What to do if the sewerage and water supply systems in a private home are frozen? Frozen sewer pipe: rescue plan Frozen sewer pipe

The problem of frozen sewerage is, unfortunately, not so rare. Therefore, the question of how to defrost a sewer pipe is often asked. To answer it, you need to understand the reasons for the formation ice jam. And they mostly relate to purely technical features construction of the sewer system. Namely:

  • the slope of the pipe was chosen incorrectly; optimally for sewerage it is 2-3 mm per 1 linear meter;
  • a large number of bends and elbows of the route;
  • the sewer network was laid above the ground freezing level and poorly insulated;
  • pipes of smaller diameter were installed, which reduced their throughput.

Even the presence of one of these reasons immediately becomes a problem, which will be determined by the question: the sewer is frozen - what to do?

Frozen sewer

In fact, what can be done, in what ways can defrost the sewer be carried out. Basically, there are not many options. The whole point is that sewer system usually laid deep underground; getting to it in winter by digging through frozen ground is not the easiest problem. But if there is no other way out, then you will have to dig.

However, it should be noted that you can only work with an open sewer pipe if it is made of metal. But before you defrost the sewer, you need to determine where the ice plug is forming. This can be done very simply.

  • A hose or wire is used for this.
  • One of these products must be pushed into the sewer line from the side of the house from the first inspection window or inspection well.
  • As soon as the wire rests against something solid, it means that there is an obstacle in front of it. Perhaps this is an ice jam.
  • To check this and be one hundred percent sure, it is necessary to perform the same action on the side of the septic tank. That is, a hose or wire is inserted into the open pipe and pushed all the way.
  • Now, on both sides, using the same wire, you need to mark the distances along the line of laying the sewer pipe. If they converge in one area, then this is a guarantee that the ice plug is located exactly here.

If there is a viewing well in the same area, this simplifies the process of defrosting the sewer system. Access to the traffic jam is simply reduced.

Forgot to insulate

Heating of metal pipes

So, the location of the ice plug has been determined, now you can dig a hole or trench all the way to the pipe. Typically, metal pipes for a sewerage system are cast iron samples with socket connection system. We got to the track, now we can defrost it.

The simplest and effective option- This is to pick up a blowtorch, light it and walk along the pipe. If it is not available, then you can make a fire on the spot. Some even suggest connecting both sides of the pipeline electricity, on one side there is phase, on the other there is zero. This is unlikely to help, although purely theoretically this option should work.

A metal pipe can be heated with a burner

Heating of plastic pipes

Fortunately, plastic pipes have almost completely replaced steel pipes in the sewerage system. They are very smooth inner surface, which guarantees high permeability of sewage drains. But, as mentioned above, improper installation of pipes can lead to the formation of an ice plug. Therefore, we will deal with the question of how to heat sewerage from PVC pipes?

As in the first case, it is necessary to find the exact location of the frozen drains. That is, you need to do all the manipulations with the wire or hose. There is no need to dig anything, any action on the plastic of high temperature, and especially open fire, will lead to its melting, accordingly the pipes will lose their integrity and become covered with holes. That is, there can be no talk about the tightness of the sewer system.

Steam defrosting

It is necessary to influence the ice plug from inside the pipeline hot water or ferry. To do this, you first need to determine the distance from the septic tank to the plug. If it is large, then it is better to use water; if it is small (up to 5 m), then steam can be used. In any case, you need to prepare, that is, collect a large volume of hot water, for example, it could be a barrel placed on a fire. If steam is used, you will have to install a low-power steam generator. The first option is both simpler and more reliable.

So, a hose is inserted into the sewer pipe from the side of the septic tank until it stops. A funnel is installed at its other end. The higher it is installed, the better, but even the level above the ground will be sufficient to deliver hot water to the place of demand. Now you just need to pour heated water into the funnel. She will reach the ice through the hose and begin to melt it. In this case, the defrosted wastewater will flow by gravity through the pipe into the septic tank. This is why it is important that the hose is inserted from the side of the septic tank.

