What is the difference between a tactician and a strategist? What is strategy, tactics and strategic thinking

First of all, strategy is a more general thing than tactics, that is, several tactics can be used within the framework of one strategy.

The ancient Greeks, from whom we inherited these words, had it that way: strategy is the “art of a commander,” a general, sweeping plan for military activity, long term. And tactics are a tool for achieving goals, consistent with the overall strategy and being part of it. Initially, tactics were intended to analyze the location and movement of troops.

Another example that comes to mind is from chess: strategy is a general idea, a long-term game plan based on how the pieces are placed on the board, how they are protected (especially the king), etc. Tactics is a short sequence of moves, ideally aimed at achieving strategic plans: fork the enemy pieces, attack the defense, usually such tactical things take from 2 to 5 moves, no more.

To summarize the idea:

strategy - general / tactics - specific

strategy - about the global mission / tactics - about problems from there sheet

strategy - preparation and planning / tactics - actions

strategy - future / tactics - now

In a certain sense, these are relative concepts. But in general, “strategy” is broader and deeper than “tactics” in relation to the time periods discussed in this context. To solve a certain problem or task, a certain strategy is adopted and, within the framework of the chosen strategy, appropriate tactical decisions are made.

So, for example, if you are a student and you make a big strategic decision to study for an exam in a week, then you will then have to make a series of tactical decisions, such as, for example, digging up a list of questions for this exam, finding someone who can give you lectures on the subject , make a preparation schedule, and so on. Thus, daily tactical tasks will be parts of a larger weekly strategic plan.

However, in turn, the plan and decision to prepare for a difficult exam so quickly will be part of the tactics within the framework of the strategic plan to close the next session at the University on time. The example is, of course, conditional, but indicative.

In short.

Strategy- this is a scenario of action in which you know for sure that your picture of the world is incomplete and your behavior pattern may change.

Tactics- this is an action scenario in which you know exactly what the result will be when it is implemented.

It's very important to understand.

The difference between strategy and tactics is not measured by the scale of action.

What is a strategy for you may be a routine activity for another person.

If we talk about military science, there are differences between strategy, tactics and operational art. As far as I understand, the difference is as follows

With this division, strategy is a way to achieve victory in a war through goal setting, a general plan and the systematic implementation of measures to counter the enemy, taking into account constantly changing circumstances and conditions.

Strategy involves the art of combining preparations for war and successive operations armed forces(troops) to achieve the goal of war. The strategy resolves issues related to the use of both the armed forces and all the country’s resources to defeat the enemy.

Operational art (operational level of war) focuses on the conduct of direct combat operations by formations (today) no lower than a separate motorized rifle brigade (and up to the front). The concept appeared in Soviet military science (in the West it was called “small strategy” or “grand tactics”).

Tactics - actions of smaller (than a separate brigade) units.


In other areas of human knowledge, as has already been pointed out by previous commentators, "tactics" and "strategy" retain their mutual relationship as more specific/more general.


What is the difference between tactics and strategy? What is the difference between these two concepts? A wise man once said that you need to think strategically and act tactically. Strategy is more general concept, a plan that may consist of several tactics. Tactics, in turn, are a focused part of this overall plan. While these terms were originally used primarily in a military context, they are now used in a wide variety of everyday areas, including business. What is the difference between tactics and strategy, such seemingly interchangeable concepts?

Main difference

Strategy differs from tactics in that completely different tactics can be components unified strategy. For example, in order to gain a certain market share, it is necessary to create. To do this, you can use such means for promoting the brand as advertising with the involvement of a celebrity (tactic). Strategy includes planning both during war and in peacetime, and tactics deals with the implementation of goals and is responsible for the quality and effectiveness of the chosen techniques.

Strategy and tactics in business

What is the difference between tactics and strategy? Often these concepts are interrelated and interchangeable in an arbitrary manner, so differentiating them is sometimes very difficult. Speaking in simple language, the head is responsible for strategy, and everything else is for tactics. The main thing is that they work in tandem, otherwise there can be no question of effectiveness in achieving the goal. If there is a strategy without tactics, then this means that there are many thoughts and ideas, but there are no specific necessary actions.

