How to grow zucchini in your garden using seedlings. Proper planting of zucchini - photo and video examples How to plant bush zucchini correctly

Zucchini is a member of the pumpkin family, so it is not advisable to plant it in the place where its closest relatives (especially cucumbers) took root last season. This sequence leads to a decrease in yield, and the likelihood that the zucchini will get sick is quite high. The best predecessors are potatoes, beets, carrots, onions and greens. , make sure that the zucchini does not return to its original place for 5 years.

You can plant seeds directly in open ground, but you can also plant them with seedlings. There is an opinion that vegetables grown on bushes planted with seeds in the ground are stored longer without losing their taste and vitamin qualities. However, the use of seedlings allows you to harvest more crops due to the earlier ripening of the first zucchini.

Zucchini: planting and care, or helping the seeds grow big and small!

Before planting zucchini, their seeds need to be soaked and kept in a damp bag for three days. They can also be hardened to prepare them for temperature changes. To do this, the accumulated moisture but not germinated seeds are cooled to zero Celsius and left at this temperature for two days.

They can also be heated: left on a sunny windowsill for 5–7 days or kept for 6 hours at a temperature of 50–60 °C.

Zucchini seeds are planted in light soil at a depth of 5–6 cm. In heavier soil at a depth of 3–4 cm. Two bushes can coexist freely per 1 m2. Place 2-3 seeds in one hole and then cover it with soil. Excess sprouts are removed after germination. To avoid the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth, it should be mulched with humus or peat. Zucchini seeds sprout already at a slight positive temperature of 8–9 °C, and the most favorable temperature for development and growth is 20–22 °C. Seed germination persists for 5–8 years.

How to plant zucchini through seedlings - with tenderness and love

To grow seedlings, you will need separate containers for each plant. Paper cups, peat pots, cardboard kefir containers, etc. are perfect for this. You will understand why paper and cardboard ones a little later, after finishing reading the text.

Zucchini seeds are prepared before sowing in the same way as other seeds. vegetable crops. Sowing begins in late April - early May. For seedlings, you can use ready-made soil mixture purchased in the store, or make it yourself. The soil mixture consists of turf soil, compost, sawdust and peat, which are mixed in proportions of 2:2:1:6, respectively. To enrich the soil with microelements, add 5–6 grams of ammonium nitrate, ½ cup of ash, 15–20 grams of superphosphate and 8–10 grams of potassium sulfate to a bucket of the mixture.

The pots with the soil mixture are watered with boiling water to destroy the pest larvae, and when the contents have cooled, the seeds are sown to a depth of 2–3 cm so that the root is directed downward. Before the first shoots need to be observed temperature regime in the region of 18–25 °C, after which the temperature is reduced to 15–20 °C. Seedlings love a lot of sunlight, so they need to be kept close to the window, otherwise the plants will be weak.

To plant zucchini in open ground passed painlessly, there is no need to shake the seedlings out of the pot, but simply place them in the prepared hole 2-3 cm below the soil level. Every plant loves to be given time, and zucchini is no exception. If you will him warm water, trying not to touch the leaves, trim aging branches in a timely manner, weed, feed with organic matter and various mineral fertilizers, then the harvest will certainly please you!

Zucchini is considered very unpretentious plant, but not all gardeners are able to grow it. There are several simple rules how to plant zucchini correctly. If you adhere to them, the vegetable will please you good harvest and long fruiting.

Zucchini belongs to the pumpkin family and does not like places where its relatives (cucumbers, pumpkins, melons) grew. It is best to plant them in the bed where there were onions, carrots, potatoes or any greens last year. Zucchini not only needs, but cannot live without well-fertilized soil. If you previously had a compost heap, then set aside this place for planting it. If this is not possible, then make an impromptu pile in advance. Place the stems of last year's flowers and fallen leaves in one place. Water plant remains water or solution mineral fertilizers(for example, nitrophoska), and sprinkle garden soil on top. Pour it a little - only 5-10 cm. Build such a pile yourself in early spring as soon as you get started spring work in the garden. Prepared high bed cover with dark film and leave until it’s time to plant the seeds. Zucchini loves heat very much, so they need to be planted in open ground closer to mid-May. Although it all depends on the region - in the southern regions it could be the end of April. Before planting, zucchini seeds must be moistened and hardened:
  1. Place a wet cloth napkin on the saucer.
  2. Place the seeds on it and cover with the same napkin.
  3. Leave the seeds for three days and make sure the fabric is constantly damp.
  4. Place the swollen seeds in a bag and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  5. After this, keep them for another two days in the refrigerator on the coldest shelf.

