Chalet style interior. The chalet style in the interior is Alpine simplicity and naturalness. The right materials for a chalet style

Among the numerous trends in world architecture and interior design, eco-style is one of the main trends. Modern man wants to be closer to nature, so he increasingly chooses the comfort of a country house, such as an Alpine chalet.

The design of the chalet-style house, inside and out, is characterized by original details that retain the main features of European medieval rural life. The centuries-old tradition of buildings is organically combined with modern technologies.

Classic chalet construction - shutters and carved balcony Source

Excursion into history

Chalet literally means “shepherd’s hut.” This was originally the name given to seasonal farms for dairy cattle that existed in the Alps, on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland. With the onset of cold weather, people and herds descended into the valleys, and the chalet huts remained empty all winter.

Already in the 18th century, the French appreciated the romanticism of mountain huts and began to decorate parks with garden pavilions made in a recognizable rural style. With the advent of alpine tourism, chalets slowly turned into holiday homes for enthusiasts of steep mountain trails and ski slopes.

Living conditions and the harsh nature of the mountainous areas influenced both the choice of material and the architecture of the chalet houses. Modern projects follow old recipe using traditional construction and design techniques.

Chalet-style houses: modern realities

A chalet-style house is reminiscent of Mountain peaks, sparkling snow and intoxicating fresh air. For a person tired of everyday worries, such a house will become a refuge from the modern rhythm of life, a place where you can put on a warm sweater and spend the evening near the fireplace, watching the cheerful flames.

The house is also suitable for people accustomed to energetic holidays - hunters, travelers, photographers, lovers of skiing, snowboarding and simply nature.

Alpine house - a modern interpretation Source

Distinctive features of the style

Chalet houses or, as they are often called, Alpine (Swiss) houses were originally built on mountain slopes; they had to be built taking into account nervousness and elevation changes. Shepherds who lived in the Alps several centuries ago used in construction only those materials that could be found nearby. The harsh climatic conditions of the highlands forced the construction of reliable, massive and warm houses, capable of serving for decades.


A chalet-style house is a combined type of building that combines several types of material. The union of stone and wood helps to create a practical home that can protect from bad weather and rockfalls. Initially, solid stone was used on the foundation, ground floor and first floor; the roof and attic floor were built only from logs; later they began to use massive timber. Over time, the wood darkened, which gave the building a special, unique look.

Such a house was not afraid of gusty winds, snow storms, or pouring rain. In modern alpine buildings, stone is replaced with brick or cellular concrete; the attic floor is built from profiled or laminated timber, often frame technology. There are buildings made of rounded logs or unplaned timber.

Chalet house - facing with artificial stone and clapboard Source

Advantages of a combined alpine house

In the mountains of Europe there is little forest, but there is plenty of stone. To build an entirely stone house is time-consuming and expensive; to build an entirely wooden and at the same time durable home is difficult. The compromise was the combination of materials.

The combination of a stone first floor and a wooden second floor allows you to reduce construction costs and then heating costs. But chalet-style houses are loved not only because of the opportunity to save money; they have other advantages:

    Construction speed. A chalet house is built faster than a completely stone building. You can live on the first, stone floor without waiting for the completion of the second floor.

    Durability. The stone bottom protects the premises from moisture; the tree, being high from the ground, retains its properties for a long time. The sloping roof with large overhangs protects the entire structure from the sun and precipitation; a layer of snow helps retain internal heat.

    Environmental friendliness. A house built from natural materials does not affect health.

Recognizable style adapted to fast-paced life Source

    Multiple design options. A chalet-style house is easily recognizable by its main feature: a stone “bottom” and a wooden “top”. Further elaboration of the details of the style depends on the fantasies of the future owner and their skillful interpretation by the designer. Most often, they try to preserve the naturalness of the exterior and interior decoration, diluting it with features of other styles (from country to hi-tech).

Exterior of an Alpine-style house: distinctive features of exterior design

The first chalet houses were strikingly different from their current counterparts. The buildings were as simplified as possible, without spacious verandas and, of course, without large windows, increasing heat loss. During the cold season, shepherds hid young and weakened animals in the building.

Modern technologies made the Swiss house more impressive in appearance, preserving the tradition of placement of the building. They try to turn the façade of a chalet-style house to the east; this allows rooms to be illuminated evenly. The main design features of the style remain unchanged and are visible from afar:

    Roof. Gable (as a rule), flat, with large offsets. It perfectly protects walls from weather disasters (wetness or snow drifts). The roof is covered with traditional wooden shingles or modern materials - soft roof or metal tiles.

    Number of storeys. Most often, two-story buildings are erected; the second floor is necessarily an attic.

Multi-storey chalets are typical of the Alps Source

    Window. As large as possible, panoramic. Ancient shepherds sought to keep warm, the modern inhabitant of a chalet wants to enjoy natural landscapes. Modern technologies make it possible to combine the beauty of the landscape and the interior in an economical way.

    Terrace or veranda(often glazed). As well as a spacious balcony, one of the indispensable architectural details. In warm weather it is used as a summer patio.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

About the project: house layout in chalet style

Classic chalet houses were built on mountain slopes; There was often little space for construction. This affected the internal structure. Architects have long studied the main features of chalet layout, interior and exterior, and successfully use them in construction. Modern designs of chalet-style houses have a basically standard approach to construction:

    Ground floor. Livestock is no longer hidden here, provisions and household equipment are no longer stored here. On the ground floor there is a living room, kitchen, study, and on the second floor there are bedrooms.

