Classic bedrooms - we design wisely! (65 photo options). Bedroom design in a modern classic style: interesting ideas to note Cozy bedroom in a classic style

Bedroom design in style modern classic– a universal option that is suitable for both conservatives and the younger generation who is open to new ideas and trends. After all, everyone wants to feel stability in their home.

And you can add lightness and dynamism by taking note of the techniques and fashionable ideas presented in this review.

Basics of bedroom design in modern classic style

They are used to decorate the bedroom. For example, the wall at the head of the bed is covered with wallpaper with a geometric symmetrical pattern, or patterns are present on the carpet, curtains, decorative pillows. As for textiles and accessories, it is better to choose one pattern that will be repeated in several places in the room. You should not overload the overall picture with different patterns; after all, the monotony inherent in the classics should not be lost behind this.

Bedroom design in a modern style: finishing

The walls are painted or wallpapered. If you prefer wallpaper, it is better not to cover all the walls, but to make one accent surface - at the head of the bed or on the ceiling.

Natural plain wallpaper in a modern bedroom interior - one more good decision. They fit organically into the overall concept.

The decoration uses panels and false panels, and their imitations are moldings painted the same color as the walls.

Boards and carpet are suitable for the floor. Corners, transitions and joints are hidden with slats, ceiling skirting boards, cornices. The planks can be wooden, gypsum, polyurethane or MDF.

Modern bedroom interior: selection of furniture and decor

The holy of holies in the bedroom is the bed, so its choice should be treated with special passion. It should look impressive and perform its main functions - be convenient and comfortable for the owners.

The headboard is preferably high, made in bright colors or upholstered in fabric. If you have chosen a bed with an inconspicuous, more modest headboard, then it is recommended to create an accent wall behind the bed. This can be done different ways– wallpapering with a geometric symmetrical pattern, hanging a luxurious mirror or picture, decorating the wall with fabric drapery.

Remembering basic principle symmetry, we place tables, shelves or cabinets on the sides of the bed. At the foot of the room, place a seat - a couch, ottoman, chest of drawers or banquette. The seat is selected according to individual preferences. Whether it will be an aged low chest of drawers or a bench-banquette is up to you.

In the space near the windows and doors there are cabinets and shelving on the sides. The window sill will become great place for gatherings, observing the bustling life of the city and leisurely reflection, if you put soft pillows on it.

Please note that the furniture in classic bedrooms is high, often to the ceiling, decorated with cornices.

In the spacious bedroom you can afford a relaxation area with armchairs and a table, a couch or sofa.

If the floor is finished with boards, then a carpet would be an excellent addition.

Plays an important role in the design of the bedroom. There is both central lighting in the form of a chic classic chandelier, and individual light sources - table lamps on bedside tables, sconces.

Modern bedroom design ideas

Painted furniture

“New” classics are not only expensive antique furniture. Take old chest of drawers and order a painting based on it. The painting motif should represent a classic image and match the shape of the furniture.

Bed headboard with curly elements

Such “ears” seem to envelop the vacationer, giving a feeling of coziness, comfort and protection from everything external.


If you prefer to decorate your bedroom in light, “sterile” colors, take care color accents. Just two or three elements of bright or darker tones are enough to liven up the mood of a monotonously bright room.

Well-chosen lamps, curtains, bedspreads, pillows, as well as individual pieces of furniture (for example, the head of a bed) or window frames. Artistic paintings, decor purchased from antique shops, family photo portraits, and “antique” bronze or copper surfaces are welcome. Richly decorated chandelier, elegant hanging lamp, bedside lamps and sconces are also suitable as accent elements.

A mirror in an original frame or panel will do. The mirror theme can be continued in separate parts nightstand or dressing table.

An aged bedside chest at the foot of the bed, a sort of guest from the past, will make great company other bedroom interior items in a modern style and will add a little romance to the austere atmosphere.

As we have already said, one wall, most often behind the head of the bed, is made accent. This solution is perfect for a spacious, large bedroom. Accent wall differs from other surfaces of the room in color scheme and texture. Its shades can be continued in pillows and textiles, curtains.

