Examination of indoor plants in the middle group. Passport for indoor flowers in kindergarten. Game "Kind Palms"

Lesson notes for the middle group “The World of Plants”

Prepared by the teacher of the Lyambirsky kindergarten No. 3 combined type» Shagarova N.N.

Software tasks:

Strengthen the labor skill of caring for indoor plants (wipe the wide leaves with a damp cloth).

To promote the development of analytical thinking and the ability to draw simple conclusions.

▪ continue to develop children’s interest in flora;

▪ bring children to understand that plants are living; organisms that require certain care;

▪ teach children to find a plant based on the listed characteristics;

▪ consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of plants;

▪ cultivate a love for plants, a desire to care for them.

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction", "Physical Culture".

Materials and equipment:

✓ indoor plants cyclamen, violet, etc.;

✓ pictures depicting the stages of growth and development of cyclamen;

✓ cards-schemes depicting objects and actions necessary for the growth and development of indoor plants;

✓ pictures depicting indoor plants of the group and dandelion.

Preliminary work:

➣ monitoring the growth and development of plants in a group;

➣ examination and comparison of stems and leaves different plants;

➣ caring for indoor plants in a corner of nature (watering, loosening, wiping leaves);

➣ Didactic games:

❖ “Guess the plant from the description”

❖ “Find a plant by name”

❖ “What’s missing?”

❖ “Find the same plant”

❖ “What do plants need to grow?”

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, please listen to the riddle:

White snowball,

The sun is shining

Trees grow

The birds are singing

What is this riddle about?

About nature

And everything that surrounds us, what is it?


What kind of nature is there?

Nature can be living or inanimate

Please look at these pictures, what is this? (tree, cat, flower, fish, bird, person, sun, cloud, stones, water. Work on a computer and flannelgraph).

Bottom line: Everything that breathes, eats, grows is living nature.

And what does not breathe and does not grow is inanimate nature.

Today we will talk about wildlife.

Knock on the door: A magpie flies in and chirps:

Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta - 3 times

Soroka, what happened? What are you chattering about? What news did you bring us?

Guess the riddle:

No arms, no legs, moves around

Breathes but doesn't speak

It eats, but has no mouth.

What it is?

This is a plant.

How does a plant move, since it has neither arms nor legs? (grows, turns towards the light)

How does a plant breathe? (through leaves, roots)

How does he drink and eat? Just like us? (roots)

That's right, guys, it is the roots that feed the plant.

Where is food for the plant stored? (in the ground, soil)

Plants eat very differently from you and I, and they cannot store their food in refrigerators. Plants' nutrition is contained in the soil in which they grow. If you pull a plant out of the ground and leave it like that, it will die.

Plants move, breathe, eat. This means that we can say about them that they are living beings just like you and me.

Guys, a magpie flew into the forest, probably inviting us

Imagine, guys, imagine that we are in the forest. Trees, bushes, berries, and mushrooms grow in the forest.

Let's try to find out what benefits they bring to humans and all living things that surround us. I want to open it for you little secret, prepare your ears and we will find out what the plants are whispering to us...

Look, here are the leaves (maple, birch, oak) Game with leaves.

Trees give us the oxygen we breathe. Which fresh air in the forest, let's breathe.

Trees and shrubs in the forest can feed both people and animals; they give: wild apples, berries - raspberries, lingonberries, etc. Pines have cones, oaks have acorns, squirrels and woodpeckers feed on them.

And here is the clearing. What grows on it?

Mushrooms and berries grow on it.

_ Physical education minute:

Petals to the sun

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun

They smiled at the sun.

Petals to the sun

The flowers are turned.

Unfurled into buds

They'll drown in the sun

She flew into a field and a vegetable garden nearby.

Tell me, what grows in the field?

Herbs, berries, flowers.

What about in the garden?


Right. Let's try to guess what herbs and plants we have in the boxes ( Breathing exercises, research activities: smell dill, parsley, fireweed, lemon balm, mint, garlic). That's how many different plants we have growing.

Oh, and the magpie flew somewhere again. Where?

To our group

What time of year is it now? What trees are on the site? Is there grass? (Children's answers)

Children, it's winter now. It's cold outside. Snowing. The trees and bushes are bare, but there is no grass. It’s warm in our group and there are a lot of indoor plants that remind us of summer. - Have you seen the same plants outside in winter? (No).