    Lack of entrance vestibule. If there is no veranda, the outer door sometimes opens directly into the living space, as in classic alpine buildings. In modern versions, the hallway is provided at the request of the house owner.

Interior of the entrance area of ​​a chalet house Source

    Combination. To prevent the walls from reducing the internal area, it is practiced (on the 1st floor) to combine two or three zones into one space - the kitchen, dining room and living room. This space layout provides space and communication.

    Facade elements. Terraces for summer recreation are made spacious, often encircling the building.

    Facade details. With the advent of double-glazed windows, shutters that protect an Alpine house from the piercing wind have become an original decor. But the tradition of decorating the roof, doors, railings of terraces and balconies with carvings has been preserved.

    Interior details. A fireplace is an indispensable component of an Alpine house project.

Video description

About the secrets of the chalet style in the video:

Modern chalet house designs do not aim to compete with ancient mansions. They are built with an emphasis on durability, coziness and comfort. Modern technologies allow the construction of three-story buildings, with a basement, sauna, garage and modern communications.

Features of building a chalet house

Modern chalet houses continue the traditions of medieval masters. Construction companies offer modern and comfortable turnkey chalet houses, both standard and custom-designed individual order. High-class architects and designers, experienced engineers and builders take part in their creation.

Project country house in chalet style Source

Since natural stone (slate or pebbles) is an expensive material, when constructing a basement floor it is replaced with brick or foam concrete. Stone (natural or its artificial analogue) is used for cladding. The exterior decoration of a chalet-style house allows the use of textured plaster in pastel colors. As for the attic, the tradition of making it from timber or logs has been preserved.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Interior: features and details

The chalet style, originally masculine and rough, has long been adapted to today's realities and has been divided into two directions. One is filled with rural comfort, peace and quiet, the other is filled with hunting romance. The first one is dominated by clay dishes and paintings in wooden frames, in the second - tapestries and hunting trophies.

In the interior of both directions there are no random elements, just as there is no ostentatious luxury. The living room of a chalet house will in any case comply with the canons:

Living room interior in an alpine house

A spacious room with high ceilings and panoramic windows is suitable for the interior of the chalet. Animal skins, massive furniture and warm carpets will highlight the charm of the style. Lighting can be multi-level. An antique central chandelier (with imitation candles) will create coziness together with sconces, table or floor lamps with lampshades made of natural fabric. An example of a chalet-style house interior, photo of a spacious living room:

Natural materials in the interior decoration of the living room Source

Colors and decor

All shades of natural wood are held in high esteem; the style does not accept bright accents. If there is not enough color, you can add beige, black, wine, gray, cream or dark blue. Terracotta, marsh and wenge are allowed.

Details define the design of a chalet house; inside they are no less important than in other styles. Alpine motifs can be traced in the design. The necessary color is created by paintings and photographs in solid frames, with views of mountains, forests and valleys. In such an interior, ceramics look good, but without glaze, dull, matte. Metal and plastic will seem like alien parts; luxury, gilding and mother-of-pearl are signs of bad taste.

Video description

About the natural style house project in the video:

Ceiling and walls

The ceilings are high and wooden. Ceiling beams wonderfully convey the atmosphere of an Alpine house, although modern version are part of the decor (in the attic, open beams are part rafter system roofs).

Stone and wood are timeless classics, but today walls covered with decorative plaster or paint are quite acceptable. Tapestries are used as decoration. Hunting motifs - horns, heads and skins of animals, hunting rifles give the atmosphere a touch of adventurism.

Hunting motifs are a common detail in a chalet living room Source

Doors and floors

Chalet projects involve the use of heavy wooden doors. They are decorated with carvings and wreaths of dried fragrant herbs. The floor is unpainted solid boards coated with varnish (or stain). Sometimes wood is artificially aged. Floors are usually decorated with carpets and animal skins.

Fireplace and furniture

Fireplace - business card style, the focal point of the interior. It is installed in the living room, or even in the bedroom, and is lined with stone. There are electric fireplaces, above which plasma TVs look quite natural.

The furniture is wooden, good quality, comfortable. Objects of an impressive appearance, soft, but having a rough appearance, with scuffs, will fit into the style. The decoration of the living room will be large leather sofa with pillows and blankets.

Textiles and household appliances

Natural (can be undyed) cotton, linen or wool (but not silk or synthetics) are welcome. Rough fabrics harmoniously support the natural, eco-friendly style of a country house.

Plasma panel above the gas fireplace Source

They try to hide household and digital appliances, security systems under wall wood panels, screens or furniture facades. This disguise preserves the ancient atmosphere of the home.

What could it be modern house chalet, photos of interesting projects:

Chalet house in native element Source

Decoration of the facade: carved ornaments of the cornice and balcony Source

Modern interpretation of style does not contradict traditions Source

Using modern materials Don't spoil the classics Source

A cozy combination of chalet and country styles in the design of the living room Source

True chalet style - discreet, strict and warm Source

The fireplace gives the bedroom the feel of an elegant country home Source

Bedroom and balcony surrounding it Source

The kitchen and living room areas are combined into a whole space Source

High-tech interior in an Alpine house Source


All styles evolve, and the chalet style will not escape changes. Many designers experiment with furniture, lighting and accessories, keeping elements of folk tradition unchanged. Thanks to such careful treatment, chalet-style houses will always look modern and natural.

A durable and cozy capital structure, despite its simple origins, will appeal to both romantics and quite pragmatic people. They are all attracted by the harmonious combination of natural comfort and amenities modern world, embodied in the chalet house.

