They threw two dried roses into the house. Rose and pink petals. Love spell on rose petals

Often, in order to get rid of problems that cannot be solved by standard solutions, they resort to the help of magic. Many sorcerers use the handkerchief spell in their practice, performing special magical rituals.

Some practitioners of black magic rituals use a scarf to guide severe damage at your ill-wishers. They perform a ritual, reading a spell on a white widow's scarf early in the morning. This ritual is performed only by black sorcerers. White magic cannot harm a person.

With the help of scarf spells, you can improve your health and get married successfully; etc

A handkerchief will help

  • perform a ritual to search for enemies;
  • improve your health;
  • sew a scarf and charm it for good luck, money, work or the attention of your beloved guy;
  • gain the favor of your superiors or climb the career ladder;
  • get married successfully;
  • read a spell for a new handkerchief to make wishes come true;
  • use a familiar accessory for successful trading, profitable commercial transactions, real estate purchases, etc.

The most useful magic rituals on a handkerchief

A strong spell on a lady's or men's handkerchief helps solve many problems.

Ritual objects are almost always used in magical rituals. You can take your personal items such as a pin, comb, wallet, scarf, jewelry and even a headdress and make an amulet out of them.

A lady's handkerchief is often used to make some cherished wish come true faster. They choose the strongest one, not complex ritual or a ritual from a famous strong healer and perform it at home. Below we present the most “useful” rituals that can be performed using the simplest but most useful accessory.

For this plot you need a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

This scarf spell should be read when the full moon rises in the sky. Prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pen. For the ritual you will need a new handkerchief. This ritual is called “From seven troubles.” The text of the conspiracy is copied onto a small sheet of white paper.

“Handkerchief, magic handkerchief, you’re not only good for colds. Now you are the fulfiller of my desire. I know what I want, and you will help me achieve it. Thanks to the magic handkerchief, I will get whatever I want in life and get rid of all my troubles. Amen.

They read it at midnight, placing a handkerchief to their right and a lit church candle to their left. After reading, the sheet with the magic words is burned in the flame of a candle, and the handkerchief is always carried with them as a talisman.

How to charm a scarf for successful trading

To ensure that trading is always successful, experienced magicians advise performing a ritual on a handkerchief.

You can sew a scarf yourself, with the indispensable desire to achieve success with the help of this accessory. This ritual is considered universal. It can also be used for wholesale trade. For example, read this conspiracy to sell clothes, food, good wheat or a large batch of vegetable oil.

Before the start of the trading day, you should wipe your face with a handkerchief and say ׃

I am a merchant, my crown is with me.

Just as bees fly to honey, everyone looks at my product.

They want to take it. Amen".

Place the enchanted item in your pocket and wear it for exactly a week. The ritual can be carried out until trade improves.

Scarf spells for money are especially popular among those who sell a particular product. This ritual is also suitable for businessmen whose profits depend on supplies, agreements, contracts, transactions, etc. A simple spell for money carried out on a handkerchief does not depend on the phase of the moon.

A silver coin is tied into a new nosepiece and the following words are spoken three times:

“How silver is respected! How they love silver! So they would love me, God’s servant (your name), and everyone would respect me.”

This handmade talisman must always be in your pocket. It is best to carry out a spell on a new green scarf. However, it is better to choose a pattern that contains yellow, white and silver. The talisman is taken with them to all important negotiations and during transactions.

To bring love into your life

There are many ancient rituals on how to bring happiness into your life and mutual love using a handkerchief. You just need to remember that a conspiracy read on a scarf for a loved one should not cause harm to other people. In white magic, it is unacceptable to destroy someone else’s family or forcefully tie a guy to you.

A girl on the waxing Moon should sew a talisman with the desire to get married as soon as possible and faith in success. While working, she pronounces the following spell׃

“I want to find my happiness. The betrothed-mummer come quickly! Love me and never leave me. I promise to be your faithful and caring wife. You will be the only one for me, and I don’t need anyone else. Amen".

It must be worn near the body during the day and placed under the pillow at night. Before going to bed, be sure to touch your talisman with your hand, ask him for help, tell him in detail what kind of groom you would like to “get.”

There is a ritual that helps to avoid trouble

Sometimes you may need a talisman that can ward off big troubles or misfortune - strong conspiracy the scarf will help you with this.

For example, you are afraid of the consequences of complex inspections, so officials may find any violations and close the store.

