Candles from Israel 33 pieces. about healing or cure from diseases and illnesses. Jerusalem candles - meaning

What is its significance? How to light a Jerusalem candle? On what days or holidays can this be done?

Such questions often arise among Orthodox Christians who may have received such a gift. They just don't know what to do with them. After all, this consecrated object contains a piece of the Holy Divine Fire, and there are some restrictions on their use.

Jerusalem candles - meaning

The Jerusalem candle is basically a torch that consists of 33 candles. Why 33? This number corresponds to the years Jesus lived.

Before Easter, on Holy Saturday, with the help of this holy object, the descent of the Holy Fire takes place in Jerusalem. In other words, a special service is held in Jerusalem in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

At the end of this church service, the clergy carry out the Holy Fire (Holy Light) from the temple.

The minister's torch consists of 33 Jerusalem candles and symbolizes the resurrection of the Lord.

If you believe the legend, then the world will experience an apocalypse and the end of the world if the Holy Fire is not ascended. Thousands of pilgrims gather in Jerusalem every year to receive a piece of the Holy Fire. On this day, the entire city glows with thousands of torches of Divine light.

It is Jerusalem candles that preserve the holiness and energy of purity for the whole year. With the help of this sacred object, the Holy Fire is taken first to Greece and then to Cyprus. And from there it is spread throughout the Orthodox world.

Real candles are made only by the monks of Jerusalem. Nowhere else. The monks make them from beeswax. Today there are many fakes. But they are quite easy to calculate. A real candle exudes the scent of honey.

“Trilogy on Orthodoxy and Saints”

Orthodoxy is the right path of faith, it is based on the correct and saving faith in God - the Creator and Savior. Faith is the most mysterious phenomenon in the world and in the human soul. This is not imagination, not self-hypnosis, not an act of human will.

According to the words of the Apostle Paul, “faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”

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    about this and much more at the master class “Trilogy on Orthodoxy and Saints”

Just now all 3 parts Here:

Jerusalem candles - how to use

It is noteworthy that the torch that is lit from the Holy Fire must be extinguished immediately. Remember that these candles should never be blown out. It's sinful. They can only be extinguished with your hands (fingers) or a special cap. This is the only way to preserve the spirit of holiness and grace in this subject.

Also, such a candle requires very careful handling and proper storage. And each subsequent ignition adds more and more miraculous energy to it.

The clergy do not yet recommend dividing the bundle. But in everyday life, Orthodox people often share the Jerusalem torch, and the resulting candles are given to relatives, relatives or close people. Such a gift symbolizes eternal life and brings with it a portion of divine grace.

Always remember that the Holy Fire is transmitted to a person through the flame of a torch. For example, if you light an ordinary church candle from it, it will turn into a real carrier of Divine light. With the help of such a holy object, you can cleanse apartments, houses, and expel negative energy or cure a seriously ill person. At such a shrine, you can pray for the fulfillment of your desire.

How to use Jerusalem candles at home?

Pray with a lit candle like this:

  • ask for relief from want;

  • about deliverance from grief and sadness;

  • about happiness in marriage;

  • about protection from ill-wishers and enemies;

  • about the health of children's parents;

  • about improving relations;

  • about forgiveness and remission of sins;

  • about luck in trading;

  • about admonishing an unlucky wife (husband);

  • about a successful journey;

  • about improving things;

  • about getting rid of drug addiction or alcoholism;

  • about easy childbirth and the health of the baby;

  • about promising work;

  • about healing or cure from diseases and illnesses.

Color of Jerusalem candles

Today you can find bundles of different colors on sale. They say that each of them has its own properties and allows you to achieve a certain result.

The meaning of the color of Jerusalem candles allows you to concentrate the power of grace in the right direction, because each color has its own characteristics and character.

The following colors are available:

Black color - allows you to cope with big problems or troubles that have fallen on you. Suitable for depression, loss of strength, blues;

Red Jerusalem candles allow you to get rid of loneliness, remove the crown of celibacy, and avoid scandals and quarrels. It is better to direct prayers towards finding love. Helps to establish harmonious relationships in the family;

The white torch has neutral properties. It is best suited for protecting your home from slander or unkind guests. Prayers before such a flame bestow patience and wisdom. Often this color will help a person find the strength to remain calm in difficult situations;

Yellow color is the best amulet. Such a torch will help on a long journey or in new endeavors. Effective against failure and depression;

Green Jerusalem candles help in material well-being. They will help you gain financial wealth and relieve you from want. It also helps restore lost health.

Jerusalem candles - how to store

It is best to place the bundle at home near the iconostasis. You cannot store it in a sideboard or closet. If there are no icons at home, the torch should be placed in the red corner. As soon as such a holy bundle appears in your home, you must light it and read a prayer.

It is not recommended to heat or cool the torch. Due to low or high temperatures, it may lose shape or crack. Sunlight will make it fade, so it is better to store it out of the sun.

The Lord is always with you!

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  • In the Orthodox world, Jerusalem candles are considered a unique spiritual gift. They are often kept next to other household shrines. How to light a candle correctly? What does it mean? On what days can it be used? Is it possible to split the torch? What is its significance for the believer?

    These and many other questions arise for an Orthodox person. He just doesn't understand what to do if he was given 33 Jerusalem candles how to use them correctly? After all, a consecrated object carries within itself a particle Holy Fire, and therefore there are several restrictions on its use.

    What are the features of the Jerusalem torch?

    Everyone knows that on the eve of Easter every year in Jerusalem a special service is held in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Many Christians from different parts of the world gather here to witness the miracle. It is called the descent of the Holy Fire, which reminds believers of the exit of Jesus Christ from the Tomb.