Bright colors

If you don’t like a bright, monotonous bedroom, then follow the second path - decorating in bright colors. It's effective and consistent fashion trends. , , - start from your favorite color and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Bay window

Create an extra small space in your bedroom for working and reading. Soft chairs, coffee table with a lamp, an ottoman or a sofa-canapé will serve you well. A secretary and a console with a chair can be installed in the bay window niche.

As you have seen, modern classics in the bedroom interior are open to new ideas and creative experiments and preserve the best of the traditions of the past. In a combination of classic images and fresh design ideas unique ones are born, unique interiors, not devoid of life, dynamism and lightness.

See also:

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First of all, let's define what we mean by the expression “Bedroom interiors in classic style».

The purpose of this article is not to describe only the classicism style, which would correspond to the title of the article. You will be offered interior options in styles that arose quite a long time ago and, in their characteristic features, correspond to the idea of ​​an interior in a classical style. In addition to classicism, these are Empire, Baroque, Rococo and even Art Nouveau. You're probably at least a little familiar with these styles. If not, then let's briefly go through each of them.

Classicism- This is a style that is characterized by harmony and symmetry. It simultaneously combines pomp and some restraint in the interior. This style is to some extent the heir to ancient architecture. Hence the severity of the forms, combined with monumentality in the form of columns.

Empire style- a style that also inherited some elements of the ancient style, but giving them unprecedented luxury and even pomp. This style is suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings and large windows. For a small bedroom it would be better to use something else, such as rococo.

Baroque- This is a royal style, so it is characterized by luxury and some pretentiousness. It is characterized by smooth lines, the presence of large mirrors and other decorative elements, as well as expensive finishing materials. You need to select interior elements to each other in this style very carefully, otherwise you will not get a complete picture.

Rococo- a style that can be briefly described as a boudoir style, combining pretentiousness with ornateness and subtle sophistication. At correct design The interior design looks good in both spacious and small bedrooms.

Modern- This is a style characterized by smooth lines throughout and is the direct opposite of classicism. It arose at one time as the fashionable opposite of the classics with its straight and strict lines. The style is very elegant and recognizable.

In general, I would suggest in this article not to consider the bedroom only from the point of view a certain style and the concept of “fashionable or not fashionable,” but I would start with the purpose of the bedroom.

A classic-style bedroom offers a beautiful, calm environment conducive to relaxation. This is a place where a person or a couple can relieve stress from the past day, gain strength, restore peace of mind. If this is important and relevant for you, then classic-style bedroom interiors are just what you need.

let's consider character traits such interiors.

Regardless of the above styles, classic-style bedrooms share one common quality: there should be no extravagant experiments. Everything should correspond not so much to the style as to the spirit of the classic bedroom. Elegance and some aristocracy should be a priority.

By the way, the above qualities do not mean at all that classic-style bedrooms are less comfortable and functional than modern ones. Quite the opposite. Such interiors are characterized by comfort and convenience.

Classic style bedroom furniture

In general, in this case, furniture is selected in sets. It is advisable that this be a complete set, and not a set of furniture. If this is not possible, then you need to at least select different elements furniture, but in the same style.

The main element of furniture is perhaps the bed. It should be made in accordance with the chosen style and have a massive headboard. In such an interior, the use of a sofa or sofa is not acceptable.

The second most important element of the interior will probably be the chest of drawers. This is an important attribute of almost all the styles mentioned above, for the reason that, in addition to its main function, o is, as it were, a symbol of the time when classical styles arose.

The cabinet should be of a traditional design, and not with sliding doors.

Curtains and bedspreads

These interior elements are also very important and should be chosen in accordance with the interior style. The use of tassels, tiebacks, fringes, and cords is encouraged.

The appearance of the bedroom largely depends on well-chosen curtains and bedspreads.

Bedroom color scheme

Warm colors are preferable for bedrooms of this style, although pale blue, for example, is also appropriate. The main thing is that there are no colorful contrasts. The tones should be calm, then the atmosphere in the bedroom will be appropriate.

Classic style bedroom lighting

Lighting should also be discreet and better if distributed. That is, in addition to the chandelier, it makes sense to use desk lamp, floor lamps, sconces. It is preferable to use warm light.

