Preventive activities. Types of preventive social work

Activities aimed at preventing certain phenomena and processes. For example. Conducting vocational guidance for young people makes it possible to prevent their contacting the employment service and increase the level of employment of young people.

View value Preventive Activities in other dictionaries

Activity- activities, pl. no, w. (book). Work, the systematic use of one’s strengths in some kind of. areas. Social activity. Medical activity.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Activities of J.- 1. Work, occupation in some kind. areas. 2. The action of the forces of nature. 3. The work of the body and its individual organs.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Activity- -And; and.
1. Work, occupation of someone. in some areas. Pedagogical, scientific, public education for the dissemination of legal knowledge. Ebullient D. D. in the field of economics.........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

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accounting and financial (accounting) reporting of organizations and individual entrepreneurs........
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law allowing
formation of cooperative savings funds and loan associations. In 1883 they began to be called........
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Brokerage Activities— - 1) in wide
sense - activities that facilitate the completion of various transactions (commercial, credit, insurance, freight, etc.) between interested parties........
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Foreign Trade Activities- - international
exchange of goods in material form and services related to the implementation
trade turnover.
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restoration and protection water bodies; Art. 1 Water
code Russian Federation dated November 16, 1995 No. 167-FZ
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Urban planning activities (urban planning)— Activities of state bodies, local governments, individuals and legal entities in the field of urban planning for the development of territories........
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Depository Activities— - one of the types of professional activities in the securities market Dd. the provision of services for the storage of securities certificates and (or)
accounting and transition........
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Activities Audit- carrying out non-departmental audits of financial documentation, tax returns and other audits by independent auditors or audit firms......
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actions to restrict or eliminate competition, including:
withdrawal of goods from circulation to maintain
deficit or increase.........
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Activity Brokerage- intermediary activities
purchase and sale transactions with goods, currency, securities for a commission
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legislation and for a commission
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Activities Foreign trade- scope of activity for the international purchase and sale of goods, works, services, information, etc.
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Activities Foreign economic- sphere of economic activity of the state, companies, firms in foreign trade,
import, lending and
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Activities Auxiliary- activities not directly related to the final product produced by a firm or company, but vital for
main activities, including:........
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a citizen has the right to deal with
moment of state registration as individual entrepreneur........
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Activities of Citizen, Entrepreneurial- - activity
citizen as an individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial activity as an individual entrepreneur citizen........
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In conflict prevention, this type of activity should be understood as having a targeted nature of eliminating the conflict and having a direct or indirect influence on the factors preventing the occurrence of a conflict situation.

The most important point in the analysis should be the determination of the purpose and forms of the procedure. Its purpose must be operational in nature to reflect the essence of the situation or area of ​​activity. Thus, domestic political activity should be aimed at:

a) prevention of violent conflicts. A similar goal should be analogous to social sphere, for example, initial warning;

b) preventing the expansion of the conflict at its initial stage. Here we are talking about the use, first of all, of indirect methods of influence. Among them we can name the so-called. An “economic blockade” on various types of goods and raw materials would make it possible to restrain the transition of one or both sides of the political confrontation to a more active phase;

c) preventing new outbreaks of violence after the general cessation of the conflict. History knows many examples when the so-called. The “smoldering embers” of past conflicts became the foci of new confrontations and conflicts. Preventive activities should promote the same goal in relation to any area public life. Such an identity consists of analyzing the emergence and deployment of a single model of conflict. Thus, in order to prevent crime, preventive goals can also be diversified into three groups:

a) general prevention, widespread use of social prevention of various social deformations;

b) localization of the conflict - direct balancing of interests due to the influence of government structures or the public, elimination of the basis for the initiation of offenses;

c) combating relapses.

The technology of preventive activities can be reduced to two types: operational and structural.

Operational technologies. The strategy of action unfolds in pre-conflict conditions, during the manifestation of a problematic situation that does not reveal specific signs of conflict. The situation itself requires urgent action, but the participants in the events are no longer able to find a way out on their own. Arises real need intervention of a “third force”. The criticality of the situation lies in the awareness of the participants in the confrontation to resolve the conflict as a preventive measure; if this does not happen, the situation may worsen sharply. Thus, the operational technology of prevention should create conditions that would facilitate search for solutions to the problem, first of all, by the participants themselves. The technology itself includes four key elements:

♦ organization of prevention - identifying the subject of action initiating the organization of an act of prevention;

♦ the presence of an approach that could become the basis for a compromise interest;

♦ the availability of internal resources for possible balancing of the interests of the parties, as well as for a further transition to self-organization without the participation of a “third party”;

♦ the presence of a clear program of preventive actions that meets the requirements of the given situation, as well as appropriate measures in case of program failure.

The presence of events presented in their entirety adds integrity to the technology and provides the opportunity to influence the situation. In the field of political relations, the following technologies are considered the most effective:

a) early warning or early response;

b) preventive diplomacy;

c) economic measures, including sanctions, blockades, etc.;

d) use of armed forces. Early warning.

Most political conflicts have a certain period of maturation. As a result of the analysis, actions identified can be qualified as signs of an impending crisis. Confirmation of the increase in crisis phenomena, as a rule, should be declared by as many international actors as possible, including non-governmental organizations. These conditions must be observed to prevent accusations of interference in internal affairs. As a reaction to certain actions of the forces involved in the conflict, international organizations can use early response technology. The most rapid actions can be carried out by public organizations, since states must adhere to certain international legal procedures.