Instead of hardening, the seeds can, on the contrary, be strongly heated. Then they do not need to be moistened, but before planting they need to be kept for 7 days on a sunny windowsill.

For better germination, the seeds were moistened or heated by our grandmothers. Modern methods faster, but then the seed must be treated with special growth stimulants. This could be “Bud”, “Humisol”, “Vegeta”, “Agricola-Forward”. Buy any suitable one and treat the seeds according to the instructions. Plant the prepared zucchini seeds in the soil to a depth of 3 to 6 cm - it all depends on what kind of soil is in your row. On lighter soils, bury the seeds up to 6 cm, on heavier soils - up to 3 cm. Place 2-3 seeds in each hole (place them on the side end), and sprinkle fertile soil on top. After planting, water the future zucchini with warm water and mulch the hole. Water as the soil dries out. If, according to the weather forecast, morning frosts are expected, then cover the bed with lutrasil at night. When the zucchini sprouts and has one or two true leaves, leave only the two strongest shoots in the hole. Remove the rest by plucking. In no case should you pull out unnecessary sprouts - this way you risk damaging neighboring roots.

Zucchini love watering, so make sure the soil underneath is moist. Do not forget that you can only water them with warm water. To prevent zucchini from getting sick, tear off the lower leaves that lie on the ground and rot. Zucchini, like cucumbers, suffer greatly from aphids - they can deplete the bushes to such an extent that they stop blooming. So that your efforts are not in vain, read our article.

The described method of planting and caring for zucchini fully applies to both squash and zucchini - their closest relatives. As you can see, planting and growing zucchini is very simple. By following our advice, you will get an excellent harvest.

Healthy, tasty, so juicy and tender - that’s all it is, zucchini. We are so accustomed to this plant that we cannot imagine our menu without it. In early summer everyone enjoys fresh zucchini, and in winter they enjoy canned zucchini. How to grow this vegetable at home? Very simple!

Zucchini is a type of pumpkin. It comes from America, and appeared on our territory in the 16th century. Zucchini contains a lot of fiber, as well as ascorbic acid, proteins and many others. the most useful substances, vitamins. Being a dietary product, it is very useful for everyone, and especially for children.

There are domestic and foreign varieties of zucchini. Both are very useful. The variety of varieties is huge; accordingly, zucchini differs in size, color and even nutritional value.


This variety ripens very quickly, almost 35-40 days after the start of germination. Vegetables are medium, oval, but slightly elongated, white. One fruit weighs from 600 g to 1 kg.

Gribovsky 37

A very popular variety that produces more than 8.5 kg of yield per 1 m2. The fruits are light green, ribbed at the stalk. One zucchini weighs from 700 g to 1.3 kg.

Golda F1

A hybrid characterized by orange, golden fruits. They reach 50 cm in length and 2.5-3 kg in weight.


This variety develops only a couple of short shoots. But the fruits are harvested 36-44 days after germination. This type of zucchini weighs up to 600-900 g, the surface is smooth and whitish.


This is an Italian variety, very high-yielding and early ripening. It has the ability to be stored for a long time and has a good taste. The fruits are light green, cylindrical, 17-19 cm long and weigh 900-1700 g.


This is a variety of bush zucchini with a high yield. Gives harvest after 43-62 days. The fruits have a slightly ribbed, smooth surface, slightly narrowed towards the peduncle. Zucchini weighs 800-900 g.


Ripens very quickly - 33-34 days after the seedlings appear. It has fairly large fruits - 900-1600 g. It has excellent taste, has delicate pulp, and is juicy. Color – white, maybe cream when ripe.


Begins to bear fruit at 35-50 days. The bushes are compact. The fruits are ribbed at the base, cylindrical. Zucchini is characterized by light green with a mesh pattern. Weight can reach 500-600 g, and length – 15-18 cm.

Zucchini is good to grow both from seeds and using seedlings. They bear fruit well in open ground or in greenhouses. For experienced gardeners, sowing zucchini is a common thing. But it’s still worth knowing a few secrets.

When to plant zucchini seedlings

One of the conditions for success is right choice time to sow zucchini. These vegetables can be sown for seedlings around the end of April. In this case, the seedlings will have time to grow by the time it is warm enough to plant them in the ground.

