Saint Apollinaria: life, icon, prayers. Prayer to Saint Apollinaria

Name Polina different times attracted girls' parents with its euphony, evoking peace and tranquility. Being quite old, it never disappeared from use.

The history of its origin is quite contradictory. Some experts believe that Polina is a complete independent name, since the Greek “poly” means “many”. Therefore, Polina is “meaningful.” Others attribute the name to derivatives of the French Paulina (Peacock), that is, “small,” and still others agree that Polina is a shortened form of Apollonia or Apollinaria. In the Russian version, the colloquial Polinaria is more common, which is translated from Greek as “liberated.”

Although over the centuries-old history of the church calendar the list of names has expanded significantly, neither Polina, nor Paulina, nor Apollonia, nor Polinaria are on it. The fact is that Polina in Rus' was called Apollinaria or Pelageya. It is these names that are in the calendar. If the girl is still too young to make her own choice at baptism, then the parents will have to decide. Both names are of Greek origin and have enormous internal energy.

Apollinaria – dedicated to Apollo

Since the name comes from the golden-haired Sun God - Apollo, and Apollinaris means belonging to Apollo, Apollinaria can also be interpreted as “belonging to Apollo”, “solar”. Apollinaria, as a rule, does not have a meek disposition, which is often predicted for a girl named Polina. As a child, she is cheerful and responsive, loves to participate in the affairs of adults and expects praise and recognition of her merits from them. In adulthood, she is a woman of high intelligence, hardworking and devoted to her work and family. By temperament type - choleric. Touchy, but not vindictive. Doesn't tolerate pressure.

If during the baptismal ceremony Polina is named Apollinaria, then she will be patronized by:
- Saint Apollinaria, whose feast day falls on April 4;
- holy martyr Apollinaria (Tupitsina), sentenced to death on October 13, 1937 for belonging to a church group;
- Venerable Apollinaria, who was the daughter of Anthemius, ruler of the Greek Empire. For a long time she hid under a man's monastic robe and bore the name Dorotheus. Saint Remembrance Day is celebrated on the eve of Epiphany, January 18.

Pelageya - “sea”

The name owes its appearance to the Greek Pelagios, which in the female version sounds like Pelagia - “sea”. It is identical to Marina, which is of Latin origin. Perhaps Polina and Pelageya may not seem like ideally consonant names to some, but in Christianity Polina is often baptized with the name Pelageya. In addition, the names of revered holy martyrs and venerable martyrs with this name abound:
- On April 5, the holy martyr Pelagia is venerated;
- May 17 - Pelagia of Tarsus;
- June 26 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Zhidko);
- June 30 - Pelagia (Balakireva);
- October 21 - holy martyr Pelagia of Antioch, who was a student of the hieromartyr Lucian of Antioch, and Pelagia of Antioch of Palestine;
- November 3 - Venerable Martyr Pelagia (Testova);
- February 12 - Pelagia Diveevskaya.

Despite the fact that others “hear” balance in the gentle name Polina, women who wear it often have a choleric character and are unable to restrain internal tension for a long time. The girl, named Pelageya, is phlegmatic at first glance, but with age her tolerance also comes to an end. “Sunny” or “sea” Polina is decent, modest, but impulsive.


  • The meaning of the name Polina
  • Polina - on behalf of Apollinaria
  • The meaning of the name Pelageya
  • What if a person does not know what name he was baptized with?

Vladimir I, the youngest son of Svyatoslav, is called the Red Sun in epics. As the Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kyiv, he strengthened the international authority of Rus' and introduced Christianity as the state religion. Vladimir Svyatoslavich was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich before the baptism of Rus'

Old Russian chronicles did not convey to us the date of birth of Prince Vladimir. It is only known that in 969, after the death of Olga, Svyatoslav distributed the lands to his sons, and the youngest, Vladimir, got Novgorod.

During the division of lands, Svyatoslav gave Kyiv to Yaropolk, and to Oleg the Drevlyan land, which was located in Ukrainian Polesie (in the west of the Kyiv and Zhitomir regions).