    During the service, the priests allow everyone present to take a piece of Light with them, joining the holiday. Each pilgrim holds a torch consisting of 33 candles. They are the ones in a hurry light up from the source to get home a unique relic that cleanses from sinful thoughts, evil forces and negative thoughts. The house will be saved from adversity, disease and misfortune. It is those candles that were lit on the eve of Easter near the Holy Sepulcher that are called Jerusalem candles.

    They are distinguished by their features, by which they are easy to recognize among other church candles:

    1. Real Jerusalem candles are made by hand by clergy using natural beeswax. You can verify this by the delicate honey aroma emanating even from an unlit candle.
    2. There are always only 33 candles in the Jerusalem torch. This number is evidence of the earthly years of Jesus Christ.
    3. The candles that were lit in Jerusalem during the descent of the Holy Fire are considered real.
    4. It is believed that even a torch that burns once able to cleanse a house and sanctify it, and protect all residents from disease and evil. This explains why believers from all over the planet strive to get to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ on Holy Saturday in order to bring home the strongest amulet for themselves and their loved ones.

    How to store Jerusalem candles

    Such a shrine must be stored under certain conditions, without disconnecting the bundle. To prevent it from losing its miraculous powers, believers must follow the storage rules:

    • the temperature in the room should not exceed +25 and be less than -15. This allows you to store candles in the refrigerator. Of course, if the temperature allows, then it is better not to put the torch in the refrigerator, but to place it in the room near the icon and other sacred objects;
    • do not allow direct rays of the sun to fall on the torch so that it does not melt;
    • You cannot keep the Jerusalem torch between household items- books, kitchen utensils and clothes. It should be remembered that this is not just a souvenir, but a gift that must be treated with care and respect;
    • if you want to keep the shrine for a long time, you need a bunch wrap with fabric trim made of linen or cotton white ;
    • You can light Jerusalem candles, but not in the same way as ordinary church candles. If the church is left to burn out until the end, then the torch is lit literally for a couple of seconds. During this time, any church candle is set on fire from the Holy Fire, and the Jerusalem candle is immediately extinguished. This will prevent the power of the torch from transferring to the second luminary. You can't blow out candles. They are extinguished with a cap or fingers.

    Jerusalem torch candle color

    Today it is not difficult to find sacred bundles on sale different colors, and the photo allows you to verify this. There is an opinion that each of them has different properties and ultimately gives a different desired result. The meaning of the color of the beam allows you to direct the beneficial power in the right direction, since each of the colors has its own character and strength:

    1. White– neutral properties, suitable for protecting the home from ill-wishers and slander. Prayer before this flame gives a person wisdom and patience. This color helps you find a way out of a difficult situation and gain strength.
    2. Black– helps to cope with troubles and problems. It is used for depression, melancholy and loss of strength.
    3. Red– relieves loneliness, helps to find your soul mate, removes the crown of celibacy. The red torch eliminates quarrels and scandals. Harmonious relationships are being established in the family.
    4. Yellow- an excellent amulet. This torch helps people on their journey or new beginnings. Helps very well with depression and failure.
    5. Green– a good helper in correction financial situation. Allows you to get wealth and get rid of constant need. If necessary, you can use it to restore health.
    6. Blue– designed to fulfill desires. It is customary to bring candles of this color from Israel to relatives as a talisman or souvenir.

    Receiving candles from Jerusalem as a gift, everyone asks the question: “What should we do with them to make it right?” In fact, the purpose of the torch varies. It allows you to direct any undertaking in the right direction, to consecrate the apartment and any object, endowing them with miraculous powers.

    Most often, candles from Jerusalem can be lit for the following purposes:

    • absolution and for confession;
    • consecration of housing, purchases and cars;
    • blessing for the wedding and baptism of a child;
    • improvement of the business situation, achievement material wealth and development of the company;
    • delivering a person from the blues and sorrow and apathy;
    • attracting happiness and good luck;
    • blessing for an easy birth;
    • assistance with studies;
    • improvement family relations;
    • fight against bad habits;
    • celebrating church holidays, especially Easter.

    To consecrate the apartment with a torch from Jerusalem, certain rules must be followed:

    One of the candles is lit and carefully pulled out of the bundle. Holding it in their hands, they carefully walk around the entire apartment, reading “”. You need to enter each room and look into all corners. Then the candle is left in the living room or in the room where many people gather, and it is left to burn out.

    This miraculous torch can make wishes come true. Before turning to the Lord, you should thank Him for everything, and only then ask for what you want. Only after this the beam is placed in front of the icon, it is lit and a prayer is read, concentrating on the Holy Fire. You can sit like this for 5 - 15 minutes, and then the beam is extinguished until the next time.

    You need to burn candles from Jerusalem every day until your wish is fulfilled. Depending on the complexity, this takes from a couple of days to several weeks. The prayer should be said completely alone, so that no one can disturb you.

    It is better to use these candles on Easter and other church holidays. However, it must be taken into account that you cannot turn to the Holy Fire on days of mourning and Christmas. Rest assured, this miraculous item brings Grace and peace to your home!


    Jerusalem candles have great potential to bring the Spirit of the Divine into your home. They can be purchased or received as a gift only once a year - after Easter. Candles from a torch should be lit during prayer, on days of doubt and trouble, and on church holidays. Their incredible power strengthens faith and fills the home and soul with positive energy.

    Lighting a candle in front of icons is one of the ancient, but no less touching rites of the Church. In Orthodoxy, there is an interesting phenomenon of the Jerusalem candle - these are multi-colored candles that are made by monastics in the Holy Land, in Palestine.

