Two sofas in the interior: advantages, features and placement methods. Interior design of a living room with two sofas Two sofas of different colors in the interior of the living room

It's not often you see a living room with two sofas. And all because interior designers usually avoid using two representatives of large-sized furniture.

There are many reasons why you should replace one large sofa with two compact ones. This furniture layout is very convenient for receiving guests, because it encourages communication and can provide seating. a large number of of people. But this is not his only attractive feature. This way you can create interesting design, capable of expanding the possibilities of the environment. Of course, for a small living room two sofas are an inappropriate solution, but for a spacious hall such a placement plan will be the most the best option. In our article we will tell you how to place two sofas in the living room interior.

When two are better than one

Let's consider in which case you should choose a pair of sofas instead of one.

  1. For spacious room Where there are many doors and windows, it is very difficult to think of a suitable design. Selecting an area for upholstered furniture seems like a task that not everyone can handle. It will be especially difficult for those for whom this room will be central to the entire home and a place leading role which is to ensure relaxation for all family members and their guests. But that's why two sofas will become great solution for such a room. They must be placed in the center so that there is free passage to other parts of the room, as well as to the exit and windows.

  1. Often upholstered furniture used as an item for zoning a room. Using one sofa, which is located on the line of intersection of zones, is not always convenient. The situation may be complicated by the fact that the TV is supposed to be installed opposite. Sofa large sizes will not work, since it can block the passages on the sides, and such a product is not big size will not be able to provide required quantity seats. Using two such pieces of furniture of compact sizes, combined with the dimensions of the room, and installing them perpendicular to each other, you can free up space.

  1. Some designs require the use of symmetry. This technique is very often used in classic interiors, but it will also look good in modern ones. For correct creation the axes usually choose the central object. It could be a fireplace, a TV, a painting or something else. An axis is drawn from it, dividing the room into two parts. The furniture is positioned mirroring each other, and between it is placed coffee table. Perfect order in furniture layout will allow you to create an excellent background on which you can advantageously emphasize the disorder of decorative items and chaos in color scheme.

For clear example there are many photos that will give you an idea of ​​how two sofas can be used. In order to completely isolate the area, you can install an armchair next to the sofas, but this will close one of the passages between the furniture.

How to properly place two sofas in one room

A living room with two sofas looks unusual and always attracts attention. But how can you successfully place furniture according to this plan? There are several options:

  1. L-plan. In this scheme, two sofas are installed at right angles. This choice will be the most successful if you want to zone a room or create a separate recreation area.

  1. Parallel placement. This plan involves placing sofas in such a way that they mirror each other. Furniture can be installed both across the room and along it. To create an axis dividing the room into two parts, use an object that is a focal point. IN Lately designers in this role use large mirror. Depending on the area of ​​the room, as well as the size of the furniture, sofas can be installed in the center of the room or against the wall. It is worth noting that they should not be placed too far from each other. Very often a coffee table is placed between the furniture, so the total distance should not exceed 280 cm.
  2. P-plan. This plan overlaps with the previous ones, but includes additional furniture. These can be armchairs, ottomans, couches or ottomans. They are placed using two methods: perpendicular to the sofas or opposite one of them. Visually, this scheme resembles the letter P. With its help, you can create a large number of seats, as well as make the interior of the room more balanced and symmetrical.

  1. Linear placement. This placement involves placing two sofas along one wall. Between them you need to install either a coffee table or a decorative item. It is also popular to use large plant or a tall floor lamp. This arrangement requires a lot of free space along the wall, which is often found in public buildings, but residential premises can also benefit from such placement.

Soft products can be either the same or completely different. They can vary not only in color, but also in shape and style. The main thing is that they are combined with common interior rooms. If your choice fell on two sofas different sizes, then they can be visually adjusted to fit each other by placing a small table or a vase of flowers next to the shorter one.

Using color plans when choosing furniture

When designing your living room plan, keep the room balanced. Both parts must be balanced. It is impossible for one to be empty and the second to seem overloaded. Central part The living room can be highlighted with a rug. He can act as bright accent or have a neutral shade, but it should contrast with the flooring. Don't forget to use a coffee table. It can be one or several - it all depends on what its functional purpose is.