One more example. Practicing magicians advise, if your husband is in a very unpleasant situation, to cover the handkerchief with tears and read the following conspiracy from court and prison׃

“A scarf helps not only with a severe cold, but also saves you from a runny nose. On this moment this is the only attribute that will help me achieve my plans. I am sure of what my soul desires. But this amulet will help me achieve what I want and bring great pleasure to my soul. May troubles forever forget the way to my home. Trouble cannot bring negativity into my life. Amen".

It is given to a person in trouble and he must stay with him until the situation becomes clearer.

A lady's handkerchief, charmed to make a wish come true

Magicians have been casting spells to make wishes come true for a new handkerchief ever since they came into use. At midnight they light a red candle and take a handkerchief in their hands. You need to close your eyes and clearly imagine in all details as if your cherished dream has already come true. Then a spell for desire is read on the nose

“My cherished desire will be fulfilled by the great spirit of the Lord’s help, For the Heavenly Father helps those who ask him for help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will become reality, and through events it will acquire a path for fulfillment. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what I ask. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The made talisman is carried with them until everything planned is accomplished. The spell, which is read to fulfill a wish for a new nosepiece, is read on the waxing Moon.

For a handkerchief spell from Natalya Stepanova, you need to sew a handkerchief with beautiful lace

Famous magicians and famous healers use conspiracy in their practices. You can perform on your own the most powerful rites, conspiracies or rituals against illness and poverty, which the most powerful healers offer to help people.

Natalya Stepanovna is well known. She helped many people. Her books and articles are very popular. You can find in them for every occasion the most strong ritual or a ritual for many problems, which a strong Siberian healer advises.

To get what you have long dreamed of, perform the following ritual. Sew a handkerchief with beautiful lace yourself, thinking about the fulfillment of your wishes and believing in the success of your magical actions. The handkerchief should be beautiful, made from natural material. While working, say ׃ three times

“The Great Spirit of the Lord's help grants me the fulfillment of my desire. For the all-merciful Lord helps everyone who asks for help. May the fulfillment of my desire come (briefly tell us what you dream about) in ways unknown to me. The Lord knows best who to help and how. My desire is merging with reality every day, events will acquire a path for speedy implementation. May the Spirit of the Lord give me what I ask of Him. I’ll tie a scarf to make my wish come true and wait. Amen".

The handkerchief must be tied in three knots and always carried with you until your wish comes true.

The scarf is a fairly common attribute in magical rituals of various types. Handkerchiefs are most often used in rituals. Known ancient belief that in order for a wish to come true, you need to tie a knot on a handkerchief and carry it with you all the time.

The most famous rituals with a handkerchief are rituals aimed at fulfilling a wish. As a rule, a scarf spell is read on a full moon. Visualization of one’s own desire plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the ritual. And you should also remember that the conspiracy on desire should be read in complete solitude.

Powerful Ritual

For this ritual to be effective, you must clearly formulate your cherished desire, and it is very important that it be real. Your handkerchief should be used in the ritual, and not a new one, but one that you have already used.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to fully concentrate on your desire, squeeze the nose attribute in your hands and say the desire out loud three times. Moreover, the wording must be exactly the same all three times.

After this, the following spell is pronounced on the scarf three times:

“May my cherished desire be fulfilled with the help of the Lord’s will. Everyone knows that our Lord Almighty helps those who ask for help. I know that the Lord's help comes in unknown ways, but always on time. Therefore, my cherished desire will turn into reality at the right time. Life events will develop in such a way that the path for its implementation will be shown to me. The Lord Almighty will grant me what I ask him for. I will tie a scarf if I wish, and I will humbly wait. Amen".

A tied and charmed scarf should be carried with you until the wish is fulfilled. Subsequently, it can be untied and used in the usual way.

There is a very simple spell for a new handkerchief, which is known as “from seven troubles.” In this ritual, the following conspiracy must first be written on a sheet of blank paper.

It sounds like this:

“Handkerchief, magic handkerchief, you’re not only good for colds. Now you are the fulfiller of my desire. I know what I want, and you will help me achieve it. Thanks to the magic handkerchief, I will get whatever I want in life and get rid of all my troubles. Amen.

This plot needs to be spoken many times. Your inner voice should tell you when to stop speaking magic words.

After this, the piece of paper with the spell written should be burned, and the handkerchief should be put in your pocket and always carried with you. You should expect your wish to come true in the period before the next full moon.

Of course, very often the cherished desire for girls and women is to attract love into life. A ritual in which you need to use a lot of handkerchiefs will help you make your innermost love dreams come true.