    Each candle is not just an attribute of worship - it is a symbol of the soul burning with the flame of faith and love for God, a sign of prayer flaming before God. Many Orthodox Christians light a candle after prayer, without thinking about its symbolism. Meanwhile, the candle itself calls us to reflect on ourselves and our soul. You need to stand before God like a candle, with a heart as bright and warm as a flame - at least striving for this.

    Jerusalem candle - spiritual gift, and it is kept along with household shrines. It is traditionally lit on some days, but not on all days, and on special occasions.

    How to recognize Jerusalem candles

    There are two types of Jerusalem candles

    • A torch made of 33 candles, according to the number of earthly years Jesus Christ lived; they are either connected by a thread or partially fused together. The main color of the torch is white, red, green or yellow, and it is decorated with a small icon of Christ and multi-colored stripes.

    • Multi-colored single candles in black, red, green, yellow, white, blue and purple flowers with long wick loops. They differ from fakes in that they are necessarily made of beeswax, and therefore smell like honey.

    Holy Fire and Jerusalem Candles

    The torch of 33 Jerusalem candles is directly related to the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire in the Holy Land. It takes place on Holy Saturday before Easter, is watched by thousands of pilgrims, and is broadcast by Christians around the world.

    This is truly a miracle that people expect every year with faith and hope. Its meaning is the self-ignition of the lamp on the Holy Sepulcher in the presence of the Patriarch of Constantinople. They prepare for the Holy Saturday service in advance, but no one knows at what hour the Holy Fire will descend. According to legend, one year he will not appear, and this will mean the onset of the end times, the End of the World.

    Every year, on Saturday morning, the Ecumenical Patriarch with a retinue of clerics enters the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and strips himself to a white cassock in its center, at the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher (Edicule), which stands above the very place where Christ was resurrected, above the Stone of His Sepulchre. All light sources in the temple are extinguished - from lamps to chandeliers. The Patriarch, according to the tradition that emerged after the Turkish rule in Jerusalem, is searched for the presence of anything that would contribute to the ignition of the Fire. The sacristan brings into the Edicule cave a lamp, which is placed in the middle of the Holy Sepulcher, and the same torch of 33 Jerusalem candles. As soon as the Orthodox Patriarch enters there, accompanied by the Primate Armenian Church, the cave with them is sealed with wax. Pilgrims fill the entire temple - the words of prayers are heard here, the confession of sins takes place in anticipation of the descent of the Fire. Typically this wait lasts from several minutes to several hours. As soon as flashes of lightning appear above the Edicule, meaning the Convergence, a sound is heard above the temple. bell ringing. Many millions of people over the centuries have witnessed this miracle, because even today scientists cannot explain it with anything other than God's power, flashes of lightning in the temple on Holy Saturday.

    The patriarchs pass Jerusalem candles into the chapel window, and pilgrims and priests in the temple begin to light their torches from them. Again, from a few minutes to an hour the Holy Fire does not burn and pilgrims scoop it up with their hands and wash their faces. Fire does not ignite hair, eyebrows, or beards. All of Jerusalem is ablaze with thousands of candle torches. Flight representatives Local Churches They transport the Holy Fire in special lamps to all countries where there are Orthodox believers.

    Subsequently, traders burn pre-prepared torches in the Holy Fire, extinguish them and sell them all over the world.

    How to use Jerusalem candles at home and in prayer

    These consecrated candles contain a piece of the great miracle of the Holy Divine Fire. It is necessary to store them carefully, like a shrine.

    Also, priests do not advise separating the torch, but this is only a recommendation: candles are quite expensive, and believers often give separate candles as a small gift for Easter to family and friends.

    You need to know that the mechanical lighting of a candle, like any presence at a divine service just for the sake of defending the service, is simply performing a ritual. But this is impossible if you are a person who believes in the existence of God, His omnipotence, and His care for people. Therefore, the words of worship and prayer must be listened to and read, pronouncing them with attention, just as candles must be lit with a request or gratitude to God, albeit brief, at least in your own words.

    You can light Jerusalem candles in front of any icon during any prayer. However, you can light a simple church candle this way, meanwhile Jerusalem candles are placed

    • During the celebration of Easter (within 40 days before Easter);

    • During difficulties, serious illnesses, in sadness, when special prayer is required.

    In addition to the image of the chosen saint, it is also worth having before your eyes an icon of Christ, preferably an image of the Descent into Hell or the Resurrection of Christ (icons with another shrine - earth from Jerusalem) are also sold.

    • Light a candle using a match or lamp.

    • Bring the other end of the candle to the fire to soften the wax and immediately place the candle in a candlestick (which is also worth purchasing from the church).

    • Cross yourself again, looking at the icon, and bow.

    • Now you can read the prepared prayer and supplement it by praying in your own words.

    • Read the prayer with attention, remain in communion with God, the Mother of God or the saints, address them as if they were alive. Tell us in your own words about trouble and sorrow, ask for help.

      After prayer, you can kiss the icon according to tradition - this is called “kissing the icon”: cross yourself twice, kiss the hand or the edge of the clothing of the image on the icon, cross yourself again.

    Where to put Jerusalem candles in church

    Candles can also be placed in a church - but they are not highly recommended if they were not purchased there. You cannot put candles purchased in another church, at an Orthodox fair, or in large stores like Sofrino - more precisely, this is not accepted. The candle is your donation to the temple, and you usually give it away immediately before prayer. Candles bought for future use are lit at home during prayer.

    Upon entering the temple, you will see in front of the icons special gilded candlesticks for many thin candles and several thick ones. They are located in front of most icons, as well as near the icon lying in the center of the temple on a separate inclined table - a lectern (this will be an icon of a saint or an event whose memory is celebrated on this day, or an icon of the Resurrection of Christ).

