Waterproofing coating on a polymer basis. Polymer waterproofing: variety of materials and features of choice. Choice of premises

Waterproofing wet areas is an important factor in creating a healthy and comfortable microclimate throughout the living space. This is a barrier to the penetration of moisture from bathrooms, showers and toilets - the dampest rooms in any apartment. Until recently, the most popular and frequently used waterproofing materials were those based on organic components - bitumen and bitumen-polymer mastics. However, modern polymer waterproofing is a much more “advanced” and high-tech material.

What should high-quality waterproofing be like, what criteria should it meet? Its main task is to prevent the penetration of moisture from one room to another. Moisture that gets into the thickness of the walls destroys the brickwork and plaster layer, forms pockets of fungus and mold under the wallpaper and putty, and spoils the appearance of the renovation and the mood of the owners. Therefore, everyone must fight it available methods, but it’s better to use materials specifically designed for this purpose.

Based on the method of application, waterproofing materials have always been divided into roll and coating materials. The first ones are more difficult to install, and the result was not always reliable - this is already “yesterday”. Materials that are applied to the surface with a brush or roller are much more convenient and reliable. These include polymer-cement waterproofing.

This group of materials is produced on the basis of inorganic substances and has a number of advantages over traditional bitumen mastics.

The materials are produced by many manufacturers who patent their developments and technologies, but in general, cement-polymer waterproofing materials include the same components: Portland cement, fine sand, elasticizing polymer substances. One-component and two-component mixtures are available for sale. The former contain dispersion polymers in the form of powders (DPP), the latter contain aqueous polyacrylic dispersions as an elasticizer.

Ease of application is one of the advantages of polymer-cement waterproofing

Advantages of polymer-cement waterproofing materials

  • Waterproofing compounds consist entirely of substances that are safe for health, so they can be used indoors for human habitation.
  • Waterproofing based on inorganic materials has a significantly longer service life compared to bitumen. These materials have excellent adhesion to all materials used in construction - concrete, brick, wood, metal.
  • Ease of application - cement-polymer waterproofing is applied to surfaces using a regular paint brush. This allows you to efficiently coat the slightest irregularities, since it is clearly visible where the composition was applied unevenly and there are “bald spots” in the layer of material. Repairing the coating is also very simple.
  • The waterproofing layer completely blocks the path of water, while allowing water vapor to pass through - the wall “breathes”. This property prevents the formation of air bubbles under the membrane. Main feature This material can be applied even to a damp wall; moreover, it is recommended to moisten the surfaces before starting work.
  • The resulting layer has high plasticity and resistance to deformation, which eliminates its damage in the event of small cracks forming on the base.

The advantage of polymer- cement compositions is possible to apply to wet surfaces

Step-by-step guide to moisture protection of a bathroom with polymer-cement compositions

Using this type of material, you can get excellent results. To do this, you must carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations for applying cement-polymer waterproofing. In general, they are approximately the same, the differences can only be in the numbers - drying time of the layer, thickness, and in the method of preparing the material for work. Before starting work, it is necessary to mark those “wet” areas that will be subject to increased exposure to moisture - walls around the bathtub, washbasin, etc. Be sure to apply the coating to the lower part of all walls (25-30 cm) and the entire floor area.

“Wet” areas of the bathroom require particularly careful treatment.

  1. Preparation of the base (walls, floor) must be carried out with the utmost care. It is necessary to remove all debris and dirt, dried splashes mortars. Irregularities are filled with plaster.
  2. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the need to wet surfaces before applying the composition. If there is such a remark, it is necessary to moisten the base using a regular spray bottle.
  3. Preparation of the material: mixing all components of the polymer-cement composition in the sequence specified by the manufacturer. The mixture should become homogeneous.
  4. The composition is applied to all marked surfaces using a hard brush in an even layer. Carefully ensure that there are no “mispaintings”. At the junction of walls and floors, as well as water supply pipes, sewer pipes or risers, it is necessary to lay a layer of construction mesh made of polypropylene, geotextile, etc. material. It is embedded in a layer of waterproofing material and lubricated well.
  5. The first layer is dried for the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions. It is better not to artificially reduce this period by drying with heat guns or hair dryers.
  6. Before applying the second layer of material, the surface is slightly wetted again (if recommended by the manufacturer). The second one is applied waterproofing layer.
  7. The surface is dried according to the recommendations of the material supplier, after which it is ready for applying decorative finishing.

The joints between the walls and floor of the bathroom must be taped with waterproofing tape.

