What is industrial design? A Brief History of Industrial Design. Vkhutemas and Vkhutein - Russian direction of development of industrial design

The phrase “industrial design” is now heard by many people. But the idea of ​​what it is is completely different for everyone. Industrial design, the same look creative activity, like ordinary design, but with objects industrial design most often are products household use industrial production.

Manufacturing companies today have to resort to various tricks in order to withstand competition and adequately present their product to the consumer market. Interesting and high-quality design of an industrial product - effective way stand out among competitors and interest consumers. The task of industrial design is to designate the exterior, structural and functional features of objects, which are targeted by industrial design techniques. Industrial design items include dishes and other kitchen utensils, household and industrial appliances, furniture, equipment, and even high-tech and knowledge-intensive products. Industrial design options include today's popular automotive and transportation designs.

Thus, industrial design is not only the art of combining design with technology, but also a marketing tool.

A professional who creates a design for an industrial product must be at the same time an artist, a designer, and a process engineer. After all, industrial design requires using your creative imagination so that the technological meaning of the final product is not violated.

The artistic design process itself consists of 8 stages:

Formation of the main idea

Concept development

Working with sketches


3D modeling


Engineering design

Creation of a prototype

The task of a professional is to guide an industrial design object through the preliminary seven stages so that the eighth production stage went without delay and produced the final result according to the main idea.

Copyright for the design concept and basic ideas of an industrial product belongs to the designer, except as otherwise specified in the contract. In accordance with Article 27 of the “Law of the Russian Federation on Copyright and Related Rights No. 5351-I”: copyright is valid during life and 70 years after his death; copyright, the right to name and protection of reputation are preserved indefinitely. In addition, the designer has the right to display original works in a portfolio in order to attract the attention of new customers.

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Industrial design (industrial design, object design, industrial design) is a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

The first industrial designers appeared in the 18th century in England, which is associated primarily with the activities of Josiah Wedgwood and the development industrial production printed fabrics.

The definition of “industrial design” appeared in 1919 thanks to the German architect Walter Gropius, who founded the revolutionary school industrial design Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany).

After the Second World War, industrial design received serious development in Scandinavia and the Netherlands. Around the same time, pragmatic Americans expressed interest in the direction - in order to increase sales. In the 60s of the 20th century, the direction became so popular in the USA that the College of Industrial Design was organized. In 1969, a member of this board, Thomas Maldonado, gave a very succinct definition of industrial design: “Industrial design is a creative activity aimed at improving the external advantages of objects produced in industry.”

Development stages.

Typically, industrial design development includes next steps

idea generation

conceptual development



3D modeling




Industrial design as an activity includes elements of art, marketing and technology. Industrial design covers a wide range of objects, from household utensils to high-tech, knowledge-intensive products. In the traditional sense, industrial design tasks include prototyping household appliances, production plants and their interfaces, ground and air transport (including cars, planes, trains), various equipment.

Changing under the influence of time, cultural references and the needs of people, using the latest advances in technology and materials, industrial design has become a means of “giving multifaceted high quality to objects, processes, services, systems throughout their life cycles.”

VNIITE theorists, having specified the essence of industrial design, noted that it is aimed at “the comprehensive formation of various objects - products, structures and systems - of such functional properties that provide high quality use of objects, and cultural properties that ensure that objects comply with aesthetic criteria, value orientations of people, their ethnic and other sociocultural characteristics.”

Being at its core a synthesis of artistic design and ergonomics, industrial design is:

as a stage of the production process,

as scientific activity, the continuous search for innovation in technologies and materials,

as art, since “formal, visual, aesthetic and conceptual elements are the dominant tools for this area of ​​design activity.”

Visually, these components are presented in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1.1

As a scientific activity, industrial design creates functional priorities in engineering, network cooperation, technology transfer and personnel training. Design as an art supports social priorities by producing inclusive innovations used to benefit society. Guided by thematic priorities, technological and non-technological innovations are created within the framework of project activities to increase economic efficiency and extract innovation rent.

