Lighting for a teenager's room. Adult design of a small nursery for a teenager. Interesting design solutions

The white living room looks very airy and elegant, it has a lot of light and air. This color looks great in any room, large or small, narrow or disproportionate. Therefore white is a win-win for the living room, both on the first floor in a Khrushchev-era building and in a huge mansion.

White color has a special place. White is the basis of all colors; designers believe that you can write on it like on a blank sheet of paper and build almost any interior. In a modern interior, white is often combined with black or gray tones; this is high-tech in its classical sense. A few bright details and accessories - and here you have a beautiful and bright design.

White living room - advantages

Most people think White color easily soiled and unsuitable for wall decoration, room decoration with textiles or furniture. But, despite this general judgment, this color in the interior has a lot benefits:

  • A white living room has a calming effect and is an excellent antidepressant after a hard day at work. White color gives a person a feeling of freshness, lightness, and a certain freedom from the shackles of everyday life.
  • Can be easily combined with other colors, be it red, blue, green.
  • A white living room can be easily decorated in various stylistic directions, from classic to high-tech style.
  • White almost always imparts a certain degree of festive cheer to even the most simply decorated room.
  • Can be easily changed general style rooms, simply by changing the accents, and simply adding some bright things, you can take a completely different look at the usual room.
  • If the living room is also a studio and also includes a dining room, then using white color you can achieve the perception of the entire room in harmony, without sharp divisions into zones.
  • White color in the interior is always on the wave of popularity, and a living room in white will always seem like a certain standard of style and high taste.

To avoid absolutely only white in everything, you can use one of its shades. At the same time, if you use even two in the design of the living room, but absolutely different colors, you can achieve a very stylish result. Black and white interior the living room, for example, is the personification of style, chic and a certain sophistication.

Living room in black and white: interesting contrasts in the interior

If speak about black and white interior, this does not mean that you just need to buy black furniture and dilute it with white textiles. In fact, it's not that much boring colors, as it might seem at first glance. This color combination will allow you to create an excellent interior. The combination of black and white is the union of two opposites. White implies innocence, purity, perfection, while black symbolizes power. When paired, these colors create an impressive and perfect contrast that will not go unnoticed. Each item will catch the eye. Even if one color serves as a background for the second, it will still stand out.

A black and white living room interior will be elegant, modern and sophisticated. However, it is necessary to take a subtle approach to the use of black. If used too large quantities on the walls and windows, you can get an overly dramatic room with an oppressive atmosphere. To boldly paint surfaces black, the room must be large, with high ceiling and many windows. If you skillfully combine black and white, the living room may look smaller than it actually is, but it will look luxurious and bold.

White color in different living room design styles

Stylistic features create a unique mood and atmosphere in the room. It’s rare that only one style is used when decorating a room, but knowing their specifics allows you to combine them correctly and use white in them.

Provence. This is a simple and original style of the French province. The white living room, designed in Provence style, is characterized by an atmosphere of unique comfort and warmth. This style is dominated by natural and natural colors, pastel shades, so softer tones of white are suitable here: milky, pearl, Ivory etc.

Loft. Ultra-fashionable and increasingly popular design style with elements of rough finishing by type production premises: naked brickwork, rough tile or plank floors, restored furniture. In this direction, raw walls in white or, conversely, modern angular ones look original. white furniture against the background of the beaten brick walls. The loft style exudes coldness, and the white color gives it organization.

High tech. A rather young style of late modernism, essentially close to minimalism. A white living room, furnished in this style, has nothing superfluous or unnecessary, every detail fulfills its function. Practical furniture, technology, absence of useless decor, clear lines and restrained colors. Perfect style to realize the idea of ​​a living room in white.

Art Deco. A flashy design style with characteristic features of pomp and monumentality. To style such an interior, pure white walls are ideal. They will expand the space, add light to the living room and become an excellent backdrop for large paintings and art deco posters. White color will also not draw attention away from palace-style furniture and expensive decorative elements interior

Using white in living room design is both simple and unique way create any interior you like, which can easily be changed, supplemented or transformed over time.