Of course, if the distance from the collection well to the plug is large, then it is probably easier to fill the hot water from the side of the house. But here a problem arises related to pumping out the melted wastewater. After all, they will collect above the plug, remaining in the sewer pipe itself. It's good if the ice blockage is not very large. Hot water will gradually melt it, and all the wastewater, along with pieces of ice, will fall further down the pipe, and from there into the septic tank. What if the plug is big, if it’s frozen sewage pipe(large area) – what to do in this case? How to pump out defrosted sewage?

Pouring hot water into a sewer pipe

In principle, there is only one option. Install a sump pump and turn it on periodically. That is, you will have to insert another hose from the pump into the sewer pipe. How do you know when to turn on the pumping device? As soon as water appears from the hose input side, you can turn it on.

Alternative solution

There is another option. It is simpler, but not as effective as defrosting with hot water or steam. To do this, you can use a hair dryer (construction or household). It is simply inserted into the end of the pipe from the septic tank side and turned on. Hot air penetrates the pipeline, filling it with itself. Having reached the ice plug, he begins to thaw it. This process is not quick; it will take several hours until the entire ice jam melts.

Conclusion on the topic

So, what should you pay attention to before defrosting a plastic or metal sewer pipe? First of all, you need to decide on the size of the plug. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to cope with. But we can cope. The most important thing is that obvious defrosting methods cannot always be used immediately. It’s worth considering whether it’s worth all the effort to use this particular technology. Maybe there is an easier way? Or maybe you shouldn’t tinker with the sewer yourself, maybe it’s better to call specialists.

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The underground sewer in a private house is frozen, what should I do?

Freezing of sewerage in a private house is a real problem, which leads to the impossibility of using drainage in Everyday life. It needs to be resolved promptly in order to prevent more serious consequences and considerable financial costs.

Among the main reasons for the formation of ice jams are:

  • incorrect installation sewer drain in a private house;
  • Availability ;
  • shallow depth of sewer pipes;
  • lack of insulation on drainpipes;

Sewage system for a private house

  • low slope of the sewer system, which does not provide rapid drainage of liquid into cesspool;
  • the appearance of cracks that allow water to penetrate into the soil.

There are several effective ways to combat freezing sewer pipes:

  1. Filling with hot water (with added salt).
  2. Heating the pipe with a gas lamp (soldering iron).
  3. Heating with a steam generating device.
  4. Use of external heat sources (heat pump, electric defrost, self-heating cables).

Advice. Before you start defrosting the sewer, you need to determine the possible location of the ice blockage. This will allow you to select effective way dealing with trouble.

The simplest and most common method of removing ice is hot water with salt. Using such a mixture only makes sense when the frozen plug is located close to the drain itself. Otherwise, it will be ineffective, since it will have time to cool down before it passes through the problem area in the sewer.

A blowtorch will help emergency defrosting sewer

The second defrosting method is a blowtorch (gas torch). It quickly heats up a frozen area, but is only used for heating metal pipes. Although this device has high efficiency, its use is not always convenient and advisable, since it requires direct contact with the place where the ice plug forms (in winter time It's not very easy to dig a trench in frozen ground).

Defrosting the sewer system using a steam generator is the third way to deal with ice in the pipeline. It is used to defrost plastic pipes. It is quite effective, but not every householder can afford to buy such expensive equipment.

Defrosting using a steam generator

The principle of using a steam generator:

  • launch it;
  • the tube is placed in the sewer pipe and pushed until it hits the ice;
  • move it along the drain pipe as the ice disappears.

The steam generator not only helps remove ice jams, but also helps clean pipes from contaminants.

External methods of combating freezing

  • heat gun;
  • electric defrost;
  • self-heating cables.

Hot air from the heat pump will help quickly defrost the problem area, as will self-heating cables that are installed under the sewer pipes (during their installation).