The word “chalet” originally got its meaning from Chalet (which, loosely translated, meant a shepherd’s hut), which was the name of a small rural house in the Alps, which was distinguished by its special architecture. Since the shepherds lived in the mountains for quite a long time, they accordingly sought to build for their needs the most reliable and, most importantly, warm home.

Chalet architecture originated somewhere in the southeast of France (by the way, we have already written about one of the prominent representatives of the French trend) in areas where it borders Italy and Switzerland. Although, in the direct understanding of the French, a chalet is a Swiss house. Therefore, it would be fair to call this direction not French, but Alpine.

Today, thanks to our design features and the interior space of the chalet has become quite popular. And although, over time, mountain houses turned into more solid structures, the main structural characteristics of the chalets were preserved. Along with them, the traditional features of the chalet interior remained virtually unchanged.

Chalet style. Reasons for popularity

First of all, the chalets are really reliable and warm. Secondly, these houses were originally built in picturesque places at the foot of the mountains, as a result of which chalets began to be associated with romance. The chalet style in the interior is chosen by romantic people who want to live in comfort and warmth.

It seems that one of the main reasons for the rise in popularity chalet architecture is mass recreation at ski resorts and people's passion for skiing. As a result, chalets have become associated with prestigious tourism and travel.

chalet style renovation

Chalets are being built everywhere in Germany, the USA, Canada, and, naturally, Russia. Moreover, chalets are built even where there are no mountains at all. For example, in the Moscow region there are entire villages of Alpine-style houses.

Also, desire played a significant role modern man get closer to nature and use ecologically clean materials. Chalets, as a rule, are built outside the city, in picturesque places. Alpine houses are built only with the help solid wood. When finishing facades, wood is also often used; the use of metal or plastic is excluded. Although the first floors are often lined with stone or brick.

Chalet architecture. Distinctive features

An Alpine house immediately stands out from others with its appearance suburban buildings. It is distinguished by its non-standard roof: sloping, gable, strongly overhanging the walls of the dwelling. This roof design was dictated by several factors: it protected the walls of the house, the foundation, and the surrounding area from snow and wetness. IN winter time the snow is retained on the roof, covering it evenly. Thereby creating a snow coat that prevents heat loss from the house.

The ground floor and foundation were traditionally made of stone, and the subsequent floors and attic were made of solid wood. A strong stone foundation held the house securely in the difficult terrain. The tree, naturally, under the influence of bad weather, cracked and darkened. But this is precisely what gave country houses a unique flavor. In modern construction of such houses, the same technologies are usually used.

Also characteristic of chalet architecture is the presence of large terraces, which are protected from rain and snow by heavily overhanging roof canopies. The terrace is built from wood. Special solid boards or natural wood are laid on the floor. Since modern terrace boards are moisture-resistant, the choice is often made in its favor, since the boards are warmer than ceramics and stone. Wooden tables, benches and benches are installed on the terrace so that you can enjoy the beautiful view in the summer while relaxing in the fresh air.

In general, for French architecture, and chalets in particular are characterized by many large windows.

The main associations that arise with Alpine interiors are rural comfort and simplicity. For a long time internal surfaces The walls of the chalet were not subjected to any treatment: the texture of natural wood and stone was a natural decor.

Then stone walls began to be decorated with plaster and sometimes painting, and wooden walls were varnished and decorated with carvings. It is quite natural for chalet owners to want to decorate the interior without adding much luxury to it. Although to this day, the textures of natural stone and wood reign in chalet interior design, since they are the basis or background for subsequent design.

Generally, alpine style or the chalet style in the interior does not belong to a separate direction as such. Don't forget that a chalet is a country house. It follows that the interiors of such a house are made in a rural style, in other words, in country style. The interiors of any other rural houses have much in common with the decoration and interior decoration traditional chalet.

What generally characterizes country style? Dominance of stone, wood, almost complete rejection of artificial modern materials, simplicity of decor, usually made by hand, some roughness in the finishing of wooden furniture, respectable dimensions upholstered furniture, the presence of a hearth (fireplace, stove). All of the above applies to the interior space of the chalet.

Chalet style in the interior is just one of the varieties of country style, which has its own characteristics. Alpine motifs predominate in the decorative decoration: mountains, conifers, mountain animals and flowers. Such motifs are usually conveyed in textiles, floor and wall decor (antlers on floors or walls, paintings depicting snow, forests, mountain landscapes, etc.). Wreaths of dried mountain herbs and flowers are hung on the doors. This type of decor has been preserved since ancient times. Chalets also use woven carpets, usually very colorful. IN kitchen area there is a lot of pottery.

Artificially aged floors create a special charm. As a rule, non-painted solid boards coated with varnish or oil with a patina effect, but only semi-matte or matte, are used for flooring.

In the kitchen, floors are also often wooden, but it is possible and sometimes produced. Bathroom floors are also finished with tiles. To create an antique atmosphere, you can use themed tiles with artificial defects, chips and cracks.

Ceilings are always decorated with large wooden ceilings - usually dark in color (not bleached). The ceiling itself is also made of wood.

The walls are decorated with fragments of stone tiles. In particular, this applies to rooms with a humid climate, but not only.

In the halls, which are located on the first floors, the stone walls can be sheathed with plank panels or boards, or plastered (). On the upper floors wooden walls More often than not, they are not subjected to any finishing - only wood processing is performed.

The main colors are the natural colors of wood, usually dark. Wood tones are warm. Plaster colors are terracotta, beige, orange, pastel cream, yellow. For furniture upholstery and textiles, choose the colors of natural, undyed fabrics. In addition, it is often used for interiors grey colour- This is a shade of bleached wood or finishing stone, which can be seen in Austrian and Swiss chalets.