The peculiarity of this ritual is that you need to sew your own handkerchiefs from a new piece of natural fabric made of linen or cotton. When buying a cut, you should leave the change to the seller. With the purchased piece of fabric you need to go to the temple. There you need to sprinkle your purchase with blessed water, and before leaving home, buy thick candles from the church shop. Their number should be equal to the number of letters in the name of your chosen one.

The ritual should be performed on the same day in the evening. But before that, you need to do all the household chores, namely, clean the house and cook a meal. You can begin the ritual only after the house is in perfect order.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, the candles should be placed in a circle, a saucer of water should be placed in the center of the circle and a silver ring should be placed in it. Then you need to light candles and hand-sew twelve handkerchiefs from the purchased piece of fabric.

The following words should be said above each handkerchief:

“I will go out, Servant of God ( given name) from own home through the doors and then through the gates. I will go to distant places to seek my happiness. Along the way, I will turn to the clear month so that it can show me the path to happiness. I will go where my feet lead, barefoot on the road and on the grass covered with dew. From the depths of my soul the words will come out of me that there is a good fellow living in the world, to whom my heart is drawn. I yearned for him, so much so that I lost myself. The road will lead me through the forest, through the swamp and across the field straight to my beloved. The end of my journey and the crown of my work. You, my dear, Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), only be with me, but I don’t eat or drink. My strong word, so be it. From now on and forever. Amen".

After the last scarf is sewn, you need to immediately go to bed. In bed you should read the Lord's Prayer.

The next day, you need to remove the ring from the saucer and pull through it all the handkerchiefs you sewed the day before. Then they need to be folded and stored together with candle stubs in a secret place. The ring should be put on your finger and worn without taking it off for 21 days, and you should wash it with water.

More and more women are turning to help love magic when there is simply no other way out. There are several types of rituals that can help make your beloved man fall in love with you, return your husband to the family, or bring your meeting closer to your beloved.

Not all magic is safe to use on your own, so it is better to entrust serious rituals to specialists and people with a special gift.

But there are some conspiracies and rituals that you can carry out yourself. They do not have a strong impact, but are only an assistant in a given situation. Such rituals include conspiracies to make a man get bored and return home.

An effective ritual to make a man bored

The conspiracy for the guy to come is better carried out in evening time in the new moon phase. To implement it you will need auxiliary items, such as:

  • Fishing hook;
  • magnet;
  • lock with keys;
  • red candle

The ritual is performed in absolute privacy and complete silence. The attributes prepared for the ritual are laid out on the table and the candle is lit. On the candle fire it reads in a whisper magic spell:

“Just as this key cannot open another lock, so the servant of God ( full name guy) will not be able to live without me, the servant of God (his full name). I attract you to me like a magnet, you will come to me soon, my dear. Key. Lock. Amen".

While casting the spell, molten wax is dripped onto the closed lock, keys and magnet. Next, the items must be firmly connected. Extinguish the candle with your fingers, and wrap the enchanted attributes of the ritual, without separating them, in a new handkerchief. Put the package in the far corner of the closet with personal belongings.

Conspiracy for a meeting

You can carry out a simple ritual to get a man to come on your own on the evening of the waxing young moon. Especially for the ritual, you should buy any item on which you can mentally concentrate the image of your beloved man.

Over the purchase, you should read the “Our Father” prayer in a whisper three times to prepare for the conspiracy ritual. Light a red candle and speak the words of the spell into its flame:

“As the fire of this candle melts the wax, so your heart does not resist, I will tie a thread into seven strong knots so that we can see you sooner.”

While pronouncing such words, the ritual purchase should be tied with a red thread and seven strong knots should be made. Give the enchanted item to a dear man as soon as possible.

Spell for a phone call

Sometimes, for some unknown reason, your loved one simply stops calling. Female pride or fear of rejection does not allow a girl to dial her sweetheart's number first. When you don’t have the strength to simply wait for his call, and calling first is taboo, you can influence the situation with light magic.

This plot can be done for any long-awaited call: for a loved one to call and return after a quarrel, for a new acquaintance to call, or after an interview at a prospective job.

Like all rituals, a conspiracy for a long-awaited telephone conversation must be carried out in solitude and complete silence. It would be better if it was a new moon evening, but in this case it is not so important.

  • The easiest way is to imagine that the phone is ringing and even hear the ringtone. Mentally pick up the phone and imagine the conversation. At this time, you need to fully concentrate on the desired subscriber and not think about anything other than the call.
  • A similar ritual is to write a message with the text: “Call me, please!” and mentally send a message. If the method does not work immediately, it can be repeated, but no more than seven times.

