Can a child eat corn at 1 year old? Canned corn benefits and harms for children. Is this product suitable for children?

Sweet, juicy, bright sunny-colored corn is one of children's favorite foods. In order for the treat to bring benefits, you need to properly organize its introduction into the children's diet. From how many months is it recommended to introduce this cereal into complementary foods? What are the contraindications and how to choose a quality product?

Corn is introduced into the child’s diet gradually, starting with a small portion.

Beneficial properties of boiled corn for children

Corn is necessary for a growing body because it contains a complete complex nutrients, vitamins and microelements, as well as essential oils. When cooked, 83-85% of the beneficial properties are retained, which other grains cannot boast of. Depending on the variety energy value boiled product varies from 90 to 130 kcal per 100 g. It saturates the body with energy for a long time. Corn is a hypoallergenic product that:

  • supplies the children's body with energy due to the balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • dishes made from this grain are nourishing and tasty;
  • magnesium and B vitamins help normalize work nervous system;
  • Due to silicon, the enamel of baby teeth is strengthened;
  • pectins and fiber normalize intestinal motility and restore its microflora;
  • a favorable environment is created for the development of lactobacilli;
  • vitamins of group C increase immunity, protect against colds;
  • protein and starch help build muscle mass;
  • Vitamin A improves vision, so the product is recommended for children who spend a lot of time at the computer;

Boiled corn is a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements (we recommend reading:)
  • calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, E strengthen bones and joints;
  • iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • vitamin D helps prevent rickets;
  • potassium and magnesium are beneficial for proper operation hearts;
  • fiber helps eliminate waste and toxins;
  • rutoside has a positive effect on blood clotting;
  • amino acids tryptophan and lysine stimulate digestive processes and tone muscles.

In addition, corn kernels do not contain gluten. Due to this, the “queen of the fields” can be recommended for feeding children whose bodies cannot tolerate this substance. The cereal helps lower blood sugar levels and is beneficial for babies with diabetes.

At what age can a child be given boiled corn?

When a child has his first teeth of at least 12 (usually at the age of 1.5 years), you can try the cobs, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to chew the dense grains. You can make his task easier by running a sharp knife along the surface of the cob so that the kernels are cut in half. In addition, it is also recommended to cut the grains because until 2 years the stomach will not be able to digest the hard shell, and no useful substances will be absorbed. To begin with, it is better to consume individual grains.

From 2 years old you can give a whole cob. It should be well boiled. Eating half-baked products may cause flatulence and bloating. Allow to eat no more than one piece per day and not at night, as it is quite heavy food.

Precautions when eating corn

Start complementary feeding with small portions and carefully monitor the baby's condition. Increase the amount of product gradually, otherwise you will overload the baby’s digestive system. This is fraught with constipation, diathesis, and allergic rashes.

Do not use during exacerbation of stomach ulcers or illnesses duodenum and gastritis. Do not feed corn if there is increased blood clotting.

If your child is underweight or has poor appetite, it is better to avoid using this product. Use grains with higher calorie content.

At first, it is necessary to monitor the child so that he chews the grains thoroughly and does not choke. Make sure he doesn't put the grains in his nose.

When consuming seasonal delicacies, you must ensure that your baby chews the grains thoroughly.

It is prohibited to use a genetically modified product - it is hazardous to health. In a number of countries, such products have been withdrawn from retail shelves.

How to choose the right corn?

Do not purchase boiled cobs from your hands. They are sold especially often in the summer, when it’s hot. You cannot be sure that they were prepared under proper sanitary conditions. You also won’t know how or for how long they were stored. After lying in the heat for a couple of hours, the product may deteriorate. Your child is at risk of poisoning. Prepare the “queen of the fields” yourself, and you will be confident in the quality of the product.

Purchase products from trusted manufacturers, farms. In stores, look for a label that says “non-GMO.”

It is better to buy cobs in the first weeks of summer. Then they will not be too large and will cook quickly. Quality can be judged by appearance. The heads of cabbage should have leaves of the same color and the stigmas should be fresh. You can open the head of cabbage and see if there are any black, spoiled grains. Pick out a couple of seeds - if they are soft and give juice, then the cereal will cook quickly. Do not take heads of cabbage that are too yellow or hard - this indicates that they have long been overripe or have been stale.