In the interior design of the chalet you will certainly find variegated ones, in which red tones predominate.

The furniture is naturally made of solid wood. But interior interior in chalet style is not always decorated in pure country style. Here you can often find eclecticism - a symbiosis of country with baroque or classic style. Furniture, accordingly, can have luxurious forms, but still be emphasized by a certain simplicity and roughness of finish. As in other country styles, there is often wicker furniture in the interior spaces of the chalet, but there is practically no forging.

Upholstered furniture is massive in size, providing comfortable rest. The color of the upholstery is different: you can find upholstery with a pattern, stripes and flowers, as well as plain upholstery reminiscent of bleached linen. Soft leather furniture in the style of a hunting lodge would also be appropriate in the interior of the chalet. In the bedroom, beds often have a canopy with a canopy.

Chalet style interior

The chalet, of course, has a hearth - a fireplace or stove. Typically, the fireplace is lined with gray stone. This, of course, may be a false fireplace, but it will not convey that same alpine aura with the smell of burning wood and live fire. The stove or fireplace is the center of the lower floor.

Carpets are required on the floors and walls. Instead of carpets, you can use animal skins. The walls are decorated with large tapestries, framed landscapes wooden frames, horns. Wooden folk craft items and textile embroidered decor are well suited for the interior of a chalet. There will also be display cases with weapons and hunting accessories here.

A chalet or house in the Alps is a shepherd's refuge in high mountain pastures. It was he who provided an inexhaustible topic for new variety country style. Numerous design developments have made their own adjustments to adapt the archaic chalet-style interior to the conditions of a city apartment. The source of inspiration is the two-level chalet house, with its solid wooden furniture, stone walls and a fireplace, which creates this cozy archaic atmosphere.

The chalet-style interior is simple and comfortable

In such a room it is pleasant to take a break from the city noise and plunge into the atmosphere of village life.

What is the difference between the architecture and style of the chalet?

Chalet architecture and style interior design formed in the Alps, at the junction of the highlands of Italy, France and Switzerland. High mountain pastures are characterized by changeable weather, strong winds and heavy rains even in the summer season. Therefore, the quiet refuge of the shepherds should, first of all, be warm, reliable and cozy - this is what it is character traits interior in chalet style.

The main attributes of the style are the fireplace, natural wood, stone and sheepskins or their imitation

Successful styling of a gas stove as a fireplace

It is noteworthy that the Swiss consider this style “too French”; the Italians attribute its charm and modern architecture to themselves. And the French emphasize that this is a mountain house in Switzerland, with all its attributes. They claim that they made only a small contribution to it from Provencal country style. Hence there is such confusion about the origin of the chalet in the interior.

Sometimes the chalet reminds Scandinavian style, But white there's a lot less here

So, a Swiss house in a modern interpretation is a luxurious two-story villa in the mountains, built according to a classic model.

Modern chalet style house

A real chalet in the classic version - an ordinary building in the mountains, a shepherd’s “residence” in the mountains, where ground floor sedan made of stone, upper wooden, with rough beams, possible brickwork and rough plaster with whitewash.

Consequently, all materials are natural and environmentally friendly. All objects and furniture are without pretentious sophistication, handmade, the usual geometry of squat shapes. But there is something attractive in this simplicity of a country house with a chalet-style interior, which makes this type of country extremely popular.

The stone cladding of the fireplace fits perfectly into the interior of the room

Wooden columns and arches perfectly complement the picturesque view from the window

Mountain residents value warmth and comfort most of all. Therefore, a squat, sloping roof, on which snow lies for a long time on top of the melted crust, helps stabilize the temperature. Most of the panoramic windows face east to get up with the first rays of the sun. The fireplace is the center of the most reliable, cozy and warm home, this will be confirmed by many residents of picturesque Alpine villages, regardless of the country.

Today, chalet-style interior design is at the peak of popularity; it is chosen by romantic people for houses on the plains and luxury apartments with a layout like duplexes and loft apartments. It could be The best decision for an ordinary country house without walls, located on the edge of the forest, and the arrangement of a spacious attic.

The style of the chalet goes well with Art Deco elements

Recently, entire hotel blocks have been built like chalets - they are structurally very simple and attractive. The massive passion for mountain tourism fuels the desire to take with them a piece of the romantic mountain atmosphere, which explains the demand for the chalet style in the interior of a country house and city apartment. Even in the Moscow region, entire villages have been built in new buildings, in many ways reminiscent of houses in the Alps. But in essence, the chalet is a semi-basement ground floor and a spacious attic.

This architecture is characterized by a peculiar design of the adjacent territory, with its large terraces under a canopy hanging far from the roof. It is customary to equip them with wicker garden furniture and tables made of natural sawn wood from a large trunk, but other variations are also possible, emphasizing the chalet in the interior and exterior design.

Chalet-style outdoor terrace

Next to a wooden terrace or veranda, they usually make a small lawn and rock gardens - islands of landscape design that emphasize the choice of interior style of the chalet house. You can even make an artificial pond with a cascading waterfall, but opposite a real private building in the Alps is a high-mountain landscape.

Chalet style in the interior of a country house

The chalet style in the interior is a colorful variety of country with its “shepherd” attributes. Of course, this is a bundle of firewood right by the fireplace, rough sheepskins, carelessly scattered on upholstered furniture.

Hunting decor in any form is welcome

Chandeliers made of deer antlers

Hunting interior decorations in the style of a chalet in a country house are also possible:

  • the skin of a wild animal under your feet or sofa;
  • deer antlers on an empty wall in the living room;
  • a bedspread made of skins or their imitation;
  • small collection of bladed weapons.

