Fortune telling on cards, layouts and their interpretations. How to learn fortune telling with cards, playing cards and tarot

Russian method of fortune telling with 36 cards

Russian method of fortune telling with 36 cards
First you must determine who you will be guessing on. For the right choice cards, it should be taken into account that for unmarried young women and single men, the king and queen of diamonds are chosen. For middle-aged men and women who are married, we take the king and queen of hearts. Elderly people are represented by the king and queen of clubs.

For fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards. The deck of cards is carefully shuffled. After this, we begin to lay out the cards in fans of three, picture up, to find the fortuneteller’s card (king or queen of the corresponding suit). The cards drawn along with this one allow you to make an initial prediction. After this, you pass the deck of cards into the hands of the fortuneteller so that he can shuffle it and make a wish. Having taken cards from a fortuneteller, you no longer shuffle them. Place the fortuneteller's card in the center of the table. Having chosen any card from the deck, you place it face down “on your heart” on the fortuneteller’s card, covering it.

We place any next two cards under the fortuneteller’s card (“at the feet”) with the picture up next to each other, the next two cards are placed “in the head” of the fortuneteller. Then we place two cards to the left and to the right of ours central map. Having laid out the cards in a cross, we lay out two cards in the spaces between the sides of the cross. We will have sixteen cards on the table.

After this, we begin to sort through the deck of cards. We put three cards aside, and place the fourth on the central card of the fortuneteller. We do this until the end of the deck. The layout of the cards is shown in the figure.

Now let's begin to interpret the cards. The cards lying at the feet of the central card belong to the past; you begin your story with them. After this, proceed to the interpretation of the cards lying to the right and left of the central card; they relate to “what is next to the fortuneteller,” that is, to his present. The cards lying on top refer to “what the fortuneteller will have.” The card lying on the fortuneteller’s heart means his attitude towards the events of his life that you are talking about.

A large number of spades speaks of difficulties and experiences, and the figures speak of the people involved in the life of the fortuneteller. If the figure of the fortuneteller’s card “looks” at some card, then these cards are of great importance in his life. If there are bad cards in the layout, but the figure “turns away” from them, this means that misfortunes will not affect him much.
A large number of hearts suit indicates that a favorable moment has come in the life of the fortuneteller and he should not be upset even by bad cards warning of difficulties, because everything will end well.

If a figure is found at the “feet” of the fortuneteller, then its meaning in life already belongs to the past.

After the initial story, we collect all the cards on the table, carefully shuffle them and begin to lay out three cards in fans, saying: “For yourself, for the home, for the family, what happened, what will happen, how will your heart calm down?” The first three cards mean cards for the fortuneteller, the second - for his family, the third - says what he had, etc. This allows you to get a clearer and more specific forecast. The sixteenth card is placed at the base of this column of fans. It symbolizes the fortuneteller’s feelings, his attitude towards the events of his life.

After this, we begin to put aside cards of the same value from the resulting layout, starting from the top. This means that if there are two tens, two sevens, two kings in the layout, then we put them aside. If, for example, three sixes are encountered, then we put aside the first two and leave the third. You cannot put aside the fortuneteller's card.

The remaining cards speak about the most important events in the life of the fortuneteller, about what will remain with him for a certain period of his life. The events that the postponed cards warned about will soon pass away. They didn't play great importance in his life, but the cards left on the table will determine his present and future.

Card meanings


This card means home, family. In combination with the Ace of Diamonds - good news; with a ten of spades - unpleasant news; with six clubs - a late date in a government (that is, not private) house; with ten of spades - a friendly meeting.

This card is interpreted as a married wealthy person who loves you - a spouse, a patron. In combination with cards of the club suit there is trouble; with cards of the diamond suit - making profit, money. In combination with the heart suit, it means success and good luck, but when combined with a card of the spades suit, it means trouble.

Queen of Hearts

This card means married woman. Together with cards of the heart suit, it speaks of happy love. In combination with the six and ten of hearts, it is interpreted as grief and tears.


An unmarried young man. This could be an unpleasant person, a friend or a business partner. Together with the queen or king of hearts, it means a guest; with other cards of the heart suit - luck; with the Ace of Hearts - declaration of love. Together with the eight of hearts, it means a love conversation. In combination with the nine of clubs, this card speaks of an imminent journey; with seven clubs, if there are four queens or sevens in the layout, the birth of a son; with an eight of clubs - an unpleasant conversation. The jack of hearts and the eight of diamonds are interpreted as business negotiations.