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A white living room is like a blank sheet on which you can draw any image. Black and white living room interior is at its peak modern fashion. It can be seen in small apartments and in country houses.

Don't think that you will quickly get bored with a monochrome combination. Despite the monotony, the black and white dress code has many advantages:

The result of such a duet can be bright and individual. You can achieve the desired effect using “bright spots”. As an addition, I suggest using it in the interior the following tones:


We dilute the monochrome palette of the living room with bright, cheerful notes.

Dressy clothes will help add comfort sofa cushions, and interior accessories will add rich accents. Original background lighting and beautiful curtains will transform the living room.

In addition, I suggest giving the room a little natural freshness. This can be done using decorative deciduous or flowering plants in beautiful flowerpots.

Have you chosen a black and white living room design for yourself? First of all, evaluate the dimensions of the space. I recommend using simple tricks:

  • White color will enlarge a small living room. It will add transparent weightlessness to its atmosphere.
  • You can raise the ceiling space using black walls and a white floor.
  • A “checkerboard pattern” will help create the feeling of a square in a narrow, rectangular living room: a long white wall and a short black wall.

In the design of a monochrome living room, maintain the proportion: primary white 60-70%, secondary black 25-30%, 5-10% color combinations.

Color combination

What combinations will look best? Let's look at a few options.

Gray and white living room or sophisticated austerity

The gray color was undeservedly forgotten and in the past was considered unattractive. He received new life V modern interiors. Cold grey colour combined with the purity of white transforms the living room into a precious treasure.

Gray amazes us with the colors of a cloudy sky, rich mousy, silver, steel or smoky. Let's consider popular design options:

  • Classic: dark gray floor, light gray walls, light ceiling.
  • Original: light floor, dark gray walls, light gray ceiling.
  • Pretentious: light gray floor, light walls, dark gray shelves.

With all due respect to these two noble shades, their dialogue would be boring without bright accents. Try some design tricks:

We decorate the walls with small paintings or one bright canvas. Photos in strict frames will look modern on the walls.

To complete the look, we place large outdoor plants in high flowerpot stands in a prominent place. We decorate the windows plain curtains. Cool tones of fabric will add elegance to the interior, while warm tones will create coziness.

Don't forget about bright sofa pillows, there should be a lot of them. Do you have bright furniture? Super! In this case, choose pillows in a rich gray-mouse color.

One color should be the main one. Bright details must match each other in color.

The combination goes well with multi-colored palette. They will be in good company:

  • pleasant green, light green shades. They refresh and give the interior natural motifs;
  • extravagant red will add passion to the interior;
  • yellow color will saturate the living room with energy;
  • shades of lilac will create a feeling of independence;
  • blue is close in character to gray. It will help smooth out transitions;
  • violet, lavender, lilac - caress the eye with exquisite tenderness;
  • burgundy, ink, and purple will emphasize the depth of character.

Pros of the living room:

  • visually increases square meters;
  • looks elegant and sophisticated.

Still, friends, be careful! If there is too much dark gray in the living room interior, it can evoke the feeling of a gloomy castle.

White and brown living room - practical elitism

The living room interior in this color combines comfort and practicality. Their composition creates a feeling of eliteness and peace. Brown has many warm tones.

The duet is in demand in the interiors of modern living rooms. Psychologists note that people with conservative views choose it, and they have good reasons for this:

  • brown is the color of natural wood;
  • relieves stress and gives positive emotions;
  • does not look harsh and defiant;
  • encourages spiritual communication;
  • fits perfectly into classic and rustic styles;
  • is practical and not boring;
  • looks fashionable, neat and well-groomed.