As for upholstery material, it is better to give preference to pastel and neutral tones. Color accents acceptable, but it is better if these are decorative items. When choosing a product, criteria such as quality of materials, comfort and color should be put in the foreground. To choose the right color, it is recommended to refer to color plans; designers turn to them when color design premises. There are five of them:

  • monochrome - here the entire room, as well as the objects in it, are made in the same color, but in different shades, for example beige walls complemented by brown upholstered furniture and color curtains Ivory;
  • neutral - various neutral colors are used in the color scheme. So, against the background of white walls they are installed gray sofas and a black chair;
  • neutral and bright - in bright interior fit furniture in a neutral color, this way you can create color balance and “calm” the room. For example, the walls are painted blue and they use white furniture;
  • bright and neutral - here, on the contrary, the furniture acts as a bright accent for neutral interior. So, light gray walls are combined with bright green furniture;
  • combined - this type of interior is loved by daredevils and creative types; it involves combining various bright colors. For example, red furniture is placed against orange walls, and purple furniture is placed against olive walls.

Pay special attention to decorative pillows, as they are important addition to the sofas. Determine what you want your living room to be - bright and rich or calm and neutral.

The sofa is the item on which the overall atmosphere of the room depends, so pay Special attention his choice. The most quality models are waiting for you in our catalogue.

A living room with two sofas is quite a rare occurrence. In most cases, designers avoid using two large pieces of furniture in one room, especially if it is small. But there are at least a few reasons why putting two sofas in a room is a good idea. good decision and we will tell you about them in this article.

When are two sofas better than one?

  1. If your living room has a lot of windows and doors, then this makes it much more difficult to create suitable design for her, since it will not be very easy to find space for one sofa, let alone several. The situation will be even more complicated if this room is central in your home, where the whole family will gather to relax, watch TV and receive guests. But it is in this case that it is worth considering two sofas in the living room interior. They should be small in size and placed in the center or close to the center of the room - this will allow clear passages to windows and doors.
  2. A popular technique that designers love to use, especially in small apartments, is the zoning of a room through the use of a sofa. Using only one sofa, which is located at the junction of these zones, is not very convenient, especially if it is not possible to mount a TV opposite. And if the upholstered furniture is large, this can close the free passages on the sides. A living room design with two sofas can easily save this situation. Choosing these two pieces of furniture in sizes that will match the size of the room, and placing them perpendicular to each other, will free up space and create unique design for your living room.

  1. There are times when a room needs symmetrical balance. This technique is used in classical and modern interiors. To create perfect symmetry, you need to place two sofas in the room along an axis that should extend from the compositional center. This layout will look very good in any interior style, because mirrored furniture in the center of the living room will create a background with in perfect order, which will allow you to experiment with the rest of the room’s decor.

Arrangement of two sofas in one room

A room with two sofas always looks interesting and unusual, but how to place these pieces of furniture? There are several options:

  1. L-format. This arrangement plan involves installing sofas at right angles. This layout is ideal if you want to separate the living room from other rooms. Also this great way zoning.

  1. Parallel arrangement. In this case, the location of the sofas should be mirror each other, along the axis of symmetry. In most cases, a TV or fireplace is used as a focal point, but designers do not stop there; a large mirror, a window or a catchy painting can also occupy this place. For such a scheme, the arrangement of sofas can be across the room or along it. Depending on the design of the room and its size, upholstered furniture can be located against the wall or closer to the center. Please note that these pieces of furniture should not be placed too far from each other - this may create discomfort. The distance between mirrored sofas should be approximately 120-140 centimeters, do not forget to include the size of the coffee table - with it no more than 280 centimeters.
  2. P-format. This layout plan is similar to the previous ones, but includes additional chairs or couches. They can be located either perpendicular to the sofas or opposite one of them. Visually, this scheme is similar to the letter P. This format allows you to create symmetry, balance the interior of the room and create extra seating.
  3. Linear placement. This is when two sofas in a room are located along one wall. A coffee table or other decorative item is most often placed between them, for example, big flower or a tall floor lamp. This scheme is most often used in interior design for foyers. public buildings, but it can also be used in residential areas, the main thing is to add decorative details that will help create cozy atmosphere.