All this will not help to fully describe the features of this style, but will give a more complete idea of ​​the typical features of a modern chalet interior. Rough wood and stone are what distinguishes a real mountain house, so the greatest attention is paid to architectural features and surface cladding.

Chalet style is a suitable option for spacious attic-type rooms

There is no place for plastic and synthetic materials. But in a city apartment, designed in the spirit of a chalet design, imitation of real wood can be widely used. Preference is given to aged wood and laminate with a rough texture - this is a typical “trick” of this type of country. In the natural environment, wood gets wet and darkens from water and snow, which gives it signs of natural aging.

The interior is usually done in pleasant pastel colors

Basic colors for the chalet interior style:

The main range is selected from 2-3 shades, for example, white, brown and gray, as in the photo

In rooms with low ceilings it is better to use light shades

An alpine theme is appropriate in the decor - coniferous trees and meadows, birds and animals, mountain peaks and snow-covered landscapes. Hand-made rugs made from colored yarn, coarse textiles and animal skins are an additional alpine ambience for the interior of a chalet-style living room. Dry ikebana, bags herbs and bundles medicinal plants, tied on beams, give a special spicy aroma characteristic of country interiors. The kitchen compartment is filled with ceramic dishes and simple utensils self made.

The furniture is deliberately simple, but not rough and “clumsy”, quite appropriate homemade options tables and chairs

They can coexist peacefully in this style different breeds woods that differ in texture and shade. However, there is no place for elite wood here - the emphasis is on simplicity and availability of materials.

In such a bedroom you can survive the cold winter

A chalet with a modern interpretation interior is in great demand when we're talking about about building a country house or choosing one of the varieties of country style. Chalets do not exist in their pure form on our territory, especially in apartment design. Everything that is presented in the photo are adapted options that glorify a lifestyle close to nature.

Apartment interior in the spirit of a chalet

Although to date there is no single concept of what a chalet-style interior should look like, the style is very recognizable. It has absorbed the features of some related trends, such as Scandinavian minimalism, retro, vintage and shabby chic. There is something in him from French Provence and the desire to live luxuriously even in poverty, purely Italian.

Open plan is a priority

Artificially aged wooden surfaces will add a special charm.

In the original chalet, the surface of the walls was left without cladding, the lower ground floor was made of high-quality stonework that did not require any modification. The upper attic was all made of wood, including the beams on the ceiling. Today, the lower level is often plastered, but this is done with an imitation of natural materials - the color of cement and sand. Or they paint the walls with a rough imitation of lime whitewash.

The texture of natural wood should be the main cladding - lining, timber, blockhouse and even imitation wood in synthetic analogues, such as eco-veneer and laminate. This is the best decor to highlight a chalet-style interior. Whitewashing on the ceiling is also appropriate, only the imitation of beams should still be present; communications (pipes and wires) are often hidden in their hollow “cores”. It would not be superfluous to use wood carvings to cover some objects, for example, a ventilation window.

For finishing, only natural materials or high-quality imitations are used.

The chalet style does not tolerate excessive light, so the number of lamps is strictly limited

There shouldn’t be a lot of furniture, just everything you need

If you take a closer look at what is characteristic of the chalet style in the interior, then natural stone and its synthetic analogues are also appropriate:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • flexible stone;
  • "wild" stone;
  • stone wallpaper (sandstone cut).

Stone masonry can be complemented by red brick and rough plaster. It is sometimes applied with bald spots, “bald spots” or gaps, partially revealing the base - this is a specific design technique. A more urban finish is also possible, for example, wallpaper, but their design should be strictly in country style. They would be appropriate in an apartment bedroom or to highlight a chalet-style design inside a house. An empty wall can be decorated with photo wallpaper with a mountain landscape.

As lighting fixtures cast iron chandeliers with retro shades work well

It is worth considering that a chalet-style interior in an apartment cannot be reflected to the same extent as it is in buildings that adhere to all the canons of a mountain house. But all decorative items should be subordinated to this theme; paintings with mountain landscapes can be hung on the walls.

Chalets are simplicity and naturalness, so this style is more suitable for lovers of peace and tranquility

The auxiliary rooms and the kitchen are decorated like a regular country house. And only a living room with low handmade furniture (imitation) and carelessly scattered sheep skins will emphasize the mountain theme with a rural flavor.

Video: a cozy chalet-style house designed for a country holiday

Photos of chalet style interiors

Psychologists have found that the chalet style is usually chosen for their homes by romantic people who love life in all its manifestations, who value nature, who love original solutions and harmony.

If these character traits are characteristic of you, perhaps it’s time to think about changing the interior design to such a cozy chalet.

Style Features

The chalet style owes its origin to nature itself and people who have learned to adapt to it. The word "chalet" means small house somewhere in the Swiss Alps, but similar features can be found in the buildings of residents of other northern countries - Norway and Finland, in the dwellings of the peoples of the Far North and Pomors. This is exactly the case when nature dictated its requirements to designers.

The main highlight of the chalet style is the predominance of natural materials in the interior, such as wood, brick, stone, elements made of metal and glass are possible.

Of course, there are plenty of imitation products on the building materials and furniture market, but to recreate an authentic style, these are the ones that are best suited natural materials.

The combination of different surface treatments is also welcome in the chalet style. Rustic elements, that is, untreated surfaces, smooth polishing, can be combined in one room and create an overall atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

The style does not require any over-engineering, its peculiarity lies in its simplicity, but it is still advisable to create a design according to a specific idea.