“You meet them everywhere,

And in the flowerbed and in the pot,

Both in the park and in the garden

And even on the pond.

Will cheer you up

Greens... (plants).

That's right, guys. Such plants live only indoors, in kindergarten or at home, which is why they are called houseplants.

Pay attention to the familiar indoor plants. - What is the name of this plant? what shape are the leaves? What color are the leaves? Does a violet have a stem? (no) The violet leaves immediately from the root (show).

Indoor plants need to be looked after.

Children, now you will help me water and wipe the leaves of our indoor plants (children approach the previously prepared indoor plants).

What is this? - watering cans. How do we water indoor plants? Take them and carefully pour water around the edge of the pot. Plant leaves also breathe, so they should be wiped with a damp cloth. The child shows - put on an apron, wring out the cloth, take a wet napkin into right hand, and in left hand Place the leaf and gently wipe it with a napkin.

Children, I will introduce you to another type of caring for plants - loosening. You need to loosen the soil: deeper at the edges, and closer to the root with the end of a stick (the teacher loosens the soil). So we watered, washed the leaves, loosened the soil around the indoor plants.

1. Skillful hands - do not know boredom

2. “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.”

3. “When you finish the job, go for a walk!

“Oh, how beautiful and well-groomed the plants have become. Now I’m sure that they will have a very good time with you.”

Children, did you enjoy caring for indoor plants? What new have you learned? How did we work?

"The tits are jumping

Under my window.

The birds rejoice -

It's nice for them

Look at this

Nice window

Where in winter there is summer,

Where there are a lot of flowers."

Creating a living corner in the nursery preschool institution It has great importance in raising children. Most often, children are introduced to nature with the help of indoor plants; educators instill in the younger generation a love for “green pets” and teach them to take care of them. Despite the huge variety of exotic flowers on sale, the choice of indoor plants for kindergarten is very limited. In addition to visual appeal, they must be especially safe for children, and also meet a number of other requirements.

General principles for selecting indoor plants in preschool educational institutions

When creating a corner of wildlife for children, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants and comply with a number of requirements.

  • Safety. Plants containing poisonous sap, as well as varieties with thorns or berries, are not allowed to be placed in the kindergarten premises. At this age, children are particularly inquisitive, and the temptation to taste an attractive berry is very great. The following are prohibited: Dieffenbachia, nightshade, some varieties of milkweed, lilies, cacti and other plants. You should also pay attention to plants with “fluff”; a lot of dust usually accumulates on the surface of the leaves, so if there are allergy sufferers in the group, then it is better to avoid such plants. A striking example is the violet.
  • Unpretentiousness to care and living conditions. Considering that ordinary employees will have to take care of the flowers, it is better not to complicate plant care. Suitable species are those that do not require frequent pruning, fertilizing or regular maintenance. high humidity air. Indoor plants suitable for this principle in preschool educational institutions: aloe without sharp thorns, nephrolepsis, pike tail etc.
  • Air purification. It is worth giving preference to those types that are not only safe, but also bring tangible benefits to the health of children. Many flowers are able to purify the air of dust, absorb harmful substances and toxins. For example, chlorophytum absorbs up to 86% of hazardous human body formaldehyde, and ivy up to 90% benzene.

Selection of indoor plants depending on age group

In addition to the basic requirements, indoor plants in a kindergarten should be selected individually for each age group. If for children only external attractiveness is more important - large and bright flowers, then for older children they should select species that they could care for together with their teachers while getting involved in work.

  • Junior group. For the little ones, it will be enough to place 8-10 flower pots in the room. It is desirable that they all be blooming and differ in height, size and color of flowers. For example, you can place several types of begonia, primrose, and hibiscus.
  • Middle group. For older kids, you can increase the number of flowers to 12 pieces. Now it is necessary that indoor plants in preschool educational institutions have even more differences, for example, in the shape and size of leaves, and the structure of the stem. Species such as tradescantia or clivia are suitable. Children will be able to compare flowers in more detail according to their appearance.