    Most often, the first candle is placed on the central candlestick in the temple, saying to oneself: “Lord, bless! Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” After setting the candles, they cross themselves and bow to the altar.

    They also place candles in front of any icons, the saints depicted on which you want to pray. Regarding icons Mother of God, of which there are usually several in the temple, you can choose one of them and pray in front of it.

    It is also worth placing a candle near the relics of saints if they are located within the walls of the temple. You need to approach the relics, usually located in a shrine (ark) under the canopy and cover. Next to the relics there is a candlestick for candles. Before venerating the relics, you need to put a candle on it.

    Jerusalem candles can be placed for the repose - in front of a large cross, usually located to the left or right of the iconostasis, on a candlestick-table called “kanun”.

    It doesn’t matter how many candles you put in a church. The belief that you need to light three candles in three churches or seven in seven is nothing more than a superstition.

    You need to light candles for your family, loved ones and friends in the same way, praying in your own words or with a prepared prayer. Candles are also lit for enemies with a prayer, a wish for deliverance from evil influences, envy, and slander.

    How to pray with Jerusalem candles

    If you don’t know how and what to ask God for, say briefly: “Lord, grant me and my family everything that is useful to us, bless our life.”

    You can also read “Our Father,” the words of which were known to all our ancestors (there was even an expression “to know like the Lord’s Prayer”) and which every believer should teach his children. If you don’t know its words, learn them by heart; you can read the “Our Father” prayer in Russian:

    “Our Father who is in Heaven! May your name be holy and glorified, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, both in heaven and on earth. Give us the bread we need today; and forgive us our debts, which we forgive our debtors; and may we not have the temptations of the devil, but deliver us from the influences of the evil ones. For Yours is in heaven and earth the Kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen".

    “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only Sinless One! We worship Your Cross, O Lord Christ, and we sing and glorify Your Holy Resurrection! You are our God, we have no other gods besides You, we magnify Your Name! Come, all believers, let us worship the Holy Resurrection of Christ - after all, joy came to the whole world through the Cross of Christ! Always blessing the Lord, we glorify His Resurrection because He Himself endured crucifixion and conquered death by death!”

    They pray to the Lord especially fervently, lighting Jerusalem candles. Appeal to God Himself - the most important prayer. Pray to the Lord Almighty with Jerusalem candles at any moment in your life:

    • Ask the Lord for help in any matter, everyday difficulties and troubles,

    • Pray in danger

    • Ask for help with the needs of your loved ones and friends,

    • Repent before God of your sins, asking to forgive them, to let you see your mistakes and vices and correct yourself,

    • asking the Lord for help in any troubles and sorrows,

    • praying for healing in illness,

    • turning to Him in sudden danger,

    • when you have anxiety, despondency, sadness in your soul,

    • thank Him for joy, success, happiness and health.

    Often we ourselves do not know that we are praying, asking: “If only I could be saved, if only I could avoid danger,” “Heaven, help!” - all these are prayers to our Great God. And He responded to your requests, expressed and unspoken - remember happy meetings, unexpectedly successful exams, an unexpected happy pregnancy, Good work... It seems to us that all these are cases - but the Lord really controls our lives for the better, showing us our capabilities, leading to gratitude to God for everything. Humility in the face of difficulties, turning to God in prayer at this time is the key to our salvation and education of the soul, personal growth. Not a single psychologist is capable of changing and making a soul happy in an instant, as the Lord does.

    But we ourselves must strive for a life pleasing to God, attend church, pray during divine services, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts.

    The Lord is great Power and great Love, you just need to believe - and that means trust Him with your life and your soul. Christ is not even a soldier who lay down in battle for the sake of his fellow soldiers, His feat is higher: being Almighty, he voluntarily, in order to erase the past and future sins of mankind from the history of the universe, went to humiliation, torture and terrible suffering on the Cross from those whose He created the ancestors.

    The teaching of the Lord Jesus is a call to repentance, to the love of all people for all people, compassion and pity even for terrible sinners. In response to sincere prayer, first of all, peace, clarity and tranquility will appear in the soul, according to the testimony of many people - and this is truly a miracle that happens to every believer. Also try to talk to a priest if you have difficulties in life and mental anxiety.

    How and where to store Jerusalem candles

    It is best to place the torch near home iconostasis- in the red corner. It should not be stored in kitchen cabinets or among the trinkets in the sideboards.
    “Red Corner” is an analogue of a church iconostasis. There should be few icons here. It is located opposite the door, by the window or in any clean and bright place. On a special shelf for icons, which can be bought in shops near churches, the image of the Lord Jesus Christ is placed in the center, on the left - Holy Mother of God, and on the right - a revered saint, for example, the namesake of you and your loved ones or the revered Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can add any other icons. If necessary, arrange an iconostasis on a regular bookshelf, but only next to spiritual books, not entertainment publications.

    Try not to heat the candles too much so as not to deform them, and do not cool the candles in the torch to avoid cracks. Jerusalem candles also fade in sunlight.

    May the merciful Lord protect you!

    For many people, it is extremely important to realize that they are not left alone with life’s difficulties and adversities, to have in their home any objects or symbols that are associated with a powerful force that supports, protects, gives hope, a sense of security. This especially applies to people of faith, for whom it is vital to support, to be able to talk to him, to hope for his mercy and favor. One of the essential attributes of the Christian religion are candles. They are lit on major religious holidays and during daily prayers as a symbol of divine fire and undying faith. Probably everyone Orthodox Christian I have heard and know about Jerusalem candles, about their miraculous effects, but not everyone knows how to use candles from Jerusalem, where they should be stored and when to light them in order to preserve their power.