In order to withstand the semantic load of the interior and select decorative elements in accordance with it, it is advisable to indicate your idea. This could be, for example, a room in the style of a hunting lodge or a cozy country hotel with a fireplace.

Distinctive elements of the chalet style

To create a chalet-style interior, deliberately aged elements are often used. Rough natural textures a la rustic, cracked ceramic tiles or brick, metal with traces of patina and stone sculptures as if eaten away by moss are appropriate here.

Antique furniture, porcelain and paintings will complement the overall picture of renunciation of civilization in favor of harmony with nature.

Peculiar stylistic markers are ceiling and wall beams. They can decorate the ceiling, cross on the walls or divide the space into zones.

Characteristic of the style are beams made of poorly processed wood with bark residues. The bars on the walls imitate supports, forming a pattern characteristic of the style. Of course, such decorative elements, due to their heaviness, are more suitable for a country house; in apartments they usually use imitation wood from polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam.

The key point of the entire interior is the fireplace. Historically, it was near the fire that the center of life of the entire home was located; the fire warmed, fed, and illuminated the room.

A fireplace can be either real or an imitation, however, with the invention of bio-fireplaces, their installation has become an easy task even in ordinary apartments.

It is difficult to imagine the interior without elements of stone and brick. Here the emphasis is on choosing unprocessed materials with a rough natural texture; it is better not to take polished stone at all or use it in the form of small decorative elements.

The abundance of stone is also a historical feature; the inhabitants of the north built houses on a solid stone foundation; thick masonry walls were more likely to withstand the harsh weather conditions of the northern winter.

Without textiles, any interior will look unfinished. Textiles in a chalet have not only decorative, but also practical significance.

These include animal skins on which you can warm up while lying by the fireplace, knitted blankets and throws for sofas, and bedspreads with ethnic patterns. And here decorative pillows They look too cute and don’t fit into the chalet style.

When choosing floor coverings, preference is given to woolen carpets; the main condition is that they must be warm. Large woolen carpets are also appropriate here.

How to decorate your home in a chalet style

The variety of design elements and materials makes it possible to decorate a house in a chalet style without the services of a professional decorator.

It is safe to say that this style will decorate all rooms.

Chalet style kitchen

The keyword for the entire room is “wood.” Wood is everywhere, in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, the kitchen set must also be made of wood.

By the way, the floor can be made not only of wood; stone tiles or tiles with imitation stone will look great here. The same applies to walls; one wall can overlap the floor and be decorated with stone panels. The same panels are used to decorate the kitchen apron.

It is worth abandoning glossy metal surfaces, dishes and taps in favor of brass ones. They will place accents and create a general atmosphere of antiquity.

Glassware has no place here; our ancestors from the northern lands could not afford such luxury and traditionally ate from clay cups. You can also choose ceramic dishes that are deliberately rough.

Curtains on the windows can be light and decorated with fancy patterns. The table and floors look cozy with colorful textile runners.

Chalet style bedroom

The chalet style for the bedroom is a real find. Such a room fills the soul with comfort; at first glance you can see how sweetly you can sleep in it.

There’s no place here without wood, but it’s better to avoid stone floors, because who likes to step barefoot on cold stone in the morning. It’s better not to weigh down a small room ceiling beams, and limit ourselves only to wall ones. They will visually stretch the space and move the ceiling upward.

The bedroom offers a break from the rough textures and colors of dark natural wood. Furniture can be made of light wood, such as oak or pine.

The bedroom is characterized by a minimum of decorative elements; the eye should seem to glide over the wooden textures, not lingering on anything and gradually relaxing.

Traditional textiles for the bedroom are a canopy over the bed. Its presence can be historically explained very simply – curtained sleeping area retained heat longer. As in all rooms of the chalet, a variety of rugs, knitted bedspreads and animal skins will find their place here.

Living room in chalet style

The living room is characterized by the use of all the elements of the chalet style, which have already been mentioned above. Now the trend is rustic, that is, rough textures that are as close as possible to their natural appearance.

It is in the living room that the central element can be a fireplace; in its design they use masonry and forged grilles, but a modern glass structure with flames dancing behind it will also not look foreign.

The chalet style allows even the most hardened residents of the city to plunge into the atmosphere of nature, because here there is everything that for many centuries a person has associated with the words “home” and “home.” Perhaps this is precisely the secret of his attractiveness?

Photo of interior design in chalet style

If coziness, comfort and the atmosphere of home are much more important to you than fashion, then the chalet style is what you need. This direction will allow you to turn any room into a cozy family corner, if you make some effort and support the main theme.

Chalet is the name of a small French house located in picturesque alpine meadows. Shepherds and hunters have lived in such small but cozy buildings since ancient times. The style arose as a result of the lifestyle of these people, who simply did not have the opportunity to create expensive decorations and furnish their homes with luxurious interior elements. They were content with what they had and actively used the gifts of nature. But over time, the design of cozy chalets transformed into an independent style and began to gain popularity. And today this is the kind of interior design that people choose to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget about their worries.

The chalet style began not so long ago, but this concept has already become popular among lovers of exclusively natural materials. This style, which creates a romantic atmosphere and gives a feeling of tranquility, is suitable for city dwellers. After all, it is they, more than anyone else, who most often need to get rid of the daily hustle and bustle for a while, plunging into the world of alpine villages.