Before cooking, the heads of cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. You can also freeze them and defrost and boil them as needed.

Cereals are one of the first to appear in a small child’s diet. They are usually introduced immediately after introducing vegetables, but there are situations when complementary feeding begins with cereals. Among the many cereal crops, one of the most valuable for baby food called corn.

Corn porridge is recommended to be one of the first to be introduced into a child’s diet.



  • It is not recommended to consume corn if you have problems with blood clotting and thrombosis, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Excessive consumption of boiled corn can disrupt the digestive tract.

Corn is a hypoallergenic product

From what month can complementary foods be introduced?

Corn grits porridge is one of the first to be introduced into children's diets. Baby on breastfeeding they are introduced to it at 6-7 months, and an artificial baby - from 5-6 months.

Due to the dense skin of corn kernels, exposure to boiled cobs is carried out only after the appearance of a sufficient number of teeth and good chewing skills. Usually boiled corn is given no earlier than 1.5 years.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

In what form should it be given?

Corn is introduced into the child’s diet gradually in small portions. It is offered to the baby in this form:

  • Corn porridge. First, it is boiled in water and diluted with breast milk or formula, and later such porridge begins to be cooked in cow’s milk.
  • Boiled corn. It is boiled in clean water in season when fresh young cobs are available, or at any other time from cobs frozen in season. The grains are separated and given to the child in small quantities, sometimes adding butter. For the first time, a few grains are enough, then they give half a teaspoon of grains, and if the stool and general well-being have not changed, total the product is increased to 100 g. However, it is not recommended to give corn in this form every day.
  • Various dishes with boiled corn. It can be added to vegetable stews and soups in crushed form for the little ones and in the form of boiled grains for older children. Corn can also be an ingredient in salad or omelet.
  • Baked goods made from corn flour. In recipes for cookies, muffins, or other baked goods, wheat flour can be partially or completely replaced with corn flour.
  • Popcorn. It is best to cook it at home yourself from dry grains, since ready-made popcorn often contains a lot of salt and oil.

In the following video fragment of the TV show “Live Healthy” you can learn more about the beneficial properties of corn.

Is canned corn healthy?

When canned, corn grains retain their beneficial properties, but sugar and some other components that can cause allergic reaction.For this reason, canned corn can only be given to babies over one year old.

When choosing fresh corn for your baby, buy young ears that ripen in the first months of summer. They should not be too large and hard, and the color of the grains should be light. Choose corn with tightly fitting leaves and not dry stigmas.

These cobs can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days.

Fresh corn is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements

When buying a canned product for children's meals, give preference to a well-known manufacturer and be sure to check the expiration dates indicated on the can.

Pay attention to the canning time - if the product was closed in the summer, then fresh ears were used, but canned corn in the late fall or winter is usually first dried, then soaked, boiled and packaged.

After opening the package, inspect the grains (they should not be wrinkled) and before giving them to your child, be sure to try them. Keep an open jar of canned corn in the refrigerator for no longer than two days.

When giving corn to a child for the first time, you should carefully monitor his condition.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Although corn is considered a hypoallergenic cereal, this product can cause an allergic reaction in some children.

In this case, corn is excluded from the baby’s diet and a pediatrician is contacted to select the appropriate treatment.

At six months there are crumbs on the menu, except breast milk, complementary foods begin to appear. And it’s good that now everything is individual. If your baby has problems with bowel movements or is not gaining weight well, the pediatrician will advise you to introduce porridge first into the baby’s diet. And one of the first porridges will be corn porridge (at about 6-7 months). What is good about porridge made from the queen of the fields - golden corn?