In order to provoke a loved one to remember and call, you need some object that carries his energy. It could be anything that only he and no one else touched. Take the object and bring it to your heart. Imagine the image of your beloved man as clearly as possible and say the words of the magic spell three times:

"Be with me, my dear

Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon

Dove with dove

Servant of God (man's full name)

Calls on the second day"

If everything is done correctly, then already on the second day there will be a long-awaited call from your lover and a return to your family.

A very effective conspiracy

So that after a quarrel your loved one gets bored and comes back quickly, you can perform a very simple but effective ritual. You pick up the phone, dial the man’s number without the last digit, and before the first ring you need to have time to read the words of the magic spell:

“If you want to hear me, call me!

If you want to see me, call me!

If you want to love me, call me!

You can’t live without me - call!”

This ritual is performed three times. If there is no call within nine days after the ceremony, then some mistake was made in conducting it, or the call was actually not so desired.

The next rite of passage love feelings men. Reading over a glass clean water exactly at midnight these magic words:

Give me a drink, some water!

So that the servant of God (full name of the beloved) could fall in love with me

He languishes in melancholy and sadness,

In the dark night he cannot sleep.

Find greater love

Take the phone and call me (name).

After reading, you should drink all the water and go to bed. Already in the morning or in the near future you will receive the desired call from your loved one.

Spell on a scarf to make a man come back

The scarf spell is carried out exclusively during the waxing moon phase. For the ritual, it is necessary to make sure that your loved one touches a new scarf, purchased specifically for the conspiracy. In the evening, looking at the new moon, tie knots on the diagonal edges of the scarf. In this case, the following conspiracy should be spoken:

“I tied a knot in a handkerchief

I wished for your name, my love

The heart only yearns for me

And let you dream about my face

Pick up your phone in the morning

Dial my number

And talk about love!”

When the knots are tied and the plot is read, the scarf should be hidden away so that no one can see it, but at the same time you need to keep it close to you.

After the long-awaited return, the knots can be untied.

An active conspiracy to make your loved one feel sad

So that in separation a man would feel sad and come back, you can carry out a conspiracy for the arrival of your loved one. This ritual will not allow a loved one to have fun and cheat on the side. To carry it out, you need to take a fresh red apple, make sure that there are no damages or flaws on it. During the ritual you need to look at the apple and fully concentrate on the image dear person, pronouncing the following magical spell:

"How you red apple fade, how you ripe apple You fade, just as you dry up a juicy apple, so you (the man’s full name) without me (your full name) are depressed, sad, and in anguish. There are no thoughts and worries of others about how to meet me, there is no other sweetheart to forget about me, there is no other sadness like heartache. Amen".

After the plot is read, you should put the apple in the sunniest place and let it dry.

Conspiracies “path under your feet” to return your husband

Such conspiracies operate at the energy level. It has long been known that if people communicate, an energy channel begins to connect them. And the closer and longer the connection between people, the stronger and stronger the connection.

It is this fact that explains that it is often possible to predict a phone call or mood loved one even very long distance. With the help of conspiracies, you can not only return your husband or boyfriend to the road after a quarrel, but also always be sure that your loved one will return and will not go to the left. The calling ritual can be done at any time of the day, indoors or outdoors.

By photo

The fastest and easy way, for which you only need a photograph dear man. The photograph is taken in left hand, place the right one on the heart to activate the connection with the man. At the same time, repeat the magic spell three times:

"I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting

I boast about my new clothes

I am sending for you (name)

Your guardian angel.

Let him lead you to me.

My word is strong. Amen"

If everything is done correctly and the energy channel is activated, the effect will follow within half an hour.

For church candles

The ritual begins with the purchase of candles. You need to buy a candle in church on Sunday, pay for it with small coins, and give them with your left hand. The candle should be lit in the dark, away from sunlight, and ideally, the ritual should be performed in the evening.

As soon as the candle wax begins to melt, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Candle wax melts, it melts from the fire. So you (man’s name) cannot find a place without me, you long to come to me. Come, I'm waiting for you. Amen".

During the ritual, you need to look at the candle flame for a long time and imagine your chosen one. You can mentally contact him and call him to you.

For salt

One of the simplest rituals for inducing melancholy so that the beloved man returns to family home- this is pouring salt under his door with a spell.

“I don’t pour salt, but I add pain,

I don't take the world, but I steal peace.

Take laughter and smiles from (man’s name)

So that the light would not become sweet from melancholy and pain.

To be bored and sad day and night

Under the Sun and Moon.

Eat up the salt, warm up the melancholy.”