Preventive diplomacy

The trend towards increasing legitimate forms of international influence on various conflicts has led to the emergence of such a concept as preventive diplomacy. Traditional diplomacy has been supplemented with new functions. Interdependence modern world forced us to take a closer look at crisis phenomena, which previously concerned exclusively the internal problems of each country. Using the neutral status of diplomacy, the country had the opportunity to conduct a constructive dialogue with the conflicting parties, to identify political institutions within the state that were interested in ending the confrontation, but were able to resist it. The so-called strategy has become widespread, especially in recent decades. "Multi-level diplomacy", which involves combining the efforts of official diplomacy and the activity of civil society institutions.

Economic measures

The main goal of using economic measures is to limit as completely as possible the material base of the opposing parties, deprived of resource conflicts that arise.

It should be noted that economic sanctions are the most tangible of a number of measures. Among other activities, the following can be noted: economic boycotts, the establishment of quotas and restrictions, customs policy, etc. It must be remembered that in order to prevent interference in internal affairs, they cannot go beyond the legal framework of both international and national legislation of a particular state. The main condition for the measures taken should be the safety of the absolute majority of ordinary residents of problem areas. If negative consequences cannot be avoided, then any compensatory measures should be provided, for example, humanitarian programs. Use of armed forces.

The use of the army should always be considered as a last resort, when other measures either do not achieve results, are ineffective, or are deliberately blocked by the participants in the conflict. Also, the reason for the introduction of the army may be the real possibility of a sharp escalation of the situation, which could cause a serious threat to the civilian population, and the escalation itself could spread to other regions.

Preventive social work and its essence

Note 1

Social work is characterized by activities aimed at harmonizing social relations and maintaining a decent standard and quality of life.

One of the functions of social work is the prevention of negative factors that influence social relationships.

Preventive social work makes it possible to influence the elimination or reduction of social problems of an individual or social group at the time of the formation of a social problem, which, in turn, makes it possible to reduce the growth rate of social problems.

Preventive social work consists of a system of state, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical and organizational measures that are aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the influence of the main factors and conditions causing social deviations negative character and other negative deviations in the behavior or status of the individual.

Note 2

The goal of preventive social work is to create socially acceptable human behavior that ensures harmonious and stable relationships between a person and society.

Preventive social work also includes timely measures that are aimed at preventing acceptable physical, psychological and sociocultural deviations in individuals and social groups exposed to social risks, as well as support normal level and quality of life and health and to unlock the inner life potential of individuals.

Principles of preventive social work

Preventive social work carries out its activities in accordance with a number of principles:

  • the principle of consistency, which is characterized by identifying the totality of the causes of social problems, the formation of a system of necessary conditions for solving social problems, as well as the use of the entire system of methods and techniques of social work to prevent social problems and their negative consequences.
  • the principle of prevention, which consists in the preventive nature of the measures taken.
  • the principle of optimality, the essence of which is to objectively identify the relevance of the problem for an individual or social group.
  • activation principle, characterized by implementation own strength client, which allows us to note the subjective nature of preventive measures.

Problem field of preventive social work

The problem field of preventive social work includes the entire system of deviations and negative factors that influence society, including crime and delinquency, alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of addiction, neglect of minors, all forms of domestic violence, and other negative factors.

Preventive social work to prevent processes of social ill-being and contain negative factors is carried out by social services that cooperate with social work clients in need of social services. Preventive social work involves the use of a complex of socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other methods of social work.

Types of preventive social work

Depending on the scope of the problem and the depth of the methods and programs used, general and special preventive social work is distinguished, and it is also divided into primary, secondary and tertiary preventive work.

General preventive work is carried out on the basis of an integrated approach that organizes the actions of a prevention system and structure that has the ability to prevent the occurrence of probable social problems and their negative consequences.

General preventive social work is carried out at the state level through a system of measures aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of the population, reducing social risk factors, as well as creating a favorable environment for the implementation of the principle of social justice.

Special preventive work operates through measures aimed at solving specific social problems that have arisen in a particular person or social group.

As noted above, preventive work can be primary, secondary and tertiary:

  • Primary preventive work is work to prevent a social problem that has not yet arisen, that is, it is aimed at eliminating the negative factors leading to a social problem. Primary preventive work is widespread and non-specific, using mainly methods of pedagogy, psychology and management.
  • Secondary preventive work consists of carrying out a system of measures, the purpose of which is rehabilitation and adaptation of those who already have social deviations in behavior or who are affected by a social problem. The main goal of secondary preventive work is to create motivation aimed at changing behavior.
  • Tertiary preventive work consists of carrying out a set of measures aimed at social adaptation people who have severe social problems. The main goal of this type of work is to create conditions, an environment that supports the normal state of such people. Tertiary preventive work includes such activities as the creation of help and support clubs, the introduction and implementation of local social programs, the creation of self-help groups and therapeutic groups.

Depending on the implementation of preventive measures of preventive social work, we can also distinguish:

  • neutralizing prophylaxis
  • compensatory prevention
  • preventing the effect of adverse factors
  • eliminating the effect of unfavorable factors
  • controlled prevention

The modern protective and protective concept of prevention involves a transition from administrative and punitive measures to comprehensive medical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical and socio-legal assistance and support for families and children at social risk, to programs for social rehabilitation and correction of children and adolescents with mental and mental disorders social development. International experience shows that the implementation of preventive measures and programs has certain general trends and principles:

Professionalization of educational-preventive and security-protective activities, introduction and training of special personnel of social workers, social educators, social rehabilitators, practical psychologists specializing in practical work to correct deviant behavior of children and adolescents and improve the conditions of their family and public education;

Creation of a network of special preventive services and structures designed to provide social and socio-psychological assistance to families, children, and youth (psychological services and consultations, trust centers, leisure and rehabilitation centers, social shelters for children and adolescents in critical situations);

Recognition of the family as the leading institution for the socialization of children and adolescents, implementation special measures socio-legal, socio-pedagogical and medical-psychological assistance to the family and, first of all, to families that cannot cope with the tasks of education on their own;

Psychologization of educational, preventive and protective activities, the leading role of medical and psychological assistance and support in the correction of deviant behavior of children and adolescents, rehabilitation of minors with various forms of social and mental maladjustment.