Seed preparation

There are many ways to prepare squash seeds for sowing. The easiest way is to keep them in the open sun for a couple of days. You can warm them near the battery for 1.5-2 months, hold them for a day at 40 0 ​​C or 3 hours at 50-60 0 C. In a word, the seeds need to be warmed up, and for how long depends on the temperature. You can disinfect seeds using potassium permanganate, keeping them in the solution for 20 minutes, and then rinsing cold water.

After this, the zucchini seeds need to be wrapped in a dampened cloth and polyethylene. They are placed in a warm place and ventilated several times a day. For better plant resistance, zucchini seeds can be hardened by keeping them in the refrigerator for up to 3 days on the bottom shelf.

Zucchini sprouts are very fragile. Therefore, it is best not to let them grow to 5 mm, but to sow the swollen seeds. In this state, by the way, they can even be put in the refrigerator for a while.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Zucchini seedlings are sown in a greenhouse or pots. It is better to take separate containers 8-10 cm wide. Drainage is laid out at the bottom: sphagnum or sawdust deciduous trees. Next is disinfected soil; purchased soil or a mixture of peat and sand will do.

In one container you need to put 1-2 sprouted seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm. On top - a nutrient mixture. After sowing, the soil needs to be compacted a little. Then the pots are covered with film and left in a warm place. After the first shoots appear, the seedlings are placed in the sunniest window.

When the cotyledon phase begins, it’s time to plant the zucchini seedlings. To do this, the seedlings need to be well watered within 1-2 hours. It is very important not to damage the delicate roots of the seedlings, including not leaving them in direct sunlight.

Next, the seedlings need to be grown at a temperature of 17-22 0 C during the day and 13-17 0 C at night. Watering should be done after 5 days, approximately 1 liter per 8 pots of seedlings, always with warm water. It is important to ensure that moisture gets under the leaves and not on their surface. Fertilizing is done a week after the first shoots.

Transplantation into open ground

You can transplant zucchini seedlings into open ground in late May - early June. Before this, you can carry out the procedure of hardening the plants. To do this, the pots are left on the balcony or near an open window.

Planting takes place at the age of 20-25 days. By this time, the zucchini should have at least 2-3 true leaves of a juicy dark color. Root system should already be white and cover the entire soil of the pot.

No more than 3 zucchini seedlings can be planted per 1 m2. It is necessary to leave a distance of 1-1.5 m between the rows. In all holes you need to put a little soil mixed with ash and humus.

Plants are planted together with a lump of earth, deepened to the very cotyledon leaves. After compacting the soil near the seedlings, water it.

You can plant zucchini only in cloudy but warm weather.

If there is a threat of cold weather, then you need to cover each bush with a cut plastic bottle, you can also cover the bed with polyethylene. After planting, 1 day later, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the area with zucchini.

Many people prefer to sow zucchini directly into the garden. This allows you to reduce the cost of effort and time, but the harvest will be no worse than when growing seedlings.

When to sow zucchini in the ground

This wonderful vegetable can be sown in open ground from early May to mid-June. The main thing is to make sure that all frosts have passed and there will be no more severe cold. Or cover the zucchini with film for the first time until the onset of stable heat.

Preparing the bed

You need to choose a site that is sunny and warm. It is important that no pumpkin crops have previously grown on it. The choice of mineral and organic fertilizers depends on the quality and composition of the soil:

  • Humus is added to the peat soil, compost can be added (2 kg per 1 m2), clay soil (1 bucket per 1 m2), and 1 tsp is also poured per 1 m2. potassium sulfate, superphosphate, you can add 2 tbsp. l. ash. Then the bed needs to be dug up.
  • Clay soil is fertilized with peat, humus, and sawdust (2-3 kg per 1 m2). You can also add 2 tbsp. l. ash and 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. Loamy soil is fertilized in this way.
  • Sandy areas can be improved with peat, turf soil (1 bucket per 1 m2), as well as humus with sawdust (3-4 kg per 1 m2).
  • You can apply 2 kg to chernozems sawdust, 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l. ash - all per 1 m2.

Seed preparation

Seed preparation is also of great importance. Before sowing in the ground, they can be left for a day in a solution of potassium humate. Then the seeds are placed in a piece of damp cloth and kept there for 1-2 days. The fabric must be constantly checked and moistened, not allowing it to dry out. At this time, it is necessary to store the seeds in a warm place - at a temperature of 22-23 0 C.