It is known that magic words have enormous power not only to create, but also to destroy. That is why in the use of any magical rituals caution should be exercised. We must not forget that one wrong word or the action may not only not help bring your loved one home, but even harm his future life.

For a successful result in love magic rituals to attract a loved one, you should remember the two most basic rules.

  • Rituals should be performed in solitude during the waxing moon phase, and preferably during the new moon.
  • You can cast love spells only on a loved one with whom there has been a temporary separation or quarrel.

But, under no circumstances should you tie someone else’s man to you. At best, such a ritual simply won’t work.

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How to use a scarf?

The power that a scarf helps to accumulate and hold helps us women solve many problems, because a scarf heals, protects, attracts and holds. The scarf gets along feminine beauty, smoothes out excess male energy and fills with attractiveness.
With its help, you can pump up energy, heal a sore organ, get pregnant, cure gynecological diseases, rejuvenate, enlarge your breasts...
The very first thing that almost every woman feels when gaining energy with a handkerchief is vigor, a surge of energy, normalization emotional background, sleep, general well-being, fever, feeling of pleasure, joy from every minute...
By putting a scarf on their shoulders or tying it on their head, many feel confident and protected.

It often happens that many women have very little time left for sleep. In this case, you can pump up energy during the day, and at night - without pumping, sleep in a scarf, tie it up, cover yourself or lay it on a sheet. In this case, you can make yourself a simple conspiracy. While performing the action with the scarf, pronounce the words and go to bed.

A scarf is a blanket that hides our energy from other people. Men in the east also wear scarves to cover their crowns and conserve the resources of Sahasrara - the channel with the Cosmos.

A scarf tied to the head or something like a chain around the head, a headband, etc. help preserve internal energy. Because a conditional ring is created without breaks.

The scarf removes the main headache, if you tie it on your head, making a knot at the back of your head or in the manner of a “solokhi”. In this case, you need to say certain words - an invented or already known conspiracy.

The “pumped up” scarf is filled with energy, and you can charge money, jewelry in it...
Jewelry can be used for a specific day - a date, an interview... or if you are expecting a meeting with unpleasant people etc. This is done in the afternoon before sunset.

When your stomach or lower back hurts, you can wave the scarf at yourself or tie it to the sore spot. And here it’s not just about the warming effect, because the scarf can be not only wool, but also silk.

A scarf, imbued with our energy and often worn, can attract both good events, so the right people, especially men, because this is how we are designed, that first of all men react to women with a large amount of Yin energy.
If the lower chakras are fuller than normal, then relationships with household members will also change - you will have enough energy not only for yourself.

For infertility, it is recommended to tie a scarf on your hips, like a gypsy - the more you wear it and pump up energy, the better the result. It is advisable to tie a scarf red or orange color with a gathering pattern. Each woman has her own sensations from this - vibration in the hips, heat in the lower abdomen, the feeling that the uterus is beginning to “breathe”, pulsate...
If there are no sensations, not even vigor and lightness, then there are probably mental blocks, weak Muladhara or Swadhisthana, etc.
In addition to this, I recommend wearing
It helps well with problems of organs related to the Svadhisthana and Muladhara chakras, going to Slavic or Eastern dance, especially those that involve a scarf, or just dance with a scarf on your hips to suit your mood. This will have a beneficial effect on all three lower chakras to varying degrees.

Previously, if a woman could not get pregnant for a long time, she took a scarf from a woman with many children, tied it with it for three days and nights, after which the energy of the woman with many children passed on to her. Perhaps she was whispering something else at the same time. I think that waving such a scarf at yourself with certain thoughts and visualization will work in the same way as a whisper, if there was one.

In the Caucasus, a red scarf was used to cover a sick child with an illness called the “red flower.” IN modern version This is rubella. The child lay down and was covered completely and in many layers not only with red scarves, but also with red cloth that was available at home. Also, the older women of the clan could bring red cloth from their home. After this, the women whispered approximately the following text: “...Under this cover, may your health be preserved. This cover will not be crossed. Death will not pass for a red scarf. Health will not disappear through a red scarf”...

A scarf is a cover with which a mother is ready to wrap her children in case of adversity or bad weather, covering them with her cover. When children are unwell, they are covered with a “pumped up” scarf, and they quickly recover. This is the first aid to treat your arm, leg, tummy... and just gain energy. And yet, children covered with a scarf quickly stop being capricious and fall asleep.