Ways to play up two sofas and color plans

If you still decide to use two sofas in your living room, then remember that they should not be absolutely identical. Their style, size and even color may differ from each other, but do not forget, whatever their differences, they must be in harmony with the surrounding stop. In order to visually equalize the size of the sofas, you can add a small table or chair next to the shorter one. When designing a living room plan, pay attention to the balance of the entire room, balancing all its parts. One part should not be overloaded, and the second should not look empty. To highlight the center of the living room, where the sofas are located, you can place a rug under them. It can be bright or neutral, but it must fit into the interior and contrast with the flooring. Coffee tables can be a great addition, as placing one in the center of the room may not be enough. They can be placed on the side of sofas or between them. When choosing the color of sofas, it is recommended to focus on light, pastel and neutral shades, but depending on the design of the room, you can add bright armchairs or use eye-catching decorative items.

When buying upholstered furniture, you should pay attention to three important things: comfort, quality and color. Designers identify five main color plans that will allow you to correctly combine the furniture with the rest of the room.

  • Monochrome. In this interior, the sofa and walls are made in the same color, but in different shades. For example, if the walls are painted beige color, then the sofa is upholstered in brown, and the lilac walls complement purple furniture and so on.

  • Neutral. The walls and sofa have neutral shades, but they can be different. For example, to gray walls you can add pale blue furniture or the timeless classic - white walls and a black sofa.
  • Neutral and bright. In this case, designers choose upholstered furniture in neutral shade, but they place it in a bright interior, which will balance it and create color balance.
  • Bright and neutral. This design, on the contrary, is characterized by the use of bright sofa upholstery and neutral wall colors. This will add a splash of color to a monochromatic and boring interior.
  • Combined. A catchy and rich sofa is added to bright walls. In order to use this option, you need to clearly understand the combination of colors and their shades. Purple walls and dark green furniture will look good or blue sofa against a red background.

Each of these options can be supplemented decorative pillows who can become link between all the colors and the overall decor of the room. Think about how you want your sofa to look - calm and neutral or bright and catchy. For individuals, those who love comfort and relaxation, the first two options are suitable, and for creative people who don’t like to sit still, the remaining three will be ideal solution. Please note that the combined plan is the most difficult to implement, so it is better to consult with a specialist before choosing it.

Remember that the sofa plays an important role in creating comfort and coziness in the apartment, so you need to be very careful when choosing it, especially if you plan to use more than one such piece of furniture. In order for it to serve you for a long time, choose high-quality upholstery and do not be lazy to care for it.

We hope this article answered all your questions and helped you understand that two sofas in the living room interior are not only a great opportunity create a unique room design, but also double comfort for your whole family.

When arranging a living room, you need to take into account many factors: the size, shape of the room and its lighting. It is also important how much time a person spends in the house and how often guests come here. Having drawn up a portrait of the room, you can begin to select color variations, furniture and other interior elements for it.

Since the living room is the center of the house, it needs to be decorated in such a way that absolutely all family members feel comfortable here. Soft sofa- a must-have object for this room, since you can sit comfortably on it with a book, watch TV and talk with household members while playing Board games. If you want to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the living room, we recommend paying attention to the interior with two sofas. A pair of sofas in the interior creates a soft effect and encourages people to communicate.

The advantages of this design move are as follows:

  • the mobility of two small sofas allows you to frequently rearrange them, thereby updating the room each time;
  • a room with two sofas is visually more spacious than if there was one large sofa in the same living room;
  • interlocutors sitting on different sofas, it is more comfortable to communicate, their personal space is not violated, which means communication will take place more openly and naturally;
  • two sofas will add more comfort to the room;
  • with their help it is easy to zone a room, which is very convenient.

Two sofas will fit well into any interior style.

Requirements for a room to accommodate a pair of sofas

Having assessed all the advantages of placing two sofas in the living room, you need to take a critical look at the available space, because they will not be appropriate everywhere.