In accordance with these principles, the activities of domestic social institutions carrying out educational and preventive work are being reorganized, which involves, firstly, a significant narrowing of the scope of activity of special early prevention bodies (inspectorates and commissions for minors, law enforcement agencies), and secondly, the development and the introduction into widespread practice of public education and health authorities of diagnostic, correctional and rehabilitation programs for children and adolescents with various forms of mental and social maladaptation, as well as the creation of a system of services for social, socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical assistance to families, children, and adolescents.

This whole wide and in many ways new for us front of tasks solved in preventive practice cannot be deployed without proper psychological support and requires intensive development of a special branch of applied psychological science- preventive psychology. The task of preventive psychology is to equip a wide range of practitioners (teachers, educators, employees of inspections and commissions on juvenile affairs, social workers and social educators, practical psychologists) with psychological knowledge to prevent, diagnose and correct deviant behavior of minors, as well as improve the conditions of their family and public education.

For both preventive practice and preventive theory, it is important, first of all, to determine the object, subject, scope and psychological tools that allow you to solve your own specific problems in preventing and correcting deviant behavior of children and adolescents.

If the object of preventive psychology is, first of all, families and children at social risk, among whom there is an increased likelihood of the occurrence of various deviations that require adequate preventive measures at various stages of sociopathogenesis, then the subject is the nature of deviant behavior, those unfavorable factors , which cause various forms of mental and social maladaptation of children and adolescents. Hence, the primary task of preventive psychology, along with ensuring correctional and rehabilitation work, remains to identify the nature of deviant behavior, unfavorable factors that determine sociopathogenesis, and develop measures to neutralize them.

Identifying this kind of negative influence is difficult, first of all, because they do not act in isolation, but, as a rule, represent the interaction of a wide variety of factors operating at different age periods with different negative contributions and “weight” to the development of deviant behavior. So, at one time, B. G. Ananyev wrote: “Human development is determined by the interaction of many factors: heredity, environment (social, biogenic, abiogenic), education (or rather, many types of directed influence on the formation of personality), a person’s own practical activity.”

Among the various, interrelated factors that determine the genesis antisocial behavior, we can distinguish such as: an individual factor operating at the level of psychobiological prerequisites for antisocial behavior, which complicate the social adaptation of the individual; psychological and pedagogical factor, manifested in defects in school and family education; a socio-psychological factor that reveals the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational community; personal factor, which, first of all, manifests itself in the individual’s actively selective attitude to the preferred communication environment, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to the pedagogical influences of family, school, and the public, as well as in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate one’s behavior; social factor"determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society.

Considering that the genesis of deviant behavior in children and adolescents has a complex multifactorial nature, its study requires, firstly, the implementation of a systematic approach that reveals the hierarchy and interrelationship of various unfavorable factors, and secondly, the use of comparative analysis, comparing the conditions of favorable social development with the process of sociopathogenesis, and, thirdly, the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach, which does not allow one to be confined within one specialization, but, on the contrary, involves the use of the achievements of such branches of psychology as developmental, social, educational, and medical psychology.

As we have already noted, preventive practice aimed at preventing social deviations applies not only to minors, but also to the entire adult population of the country. However, the scope of application of preventive psychology is, first of all, educational and preventive activities among minors. This is explained by the fact that the antisocial behavior of minors has its own specific nature and is considered as the result of sociopathogenesis, which occurs under the influence of various targeted, organized and spontaneous, unorganized influences on the personality of a child, teenager, or youth. At the same time, socio-psychological, psychological-pedagogical and psychobiological factors play a major role among the reasons causing various deviations, knowledge of which is necessary for effective educational and preventive activities.

Thus, it is in the prevention of antisocial behavior of minors that psychological knowledge acquires special importance, on the basis of which the nature of deviant behavior of adolescents is studied, and practical measures are developed to prevent antisocial manifestations.

As for the prevention of crime and delinquency among the adult population, in this case psychological support is to a greater extent carried out within the framework of legal and criminal psychology, which, on the one hand, help improve legal regulation in the field of labor, production and family relations, and on the other hand, they study the personality of an adult criminal, the reasons behind crimes among the adult population and ways to prevent them through criminal, administrative, disciplinary and public measures.

Measures to prevent juvenile delinquency include educational and preventive activities, which are carried out by general educational institutions, leisure social and pedagogical centers, psychological consultations, trust services, pedagogical rehabilitation centers, etc. The prevention of juvenile delinquency also includes measures to suppress and solve crimes carried out by law enforcement agencies during the trial, investigation, and operational investigative work.

Next, these are measures of a penitentiary nature carried out by correctional and educational institutions, including special schools, special vocational schools, and military technical schools, which play a decisive role in preventing recidivism among minors.

And, finally, these are measures to prevent recidivism of minors, carried out by law enforcement agencies, public organizations, labor, educational groups in relation to minors who have committed crimes and previously suffered various measures of criminal punishment (returned from the military-technical complex, with a deferred sentence, suspended sentences, etc.) .d.).