By attaching a photo (necessarily printed on photo paper) of a sick child with the colored side on the naked body to the lower abdomen, pressing the photo with a scarf like an apron, and walking around like this for at least an hour, or better yet several hours, you will get good result. It is advisable to do this during the day before sunset. If it is a cold or loss of strength, then the next day the child will feel much better, or he will completely recover from the illness. When tying, you can say three times: “I gave birth to you, I will cure you!” Truly."
By the way, I have found this conspiracy more than once on forums and websites. Because these words no longer work as they should, each time something is added to them - water is no longer recommended, but holy, someone also recommends reading prayers. But before, with this phrase and simple manipulations, a mother could cure her child - from the evil eye to a hernia. I think the point is that at the end of each spell there should be a catch word, and you need to wipe the child with your “pumped up” scarf or “correct” skirt, and not with whatever comes to hand.

Wrapped in a scarf family photo- family protection from negative influences subtle world.
You can also wrap a photo of a child who is going to kindergarten or school in a scarf and you are worried about him. Place your hand on top of this “bundle” and say: “I protect it by mother’s right.” Truly."
The path will lie there for a while, and then you can turn it around and continue using the scarf.

Sweets are collected in a scarf, which will then be treated to a husband or loved one at Good work. It is done in the afternoon before sunset. Sweets are placed in a scarf, like in a bundle, and it is said: “Whoever eats these sweets will have a good fate and a good profitable job. Truly."
Afterwards, hold them in a scarf for a while and you can treat them.

After receiving your salary, counting the money, wrap it in your scarf and leave it overnight. It is advisable to do this before sunset. Whisper a conspiracy to make the scarf increase your finances and add a word at the end. So the next day a part-time job will turn up, or the debt will be repaid, or another opportunity for profit.

In a day spring equinox Sweets are placed in a woman’s scarf, wrapped like in a bag, and placed in the center at night kitchen table. There should be nothing on the table other than this scarf with sweets. It says: “My home is always full bowl. Let it be so!".
I would expand this conspiracy and clarify: “My home is always a full cup: love, health, mutual understanding, well-being, prosperity, and all kinds of grace. Truly!
During the day you treat everyone with these sweets, it doesn’t matter whether they are your own or strangers - this is a message for even more to come. The scarf used is the one worn by the woman who will perform this ceremony.

Even in the old days, a knot was tied on a scarf or handkerchief as a keepsake or when wishing for an important event that was about to happen and come true. For their loved ones or sons going to war, women with a curse tied scarves made in Pavlovsky Posad into a knot and certainly waited for their return. As a rule, these scarves depicted blooming roses and lilies, as a symbol of life and an image of the Garden of Eden.

A scarf with flowers covering all your hair will fill you with harmonious and beautiful thoughts.

A scarf tied around the neck will nourish Vishuddha and attract attention to speech.

A handkerchief can cleanse a house or person from certain ailments and the evil eye.

The scarf can be tied around the neck, on the handle of a bag or around the hand, like an imitation of a bracelet. With a knot, we seem to build a wall around ourselves and close all the accumulated positive energy inside.

Before going to an interview, tie a knot in a scarf at home - a handkerchief will do, as long as it is personal and imbued with your energy. And when you come home, untie it. Maximum - get a job, minimum - save your energy.

In ancient times, the Slavs at home tied a handkerchief in a knot before going to the cemetery to an already buried person, with approximately the following words: “As I left, so I will come. So be it." And when they returned, they untied him. After the cemetery it is advisable to visit public place before going home. For example, go into a store, walk around a little or stand indoors for a while and leave.

In the Caucasus, they bought white scarves and tied them to everyone who participated in the funeral and went to the cemetery. After leaving the gate, the scarves were thrown away or burned. This was done to save their energy, so that entities and restless souls would not cling to a living person. Such a scarf does not heal anything; there is no point in keeping a scarf from a funeral or wake. And in general there is no point in taking anything out and bringing in dead people, both people and animals, from the territory.

There are a lot of conspiracies and rituals with a widow’s scarf - from cooling and spoiling to opening the gates to the world of Navi.

A woman who has buried her husband must burn her widow’s scarf on the fortieth day so that the widow will not be left alone, while reading a special conspiracy. If she does not get rid of the widow's scarf, then it is possible that she will live out her life alone, although this is not a fact. The conspiracy is as follows: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I go out into the street through the bracket and under the ceiling, carry it to right hand handkerchief. Go, my misfortune, in smoke, come back with a wedding crown, a wedding ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".
I remembered another conspiracy. The same can be applied to a widow’s scarf and more. Previously, when burning something associated with negativity, they said: “Go away, my misfortune. Fly away from me like smoke. Truly." Make sure that the thing burns to the end, and that the smoke always goes up from you and does not spread along the ground.