    As you know, every year on the eve of Easter - the most significant holiday for all Orthodox believers - a special service takes place in Jerusalem, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, gathering Christians from all over the world. It is called the descent of the Holy Fire and is a reminder of the exit from the Tomb of the “True Light” - Jesus Christ.

    During this event, the clergyman gives everyone present the opportunity to join the holiday, see the Divine Light and take a piece of it with them. Pilgrims, holding torches of 33 candles in their hands, rush to light them from the original source and receive a relic that will cleanse the house from sinful thoughts and evil forces reigning on Earth, and will protect the house from adversity, disasters and illnesses. It is these candles, lit near the Holy Sepulcher on the eve of Easter, that are called Jerusalem candles.

    They have their own characteristics that allow them to be distinguished from any other church candles:

    Even a Jerusalem torch that burns once is believed to be able to cleanse and sanctify a house and protect all its inhabitants from all kinds of manifestations of evil and disease. That is why believers from all over the world try to get to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ on Holy Saturday and bring from there for themselves and their loved ones this amulet, reminiscent of one of the most significant and mass divine services, where every pilgrim, tourist or passer-by becomes a participant in the general joy and rejoicing in the name of the Savior, who ascended to heaven.

    If you brought home or received Jerusalem candles as a gift from family or friends, then it is very important to treat them with respect in order to preserve this divine gift and its wonderful properties. There are several simple recommendations that will help extend the life of the amulet:

    Speaking of how to use candles from Jerusalem, we can also say that you can confess to them and ask for the cleansing of the soul, read any prayers that come from a pure heart, and use them to illuminate your home. However, according to church canons, the sacred torch does not need to be lit during mourning and on Christmas Day.

    New article: prayer for a candle from Jerusalem on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

    Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

    Jerusalem candles: how to use, how to light correctly

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    All people need amulets and talismans. Even skeptics, non-believers, acquire talismans by investing in them sacred meaning. An important attribute of the Orthodox are candles, the fire of which symbolizes spiritual cleansing. In spiritual practice, fire has powerful energy. So, what do Jerusalem candles mean?

    The meaning of candles

    Every year a large number of worshipers come to Jerusalem to receive the sacred fire. Here the monks make special candles from bees' wax. They have a subtle honey aroma. On the Saturday before Easter, the blessed fire descends, and people perform a special service.

    Sometimes, when the holy fire rises, strange events occur - luminous balls and flashes reminiscent of lightning. At some point glowing ball lights one torch and disappears. The appearance of the sacred flame is considered one of the wonders of the world. On this day, a lamp and candles are brought into the cave.

    How many candles are in the Jerusalem candle: the number corresponds to the number of years lived by Christ, there are 33 of them in a bunch. The candle itself, scorched by the sacred radiance, has the most beneficial meaning and carries great power. The colors of the sacred attribute are of no small importance. The wax absorbs information and the color adjusts the power to attract well-being and relieve loneliness.

    Why are torches lit? What can you pray for? With the torch burning, you can ask:

    • about getting rid of grief and sadness;
    • about mercy and indulgence;
    • about getting rid of loneliness, poverty, illness;
    • about good work and prospects in business;
    • behind good health children and parents;
    • for getting rid of alcoholism and drug addiction,
    • about salvation from evil people and enemies;
    • about the health of the unborn child;
    • about happiness in your personal life and a successful marriage;
    • about profitable trading.

    The meaning of the colors of Jerusalem candles

    On sale you can purchase an important attribute in various shades. The nature and characteristics of the fulfillment of desires depend on the color of the main attributes. What do the colors mean:

    Black color

    If a person has been damaged, the evil eye, or a curse, then it is imperative to pray with black candles. This color relieves despondency, blues, and loss of strength.

    Red color

    This is a sign of love. The red attribute will help you get rid of the crown of celibacy and loneliness. Protects your home and loved ones. If in the family conflict situations and betrayal, then prayers in front of a red candle will return good and harmonious relationships.

    Green coloring

    This shade is responsible for your financial condition, will help you find a job and bring good luck to your family. Green color also means good health, freedom from alcoholism and drug addiction. You can pray for the health of a conceived but unborn baby.

    Yellow color

    The yellow color has a powerful meaning. They pray with candles of this color before making important decisions or business meetings.

    White color

    This color is considered loyal and protects people from negativity, bad slander, and unkind guests. A white candle brings harmony of peace and tranquility. Praying at a white candle gives prudence and patience. They pray to give strength in difficult everyday situations.

    How to use Jerusalem candles

    Receiving Jerusalem candles as a gift is a priceless gift. With them you can cleanse the room of negative energy and place it at the head of the patient. After the candle is scorched by sacred fire, you can extinguish it with a special cap or your hands, but do not blow it out.

    All 33 pieces of the bundle cannot be separated. How to light Jerusalem candles: you need to light it at the Jerusalem candle. They place the attribute in the location of the icons, wrapped in linen or cotton material. They should not be kept on cabinets or sideboards.

    When they're lit

    Candles are lit not only for the celebration of Great Easter:

    • On church holidays.
    • For self-cleansing of the soul from sins and doubts.
    • On days of remembrance of deceased loved ones with a request to grant them peace.
    • Before starting important matters, moving into a new home, to highlight acquisitions.
    • To attract peace, goodness and spiritual harmony.

    How to formulate a request correctly

    How to light Jerusalem candles correctly: light 33 torches at the same time and, without being distracted by other thoughts, ask the Lord God with faith in your soul.