Sometimes zucchini does not germinate in open ground. Often the reason for this is their unsuitability due to long-term storage. So it is best to check the quality of the seeds about a month before planting. To do this, several seeds are kept in a damp cloth until germination.


When the soil and seeds are ready, you can start sowing zucchini. The holes are made every 5-6 cm. This is the optimal distance. 2-3 seeds are thrown into each at a shallow depth (4-9 cm), depending on the soil.

On light loams it is better to sow deeper, and on heavy loams - closer to the surface.

Insufficiently moist soil must be watered before sowing, after which light watering is also done.

It is important to mulch the surface, for which you can use compost, peat or humus with a layer of about 2 cm. Black film is also suitable for this. But it needs to be cut in time, as soon as the first shoots appear.

After the seedlings appear, only one should be left healthy plant. The rest need to be removed, you can transplant them somewhere else.

Caring for adult zucchini is simple and does not require much effort. It consists of the usual activities:

  • Glaze;
  • Feeding;

Zucchini does not need loosening and hilling, which can damage the root system and cause the plant to die.

To improve pollination, you can attract bees. 1 tsp dissolves in a glass of water. honey, after which the liquid is sprayed onto the zucchini flowers.


This plant needs moderate watering. But water must be poured at the root, and in no case on the leaves. Before the flowers appear, it is necessary to water once a week, 4-5 liters per 1 m2. After the fruit appears, the squash needs more moisture. Pour up to 10 liters per 1 m2 1-2 times a week, depending on how hot the weather is. The condition of the fruit depends on water - cold water leads to rotting of the ovaries. When watering too often, the roots are sometimes exposed. Then they need to be hidden under peat with humus.


It is necessary to fertilize zucchini three times during the summer. The first is produced even before the flowers appear. To do this, take a solution of the special substance “Rossa” (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). A solution of mullein (0.5 l) and nitrophoska (1 tbsp) diluted in 10 l of water is also used. For one plant you need to spend 1 liter of solution.

The second feeding is done when the plant blooms. For 1 bush we use 1 liter of solution. It is very simple to prepare: dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. "Effecton" and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash.

When the fruits begin to ripen, it’s time for the third feeding. The preparation is the same as for the second one, but we dissolve Effekton-O with ash. Now the consumption increases: about 2 liters of solution are used per plant.

Don’t forget about foliar feeding. Best to use special remedy“Bud”, dissolves 10 g in 10 liters of water. Consumption – approximately 2 liters per 10 m2. Such feeding is done twice every 10-12 days.


Zucchini is a rather lush and dense plant. To increase the yield, you need to thin it out a little. This will allow light and air to flow well to the fruits and flowers. It is necessary to remove yellowing leaves and 1-2 healthy leaves from the middle of the bush. This is done using pruning shears, at the very base. It is important to ensure that the zucchini does not lie on the leaves. This will cause them to rot and become unsuitable for storage.

Pests and diseases

Zucchini, like most vegetables in garden beds, are exposed to diseases and various pests. This plant suffers from anthracnose, as well as powdery mildew, white rot, etc. As for pests, this vegetable most often suffers from the sprout fly; it is also attacked by melon aphids and spider mites.

There are a few general rules that will help you avoid these troubles:

  • Alternation of crops;
  • Timely collection and disposal of plant residues and affected vegetables;
  • Disinfection of the soil or at least deep digging of the area.

It also helps to avoid diseases and pests correct processing seeds before sowing.

Planting zucchini, the secret of a large harvest: video

Fruit collection

You can start collecting zucchini when the first fruits grow. You shouldn't leave them for long. Young zucchini, no more than 8-10 cm thick, are most valued. They have underdeveloped milk seeds, and the pulp of such vegetables is tender and juicy.

It is necessary to remove zucchini in the morning, cutting them off together with the stalk using pruners or a knife. If the stalk has uneven, shaggy ends, the fruit will not be able to be stored for long and will quickly rot.

Old vegetables lose their nutritional quality. Their skin becomes hard and the seeds become denser.

How to store zucchini

Young zucchini must be stored refrigerated. At a temperature of approximately 0-2 0 C they can lie for about two weeks. After this, the fruits lose their freshness, begin to become rough, and even rot. Ripe vegetables last longer - up to 5 months. To do this, you need to leave them in a cool, dry, and high-quality ventilation. But you shouldn’t put zucchini in cellars; it’s usually too humid there - the vegetables will quickly rot.