Gypsies are one of the few peoples in whom the main part of magical and ritual actions is performed on a woman’s headscarf. By the way, they were afraid to pick up other people’s scarves, so as not to take on the troubles that they often dumped on the scarves. If a gypsy bride was given a scarf for her wedding, then the older women examined it for a long time, and if the scarf was without lining and a curse, then only then was it given to the bride.

On the Internet you can find rituals and spells for a scarf. I decided to show the most necessary and less dangerous, in my opinion.

Rite of maternal protection on a red scarf
To carry out this ritual, you need to purchase a red headscarf, without any patterns and, of course, made from natural fabrics. The ritual can be performed on any day except Sunday or fasting. If you are on your period, you should refrain from performing the ritual. The baby should be placed facing the window (and it is best if the other parent holds him in his arms). His shoulders should be covered with this scarf.
The mother should stand in front of the child, holding a lit candle in her left hand. With your other hand, touch your baby's forehead. To protect a child, you need to read a special conspiracy or prayer for such a case.
“I beg you, Mother of God, hear me, Servant of God (name). Come and protect my child, the Servant of God (child’s name). Cover it with your cover. Shield him from black magic, from unrighteous people, from gloomy thoughts, from the words of envious people, from traitors, from the evil eye and damage, from various ailments, from dangerous people. Grant him health, instill love in his heart and grace in his soul. Amen".
Now you can take the child to wash himself with holy water, sprinkling a little on his handkerchief. Leave the candle to burn until the end. Store the scarf near the Red Corner or in a closet in a secluded place. If a child (no matter what age) is going through difficult times, put this scarf with him. They can also hide from troubles or evil people.

Options for custom-made rituals with a scarf
The most famous rituals with a handkerchief are rituals aimed at fulfilling a wish. As a rule, a scarf spell is read on a full moon. Visualization of one’s own desire plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the ritual. And you should also remember that the conspiracy on desire should be read in complete solitude.
For this ritual to be effective, you must clearly formulate your cherished desire, and it is very important that it be real. Your handkerchief should be used in the ritual, and not a new one, but one that you have already used. Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you need to fully concentrate on your desire, squeeze a handkerchief in your hands and say the desire out loud three times. Moreover, the wording must be exactly the same all three times.
After this, the following spell is pronounced on the scarf three times:
“May my cherished desire be fulfilled with the help of the Lord’s will. Everyone knows that our Lord Almighty helps those who ask for help. I know that the Lord's help comes in unknown ways, but always on time. Therefore, my cherished desire will turn into reality at the right time. Life events will develop in such a way that the path for its implementation will be shown to me. The Lord Almighty will grant me what I ask him for. I will tie a scarf if I wish, and I will humbly wait. Amen".
A tied and charmed scarf should be carried with you until the wish is fulfilled. Subsequently, it can be untied and used in the usual way.

Second option.
CONSPIRACY Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova.

Take a new handkerchief in your hand, think about your deepest desire. Say the words of the conspiracy three times:
“The Great Spirit of the Lord's help grants me the fulfillment of my desire. For the all-merciful Lord helps everyone who asks for help. May the fulfillment of my desire come (briefly tell us what you dream about) in ways unknown to me. The Lord knows best who to help and how. My desire is merging with reality every day, events will acquire a path for speedy implementation. May the Spirit of the Lord give me what I ask of Him. I’ll tie a scarf to make my wish come true and wait. Amen".
Then tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you. When the wish is fulfilled, the scarf should be burned.

In Stepanova's book there is a whole section of spells for scarves and handkerchiefs.
They say on a handkerchief and, leaving the house, wipe their face so that no misfortune happens: “The shield is my guarantee, Christ is sewn up for me. I walk, and everywhere there is a path and a bright road for me. Amen".

You can try saying the same thing with your Pavlovo Posad scarf without wiping yourself. After all, it is already saturated with your energy.

To give a loan
For three days, carry a handkerchief under your arm, and when you go to ask for money, wipe your face with this handkerchief, standing on the threshold, and say to yourself:
“Lord my God Christ, my angel brought the petition. My Lord, You said: “Ask and it will be given.” Amen".
Women must perform the ritual, and, therefore, ask for money in women's days, men - to men's.

Before going to the enemies
Read on a handkerchief and wipe your face and hands with it:
“Tie, Lord, the sorcerer and the sorceress, the sorceress and the sorceress, and the stubborn one on the servant of God (name), so that there is no evil from the black and the blue, from the red maiden, from the white-haired, and black-haired, from the fair-haired, from the red-haired, from the bearded, and one-eyed, and different-eyed, and stubborn. Amen".