From the outside it may seem that there is nothing difficult about decorating a living room in white and brown tones. I want to warn you, there are pitfalls here:

  • The predominance of brown can overload the interior with a dark color.
  • In a small living room Brown should be 70% less than white.
  • Dark brown furniture should be the only one in the interior of a white living room.


Be careful when combining white and brown with gray and black tones, or better yet, avoid them altogether.

In practice, several composition options are used in snow-white and all brown shades. Which one to choose is up to you:

  • brown floors, white walls and ceiling;
  • light ceiling with brown beams, light walls, brown floor.
  • light floor, brown walls, light ceiling;
  • light brown walls, brown floor, snow-white ceiling.

I like to add minor pops of color to my two-tone living room. The most advantageous combinations and most often used are:

  • blue;
  • turquoise;
  • aquamarine;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • light green;
  • pistachio;
  • yellow.

Be careful with shades of purple and lilac, as well as tones of burgundy and dark blue.

In the large, bright living room you can hang brown curtains, and not in a large living room better windows decorate with fabric of light or rich shades.

A brown carpet looks advantageous on a white floor, and a brown sofa will be decorated with turquoise or orange pillows in combination with similar curtains. An extravagant detail can be a red lampshade or yellow upholstery on chairs.

Wicker furniture and large vegetation will fit well into this living room interior.

Red and white living room

The color red is associated with fire, strength, beauty and passion. It improves appetite, activates vision, and encourages communication. White is purity, peace and virginity. They complement each other with characteristic features.

Red should not be aggressive. Choose calmer shades: tomato, raspberry, coral, paprika or terracotta. Follow the rules of proportion: 30% red and 70-75% white.

Red is the color of fire

Decorating such a living room is not easy. This idea can be compared to walking on the edge of a knife. One mistake can disrupt balance and harmony.

  1. Red color visually enlarges objects.
  2. A red sofa or carpet would be appropriate only in a spacious room.
  3. The romantic tone of the room will be set by soft red shades, so the lighting takes on a pleasant, pinkish color.
  4. The red and snow-white living room combines well with black, gray and beige.

Have you decided to try out a living room design in white and red tones? I ask you not to rush to put red wallpaper on all four walls. Focus on one vertical surface. A rich turquoise color will help neutralize aggressive red.

I advise you to complement the interior of such a living room with large red objects. For example, floor vases, pillows or lampshade.

White and lilac - a mystical union

It is not often possible to find a living room decorated in these colors. I think people are completely wrong to avoid combining them. With them, the atmosphere of the room becomes foggy and mystical, luxurious and almost weightless.

Extraordinary purple colour conceals coolness, tranquility and an extraterrestrial sense of reality.

Lilac shades are classically combined with white and gray. You can safely add brown colors to such a living room. Lilac is the color of luxury and magic. It harmonizes well with emerald, malachite and turquoise.

Looks good the following options design:

  • The walls and ceiling are snow-white, the floors are beige, the curtains and sofa are lilac, the furniture is brown, accessories are the color of malachite.
  • Lilac walls, white furniture, light gray curtains, turquoise accessories.
  • The floor is light, the walls are two-tone, the furniture is brown, and the accessories are aqua blue.

Lilac floors are a rarity, but they also have a right to exist.

Want to become super original? Then a lilac floor in a white living room is made for you. We complement the room with purple furniture and lavender curtains. We make the walls snow-white.

A bold design decision would be to add yellow, orange or pink “spots” to the interior of the room. This could be a floor lamp, a chandelier, a floor carpet or an armchair.

We update everything in a new way

Before you decide to dramatic changes, think through all the details so as not to oversaturate the room with white.


Fashionable white floors will give your living room a feeling of genuine cleanliness. They look elegant and will become the main decoration of the interior.

We use a shade close to white: ivory, baked milk, opal, moonlight or coconut.

Advantages of a light floor:

  • harmonizes with any colors of the rainbow;
  • visually expands the space;
  • creates a feeling of air flight;
  • calms and relieves tension;
  • balances the contrast of dark furniture;
  • on light floors Dust is least visible;
  • fills the room with light.