Experimenting with household and industrial appliances, production plants and transport, furniture and equipment, kitchen utensils, designers sometimes change the structural and functional features of objects beyond recognition. In this case, the vector is aimed, first of all, at changing the objective world, and only then at people.

The fundamental trend of the modern industrial design industry is to combine, on the basis of one enterprise, all stages of the development and introduction of an innovative product to the market. This feature This is most clearly demonstrated by the example of large manufacturing companies in China. Guided by the principle of “design thinking”, manufacturers can develop, present and launch on the world market in the shortest possible time New Product. Such unified companies offer their clients a wide range of diverse services:

Design specialists identify the value of individual products and services, develop branding strategies, and build a portfolio product line, develop action programs and manage the project to introduce new products into production (and sale).

For better understanding a thorough analysis of the consumer is carried out Everyday life people, identifying trends in cultural development, video ethnography, specific models for using a particular product are being developed.

In the process of developing innovative products, the architecture and design of the product are determined, 3D models are built, and industrial graphics are developed.

A number of European companies work according to a similar scheme, such as Smart design, Design Continuum, fuseproject, IDEO, ZIBA, whose employees “invest all their experience and knowledge, as well as creativity and design intuition, into the implementation of purely strategic tasks related to the development of new products".

E. Khramkova, head of the business development department of Product Development Group SmirnovDesign, notes: “There is an obvious tendency to turn to design at much earlier stages of developing a new product - a striking contrast compared to previous business models, when the designer was given an order from the marketing departments, advertising and technical support for the project.” Thus, a need is emerging for a fundamentally new type of industrial designer - he must be able to synthesize and interpret numerous information and, based on it, develop a unified design concept. Training of this level is handled well in higher education institutions. educational institutions Japan and China, Holland, Italy and France, where the learning process is directly related to the engineering field and real production. The training of Russian students in the specialty “industrial design” does not yet meet this standard, however, a number of measures are being taken at the state level to improve educational processes.

The domestic industrial design market can be estimated at a little more than 2-2.5 million dollars. This is very little, so we can say that there is practically no “industrial design” market in Russia.

Today there are about ten specialized companies operating on the market: Smirnov Design, FormLab, Art-up, Design-Works and others.

The first five, already relatively established in the market, do ~50 projects a year. In contrast to the Western experience, where the regular cost of an industrial design project is 100-200 thousand dollars (judging by analytics, at least 75 thousand dollars), the domestic one is an order of magnitude less - on average ~ 20 thousand dollars. There are, of course, , and rare orders worth 400-500 thousand dollars, but they, as a rule, include a significant amount of analytical and production parts (up to 80%). That. The volume of the market for industrial design services of private companies can be estimated at ~2-2.5 million dollars.

Rice. 1.2 Industrial design market potential Russian Federation(Source: Center for Social Research “North-West” based on materials from Philip M. Parker, INSEAD and Yandex (yandex.ru)).

There is also a hidden part of the market: industrial design services can be provided by design companies that constantly serve the client, as well as freelancers.

For reference, in the USA the industrial design market volume exceeds $2 billion. Manufacturers pay great attention to the appearance of products; the share of design in the cost of ordinary consumer goods is ~1-3%.

It is worth noting that the modern market is a world of “labels and packaging”. Often it is in successful design and a fresh concept lies in the success of the product on the market (for example, Apple).

Today, increased competition in the market and the dominance of imported, mainly low-quality Chinese goods, are forcing manufacturers to take a more serious approach to the production process. Domestic manufacturers have finally come to understand the need to keep a “connection with the market” and focus on its needs, creating a competitive product.

Until recently, the appearance of a product was mainly dealt with by production designers, who, firstly, “cooked in their own juice”, not always having a specialized education, and secondly, focused only on current production capabilities, which did not contribute to the creation innovative and competitive products.

Today, the first professional companies engaged in industrial design have appeared, in addition, some design firms have begun to declare their capabilities in this market.