Features of polymer coating waterproofing

This group of materials also belongs to modern one-component coating compositions for “cutting off” moisture. They contain acrylic, epoxy or polyurethane resins, which give them very high ductility. Surfactants increase adhesive properties polymer compositions For waterproofing works. The resulting layer has high vapor permeability, it is very elastic, but durable, similar to rubber. This material is applied with a brush or roller, and the surface is pre-moistened.

Although polymer waterproofing for the bathroom is not subject to the aggressive influence of chemicals, it is nevertheless very resistant to such influences, so it is most often used for work on outdoors– for waterproofing swimming pools, sewerage and treatment facilities, etc. Materials intended for indoor use can be made in a wide range of colors; under the influence of ultraviolet radiation outdoors they fade very quickly.

Can be used indoors polymer waterproofing any color

General recommendations for the use of polymer waterproofing compounds

  1. When applying any materials, be it wallpaper, paint or waterproofing compounds, preparation of the base is very important. Mark areas on the walls that will be exposed to increased moisture. The lower part of the walls and the entire floor must also be waterproofed.
  2. The walls and floor must be well dusted, cleared of any build-up of mortar or plaster, and large potholes must be leveled. All debris is carefully removed. The surface must be dry.
  3. Concrete and metal surfaces are primed with special primers recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. The composition is applied as the first layer at temperatures above 0 ° C, the exact hardening time is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer; this is necessary for polymerization of the applied composition. In places where the floor and walls meet, as well as the outlets of risers and pipes, it is advisable to lay a layer of geotextile or polypropylene construction mesh. The material is well coated and embedded in the waterproofing layer.
  5. After the first layer has hardened, the second one is applied. To make it more convenient to control the uniformity of application of the second layer, it is better to make it in a contrasting color. In places where the bottom layer is visible, after the second layer has hardened, you need to apply the mastic again.
  6. After the second layer has hardened, the surfaces are ready for decorative finishing.

Polymer waterproofing in the bathroom

In general, the process of applying modern waterproofing compounds is quite simple. However, as in any work, there are a number of subtleties that are familiar only to specialists. To keep your bathroom sparkling clean and the walls of neighboring rooms dry, invite professionals and let everyone do their job!

Moisture is the main threat to building structures from any material. It is for protection against moisture that modern waterproofing materials are used. We will consider everything existing species waterproofing and will help you choose the best option.

Read in the article

Why is waterproofing needed and the basic requirements for it?

Water has the ability to penetrate almost everything Construction Materials and destroy them. The components of the solutions lose their bonds, the wood swells and rots. Freeze and thaw cycles also play a role. The strongest ice breaks. That is why it is so important to protect structures from atmospheric and ground moisture. Waterproofing materials are fabrics and compounds to prevent the penetration of moisture.

Waterproofing materials must meet several basic requirements:

  • do not let or absorb water;
  • do not form condensation;
  • have high strength and elasticity;
  • be resistant to high and low temperatures;
  • do not be afraid of direct sunlight and other natural influences.

Almost all modern waterproofing products meet these requirements; all that remains is to choose them correctly in accordance with the specifics of the design.

Types and properties of modern waterproofing materials

Builders classify waterproofing according to several criteria. Depending on the place of application, protection can be external or internal. The external one is placed on and on the outer part of the building, respectively, on internal surfaces walls and partitions.

Another gradation is for a specific purpose. There are anti-pressure insulation and non-pressure insulation. Anti-pressure is used for covering, protecting walls and against groundwater. Gravity, for example, protects buildings from the inside.

Waterproofing can be different in composition: bitumen, polymer, tar, rubber and mineral.

Types of waterproofing materials are distinguished by their installation technology. They are divided into adhesive (and canvas), and coating, injection.

It is difficult to say definitively which type of waterproofing is better than others. let's consider different technologies their application, in most cases this factor is decisive when choosing.

Rolled roofing waterproofing material and the advantages of its use

To make roll materials, they take a base - fiberglass or non-woven polyester - and apply natural or polymer bitumen to it. The waterproofing fabric is sprinkled with fine sand on top, and the sticky layer is protected with film on the bottom.

This coating can be used under or as a finishing layer.

Advantages and disadvantages of waterproofing in rolls:

pros Minuses
Application for insulating all types of materials: from wood to metalRequires a perfectly flat, dry surface for installation.
Cost-effective – such products are relatively inexpensiveThe joints are sealed by fusing - you need skills in such work
Resistance to aggressive external influencesCannot be laid at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius
Not resistant to mechanical damage
In most cases, applied in several layers

Properties of bitumen-polymer waterproofing

Bitumen-polymer waterproofing is almost more popular than roll waterproofing. It is represented by various mastics and sludges, applied in several layers. It is used to protect the building, pouring flat roofs and, as well as sealing cracks in walls.

