be present not only on the bed, but also play the role of seating on the floor. Bedspreads and pillows are always decorated with skillful embroidery, precious stones(V modern version, of course, they are replaced with rhinestones) and tassels.

Bedside tables can be replaced with characteristic polygonal Arabic tables with inlay or chests, which will add even more originality to the interior. They are equipped with lamps that match the style. It is permissible to hang Moroccan wrought iron lamps above them, which are as functional as they are beautiful.

Since the prototype of Arab interiors was a tent, the entire surface of the floor, and often the ceiling, is covered with carpets. They are not always similar to the carpets familiar to Russian residents. Many of them are very expensive because they are made using the knotted method from silk threads and covered with intricate designs. They don't wear out for decades. The second most popular material is wool.

In addition, the bedroom often served as a place for quiet relaxation and receiving guests. Therefore, in Arabic interiors, a corner is often set aside with a sofa with beautiful upholstery, a low table for tea drinking and pillows or Moroccan leather poufs. It can be placed in a niche and draped.

Arabian interiors make extensive use of niches. They usually have the shape of pointed arches, which, in addition to decorative purpose, also plays a practical function. They used to be used to hide clothes, but now they are most often used as a pedestal for displaying accessories. Beds are also still installed in niches; it looks very colorful.

Massive wardrobes for storing clothes replace lower chests of drawers and chests.

An Arabic-style room always has a lot of textiles. Walls and niches are draped with it, and this element should not be neglected in an effort to recreate a truly oriental interior.


To add authenticity to ethnic design, it is always recommended to use items made using techniques native to a particular country.

Such an element is a traditional wooden mosaic. It's thin and painstaking work- cut from different breeds tiny pieces of wood, and then combine them into a single whole. Countertops and other interior items are decorated in this way.

Arabic ceramics with their complex patterns and rich colors will perfectly complement the interior in this style. Dishes, bowls and jugs located around the room will add a unique oriental charm to it. It's these little things that make up the overall spirit of a home.

Hammered dishes and hammered bronze lamps are often used in interior design in the East. Forging looks expensive and high-status, which is probably why it is so loved in Arab countries.

In addition, a beautiful chess set, large hourglass, hookah.

Color solutions

A distinctive feature of the Arabic interior is the dark ceiling, reminiscent of a starry sky. It can be plastered or covered with fabric, as in a nomadic dwelling. Of course, it is not necessary to embody all the features of this style in typical apartment and if desired, the ceiling can be left simply white or covered with painting.

In general, Arabic design involves the use of luscious bright colors: orange, lilac, crimson, azure, dark blue, red. Their stormy combination can be diluted with calmer tones: sand, white, beige.

Furniture is usually made of polished wood in dark shades or metal. To ensure that the room does not seem too gloomy or boring, there should be plenty of natural light.

DIY interior

Many of these ideas luxury interiors not so easy to translate into the realities of Russian apartments. But some shifts in this direction can be made by adding purely oriental features.

The easiest place to start is with bedspreads and pillows. Patchwork quilts in bright colors or embroidered bedspreads with tassels will remind you of distant lands, as will pillows made of velvet or iridescent chiffon.

Forged lamps, which emit light in a special way, will help immerse the room in a mysterious twilight. They do not have to be brought from Arab countries; they can also be found in Russian stores. Lambrequins can be placed above the windows, especially if it is not possible to build a characteristic lancet niche.

The walls can be repainted bright sunny shade, corresponding to the color scheme of the Arabic style, and darken the ceiling. By adding even a few little things in the Arabic style, like plates or floor vases, can be significantly transformed appearance rooms.

Arabic style(eastern) is typical for the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. It has one characteristic commonality that is easily read in Turkish, Palestinian, Syrian, Egyptian and Moroccan designs. This is strict adherence to the religious canons of Islam, respect and veneration of traditions given by ancestors, and preference for objects made by the hands of skilled artisans and craftsmen. The Arabic style originated in the seventh century BC. Religion imposed strict restrictions on interior design. It was impossible to depict humans and animals, so the artists devoted all their talent to developing the most wonderful ornaments. Bright and rich colors made it possible to create magnificent patterns that surprised and made any visitor fall in love. It is they, as well as special architectural techniques, that have become the hallmark of the oriental style.

You can recognize oriental motifs by very characteristic features. In addition to skillful ornaments, houses were decorated with openwork carved wooden or wicker shutters. The windows were small in the form of arches, located closer to the ceiling and invariably covered with frames. This is how local residents escaped the midday heat, protecting their homes from the rays scorching sun. The Arabian living room looks like a box, skillfully decorated by the hands of a talented artist. Persian carpets, beautiful chests instead of wardrobes, low sofas or sofas covered with expensive velvet or brocade - such an interior will make you feel like a rich person who loves enveloping comfort and special coziness in the house. The Arabian bedroom is a separate matter. Canopies over the beds, soft carpets, lots of colorful pillows scattered on the floor, always decorated with fringe and gold tassels - relaxing in such a room is a pleasure.