This card speaks of pure love, sometimes interpreted as a pleasant surprise. In combination with the Ace, the diamond is a love letter, money or papers that bring money. Together with the king of hearts, she speaks of the love and fidelity of her beloved man, with the queen of hearts - the love and fidelity of her beloved woman; with the six of hearts - a quick pleasant date, with the eight of hearts - a quick date with the lady of the heart, with the nine of hearts, if the whole suit of hearts is present in the layout - a complete triumph of love. In combination with the six of tambourine - a fun trip to visit. With a ten or nine of clubs, this card speaks of success in love. With the Ace of Diamonds - receiving a letter or other papers that will please you.


This card signifies happy love. In combination with a six or seven of hearts, it is interpreted as a love date. Together with the nine of clubs - the attention of a loved one. In a layout with a six of a different suit - it means unexpected meeting; with the Queen of Spades talks about happiness.


This card denotes heart troubles, a long journey. In the situation with the ladies, there is gossip; with the eight of clubs - selfless love. Together with the seven of hearts - unexpected happiness, and with the nine of hearts - a quick departure. In combination with the ten of diamonds - a great inheritance; with a dozen of hearts - a date alone with your loved one.


This card represents changes in life. Together with the ten of spades - an unexpected marriage proposal, with the seven of spades - the end of doubts. With tens or nines of hearts - a pleasant love date. Together with the four kings - a fun, successful conversation.


This card is interpreted as a road, obstacle or delay in business. Together with the ten of hearts - the road and love. If the entire suit of hearts falls out, this means complete victory in love.

This card means money, a letter, news, unexpected joy. In combination with any card of the diamond suit - a lot of money in the near future, with a club or spades suit - big troubles. Together with a seven, nine or ten of hearts - a love, pleasant letter. With six clubs - a late date; with a nine of spades - deception; with ten spades on the left - sad news; with ten tambourines - money papers.


For the fortuneteller young man- himself. For a fortune-telling woman - a groom, a single man. Together with cards of the spades suit - a protector, with cards of clubs - a young comforter. In combination with the six of tambourines - the fulfillment of a wish, with the six of hearts - a cheerful company, a quick change in life. With ten and jack of diamonds - the assistance of the groom or a new acquaintance.

Queen of Diamonds

This card means a fortune-telling woman. For a fortune-telling man - a bride, a young, flighty woman. Together with the nine of hearts, this card means good for a woman and theft for a fortune-telling man.


This card is interpreted as a thief, courier, confidant. In combination with the Ace of Diamonds - postman. Next to a figure speaks of its dubious qualities. Together with the seven of spades - a businessman, business man. In combination with the king of spades - a fraudster; with the seven of spades and nine of tambourines - an enemy, a warning to treason; with six of clubs - a quick trip.


This card means gifts, an unexpected find, a win. Together with the nine of hearts - a successful business, with the seven of hearts - a large inheritance, money. In a layout with the king and queen of diamonds, this figure shows interest in you. Together with the nine of diamonds - quick profit, with the eight of diamonds - not so quick profit. With a jack or ten of clubs - stable monetary interest; with the ace of spades - a scandal over money; with a ten of spades - a big unpleasant conversation.


This card also talks about money. Together with the four kings - a fun conversation. With the jack of hearts, you won’t have to go against your wishes. With the eight of hearts - departure. In combination with the nine of spades - failure.


This card means fun, noisy company. In combination with the eight of spades - failure. With a king or queen of spades - evil from evil man. Together with the seven of diamonds - the unreliability of the figure located next to it.


This card means a business date. Together with the figure - a good conclusion to the events. With ten spades - an unexpected offer.


It means an early (fast) road. Together with the Ace of Spades - an unfair commercial transaction. With a nine of spades - grief for relatives. With the eight of spades - death, but with the seven - only troubles at home. Together with a ten of tambourines - good income.

This card denotes a reputable institution, a rich apartment. In combination with a figure - a gift from this person, without a figure - from an unknown person. If the ace lies with the point down, then it means money, success in business, with the point up - bankruptcy. Together with the queen and eight of clubs - love affairs; church. In combination with the king of clubs - love, with the seven of clubs - victory, winning. Together with the nine of hearts, tender love; with a six of hearts - Railway. With a nine of spades, there is a gain, with the point up, there is a loss.