Decorative elements in the bedroom interior

Bedroom interiors in a classic style do not exclude the use of decorative elements. These could be figurines oval mirrors, beautifully designed watches and of course paintings. Without them, it is difficult to imagine a bedroom decorated in a classic style. Modern posters are unlikely to be suitable in this case, but paintings in solid frames or high-quality reproductions of paintings will be very appropriate.

And now I suggest you look at the most interesting examples from the TopDom company, which presents bedroom interiors in a classic style.

This bedroom contains elements of classic styles, but nevertheless it looks quite modern.
This bedroom no longer looks as light as the previous one, since it is made in a classic style.
The interior of this bedroom is decorated according to all the canons of the classical style.
Good example balanced bedroom interior in a classic style.
Nice bedroom interior design in Empire style.
The bedroom interior is decorated in a classic style, although the fireplace in this design does not look very organic, as it uses modern materials and the style is slightly different.
The light colors of the bedroom create a light atmosphere, which is very well complemented by paintings in frames that match the chosen interior style.
The interior of this bedroom is very similar to the previous one, with the exception of the bed and some other furniture elements.
The interior of this bedroom can hardly be called absolutely classic, since it combines elements modern design. First of all, at the head of the bed.
The interior of this bedroom is also not overloaded with the spirit of classics, although it contains its elements.
But in this bedroom the spirit of the classical style is fully present.
The interior of this bedroom looks very solid and is decorated in the chosen style almost flawlessly.

If the proposed examples do not seem enough to you, I suggest watching a video that also presents bedroom interiors in a classic style.

In conclusion of the article, it should be said that bedrooms decorated in a classic style still deserve attention, but require a thoughtful approach to interior design. In addition, the apartment or house should be spacious enough to better suit the chosen interior design styles. In this case, you will have much more opportunities for flights of fancy than in small apartment. Well, we must admit that it is possible to furnish a high-quality interior in a classic style only for decent money. Modern interior in this sense it may cost you less. You can see successful interior options in a modern style in this.

What is a classic room design? This is, in fact, a combination of design types, among them may be Empire, Rococo, etc.

That is, classic bedrooms are a synthesis of many design trends.

Basic principles of the classics

Symmetrical arrangement of objects

All details involved in the interior must be arranged in a single composition. The disorder of their placement in the classics is unacceptable. It’s just that the entire created image of the bedroom will be destroyed.

Decorators are able to create bedrooms in different styles, basically it will be:

  • bright classic bedroom;
  • dark classic bedroom.

Dominant colors in the bedroom

When decorating a bedroom, it makes sense to give preference warm colors. It is advisable to use yellow, peach or olive shades. The decorator should avoid using color contrasts.

Materials used in finishing a classic bedroom

When building a beautiful classic bedroom, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to use a lot of wood.

It is used for furniture, as wall and floor coverings, and expensive types of wood are used - oak, beech, Karelian birch and others. Bronze or gold coatings are used to decorate wood, and mother-of-pearl is widely used.

In addition to wood, they are widely used a natural stone, metal.

Without stucco, a classic-style bedroom will lose a lot. In the photo of a classic-style bedroom you can see various interior details. For its manufacture, gypsum or polyurethane is used.

Accessories and architectural elements

A classic-style bedroom interior is unthinkable without decorative items. Decorators try to use as many vases, figurines, paintings, engravings, etc. as possible.

Bedroom design in a classic style involves the use of architectural elements such as arches; colonnades. Of course, to install them, the room must have a large area.

Of course, one of the main places in the design of a classic bedroom is occupied by antique items. These could be mirrors, clocks, massive baguettes, etc.

When carrying out interior finishing work, it is advisable to use materials such as:

  • Venetian plaster coating;
  • ceramic elements;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • paints and varnishes in subdued tones.

Modern classic bedrooms are also decorated with wallpaper. For decoration it is advisable to use quality materials, for example, including fabric.

The main thing is that they should not be too bright. It is not uncommon for some customers to use decorative painting instead of wallpaper. It uses ornaments made in a strict style.