To store zucchini, it is best to put it in a box previously lined with pine sawdust; straw is also suitable for this. Vegetables should not touch each other. Zucchini also stores well in the refrigerator. They should be placed in well-sealed bags and left in the vegetable compartment. You can store zucchini in your apartment for a while by placing it near the door to the balcony or rolling it under the bed – it’s dry and dark there.

What to cook - zucchini and chicken casserole

You can make a lot of delicious things from zucchini. Here is one of the simple and delicious dishes.

Zucchini and chicken casserole

For it you will need:

  • young zucchini (3-4 pcs.),
  • chicken breast (approximately 800 g),
  • 4 eggs,
  • 2 onions,
  • hard cheese (100 g)
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream
  • spices to taste

Chicken breast is washed, dried, cut into small cubes and marinated in sour cream, spices and mustard. Onions are fried in vegetable oil.

Grate the zucchini and squeeze out the juice after 10-15 minutes. Then chicken, onions, zucchini are mixed and eggs and spices are added. The whole mass is laid out in a greased form.

Bake for up to 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 0 C. 10 minutes before the casserole is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese. When will the dish be purchased? golden color- it's time to enjoy it!

Have a good harvest and bon appetit!

What summer resident has not planted zucchini seedlings on his property? Zucchini is a member of the pumpkin family. They are sought-after residents in the garden beds of summer residents and gardeners. Housewives use these vegetables to make the most different dishes. It won’t be difficult to grow zucchini in your garden, you just need to follow certain rules.

Thanks to proper agricultural technology, amateur gardeners are achieving best results. Zucchini is unpretentious, but it will be more convenient to grow them through seedlings. Especially if you need to collect early harvest. This article will talk about how to grow zucchini seedlings and the timing of planting zucchini seedlings in open ground.

Choosing a zucchini variety for planting

Should I sow seeds in open soil or plant zucchini seedlings? This will depend on 2 factors. The first is the selected variety. The second is weather conditions and climatic conditions in different regions. In the southern Russian regions, gardeners immediately plant zucchini seeds in the garden. Concerning Central regions, Urals, Siberia and Moscow region, in order to obtain an early harvest, it is advisable to grow zucchini seedlings.

To become familiar with the care features, timing and process of sowing zucchini, you need to understand how not to make a mistake when buying seeds. These vegetables come in three types.

  1. The first group includes white-fruited ones.
  2. To the second - yellow-fruited.
  3. The third type is zucchini, the fruits of which are green.

Differences between species in taste and keeping quality. Zucchini is considered to be the most shelf-stable. This variety of zucchini can last until mid-January and even longer if all conditions are created for this. Ordinary white zucchini cannot be stored for a long time. But they have the “plus” of having a delicate taste. But yellow and green fruits have tougher flesh.

In addition, varieties of zucchini, depending on the ripening period, are:

Recommendation! If the package label does not contain information about the variety (it must be indicated), then you need to be guided by the ripening period of the zucchini. Starting from the emergence of seedlings until full maturity (when the first ripened fruits will be harvested). If we're talking about about early zucchini, this period will be up to 50 days. If this is mid-early, then about 56 days. Zucchini varieties that are classified as late-ripening have a longer growing season.

In stores and markets there are varietal and hybrid species zucchini. Hybrids have a special feature. This is a longer growing season. Usually the hybrids are foreign seeds. They have their own positive sides. They do not tend to outgrow.

They can be chosen by lovers of the delicate taste of young fruits. Hybrid varieties of zucchini have thin skin. They have a larger volume of pulp because the fruit has a smaller seed chamber. Suitable for planting in open soil in the South and Center of the country.

Gardeners in the northern regions of the Russian Federation should give preference to cold-resistant varieties that have a short growing season. Difficult to grow in the north hybrid varieties in open soil, they are convenient to grow in greenhouses.

When you are about to buy zucchini seeds, you need to pay attention to whether the seeds have passed preliminary preparation, or not.

This information is usually contained on the packaging. If the seeds have been treated with fungicides, they will be colored. They do not need additional treatment for fungal infections. It happens that zucchini seeds are sold completely ready to be planted.