This card means a faithful (decent) friend, a military man, a respectable person. In combination with other cards of this suit - groom, friend, husband and happiness. Together with the eight of clubs - news of an absentee. With a jack of clubs - woe. Together with a six of any suit - the road to luck.

Queen of Clubs

This card represents a wealthy lady after thirty. In combination with the Queen of Spades - problems in marriage. Together with the eight of clubs - support from a friend or relative.


This card denotes a groom of low rank (no higher than an ensign), a friend. Sometimes she is a harbinger of misfortune. If this card is between two ladies, then it means an unfaithful wife. Together with the ten tambourines - financial success. With the Ace of Diamonds - help in trouble. A jack of clubs between two jacks warns of a troubled future.


Intellectual work, scientific society, travel, change. In combination with spades, this card means deception and poverty. Together with the heart suit - winning in a gambling game. Next to the figure there is a fire, danger. With a nine of clubs - fun, with an eight of clubs - inheritance, money; with a seven of clubs - good news. Together with the six of clubs - an unexpected departure. In combination with the ten of hearts - victory in love. Together with the peak ten - recovery; with the seven of spades - deception, tears. With the ace of spades pointing towards the fortuneteller - a strong blow, grief.


This card denotes an inheritance, a successful game on the stock exchange, or the acquisition of real estate. In combination with a figure, it means that this person will no longer bother you. Together with a card of the heart suit - mutual love; with tambourines - spending, dinner in a restaurant. In combination with a nine or ten of hearts - success in love. With the jack of hearts - travel. Together with the peak ten - financial problems. In combination with clubs ten, seven or eight - a wonderful present and future.


This card denotes a reputable enterprise, office; clarification of relationships, melancholy, tears. In combination with the ace of clubs - success. If the ace lies point up, it means defeat. With a jack of clubs - the beginning of a lucky streak; with a ten of clubs - inheritance, wealth, acquisition of large things, even houses. Together with the Jack of Hearts - a discussion of financial problems. With the seven of clubs and the ace of hearts - happy marriage or inheritance.


This card signifies victory over nature, invention, a short road, empty chores. Combined with the jack of hearts - theft. Together with four ladies and sevens - the birth of a son. With the eight of spades, the peak is the betrayal of a loved one.


This card represents ambitious dreams, the evening road; a date, a way to a respectable house. If the card lies among the figures, then it means an outdoor walk in a large company.


This card means a government house, a blow, bad news. In combination with the Queen of Spades - a break in a love relationship, with the Jack of Spades - falling in love with another, with the Ten of Spades - unexpected money, with the Seven of Spades - a trial; with a six of any suit - the road. Together with the ace of clubs - a blow.

This card signifies a respectable person. In combination with figures of this suit, it portends good things, but with the nine and ten of spades - illness, with the eight - trouble. Together with clubs it is interpreted as enmity and obstacles.

Queen of Spades

This card means an evil woman - an intriguer and a gossip. In combination with cards of the club suit - an evil woman; with the suit of diamonds - a greedy person who brings evil in love and deeds. Together with cards of the heart suit, it promotes love and commerce.


This card means a beggar, a traitor, or bad news. In combination with cards of the spades suit - a faithful assistant; with cards of the club suit - an envious person; with hearts - loving friend; with diamonds - partner. Together with the Queen of Spades, it warns of a major conversation, a scandal. The combination of spades king, queen and jack means the help of a respectable person.


This card means blow, illness. Together with the ten of diamonds it is interpreted as anger, with the ace of spades - unexpected money, with the nine of spades - grief, with the eight of spades - illness, with the seven of spades - a change in life. In combination with eights of other suits - unpleasant news. Together with the seven of diamonds - an unexpected offer. In combination with a ten of clubs - recovery; with a ten of hearts is a successful business. This ten and the ace of diamonds indicate sad news. Together with other aces - an anonymous letter of unpleasant content.


This card is interpreted as a quarrel, tears. Together with the ace of spades - illness; with an ace of clubs - benefit; with the ace of diamonds - your relatives take advantage of your decency; with an ace of hearts - a joyful meeting with an old friend. In combination with the ten of spades - unexpected money; with the Queen of Spades and the King - true love.


This card means waiting, unpleasant news. When combined with a nine of clubs, it warns of misfortune. With the jack of hearts he talks about the illness of his loved ones. Together with the seven of clubs - treason dear person; with a peak of ten - illness.