Firstly, the room must be large enough so that, in addition to furniture, you can place other objects there and still move freely.

Secondly, maximum room lighting. It is desirable that it be natural light, but if this is not possible, then at least provide sufficient quantity lighting devices.

Two sofas in the interior of the living room - placement rules

  • Parallel arrangement. Two small sofas of the same size, standing opposite each other, are practically a classic of the genre. When experimenting with the interior, you can try using furniture of different sizes.
  • Corner or L-shaped. The sofas are moved so that their sides touch or almost touch each other. Very convenient solution, since the furniture visually does not take up much space, there remains significant space for passage or arrangement of other interior items, and people sitting on the sofas feel free and comfortable.
  • U-shaped arrangement. By adding an ottoman or an armchair to the composition, you can depict the conventional letter P with furniture. Thus, a certain limited space, a kind of comfort zone, separated from the rest of the room.
  • Arranging in a line will allow everyone sitting to look in one direction, for example, at a fireplace or a picture. At the same time, there will be a lot of space in the room, and even a table located between the sofas will not interfere with the passage, thanks to which you can lay a luxurious silk carpet in the center of the room, as a decoration and the pride of the house.
  • Place your backs facing each other. The most creative solution, which is not suitable for everyone. Such a combination of sofas in the living room will allow you to zone the room, turning some people sitting, for example, towards the TV, and others away from it, towards the table. This option is ideal for spacious studio apartments where there are no walls separating the living room from the dining room.

The location of the sofas relative to the walls and center of the room

Many people are used to seeing sofas under the walls. Of course, this is convenient, because then you can put a table in the center or not clutter it up at all. This “under the wall” option is suitable for all types of arrangements mentioned above, except for “back to back”.

A more interesting design for a living room with two sofas is to place the furniture in the center of the room. If at the same time it seems that there will be no room to walk in the living room, then remember all that space under the walls that remains free. Visually, thanks to the sofas in the center, it will be possible to create a comfort zone for conversations and watching movies. In addition, this arrangement greatly facilitates the cleaning process.

Lined sofas fit well under the windows; this option will appeal to those who like to read, wrapped in a blanket, or do handicrafts (knitting, embroidering, drawing, etc.).

Rules for choosing sofas in a pair

  • Traditionally, sofas of the same color and upholstery material are selected, or a set of two sofas for the living room, which are absolutely identical models. Such furniture allows you to create classic interiors, and with the help of various additional accessories (capes, pillows, etc.), you can change their color and style if desired.
  • The color of the sofas is selected either to match the overall color range of the interior, or in contrasting shades. The first option is a classic, the second is suitable for daredevil experimenters.
  • The most interesting and most difficult thing is choosing two different sofas for one room. Such a move can only be done professional designers or those who have a well-developed sense of style. If you are not sure about the choice, then it is better to leave these bold decisions, otherwise you will get not creativity in your living room, but interior nonsense.

Photo - two sofas in the interior

Among the additional furniture that will fit well with two sofas and at the same time will not load the space, you can highlight tables, ottomans, and footstools. It is worth noting that when talking about tables, we mean not only the magazine models that are traditionally placed in front of the sofa. You can also use small bedside tables, on which it will be convenient to place a cup or place a book.

In a room where there are two sofas, a small couch or armchair would also come in handy. This is another place for people and an interesting interior addition that allows you to create compositions from furniture.

Home textiles also play an important role. A variety of pillows, matched to the walls or furniture itself, and bedspreads will help create the desired atmosphere of celebration or quiet comfort.

It is ideal to install additional ones near the sofas. lighting in the form of floor lamps, sconces or table lamps. They will complete the created interior composition.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at e-mail: ls@site
P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what is available and navigate your choice.

You can’t put two sofas in a small living room, they simply won’t fit there, but if your room is quite spacious, for example, in a private house or in a modern large apartment, then one sofa simply won’t do. How to create a relaxation area in this room so that it is cozy, comfortable, so that all guests can find a place to their liking, and your whole family can comfortably settle here in the evening? An alternative is to use 2 sofas, identical or different, and today we will look at how you can arrange them.