Insulation of sewer pipes

To prevent pipes from freezing in the future, the homeowner must take preventive measures. Among them are:

  • pipeline insulation;
  • installation of a heating electrical cable.

These measures will prevent the occurrence of similar troubles in the future, as well as quickly eliminate the ice plug if it forms in the sewer pipe.

How to defrost sewer pipes: video

In regions with a cold climate, unfortunately, the impact of frost on highways for various purposes is a harsh reality. Naturally, the process of reliable thermal insulation and accident prevention is of paramount importance. However, you should be prepared to eliminate unpleasant consequences.

It is clear that if, as a result of a frozen sewer pipe, it also bursts, it will have to be replaced. But in many cases, you can get by with less radical measures. Which ones - later in the article.

Consequences of “frost” exposure

If, under the influence of unfavorable weather conditions, an ice plug has formed in a sewer pipe, the sequence of actions will depend on several factors:

  • Places of education
  • Cork sizes
  • Type of sewer system and its geometry
  • Method of laying it
  • Pipe material
  • Availability of special equipment
  • Current air temperature at the work site

Typically in problem areas external sewerage. Anomalies arise in case of non-compliance with established slopes, poor thermal insulation, or insufficient depth of communications.

Important information!

According to regulatory documents, external sewer networks can only be laid underground method, at a depth calculated using special climate maps with indicated zones of soil freezing depth.

A little theory

The sewage drain is discharged into a septic tank - homemade or factory-made, or into a cesspool, or into a central collector. As a rule, if autonomous system installed correctly - it cannot freeze, because from fermentation inside the wastewater receiver, heat rises through the pipe and maintains a positive temperature in it (naturally, the receiver must be insulated, otherwise there will be no fermentation).

And if the water in the sewer pipe freezes, something is wrong in the system as a whole, and with the thermal insulation of the pipes in particular. Be that as it may, you will have to deal with the release of the drainage system into the drain.

The sewerage system has a slope from consumer devices, such as a sink or toilet, towards the outlet. Accordingly, the ice in the pipe should be melted in such a way that the resulting water follows this slope.

Accordingly, the work begins from a septic tank or well, in which there is no flow of wastewater - which means that the plug is in the pipeline leading to it.

Why does work need to start from the release side?

  1. Internal wiring of a building, especially cast iron or ceramic pipes, can be mounted “tightly”, and trying to get to the plug through it will be tantamount to a complete reinstallation of the sewerage system
  2. The main sign by which it is usually determined that a sewer pipe is frozen is the lack of drainage in plumbing fixtures. But - the entire system up to the ice plug will be filled with these drains, and they will have to be pumped out, which is not an easy task
  3. No matter how the ice is melted, if it is done from the inside out, the melted water will accumulate in the upper part of the pipe, and it will also have to be constantly pumped out

Let's move on to practice

There are two main ways to eliminate ice jams: thermal and chemical, which is much less common and effective.

Chemical method

Its simplest variety is preparing a brine solution based on boiling water, and pouring it from a cleaning or other hole in the room into a frozen system. IN Lately salt is replaced various reagents, which are used to clear ice from sidewalks.

However, this method has very low efficiency. It's one thing thin layer ice on the surface of the earth, which after processing is mixed with feet and tires, and another - a dense ice cylinder. If the plug is located far enough from where the solution is poured, the water will cool and lose all effectiveness.

Thermal method

A more common option is to supply heat to the place where the water freezes.. To do this, you can use an electric U-shaped heating element with connected insulated wires. It is pushed to the place where the jam occurs using metal-plastic pipe or other similar device.

As the pipe defrosts, the device is moved further, and so on, until the entire plug has melted. A relatively small gap in the upper part of the pipe is enough, which will be indicated by the flow of accumulated waste through the pipe - and then you can start pouring copious amounts of boiling water.

If it is possible to open the trench where the pipe lies, they do so, and heat the pipe from the outside with electric heaters, hair dryers, blowtorch.