Ceiling and floor coverings

A classic bedroom interior is unthinkable without the use of appropriate floor and ceiling coverings. Most often used for flooring parquet tiles or boards that are made of valuable wood.

The ceiling is usually made in light shades. The ceiling is considered ideal white in white classic bedroom. Even in ancient times, stretch ceilings were used to decorate ceilings.

The use of paint and varnish coatings is allowed, but the base will have to be brought to perfect condition. There will be no stucco on the surface of the ceiling.

Furniture for a classic bedroom

Numerous photographs show what elements are used when decorating bedrooms. If it has sufficient area, then it makes sense to use full set headset.

The center of the bedroom is, of course, the bed. As a rule, it is installed in the center of the room. It is permissible to use carved components in its design. Classic furniture for the bedroom has several heavy look, but differs in ease of use.

By the way, many decorators use simple bedspreads for beds, especially for those designs that are densely decorated decorative elements. In addition to the bed, the room must have wardrobe, cabinets, ottomans and much more.

Application of fabrics

When decorating a bedroom it is appropriate wide application fabrics. Velvet, satin, silk, etc. are used for this.

Photo of classic bedroom design

All photos In the photo: Classic style in the interior of a bedroom in Barcelona

The design of an apartment and house in a classic style with its reverent attitude towards the heritage of the centuries before last, on the one hand, seems very historical. At the same time, for last decade the designers were able to perfectly adapt this style direction, associated exclusively with the palaces of the times French Louis, To modern realities. And the classics now no longer seem heavy. On the contrary, due to the inclusion of elements of enchanting Art Deco, rare references to Art Nouveau, abundance light shades the classic interior today seems light and airy.

All photos In the photo: Design of a TV area in a classic bedroom

Classic interiors can be different: strict in English, elegant in French or theatrically intriguing. If you are planning a renovation in a classic style, then you need to be prepared for quite a serious financial investment. True classics are made with no less care than expensive ones. jewelry. This style does not tolerate cheap imitations. At best, you can use high-quality replicas of individual branded decorative elements and furniture. Although preference, of course, should be given to original products.

Today we will look at how the classic style behaves when applied to bedrooms.

Characteristic features of a classic-style bedroom design

All photos In the photo: Stucco molding, cornices and moldings in the interior decoration of a classic bedroom

You can distinguish classics from other style trends according to several criteria. Firstly, classical spaces always have a symmetrical composition. Secondly, the decoration of such premises is quite complex. Here pilasters, stucco moldings, moldings, lincrusta wallpaper, boiserie panels and marble compete with each other for primacy. Particular emphasis in classic bedrooms is placed on the decoration of the bedside area, where we can often see almost designer composition, composed of white veil, tulle, guipure. Often the headboard is equipped with decorative lighting, filling the space with a play of penumbra.

1. Lush decor of the bedside area

All photos In the photo: Bright bedroom with a canopy

Massive royal canopy, canopy, fixed on a special ring with artistic carving, decorative frames with stucco molding, mirrors - the list of ideas for decorating the headboard area is almost inexhaustible. The headboard itself, being decorated with stucco elements, gilding, medallions, paintings and heraldry, is often a real work of art. Symmetry in an interior composition is usually most clearly visible in the bedside area, where paired objects can often be seen: cabinets, mirrors, sconces.

2. Calm interior palette

All photos In the photo: Decorating a luxurious bedroom with beveled mirrors

In choise color palette the classics are quite conservative. This style direction is not characterized by neon shades and complex colors. In addition to the usual beige tones, designers also often use chocolate shades. Pastel, silver, and gold tones help add variety to the monochrome palette. Bright colors are usually muted. So, in the interior in the photo, for example, instead of the usual turquoise, we see a whitened aquamarine.

3. Linkrusta wallpaper for wall decoration

All photos In the photo: Beautiful bedroom with linkrust wallpaper in the Park Ville community center

Quite expensive finishing materials are used in the design of a classic bedroom. Here you can use Venetian plaster, boiserie panels, and, of course, linkrusta wallpaper, the relief of which is very reminiscent of stucco. Thanks to all these elements, a room in a classic style is so voluminous and expressive.