Many parents believe that corn is quite heavy for a child’s digestion. Yes, they are right, but partially. If you offer your baby corn porridge no more than 2-3 times a week, then there should be no problems with the baby’s digestion. Moreover, this cereal has a lot of useful properties. For example, it contains a lot of fiber, which helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes stool during constipation. In addition, it contains a lot of starch, necessary for the growth of toddlers, important minerals and trace elements (iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, etc.). However, porridge from boxes will be ideal for a baby. Yes, it is processed mechanically, but the corn grains are boiled before grinding, dried, and then brought to a powdery state. In addition, all the beneficial properties of the grains are preserved intact, and those beneficial substances that were destroyed during processing are replenished by manufacturers. And another important quality of corn porridge is its hypoallergenicity.

At what age can a child be given boiled corn on the cob?

From my own experience I will say that if the baby has already tried corn porridge and no negative reactions have arisen, in addition, he already has teeth to chew confidently, then soft milk corn on the cob can be safely offered to him from 1.5 years old. Just be sure to explain to the baby that each grain must be chewed thoroughly. There is a limit on the amount of corn a child eats: no more than one medium head of corn per day and not at night.

How to choose the right corn for a child?

Do not buy ready-made boiled corn from your hands if you plan on having your baby eat it too. You don’t know under what conditions it was cooked, how fresh the product was before they started cooking it, and you don’t know how long it’s been cooked for. The basic rule is that the mother herself must boil the corn for her child, and you will be able to avoid tummy problems (poisoning). Milk young corn cobs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days before cooking. When choosing, pay attention to appearance cobs: their leaves should be the same color, the corn silks should be fresh, not dry, and not dark in color. You can ask the seller to open one cob and look at the kernels of corn. If there are black grains, refuse to buy such heads of cabbage. Try picking one kernel: if it is soft and lets out juice, then this corn will cook quickly and will be soft.

Cereals are good for children's health, and adults will also get enough vitamins and microelements with the help of their favorite sweet boiled or canned corn. This tasty product is included in many dishes, and therefore mothers do not have to force babies to eat a portion. It is worth knowing some facts and basic information about corn before introducing it into children's diets.

Composition and calorie content of corn

Raw grains of domestic corn contain vitamins of group B, as well as PP and E, A. But despite its presence, you say, vitamin A will not be absorbed without fat and will not have a positive effect on vision. However, our wonderful corn is rich in this, for example, the amount of fatty oils in the cereal is 5%, corn contains a similar amount of disaccharides and monosaccharides. And also a large amount, about 70% of this element in grains.

Little known facts

We should start with the fact that more vitamins, elements and other benefits of corn cannot be absorbed by the human body, since the grains are hidden in a dense and strong shell, which is difficult to digest. This means that in order to get everything you need, you should eat a large amount of the product, which in excess will also not bring sufficient benefit. But, nevertheless, if you boil or eat the cob in canned form, or free the grains from the skin, it will be much easier for the stomach to absorb and digest them.

Why is corn good for children? It's all about one excellent property of this cereal - corn does not absorb pesticides from fertilizers, and is also not grown using genetic modification. This product is entirely healthy image life.

How to get all the benefits you need from corn

Since we need to get all the most necessary and healthy things from food, we will consume and prepare it correctly, especially if this yummy food is intended for children. So, we select only the youngest ears, not yet completely covered with full-fledged grains. So we will boil them before using them, and even longer than enough, the longer, the more likely it is that the elements will be absorbed by the body faster and better, and the stomach will not experience discomfort when digesting the hard skin.

If, however, the body has difficulty digesting corn kernels and discomfort is experienced, then the dish should be chewed more thoroughly, or grind in a blender. Can also be used cornmeal, porridges from which have a rich collection of vitamins and elements that perfectly saturate the body with everything necessary. And it is gentle on the stomach, it contains a lot of fiber, calcium, vitamins A, B and E.

As for canned sweet corn. Before use, this product should also be slightly heat treated, for example, boiled, simmered under a lid in a vegetable or olive oil, or just put it in a double boiler. This will make the skin soft, and it will be easier for the nutrients to saturate the body.

Benefits for the body

Corn is beneficial, especially for children's bodies, as well as for pregnant women. But you should not abuse this product while on a diet. Since the elements contained in this cereal help strengthen the body, corn is used to prevent cancer. And this is not a complete list of useful properties.