Light floors are:

Wooden with painting, impregnation, varnish coating or made of parquet board(laminate). This is a great option for design in the style: Provence, ECO style; Scandinavian, classic, minimalism.

Strict glossy, porcelain stoneware, self-leveling, stone or made from natural cork, as well as covered with carpet or linoleum.

The main thing is that the texture does not violate the overall harmony.

A light floor requires careful care, which means it encourages you to keep the living room perfectly clean.

Fireplace - let's make your fantasies come true

Do you think a white fireplace is atypical? Let me disagree. Just look at how it organically fits into the interior of a modern living room and the question disappears by itself.

1 White electric fireplace emphasizes the classic style, French Provence, strict modern, minimalism. Its installation does not require complex structures, chimneys and in the refurbishment of premises. It is this fact that makes electric versions of fireplaces popular.

All those who are lucky enough to own a private home will want to have a fireplace open type. A natural hearth can be decorated with granite, white rock, lined with brick or covered with decorative textured tiles

Its installation requires serious expenses, but the living flame and the sound of crackling wood evoke ancient legends and excite emotions.

2 An alternative to an open flame is a modern biofireplace powered by natural gas. Here you have a real flame, no firewood and safety from fire.

3 The decorative fireplace looks like a beautiful deception. You cannot light a fire in it; it serves only as decoration. A false fireplace can be decorated with natural firewood and large candles. It is made from lightweight artificial wild stone or decorated like a brick.

Can visually transform a snow-white living room decorative fireplace, made from regular drywall. Good idea— install a bio or electric fireplace inside it. Try to show imagination and also apply a little skill.

Furniture in the interior is a game of imagination

Elegant white furniture will help fill your living room with light. It looks great and is considered a sign of aristocracy. Furniture can be glossy, matte or have other natural shades.

Someone may say: “Light furniture is devoid of practicality.” I don't think so. This color is much more practical than black and brown. There is no visible dust on it, and heavy dirt is unacceptable on any furniture.

Light leather sofa, a bleached oak table, a carved buffet or a white modular wall create a feeling of purity and celebration. They visually enlarge the space, pushing its boundaries.

White furniture will fill the living room with light

In order for the room not to look like a hospital ward, the white color needs to be offset by contrasting interior elements. This is not difficult to do, because this tone is not capricious. It looks great paired with any color.

If your living room windows face south, then feel free to add “neighbors” from a cool color scheme to the white furniture. Accordingly, if you have a north side, then the interior details should be in warm colors.

Upholstered white furniture can be upholstered in cotton, tapestry or leather. Be careful with leatherette, it can cause a lot of problems.


Don't joke with white gloss, it is demanding in terms of lighting and maintenance.

White furniture in the living room harmonizes well with any wall and floor decoration. Choose whatever you like. Suitable for you:

  • red;
  • brown;
  • all shades of green;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • blue.

White furniture will accept all your decisions, without exception.

Choosing a style

Provence? Loft? Or classic? Each has its own nuances and features that attract. Study all the details and create.

In Provence style - a French fairy tale in the apartment


Provence should be soft and affectionate, and the materials used should be natural.

The Provence style living room is full of comfort, simplicity and naturalness. She is devoid of luxury and glamor. Characteristics style:

  • The walls can be lined with artificial white brick or plastered.
  • The flooring can be anything from aged boards to porcelain stoneware. Perfect solution– zoning using various materials.
  • Upholstered furniture is upholstered with matting, leather, and burlap. The main thing is no floral prints or romance.
  • Lighting can be ceiling-spot, floor or wall. In any case, a loft chandelier should be as simple as possible and devoid of pretentiousness.
  • A little live vegetation for a white loft living room won’t hurt.