  • Senior group. The range of living corners of nature is expanding even more and every child should have access to them. At this age, educators begin to show the basic rules for caring for “green pets,” and children observe and, if possible, take part. It is recommended to grow 2-3 copies of one type of plant, so kids will be able to form a more correct idea of ​​a specific flower.
  • Preparatory group. At this age, preschoolers not only receive theoretical knowledge, but also practical knowledge. Under the guidance of teachers, they can water flowers from small watering cans, loosen the soil, spray and wipe the surface of the leaves with a damp cloth. For this reason, 2-3 indoor plants in a preschool educational institution must have large leaves so that children can easily remove dust from them. A preschooler can already independently determine when to water and spray a flower, takes the specimen he likes “under guardianship” and thus develops a sense of responsibility.

Recommendations for choosing indoor plants in preschool educational institutions depending on the interior

To develop a sense of beauty and good taste in children, it is recommended to select flowers so that they fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. It is important to consider everything from furniture upholstery and wall color to individual decorative elements. Don't forget about design flower pots, they can be either plain, bright color, and with ornament. Kids will definitely love ceramic flowerpots with decor.

It is equally important to position the plant pots correctly. Unstable flower stands should be avoided; during active play, children may drop them and get injured. It is best to place indoor plants in kindergarten on window sills or on specially equipped shelves located along the walls.

A lot of flowers are suitable for creating a living corner; below are the most popular types that do not require special care.


Content Features







Requires bright light.

Keeping temperature: +20–25 °C in summer, 3-4 degrees lower in winter. Watering is plentiful during the active growth phase and moderate in winter. It is advisable to spray the flowers several times a week.


Lighting is low, preferably partial shade.

Content temperature from +20 °C to +25 °C. Watering is careful and moderate, but regular. Daily spraying is recommended.

Dracaena carinatum


Noble laurel

A bright, but diffused light through light tulle is required.

Keeping temperature: +18–21 °C in summer, 1-2 degrees lower in winter. Watering is moderate, the water should be slightly warm and soft. Regular spraying is required.

Uzumbara violet

The lighting is intense and bright.

Keeping temperature: in summer +20–25 °C, in winter +16–19 °C. Watering is regular. Air humidity is moderate, the leaves do not tolerate spraying, so it is recommended to place a wide container of water next to the flower.

Pike tail

The lighting is bright but diffuse.

Keeping temperature: in summer +18–25 °C, in winter +14–16 °C. Watering is careful and moderate, scanty in winter. Once a week it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp fine-pored sponge or piece of cotton wool.

List of plants that should not be kept in a living corner of a kindergarten

Knowing the principles of selecting indoor plants in a kindergarten, you can create a beautiful and educational living corner. Kids will not only get acquainted with certain types of plants, but also learn how to care for them. They learn that “green pets,” just like people, need care and attention to feel good.

Video of activities in the wildlife corner in kindergarten

In the middle group, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to see the various properties and qualities of objects and their parts. Children master more complex comparison techniques, learn to establish differences and similarities between objects, and generalize objects according to certain characteristics.

The corner in the middle group is replenished with new plants. Plants in a corner of nature should have different shapes and the size of the leaves.

Children in this group should:

Distinguish the characteristics of plants;

Know the conditions necessary for plant life;

With the help of the teacher, keep the plants clean and water them properly;

Be able to spray plants with small leaves with a spray bottle;

Use a dry brush to remove dust from pubescent leaves;

Determine the dependence of the method of caring for plants on the nature of the leaves.

Besides plants junior group, other plants are placed in the middle group. At the same time, there can be up to 6-8 species of plants in a corner of nature. It should be noted that in the middle group it is good to have different types plants of the same family. This will help teach children to recognize differences and similarities.

Plant type: succulent

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: drought-resistant

Flowering time: spring Summer


Value in culture

Plant type: succulent

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: prefers moderate moisture, drought-resistant

Flowering time: summer

Height: high (above 100 cm), low (10-50 cm)

Value in culture: decorative foliage, medicinal

"Begonia rex"

Plant type: shrub, herbaceous

Attitude to light

Relation to moisture: moisture-loving

Flowering time: Spring Summer Autumn

Height: high (above 100 cm), medium (50-100 cm), low (10-50 cm), hanging

Value in culture: beautifully flowering, decorative foliage


Plant type: shrub, liana or hanging, herbaceous

Attitude to light: shade-tolerant, light-loving

Relation to moisture: moisture-loving

Flowering time: summer

Height: high (above 100 cm), medium (50-100 cm), hanging

Value in culture: decorative foliage

"Scented geranium"

Plant type: subshrub

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: prefers moderate moisture

Flowering time: summer

Height: up to 1 meter

Value in culture: flowering, decorative foliage, medicinal, aromatic

GCD " Houseplants» ( middle group)

Target : Summarize children's knowledge about indoor plants.