They are already coated with dry salts and nutritional components. This treatment is called “panning”. The name is given by appearance, because the seeds are similar to pills. They have a “plus” - no need to produce additional processing. But there is also a “minus” - such seeds cannot be stored for a long time.

What are the advantages of planting zucchini through seedlings?

The main advantages of planting zucchini seedlings in open soil:

  • The characteristics of the plant are preserved. You can accurately calculate how many bushes there will be.
  • The harvest will be obtained even in those regions where the climate is cold and the summer is short.
  • You can get an early harvest of zucchini. Since seedlings have more powerful stress resistance than planting from seeds directly into open ground, the result will be high-quality fruits, and the crop will not succumb to disease.

When to sow zucchini seeds for seedlings

Each gardener must decide for himself when to plant zucchini seeds for seedlings. It is necessary to take into account what type of zucchini, and what climate zone. As a rule, all the information to calculate the sowing date is contained on the package of seeds.

But it is still advisable to take into account the specifics of the region where zucchini will be grown.

Seeds are planted for seedlings starting on the 15th of April and ending in the second half of May. The warmer the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the earlier sowing of zucchini seeds for seedlings begins.

When determining the planting date, take into account that zucchini seedlings should be planted in open soil 25 - 30 days after the first shoots appear. It should be noted that by the time the zucchini is planted in the beds, the weather should be consistently warm, and there should be no frost at night.

If this is a non-chernozem zone, then in order to get an early harvest, seeds for warm beds with cellophane cover are sown in April, around the 20th. Deadlines Zucchini seedlings are planted on May 20-25.

If you have to sow seeds for seedlings for open ground, then this process is best carried out on May 5-10. After the threat of night frosts has passed, seedlings are planted in the soil.

Usually this is the first ten days of June. If the seedless method is used, the seeds are sown on warm beds under cellophane cover from May 20 to 25, and in open soil from June 5 to 10.

Zucchini seeds should be prepared for planting

How to prepare seeds

There are many methods: how to prepare zucchini seeds for sowing. The easiest way is to leave the seeds in the air, under the sun's rays and dry well. Some people prefer to warm the seeds near a radiator for one and a half to two months.

In other words, zucchini seeds need to be warmed up before planting. Its duration will depend on the temperature. Seeds must be disinfected. To do this, make a manganese solution. The seeds are placed there for 20 minutes.

After this, the seeds are washed using cold water. Then the seeds are laid out on a wet cloth or cellophane. Place in a warm place. They are ventilated 3 to 5 times during the day. To make zucchini seeds' immunity stronger, they need to be hardened. To do this, place the seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days.

Zucchini sprouts are very tender. For this reason, they should not be allowed to grow to 5 millimeters, and it is better to sow the seeds that have swelled. In this state they are placed in the refrigerator for a certain time.

Selection and preparation of soil for zucchini seedlings

For cultivating zucchini seedlings, the best optionnutrient soil mixture. It must have a neutral acidity or slightly alkaline environment. You can prepare the soil yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in the store.

  • If you are going to buy a soil mixture, then you need to buy the soil that is intended for pumpkin crops.
  • If you have to make soil at home, you need to take peat and turf soil. Add humus and sawdust (in a ratio of 5:2:2:1).
  • It is recommended to mix the acidic soil mixture with ash and chalk (in small quantities)

What does preparing the soil for sowing zucchini include? This is a disinfection procedure. The easiest way is to take boiling water and pour it over the soil. This method will be great preventive measure against black skin. This is a common disease that affects zucchini.

The prepared soil mixture is poured into containers with a diameter of approximately 8 to 10 cm and a depth of 10 to 15 cm. Pots prepared for growing seedlings must have holes for drainage. Many gardeners like to use peat pots.

It is convenient to grow zucchini seedlings in peat pots, one in each container

Sowing zucchini seeds for growing seedlings

Experienced gardeners grow zucchini seeds in separate containers. More often, pots with a size of 10x10 cm are used for these purposes. For drainage, it is preferable to use sphagnum (crushed) and steamed sawdust.

Holes are made in the bottom of each pot. After this, you can pour the soil mixture inside.

The seed that has sprouted is planted to a depth of 3 to 4 cm. Then the ground is lightly compacted. If a summer resident is not confident in the excellent quality of the material for planting, it makes sense to plant 2 seeds. It will be more reliable this way. The pot should be kept warm, covered with polyethylene, until the zucchini seeds sprout.