This card means deception, robbery, tears, quarrel. Together with the jack of diamonds - business, with the jack of clubs - loss; with a peak ten - an unexpected change in life, with a peak nine - grief among close relatives. In combination with the ace of spades - court; with an eight of any suit - a feast. Together with the figure - trouble on the part of the figure. In combination with the six of diamonds - trouble, and with the seven of diamonds - an unpleasant conversation. With a seven of hearts, this card means the end of the torment.


This card is interpreted as a late road, loneliness. Combined with other cards of this suit - a fun road. With cards of the club suit - an empty journey. With diamonds - worries about money.

Interpretation of card combinations

The presence of four aces in the layout speaks of the fulfillment of desires. The combination of four aces and four tens speaks of complete triumph. Ace of hearts is interpreted as own house, clubs - someone else's house or institution, diamonds - important papers, spades - hospital, police or other government institution.

Four kings mean success, a decent position in society. Kings are men; the king of spades is an official or military man, in a word, a government person.

Four ladies for a woman mean troubles and gossip. For a man, this indicates his success with women. Queen of Spades means falsehood, deception, evil.

Four jacks - troubles, vanity. A large number of jacks indicates the low social position of the fortuneteller. Four jacks mean great surprise, and sometimes stress. The jack of spades means empty troubles.

Four tens mean complete fulfillment of desire. The ten of spades warns of illness, the ten of diamonds - money, the ten of hearts - prosperity, joy, the ten of clubs - change.

Nines indicate that someone is interested in you. The Nine of Spades is a strong experience.

Four eights or sevens are interpreted as usual life fortuneteller without much shock. Sevens mean meetings; The seven of clubs warns of tears, the seven of diamonds promises small money, and the seven of spades promises losses. Eights mean conversations, but the eight of spades means treats, some things; Eight of Diamonds - not very important documents or small amounts of money.

Four sixes speak of the fulfillment of a desire. Six means the road, while the peak six speaks of a late road, that is, in the dark of the day, or it may mean a slow road; clubs - evening, hearts - a pleasant love walk, diamonds - a fast road.

If a lot of sixes appear in a reading, then we can say that the person’s work involves traveling. If, with the six of spades, the rest of the card layout speaks of some event, then this means that the event will not happen soon.

If the eight of spades is next to the ten of spades, then this is interpreted as illness or drinking. This eight together with the ten of hearts means fun company, and in combination with the Ace of Spades, these cards mean a wedding. The eight of spades with the ten of diamonds speaks of an expensive thing; and with the ten of clubs - a change of things. The same card with the ace of hearts is a change of house. The same eight with the queen of spades is a fake treat, don’t eat from it bad people. Eight of spades with an ace and six of the same suit is the road to a government house (usually a prison) with things. Eight and jack of spades are empty troubles for things.

Fortune telling on cards for the future helped to lift the veil of secrecy, learn about the unknown, predict one’s fate, and unravel how others treat the fortuneteller. The most 29popular layouts are performed on 36 cards - we will share in the best ways fortune telling, thanks to which you will learn a lot of new things.

Let's look at the four most popular layouts. They will help you find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the coming month, lift the veil of secrets from the past, better understand the present and predict the future - short-term and long-term.

For the coming month

To tell fortunes and find out what awaits the fortuneteller in the next thirty days, you need to select the right time. Suitable for this method last days of the current month (from the 29th to the 31st).

You need to thoroughly shuffle the deck and then take out 9 cards from it at random. The meanings of these cards will tell you about the near future. For example:

Please note: both the sequence in which the cards appear and the number of suited pictures are important. Study the diagram with interpretations in as much detail as possible to choose the right meaning and correctly guess the future.

For the past and the future

This is a universal fortune telling. It is advisable not to use a playing deck and not to guess on a new moon - under such conditions there is a risk that the cards will begin to lie and tell lies. It is also not recommended to use this fortune telling more than once a day.

How to guess:

  1. Choose a suitable day. In the evening, sit at the table, light the candles (this is not necessary, but the energy of Fire will help you deeper reveal the secrets of your past and better understand what the future holds), prepare a deck
  2. Shuffle the deck well. As you shuffle, focus on what you want to learn. You should be calm, relaxed and peaceful. Try not to allow extraneous thoughts into your consciousness - you should only be occupied with fortune telling
  3. After shuffling, remove five cards from the top of the deck and place them on the table in a horizontal row. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the following phrase: “For me, for my heart, for my home, I want to know what happened and what will happen.” Important: cards must be removed with the left hand (closer to the heart) in the direction away from you
  4. Repeat step three. But you will have to get and lay out not five cards, but six. And the words will be different. When laying out cards from the deck, repeat: “When the heart calms down, the matter will end.”