Coated polymer waterproofing: exceptional tightness

Polymer-based waterproofing materials, in principle, differ from bitumen only in composition. They additionally include latex, polyurethane, acrylic and other polymer components. Unlike the bitumen composition, the polymer composition is characterized by high elasticity and wide temperature range operation.

Features of penetrating materials for waterproofing

To isolate cracks and holes in concrete, special silicate sand is used.

Why are liquid waterproofing materials attractive?

Liquid waterproofing It is applied by spraying and forms a coating without seams or folds.

Geotextile materials for waterproofing

A bentonite mat is a two-layer mat with a layer of bentonite clay between the layers.

Modern injection-type waterproofing materials

The principle of installation of this type of waterproofing is based on the process of injecting a hydrophobic gel between the soil and the structural parts.

Membrane moisture protection

A new technology is now at its peak of development - the use of membrane materials.

Production of waterproofing materials: who should you trust?

For your own peace of mind and confidence in the quality of the material, use products from well-known brands. High quality this one is guaranteed many years of experience applications and numerous examinations. The site's editors have selected for you several manufacturers who have earned high praise from construction professionals:

In the recent past, they used to protect building structures from moisture. bituminous materials. They did not provide sufficient reliability and their service life was limited. Now a more effective alternative has appeared - elastic polymer waterproofing. Let's talk about its properties and application features.

What is polymer waterproofing?

The category of polymer waterproofing includes a wide range of materials with a variety of component composition, physical and chemical properties. But they all contain high-molecular compounds - polymers, which give them special characteristics. The method of application is also common: most of these compositions are intended for coating insulation. Most common polymer materials on bitumen and cement based.

Advantages of polymer waterproofing

There are many polymer-based compositions, and they all have different positive qualities. But in general, we can highlight the following advantages of using this type of insulation.

  • High degree of moisture protection. For example, in the case of cement mixtures, the addition of polymer components helps solve the problem of pores through which moisture can seep. Polymer waterproofing forms a continuous waterproof layer, while the base retains the ability to pass air.
  • Good adhesion to the surface being treated. For each type of building materials you can find the appropriate composition. For example, waterproofing brickwork is best done using polymer-cement mixtures, and bitumen-polymer mastics are also suitable for concrete. Unlike roll coatings, the water-repellent layer obtained with these materials is inseparable from the surface.
  • Resistant to any weather factors (temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation), water pressure, and aggressive chemicals. This allows the use of polymer insulation for both internal and external work, including for the protection of buried structures.
  • Elasticity. For some types of materials it reaches 400%. Thanks to this, polymer-based waterproofing is strong in tension and bending, and can withstand deformation loads well (including during soil movements and thermal expansion of structures).
  • Polymer waterproofing fits well on any surface
  • Flexibility. Elastic coating compositions can be applied to surfaces with any relief; they are easy to use in hard-to-reach places.
  • Fluidity characteristic of many types of polymer waterproofing. The composition, which is almost equal in viscosity to water, fills even invisible pores and microcracks. This ensures absolute waterproofness.
  • Long period of operation. While conventional bitumen coatings age, dry out and crack over time, polymer-based materials last an average of 25 years.
  • Wear resistance. Even with prolonged use, the waterproof membrane does not lose its qualities, does not wear out or become thin.
  • Economical. Material is applied thin layer and does not require much consumption.
  • Safety, absence of toxic components in the composition.

What types of polymer waterproofing are there?

Materials are classified according to different criteria: by composition, by purpose, by method of use. Below we will discuss the main types of elastic polymer waterproofing.

Polymer-based insulation can have different consistencies.

As a solution consistency

Polymer-based elastic coating compounds are a ready-to-use mixture or require dilution (with water or a special liquid). The result is a solution of varying degrees of viscosity - from liquid to paste.

For appointments

Polymer waterproofing has a wide range of applications, which is due to the variety of materials and their universal characteristics. Manufacturers are striving to expand their product lines by producing mixtures for various purposes. Some of them are used for roofing works, others - to protect the foundation from groundwater, others - for the floor, etc. Also, depending on the purpose, mastics and sealants are distinguished. The first are intended for large-scale work, the second - for sealing cracks, seams and other areas of local violation of the hydraulic barrier.