Distinctive feature Arabic style is the use of multi-colored mosaics, which are not made in mass production, but exclusively by hand. With its help, floor and wall panels are created that reproduce famous carpet patterns. They often decorate a kitchen or a large spacious bathroom. Dark madder wood, embossed jugs with a high neck, large dishes, as well as lampshades with beads - all this adds up to one overall picture, which can easily become the scenery of a fabulous atmosphere, in which it is always hot, passionate and very “tasty” in an oriental way. .

Arabic style in the interior photo:

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Arabic-style design evokes associations with fairy tales and celebrations. Very colorful and ostentatiously rich, it attracts and captivates the hearts of people around the world for a long time.

In its atmosphere, full of incense and mysterious dim light, one cannot help but relax and forget about all the troubles. Soft pillows, natural carpets, exotic hookahs - all this is conducive to peace. It’s not for nothing that this style is most often found in lounges and bedrooms.

Introduction to Arabic style interior design

The Arabic style combines the traditions of Muslim countries: the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, Türkiye. His distinctive feature is an exorbitant luxury, as well as natural materials and handmade home furnishings.

An Arabic-style house is never empty. It is filled with countless jugs and vats, ottomans and cushions, tables and chests. And no surface is left uncovered: carpets, tapestries, draperies and bedspreads find a place on the floor, on the walls and on furniture. Even the ceiling is often decorated with fabric.

Every detail of the interior in the Arabic style is unique and chic. Precious stones and precious metals are not considered unusual. Due to their huge deposits in the Arabian Peninsula, they are not as valuable to the Arabs as they are to the Europeans. The houses of the sheikhs are literally strewn with diamonds.

Of course, not everyone can afford such a design, but sparkle for an Arabic-style design is absolutely necessary. This can be achieved by hanging threads of beads instead of interior doors or by laying out a mosaic of multi-colored glass on the wall.

What is also remarkable for the Arabic style in the interior is the soft, subdued light. Shades for lamps are made from multi-colored frosted glass, as a result of which the room is filled with an almost unreal sowing.

All this, coupled with the aroma that the incense burners emit, creates a strong sensory experience and forces Westerners to look at interior design in a whole new way.

Colors and patterns are the center of composition in Arabic-style design

Color design Arabian-style rooms cannot go unnoticed. There are very, very many intense sunny colors, which fill the entire room and do not leave a single pale spot. It is difficult for a person unaccustomed to such an interior to stay in such an environment for a long time.

Modern European design in the Arabic style, it tends towards a more restrained palette, using only a few eye-catching details.

The Arabic style in the interior is characterized by any bright colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange. In addition to paints, gilding and inlay with precious stones and pieces of mother-of-pearl are widely used.

Thus, the home is filled with shine and looks even more rich and dazzling.

Religion prohibits Muslims from depicting humans and animals, which is why painting and sculpture are practically undeveloped among the Arab peoples. But unique patterns are known all over the world, created within the framework of this culture - arabesques. They are complex and ornate and may include geometric and floral motifs, as well as Arabic script.

Arabic patterns, as well as bright ones oil paints came to European territory during the Middle Ages. They played an important role in Western fine arts.

In interior design in the Arabic style, arabesques are used everywhere: they are used to paint walls, decorate carpets, fabrics and dishes, they are even carved into wooden coverings.

It is believed that the emergence of these intertwining forms, which have neither beginning nor end, is due to the Islamic idea of ​​​​the “ever-continuing fabric of the Universe.”

The surfaces in an Arabic-style home are never smooth or dull.

In addition to the excessive use of all kinds of flowers and jewelry, the design in the Arabic style is striking in the decoration of the rooms.

The walls are especially eye-catching. They are covered with expensive fabric, such as silk or velvet. Or you can find the well-known Persian carpets self made. This trend probably goes back to ancient times, when peoples living in the desert used tents as shelter.

But in modern houses in the Arabic style there is also another finish: wooden panels. They are necessarily decorated with the finest carvings.

In addition to panels, wooden door frames, in which through patterns are cut out. When light passes through them, the room is covered with an incredible openwork shadow.

A wall not covered with panels is painted with light paint and densely painted with floral or geometric patterns.

Decorating the ceiling when creating an interior design in the Arabic style is not much different from decorating the walls. Both hand-painted arabesques and wooden carved coverings will come in handy. Still, in order to imitate a tent, drapery with fabric with fastening in the center is used.