    If the desire will not harm anyone and is aimed at a good and sincere deed, with faith in fulfillment and truthfulness, then it is necessary:

    • in your thoughts, concentrate on your dream and imagine that it has come true;
    • pray in front of the candles every day for 5-7 minutes for 7 days;
    • at the end, thank the Lord God for hearing and helping in making your dreams come true;
    • desires should not be of a material nature; you can only ask for help, for example, to earn money, to find personal happiness.

    Jerusalem candles have powerful energy, they provide an opportunity to feel the divine spirit in the home.

    There are several rules for using Jerusalem candles:

    • Candles can be shared and given as gifts.
    • You can use them to highlight the acquisition, birth of a child, newlyweds.
    • Light an ordinary Jerusalem candle.
    • Light one torch or all at once.
    • Extinguish only with a special cap.

    Jerusalem candles are not lit in good friday and at Christmas. The blessed power of Jerusalem candles gives faith and strength, fills the home with positive energy.

    Jerusalem candles: practices and rituals

    Among all traditional candles Jerusalem candles, which are used for practices, prayers and other rituals, are special. After all, they carry a piece of the Holy Fire, which descends in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem every year on Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter Christ's Resurrection. Until now, the condescension of the Holy Fire has not been explained in any way since scientific point sight, which means it is a miracle. How does this miracle happen and what does it bring to us? What practices and prayers can we do with the help of Jerusalem candles?

    Every year on Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter, thousands of pilgrims gather in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, including Muslims - in the Koran, Jesus Christ is considered one of the prophets, and believers of other religions, and atheists. Many prepare for this event especially - they take communion and confess, but everyone, in any case, is in a special state of grace.

    At 10 o'clock in the morning in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where the tomb in which Jesus was buried is now located, all existing candles, lamps and other sources of fire are extinguished. A lamp is brought into the Edicule - the chapel over the Holy Sepulcher. All this happens in the presence of believers and the police; the police strictly check for the absence of fire or igniting objects in the Edicule - matches, lighters, etc. The police then seal the Edicule. After noon the prayer procession begins - procession Patriarchs, clergy and believers proceed to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. In the temple, the procession circles the Edicule three times. Traditionally, the Orthodox and Armenian Patriarchs are stripped down to their cassocks, and ministers check that they do not have lighters and matches. The patriarchs enter the Edicule and everyone begins to pray, asking for mercy from God and the Holy Fire. Small lightning bolts - plasma flashes - begin to appear in different places in the temple. Sometimes candles spontaneously ignite from them - this is how the descent of the Holy Fire begins. Evidence from past centuries has been preserved, and there are also modern observations of various miracles - some frescoes begin to stream myrrh, some objects spontaneously ignite, and then after the fire dies out the objects remain unharmed and unscorched, ringing or thunderclaps are heard in a clear sky.

    At some point, the Holy Fire descends into the Edicule, which is illuminated with light, symbolizing the emergence of the true Light from the Holy Sepulcher at the moment of the Resurrection of Jesus. After this, the Orthodox Patriarch brings out a lamp with the Holy Fire, from which the candles are lit and the fire immediately spreads throughout the Temple.

    Interestingly, in the first minutes the fire does not burn– and then every believer can be washed by the Holy Light. The feeling after such a bath is truly magical - you feel extraordinary lightness in the body and grace in the heart. After the ceremony, bunches of Jerusalem candles are burned from the lamp with the Holy Fire, and in the lamps the Holy Fire is carried throughout the world to churches.

    Traditionally, a bundle of Jerusalem candles contains 33 candles, which symbolize the number of earthly years lived by Jesus Christ. That is, in essence, a bunch of Jerusalem candles is a torch that symbolizes the earthly life of Christ.

    The fire of Jerusalem candles is significantly different from the fire of an ordinary candle. The fire of an ordinary candle symbolizes our prayer, our spiritual fire, which awakens during prayer, the spark of God inside the heart of each of us. And the fire of Jerusalem candles is a piece of the Holy Fire that descends from God, it is a piece of the Holy Light that appeared at the moment of the Resurrection of Christ. When we light an ordinary candle at an icon of a saint, we symbolically leave a piece of our spiritual inner prayer at the icon. For obvious reasons, Jerusalem candles are not placed near icons. They are lit at home, during prayer or during various rituals. With their Holy Light they strengthen our connection with God, understanding of divinity and sanctify our soul, revealing the divine principle in us. And of course, thanks to this, our prayers, our requests become stronger and more effective, since they were created in the Holy Fire. At the same time, our desires and our intentions acquire special strength and become purer and brighter. And thanks to this subtle state, this pure high energy, which in ordinary life we are not able to receive, our intentions come true and are realized much faster. This same subtle energy of love and grace that emanates from the Holy Fire dissolves adversity, illness, anger, negativity and thereby even the most difficult situations are resolved much faster.

    How to use Jerusalem candles most effectively?

    These candles must be lit and used in special rituals. That is, you shouldn’t just mechanically light candles and ask God or the saints to fulfill your desires. Before prayer or a ritual with candles, you need to meditate for a few minutes, calm your thoughts, and enter a pure prayerful state. The practice or prayer itself should be done in an open heart state. At the same time, you should tune in to the grace emanating from the Jerusalem candles, feel the spark of divine love, feel how this fire illuminates not only your heart, but also your desire or intention.

    There are several simple rituals with Jerusalem candles.

    Practice to make your desire come true. You need to place a lit bunch of Jerusalem candles at eye level and pray to God, asking him to help you realize your intention, give you strength to carry it out, and illuminate your path to quickly achieving your plans. Then you should visualize your desire and place it in the candle flame. At the same time, the desire must be presented clearly, specifically in all colors, and it is important to try to experience this desire. You need to concentrate on this bright image in the candle flame for 5 to 10 minutes. After this, the beam should be extinguished. This practice must be performed over several days - from 7 to 21, depending on the complexity of what is desired.