In the form of component composition

In terms of composition, polymer waterproofing is represented by two large groups - materials based on bitumen and cement. The most commonly used additives are polyurethane, acrylic, epoxy resins, rubber, mineral components. With their help, mixtures are given the necessary properties: plasticity, fluidity, frost resistance, the ability to quickly harden, etc.

In the form of application methods

The technology for installing elastic polymer waterproofing depends on the consistency of the solution. Viscous compositions are applied with a spatula, semi-liquid and liquid - with a brush or roller, as well as by spraying. Depending on the scale of the work, the experience of the craftsman and the availability of professional equipment, manual or mechanized methods are used.

It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of preparing the mixture. One-component polymer insulation is ready for application; two-component compounds are mixed in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. Polymer cement mixtures are supplied in powder form, which must be diluted with water.

Where is polymer waterproofing used?

Elastic polymer insulation is often used to protect roofs.

Polymer-based waterproofing is used almost everywhere in cases where it is necessary to protect structures from the destructive effects of moisture. The main area of ​​application of materials is construction. They serve to protect the above-ground and underground parts of buildings:

  • roofs;
  • walls (inside and outside);
  • foundations;
  • basements and ground floors;
  • rooms with high levels of humidity (bathrooms, toilets);
  • balconies and loggias.

Also, with the help of elastic polymer waterproofing, garages, parking lots, swimming pools, reservoirs, bridges, roads, and hydraulic structures are protected.

Existing application methods

When choosing an application technique, first of all, the volume of work is taken into account. In private construction and renovation they usually deal with small areas. To install polymer insulation in this case, you need the simplest tools - a paint brush or roller. The viscous composition is applied with a construction spatula. These works can be performed independently, without the involvement of professional labor.

Liquid insulation is applied by spraying.

In industrial construction, as a rule, a mechanized installation method is used. Liquid mixtures are sprayed airless using a pump unit.

Technology of applying polymer waterproofing

Elastic polymer waterproofing is generally easy to use, but to obtain a high-quality result, you must strictly follow the technology. The process can be divided into several stages.

  • Selection of material. In this case, the properties of the treated surface should be taken into account, technical condition structures, operating conditions, factors external environment. Often, professional advice is needed for proper selection.
  • Calculation required quantity mixtures based on consumption data and insulated area.
  • Surface preparation.
  • Preparation of the solution, if necessary according to the technology.
  • Application of the composition.

When working with some materials, you need to wait until the waterproofing fully develops its properties.

Material selection

When selecting a material, you should focus not only on its characteristics, but also on the manufacturer. The important criterion here is the ratio of price and quality. If the budget is not limited, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of well-known brands that have long established themselves in the Russian market. Bitumen-polymer mastics are produced under the brands TechnoNikol, Bitumast, Ecomast. Among the cement mixtures, the products of the brands Ceresit, Osnovit, Lakhta, Mapei are well known. From materials on epoxy based It is worth mentioning Masterseal from BASF and the more affordable domestic brand Blokada.

Calculate the solution consumption used

Polymer insulation is applied in a thin layer.

The calculation of the material depends on its consistency. Liquid waterproofing based on a polymer is applied in a thin layer, so a smaller amount of solution is required to achieve the desired result. The exact data is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but the average consumption is 1 kg per 1 m2 of surface. This implies that the material is applied in one layer with a thickness of no more than 2 mm.

Preparatory work

Before applying elastic polymer waterproofing, you need to carefully prepare the base: the quality of adhesion of the material to the surface depends on this. The work is carried out in stages:

  • the base is cleaned of debris and dust;
  • remove irregularities, protrusions, sagging concrete, smooth out sharp corners;
  • if necessary, level the surface cement mortar;
  • remove dust again;
  • apply a primer or primer.

Spraying waterproofing

An airless spraying unit is used to apply insulation.

Elastic polymer waterproofing is applied using an airless spray system. Contact with air is unacceptable, since this will cause the mixture to harden prematurely. Although it is possible to rent a pump, it is best to leave the spraying job to those who know how to handle it. Moreover, some materials are demanding when choosing equipment, and not every installation is suitable for their application.

Before spraying polymer waterproofing, weak areas of the surface are reinforced. These are primarily corners, joints and junctions of structures. Geotextiles are used for reinforcement.

Two-component polymer waterproofing is mixed during the application process. Containers with compounds are connected to pumping unit. When spraying, make sure that the contents of both tanks are used evenly.

The polymer base used in coating waterproofing

Viscous polymer materials are not suitable for spraying; they are applied in another way. Such elastic waterproofing is called coating. Its installation is carried out manually, without the use of special equipment.

When using dry cement powder, the solution is prepared immediately before application in an amount no greater than can be consumed in one hour.