As soon as the sprouts appear, the pot is moved to a window well lit by sunlight. There is a category of gardeners who prefer to grow zucchini seedlings in boxes filled with sawdust. Place film on the bottom. A layer of steamed sawdust is laid on top of them, a 10-centimeter layer. It is desirable that there is humus at the bottom. Its layer should be small.

On flat surface trenches need to be drawn. There should be a distance of 4 to 5 cm between them. Humus is laid out in a small layer on the bottom of the box. Seeds are planted at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other.

Sawdust is poured on top again. They need to be watered with a mixture containing macro and microelements. After the cotyledon leaves appear on the sprouts, the zucchini is replanted. 60 minutes before picking, be sure to water the squash seedlings. It will not be difficult to remove the roots from the sawdust without disturbing their integrity.

Zucchini is grown observing the required temperature conditions:

  1. before shoots appear, the temperature is maintained at a level of +18 to +24 degrees;
  2. as soon as the sprouts appear, during the day the temperature for zucchini seedlings should be from +15 to +18 degrees, and at night from 13 to 15. This temperature indicator must last for 4 days in a row;
  3. before planting zucchini in the soil, in daytime the temperature should be from +17 to +22 degrees, and at night - from 13 to 17 degrees.

The necessary conditions cannot be met if the plant stands on the windowsill. That is why it is advisable to choose a window on the south side of the room. You can also make a kind of mini-greenhouse there.

Using cellophane film, separate it from the room. You need to adjust through the window air mode. It is advisable to install additional lighting using fluorescent light bulbs.

Greenhouse seedlings: how to grow zucchini seedlings in greenhouses

It is easier and more efficient to grow zucchini seedlings in greenhouses. If the greenhouse is also heated, this is an excellent option! Only here they first plant the plant germinated in pots.

After the sprouts emerge, 7 days later it is necessary to fertilize the soil. To do this, use mullein in a ratio of 1:10.

Before planting zucchini seedlings in open soil, three days before this process, water the ground with the mixture. This is diluted chicken droppings.

The culture will benefit from periodic spraying with Epin. This is an excellent means of stimulating plant growth.

Zucchini is a heat-loving crop. That is why it is advisable to harden them off before planting them in open soil. At first, it would be a good idea to take them out to the balcony or outside for a while.

As soon as the zucchini has reached the age of 21 days, they are planted in open ground. At this time, they already have 2 or 3 leaves, and the root system is well developed. As a result of cultivation, one can hope for a healthy and bountiful harvest if the roots were not damaged during planting. When the seedlings in pots have outgrown, they will have difficulty taking root.

Seedling care

It is not difficult to care for squash seedlings. When the seedlings grew on a windowsill on the south side, they do not need additional lighting. If the plant is located on the north side, in this case, be sure to install artificial lighting.

If zucchini seedlings are located on the east or west side, they need to create certain conditions.

They require 11 hours of daylight. Not less. It is important to control the volume of air entering through the vents. If cold air will fall directly on the crop, it can lead to the death of tender young shoots.


As soon as the soil becomes dry, it should be watered. The top layer of soil should not be allowed to dry out. For young, tender plants, it is not advisable for the conditions to change suddenly.

The principle “everything should be in moderation” also applies to watering squash seedlings. But there is no need to moisten the soil too much. For one pot, 100 ml is enough once every 5 days. If the weather is hot, then the seedlings need to be watered more often. For example, once every three days.

There is no need to spray zucchini seedlings. Upper layer the soil is not loosened so that young tender shoots are not damaged.

Top dressing

Squash seedlings need feeding. The first is carried out about 10 days after the sprouts appear. Under one plant you need to add mullein (50 ml). The infusion should be weak, in a ratio of 1:10. It is a good idea to use a urea solution. It is prepared like this: 0.5 tsp. per one liter of water.

The second option is to buy ready-to-use fertilizer. It's called "Bud". You need to take 2 grams per 1 liter of water.

After 10 days, fertilize again. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water. Dissolve nitrophoska and ash in it (0.5 tbsp each). It is recommended to apply fertilizer for each crop. One and a half tablespoons per 1 pot.

After a certain time, the plant needs to be sprayed with Epin Extra. This - good remedy stimulating growth. As soon as 2 or 3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are ready for planting.

Picking zucchini

Many new gardeners have a question: is it necessary to pick zucchini? Experts answer: no need. Zucchini are those plants that react painfully to transplantation. That is why it is advisable to immediately sow them in individual pots, so as not to replant them later and damage the young zucchini sprouts.