The problem of uncompetitiveness of domestic products has also been addressed at the state level. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, German Gref, and First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov began work on a concept for the development of industrial design in Russia. According to the minister, the department decided to engage in design because “Russian goods of good quality are inferior in many respects” in their appearance, and this prevents them from being promoted in the domestic and foreign markets.” The concept provides measures state support design services, as well as deductions for industrial design expenses from the tax base, and direct government funding of such expenses for small businesses.

In order for managers to understand the importance of design industrial enterprises, it is planned to create specialized advisory organizations. The services of these “design development centers” will be partially paid for by the state. Design development may be included in the activities that allow enterprises to qualify as residents of state-funded technology parks. To solve the personnel problem, it is proposed to introduce retraining courses for university teachers, scholarship and grant programs, as well as to promote internships for design students abroad.

Government support will undoubtedly contribute to significant growth in the industrial design market. In addition, the cost of services of Russian designers will be lower than similar projects abroad, which will undoubtedly stimulate demand.

Main “market difficulties”

The main thing is the serious lag of the industrial sector and, accordingly, industrial design from Western countries, which, first of all, is a legacy of the planned economy of the times of the USSR, when the first place was given to providing the country with everything necessary and there was no talk of competition and development.


  • 1. The thinking of manufacturers who do not want to invest in creating a modern competitive design. Today, the emphasis from the industrial sphere has been shifted to advertising, which is clearly wrong, since the product to a large extent must promote itself, initially suit the consumer, and please him. This requires research, it requires design, it requires testing, new ideas.
  • 2. The habit of creating design within the enterprise, and not outsourcing to professionals.
  • 3. Low level of design education.
  • 4. “Brain drain.” Western companies Competitions are held among our industrial designers, many of whom are subsequently offered work or good remuneration. Design is in great demand in the West today. social issue(urban environment), developments in the field of medicine, technology (including special equipment and military), these are government orders, and young talented designers are attracted for them.

Placement trend manufacturing enterprises in Southeast Asia will only strengthen in the future. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid the leakage of ideas and technologies. In an effort to somehow protect against Chinese counterfeits, the following scheme is practiced: the manufacturer constantly releases new models with the old filling; While the Chinese are making an imitation of a well-known brand, the manufacturer of the original is already announcing that the model has been discontinued.

Often there is no big difference between versions of a product, only the design (ergonomics, materials, colors, textures) and minor details, while the manufacturing process does not change.

In addition, if the manufacturer does not constantly move forward, he will lose competition. In the West, the manufacturer is interested in ensuring that its brand has a good reputation (it is of high quality, reliable and, if possible, cheap). The product must correspond to fashion trends and time, so you have to constantly change its image.

Interior design, interfaces, virtual reality, interiors, clothing. Industrial, graphic, industrial design - this profession has dozens of specializations, and therefore dozens of categories of specialists. Professional specialization leaves an imprint on the employee’s capabilities: a web interface designer will not be able to visualize a residential building project in 3D and create a concept for a future car unless he acquires additional skills. This profession is covered in many rumors, myths and stereotypes. Let's find out the truth about her.

Designer - who is it? Description of the profession

A designer is a specialist in creating layouts surrounding reality. It can be real or virtual, it can be brought to life or remain a concept.

The designer does not draw - the artists draw. At the same time, he uses drawing as a tool to visualize ideas and projects.

The main difference between a specialist and an artist is practical application his works. A painter can depict any surreal interior and he doesn’t care what furniture is placed there or how. The designer pursues other goals - people will live in the interiors he designs.

Therefore, to obtain a profession it is not enough to graduate from art school - you need vocational training and specialization. At the same time, society is constantly trying to level out the value of a specialist’s skills, because every second person is “his own designer.” People take 2-week courses, master the basic functionality of the 3D max program and create interiors that are impossible to live in. Customers pay for their work, see the horror on the builders’ faces and receive uncomfortable, non-functional, impractical premises, losing confidence in the profession. If you decide to get a specialty and show professionalism, you may join the fight for quality design, which is so lacking in all spheres of human life.