Polymer waterproofing is an effective and durable protection of any surfaces from moisture. Depending on the properties of the base, materials based on cement or bitumen are chosen. Before using the composition, carefully read the instructions.

Cement waterproofing provides protection for various structures from moisture. Materials of this group are often used due to many advantages. Proper mixing of components ensures high reliability and increases the service life of the coating. Exist different types cement-based mixtures. When choosing, their composition and properties are taken into account.


Waterproofing mixtures are used to protect various surfaces from water: floors, walls and ceilings, seams, etc. Cement-based materials have become widespread. This is due to its reasonable price and relatively simple use.

Although cement absorbs some moisture, mixtures containing this component provide high protection against water. At the same time, there are no contradictions in properties, since in the manufacture of cement-based waterproofing, special additives are used that repeatedly improve the characteristics of the material.

For waterproofing surfaces, compositions containing prestressing cement are used. It is distinguished by increased strength and resistance to cracking. Compared to other brands, this cement absorbs moisture minimally. The use of hydrophobic additives and plasticizers helps to increase resistance to water and enhance reliability by increasing the plasticity of the mixture.

Waterproofing is applied in a layer of significant thickness, due to which the structure being treated is better protected. The principle of application is similar to the method of use plaster mixtures. Thanks to the waterproofing layer, condensation does not form, which gradually destroys the structure and cladding. As a result, the fenced surfaces retain their attractiveness longer and also last a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

  • Wide range of applications: foundation protection, fencing of single-story and multi-storey buildings, waterproofing of swimming pools and tanks in contact with water, preparation for cladding of bathrooms, balconies, application to structures that are exposed to a significant load of water under pressure, when premises are flooded;
  • high degree of protection from moisture, cement-based waterproofing can be used in any conditions, even the most difficult;
  • simple principle of application;
  • the possibility of application to a moistened surface, which is due to the presence of cement in the composition, the adhesion of which only increases if the humidity of the enclosed surface is first increased;
  • providing protection against corrosion;
  • absence chemical reaction in contact with aggressive environments;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • vapor permeability;
  • absence of harmful components.

Such mixtures have few disadvantages. They note the possibility of application only to structures that have already gained strength. In addition, cement-based waterproofing materials provide a high degree of protection, provided that several layers of material are applied to the enclosed structure.

Varieties by composition

When choosing, take into account the type of components and the structure of the mixture. The material is selected taking into account the intended purpose of the enclosed structure and operating conditions. Waterproofing must comply temperature conditions, at which it will be applied and serve in the future. Violation of this condition will lead to the gradual destruction of the protective layer.

Cement-sand waterproofing

The composition is produced in the form of a dry mixture. This is the simplest type of waterproofing in terms of properties, which is due to the use of cement as the main component. The mixture is quite hard during the drying process protective covering should be moisturized frequently - up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

For application, it is recommended to use the method of spraying the composition using special equipment. The main purpose of the cement-sand mixture is protection monolithic base objects. If you plan to apply waterproofing yourself, you need to add special additives to increase the density of the composition. Without them, the service life of the waterproofing will be shortened, and the coating will not perform its functions.

The mixture is applied sequentially several times. When the work is completed, it is recommended to protect the enclosed structure from possible damage while drying.

However, the surface of the waterproofing layer can still be deformed. In this case, moisture evaporates unevenly, which leads to a change in volume with different intensities.

With added latex

This composition ensures the plasticity of the material. Latex increases the resistance of waterproofing to cracking. The material withstands the effects of temperature changes and low values ​​of this parameter much better. As a result, the cement mixture resembles liquid rubber in appearance and properties. After applying the material, an impermeable coating is obtained that reliably protects the enclosed structure from moisture.

You can add latex to the cement mixture yourself, observing the proportions. However, it is much easier to use a ready-made mixture.

Mandatory conditions when working with such material:
  • using the shotcrete or spraying method on a surface that has previously been carefully prepared;
  • the mixture should be hot.

As a result we get seamless coating, which does not allow moisture to pass through, does not crack, is resistant to mechanical stress and lasts a long time, and also withstands high temperatures.

With liquid glass

This component is added to the cement mixture, which improves the properties of hard concrete. cement-sand mortar. Most often, the material is used to protect foundations, basement floors, and to form fire-resistant coatings.

Advantages of compositions based on liquid glass:
  • protection from high temperatures;
  • high adhesion;
  • manifestation of antiseptic properties;
  • absence of toxic components in the composition.
Different ways to use:
  • liquid glass applied to seams, joints, cracks, this option is used as an auxiliary measure; after applying waterproofing of this type, it is also used roll material;
  • liquid glass is used as the main component cement mixture, intended for pouring the foundation.