The main thing, if the pipe is plastic, is to ensure that its walls are not exposed to too much heat– this applies to both external and internal method defrosting.

An alternative option, if funds allow, is to call the emergency water utility service, which can carry out the operation using a steam generator with a rigid rubber hose.

A sewerage system that is built according to all the rules cannot freeze in winter. After all, the wastewater does not stagnate, and at the outlet it has room temperature. However, due to installation errors, freezing of the system still occurs. The formation of ice in pipes interferes with the normal flow of sewage and is simply annoying. Therefore, immediate elimination of the problem is necessary. We will find out further how to defrost the sewer system without turning to specialists.

First, find out the cause of the ice blockage. Perhaps in the future (spring, summer) the sewer system will have to be redone. Otherwise on next year in cold weather you will again encounter this problem. The main disadvantages of pipe installation include:
  • The sewer pipes are of insufficient diameter.
  • A small slope of the pipe, as a result, sewage flows out at low speed and gradually freezes. There is a risk that the ice plug will stretch the entire length of the pipe.
  • Failure to comply with freezing depth. Such a sewer system will need to be redone, otherwise you will not be able to use it in frosty weather.
  • Sufficient insulation is not provided.
  • Presence of blockage.
  • Failure to properly drain the septic tank.
  • Small faucet leaks lead to ice freezing in front of the septic tank, which in the future leads to a traffic jam.
If the pipe is metal and the plug is in an accessible place, then it is heated with a blowtorch or gas burner. Remember that you cannot sharply heat a place where there is ice. Cast iron pipes heat from bottom to top. Open warm water so that melt water escapes from the system. Follow the rules for using the burner and blowtorch. Again, with the help of heating, it is not difficult to defrost a metal pipe with ordinary welding machine. This will require access to both ends of the frozen pipe. We put terminals on them and turn on the device. The pipe will begin to heat up, and the ice will melt accordingly. The process is long, please be patient. Plastic pipes You cannot heat using the methods described above. For such sewerage, defrosting with hot water is suitable. Moreover, simply pouring boiling water into a pipe is not always effective. If the plug is far away, then the water will cool down; before reaching it, the ice will not melt. Hot water must be supplied specifically to the frozen area in the pipe. To reach this place, a hose with a smaller diameter is supplied there. A large watering can (Esmarch's mug) is placed on the free end, into which boiling water is poured. Immediately place a container for drainage, as sewage from the pipe will move backward until the plug melts. It’s great if you have a boiler, in which case we put the hose on the tap. There should be enough hot water in the water heater to defrost the sewer system. The steam generator copes well with ice. Certainly, this deviceexpensive pleasure, but it is very effective in clearing traffic jams. Firstly, the steam generator is easy to use. It is enough to insert the steam line all the way into the obstacle inside the pipe, turn on the electrical appliance and wait for the ice to thaw. Secondly, the device is practically safe to use. If the ice plug is small and the pipe is not long, then you can defrost it with hot water and salt. Namely: pour salt into the drain and supply a stream of hot water there. Within an hour the ice will melt. Unfortunately, there are times when it is not possible to defrost a pipe due to its complete freezing and poor access to the sewer system. This is possible with a small slope and shallow laying depth. Only reworking the system and insulating the pipe will help here.

The sewer pipes are frozen. Common situation! It would seem that she has no place in reality. Judge for yourself: wastewater the house is at least at room temperature; the liquid does not stagnate in the pipeline; it enters the sump. For the sewer system to freeze in a private home, several unfavorable factors must coincide. Errors in design or installation can lead to a similar result. What to do if the sewage system is frozen and what reasons had such a detrimental effect on its condition, you will learn from the following material.