Conspiracy for successful trading
This plot should be read when planning to go trading. They pronounce it while washing and wiping themselves with a handkerchief. You need to take the handkerchief with you to the trading place.
“You can’t count the stars, you can’t knead the plowing with your hands, you can’t take my word away from me. I am a merchant, I have a crown with me. Just as bees fly to honey, so do everyone fly to my product. They want to take it. Amen".

Conspiracy from enemies on a handkerchief
It is also a fairly strong protective measure, but it must be repeated every time you go to a place where, in your opinion, you may be jinxed or damaged. To do this, you need a new, completely clean handkerchief that has never been used.
Before leaving the house, bring this scarf close to your face and whisper into it:
"Angels and seraphim of heaven,
All the Lord's servants are honest,
they will protect me from unexpected evil,
from evil eye will defend.
Evil damage will not reach me,
everything that is in this scarf will go. Amen".
Wipe your face with a handkerchief and put the handkerchief in your pocket. After that, feel free to go where you were going. No damage will come to you. Before your next exit, you can repeat the spell from evil people using the same scarf, but you definitely need to wash it. The evil directed at you collects in a scarf, and by wiping your face with an unwashed scarf, you can let in the accumulated negativity.

From collected materials A. Wormwood
Calling with a handkerchief

Wave your woman's scarf, folded into a triangle, at yourself and say:
“Scarf, scarf, among all the roads, find your betrothed, find the right one. Find and bring. So be it."

I’ll make a reservation that in all your betrothed’s invitations, you will be attracted to a man who matches your energy, birth experience, parental instructions, and so on. Therefore, it is more advisable to work on yourself before inviting your betrothed by any means.

If you want to call specific person, when waving at yourself, say:
“Scarf, scarf, lead me to my doorstep (name of the person being called) along all roads at once, right now. So be it."

If you want to attract events, when waving, say:
“Scarf, scarf, take me to my doorstep (it is specified what is needed) along all roads at once, right now. So be it."

Petition with a handkerchief
Place the spread out scarf on your hands, spread your arms slightly so that there is some sagging in the scarf. Now you can ask the Universe for what you need. For example: “I am holding a scarf, in a scarf I ask for good and smooth relations in the family. So be it."
After this, fold the scarf into a triangle and throw it over your shoulders or tie it to your waist. If you ask for money, then specify the exact amount.
But it's better to ask for something that money can't buy, and be careful what you wish for.

When you don't feel well
Lie down comfortably, covering your face with a scarf, and say 9 times:
“I covered myself with a scarf, invisible by the enemy, invisible by the friend, hidden from illnesses, I am gaining strength, I am protecting myself. Truly"
Lie down like this for a little while, and your sensations will tell you when you can get up.

About the handkerchief
There are many signs about a handkerchief, and they were almost forgotten, and completely in vain. Everything works and functions because these are echoes of the wisdom of distant ancestors. There was a time when a handkerchief was a common item that a village witch could speak, whisper, bewitch, cure an illness, etc. and this type of lining is easiest to throw or bury.
I decided to voice some of the signs at the end of this part, so that after everything you’ve read, you no longer perceive them as superstitions of ancient times.

Previously, grandmothers used to punish: “Carry a handkerchief with you - if you lose the handkerchief, you will lose a friend.”

Passing your handkerchief to someone means passing on your tears.

If any thing is missing, you need to tie a scarf to the leg of the chair and tell the brownie: “Father Brownie, play with it and give it back!” So be it." Soon lost item there will be.

If a person has lost a handkerchief, the sign predicts that he will soon get rid of his rather annoying problems.

Under no circumstances should the bride give a handkerchief to the groom. This innocent event could result not only in their separation, but also in the girl’s inability to get married in the future.

You should not accept or give handkerchiefs as gifts: it is believed that this will lead to tears in the house.

If you suddenly find someone else’s handkerchief in the house, it is better to burn it in order to prevent troubles (it would be nice to say charming words when burning).
It is recommended to do the same if you were given a handkerchief, which you did not soon return to the owner. If it was a paper handkerchief, then you need to burn the entire package.

To attract good luck while playing cards, you need to sit on a handkerchief lying on a chair.

You cannot give knives, watches or scarves. Handkerchiefs mean tears, knives mean enemies, and watches mean parting.

Don’t take someone else’s handkerchief - other people’s tears will be transferred to you with it. If they give you a new handkerchief, pay the ransom, at least a penny.