The composition includes Portland cement, sand, plasticizers. Cement-polymer waterproofing has improved properties. The main advantage of this material is considered to be high resistance to tensile and tearing loads. This is due to the formation of molecular bonds when the polymer components and cement are combined. As a result, the enclosed structure can withstand dynamic loads well and is resistant to cracking.

There are different types of polymer cement mixtures:

  • waterproofing glue;
  • waterproofing.

There are one- and two-component formulations. Moreover, the second option is more common. It contains acrylic emulsion and microfiber. This material is used when there is a high risk of exposure to deformation loads (cracks of more than 1 mm are formed). In other cases, dry one-component mixtures can be used.

Types of compositions by method of application

The materials differ in structure and method of application. The choice is made taking into account the condition of the enclosed structure. Penetrating compounds are preferable for use on surfaces that are porous. Coating-type cement waterproofing, plaster and elastic coating mixture are applied to the surface. Certain types of materials are intended only for repairing objects.


This is the most common mixture; it is used to protect various surfaces during construction and at the renovation stage: floors, walls, ceilings, balconies, bathrooms, foundations, water tanks. Coating waterproofing allows you to create an impermeable layer on the enclosed surface that thoroughly protects from water.

Used for a long period, fills the smallest cracks. This composition can be applied to surfaces made of different materials: drywall, metal, brick, wood, concrete, etc.

Elastic coating

This group includes materials containing plasticizers. These are auxiliary components that are used to increase the elasticity of the cement composition. This type of mixture is recommended to be used to protect surfaces of complex configurations that are prone to the formation of small spider-like cracks up to 0.5 mm wide.

The advantages of elastic waterproofing include increased strength. It is permissible to apply it on the surfaces of: swimming pool, terrace, balcony, water tank. It differs from classic coating-type waterproofing in its high price.


This version of the material is susceptible to cracking, so it is not recommended to use it at elevated temperatures. dynamic loads. The surface of the enclosed structure should not be deformed, then a significant duration of waterproofing service is ensured. To improve the properties, it is allowed to add auxiliary components, for example, liquid glass. This type of material has the advantage of being able to level curved surfaces and at the same time provide protection from moisture.


Waterproofing of this type can only be used to protect structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete. This is due to the fact that the composition provides effectiveness provided that the enclosed surface is porous. Waterproofing penetrates into the structure of concrete, upon contact with moisture contained in such material, it crystallizes, clogging the pores.

This prevents the risk of moisture penetration. This composition is used when it is not possible to protect the outer surfaces of the structure using external waterproofing.

Repair compounds

They have a high drying speed. This type of material is recommended for filling seams and cracks. It can be used on different surfaces, including when restoring the foundation. The advantages of this mixture include the absence of shrinkage upon drying.

Water plug

The material is used when it is necessary to quickly restore the integrity of concrete pressure structures. Used for repairing objects made of stone, concrete, reinforced concrete. Available in dry form. Upon contact with water, when a deformed area in the thickness of a concrete or stone structure is blocked by the mixture, the cement composition instantly hardens, forming an impenetrable barrier to water. The advantage of the water plug is its high adhesion to the enclosed surface. It is used even if there is a leak.

Application technology


  1. If the base is old, it is repaired: removed upper layer, cleaned, leveled using special mixtures.
  2. Before applying cement compositions, the surface is moistened.
  3. When the excess moisture has evaporated and the enclosed structure is slightly moistened, waterproofing is applied.
  4. The work uses a spatula or special equipment to spray the mixture.
  5. The material is applied several times. After the first layer is formed, you need to wait 2-3 days, during this period the surface is moistened.
  6. For 3 days, until the first layer has dried, apply the next one, and then another. Cement based waterproofing should not be allowed to cover a dry surface.


To purchase high-quality certified material, consider products from common brands. It should be taken into account that prices vary in Moscow and the regions.

Ceresit CR 65

This is a cement-based rigid waterproofing material. Application area:

  • internal and external surfaces;
  • structures buried in the soil;
  • bath pool and other reservoirs;
  • protection of walls, floors and ceilings in rooms with high humidity;
  • waterproofing of hydraulic engineering and wastewater treatment facilities;
  • protection of various objects from destruction and exposure to low temperatures.

On deformable objects, an elasticizer is added before using the mixture.