All this important law enforcement activity to prevent juvenile delinquency can hardly be attributed to the area of ​​competence of preventive psychology, since here the age-related aspects of investigative, judicial, penitentiary, legal, and criminal psychology should rather be developed and considered. As for the area of ​​application of knowledge of preventive psychology, it is more applicable to educational and preventive work to neutralize negative influences that determine violations of the social development of minors, as well as to measures of education, re-education and correction in the early stages of pedagogical and social neglect.

The question of the object of early prevention, which minors, at what age, with what disabilities should become the object of educational and preventive efforts of early prevention bodies is one of the most difficult and controversial. This is evidenced by the numerous concepts of “difficult”, “difficult to educate”, “pedagogically neglected”, “socially neglected”, “maladaptive” that are applied without sufficiently distinguishable content to children and adolescents of various ages, starting from preschool and including adolescence. etc.

At what stage should preventive, law enforcement, special and general prevention agencies get involved in working with minors? This question is also of no small importance in determining the subject and content of preventive psychology.

Apparently, the scope of application of preventive psychology should be attributed to those educational and preventive activities that extend to the early, so-called pre-criminal level of social maladjustment. During this pre-criminal period, the minor has not yet been involved in criminal activities, the suppression of which must be dealt with by law enforcement agencies, but, nevertheless, his social development proceeds unfavorably, characterized by alienation from the main socializing institutions, various behavioral manifestations of an asocial nature: initiation into alcohol, drugs, aggressiveness and mercenary offenses, shirking from school, work, and a tendency to vagrancy.

It is obvious that educational and preventive activities cannot be limited only to measures of individual influence and correction applied directly to a minor. Social improvement and socio-pedagogical correction, first of all, are required by an unfavorable environment, which causes social maladaptation of a minor.

These unfavorable environmental influences can have both direct and indirect desocializing nature. In one case, they can be represented by patterns of antisocial behavior or views, in another - manifest themselves in the presence of unfavorable socio-psychological conditions that make it difficult to assimilate social norms and values ​​of a positively oriented environment. Obviously, desocializing influences of different nature require different preventive measures, differentiate, recommend and partially implement which preventive psychology is designed to do.

In the system of protective preventive measures, a particularly important place is occupied by psychological and pedagogical diagnostic and correctional programs aimed at identifying deviations in psychosocial development and their correction. It should be remembered that in preventive practice, a psychologist works in close connection with a teacher, teacher, social worker, that is, his associate, who, within the limits of his competence, must also be armed with the necessary psychological knowledge and tools. Hence, an important task of preventive psychology is to equip the practice of social educational and preventive work with diagnostic and correctional methods and programs, which, on the principle of complementarity, could be used by preventive psychological and socio-pedagogical services.

Before determining preventive psychological and diagnostic tools, it is necessary to answer simple, but at the same time extremely important questions; what is the object and subsequent recipient of the results of a diagnostic examination, that is, who should be examined by a practical psychologist of the preventive service, what parameters and for what purpose should be identified and who should then be addressed for further correctional work the results of your diagnostic examination? Since the preventive psychological service is aimed at children and families at risk, that is, at those who find it difficult and with whom it is difficult, it is important, first of all, to identify the origins and nature of these difficulties. In this case, it is necessary not only to determine the nature and causes of deviations, but also to outline and implement a set of medical, psychological and socio-pedagogical measures that can improve the social situation that has caused maladjustment in children and adolescents, and carry out individual psychological correction.

Thus, diagnosis as an end in itself in this case, as well as in others, loses its meaning and is necessary only for the so-called diagnostic and correctional complexes, which allow both to identify a defect in psychosocial development and to outline a comprehensive program for its correction.

For general orientation in various methods of psychological diagnostics, it is necessary to determine some general principles selection of preventive psychodiagnostic methods that will reveal the nature and causes of social and psychological maladaptation of children and adolescents. The solution to this problem also lies in the ways of a systematic analysis of the genesis of deviant behavior of minors, which makes it possible to identify a complex of unfavorable psychobiological, psychological-pedagogical and socio-psychological factors that cause deviations in the mental and social development of children and adolescents.

Hence, obviously, preventive psychodiagnostics should begin with identifying the presence or absence of psychobiological prerequisites for deviant behavior that complicate the child’s social adaptation (retardation or delay in mental development, the presence or absence of neuropsychic diseases and pathologies - neuroses, psychopathy, psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, various borderline states). Detection of this kind of unfavorable psychobiological characteristics requires special treatment and educational programs, which must include doctors, defectologists, and pathopsychologists.

Further, it is important to identify defects of an individual psychological nature, including violations of the emotional-volitional and motivational spheres (increased anxiety, aggressiveness, reduced empathetic qualities), character accentuations, inadequate self-esteem, etc., which requires an individual pedagogical approach, as well as additional psychocorrectional programs.

It is also necessary, along with individual psychological characteristics, to study the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality of a teenager characterized by social maladjustment. This task is closely related to the problem of social development, which, in fact, is only indicated in our literature (A.V. Petrovsky) and has practically not been studied either theoretically or empirically. Therefore, before talking about personal socio-psychological diagnostics, it is necessary to highlight diagnostically significant socio-psychological parameters of social development that are subject to preventive diagnostic research.

This should include the level of social development, the main diagnostic features of which are determined by the spheres of socialization of the individual (sphere of work, communication, cognition, self-determination, self-knowledge). Then, the parameters of the most important socio-psychological characteristics of the individual - orientation (value orientations and social attitudes, value-normative ideas). Separately, we should highlight referent orientations, which play a very important role in adolescence. Acting as a kind of perceptual filters, referent orientations regulate a teenager’s social perception, perception and assessment of surrounding people, social norms, moral values. And finally, the system of self-assessments and expected assessments of the individual, something that relates to the prestigious mechanisms of self-regulation of adolescent behavior and deviant behavior in the first place, plays a significant role in explaining the causes and nature of social maladjustment.