1. Consolidating basic ideas about indoor plants: a plant has a stem and leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with soil; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden ones.

2. Consolidating the ability to care for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; do everything as necessary; Show the children the algorithm for planting a houseplant.

3. Foster a caring attitude and love for nature; desire to care for plants.

Dictionary : indoor plant, garden flowers, ficus, violet, cactus, chlorophytum, geranium, lemon, pike tail (sansevieria, fern, amaryllis, watering can, ripper.

Preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; planting a houseplant.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, "Physical development", "Communication" .

Methods and techniques:

1. Gaming.

2. Visual.

3. Verbal.

Equipment :


Indoor plants: ficus, violet, cactus, chlorophytum, geranium, lemon, pike tail (sansevieria, fern, amarylis.

Tools for caring for indoor plants (cards with a picture of a watering can, sponges for wiping, sticks for loosening, sprayer, bottles of fertilizer).

The shoot is geranium.

Pot, soil, watering can with water.

Didactic game“Show and name the parts of a plant”(cards depicting plant parts).

Didactic game"Indoor and garden plants"(cards with images of indoor plants and garden flowers, a picture of a flower pot and flower bed).

Progress of the lesson

1. Game surprise moment

The doll Tanya comes to visit the children.

Educator : Guys, the Tanya doll does not know what indoor plants are and how to care for them. Let's help her and teach her everything we know about indoor plants?

(children's answers).

Educator : First, let's teach the Tanya doll to solve riddles. Listen:

No arms, no legs, but moves,

Breathes but doesn't speak

It eats, but has no mouth.(Plant)

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round.(Flowers)

Educator : Well done! Guys, you already know that every plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know?(Children name the plants and show them.)

2. Didactic game

Educator : Guys, what plants do you know besides indoor plants?(garden) Can you tell them apart? On the table you see cards with pictures of indoor plants and garden flowers. They need to be distributed So : place indoor plants next to the flower pot, garden flowers - next to the flower bed.

3. Conversation about indoor plants

Educator : Children, look how many indoor plants there are in our group. What do you think these plants are for?(To make it beautiful.)What else are houseplants for?(Plants purify the air.)It’s right that it should be beautiful – a person decorates his home with indoor plants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also cleanse the air of dust and dirt. Many indoor plants smell good.

Guys, what should you do to ensure that your indoor plant is always beautiful and doesn’t wilt?(care for a houseplant)Let's tell you how we care for plants.

4. Physical exercise "On the window in pots":

On the window in pots

Flowers rose.

Reached for the sun

Smiled at the sun

Leaves to the sun

The flowers are turned,

The buds are unfurled.

They will drown in the sun.

The guys squat down facing in a circle. Slowly they get up. They stretch on their toes, raising their arms up. Turn left and right, hands on the belt. Place your palms together above your head. Open your palms - buds.

5. Game "What would happen if..."

What would happen if the plant was placed in a dark place?

What would happen if they forgot to water the plant?

What would happen if you take care of the plant: water it, wash it, loosen the soil, feed it?

(Children's answers).

6. Planting a plant

Educator : Let's plant geraniums. What does it take to plant a plant?(flower pot, land, water for irrigation).

Children participate in planting the plant.

Educator : Take a flower pot. What should we put in the pot first?(We pour soil into a flower pot and make a hole for the flower.)After we've poured the soil, what's next?(We plant the flower in the ground and sprinkle it.)We planted the plant, is there anything else that needs to be done? (Immediately after planting, the plant needs to be watered so that it grows better).

7. Psycho-gymnastics“I am a plant!”


Well done boys. And now you and I will have a little rest. Lie down on the carpet. Imagine that you are small indoor plants. You were planted in warm, soft earth. You are still small sprouts, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But someone’s kind hands water you, loosen the earth so that your roots can breathe, and wash you. You begin to grow, the stem becomes stronger, you reach for the light. It’s so good for you to live on the windowsill next to other beautiful flowers...