Bergauf Hydrostop

Waterproofing belongs to the group of coating-type materials. This is a one-component mixture, applied with a thickness of 1-5 mm. It gains strength after 28 days and is resistant to bending and compression loads. The composition can be used in conditions of high and low temperatures: -50…+70°C.

Cement NC

Tensile cement belongs to a separate group of materials, because it has a high linear expansion rate, does not shrink, and does not deform. This is the most durable substance, and also outperforms Portland cement in terms of moisture resistance. The material contains almost no pores, so it protects well from moisture.

All structural elements houses or apartments require reliable protection from high humidity. Why is waterproofing needed?

In a room located above a damp basement, moisture destroys the concrete of the floors. IN wooden covering High humidity causes mold to grow and rotting begins. IN multi-storey buildings on the middle floors, when moisture penetrates through cracks at the joints of the floor, carpet, laminate, parquet, bamboo lose their original appearance and become unusable.

Waterproofing the first floor of a private house that does not have a basement or floor in the country house will extend the life of the building. Water vapor rising from the ground can be acidic or alkaline.

Interacting with concrete, moisture can destroy it completely in a few years. Waterproofing the floor will help avoid such problems in your home, increase the safety of its operation, and improve comfortable conditions accommodation.


Depending on the purpose, conditions of use of the room, condition of the subfloor, financial costs, use various materials for waterproofing, which protect it from destruction. All types of waterproofing comprise two main groups - for external and internal work.

According to the main composition of the water-repellent component:

  • bitumen – based on mineral components;
  • polymer;
  • bitumen-polymer.

Based on the method of application to surfaces, the main types are distinguished:

  • roll;
  • film;
  • penetrating;
  • membrane;
  • painting;
  • pasting;
  • coating;
  • powder;
  • plastering

Roll and self-adhesive waterproofing

They have become widespread for waterproofing floors in apartments and private houses. Roofing felt is still used for waterproofing today, along with roofing felt and glass roofing felt. Cardboard or fiberglass impregnated with a mixture of bitumen and basalt chips. They can be laid to protect foundations, roofs, and floors from moisture. Modern waterproofing materials have additional thermal insulation properties.

Roll waterproofing - membrane (geomembrane). There is a lock at the junction. Additionally, gluing is performed.

Rolled waterproofing materials come in two types: floating and self-adhesive. Floating materials are durable and inexpensive. Their disadvantage: the waterproofing must be laid using a gasoline or gas burner; when heated, it releases bad smell, harmful smoke. The method is quite suitable for use at the dacha with your own hands when waterproofing the subfloor. Laying roofing felt during waterproofing work requires the installation of an additional screed.

Self-adhesive waterproofing is installed quickly and is easily attached to the base. Which side to lay the self-adhesive material is indicated in the attached instructions. For waterproofing, a self-adhesive film made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and polypropylene is used. Usually pvc film used to create a dry or cement-concrete screed for a concrete floor. Working with self-adhesive film does not take much time.

Penetrating waterproofing

used as a primary or additional measure to protect a concrete floor. Includes subgroups:

  • Concreting – increases the density and strength of the material. Placed as an additive to create a reinforcing layer.
  • Cement-polymer - used for treating concrete, wood, and brick floors. Polymer waterproofing has high adhesion to the surface, is easy to use, and environmentally friendly. Waterproofing the subfloor can be done with cement-polymer mastic laid on a reinforcing mesh - you get a waterproofing layer and a screed at the same time.
  • Cement inorganic waterproofing is used to treat concrete floors.

Ceramic tiles can be easily laid on a layer of penetrating waterproofing.


plastic adhesive solutions based on bitumen, liquid rubber, polymers, resins, plasticizers, and other additives. Mastic solutions are of hot or cold type. Floor waterproofing mastic is used to create a waterproof layer and treat joints in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, bathhouse, and swimming pool. Mastic replaces rolled materials because, unlike them, it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not form seams that could cause water leaks.

Water-repellent materials

For waterproofing, liquid water-repellent materials can be laid. The composition of the group includes primers, varnishes, paints, impregnations.

Powder materials

for protection against moisture, they are represented by a variety of dry mixtures based on cement, glue, binders, and plasticizers.

Immediately before use, add the dry mixture to the water so that the solution is ready for use. Powder mixtures are used to create concrete floor screeds, a waterproof layer for basement floors, and swimming pools. It all depends on the chosen material.

Execution technologies

When applying waterproofing, it is important to follow the rule - in places where the floor meets the walls, the waterproofing layer must be raised to a height of at least 30 cm.

Application of liquid waterproofing. Liquid waterproofing for floors, depending on the composition and viscosity of the material, is divided into cast and impregnating.