In addition, it is important to note that preventive psychodiagnostic research cannot be limited only to personal diagnosis, even if it is of such a multidimensional nature as mentioned above. It is also necessary to study the social situation that provokes maladjustment in children and adolescents. This social situation is represented, as a rule, by unfavorably developing parent-child relationships, family atmosphere, character interpersonal relationships and the sociometric status of the child, teenager among their peers”, the pedagogical position of the teacher, the school atmosphere, the socio-psychological climate in the classroom. This requires a battery of socio-psychological and, above all, sociometric methods: observations, conversations, the method of independent characteristics, etc. .

Thus, it is obvious that in a psychodiagnostic preventive examination one also cannot be limited to the methods presented by any one industry psychological knowledge. Just as when studying the nature of deviant behavior, a systematic interdisciplinary approach is needed here, allowing for the integration of diagnostic methods of differential, social, educational, and medical psychology. That is, we are essentially talking about the final stage of the development of psychological knowledge, when the integration of various narrow disciplines occurs to solve a single pressing social problem.

In this case, the integrating core is the nature of deviant behavior, the identification of those unfavorable psychobiological, psychological-pedagogical and socio-psychological factors that deform the process of socialization, the process of assimilation by the individual of social experience and entry into the system of social relations.

Questions and assignments for Chapter I.

1. The essence of the biologizing and sociologizing approach to

explaining the causes of crime.

2. Western socio-psychological theories of deviant behavior.

3. Domestic experience of preventive and penitentiary practice.

4. Subject, object, tasks of preventive psychology.

5. General characteristics of diagnostic and correctional tools used in preventive psychology.

6. Basic principles of studying deviant behavior of children and adolescents.

7. Select a battery of psychological diagnostic methods that can be used in preventive psychological services.

First, let's look at the philosophical and legal aspects of the basis of legal liability.

The philosophical aspect is necessary to resolve the question of why a person should be responsible for his actions in general, including for socially dangerous actions.

In all ethical and legal teachings, the problem of responsibility is explored in connection with philosophical problem freedom. In this matter, legal science is based on the fact that one of the social grounds of legal responsibility is the presence of free will in a person. Free will in this aspect is considered as a real opportunity to freely choose a way of behavior, self-expression and action. At the same time, actions (inaction) committed against one’s own will, i.e. in the actual absence of freedom or in a state of honest error, cannot entail criminal liability. For example, an employee of an internal affairs agency carried out an illegal order from his superior, not knowing about its illegality, having been deliberately misled immediate superior.

When considering the legal aspect of the basis for legal liability in general and for branches of law in particular, the question arises of what socially significant behavior entails this or that type of legal liability, the answer to which is given in the relevant normative legal act that prohibits the committed unlawful act under threat of punishment against the guilty person.

Returning to the concept of corpus delicti, it should be noted that this is a legal characteristic of an act that has the property of a public danger. The features that form a specific crime, together represent sufficient grounds for criminal liability. It should be emphasized that no other circumstances can influence the presence of this type of legal liability. The absence of one of these signs excludes the emergence of criminal liability due to the absence of corpus delicti.

Considering the problems in the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan, it is necessary to highlight the most common types of disciplinary violations and crimes committed by police personnel.

I. Disciplinary, related to the process of non-fulfillment or dishonest performance of official duties:

1. Violation of performing discipline.

2. Consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

3. Negligent attitude towards service (service) weapons.

4. Direct disregard of management’s orders, failure to comply with requirements and instructions.

5. Violations of the requirements of criminal procedural norms during the detection and investigation of crimes, including the conduct of operational search activities and investigative actions.

6. Violations (infringement) of human rights and freedoms during the investigation of crimes, performance of official duties, in particular, ensuring the protection of public order, conducting special operations, etc.

7. Falsification, forgery of documents, signatures, etc.

8. Negligence, failure to perform or improper performance of assigned duties.

9. Compulsion to testify.

10. Abuse of powers and their excess.

11. Concealment of crimes.

12. Receiving a bribe.

13. Inducing (provoking) citizens to commit crimes (often found during operational investigations, when citizens are provoked to commit a crime in order to subsequently stop their actions and extort a bribe).

II. Domestic and family conflicts that disorganize the employee’s activities, since the moral and psychological state largely depends on the employee’s marital status and often affects the process of his official activities.

Let us note that the fact of committing disciplinary and administrative offenses and crimes entails liability (disciplinary, administrative, criminal), which is implemented in the manner prescribed by law in the form of punishment. In general, these elements constitute a triad of the mechanism for the occurrence of violations of certain rules of law and the implementation (taking) of response measures aimed at restoring the disturbed legal balance (regime) by influencing the offender. Consideration of this aspect allows us to reveal the nature of such negative social phenomena, as disciplinary offenses and crimes committed by employees of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan in connection with the implementation of operational and official activities, which are the subject of dissertation research. Taken together, these acts destabilize discipline in the structure of internal affairs bodies, disorganize their activities and negatively affect their reputation.

The main measures to counter violations of the law and discipline are such response measures as bringing the perpetrator to justice and ensuring the inevitability of fair punishment. However, in our opinion, bringing employees of internal affairs bodies to disciplinary and criminal liability is not enough to eradicate such violations.

In solving this problem, an integrated approach is required, consisting of measures such as improving legislation and the departmental regulatory legal framework regulating the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as the effective practical implementation of these norms, which in general will help optimize the activities of internal affairs bodies, as well as establishing proper discipline and law and order in the sphere of internal affairs.