To understand the essence of interior design in a chalet style, it is worth considering the main characteristic features of this direction:

  • Simplicity and comfort. And although these two concepts may seem incompatible to some, in fact, in order to relax and feel freedom, it is enough to use unpretentious and laconic interior elements that do not overload the space and do not strain the eye.
  • The use of predominantly natural materials such as clay, stone, wood. Of course, today such textures are successfully imitated modern coatings, but during the construction of real hunting and shepherd's chalets, other construction and Decoration Materials were simply unavailable, so naturalness is not a tribute to fashion or an indicator of chic, but the only possible option.
  • A calm natural palette, dominated by restrained and soft tones that induce relaxation and create an atmosphere of homely warmth and comfort. There are no bright or catchy spots in the interior, and they are inappropriate and unnecessary. Shades such as milk, chocolate, cream, wood, sand, beige, pistachio, terracotta and others are welcome.
  • Soft natural light. During the existence of the first and present chalets electrical devices were practically not used and were replaced by lamps, candles and other similar light sources. And therefore the lighting is natural, soft and somewhat subdued.
  • Simple decor. Shepherds and hunters did not have money to purchase expensive luxury accessories, but they strived for comfort and decorated their homes as best they could. But this decor has a special charm.

Stylized finish

The main task that chalet-style finishing should accomplish is the desire for naturalness. And therefore, rough and seemingly untreated or minimally processed surfaces are appropriate in the interior. This gives the design charm and emphasizes the origin of the style, as well as unity with the Alpine nature.

It's worth starting from the floor. It can be dark, and this will further dim the bright light. Choose as the main coating, but not varnished, but preserving natural texture The wood cut is matte. Also, the floor may well be plank: sanded and treated from mold, or covered with one layer of varnish. To simulate stone covering You can use stylized porcelain tiles. And to increase comfort, it is worth equipping a heating system (although, of course, such technologies were not used in real chalets).

The chalet-style walls deserve special attention. It is better to keep them in light colors, such as milky or beige. For decoration, you can use plaster that imitates clay, which was often used to cover the walls of shepherds’ and hunting lodges. You can choose a fine- or medium-grained composition, and when applying it, it is not necessary to achieve perfect evenness; some errors will emphasize the simplicity and some roughness of the finish characteristic of the direction. Plaster can be complemented with decorative stone laid around the perimeter at the bottom or used to accent or highlight individual areas, for example, a fireplace or entrance. The walls can also be lined with light clapboard.

The ceiling can be whitewashed or trimmed with clapboard, just like the walls. But a distinctive feature of real chalets was the presence of beams, which were used to strengthen the roof structure and reduce the load on it. In modern housing such functions are not needed, but beams will be appropriate and will help support the main theme in the chalet style. Such elements can be quite massive and rough. And to turn them into a kind of accent, use dark wood for manufacturing, which will look especially advantageous against a light background and create an interesting contrast.


It is generally accepted that French furniture is refined, elegant and light. But not the one that was used to furnish cozy chalets. Shepherds and hunters had no money, but they had carpentry and joinery skills that allowed them to make the necessary items with their own hands. And they turned out to be strong, high-quality and stable, but at the same time massive and rough. Wood was used as the main material, mostly dark species, and it was these shades that emphasized the solidity of the structure.

Choice specific items furniture will depend on what kind of room is being furnished. But in any case, you should limit yourself to a small set of all the essentials, because excesses are not welcome and can overload the chalet-style interior. For example, in the bedroom you can place a massive bed on thick legs with a wide headboard. You can place a simple cabinet nearby. Things will be stored in a large, spacious closet (preferably with hinged doors), and linen in a simple chest of drawers, a worthy replacement for which can be a chest.

If the living room is decorated in a chalet style, then the central place in it can be taken by a roomy and comfortable sofa on massive wooden legs with armrests that can be decorated with carvings. Simple and even somewhat rough fabrics, such as linen or cloth, are used as upholstery. This piece of furniture can be complemented with a pair of armchairs designed in the same direction. It is better to abandon the wall, replacing it with several shelves or a rack and a chest if you plan to store things in the room. And to place the TV, use a cabinet, but with the maximum simple design and design.

Lighting and decor

Particular attention in the chalet style is paid to lighting: it should be pleasant, soft, discreet and subdued. Therefore, modern bright lamps definitely have no place in such an interior. You should choose lamps that are as close to natural light as possible, and it is best to direct the rays upward so that they are reflected from the surface of the ceiling and softly scattered throughout the room, spreading evenly throughout its entire space.

All lamps must be stylized, harmoniously fitting into the interior of the house. Thus, a chandelier made in the form of a forged simple frame and individual bases placed on it, imitating candlesticks, can act as a central source. The main light can be supplemented with local light, for example, wall sconces, tabletop devices in the form of lamps, floor lamps with lampshades made of simple dense fabric that dims the light.

The decor is appropriate and even necessary, but unpretentious simple elements are used for decoration, such as:

  • A fireplace can take center stage and be used not only for decoration, but also for additional heating of the room.
  • It is logical that a hunter’s house can be decorated with trophies and weapons, for example, guns, animal skins or horns and other attributes.
  • Simple textiles, for example, knitted checkered blankets, pillows in laconic plain thick pillowcases.
  • In the center of the room you can spread an animal skin or a carpet imitating it.

A chalet-style interior is simplicity, comfort and a homely atmosphere. This direction remains relevant in 2017 and continues to be used by designers. Try using it for home improvement too.

Chalet style houses

Recently, there has been a huge demand for the construction of houses from environmentally friendly materials, which has caused the unprecedented popularity of the chalet style. Decorating a house in this way means forever connecting yourself with nature. There are distinctive features that highlight the special luxury of such an interior:

  • the base of the house is a stone foundation;
  • gable roof with steep slopes;
  • during construction, the cardinal directions are strictly taken into account;
  • only natural materials, as when performing construction work, and during finishing.