You and I will continue to take care of our green friends, so that they live well in our group, so that they do not get sick. And so that you don’t get sick and feel good, the Tanya doll has prepared a surprise for you - vitamins!

Doll Tanya thanks the children for teaching her a lot.

— consolidate students’ knowledge about indoor plants;
— continue to develop students’ interest in indoor plants;
— consolidate students’ knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants;
- strengthen your skills in caring for indoor plants;
- develop memory and thinking;
— cultivate a love for plants and a desire to care for them.

Preliminary work: classes, experiments, observations according to the project plan, reading fiction, solving riddles, didactic games, caring for indoor plants.

Materials: game “What do plants need to grow”, indoor plants, tools for caring for plants, aprons, tape recorder, computer.

Organizing time.

Game "Kind Palms".

Guys, show your palms and rub them together. What do you feel? (Warm). This is the warmth of your kind hands, give it to your friends.
Hello sun! Hello world! Hello my good neighbor!

Children sit on chairs.

- Guys, we got it today email. Look at the screen, who do you think it's from? (From Dunno)
- Let's see what it says there. Dunno has prepared many different tasks and games for you. Are you ready to complete his tasks and play games with him?

So, the first task is a riddle. Listen carefully.
The air is purified and comfort is created. They turn green on the windows and bloom in winter. (Houseplants)

- Well done! Why are these plants called indoor plants? (Children's assumptions).
— What do you think the purpose of indoor plants is? (Children's assumptions).
— It’s right that people decorate their home with indoor plants to make it beautiful. But they not only delight us with their beauty and create comfort, but also cleanse the air of dust. Many plants smell good.
- Let's see what else Dunno has prepared for us. This is the game "Fourth Wheel". Attention to the screen.
- Well done! We completed this task.

- Let's look at the next task - “Guess by the description.”

Vanek stands wet, and there is a light in his curls. (Balsam)

Green with thorns. Looks like a hedgehog. (Cactus)

The crane's nose brought us perfume. (Geranium)

What kind of tail started to grow: Not in a pond, not in a river -

On the window by the stove. (Sansevieria)

A leaf with a hump, a groove, has thorns, but does not know how to wound.

But he heals us at any day and hour. (Aloe).

- Which interesting plant. What do you know about aloe?

The child talks about aloe.

- Well done! The fourth task is the game “What do plants need to grow.”
Children must choose a card that shows what plants need to grow and bloom well. Explain what it means.
— Poets have written many beautiful poems about indoor plants. Now the guys will read them to us.

Children read poetry.

- Well done! Now it's time for us to rest.

Physical education minute.

Flowers rose in pots on the window and reached for the sun. The leaves will turn towards the sun, the flowers will turn, the buds will unfold, they will drown in the sun.

Games "What will happen if..."

— What happens if the plant is not placed? (Children's guesses)
— What happens if the plant is placed in a cold place? (Children's answers)
- what happens if you take care of the plant? (Children's guesses)

Practical part.

- Now I suggest you go to the tables. Look how much there is beautiful flowers.
- Look at the plants and tell me how they are similar to each other. (Children's assumptions).
— That’s right, all plants have leaves, roots and stems.
— How do plants differ from each other? (Children's assumptions).
— That’s right, plants differ from each other in the shape and size of the leaves, and the length of the stem.
— All plants differ from each other in appearance, and they also need to be cared for differently.

Let's remember how to care for plants:

1. Water for watering plants should be at room temperature. It needs to be prepared in advance.
2. If the plants have large shiny leaves, you will need soft fabric. It needs to be moistened with water and wiped the surface of the leaves on both sides.
3. If the plants have small leaves, they can be sprayed with a spray bottle.
4. Plants with velvety leaves, covered with fluff, are cleaned with a soft brush.
5. Loosen upper layer soil is needed the next day after watering. You need to loosen carefully, near the walls of the pot, so as not to damage the roots.

- Well done! We remembered all the rules. Each of you has your own plant that you will care for. Think about what kind of care your plant needs and get to work. (Music sounds).
— In order for plants to grow well, you need to talk to them. What can we wish for our plants? (Children's statements).
- Well done! You have worked hard and now our plants will delight us with their beauty.

Bottom line. Did you like the games that Dunno prepared for you? What did you like most?