Then examine which cards are dealt. In the first row - indicate what has already happened in your life. A five-card layout will indicate mistakes made in the past or details that are worth paying attention to.

A layout of six cards will indicate what awaits the fortuneteller in the future.

Interpretations may be as follows:

The most accurate for the future

The next, third method, which we will talk about, is not the most popular, but definitely the most accurate. It is based on the magic of the number 13, which protects everyone magical rites, rituals and fortune telling. When using so many cards, they most often tell the truth.

But you can use this fortune telling only in one case - when you are faced with a choice: you need to make a certain decision. If the situation is critical, you see two options for the development of events and cannot choose the right one, you can use this fortune telling.

How it's done:

  • Prepare a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle thoroughly. During shuffling, clearly imagine the current situation, think about possible options solving a problem or getting out of a critical situation
  • Then randomly draw thirteen cards

The interpretation will not take into account all the cards out of thirteen, but only those that were odd. What they point to:

  1. The first card represents some important event that worries you most at the moment
  2. Third - will indicate the reason why you find it difficult to make a decision
  3. Fifth - predicts events and situations that will happen to the fortuneteller in the very near future
  4. Seventh - indicates the abilities and talents of a person, strengths his personality, which must be used on the path to success
  5. The ninth will point to people who are able to help the fortuneteller in solving his problem. Or these are some opportunities that need to be taken advantage of in the near future
  6. Eleventh - these are the sources of negativity that are present in the life of the fortuneteller and prevent him from moving forward

To figure out the meaning, use the interpreter:

For upcoming events

This simple fortune telling will help you find out what awaits a person in the near future, as well as predict events that will not happen very soon.

To begin, prepare a deck of 36 cards. Then shuffle thoroughly. Remove cards randomly three times towards you. Set the removed cards aside.

From the remaining deck, select 16 cards - they will be used for fortune telling.

Watch the video that tells you how to tell fortunes on cards for the next month:

Arrange 16 cards in 4 rows of 4 each:

  1. First row - cards will predict the very near future. These are events that will happen any day now.
  2. Second row - the future a few weeks ahead
  3. Third row - the future several months ahead
  4. The last four are what will happen in at least a year

The ability to tell fortunes on cards is useful to everyone. Learning the art of bewitching is not difficult - simple lessons and videos will help you correctly lay out and interpret the answers to any questions.

How to guess correctly on cards

There are a number of nuances, they are taken into account before starting fortune telling. They are relevant regardless of whether playing cards or Tarot are used.

Basic rules of fortune telling:

  • Truthful answers require a new deck.. The exception is when it was inherited from a relative who cast spells and taught the heir.
  • Cards must not be given to strangers. Compliance with the rule will eliminate the influence of other people's energy. For fortune telling, get a separate deck of cards. The one to whom the fortune is told touches it before receiving the answers.
  • You can't ask the same questions in a row or “rethink” the result if you didn’t like it for one reason or another. Overuse will cause the cards to refuse to answer truthfully.
  • Treat the fortune telling deck with care and respect. It should be stored in a secluded and clean place.
  • You should cast a spell knowing why and what answers you expect to receive. Don't do fortune telling for fun and don't be skeptical about the process.
  • Mood and condition seriously affect the result. In case of nervous tension and stress, there is no need to take up fortune telling. It can be misinterpreted or disrupt the subtle energetic connection between the owner and the instrument.

In any magical art there are restrictions on its use at certain times. Cards are no exception. Tradition prohibits women from doing this in critical days. Fortune telling on the waxing moon is favorable. Do not use the deck on Monday unless absolutely necessary.

Every month there is certain days, in which you should not engage in divination. These are the following numbers:

  • January - 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12 and 20.
  • February - 11, 17 and 18.V leap year Fortune telling on 29 is true.
  • March - 1, 4, 14, 24.
  • April - 2, 17 and 18.
  • May - 7 and 8.
  • June - 17.
  • July - 17 and 21.
  • August - 20 and 21.
  • September - 10 and 18.
  • October - 6.
  • November - 6 and 8.
  • December - 6, 11 and 18.

Every deck has a significator card. Owner magical attribute symbolizes her.