Regular consumption will improve the functioning of the nervous system and strengthen it, and also help improve memory. The vitamins contained in grains have a positive effect on brain function, speed up and activate work activity. The unique ability of corn is the presence of a sufficient set of minerals to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. IN sufficient quantity When properly prepared, grains help speed up metabolism.

Corn is harmful to the body

The only thing that negatively affects the condition of the body is poorly chewed and undercooked corn. It is hard on the stomach of children and adults. So, either wait for four hours near the pan, or forget about this not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty product.

When to introduce corn to children

Corn is introduced to children no earlier than their teeth grow, in order to “grind it” thoroughly. But it is better to start giving corn porridge to the baby with the first complementary foods, at the age of 6 months, especially if it is necessary to increase body weight, as well as normalize stool (relieves constipation). A large number of fiber and considerable caloric content will allow the baby to feel better and grow faster. And so, eating little corn porridge no more than 2 times a week will not cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract, even despite the fact that corn is poorly digested by a child’s stomach.

When considering your child's diet, be sure to leave room for a healthy grain like corn. And, as mentioned earlier, children should choose the youngest cobs; there will be no problems getting the child to eat a sugary and aromatic dish. The only thing you should know is to boil the cobs for at least 4 hours before eating.

It is worth introducing corn as an additional food no earlier than the baby has already acquired most of the teeth, and will also know and understand well what chewing food thoroughly means. Let's try corn on the cob no sooner than a year and a half later. Do not forget that it is necessary to warn the child about the need to thoroughly grind the grains with his teeth, otherwise his tummy will hurt.

Try to separate the grains from the skin if the child asks, but is not yet able to handle the hard grain well enough. Clean the grains from the cob first, so it will be easier for the child to live and get used to the new dish. This also applies to canned corn - be sure to check the freshness of the product and clearly demonstrate to your child how to properly chew the tasty grains.

Corn is one of the ancient cultures. She is about 12,000 years old. This confession cereal crop received thanks to the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus. In Russia, the first harvest was harvested only in the 17th century. In those days, the cereal was significantly different from today's corn; its cobs were only 4 cm long.

Since then, our compatriots have fallen in love with this product, and it is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste, but also by its beneficial properties.

It produces flour and cereals; it is also very tasty and corn is especially useful for children, since it does not contain gluten. In children, it normalizes digestion and helps natural cleansing of the intestines.

What's so special about corn?

Sweet, juicy, aromatic - who would refuse such a delicacy? In addition, an important factor is that it does not accumulate any harmful chemical substances. Corn is considered an environmentally friendly product. It will only benefit children and expectant mothers. Corn porridge and buckwheat are recommended as first complementary foods for babies.

A valuable composition is present in its cob. For example, vitamin B4, which is responsible for our cellular health. This one is vital important element lowers cholesterol levels, is responsible for metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. The cereal is also rich in a whole complex of vitamins A, E, H and microelements (magnesium, iodine, calcium, sodium, iodine, potassium). As it turns out, quite useful for human body corn. This cereal crop will help children develop correctly and fully.

Even after heat treatment, the product does not lose useful substances. The main feature of this unique phenomenon is that the shells of the grains are not destroyed during cooking. I must say that this product is quite high in calories, in principle, like everything else in 100 grams. grains contain 300 kcal. It is very nutritious, so it is recommended for those who are actively involved in sports.

As it turned out, milk corn helps remove harmful toxins and waste from the body. It has also been proven that cereal can completely normalize metabolic processes. Beneficial features The product on the cob will last a long time if you bought the cereal that was stored in a dark place and not in the sun.

When choosing cobs, pay attention to the leaves: quality product they should fit snugly. Do not buy very hard or too yellow crops (unless it is a specific variety). This indicates that it has long been overripe or has been stale. You can buy frozen cereal or mixtures. Properly selected corn will bring undeniable benefits.

Children can boil it, add it to salads and prepare puree soups. If you or your baby suffer from constipation, then boiled corn kernels will help you. They are rich in fiber and pectin; all these substances have a beneficial effect on the intestines and restore microflora, allowing lactobacilli to develop.