4. Abundance of stucco

All photos In the photo: Project of a classic bedroom with stucco molding

Stucco molding is almost the same required element filling a classic space like a lush bed, a rosette on the ceiling or crown moldings. And the better the quality of the stucco elements, the more noble the interior itself seems. Stucco molding is most often used in finishing ceiling vaults and cornices. But it can also be used to decorate some decorative elements: mirrors, chandeliers, sconces, paintings. Also, stucco molding will help transform regular doors into luxurious palace doors. In one room, stucco parts can be used in combination with moldings, pilasters and other complex decorative elements.

Current elements of interior decor

If you don’t want to feel constrained in choosing decor, then you should prefer the classics to the modern style. Unlike minimalistic solutions, classic interiors require rich decoration. This means that you will have to purchase a lot of suitable textiles, various vases, figurines and, of course, lamps. The number of decorative items should be directly proportional to the size of the room: do not overload the room with details.

5. TV zone framed in a baguette

All photos In the photo: Classic bedroom with a massive golden baguette in the decor of the TV area

Despite the fact that the classics do not accept any bright attributes of modernity, which, of course, include Appliances, there is absolutely no need to give up TV in the bedroom. Moreover, today there are many design techniques masking the TV panel. So, emphasizing the area with

TV with a lush golden stucco baguette, you will thereby divert attention from the equipment itself. The observer will most likely look at the design of the decorative frame. The TV itself does not draw attention to itself and seems to be a completely organic part of the composition.

6. Fireplace in a neoclassical portal

All photos In the photo: Bedroom with a modern fireplace in the apartment on Tchaikovsky

Who said that a fireplace in a classic interior must be lush with an abundance of stucco textures, a shelf for decoration and an openwork screen? Modern classics easily accept more simple models. Such as this laconic white hearth in the photo. The only decoration of the fireplace area in this case was black and white landscape photography in a retro spirit.

7. Pilasters that define the vertical

All photos In the photo: Decorating a classic bedroom in a house in Zhukovka

Pilasters in a classic room help organize space and emphasize the boundaries of functional areas. These finishing elements are considered an alternative to the usual massive columns, and their antique severity harmonizes the composition, referring to the majestic palaces and temples of Europe, in which all the genius of architectural thought was embodied.

8. Classic chandelier with shades

All photos In the photo: Classic cream and chocolate bedroom in the Otrada residential complex

Some people think that in the bedroom you can do without main lighting, limiting yourself to sconces and table lamps. However, in a classic interior, where, unlike modern minimalist spaces, built-in LED lighting is extremely rare, it is best to use a familiar chandelier. It could be ceiling lamp in the spirit of the centuries before last, in which candles were installed instead of the usual light bulbs. Also in classic-style bedrooms, chandeliers with a cluster of small shades and crystal pendants are often used.

9. Venetian plaster for wall decoration

All photos In the photo: An example of a bedroom interior with Venetian plaster in finishing

Venetian plaster continues to be quite expensive finishing material, which is used only in luxury interiors with an impressive budget for renovation work. The Venetian will emphasize the nobility of any classic space. In the interior of a beige bedroom, plaster is combined with golden wallpaper with damask pattern. The characteristic landscape of the decorative panel creates a somewhat elegiac mood in the room, reminiscent of travel to distant islands and lonely lighthouses.

10. Alcove at the head of the bed

All photos In the photo: A room with an alcove in an apartment in the Makhaon residential complex

In many photos of interiors classic bedrooms You can see a structure at the head of the bed that resembles a small alcove. This arched niche, framed by half-columns, houses a richly decorated headboard. In the design of the alcove itself, stucco molding and “carriage” screed can be used. This is exactly the design that the designers of Angelika Prudnikova’s Studio created in a cream bedroom with raspberry accents. An alcove, like a canopy, allows you to add intimacy to your sleeping area.

11. Faceted mirrors and half-columns

All photos In the photo: Classic bedroom with half-columns and beveled mirrors

And in the interior of this bedroom with a dark blue back in the imperial spirit, the alcove decorated with a floral pattern is equipped with beveled mirror inserts on both sides. The purpose of these mirrors is to elongate the room in height. Beautiful golden sconces-candlesticks, thanks to mirror inserts, receive reflections. This allows you to build a very dynamic play of penumbra and highlights in the interior.