Polymers and bitumen compositions

Casting – application of polymer or bitumen solutions, which, when hardened, form an even waterproof film. Bitumen solutions are heated to a temperature of 130 - 140 ° C, poured onto a clean floor and leveled with a wide spatula.

This method is used to treat continuous bases before pouring the screed. Waterproofing can be laid in several layers, between which a metal reinforcing mesh or reinforced fiberglass is placed; The thickness of the waterproof film can be 5–15 cm. Waterproofing material the base of the floor is impregnated.

Surface coating involves working with heated bitumen-polymer mastics, cold polymer, rubber-epoxy mastics. Coating waterproofing based on oxidized bitumen is produced with the inclusion of an organic solvent and various fillers.

Used as additives crumb rubber, plasticizer, latex, which significantly increases the elasticity of the coating and prevents it from cracking. Bitumen-polymer mastics are characterized by high adhesion. Laying waterproofing under a concrete floor with reinforcing fiber significantly increases its strength and abrasion resistance.

A special primer applied before applying the mastic increases the bond of the waterproofing layer with concrete base. Mastic can be sold complete with a primer; they have a common main component. The main advantages of coating materials are cost-effectiveness and ease of application.


How to waterproof a floor by painting? Painting is used for floors along joists, for wood or concrete coverings. Polymer or bitumen varnish is used. Depending on the consistency of the composition, it is applied to the surface with a spatula, roller, or paint brush. The layer with this treatment is 2 - 3 mm thick and additionally performs the functions of anti-corrosion and anti-fungal protection. The service life of such protection is 5 years.

Pasting materials

Self-adhesive roll-on waterproofing option

How to properly waterproof a floor using adhesive materials? This method involves laying rolls and sheets of moisture-resistant materials in layers on a previously cleaned and primed base floor.

Types of adhesive waterproofing:

  • Conventional flooring on a surface under a cement or dry screed, under a wooden rough covering with a joint or in an independent way fastenings
  • Fusing rolled material onto the floor gas burner. The method is fire hazardous and requires skills and strict adherence to fire safety rules.
  • Pasting with special adhesives and mastic. Many types of modern film waterproofing have an adhesive layer, which greatly simplifies their installation. The melting temperature of mastic on a bitumen-polymer base is selected 20 - 25 ° higher than high temperature air of this room.

All types of lining materials react to shear, and therefore they are used to protect rigid structures made of brick, concrete, and reinforced concrete from high humidity. This type of waterproofing is also used for wooden subfloors.


Easy to implement, environmentally friendly safe way using various dry cement-based mixtures with the inclusion of mineral and binders polymer additives. The solution fills well any unevenness, cracks, or crevices of the surface being treated. The mixture is applied with a spatula or brush.

Mastic and plaster

Mastic for waterproofing floors. Features of working with mastic and plaster.

After applying the self-leveling material, the floor must be in a calm state for the composition to polymerize. The mastic is applied in several layers - in this case, each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one after it has completely dried.

Complete waterproofing is ensured when the floor and walls are treated to a height of 10 - 15 cm. Cement-polymer mastics provide water protection and form a self-leveling surface. There is no need to fill the screed. A floor finishing coating is laid on top of the waterproofing.

Backfill materials

Backfill waterproofing is used to protect floors in wet areas. How to lay backfill material? Bulk components are poured into the pre-constructed formwork in an even layer.

Perlite sand, ash, mineral wool, and bentonite are used as fillers. Backfill hydraulic protection has a long service life, but its installation is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Choice of premises

When choosing a material and method of waterproofing the floor, you need to take into account individual characteristics operation of the premises - humidity, presence of a “warm floor” heating system, presence of a toilet, swimming pool.

Work must be carried out especially carefully at the dacha in the garage - a constant excess of moisture will lead to rotting of vehicles. Which waterproofing to choose to protect your garage floor?

The optimal solution is concrete. Waterproofing under a concrete floor - penetrating, impregnation, additives to concrete when preparing the solution. Immediately before pouring concrete, the soil is filled with bitumen; construction clay or rolled material - a geomembrane - are also used.

It is possible to use a combined method of waterproofing - roll coating lay the first layer, then seal all the joints that appear and apply a layer of mastic on top.

Preparing for work

Before starting waterproofing work, preliminary measures are taken with the subfloor:

  • removal of old coating;
  • thorough cleaning and drying of the rough surface;
  • sealing cracks and cracked parts of the surface with waterproofing putty.

The main condition for the duration of operation and the effectiveness of preserving the floor from high humidity is the correct choice of material and adherence to installation technology.