Types of design and responsibilities of specialists

The designer’s range of tasks is limited not only by his professional skills, but also by his chosen specialization. Of course, you can master 2, 3 or more areas, but this is extremely difficult to do. Do you often meet surgeons who are also pediatricians? Most likely no. Although both specialists are doctors, the area of ​​activity determines the specialist’s responsibilities. It’s the same in design. The most popular specializations are:

  • Interior designer. By profession, ordinary people understand the ability to select and beautifully arrange furniture in a room. Sometimes - choose wallpaper. “Specialists” who have completed 10-day courses see this in their tasks. In fact, the profession of an interior designer is much more complicated. The ideal direction for training is designer-architect. The interior is everything that's inside. Not only furniture and decoration, but also lighting, communications, architectural groups. A specialist must create not only a beautiful, but also functional interior. He must think about the decoration, furnishings, location lighting fixtures, passage of communications and installation of equipment. He must develop the concept of a room in which it will be convenient to live or work, which will solve the assigned tasks.
  • Web designer or interface designer. One of the most in demand professions. Have you noticed how websites on the same topic with approximately the same structure can differ from each other? On some, everything is clear and accessible, on others, it is impossible to find the necessary information, and even a phone number. Design is the first thing the user sees on the site, a visual reflection functionality and positioning of the web resource. Here it is not enough to create a beautiful picture - it is important to consider how the site will be laid out when transferring the layout to the frontend developer, how user-friendly it will be, how the functionality will be implemented, how the company’s corporate style will be presented, and how page conversion will be achieved. The profession of a web designer requires an understanding of the principles of the site and the implementation of options. Here you need not so much to be able to draw beautifully as to know the basics of development. It is very important to be able to communicate not only with clients, but also with programmers.
  • Graphic Designer. De facto, this is a specialist who creates the shell. Typography, corporate identity and logos, navigation systems, visual solutions for packaging and media are the most popular areas of activity. The key task of the shell is to fulfill its purpose. Attract, sell, promote the brand. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the practical significance of each item. How convenient this packaging for chocolate or a box for chocolates will be, how it will be implemented in industry, whether the selected colors and fonts will be pleasing to the eye of the beholder, whether the corporate style will become recognizable - all this depends on the specialist, his talent and professionalism.
  • Landscape designer. In fact, he also performs the tasks of the designer, being responsible for the complex creation of the landscape. And at the same time, it is necessary to possess the skills of an agronomist, engineer and artist. How convenient the landscape will be from a practical point of view, how communications will be carried out, whether the given aesthetics will be individual and harmonious, whether the flowers, trees and shrubs recommended for planting will ultimately take root - a specialist must answer each of these questions.
  • Industrial designer. This is industrial design, which is responsible for the implementation of projects for large-scale production. A striking example is the automotive industry. Once a car design is developed, it will influence the fate of millions of people who buy it from the manufacturer. Here it is important to take into account not only aesthetics, but also engineering systems, ergonomics, practicality, compliance functional features. Industrial design is inseparable from reality even when creating concepts for which science has not yet found the necessary tools for implementation.

These are just the most popular and sought-after destinations. The design certainly doesn't end there.

Moreover, many areas are just emerging and will receive intensive development. If a fashion designer (clothing designer) is the present, then the creator of a virtual habitat is the near future. Each of the areas of the profession is relevant and promising. According to experts, interest in specialties will only continue to grow in the coming years.

Where to get a designer profession? TOP 5 Universities

It wouldn't hurt to graduate from art school, but if you didn't do it in a timely manner, it's okay. It will provide significant advantages only before admission, where drawing and composition are usually included as an exam. However, many universities are moving away from this - it is necessary to clarify the list of entrance tests in advance. To obtain a professional education, it is better to choose a reputable university that provides training in specific areas.

  1. St. Petersburg State University.
  2. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  3. St. Petersburg Institute of Design and Arts.
  4. Moscow University of Design and Business.
  5. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The rating should not be taken as the ultimate truth, since much depends on the specialization. It is better to study interior design at a university with, web interfaces - with an emphasis on IT, clothing - with an emphasis on creative and artistic specialties. At the same time, the authority of domestic universities does not determine future success, which cannot be said about. Fashion designers trained in France and Italy, or industrial design specialists trained in Germany, have significant employment advantages.