When organizing educational and preventive measures to prevent disciplinary offenses and crimes among personnel, it is appropriate for the heads of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to proceed from certain fundamental postulates.

The criminological theory of crime and delinquency prevention is defined today as the doctrine of the totality various types activities and measures in the state aimed at improving social relations in order to eliminate negative phenomena and processes that give rise to crime or contribute to it, as well as preventing the commission of crimes at different stages of criminal behavior.

The crime prevention system accordingly includes objects of preventive activity; its main levels and forms; preventive measures; subjects carrying out this work. According to some authors, this system at the state level, it needs special reinforcement by legislative acts, for example, in the law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the fight against corruption”, which would reflect the principles general provisions, subjects and forms of this type of activity.

One of the few provisions that practically does not give rise to debate among criminologists is the understanding of crime prevention as a type of social management, which makes it possible to identify an object, a subject, preventive measures, as well as to evaluate the activity itself taking into account the requirements for social management. On this basis, N.V. Shchedrin, for example, proposes to characterize crime prevention as a specific type of social management, the purpose of which is to reduce the likelihood of criminal behavior, for which the subject, using the whole range of legal measures of influence (including coercive ones), stimulates the inclusion of the object into the system of socially beneficial relations and limits its negative connections.

The principle of systematicity involves considering crime prevention as an interaction between a subject and an object, and crime prevention measures as a management relationship.

The principle of objectivity in relation to crime prevention means that this activity is impossible without knowledge and taking into account the patterns of functioning of the object and society, which is intended to eliminate unsystematic and episodic behavior in combating crime.

The principle of goal setting makes it possible to correlate subjects, objects and measures of influence with preventive activities, since the goal is the focus of the subject’s attention and its achievement serves as a measure of the quality and effectiveness of preventive work.

The principle of the main link allows you to determine the main direction and goal of crime prevention activities, identify a key problem or several main problems and focus available resources on solving them.

The principle of optimality and efficiency involves achieving the best result in the shortest possible time with the least expenditure of effort and money, material and financial resources.

The system of crime prevention measures, like the conceptual apparatus, is no less diverse, although by its nature the whole variety of measures of influence can be reduced to two methods - incentives and restrictions. Depending on the reasons and objectives of the study, preventive measures can be classified as follows (but not exhaustively):

by level: general social, special criminological (general and individual);

by scale: national, regional (at a separate facility), applied to a group of persons;

by impact mechanism: incentive measures, punitive measures, restoration measures and protective (security) measures;

by subject of impact: measures taken by bodies of all branches of government; measures implemented by individual bodies, organizations, institutions; measures taken by individual citizens;

by object: measures to prevent selfish, violent, economic, professional, organized crime, juvenile delinquency, women, etc.;

by branch of legislation regulating preventive measures: constitutional, administrative, civil, criminal law, as well as civil, administrative, criminal procedural.

General social crime prevention measures are characterized as measures aimed at eradicating the causes of crime and the conditions for committing offenses. They can be addressed to the population as a whole or to its individual categories that make up risk groups. The guide also highlighted the six most important areas of social policy affecting the state of crime in society:

Urban and rural planning policies and, in particular, slum clearance policies, siting management; the problem of homelessness; design that includes places for public use and trade; the relationship between housing provision, employment and transport availability;

Employment policy and, in particular, policies related to the elimination of unemployment and job creation;

Education policy, including early childhood education;

Family Policy;

Youth policy, including the creation of conditions for recreation, leisure and cultural activities;

Health policy and, in particular, the fight against drug addiction and alcoholism.

Situational crime prevention is associated with limiting opportunities to commit crimes. In this case, two types of measures are distinguished: security measures that make it difficult to commit a crime, and measures that reduce interest in committing a crime.

Measures that make it difficult to commit a crime are provided by: a) strengthening the object of the criminal attack; b) moving the object of a criminal attack; c) seizure of means of committing a crime. Reducing interest in committing a crime can go in two ways. For example, in relation to property crimes, the first is to reduce the value of any stolen property by marking it. The second way - increasing the perceived threat of exposure - can be achieved by expanding various forms of surveillance by law enforcement agencies, private security services and the population.

V.N. Burlakov and N.M. Kropachev include three categories of phenomena among the objects of crime prevention. The first category includes economic, social, political, psychological and other factors that determine the state and dynamics of crime. The second category includes human activities that must comply with the rules of law and social interaction. At the same time, the nature of the activity can be very different - professional, administrative and managerial, technological, etc. Finally, the third category as an object of preventive activity presupposes the personality of the criminal, understood as a social process of its formation criminogenically significant properties and qualities.

The most complete definition of the object of crime prevention was given, in our opinion, by V.V. Golina, who proposes to understand it as “individual or a set of different (by origin, spheres, forms and intensity of manifestations) negative phenomena and processes of reality of a material or spiritual nature, which lead to the emergence of causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes.” At the same time, such characteristic qualities of the object of preventive activity are highlighted as its criminality, dynamism, potential for growth, and latency. Considering the variety of phenomena and processes that form the common object of prevention, it is advisable to divide them, according to V.V. Golina, into groups of criminogenic objects of a social, legal and psychogenic nature, which undoubtedly increases the efficiency of developing appropriate measures to influence them.

In relation to the subject of our consideration, the object of preventive activity will be the entire set of negative phenomena and processes that give rise to crime and delinquency among police officers, as well as other types of their delinquent behavior (drunkenness, rudeness, offensive arrogance, manifestations of aggression, petty theft, etc. ). As a specific feature of the object, one should highlight the equally high latency of both the determinants and external manifestations of criminal behavior of police officers, which to a certain extent complicates the development of preventive measures.

effective impact on this type of crime. We also take into account the complications caused by the lack of normative recognition of the concept of “violation of the law” and the scope of offenses falling under this definition, which we will specifically focus on below.