Due to the hot climate, the Arabs grabbed every opportunity to cool the room. As a result, the floor was laid with stone or mosaic tiles. This coating heats up slowly and can provide coolness for a long time. Obviously, such an option is unacceptable for our region. But the surface should not remain smooth like laminate or parquet. Therefore, carpets and carpets from sheep wool.

Exotic furniture in Arabic style

The inhabitants of the desert were nomads. They built and equipped their housing so that it could be easily assembled and transported on camels. Therefore, the Arabic style in the interior is characterized by a small number of pieces of furniture.

Lounge furniture takes center stage. There are always low sofas and armchairs, lavishly decorated with expensive textiles. Only the most luxurious fabrics are found: brocade, velvet, silk, or camel skin. The colors of the fabrics are varied and rich, but are diluted with patterns embroidered with gold or silver threads.

Arabic style design is never complete without a huge number of decorative elements. sofa cushions round or cylindrical shapes, and they should be as colorful as possible.

In addition to sofas, poufs and ottomans are used for seating (wide places for lying and sitting, like a sofa, but without a back or armrests). They are covered with colorful woolen carpets or fabric.

Muslims have an interesting approach to arranging a place to sleep. The bed should be wide but low and often covered with a canopy.

Historically, the canopy protected against drafts and insects, and also provided privacy. For this reason, it was sewn from coarse, opaque fabric. But today it plays the role of decoration, and the fabrics chosen are light and romantic, such as organza or chiffon.

Much attention was paid to the head of the bed. It can be emphasized using wood panels or fabric draperies. IN modern design in the Arabic style, behind the bed there are often niches made of plasterboard in the shape of a pointed arch, the recess of which is covered with thematic wallpaper.

The most common piece of furniture for storing things is a chest. Cabinets in the Arabic interior style will stand out from general composition. They are being replaced open shelves, low bedside tables or hidden behind curtains.

All furniture in the Arabic style is very richly and well made. Artificial patterns are carved into hardwood wood, and it is also inlaid with bone, stones, and mother-of-pearl. Perhaps the most impressive is the mosaic made of multi-colored wood or pebbles.

If you want to see a fairy tale in your home, then be sure to think about creating an interior design in the Arabic style. No other style looks so fantastic: sweet colors and scents will envelop you with their charm and brighten up your gray everyday days.

The interior in the Arabic style is the luxury of the East, the comfort of the environment and wealth color range, grace and splendor, the embodiment of sweet bliss and pleasant dreams.

Features of the Arabic style

  1. Arabic design stands out from others due to its religious component. Holy Quran introduces bans on the presence of sculptures and picturesque images of people and animals in the design of a home. Therefore, when decorating premises, mosaic graphics, patterns of geometric lines and shapes, exquisite and complex ornaments are used, and floral themes are successfully used.
  2. The panels on the walls are made in square, diamond or hexagonal shapes, even carpets and floor tiles decorated with joints geometric shapes. The room must have a clearly marked and decorated center.
  3. Most popular architectural forms Arabic style are a sphere and a semicircle connected in complex designs, resulting in exquisite arches and majestic window openings.
  4. By tradition, it does not imply the presence of familiar doors. The space is delimited by curtains, arches and semi-arches, colonnades.
    Arabic design implies a certain privacy, so it does not have the trendy European open floor plans.

Decoration Materials

▫ The ceiling is decorated with paintings, multi-stage structures or decorative panels. Multi-level illuminated or hanging mosaic coverings are successfully used.

▫ The walls are painted or wallpapered. When painting, one color is used or intricate oriental script is applied to wet plaster. The wallpaper should have a geometric or floral ornament, fabric imitation.
▫ Floors are usually finished with tiles or mosaics. The tile size is usually small, 10x10 cm, or less.
▫ For decoration of window and doorways wood is used. Timber frames, shutters and grilles add a special accent to the room.
To live in a house decorated in a truly Arabian style, you need to have a special worldview. The East is bliss, a calm rhythm of life, comfort, the slow passage of time, which in modern world hardly possible. Therefore, the Arabic style in the interior requires a respectful and careful attitude, the introduction of certain philosophical and religious traditions and rituals into life.

Color spectrum

Interior design in the Arabic style is distinguished by its richness of shades. If the background shades are pastel shades, then the color of the textiles is generous with gold, bronze, greenery, emerald, sky blue shades, blue, violet, red, crimson, maroon and yellow tints. Black shades are used to differentiate and highlight color.


The Arabic style interior is characterized by rich lighting: wrought iron chandeliers big size, various lamps, wall and desk lamp, sconces, candelabra. All light sources have a complex design and emit a mysterious golden glow, which adds richness to the color of draperies and interior fabrics. Dim, diffused light provides an intimate and relaxing interior atmosphere. Aroma lamps with oriental spices fill the air in the room with sweet aromas.