    To clean the room you need to go around the rooms with a lit torch of Jerusalem candles. You also need to walk around the room in a pure state of prayer and offering thanks to God for his help in cleansing and consecrating the room. At the same time, one must imagine how the flame of the Holy Fire spreads throughout the entire room, dissolving and burning out all negativity. In this case, the candle can smoke and spark - there is nothing wrong with that - it burns a strong negative.

    To improve your health or get rid of illnesses You can also use Jerusalem candles. But it should be taken into account that Jerusalem candles first of all eliminate the energetic cause of the disease and do not allow it to develop further or arise again. But the disease itself, which has already manifested itself physically, is still better left to be cured by official medicine. To improve your health with the help of Jerusalem candles, you should light one candle and, with prayer and a request to God to take away all ailments, surround the sick person with it counterclockwise from top to bottom - thus, his biofield is cleansed. And then, with a request to bestow strength and health, surround the sick person from bottom to top in a clockwise direction - thus sanctifying his energy and strengthening it. After this, it is necessary to anoint the places of the diseased organs with fragrant oil, blessed on miraculous icons- which will enhance the effect of the ritual.

    You can use Jerusalem candles to gain youth and beauty. This ritual gives, first of all, youth of soul and a pure, bright state, which in turn affects appearance. Moreover, the effect that this practice gives cannot be achieved by any cream, even the strongest one. To practice, you need to draw a bath, into which it is good to add essential oil roses, myrrh or frankincense, or fragrant oil blessed on holy icons. Light a bunch of Jerusalem candles over the bathtub. Having tuned in to a state of grace, you need to ask God to sanctify the water in the bath and give you light, purity, youth and purity. Then you should make three circles clockwise with Jerusalem candles, which symbolizes the condescension of pure divine energy. After this, you should take a bath and get enough of the grace. After such practice, the entire state of the body changes and, as a result, the skin, hair, and even the look become younger and fresher.

    In addition to these simple practices, Jerusalem candles can be used for other purposes, but one thing remains important - openness to grace and a sincere state of love.

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    How to use Jerusalem candles?

    All people need amulets, regardless of character, worldview and religion. Even skeptics-atheists have talismans, not to mention deeply religious people who are confident in the power and supernatural capabilities of sacred artifacts. Sacred relics have the most powerful potential, but some other, more accessible material objects play an equally important role. IN Orthodox tradition Candles often play this role: they are symbolic, embodying the Divine idea, and you can use Jerusalem candles at home.

    Church candles are an integral attribute of divine services and a traditional symbol of faith. The so-called Jerusalem candles, in fact, differ only in that they symbolize a more specific phenomenon: the Miracle of the Descent of the Holy Fire on the Holy Sepulcher. Every year, at the service on Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter in the Church of the Resurrection, located in Jerusalem, the flame of the Holy Fire, signifying the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is carried out to believers. The priest allows everyone to take a little Light, and the candles lit from it are called Jerusalem candles.

    • Jerusalem candles do not come one at a time or in any quantity other than 33. The 33 Jerusalem candles are inextricably united into a tight bunch as a symbol of the 33 years Christ lived among people.

    If you were able to visit the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and experience the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire, you felt lightness and joy, and were cleansed of past sins for a righteous life. Do not lose this gift from above and follow these rules for handling 33 Jerusalem candles:

    1. After your bunch of candles is scorched by the common torch, extinguish them with a special cap, but under no circumstances blow them out.

    If you were given Jerusalem candles, then know that you have received a valuable spiritual gift and have joined the shrine. Take care of the candles brought from Jerusalem and handle them with respect and following the rules:

    1. Place a bunch of Jerusalem candles in the red corner of the icons or where icons, church artifacts and/or incense are stored in your home.

    Like all church candles, a bunch of 33 Jerusalem candles illuminate, cleanse and infuse miraculous power the room in which they are lit, and the souls of the people who light them with prayer and love. Jerusalem candles are lit at home not only for Easter, but also on the following occasions:

    1. Church holidays. Lit with reverence, the 33 candles enhance holiness and positive energy holiday.

    Candles from Jerusalem, scorched by the Holy Fire, fulfill cherished desires. But only if your work does not harm anyone, is aimed at a good cause, and you sincerely, with all your heart, want its fulfillment and believe in its righteousness.

    • Light all 33 candles at the same time and read a prayer in front of them, asking the Lord for what you need. At this moment you should be alone and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

    Jerusalem candle: how to light and what is the meaning of the colors

    The Jerusalem candle is considered one of the main Christian shrines, and therefore the attitude towards it is appropriate. It is stored with family icons and other religious symbols. The use of a candle is limited, and lighting it without a good reason is not recommended.

    What is a Jerusalem candle?

    The candle is a torch of 33 thin candles. Their number symbolizes the age of Jesus Christ. Candles are sold everywhere in Israel, but those that are once lit are especially valuable. On the eve of Easter, pilgrims from all over the world flock to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to witness the miracle - the ascension of the Holy Fire. Everyone has the opportunity to literally touch the shrine and carry away a piece of fire on their candle.

    33 Jerusalem candles retain beneficial energy and holiness for a long time, so it is important to store them carefully. The candles are made in the monastery from natural beeswax. Therefore, they are easy to distinguish from fakes that do not smell of honey.

    According to tradition, it is customary to light all the candles at once, but individual use is allowed. It is important to remember that they symbolize faith in eternal life and are a reminder of the suffering of Christ for human sins.