Soon enmity flared up between the descendants of Svyatoslav. In the struggle between the Kyiv, Drevlyan and Novgorod princes, Vladimir won, and began to develop the Russian land.

He installed his governors in the cities, carried out a religious campaign, erecting pagan temples in Kyiv and Novgorod, and in 981-985 he led successful wars with the Vyatichi, Yatvigs, Radimichi and Volga Bulgars. With his victories he expanded the borders of the Russian principality.

When Rus' was baptized

The most important act of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich was the adoption of Christianity as the state religion Kievan Rus.
At first Vladimir was a pagan. In Kyiv, in front of the prince stood a statue made of wood of the god Perun with a silver head and golden eyes and mustache. Sacrifices were made to this idol.

By the 10th century, Rus' had become a strong feudal state with a very high level of development of trade, crafts and spiritual culture. Raising the state to even greater heights high level required additional consolidation of forces within the country. The adoption of Christianity is of enormous importance for the Russian people.

After the adoption of Christianity, Vladimir streamlined inner life Rus': introduced new laws, replaced blood feud with fines, which were called vira.

First of all, it was established that Rus' belonged to a certain type civilization. In addition, through religion, Rus' joined the highest achievements of the Christian world, which contributed to the formation of new moral values, the spread of writing and the arts.

But in addition to the religious one, the issue of accepting the new faith also had a political side; the Byzantine Emperor Vasily II promised to give his Anna for Vladimir. When he began to evade fulfilling this promise, Vladimir took the Byzantine city of Korsun in Crimea, which he returned to the emperor only after he fulfilled his promise.

The year of the baptism of Rus' is considered to be 988, when Vladimir, and then the people of Kiev, adopted a new religion in Korsun, and pagan temples were destroyed in the city. A year later, Novgorod was baptized, and the adoption of the new faith was accompanied by armed clashes between pagans and Christians. The process of spreading Orthodoxy throughout Russia took many years.

But last decades There is an increasing interest in traditions, including naming children.

What are saints

Saints, month calendar is a kind of calendar of saints. For every day there are several names. It is believed that on a child’s birthday, one of these saints comes down to him and prepares to become his guardian angel. Therefore, it is important that the child’s name corresponds to one of the names of the holy great martyrs of that day.

Throughout the history of Christianity, the calendar has been replenished with new names, but mainly of Greek, Latin, and Jewish origin. Rus' did not have its own saints, since pagans could not become Christian great martyrs. But Old Church Slavonic names nevertheless appear, for example, Lyudmila is even mentioned twice.

How to choose a baptismal name?

The problem is not the simplest, considering that many modern secular names are either not in the calendar, or they are given in their original sound, that is, without translation.

It turns out to be a paradoxical situation when girls named after the most famous great martyrs - Faith, Hope and Love - cannot receive this name at baptism, since they only have their not entirely euphonious Greek originals - Pistis, Elpis and Agape. And only the original name of the mother from Sophia (Wisdom) turned out to be more acceptable as a name.

There is no consensus among clergy on this matter. Some willingly give the child his secular name, others give the name of the nearest saint at baptism, others offer parents a choice of several options that best suit their consonance.

And what should we call Svetlana now?

Svetlana is an Old Slavonic name, which, according to the meaning of “bright” in the calendar, corresponds to Photinia (February 26) or Photina (April 2).


  • How to name a child according to the calendar

Every Orthodox Christian receives the name of the saint in whose honor he was baptized. True, not everyone knows what really happens after this church sacrament a man finds his heavenly patron. One should not confuse a guardian angel and a holy protector, because the latter is called to pray before God for his baptized person, to atone for his future sins. Therefore, all Christian believers must remember and honor the day of their patron.

When can you celebrate a holy holiday?

Determining the date of your own name day is not always so easy, because in the church calendar there are often more than one or two options for the name day of a particular saint. So, Polina can celebrate her birthday on May 14 or October 17, this is the date of veneration of the martyr Pelagia of Tarsus. This virgin was elevated to the rank of saints due to her boundless loyalty to Christ. Having abandoned the pagan faith of her parents, from a rich but sinful life, Pelageya defended her integrity and chose martyrdom in the name of God.