When fortune telling about another, also choose a significator for this person. The fortuneteller's card is located in the center of the working surface.

In standard layouts, the images above the significator are a reflection of plans, thoughts, they describe future events. Those located below tell about what he is involved in at the moment.

On the left side, the cards indicate the past or what disappears from a person’s life. On the right are the causes of events or the consequences of actions.

Professional fortune tellers say that it is impossible to accurately determine in what scenario the card is removed with the right, left hand, towards or away from oneself. Should I stick to a specific pattern or lay them out one after the other?

Understanding what to do in a particular case will come with experience. The more you work, the sooner your intuition will awaken, and it will tell you what techniques to use for a particular person.

Start working with the deck using simple layouts. This way you will be able to establish an energetic connection with the magical instrument, understand the character and learn the principles of interpretation. Simple lessons We present fortune telling below.

One of simple ways ask a question to the Universe and get an exact answer. He will need to know well. In fortune telling itself, two are used, and it is carried out to obtain an answer to any questions.

But you should not only thoroughly study the interpretation, but also understand how the meanings combine with each other.

Many people want to tell fortunes for the future. A simple tutorial will help you determine what to expect and what to pay attention to in life. It is done like this:

  1. The deck is shuffled.
  2. Three cards are taken face down and laid out next to each other.
  3. In turn, each of them is turned over from left to right.
  4. The first means the past, the second means the present, and the third means the future.

In this situation, remember that they do it infrequently. Optimal time to repeat fortune telling – three months.

People have long shown an interest in fortune telling. The simplest, most accessible and widespread method of fortune telling is, in which, by the lines on the palm, you can determine the character of a person and find out his fate. It is no less popular when you can see upcoming and future events from a drawing frozen on a cup. But many people still don’t know that you can guess with regular playing cards. But it was on them that fortune tellers began to predict the future, when it was difficult to get a good deck of cards. Today you will learn how to learn how to tell fortunes on your own using regular playing cards from a deck of 36 pieces.

Is it possible to learn to guess with playing cards yourself?

Can. Moreover, fortune telling can be for love, for money, for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future, for the success of an enterprise, or for all at once.

The main thing in this process is compliance with all the rules, which we will discuss below. There are many ways of fortune telling. Constant practice will allow you to correctly interpret the meaning of the layout. But remember, there are limitations.

How to guess correctly

In order to learn how to correctly guess on playing cards, you need to follow all the rules, since the success of the process will depend entirely on their compliance.

Having understood the rules, we will teach you how to guess with playing cards. We offer simple ways fortune telling with interpretation.

How to quickly tell fortunes on regular cards

If you need to quickly find out the answer to your question, you can use a simple method of fortune telling with four Aces.

  • Select four Aces from the deck and place them in front of you.
  • Choose one Ace and make a wish on it.
  • Shuffle the deck and remove it to you with your left hand.
  • Under each Ace, place cards from the deck one by one until they run out.
  • Now take the deck that contains the Ace for which you made a wish.

If you roll five of the same suit as your Ace (including Ace), the wish will certainly come true.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards for the future

One of the popular types of fortune telling is fortune telling. Ask yourself what the future holds for you.

  1. Shuffle the deck and divide it into four approximately equal parts.
  2. Choose one card from each and place it in front of you.
  3. Find the value of the layout.
  • All diamonds- portend victory in all matters.
  • Hearts– happy marriage, harmonious relationships.
  • All clubs– the likelihood of a promotion, possible profit or an unexpected gift.
  • Peak promise trouble and disappointment.

Another combination:

  • Clubs combined with Queen of Spades don't bode well.
  • Six of spades with clubs- to a bad road.
  • Six of spades with nine of diamonds– the likelihood of a long journey and making a profit.
  • Hearts Queen and Ten– meeting with an old friend or relative.
  • Ten of diamonds and nine of hearts– a quick and easy way to generate income.
  • King with seven of hearts– started projects will be successfully completed.
  • Nine of Diamonds with Jack of Hearts- Beware of long journeys.
  • Jack of clubs combined with seven of spades warns of the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards for your loved one

If you are interested in what your loved one is thinking about, we offer a simple method of fortune telling that even a child can handle.

  • Think about your lover, shuffle the deck and remove the little finger of your left hand towards you.
  • Take the top card without turning it over and place it in front of you.
  • Shuffle the deck again and take it to you.
  • Place another card next to the previous one.
  • So lay out six pieces.
  • Turn over and decipher the layout.