The provision on the primary role of large-scale national measures in the implementation of preventive activities fully applies to the subject of our research. Crime among police officers, determined by a number of general social factors, cannot be significantly reduced for a long period only through the use of special criminological measures without fundamental changes in the functioning of social institutions.

The departmental approach, focused on creating a concept for the prevention of crimes and disciplinary offenses in internal affairs bodies, often considers weak educational work, formalism and connivance on the part of management, qualitative and quantitative shortages of personnel, low moral and volitional qualities of employees, and their professional incompetence as the main criminogenic factors. This state of affairs, when the main emphasis is on eliminating and neutralizing exclusively the determinants of the generic (species) order, cannot be acceptable if measures aimed at preventing crime in the internal affairs department as one of the social institutions of society are not implemented in parallel.

It is known that the cornerstone of modern state policy is order in the country and strengthening the rule of law. For example, the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000, states that “consolidation of efforts aimed at combating crime and corruption is required. Russia is extremely interested in eradicating the economic and socio-political basis of these socially dangerous phenomena. The priority is the formation of a system of measures for effective social prevention and education of law-abiding citizens.” In this context, among the most important tasks in the fight against crime, the Concept puts first place “identification, elimination and prevention of the causes and conditions that give rise to crime.”

Crime prevention is a system of diverse measures to prevent crimes committed by various (state and non-state, specialized and non-specialized) entities, by identifying and eliminating (blocking, neutralizing) the causes and conditions for committing crimes (prevention), preventing planned and prepared crimes, suppressing attempts on them, as well as ongoing criminal activity. With this understanding of the essence of preventive activity, it is considered as an anti-criminal service to the population, society, and state, focused on all stages of criminal, pre-criminal, and partly post-criminal activity, which is important for ensuring a continuing proactive impact on society.

large sector of criminogenic factors and criminally dangerous situations.

In the meantime, we often have a situation “when those who are called upon by law to protect and defend the rights and interests of citizens themselves commit crimes and cause harm to citizens... This phenomenon leads to the demarcation of society and government, and is now being created dangerous situation when a citizen in a police officer does not

sees a defender."

Thus, the state of corruption of employees of internal affairs bodies is influenced by a whole complex of factors, both of an objective nature, determined by the ideological, economic, social state of society as a whole, and of a subjective nature, depending on the personality characteristics of each employee and the type of professional activity, in the process of which there are constantly opportunities for abuse and corruption.

To effectively carry out work to prevent and suppress corruption, it is necessary to ensure the timely identification of circumstances that may cause reasonable suspicion in relation to specific employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as facts that give reason to believe that actions are being taken against a law enforcement officer to involve him in criminal activities .

Based on these facts, a thorough, in-depth and comprehensive operational verification of the initial data obtained is necessary. It is carried out taking into account the need to observe special precautions that exclude the deciphering of secret sources of information, as well as the essence of verification actions.

A characteristic feature of activities to prevent corruption among employees of internal affairs bodies and, in particular, to identify signs indicating attempts by criminal structures to involve them in criminal activities, is the prevention and suppression of cases of unlawful influence on employees by representatives of organized groups.

Another aspect of the preventive work of internal security units is associated with the mandatory verification of candidates nominated for vacant positions, the list of which is determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Activities to identify and suppress the penetration of persons pursuing criminal goals into internal affairs bodies are carried out by their own security units in cooperation with personnel apparatus, as well as with the heads of services and divisions of internal affairs bodies. Preliminary verification of candidates for service in internal affairs bodies is carried out by the head of the structural unit of the internal affairs body in which the candidate is expected to serve, and by the personnel apparatus.

It should be noted that there is a tendency to introduce representatives of criminal structures into various departments of internal affairs bodies. Therefore, the role of the head of the territorial internal affairs body in the selection and placement of personnel is extremely important.

The category of legal preventive measures should include measures to bring the daily activities of the police to the highest possible compliance with international standards, among which, first of all, the following should be highlighted:

1. Strict compliance with the law when performing official duties.

2. Respect for personal dignity and respect for human rights.

3. Lack of bias, openness and cooperation, personal integrity.

4. Use force only when clearly necessary and strictly proportionate to the threat presented.

5. Maintaining confidentiality.

6. Complete rejection of torture, cruel and inhuman treatment.

7. Protecting the health of detainees and arrestees.

8. Refusal to engage in any acts of corruption.

9. Respect for the requirements of laws and charters, countering any attempts to violate them.

10. Personal responsibility for each of your actions.

Speaking about legal and organizational measures to prevent crimes and disciplinary offenses, it should be noted that improving the mechanism for respecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as increasing public confidence in internal affairs bodies, directly depends on the adoption of a number of measures of a national nature, including:

Development at the state level of programs to increase public confidence in internal affairs bodies;

Increasing the level of legal literacy of the main part of the population, as well as professional literacy of employees of internal affairs bodies;

Creation of free legal assistance services for the population;

Revival of the previously existing practice of creating youth movements and professional sports clubs under the internal affairs bodies, for example, “Young Friend of the Police”, “Young Dynamo”;

Intensification of activities public organizations(councils) under the internal affairs bodies. It is necessary to more often involve them in direct participation in the consideration of applications and complaints from the population, including against the actions of police officers.