In order to celebrate your angel day, Polina church calendar can find another date, for example, January 18, the time of memory of the Venerable Apollinaria. This saint chose for herself a life of service to the Lord, and, disguised as a man, she lived in the monastery of St. Macarius of Egypt until her death. Her path shows an example of amazing perseverance in achieving her goal, which may serve as another reason to celebrate January 18 as the day of the angel. Polina should not only know the name of her heavenly patron, but also honor his memory and be worthy of him.

According to one version, Apollinaris is a derivative of the name Apollo, the sun god in Greek mythology, translated as “small”.

The question is, when should angel day be? Polina finds out what date it is this way: she is looking for the nearest saint’s feast day from the day she was born. This will be the birthday date.

Some features of the name day holiday

Not everyone knows how to celebrate the day of remembrance of their divine protector. Name day is a spiritual holiday. The hero of the occasion and his relatives remember his deeds, thereby the heavenly protector does not forget about his ward and pray for him.

On the day of the angel, Polina can go to church, confess, take communion, and cleanse her heart and thoughts. You need to visit your godparents. Of course, you can arrange a small banquet with friends. The main thing is not to turn the celebration of the memory of the patron saint into a noisy and drunken feast.

It’s not always and not so easy for everyone to celebrate Angel’s Day - Polina. According to the church calendar, the date may fall during the celebration of Lent, then you need to put the corresponding dishes on your table, and also move the celebration to the weekend.

In our country, the custom of celebrating name days has a long history; hundreds of years ago, Christians considered this holiday one of the most important in life; they honored their spiritual patron with reverence. And although many traditions were forgotten during the Soviet era, in recent decades everything has returned to normal. And the spiritual education of the next generation depends on how we observe this tradition now, what example we show to our children.

A gift for your saint's day of remembrance

The Orthodox holiday also requires a special offering. When going to the birthday girl, you should not present the same thing as for a birthday; first of all, the gift should be for the soul, spiritual enlightenment.

For example, the angel's friend Polina will be delighted if she is presented with an icon of St. Appolinaria or church candles unusual and beautiful shape, holy book, chain.

A good idea is to go to watch an Orthodox movie or listen to the choir.

The meaning of Angel Day for Christians

Children need to be introduced to their heavenly protector as early as possible and explained what it is - the day of an angel. Polina will be glad to see his image, find out what he is famous for, what prayer should be read to him.

In Christianity, a person’s name is not a simple word, it is also a way to communicate with God, therefore previously a baby was named in honor of a saint, whose celebration day is closer to the child’s date of birth, so that he would take the baby under his protection and atone for his sins before God in the future. Today, almost no one is guided by such rules when choosing a name, but the tradition of knowing and remembering one’s heavenly patron has remained to this day.