The most important point when building a home is to choose a strong and durable foundation; in our case, this foundation is made of natural hard stone. Natural wood is used to construct walls - the most environmentally friendly option. The appearance of the chalet-style building is distinguished by its special luxury, but at the same time the home looks so simple and relaxed that it is reminiscent of those very Alpine houses.

Decoration, both internal and external, will require special taste and imagination from the owners. Focus on the little things: everything should look simple and concise, but at the same time complement and complete the image of the interior.

Facade finishing

Europeans took over the trend of building chalet-style houses from Alpine shepherds, who lived in such dwellings all their lives. This happened because the facades of these buildings look luxurious and original. Our country quickly picked up this idea, and now there is whole line houses with such decoration and interior.

The appearance of the facade of any house is determined by three important components: the foundation, walls and roof. The balcony and its luxurious design, as well as the decoration of windows and doors, add originality to the chalet style.

The basement facade is made mainly of natural stone, which allows the house to withstand all natural disasters. As for the upper level of the home, mostly wood is used here - logs of coniferous trees. The main difference between the chalet style façade is attic floor, which allows you to significantly increase the internal space in the house and external finishing. Since the chalet style requires a strict construction of the home according to the parts of the world, most of the roof is located in the facade of the house. This adds special luxury to the home, since gable roofs with steep slope, which immediately catch the eye, look stylish and original.

Kitchen design in chalet style

Creating a chalet-style kitchen means combining lightness and sophistication at the same time. The colors in such a kitchen should not be bright or eye-catching. When choosing color range walls and ceilings, preference is given to the one that matches the materials used as closely as possible, for example, the color of wood or natural stone. Light shades are not completely excluded from such an interior, but they should look harmonious. Recommended colors: gray, burgundy, brown - shades that will make the interior noble. A matte surface will look beautiful and elegant, provided the colors are combined and bright details are excluded.

There are some rules when decorating a kitchen in the chalet style:

  • a large number of shelves with various dishes;
  • utensils hanging on hooks;
  • It is allowed to use countertops from artificial stones;
  • using a retro style for rough details.

Because the main emphasis In any home, the goal is to maximize comfort and increase the internal space, then in chalet-style kitchens it is customary to use only built-in furniture and household appliances. In the interior it is necessary to combine natural wood with stone. As for the emphasis on details in the kitchen, here it can be made more than noticeable: a fur skin thrown on the floor, or a checkered blanket.

Living room design

The interior of a living room in the chalet style is loved among fans of environmental friendliness and cleanliness, which means that the choice of colors is decided by itself: natural colors. When decorating a living room, special preference is given to amber or cream color. Here you are allowed to add bright accent expressed by a small detail.

The ceiling, walls and windows are all made of wood - this will add coziness and comfort to the living room, which is the main place for relaxation in the house. No living room would be complete without a huge fireplace in a room designed in the chalet interior style. It not only decorates it and creates a special atmosphere, but also serves as the main source of heat. If you do not need this or the arrangement of the room is in a small apartment, then you can always buy an artificial fireplace.

Soft sofas in such a living room are welcome, since the main emphasis of the style is still on convenience and comfort. These must be simple models using natural colors but looking like vintage furniture from the 20th century. Don’t forget about the large built-in TV in the living room so that on winter evenings, wrapped in a blanket, you can watch your favorite TV series. It is desirable to have the following interior items in the living room:

  • coffee table with low legs;
  • a huge shelf with books;
  • large chest or chest of drawers;
  • cabinets made of natural materials;
  • massive table (if the size of the room allows it).

This living room will be appreciated by lovers of a cozy atmosphere and tranquility.

Bedroom design

The bedroom should be particularly cozy, because this is the very place where after a difficult working day I want to go back and regain my strength. The interior of a chalet-style bedroom is designed for this – to create convenience and comfort with its atmosphere.

In such a bedroom there is most often a huge functional living room, several bedside tables and a wardrobe - ordinary, unremarkable furniture made from natural materials. All the originality and interest of the room is built on additional details. A fur skin is placed on the floor - an excellent design solution that allows you to play up the seemingly simple atmosphere of the bedroom. Chic curtains in cream or brown shades are hung in the room, and original designer textiles are placed on the bed. Paintings, lamps on shelves, decorative fireplace– all this plays a huge role in creating and completing the interior.

Soft and calm shades chosen for the decoration of the room are used to create a comfortable atmosphere. Desirable choice of colors: green, chocolate, ash; sharp transitions and shades are strictly a no. The room should remain a mystery and a mysterious atmosphere.

Chalet style apartment

The interior of such apartments is made of natural stones and wood. Their processing is a rather complex process, and natural materials are not cheap. But in the end you will get unique design apartments with not only stylish and harmonious design, but also environmentally friendly materials. The finishing of the ceilings and floors is made of high-quality wood.

Only rough and massive furniture is used in the apartment. The ideal option for a chalet would be large tables and chairs made of high-quality wood. Cabinets, despite their apparent simplicity, can be chosen to be functional, for example those that operate from a control panel. Leather, fabric and wood are the materials that create a noble interior in the apartment. Focus on these materials.

If there is enough space in the apartment, and such rooms are chosen for the chalet, then a fireplace will serve as an indispensable detail in one of the rooms. Many people prefer hand-made design elements. Fur skins perfectly complement floors in warm natural tones. Don’t forget about lighting: in the interiors of chalet-style apartments, huge chandeliers are often used, as well as lamps on each bedside table.