What does each card say?

  1. First shows what your loved one is thinking about.
  2. Second- what his heart is occupied with.
  3. Third will tell you about upcoming events in the life of your lover.
  4. Fourth– reveals his dreams and desires.
  5. Fifth- fears of a loved one.
  6. Sixth will tell you what kind of relationship he has now.

The meaning of the cards

  • Six- to the road, with a heart and a diamond - an ambulance.
  • Seven of hearts and diamonds- meetings, and the seven of clubs - a business meeting. The seven of spades is for tears and sadness.
  • Eight- dates and conversations.
  • Nine of clubs or hearts speaks of sincere and passionate love. The nine of spades indicates an imminent illness. And the nine of diamonds promises the love of an unmarried woman.
  • Ten talks about dreams, and they are not destined to come true if there are ten of spades. Bubnovaya- dreams will come true, and a ten of clubs will fall to financial profit.
  • Jack symbolizes problems and troubles, difficulties and worries.
  • Lady always means a close woman, this could be a mother, a friend or a close relative. But if it fell out Queen of Spades- a strong enemy.
  • King of red suit means man, father or friend. King of Spades – executive, and clubs are a superior man.
  • Ace of spades falls to bad news, and diamonds to good news.
  • Symbolizes important work or task King of Clubs. The King of Hearts is the place of residence of a young man.

How to tell fortunes using playing cards for love

If you are single and wondering when you will meet your love, make a plan for the year.

  1. Take the Queen of Hearts, which will symbolize you, and place it in the center.
  2. Shuffle the deck and place twelve cards around without turning them over (the first one is the month in which you are telling fortunes).
  3. See what awaits you throughout the year.
  • Jack– frivolous relationships, empty suitors, flirting.
  • King- an adult man.
  • Ace- a fan with serious intentions.
  • Ace of hearts- meeting with my future husband.

If none of the options come up, you can repeat the fortune telling after a while.

Video about how to learn to tell fortunes with cards

We offer you a video tutorial about predictions on a deck of 36 cards. See simple schedule for the development of the situation, what events will occur in the area you are interested in, as well as detailed interpretation the resulting layout.

How to tell a wish using playing cards

If you are interested, how will your future life turn out? or success in business, you can use the following fortune telling. Hold the deck in your hands and make a wish. Now shuffle the deck and draw one card. This is your answer. Explain its meaning.

Don't ask the same question twice.

  • Even number card means an affirmative answer.
  • A negative answer portends odd digit.
  • Red Jack means that you need to make every effort to fulfill your desire.
  • Black Jack says that there will be interference that will interfere with the fulfillment of desire.
  • Red Lady– a woman will help you fulfill your desire.
  • Black Lady- a woman will interfere with your plans.
  • Red King– an older man or higher in position will help in fulfilling your desire.
  • Black king- a man will interfere with you, and your wish will not come true.
  • Red Ace means that all doors are open for the implementation of the plan.
  • Black Ace- the wish will not come true under any circumstances.

This way you can guess at home yourself and get an accurate answer. Tell our readers about your methods of fortune-telling, did your predictions come true?

Exists a large number of methods and types of fortune telling on cards. The simplest type of card deck is a deck of 36 cards and four suits. It is very easy to work with her and her predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

Basic techniques for fortune telling with 36 cards

Before you start studying the layouts, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of the cards.

Hearts card suit

  • Six - indicates a fast road;
  • Seven – important negotiations;
  • Eight - a love date;
  • Nine – pure love;
  • Ten – thoughts and thoughts;
  • Jack – strong feelings or problems that have arisen;
  • Lady - female blood ties;
  • The king is a man close in blood;
  • Ace is the home of a loved one.

Spades cards

  • Six – long journey;
  • Seven – discontent, despair;
  • Eight – probability of a trip or invitation to stay;
  • Nine – emergency long-term illness;
  • Ten - useless and empty dreams;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless affairs and worries;
  • The lady is a very strong enemy;
  • The king is a strict superior man, quite likely holding a high position;
  • Ace - unpleasant news.

Diamond suit

  • Six is ​​the fastest way;
  • Seven – joy from meetings;
  • Eight – mutually pleasant communication;
  • Nine is the secret love of unmarried representatives of both sexes;
  • Ten – easy fulfillment of desires;
  • Jack - obstacles on the road of life;
  • The lady is a very close woman;
  • The king is a devoted friend;
  • Ace - good news.