Martyr Apollinaria (Apollinaria Petrovna Tupitsyna) was born on December 24, 1878 in the village of Shelyubinskaya, Velsky district, Vologda province, into a peasant family. She received her education at a gymnasium in the city of Velsk. She had a brother, Grigory Petrovich. Before the revolution, she worked as a nurse, and after the revolution she began to travel, washing clothes in Moscow and earning a living as a nanny. All free time she gave to the church. She led a strict monastic life. She was known as a healer of bodily ailments. Canonized on May 7, 2003 Council of Bishops Russian Orthodox Church and rehabilitated on July 31, 1989. The false witness, based on whose denunciation the martyr Apollinaria was arrested, testified that he knew her “as a counter-revolutionary person.” He said: “I have known Tupitsyna since 1936, when she gathered a counter-revolutionary group around herself in the Znamenie Church near Krestovskaya Zastava and carried out active anti-Soviet activities. In cases where Tupitsina was approached for healing, she always began anti-Soviet propaganda. I know of cases when Apollinaria, beginning her healings, said that she would not pray until the citizen who turned to her renounced the power of Satan. She told the collective farmers who came to her that they were sick because on the collective farm they were dealing with Satan. When the wife of a policeman came to her about her husband’s leg disease, she said: “I will only pray if God will help you when your husband leaves the police.”
Apollinaria Petrovna was arrested on September 17, 1937 and imprisoned in Butyrka prison in Moscow. The investigator was satisfied with the testimony of false witnesses and did not seek confessions from the arrested woman. On October 8, the NKVD troika sentenced her to death. Apollinaria Petrovna Tupitsyna was shot on October 13, 1937 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow and buried in an unknown common grave. . At the execution range in Butovo from 1937 to 1938. The NKVD killed and buried 20,765 people in mass graves. Including Orthodox bishops, priests, monastics and laity. With their blood they sanctified the local land. In the spring of 1994, the Worship Cross was erected here. On May 19, 2007, the temple was consecrated in the name of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. Every year on the fourth Saturday after Easter, the memory of the Council of New Martyrs is celebrated in Butovo - those who passed through the Russian Golgotha, those through whose prayers Russia is resurrected. People rebuilding the temple in Pizhma believe that the martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna helps them strengthen their Orthodox faith. Born in the neighboring village of Shelyubinskaya to Pezhma, she, of course, visited the Pezhma Epiphany Church for services and in her subsequent life and feat of confession of Christ.

Stone Church of the Epiphany in the village. Pezhma was built in 1806. By 1913 it was overhauled and reconstructed, and in 1993 it was closed by the Soviet authorities. On July 3, 2009, after clearing and installing a temporary altar barrier in the St. Nicholas chapel of the Pezhemsky Epiphany Church, the first service in 76 years was held Divine Liturgy. The service was led by the dean of the Velsk deanery of the Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory diocese, Abbot Anthony (Yavorsky), with concelebrating clergy from the district. The memory of the holy martyr Apollinaria was celebrated in Pezhma for the first time. Since 2009, services to the Holy Martyr Appolinaria are held every year in the Pezhemsky Epiphany Church. Also, services were held on October 13, 2010 in the Church of St. New martyrs and confessors in Butovo (at the Butovo training ground near Moscow). The service was conducted by Archpriest Kirill Kaleda and on October 17, 2011, the service was served by Fr. Dimitry Fesechko. On October 13, 2012, a liturgy was served. Dmitry Fesechko served. Galina Tikhonovna Anufrieva, the great-niece of Appolinaria Petrovna, was present at the services. From year to year the number of worshipers at services increases.

As we learned, relatives of Appolinaria Petrovna are alive - Galina Tikhonovna Anufrieva and her son Georgy Anufriev. Galina Tikhonovna said: “The heart and soul are filled with feelings of sorrow and joy... Sorrow for thousands of innocent people killed on this small piece of land, and joy that, finally, we can touch the place where the remains of our native Apollinaria rest, family legends whose kindness and responsiveness we have heard since childhood. It’s very exciting for us, I can’t even believe that by the grace of God she has been glorified as a holy martyr.”

We asked George if his family turns to the saint with requests? George replied: “Yes, I make requests to Apollinaria and so does my family. We always feel her help, we remember her, she is always with us. I even have an icon of the holy martyr Appolinaria Tupitsina.

In June 2009, the Icon of the Martyr Apollinaria was painted in Moscow with the blessing of the rector of the Church of St. New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Butovo Archpriest Kirill Kaleda in memory of the martyrdom of Apollinaria Tupitsyna. The icon was donated to the rector of the Pezhemsky Epiphany Church, Abbot Anthony (Yavorsky), during the first liturgy in the renovated church - 07/19/2009. The martyr Apollinaria is depicted against the background of two churches: the Pezhemsky Epiphany Church - of which she was a parishioner in her youth (left) and the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and Sts. New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Butovo, which was erected in 2006-07 on the site of the execution of numerous victims political repression, including the new martyrs for the Orthodox faith who suffered. The memory of the martyr Apollinaria unites these two holy places.