Classics - a triumph of harmony

Fashion does not stand still, one style replaces another, but time has no power over the elegant and delightful classic style. White classics are always solemn and harmonious. It is distinguished by the symmetry of shapes, the quality of furniture and decoration.

White color classic interior It is allowed to dilute with calm tones. The color palette should not be provocative. I advise you to use a combination of white and brown with the presence of:

  • calm green;
  • olive;
  • burgundy colors;
  • cherry;
  • raspberry;
  • lilac;
  • gray;
  • blue;
  • other natural shades.

Let's study the laws of the classical style:

  1. . The space should be divided in such a way that conditional lines can be drawn between interior details.
  2. Grace of form. Classic style characteristic of luxurious decoration. Nevertheless, it lacks excessive pomp and abundance of gilding.
  3. Natural breath. A white classic living room should be created using natural materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, as well as for other elements (stone, natural fabric, wood, brushed metal).
  4. Light. Lighting should be naturally soft. Big windows During the day they provide natural light, and in the evening chandeliers in the style of the 15th century light up under the ceiling. I recommend that you use additional lighting.
  5. Accessories. Sofa cushions, mirrors, clocks, books, vases, figurines, candlesticks, paintings depicting landscapes in intricate frames and living outdoor plants.

There is no doubt that the main highlight of your living room will be the fireplace. Without it, the classics cease to exist.


The classic style for a white living room is expensive pleasure, but it's worth it.

In high-tech style - the choice of the young and daring

A white high-tech living room is suitable for people who know the value of every minute of time. She is completely devoid of excesses and is as restrained as possible. color scheme.Let's try to imagine it:

  • Glass and metal (they are used to expand the space).
  • The walls are white, smooth, ready for painting or plaster.
  • There are ceramic tiles or laminate on the floor.
  • Chairs and table made of plastic or glass.
  • Monofunctional cabinet furniture, doors and window openings have the most strict outlines and geometry of forms.
  • The technology is exclusively of the latest generation.
  • Lighting is preferably wall or floor.
  • Plain curtains made of simple materials, you can use blinds.
  • The presence of accessories is minimal: sofa cushions or one large black and white painting.
  • A plain fluffy floor carpet will add warm notes to a white high-tech style living room.
  • Natural charm will be given to her by home plants in floor planters of strict shapes or a huge aquarium with bright and unusual fish.

Hello everybody! Today I want to discuss the fashionable trend in interior design and one common mistake associated with it. First, let's admit the fact that the world is simply obsessed with Scandinavian interiors. I won’t lie, I’m also a fan of this style.


Light, spacious, affordable, eco-friendly, budget, affordable, airy - that's all about them, about Scandinavian interiors. IKEA, having conquered the world, introduced and made half the planet fall in love with this style. And almost everyone who is at least somehow interested in design knows that the main characteristic feature Scandinavian style includes white walls in the room and no curtains on the windows.

Russians could not come to terms with the lack of curtains on the windows, this tradition was not understood, we have a different mentality, but many people fell in love with white walls. Well, how can you not fall in love?

Absolutely white walls will look bad if the room:

  • small window;
  • few windows;
  • north side;
  • Trees block access to sunlight.

The best option for rooms with weak natural light will be the use of neutral light shades, not pure white. These are various light colors: gray, beige, sand, olive, etc.

Interiors using these colors are very fresh and cozy:

I think you already guessed that a necessary condition for white walls in the room is sufficient quantity natural sunlight, whether direct or diffuse. To do this, the room must have big window and preferably more than one. Take a close look at those Scandinavian interiors which you liked the most. Most likely there is or french window, or several windows at the same time, or maybe even panoramic glazing.

White walls will be an excellent option if the room:

  • several windows;
  • large panoramic or French windows;
  • South side;
  • good access to natural sunlight.

With such initial data, white color, as it should be, will visually expand the space and improve the illumination of the room. In general, there will be exactly the effect that we see in photographs of beautiful Scandinavian interiors.