Club cards

  • Six – road for work;
  • Seven – important business communication;
  • Eight – negotiation process;
  • Nine – mutual and passionate love;
  • Ten – financial receipt;
  • Jack - constant worries;
  • Lady - a relative from a close circle;
  • The king is a powerful man;
  • Ace is a difficult job or an important project.

When starting fortune telling, you need to think about a specific person for whom the card layout is being carried out. For the fortune telling process, you need to purchase a new deck of cards. It is very important that it is new and has not been previously used.

The deck must be thoroughly mixed, and then ask the person who is making the layout to move the cards with his left hand away from himself. After this, you need to pick up the card that is located on top of the deck and place it face down on the table. This procedure will need to be carried out six times. Now you can turn them over and interpret the event seen in the layout.

There are a huge variety of very simple and interesting layouts that make it possible to get answers to your questions. Understanding the layout and reading it in detail, in turn, does not cause any particular difficulties. But the most amazing thing is that card layouts, especially in relation to love affairs, always show the real picture of what is happening. And if you learn how to make high-quality layouts, then you can read the cards all your life, without resorting to the services of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers.

Fortune telling methods using 36 playing cards

Let's look at the simplest methods of fortune telling with 36 playing cards.

A method of fortune telling called “What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down.”

This is the simplest fortune telling for the near future and the most popular at the moment. A layout of thirty-six playing cards helps to get answers to a number of difficult questions: “What awaits in the near future?” or “What happened before, and why did it all happen?” In this fortune telling, the cards are laid out as follows:

The six cards in front of the image of the client’s card, as well as the paired cards at the top, show the very near future, and the pairs of cards at the feet of the main card speak of very small and insignificant events.

A method of fortune telling for the near future

An elementary technique of fortune telling on thirty-six cards called “Fortune telling for an event” or for the very near future reveals the most immediate incidents and events in a person’s life. This method Fortune telling on a playing deck of cards is done for the future, which is already very close.

When making a layout, one card at a time is taken out from the card deck. random map. Then the interpretation of the drawn cards is determined. They represent the immediate future and upcoming events and changes.

Method of predictions for a month, 3 months and for the coming year

This technique is used at certain very important moments in the client’s life. This arrangement is not common or everyday. In this fortune-telling, the curtain may open on the future that may await next month, as well as the coming year. Thanks to this fortune-telling, you can see your destiny without the help of sorcerers and fortune-tellers and find out what will happen in life at a certain time.

Method of card reading "Tell fortunes for the king"

The simplest method of fortune telling on thirty-six playing cards, “Fortune telling for the betrothed,” is recognized by experienced fortune tellers as one of the most truthful and popular. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a large number of representatives of the fair sex are, unfortunately, without a partner. The king card, which appears at the beginning of the layout, directly indicates the feelings, intentions, as well as the events that happen to the object of this fortune-telling.

Method of reading "Fortune telling 4 jacks"

This method has been known for a long time and carries a large amount of information. The four jacks layout is a fortune-telling about the attitude towards four men at once, which helps you choose the one who loves you from several applicants.

Method “Simple fortune telling with 36 cards”

The layout of this fortune telling will open your intuition, help you get answers to burning questions, predict your future, and take the right actions.

With this method of fortune telling with thirty-six cards, three cards at a time are removed from the top of the deck and carefully looked at. In the event that cards of the same card suit or the same value are revealed among them, they are discarded, and only the card that differs from all the others in each trio is put aside for the client’s card. By placing them in one row, from left to right, the prediction is interpreted.

Fortune telling using thirty-six playing cards can tell you about your immediate fate and the distant future. In this method of fortune telling, it is necessary to pronounce the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit spoken out loud are set aside. After the number of cards set aside is 10, the layout is completed and you can begin to determine the meaning of these cards, which will tell you about your future.

Fortune telling on a regular deck of cards for love is a fairly well-known and at the same time very truthful fortune telling about a person’s relationships. This method of card layout is a little more complicated than others, but it allows you to consider the position in love relationships from different points of view and from different angles. Cards in this type of fortune telling are laid out repeatedly and in completely different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and fate. You can always change your life for the better thanks to this alignment.

Fortune telling with playing cards for money and wealth is a simple and truthful fortune telling to determine financial and monetary receipts in the near future on nine cards of a regular playing deck of thirty-six cards. During the layout, any nine cards are randomly taken out of the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your questions will be the drawn suits and values ​​of the cards.