Let's look at the most common reasons for the formation of ice jams:

  1. Application of small diameter pipes or their installation at a slight slope. In both cases, the drains will move slowly. Gradually they will accumulate in the pipeline, and in frosty conditions they will freeze. As a result, a long ice plug forms.
  2. Small leaks. In a private home, the valve in the toilet cistern may also malfunction, or the tap in the kitchen or bathroom may leak. The amount of water entering the pipes will be minimal, so it will freeze before reaching the septic tank. Rows of ice layers form a plug.
  3. Lack of insulation. Pipes can be insulated with basalt thermal insulation or waterproofed rolled glass wool, but the ideal means of protection would be a special polystyrene foam insulation. It is divided into several parts. These elements must fit tightly around the pipes.

Important! The temperature of the water is equally important as its quantity. Even the most insulated pipeline runs the risk of freezing due to liquid leaks.

  1. Violation of drainage. If drainage pipes are not laid very deep or the filtration fields are located on small area, water will not come out of the septic tank. It will overflow and liquid will accumulate in the pipes. The situation will only be resolved with warming, and until then the contents of the septic tank will have to be periodically removed.
  2. Blockage. In this case, you will have to work hard not only on defrosting the pipes, but also on cleaning them.

Important! There is a popular opinion that during severe frosts To protect the pipeline from freezing, you need to run a thin stream of water from the tap. As can be seen from the above, such a measure will lead exclusively to disastrous results. Moreover, under the influence low temperatures external environment the pipeline begins to freeze from the walls.

Ways to solve the problem

The easiest way, of course, is to use the services of plumbers. They often encounter ice jams and undoubtedly know how to remove them. Most often, specialists use steam generators. Using hoses they will supply steam to problem area and they can warm it up.

Defrosting sewer pipes can be done independently. To do this, you need to find answers to a couple of questions:

  • Where exactly is the plug located?
  • What is its length?

The information will help determine optimal method warming up

Using hot water

An extremely simple method is used to warm small frozen areas: pour hot water along with salt into the sewer. The liquid will gradually defrost the plug.

Positive aspects of this technique:

  • Efficiency;
  • Availability of necessary funds;
  • Ease of execution;
  • Versatility (suitable for both metal and plastic pipes);
  • No additional equipment needed.

Negative sides:

  • The remedies only work under certain conditions. The plug should be small and located close enough. Otherwise, the water will cool down before it can have any positive effect.

Use of a blowtorch

For this method, the location of the ice plug is not important, the main thing is that the pipes are metal, since plastic will not withstand heating. The frozen section of the pipeline is heated from the outside. In a private house, to carry out these manipulations you need to dig a trench. As the pipe is gradually heated, the ice will melt.

The advantages of this method:

  • High efficiency;
  • Elimination of traffic jams of any size, regardless of location;
  • Easy to do.
  • Mandatory trench digging;
  • Exclusively for external use;
  • Work only with metal pipes.

Steam heating

Plastic pipes cannot be heated by open fire for natural reasons. A steam generator is suitable for this purpose. How to work with it?

  1. Water is poured into the steam generator.
  2. Then a hose with a nozzle is inserted into the pipe. It should rest against the ice plug.
  3. Turn on the unit.
  4. The cork will melt. The hose is moved forward until it completely disappears.
  • Safety;
  • Simplicity (to warm the pipes there is no need to dig trenches at all);
  • Efficiency.
  • High cost of equipment.

Important! Hydrodynamic flushing refers to the varieties of this technique. The process uses units that supply hot water under pressure. In this way, it is possible to remove both the plug and blockages, as well as check the pipes for damage.

Electrical defrosting

The method is only suitable for open metal pipeline. Terminals are fixed along the edges of the frozen area. After applying electricity, they heat the metal, causing the ice to melt. Alternatively, you can install a self-heating cable - the result will be similar.

Important! You can warm up a section of the pipe located above the ground by pouring hot water on it from above.

Preventive measures

In order not to freeze in the winter, defrosting the pipeline, you need to do preventive maintenance in the summer. To do this, you should insulate the pipes with thermal insulation, although you can also use a heating cable. What else needs to be done? In winter, it is enough to periodically pour boiling water into the water supply.