The work of Zoya Zenkova, a student at the Novodvinsk Sunday School, was carried out as part of the “Children's Lomonosov Readings”. Head - Kuznetsova Yu.N.

Holy mu-che-ni-tsa Dro-si-da was to-che-ryu im-pe-ra-to-ra Tra-ya-na (98-117), same-sto-to go-ni-te-la chri-sti-an. In 99, he reintroduced the existing law that prohibited secret societies and indirect ka-sav-shiy Christian, and in 104 he passed a special law against Christians. Starting from this year, the government continued until the end of his reign. At that time, the bodies of murdered Christians were often left behind to terrify others. Five maidens-khri-sti-a-nok: Agla-i-da, Apol-li-na-riya, Da-riya, Mam-fu-sa and Ta-i-siya took upon themselves the task God damn it. They are tai-but uno-si-li te-la mu-che-ni-kov, for-ma-zy-va-li their b-go-vo-ni-ya-mi, about-vi-va-li ne -le-na-mi and ho-ro-ni-li. Having learned about this, Tsar-rev-na Dro-si-da, the secret Christian-sti-an-ka, who had not yet received Baptism, asked for the holy virgins take her with you when they go to do the Christian thing. According to the same saint Dro-si-dy, at the court of the sa-nov-ni-ka Adri-a-na, you were near those killed -becoming a guard to seize those who are killing them. On the very first night, Saint Dro-si-da and five virgins were captured. Recognizing his daughter among the prisoners, Tra-yan ordered to keep her apart in the hope that she would get dressed. The rest of the saints were sent to be burned in a melting furnace. They courageously accepted the execution and were able to achieve the martyr’s crowns. From copper, mixed with the ashes of mu-che-nits, co-burnt in the furnace, would you like three-knives for but- howl ba-ni Tra-ya-na. However, as long as there were these three-knives in the bathhouse, not a single person could enter there: everyone, re-stu- fell on the horn, fell to death. When the priests understand why this is happening, they give advice on taking away the three-knife.

Then Adri-an proposed to them to melt three-knives and make five statues of them for the maidens, according to -live on the state-owned mu-che-nits, and for the no-no-she-niy and ru-ga-niy, place these statues in front of the entrance to the imp. -ra-tor-ku-ba-nu. Tra-yan so-gla-sil-sya. When the statues were erected, im-per-ra-tor saw in a dream five pure lambs grazing in paradise, and grazed tu-ha, who told him: “Oh, the most lawless and wicked king! you thought about setting up for a change, the Kind and Sweet-gray Shepherd took it from you and settled here, where “Yes, in time, the pure ag-ni-tsa Dro-si-da, your daughter, will come.” Having woken up, the lawless Tra-yan flew into a frenzy and ordered two huge stoves to drink and then to drink them every day. On the stoves there was a royal ve-le-nie: “Men of the ga-li-le-yane, po-kla-nya-yu-schi-e-sya Ras-fif-mu, save yourself from the great many tor-ments, and us from the labors - in the presence of no-sacrifices -you are god. If you don’t want to do this, then let each of you freely, however you want -bom, throws himself into this oven." Many Christians willingly went to torment.

Having learned about this, Saint Dro-si-da decided to also accept a painful death for Christ. In her imprisonment, she prayed that the Lord would help her get out of prison unnoticed. And God heard her prayer: did the guards fall asleep? Finding herself free, Saint Dro-si-da went to the stove, but began to think to herself: “How can I sing?” -I go to God, not having wedding clothes on myself, (that is, without having received Baptism), because I am unclean. But, King of the kingdoms , Lord Jesus Christ, for Your sake I left my royal position, so that You would deign me to be at least at the gates of Thy Kingdom. Baptize me with Thy Holy Spirit." Pray, holy Dro-si-da, pray for yourself with the holy world, which you grabbed with you, and, plunging into the water three times, said: “The handmaid of God Dro-si-da is baptized in the Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit." For seven days the saint hid herself, praying and praying. At this time, Christians found her and from her stories they learned about everything that had happened. On the eighth day, the holy mother Dro-si-da went to the red-hot stove and threw herself into the fire.