What personal qualities should you have?

  • Logical thinking. You will not create a picture, but projects of reality. Therefore, it is important to be able to think logically and take into account many aspects within the framework of specialization.
  • Individuality. She merges with creative approach and helps generate unique ideas, which make your design individual and recognizable.
  • Attentiveness. One mistake made in web design will result in sleepless weeks for the layout designer, and in creating interiors - a complete violation of its functionality.
  • Perseverance. You won't become an artist who can wait years for inspiration - you will work within a strictly defined deadline. Therefore, it is important to have perseverance and efficiency.
  • Developed intelligence. It is important to be able to penetrate the direction in which you are engaged and understand what will reflect and visualize your design.

How to build a career and achieve success

The presentation of a profession immediately loses its attractiveness and the image of “pure creativity” if it is filled with semantic realities. Think about the meaning behind a typical large company logo, as it is a very expensive corporate property (think Nike or Mercedes-Benz). Behind the approved picture are the most complex marketing research, analysis or creation of a corporate identity, dozens of ideas thrown into the trash bin and hundreds of sketches.

You can do this only if you do not create illusions and perceive the design as a picture. You need to receive a quality education within the chosen field and continue learning throughout your life. It is necessary to master a lot of software and technical tools, in particular illustrators and visualizers - specialists have not worked with paper for a long time.

Ideally, if you manage to get an education at an elite foreign university. If not, be content with an affordable university or college, continue Professional Development and strive to gain as much experience as possible. Learn from your own mistakes, don’t stay in one job, attend seminars and trainings, and take part in professional competitions. Connect with the global community, explore trends and trends while maintaining your own individuality.

Pros and cons of the designer profession

This specialty has many advantages and disadvantages. Many of them are conditional, most apply only to employees with little experience or frankly average qualifications. That is why we will pay attention to the average pros and cons in order to be at least somewhat objective in the analysis.

pros designer professions:

  • A sought-after, relevant and promising profession.
  • Decent wages for qualified specialists.
  • Unlimited opportunities for making good money freelancing.
  • Interesting, somewhat creative work.
  • A real opportunity to improve the surrounding reality.

Minuses designer professions:

  • Complex work that requires industry understanding.
  • Often subjective, incompetent assessment of work.
  • Low salaries for specialists without a name, qualifications, or experience.
  • Lack of instructions for solving specific problems.
  • Almost always long working hours.

It is worth noting that it is subjective assessment that is noted by most experts as a key drawback of the profession.

Even with extensive experience and high qualifications, you will constantly encounter misunderstandings on the part of customers, engineers and builders. Even specialists whose works have been repeatedly noted by the world community cannot avoid this.

How much do designers earn in Russia and abroad?

Salary depends on the field of profession, experience, degree of proficiency in software and technical tools, region, personal brand and many other factors.

The amount in any case will be the “average temperature in the hospital.” However, indicators can serve as guidelines. On average, Russian specialists receive 33-35 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 37-43 thousand, in the regions the minimum wage is 12-15 thousand rubles.

Interface designers (90-100 thousand) earn the most, followed by 3D designers (93 thousand), web designers (85 thousand), interior designers (73 thousand), furniture (65 thousand) and landscape designers (62 thousand). Specialists from European countries they almost always get more. If we consider the same interface designer, then in the USA he receives on average 3 thousand dollars a month, in Canada - 2.7 thousand, in Germany 3.9 thousand euros.


When students in grades 7-9 write an essay on the topic “My future profession designer,” they do not always realize the completeness of the specialist’s tasks. Before entering a university, study the pros and cons. Understand that this is not only drawing - it is, first of all, designing reality, real or virtual. This is complex work that often does not receive an objective assessment. You will need experience, constant training and long-term work on your personal brand to succeed.

Evgenia Melnikova

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, teacher with 16 years of experience, practicing tutor.