    The Appearance of the Holy Fire

    The rise of the Holy Fire is considered one of the main miracles of the Christian faith. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world strive to see the miracle with their own eyes. It is also broadcast annually on television in all Christian countries.

    Before ascending, the patriarch strips down to his undershirt, demonstrating the absence of matches or other objects for setting fire. This tradition began after Turkish authorities raided the chapel to find things that could be used to light a fire.

    After checking, a lamp filled with incense and a Jerusalem candle are brought into the cave. Only the Orthodox and Armenian patriarchs are allowed to be in the cave. She's sealing herself beeswax, and the wait for the ascent begins, which lasts on average from 5 minutes to 5 hours. At this time, the patriarchs read prayers.

    In the first few minutes, the fire does not burn, so it is scooped up with hands and used for ablution. It is believed that in the year when the Holy Fire does not appear, the apocalypse will happen. Therefore, the entire Christian world awaits it every year with trepidation.

    How to light Jerusalem candles?

    It is important to remember that once lit, the candle should not be blown out. The fire can be extinguished only with the help of an inverted bowl or fingers - this way its sanctity is preserved.

    The Jerusalem candle requires careful handling and reliable storage. Each lighting of a candle carries Divine energy. Temple servants are strictly prohibited from dividing the torch into separate candles, however, individual use of candles is common in everyday life.

    There is also a tradition of giving candles to relatives and friends with Best wishes and good thoughts. Such a gift carries within itself a particle of grace and the primordial Holy Fire.

    You can light a torch using an ordinary match. Usually it is lit in full on the holiday of Easter. It is strictly forbidden to use candles on days of mourning, Christmas and Good Friday.

    How to store candles?

    Jerusalem candles, which are of great importance for Orthodox Christians, cannot be stored in closed boxes, sideboards and cabinets. It is recommended to place them near the home iconostasis. If it is not in the house, candles are stored in the red corner - the far right corner from the front door.

    After the torch is in the house for the first time, you should light it and read a prayer as a sign of gratitude. It is important to monitor the temperature in the room, since at a temperature of -15 degrees the wax begins to crack, and at +25 it starts to melt. Exposure to direct sunlight can negatively affect not only the shape of the candles, but also the color. You can store them wrapped in linen or cotton cloth.

    Using candles

    How to use Jerusalem candles if they were given as a gift? This question is asked by many people who received such a gift. With the help of the energy of the Holy Light, you can consecrate your home and read prayers with wishes. If you light an ordinary church candle with a torch, a particle of the Holy Fire is also transferred to it.

    With a lit candle, you can ask the Lord:

    • about deliverance from grief;
    • about forgiveness for sins committed;
    • about getting rid of loneliness and illness;
    • about luck at work;
    • about the health of relatives;
    • about getting rid of bad habits– alcoholism, drug addiction;
    • about protecting yourself and your home from ill-wishers;
    • about easy childbirth;
    • about personal happiness in marriage.

    In addition, a lit candle can be used to bless newlyweds and newborn babies. Prayers should be read while looking at the flame. It is also allowed to pronounce requests in your own words.

    The magic of candles for the fulfillment of cherished desires

    Jerusalem candles, which come in a variety of colors, can be used when asking the Lord to fulfill your cherished desires. To do this, it is important to carry out the prayer ritual before going to bed in complete solitude. It is necessary to describe the dream in detail, imagine that it has already come true and how much life has changed after that. The ritual is recommended to be carried out within 3-7 days. At the end of the prayer, the candle is extinguished and gratitude is expressed to God for the blessings already available.

    Rituals with a candle

    Holy candles are necessary for many Orthodox rituals aimed at improving the well-being of a believer:

    • healing of physical and spiritual diseases;
    • cleansing the house from evil spirits;
    • consecration of household items, etc.

    They can be used either independently or with the involvement of clergy. It is important to read prayers at the home iconostasis, looking at the candle flame. Fortune telling using Jerusalem candles is common.

    Magic rituals with a candle

    Despite the fact that the official church prohibits holding various magical rituals, many still use the services of psychics and magicians. Jerusalem candles are used in rituals such as removing damage, the evil eye, curses, as well as to strengthen family relationships, attract good luck and health.

    Since these candles are a good symbol, it is forbidden to use them in black magic aimed at harming a person. Candles are often used in rituals related to the treatment of a person from illnesses: both spiritual and physical.

    The meaning of candle colors

    The meaning of the colors of Jerusalem candles helps determine their use. Available for free sale:

    1. Black candles. Used to get rid of negative energy. Looking at the flame of a black Jerusalem candle, you can ask the Lord for deliverance from loneliness, melancholy, and depression. If there is a suspicion of damage, a person should light such a candle. It is also recommended to light it if the child begins to attend school or kindergarten.
    2. Red candles. They have energy aimed at protecting the family from quarrels, removing the crown of celibacy, and strengthening family well-being. If one of the family members suspects another of cheating, it is recommended to light red Jerusalem candles every evening: they will help restore love and peace to the family.
    3. Green candles. Aimed at attracting financial wealth and good luck in work. Prayers in front of the fire of a green candle help restore health.
    4. Yellow candles. Used as a talisman before long trips. They are lit for good luck in new endeavors. Prayers in front of a yellow candle help fulfill your cherished desires.
    5. White candles. They are neutral and universal in use. They protect the home and the person from possible curses, bring peace and harmony to relationships, and impart wisdom and generosity. Can be used in any life situations.
    6. Blue candles. Directed for execution good wishes. It is customary to bring candles of this color to relatives from Israel as a souvenir and amulet. Candles scorched by the Holy Fire can be divided and shared among relatives and friends.