Women, girls and girls with the name Apollinaria celebrate their name day three times a year. Church name completely coincides with the worldly - Apollinaria.

  • 18.01 – Venerable Apollinaria;
  • 04.04 – martyr Apollinaria;
  • 13.10 – martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna.

Characteristics and meaning of the name

The female name Apollinaria came to us from Ancient Rome. It was formed from the male name Apollinaris (in Latin Apollinaris), which in turn was formed from the name of the god Apollo, the god of the arts, light and prediction. Means, female name means “belonging to Apollo”, “dedicated to Apollo”. Along with this version, there is an opinion that the name could have been formed from the words polyusis (“liberated”) or polis (“urban”).

Apollinaria – interesting person, which is characterized by responsiveness, care and kindness. Her personal qualities are still being formed in early age and do not change with age. Apollinaria is a very vulnerable and sensitive nature. She reacts sharply to criticism and remarks addressed to her, believing that she was reproached and insulted by this. He does everything he does diligently and diligently, expecting that those around him will appreciate it.

Apollinaria cannot be called “white and fluffy”. If anyone dares to offend her or her loved ones, she will stand up without hesitation. In this situation, she can be tough and cruel. He is a very vindictive person and finds reconciliation difficult. She is quite capricious; pressure cannot achieve anything from her. But there is one secret. In order for her to meet you halfway, you need to be affectionate and kind with her. She feels inspired when she feels from others warmth and care.

Apollinaria always acts with her characteristic impulsiveness. Her decisions always depend on her mood. However, she is particularly disciplined and meticulous. It can be described as obligatory and organized. Communication with her can be very difficult at times. Due to her pedantry, excessive decency and punctuality, some consider her a bore.

At Apollinaria's a large number of friends whom she treats with reverence and care. She will always offer her help. She perceives her friends' problems as her own and, with all her inherent responsibility, tries to solve them.

Polina is an excellent performer at work. The management values ​​such a reliable employee for his commitment and responsibility. She will become a good and competent specialist - psychologist, teacher, social worker.

Family occupies a special place in Apollinaria’s life, although she is not ready to sacrifice work for the sake of family. She manages to perfectly combine both family and profession. For her husband, she will be a wife, a lover, and a friend, provided that they completely trust each other. If she finds out about her husband’s infidelity, she will divorce without regret. Polina is a caring mother, even too much. She will keep the lives of children, even adults, under control. At home she is a wonderful housewife, with everything in its place. An atmosphere of comfort, warmth and trust reigns in her home.

Patrons of the name

One of the three patroness of the name was Saint Apollinaria (Dorotheos), daughter of King Anphelios. The girl flatly refused to get married because she wanted to devote her life to God. At first the father was against it, but in the end he accepted his daughter’s choice and wanted to send her to a monastery. Before that, she went to Jerusalem and wanted to visit holy places. She distributed all the gold and silver that her parents gave her to those in need. She set free all the slaves accompanying her. On the way to the monastery, her retinue stopped for the night. At night, she changed into monastic robes and hid in a swamp, where she lived as a hermit for the next 7 years. The Lord protected Apollinaria and helped her. One day an Angel came to her and ordered her to go to the monastery under male name Dorofei. Apollinaria obeyed unquestioningly. At the monastery, monk Dorotheus was celebrated with strict fasting and prayers. For this she began to have the gift of healing. In the guise of Dorofey, she even came to her home and healed her sister. The parents recognized their daughter, but did not say a word. They understood the fate and feat that Apollinaria was performing for them. Only after his death did everyone realize that Dorotheus was actually a woman.

IN Russian history The martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna (1878 - 1937) is known. Until 1917, she lived in the Volgograd region and served as a nurse. Then she began wandering around the country, spending a lot of time at services in different churches. She earned her living by doing laundry, cleaning, and babysitting. In 1937, she was slandered and arrested. She was considered a counter-revolutionary and was shot.