Special attention should be paid to the problem of applying European standards for the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings and the practice of law enforcement agencies. According to A. Chumakov, practical employees of law enforcement agencies, and, in particular, internal affairs agencies, are not active in studying and implementing European standards in the field of human rights. The organization of teaching these standards in educational organizations of postgraduate professional education should be considered unsatisfactory. In connection with the above, it seems appropriate to include the subject “Fundamentals of European Law” in the state educational standard higher professional education in the specialty “jurisprudence” and a special course “European standards in the field of human rights in the legal system of Russia” in the programs of departmental educational organizations of internal affairs bodies.

In the field of education it is necessary to supplement learning programs senior classes of schools with special courses and disciplines within which the fundamentals of law and order would be studied, since the study of legal disciplines and the fundamentals of state legislation forms the civic position of young people and fosters respect for the activities of law enforcement agencies.

With the active participation of the media, increasing the level of protection of citizens' rights from crimes by employees of internal affairs bodies is achieved by constantly informing the population about human rights activities in the interests of persons whose rights and freedoms have been unreasonably infringed. Such programs can be aimed at clarifying legislation in the field of protecting rights and freedoms, because the more a law-abiding citizen is aware of his rights and methods of protection in case of their violation, the less chance of impunity remains for those who encroach on them. At the same time, such programs help to increase the authority of law enforcement agencies.

Strengthening the special criminological preventive activities of internal security units will be facilitated by the development and implementation of programs for covering activities to prevent crimes by personnel in the media in each territorial unit of internal security.

An important area of ​​crime prevention and raising the prestige of the police should be the creation of a special program to create a positive image of an internal affairs officer in the eyes of the population. To achieve a certain balance, it is important to inform citizens not only about the criminal activities of employees of internal affairs bodies, but also to no less extent focus public attention on persons who received state awards for their courage, performed their official duty in conditions dangerous to life and health, or died in performance of official duty.

It is relevant to create a series of programs at the regional media level, where the daily activities of various services and units would be covered live: local police inspectors, State Traffic Inspectorate, patrol and other services, as is practiced in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In solving problems of cooperation with the population and raising the prestige of internal affairs bodies, it is important to formulate in the public legal consciousness an attitude towards the need for voluntary and conscientious communication with government agencies in the field of law enforcement. Since crimes by internal affairs officers have a high level of latency, the participation of the population is a very significant factor in their prevention and timely suppression.

It should be noted that abroad they pay attention not only to training police officers and working with the public, but also to training citizens to interact with the police, since law enforcement agencies are interested in ensuring that the population better understands the tasks and problems of policing. For this purpose, public police academies are being created, the main task of which is to familiarize the population with the work of the police. Those who graduated from these educational establishments citizens better understand the problems and difficulties of policing, are more willing and competent to speak in courts and protect the rights of law enforcement officers. This experience deserves to be studied and used when interacting with the public.

A positive effect will be achieved by the preparation and publication by internal affairs bodies, independently or in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, of a series of brochures for the population, explaining their rights and responsibilities, which helps to increase the legal literacy of the population.

As a means of victimological prevention, it is possible to propose that internal security units and personnel inspectorates, based on an analysis of situations in which employees of internal affairs bodies commit crimes, develop recommendations to the population on how to prevent them.

Prevention measures are also divided into general social and special criminological. The first include general preventive measures, which are mainly focused on improving the living conditions of the population, which prevents the commission of offenses due to the presence of social problems, material need, which ultimately become the cause of selfish and violent crimes. Special criminological preventive measures include activities aimed at increasing the level of legal awareness of citizens, campaigning healthy image life, a call to respect the rule of law, etc. In addition, these measures are also aimed at the legal education of employees of internal affairs bodies, in particular, these measures are divided into general and individual. The former are designed to influence the team, while the latter are individual in nature, as they are aimed at one employee. As disciplinary practice has shown, this method is the most effective, since it contributes to the personal education of the employee.

Individual educational work is a very effective means of preventing disciplinary offenses and crimes among the personnel of internal affairs bodies. One of the requirements for the heads of territorial internal affairs bodies both in Tajikistan and in Russia is to conduct systematic individual educational work with subordinate employees. As V. M. Burykin rightly noted, the control of this work is reflected in the assessment of its effectiveness of recordings, observations and conclusions.

Special attention The manager needs to pay attention to establishing good relationships with subordinates, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the team. One of the preventive measures that contributes to this is a visit by the manager to the place of residence of subordinate employees. However, as our survey showed, this method is not popular among heads of territorial internal affairs bodies. Thus, to the question: “When was the last time you visited the housing of an employee subordinate to you and got acquainted with his living conditions in order to carry out individual preventive and social welfare work?”, the overwhelming majority of the surveyed managers and their deputies (78%) answered that due to excessive workload over the past few months, they have not visited the places of residence of their subordinates. And 22% noted that there is no such tradition in their department.

Thus, prevention is the main activity of the heads of territorial internal affairs bodies to ensure law and order in the work of these bodies. The significance of prevention lies in the fact that it is carried out before negative events occur, including the commission of disciplinary offenses and malfeasance by employees of internal affairs bodies. Any connivance on the part of the head of the territorial internal affairs body entails a weakening of official discipline and, as a consequence, a deterioration in their performance indicators. This determines the relevance of this topic. In this regard, to ensure proper control, first of all, it is necessary to appoint highly qualified (professional) management personnel with management skills and relevant competence. The correct selection and placement of management personnel is the main condition for the subsequent establishment of official discipline and law and order in the system of internal affairs bodies. The head of a territorial internal affairs body is able to establish proper control over the personnel subordinate to him, since he has sufficient power and professional potential to carry out managerial activities.