There are countless professions in the world of design, and one of the most versatile, interesting and multifaceted is an industrial designer. Such specialists are responsible for creating everything around them: equipment, furniture, household items, dishes, cars, yachts and even mobile applications.

If you manage to combine logical thinking and creativity, and the desire to make this world a little better and more beautiful never leaves you for a minute, then you should think about a career in industrial design. This type of work requires professional training, which includes obtaining a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

The Marangoni Institute offers specialized education in the Bachelor's program "Industrial Design" and Master's program "Vehicle Design" and "Italian Industrial Design". During their studies, students: study the history of art; learn to develop ideas for new products and create them; delve into the business component of the industry in order to not only come up with something beautiful, but in demand and in line with the latest or future trends. Upon graduation, they are 100% ready to work and begin a successful career in the international market.

But before applying for admission, let's find out a little more about this promising profession.

Features of work

Typically, industrial designers specialize in one product or service. Although there are no frames or boundaries, it all depends on the desire to learn and develop in different directions. The only thing that is mandatory for everyone is to create products that meet the requirements: easy to use, function well, cost-effective to produce, attractive appearance.

Depending on the project, the scope of work may vary, but the main tasks of an industrial designer are:

discussing with the client his wishes and drawing up a brief;

  • studying the operation of existing products and services;
  • development of ideas, initial drawings and sketches;
  • making a choice decision suitable materials and resources;
  • computer modeling of the product and creation of detailed drawings;
  • production of prototypes;
  • testing a product or service;
  • final development and launch of production.

At all stages of work, the designer must interact with engineers, modelers, marketers and other members of the development team.

Working hours and income

Most often, such specialists work according to a standard schedule from 9.00 to 18.00 (30-40 hours a week), although the creative process sometimes requires additional time.

In Europe, beginning designers can earn from 15 to 22,000 euros per year, more experienced ones 25-34,000, and “experienced” salaries start from 42,000 euros.

Training and professional development

We already wrote above that to work you need to get an education. But having a diploma does not negate continuing education. Industrial designers must be lifelong learners: taking advanced training courses, completing highly specialized programs, reading magazines, books, websites and blogs. It is worth joining design associations and attending specialized exhibitions and events.

Skills, interests and personal qualities

  • creative ideas and a logical approach for their development;
  • ability to express ideas through drawings and 3D models;
  • understanding properties various materials and production methods;
  • ability to plan and organize a project at all stages;
  • ability to create cost estimates and work within budget;
  • good communication skills;
  • ability to write clear and concise reports;
  • creative approach to problem solving;
  • ability to work in a team and exchange ideas with colleagues.


Industrial designers are in demand in a wide range of industrial and commercial fields. For example, they work as part of a new product development team in toy factories or furniture production. They can also act as consultants or collaborate with a variety of brands on a freelance basis.

By gaining work experience, industrial designers have the opportunity to become a creative director or head a project management department. Modern technologies brought this profession to new level, having knowledge about the ergonomics, functionality and external beauty of the product, designers can work on developing mobile applications and websites. More and more of them are contributing to the online world and becoming UX designers.

You can find out more about studying Bachelor's and Master's programs in industrial design at the Marangoni Institute from the consultants of the official representative office -

Almost any artificial object on Earth that a person can see, touch or use will be subject of industrial design. And this is not strange, because most of the things that surround us throughout our lives belong to one or another type of industrial design.

Modern industrial design includes elements of art and technology, covering a wide range of different objects - from a teaspoon to high-tech products. Therefore, a person creating the design of an industrial (or industrial) product must be both an engineer and an artist, combining together functionality and aesthetic appeal of the product.

Industrial design as a separate branch of design

Unlike the broad concept of "design", "industrial design" is closely related to household and industrial items, which were industrially manufactured. Therefore, any objects made by man cannot be classified as objects of industrial design, but only those that are protected by a patent and manufactured in production.

The objectives of modern industrial design are:

  • creation of functional and ergonomic objects;
  • aesthetically pleasing appearance of the product;
  • increasing energy and resource conservation in the production and use of an item;
  • designing safe for humans and environment of things;
  • creating equipment that is intuitive and easy to use.