In the Arabic interior there is not much furniture familiar to the “European”. Instead of chairs, for example, pillows are used.
Armchairs, sofas, and ottomans must be covered with colorful satin bedspreads.

Interior items are made of hard wood and decorated with carvings and inlays. Among them are necessarily present:
— Low sofa with a spacious sleeping area;
— Ottoman;
— Low cabinets with small capacity;
— Many bedside tables of various shapes, often decorated with carvings.


The textile design is indicated by an abundance of seat cushions scattered on the floor. Their designs and colors vary, but the most popular are products decorated with oriental ornaments and stripes.

Curtains are made from expensive fabrics: silk, organza, velvet: burgundy, blue, gold, green.
Carpets are a necessary decorative element. They cover the floor, walls, sofas, lay them out on top of each other, spread them out or hang them on any free surface. Preference is given to red, gold and yellow colors.


What needs to be added to the design of the room to recreate the Arabian image in it?
Lamps. They are located on the walls, on tables, and descend from the ceiling. Material of manufacture – colored glass, openwork metal.

Dishes. Ceramics, metal - sets for water and wine, hookahs, and vessels for washing hands are made from these materials. They are usually decorated with inlay and painting.
It is beneficial to emphasize the sophistication of the room by using vases, vessels, copper trays, hookahs, musical instruments, chess, richly bound books, wood and wrought iron items.

Arabic style in the interior - photo

The brightness inherent in Arabic styling kitchens are back in fashion today. Thanks to this style, you can get a mysterious and original filling of the interior.

To properly create the Arab spirit, let's explore this direction together.

The Arabic direction will help you decorate your kitchen in an unusual way.

The style, imbued with the Arabic spirit, differs from European variations. Arabia offers its original features:

  • Openings used for doors or windows based on this style must necessarily resemble arches, like those of mosques;
  • The ceiling is formed by a charming hemisphere;
  • It is characterized by low-lying and squat details for the furnishings;
  • Upholstered furniture is formed by tapestries and brocades using a silk base;
  • Arabesques are a must for this style;
  • There are many, many elements created by the hands of designers.

Finishing in the Arabic style direction comes first. However, it involves the use of a limited amount of furniture.

Regarding arabesques, it is important to note that the interior formed by the Arabic style movement must necessarily include hand-drawn, mosaic ornaments of incredible images. These design elements differ in several ways:

  • They have no background because one pattern begins another;
  • Elements of the pattern have the property of frequent repetition.

Arabesques are used to provide decoration, for various surfaces they can be used to create the beauty of walls, floors and other decorative elements.

Consider the variety of colors available in the Arabic style direction

The Arabian style helps to create a kitchen with a brightly highlighted warmth of the applied color schemes. Let's determine the most successful color directions:

  • the golden beige shade is very good for this occasion;
  • orange colors together with yellow shades;
  • crimson color in combination with pink is very suitable;
  • red color is used;
  • there is a place to use emerald green.

Arabic style kitchen layout

Typically a headset is used linear forms. And island ones installed in the food preparation area are also allowed. The dining area is characterized by the use of a low dining table or a soft corner option.

Partitions help to successfully separate the multifunctional contents of the kitchen into the living or dining areas. Typically, partitioning elements are stylized with oriental motifs or forged decorative grilles.

The right setting for an Arabic style kitchen

Arab peoples noticeably distance themselves from the use of furniture high size. Tables or different versions chairs are optional here, since they are replaced by small tables for drinking tea or cushions that help create a place to seat people.

However various furniture, formed by Arabic motifs, is expressed by many modern features.

In the territory dining area tables are used rectangular shape, characterized by low dimensions and the same chairs. They are usually formed by wood.

To form a headset in this style direction, it is also used wooden base. The fronts of this product are filled with a generosity of inserts with the addition of carvings and even inserts. But it is customary to create a tabletop using stone or glass.

Arabic style finishing for the kitchen

Regular walls in this direction are formed by mosaics. But there are other options used for this direction:

  • painting on surfaces covered with plaster or paint is especially respected;
  • although coating with plaster may not imply the subsequent use of painting or paint;
  • cladding with carved and cork versions of wood panels is used;
  • Wallpapering is done using a silk base.

The flooring is designed more rigidly, since only stone-based coatings are allowed. It can be completely covered with carpets, but it is advisable to cover it with natural stones.

But now it is difficult to use real stone because of this it is being replaced tiles, porcelain tiles based on stylized images. In addition, ceramic mosaics are often used to create a beautiful floor.

It is important to realize that true Arabic style is for modern kitchen It's quite difficult to organize. But at least stylizing this room in an Arabic style is quite a feasible task. It is important to ensure correct application necessary materials or accessories.

Photo of Arabic style in the kitchen interior