Two sofas in a large living room in a private house

Modern interior design increasingly suggests the use of two sofas in the living room. This is a more compact and mobile option, which may be especially important for non-standard or small room sizes. The second reason for this design solution is a large number in various ways arrangement of sofas, which allows you to show your imagination and create a unique image of your living room. Well, the third, psychological argument: a living room with two sofas seems more open for communication, more hospitable and cozy.

Living room design with two identical sofas

How to place two sofas in the living room

  1. If your living room has a lot of windows or doors, it can be difficult to position a large sofa without obstructing your view or movement. Two small sofas can be moved to the center of the room, thereby freeing up access to windows and doors.
  2. If you want to delimit the space of a room, create separate zones. A big sofa when zoning, it reduces the space for passage, and one small sofa does not provide enough space to accommodate guests.
  3. To create a symmetry effect in the interior, two sofas located opposite each other are enough, then other interior details of the room can be arranged in any order.
    Options for arranging two sofas.

Two sofas opposite each other in the library - a cozy place for reading

How to put two sofas in the living room

If there is a lot of space, and you don’t know how to place 2 sofas in your living room so that you get a cozy place to relax, use the tips and arrangement schemes that we will discuss below. By the way, you can also place 3 sofas in the living room or complement this set with one or two armchairs.

Corner location

Most often used when zoning a room, as it allows you to highlight a communication and relaxation area in the living room. It is possible to use such an arrangement in a room with a non-standard perimeter or the presence of corner projections.

Corner arrangement of double sofas in the living room on the second floor

Parallel arrangement

In this case, the sofas are installed symmetrically to each other. They can be turned with their faces or their backs touching. In the first option, a TV, fireplace, window or painting is located in the center of the entire composition. The parallel arrangement of sofas connected by backs is used for zoning and divides the room into two separate zones. With this installation, sofas can be positioned either across the room or along it, adjacent to the walls or pulled out to the center of the living room.

Parallel arrangement: 2 white sofas in a snow-white living room

U-shaped arrangement

It may consist of a corner or parallel arrangement, complemented by soft chairs or a couch. In the case of a corner arrangement, additional furniture is installed parallel to one of the sofas. When arranged in parallel, it is placed perpendicular to both sofas, forming the letter P. This option is ideal for zoning large rooms and is indispensable for increasing the number of seats in the living room.

U-shaped arrangement of two sofas and two armchairs in a bright living room

Linear arrangement

With a linear arrangement, both sofas are installed along one wall. This method is used quite rarely, most often in long and narrow rooms.

An example of a linear arrangement of straight and corner sofa in the living room

In order to combine 2 sofas into one group, it is good to use sofa cushions in a single color scheme that matches or contrasts with the upholstery.

To create more coziness, you can add several small corner or side tables in between the sofas or near each of them.

Beautiful white living room design with two sofas opposite each other

If you've been using sofas to define separate areas in your living room, accentuate the effect by adding an area rug that's a contrasting color but matches the color of your sofas.

Sofas play a major role in creating a cozy and comfortable living room, so when choosing them you need to pay attention not only to size and color, but also to the quality of upholstery and fixtures, availability additional functions(places for storing things, possibilities for various transformations).

Photos of living rooms with two sofas

We can talk for a long time about how exactly to place 2 sofas in the living room, whether they should be the same or different, light or dark, leather or with covers. But it would be best to look at design examples of real living rooms with 2 sofas.

Parallel arrangement of two sofas in the living room with fireplace
Corner and straight sofa - a combination for a spacious living room
Dark coffee table between two white sofas
Snow-white living room with 2 sofas and a round coffee table
Design of a dark living room with a fireplace and 2 sofas
Interior of a snow-white living room with two luxurious sofas
Two sofas in the living room: top view and placement example
How to arrange two sofas in the living room - design idea
An example of how to put two brown sofas in the spacious living room
Beautiful view of the street: living room with 2 sofas and panoramic window
Another example of a white living room with two sofas and two armchairs
A cozy place to relax: a couple of sofas and a couple of armchairs opposite
A pair of sofas in the living room opposite each other
Beautiful living room with fireplace and two gray sofas