Integrating all these tasks requires the industrial designer developed engineering skills, good imagination and fine aesthetic taste. In addition, it must be taken into account that ready product must meet the needs of a specific target audience.

Industrial design includes the following stages of product development:

Trends in modern industrial design

Simplicity and minimalism

Consumers are increasingly choosing simple things made in a minimalist style. In addition, they are very popular conventional materials and shapes. People no longer see the need to buy “overpriced” things for everyday use. Basic requirements for items:

  • maximum lightness of design;
  • minimal use of expensive materials;
  • absence of “overloading” parts;
  • reasonable price.

Convenience and ergonomics

Modern consumers give preference for convenience and comfort of clothing, slightly neglecting appearance. In the same way, industrial design objects are beginning to value convenience more. Buyers are increasingly choosing items that are highly ergonomic, easy to use and intuitive for any user. Transformable furniture is very popular, which helps to significantly save space in a small room.

Benefits and monofunctionality

Multifunctional items are no longer a priority for buyers. Preference is now given to items that can only be used for its intended purpose. Therefore, the popularity of multifunctional kitchen appliances is falling: people do not want to purchase bulky equipment if they will only use one function.


IN Lately much more attention is paid to environmental issues. In this regard, a new direction in industrial design has emerged - ecodesign. It is aimed at creating objects that will be organically included in natural environment . This trend has the following characteristics:

  • creating an item with minimal costs natural resources;
  • reducing the energy intensity of the product during its manufacture and use, as well as the possibility of using renewable energy resources;
  • use of materials that are reusable and recyclable;
  • product durability;
  • reducing excess consumption;
  • ease of disposal.

Increasingly, designers are looking for inspiration from nature- plants, honeycombs, water, stones, animals, etc.

Key holder «Honey, Im home


In many design solutions Futuristic notes have long been visible. Very soon the unusual “design of the future” will be distinctive feature all the objects familiar to us.

First electric carPorsche - Mission E. The release is scheduled for 2020.

Examples of modern industrial design

Heli-on Miniature Solar Panel

Solar panels are becoming available not only to power homes, but also for everyday use. Convenient pocket a solar panel designed for charging mobile phones or other gadgets at any convenient time. In case the weather is not at all sunny, the panel has its own small battery, which will allow charging. This panel weighs only 105 grams.

Windflock modular wind generators

Following innovations in the use of solar energy, innovations are also emerging in wind energy. Windflock represents wind generator system, combined into a group to save space. However, their performance remains in question.

Unusual taps

Swirl mixer breaks the flow of water into many thin jets, allowing you to create an amazing swirl. This is not just a device for a stylish bathroom, but also a way to save money - a wider flow allows you to use less water when washing your hands or dishes.

Smart faucetiWash will help teach children and adults to wash their hands more thoroughly. It will have a built-in digital microscope that tracks bacteria on the surface of the hands.

Air drop

Pot for Tillandsia plant with built-in air filter- an innovative way to make the air in the apartment cleaner. In addition to the natural release of oxygen, the plant actively absorbs formaldehyde, benzene, and trichlorethylene.

Racing bike of the future

Everything about this bike is futuristic, from the pedals to the handlebars. The streamlined shape allows the bike Excellent maneuverability at high speeds. So far, the concept is at the development stage - some parts are made of paper.

Three-wheeled scooter Tripod

In 2015, the winner of the Red Dot Design Awards (world design award) in the Design Concept category was unusual three-wheeled scooterTripod. It comes in three colors and has a very unusual futuristic design. At the same time, the product is characterized by a high degree of ergonomics and convenience. Its main task is to deliver goods over short distances. You can also just ride on it.

Bamboo scales

Bamboo scales are made according to latest trends modern industrial design. The scales are environmentally friendly - they even there are no electronic devices, they operate under normal pressure.

Klona specialists have many years of experience in the development of industrial design items household and special purposes. Call us by phone and you will receive advice on the product you are interested in!