If you find that there are 2 or 3 seedlings in the pot, you need to leave only one of them. Others need to be transplanted. This process can be called picking.

Zucchini seedlings are planted in open ground only in the absence of frost.

Selecting a location and preparing a bed for planting seedlings

A place that is well lit by the sun is great for zucchini. The main thing is that there is no wind there. It is advisable that they lie low groundwater. The best soil for zucchini it is fertile and contains a lot of humus. Of course, zucchini will grow in depleted soil. Just don’t expect a big and healthy harvest.

Zucchini grows well in place of potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, and various herbs - green manure. If the predecessors were pumpkin or cucumbers - good fruiting not worth the wait. Even if these vegetables are neighbors of zucchini, they have an impact on them. Negative influence. Zucchini grows and develops poorly.

There is no need to grow zucchini in the same place every year. They don't like it. This is due to the culture’s ability to quickly make the soil “poor.”

How to prepare a bed for planting seedlings? 2 weeks before the time of planting arrives, the ground is dug up. The depth of the bayonet-shovel should be approximately 25 cm. After this, fertilizing is applied.

You can prepare the mixture yourself. It is made like this: compost (humus) + sawdust + ash (two glasses) + superphosphate (2 tablespoons) + potassium sulfate (one tablespoon) + urea (one tablespoon). This amount is enough to fertilize 1 sq.m of soil. The soil is fertilized either in autumn or in spring period.

If you want to save money, it is recommended to apply a mixture of fertilizers into the holes for seedlings, mixing them with soil. Then the hole needs to be watered using only warm water, and cover with cellophane. In this state, the hole must be left until the moment of planting the seedlings arrives.

How to plant zucchini in open ground

The holes for seedlings should be made so that on one square meter plot there were 3 plants. Not more. A distance of one to one and a half meters is maintained between the rows. Before planting, humus and ash (in small quantities) must be placed in each hole and mixed with soil. After this, plant the seedlings along with a lump of earth. It is necessary to deepen to the cotyledon leaves. Fill the hole with soil. Compact. Water.

Only when the weather is cloudy and warm outside do they plant squash seedlings in open soil. In cases where the threat of frost return is real, it is advisable to cover the seedlings plastic bottles. The second option is to install metal arcs on the site and cover them with film. The seedlings will be under cover. The soil needs to be loosened the day after planting.

Main diseases and pests

  • Powdery mildew is the most common disease of all plants grown in gardens, and zucchini is one of them.

First on front side a coating appears on the leaves in the form of white spots. Then they move to the back side of the leaves. The disease progresses, affecting the shoots. As a result, the weakened plant dies. When the disease is in an advanced stage, the disease affects the fruits.

Why does it occur powdery mildew? As a rule, from changes in air temperature. Also due to the fact that dew very often appears on plants. If the soil is too wet, the pathogen will like it. To prevent powdery mildew from affecting zucchini, the seeds must be treated before planting. For this purpose, special solutions are made, and seeds are collected only from those bushes that are absolutely healthy.

  • Root rot is also considered insidious.

First, its goal is to hit the ends of the roots. Over time, it rises higher, to the neck. Disease affects culture different ages. The root system darkens. It's cracking. The stem becomes a rotten stump. The disease is provoked by cold, cloudy weather, high soil moisture when groundwater rises high.

  • If the fruits are affected by bacteriosis, it is possible that the plants and soil were not adequately fertilized with substances containing minerals.

It may also be that the plants were watered with too cold water. The disease first affects the apex of the fetus. She hardens and dies. Over time, gradually, the disease moves to the stem. As a result, the site shows the presence of ugly and twisted fruits with dark brown spots.

  • Pests that systematically “attack” zucchini are cutworm butterflies and slugs.

To combat them, many modern chemicals. They are allowed to be used to treat plants in gardens and summer cottages.

To eliminate slugs and reduce their numbers, you need to tread the ground near the bush with tooth powder or ash. To make slug traps, you can lay out damp rags. After a while, the slugs are removed from the rags and eliminated.

Many gardeners like the fact that zucchini is not difficult to care for. In addition, this vegetable is tasty and healthy. If you follow everything established rules, you can reap a bountiful and healthy harvest.

Video: How to sow zucchini seeds for seedlings, prepare the soil and container for planting

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