Furniture in classic bedrooms

Furnishing a bedroom in a classic style is quite a responsible process. Here you cannot simply buy a ready-made classic set from the collection of some furniture manufacturer. Buying and choosing just one bed can take a long time. Next, you will also need to select cabinets, chairs and cabinets. In large country houses, dressing rooms and boudoirs are often adjacent to the bedrooms, so the sleeping rooms themselves are freed from the need to equip storage systems. Of course, all furniture elements should be organically combined with each other. Therefore, if we decide to follow the baroque splendor when choosing a bed, then we will most likely have to stock up on armchairs a la Ren, bergere, as well as nightstands decorated with intricate carvings on graceful legs.

12. Canopy bed

All photos In the photo: Classic bedroom in country house in the CP "Park Ville" is furnished with a bed with a guipure canopy

A guipure canopy shimmering with a muted lilac sheen, massive gold stucco molding, classic chandeliers with pendants, the edges of which reflect all the luxury of the furnishings - perhaps this is quite enough to feel like royalty every day. Just do not forget that canopies are usually not entirely appropriate in small rooms. In case of small space Instead of a massive canopy, you can attach a simple ring to the wall, which will become a support for a light veil of textiles flowing down.

13. “Eared” bed

All photos In the photo: White bed with a screed in the furniture of a classic bedroom

It turns out that not only Voltaire’s chairs, but also beds can be “eared.” True, now such furniture is created not so much for the purpose of protecting from drafts, but for purely aesthetic reasons. A bed with “ears” will look great in neoclassical style. An excellent set with such a piece of furniture would be cabriole chairs and modest dark wood bedside tables.

14. Round bed in a classic interior

All photos In the photo: Bright bedroom in a classic style with a round bed

It is believed that a round bed takes up slightly less space compared to standard rectangular models. This element of furniture is also interesting because it allows you to harmonize spaces of non-standard configuration. In the classic bedroom interior shown in the photo above, the bed is “supported” by a round stained glass ceiling insert.

15. Island fireplace with stucco

All photos In the photo: Bedroom project with a massive island fireplace

From a space planning point of view, an island fireplace is an excellent means of zoning a room. In the bedroom in the photo, the fireplace is installed almost in the center of the room, thanks to which the designers are able to distinguish between the sleeping area and the relaxation area. At the same time, thanks to the island configuration of the fireplace, you can enjoy the play of flames from any area.

16. Classic bergere chair and pouf

All photos In the photo: Beige bedroom in a classic style in an apartment in the Rozmarin residential complex

Bergere armchairs will easily fit into any classic space, regardless of whether it is French classics or more modest neoclassical. It is noteworthy that there are many varieties of this element of furniture. You can choose a Marie Antoinette bergere or a hot air balloon. And if we equip this chair with a pouf to match, then we will get a kind of duchess, which is somewhat reminiscent of a chaise lounge.

Fashionable decoration in bedroom interiors 2018-2019

In search of new extraordinary solutions, designers are increasingly turning to eclecticism, adding elements of Art Deco or Art Nouveau to the classic space. However, in order to create a harmonious mix of elements from different styles, you need to have a good understanding of architecture and art in general, as well as have an excellent sense of taste. Many today confuse pompous classicism with classicism. If in the first case we're talking about about tied to a certain historical era style, then we classify a classic interior as a traditional space, which, borrowing certain decorating techniques from the centuries before last, is nevertheless highly adapted to modern realities.

17. Mint wallpaper with a chinoiserie pattern

All photos In the photo: Design solution children's bedroom with canopy

Chinoiserie wallpaper came into fashion in the era of galat and playful Rococo. And that is why their favorite motif - birds and flowers - brings an atmosphere of carefree and lightness to the design of the room. In the interior of this classic children's bedroom, wallpaper in a refreshing mint shade reminds you of walks through a picturesque garden, just awakening after a long winter.

18. Baguette frames, cornices, pilasters and gilding

All photos In the photo: Interior design project for a bedroom of a country house in the Promenade community center

Large stucco molding, columns or pilasters, an abundance of gilding, chandeliers with crystal pendants, lambrequins and sculptures - in interiors in the spirit of classicism and empire style you can not restrain your passion for majestic luxury. This classic may require some moderation. The interior of the bedroom, shown in the photo above, is dominated by warm golden shades. A dark blue “carriage” headboard, along with a round pillow adorning the glossy white single-arm chair, act as color accents.

19. Beveled mirrors

All photos In the photo: Faceted mirrors as a sign of Art Deco in the bedroom in the Azarovo community center

Mirrors with a diamond-shaped bevel are found not only in interiors in the Art Deco style. A pair of symmetrically located beveled mirror inserts in combination with pilasters will enrich the decor of the bedside area of ​​a classic bedroom.

20. Cascade lamps

All photos In the photo: Cascade lamps in the decor of a chocolate-golden bedroom in an apartment in the Donskoy Olympus residential complex

Cascading lamps, filling the room with a fountain of festive splashes in the shade of champagne, are an element of interior design in the Art Deco style, which often coexists perfectly with the classics. These lighting elements create that enchanting shine in the space, without which a glamorous-bohemian style is unthinkable. Cascade lamps can be an alternative to the usual sconces in the form of candlesticks in the bedside area.

Color palette for a classic bedroom interior

Classic will never use any cold shades, such as metallic, which are more associated with high-tech interiors. The classic interior still looks back, it is closer to the style of Sofia Coppola’s “Marie Antoinette” than to “The Hunger Games”. Gold and silver displays are acceptable here. And the bright turquoise or red shades we are used to are often replaced with more muted mint, cornflower blue or burgundy.

21. Muted jade shades

All photos In the photo: Classic white bedroom with jade accents in Pavlovo

Satin curtains in muted jade tones are set off by wall decoration with a silver damask pattern. A scattering of golden modillions on the cornices emphasizes the luxury of the interior composition and “echoes” the curls of the stucco molding.

22. Blue glaze

All photos In the photo: Bright bedroom with blue accents in Tomsk

And in the interior of this classic bedroom, the designers of the Angelika Prudnikova Studio decided to experiment with bright colors. Therefore, accents of a shade of blue glaze were added to the beige base.

23. Golden mother of pearl

All photos In the photo: Bedroom in golden shades on Dubninskaya

For a small bedroom in the neoclassical style, a light monochrome is perfect, which visually enlarges the space. In addition to beige, you can also use golden mother-of-pearl tones, which will delight you with a cheerful festive sparkle even in cloudy weather.

24. Combination of purple and silver accents

All photos In the photo: Interior project beautiful bedroom in silver-violet tones

The violet-silver palette will turn out warmer if diluted with creamy tones. This way your bedroom will resemble a real winter garden.

25. Burgundy accents

All photos In the photo: Bedroom project in a classic style in the Renaissance Park community center

If you want to add a little to the room bright colors, then pay attention to burgundy shades and Beaujolais tones. These colors, associated with expensive wines from the best French chateaus, will emphasize the nobility of the composition.

26. Green accents in a beige interior

All photos In the photo: Bedroom design in a classic style with green accents in the Dubrovskaya Sloboda residential complex

If you add a little of Scarlett O'Hara's favorite green satin or silk to the beige composition, you can get a rather luxurious interior composition. And heavy blue curtains will help give the space airiness and layering.

Working on a classic bedroom interior can be compared to painting a picture. You wouldn’t entrust the creation of your portrait to a person who just picked up a brush yesterday, would you? Likewise, the development of a design project in a classic style should be carried out by professionals in their field.

It is customary to arrange a sleeping place in your home in such a way that resting and relaxing in this room is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. If traditions and family values, the beauty and historicity of details, the nobility and luxury of decoration are important to a person, then a bedroom design in a classic style will be the most the best option registration

Due to its solidity and rich historical past, classicism in the interior is chosen by those who have good taste and want to enjoy the splendor of their surroundings for a single year.

Distinctive stylistic features

Classicism combined several stylistic trends: empire luxury and rococo pomp, and it inherited straightforwardness from modern trends.

Like all interior styles, classics have their own distinctive features:

In the interior of the bedroom, vintage wallpaper is often used as decoration, and the ceiling is decorated with a luxurious chandelier. That is why this direction exudes good quality and warmth.

The main finishing raw material is natural wood. In combination with gilding, marble, and velvet panels, this material creates a chic interior concept.

A bedroom in the classicist style is characterized by calm colors, most suitable for calm, serene rest and relaxation. Bright contrasts and transitions are unacceptable here.

Preference is given to warm tones of brown, beige, dark greens, snow-white and other natural shades. Bright bedrooms in a classic style they look truly solemn and calm at the same time.

Expensive textiles, natural furnishings and elegant accessories add majesty to the atmosphere.

Symmetrical furnishings: a pair of mirrors hung opposite each other or a duet of two identical bedside tables - all this gives the bedroom a complete design.

Furniture equipment in classicism

Furniture for a classic bedroom is presented with a complete set of all necessary items in the form of a large comfortable bed, a pair of bedside tables, a dressing table, a chest of drawers and a spacious wardrobe. The main rule is that wall and ceiling surfaces should be in harmony in color with the furniture.

The main detail in any sleeping area is the bed. In classicism, it is given a central place, so it should be of impressive dimensions, equipped with cabinets on both sides. Peculiarity classic bed lies in its headboard, which should be high and massive, preferably made of wood.

A wardrobe in a classic bedroom, as a rule, is large in size, light in design and has standard hinged doors. It should be made from natural wood. The role of a chest of drawers in a room is not only functionality for storing things, but also a platform for placing decorative accessories: flowerpots, candles, photographs.

Each piece of furniture is characterized by decorations made of carvings, stucco moldings, and gilding. It is better if all the components are parts of one bedroom set.

Interior texture

For finishing and arranging a classic bedroom interior, exclusively natural materials are used, as close as possible to nature and nature. Wood is welcome.

For finishing wall paintings, the best material is wallpaper in light shades. They look very warm and aristocratic textile wallpaper, as in the photo of a bedroom in a classic style. Covering walls with plaster or paint is not typical for classicism.

The light surface of the ceiling is decorated with stucco with gilded elements and rosettes. For flooring The best raw materials are parquet or laminate panels.


The light in a classic bedroom spills out in a warm, soft, diffused stream. To achieve this effect, it is worth using several different levels of light sources. A chandelier for a bedroom in the classicist style is a multi-tiered large composition equipped with many horns and crystal pendants.

On bedside tables two identical night lights should be placed, and a luxurious floor lamp place it near the dressing table.

Textiles in classicism

Curtains for the bedroom classicism and other textiles are selected from textured luxurious fabrics. Natural light-colored fabrics of cotton, silk, wool, satin and velvet in the best possible way suitable for decoration window openings and decoration sleeping place canopy.

Window curtain designs are always intricate and complex, decorated with tassels and tiebacks. The curtains themselves are hung on a cornice decorated with carvings.

If desired, it is possible to lay a carpet on the floor in the bedroom. It should be an expensive natural linen, decorated with intricate floral or floral ornament, you can choose a light, monochromatic copy.

Decorative interior filling

Decorating the bedroom classic interior is given important. After all, it is the accessories that determine whether a design belongs to a style. The most common and characteristic technique for the style is painting, which is applied not only to ceilings and walls, but also to furniture and curtains.

Wall surfaces are decorated with paintings depicting landscapes or portraits. A carved frame will help to emphasize the historicity and luxury of the canvas.

The spaces will be filled with themed figurines, flowerpots, and unusual old clocks. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to clutter the interior.

According to the principles of classicism, rooms that are decorated in this direction should be large and spacious. However, it is possible to create a chic, classic interior even in a small bedroom.

To embody classicism on small area You should choose a light color scheme, both in the decoration of the room and in the furniture content. Mirror canvases hung on the walls or mirror doors in the closet.

You should avoid placing numerous pieces of furniture in the room; you should fill the space with only the essentials.

Window openings in a small classic bedroom should not be covered with thick curtains. Preference is given to lightweight translucent materials through which light flows can pass and fill the room with air.

Photos of bedrooms in a classic style