If we consider the business sphere, then every self-respecting organization needs big “wings” (broad strategic thinking) and big “legs” (specific steps to achieve goals) to succeed. To illustrate this clearly, we can cite specific example for a specific industry. For example, a company's goal is to become a leader in sales volume in its market segment. Tactically correct would be to offer an economically more profitable solutions than competitive enterprises, without compromising the quality of service.

The Art of Strategy

The word strategy comes from the Greek word "strategos", which translates to "art" in general. It is often confused with tactics ( Greek word"taktike"), which translates as "organization of the army." The original meaning of the word "tactics" is "order." Chinese General Sun Tzu described the difference this way: “All men can see the tactics used to win, but no one can see the strategy that brought about the great victory.” The difference between the concepts of “tactics” and “strategy” is often that strategy is designed for the long term, and tactics - for the short term.

In the modern understanding, these concepts go beyond military terminology and can be used as definitions for various business practices. At its core, strategy is the mental aspect of planning, changing, organizing something. It defines the goals to be achieved, as well as ideas for achieving these goals. Planning is followed by specific, tactically thought-out actions. Tactics include the methods and means used to carry out the plan.

Features of achieving goals

The implementation of a strategic goal can be purposefully and consciously improved over time. The plan to achieve goals and objectives will change accordingly. The gradual implementation and implementation of the plan, as well as the knowledge gained during this time, increases the overall strategic understanding and provides guidance on how exactly it can be achieved. the best way facilitate the process of achieving your goals.

Strategy and tactics: what's the difference?

A sage named Sun Tzu once said that strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, and tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. How tactics differs from involves identifying the basic functions of the organization and using effective combinations of capabilities and control systems that will be used in achieving goals.

Strategy is about what will or will not be done. French scholar Michel de Certeau suggests that strategy essentially creates its own autonomous space. Tactics in the form of specific activities provide an opportunity to implement a strategic plan. You cannot achieve a winning result alone.

Strategic planning

Quite often, people confuse strategy and tactics, thinking that the two terms are interchangeable in the field; however, this is not the case. Strategy answers the question of what we want to achieve, and tactics answer the question of how we are going to achieve our goals. This is the difference between tactics and strategy. In this way, strategy acts as a guide to a series of actions. Many small business owners spend a lot of time planning for their business success, they don't realize how easy it can be. At the same time, it is important to learn to distinguish between concepts such as strategic and

What is the difference between tactics and strategy? The difficulty is that both definitions are closely related and, unfortunately, are often used interchangeably. However, strategy is inextricably linked to the thinking processes needed to plan changes, choose a future course of action, and so on. She defines in general outline desired goals and why you need to achieve them. includes business ideas that, in a global sense, determine what can be achieved as a result of achieving the set goals.

Tactics are specific actions that are taken in the process of implementing the chosen strategy. They constitute what must be done, in what order, with what means and human resources. Can be used whole line tactics that involve many different actions and efforts aimed at achieving a common goal. Tactics typically require the involvement of the organization as a whole. During strategic planning, you need to determine what specific results you want to achieve (your goals) and how you will measure these results. When compiling a list of specific strategic goals, it is important to pay close attention to the tactics that you plan to use to achieve them.

Tactics and strategy. It seems that these concepts are so far from the life of an ordinary person that there is no point in delving into their features, looking for similarities and differences.
In fact, each of us has long and consistently been both a strategist and a tactician. Remember how, as a child, you decided that you absolutely had to become, for example, a doctor or an engineer, and then you worked long and hard towards this goal, overcoming obstacles, carefully thinking through your every step.
Tactics and strategy are closely interconnected. In fact, tactics have no meaning in the absence of strategy, and strategy will never be implemented without well-thought-out tactical moves. Moreover, the same idea can act as both a tactic and a strategy, depending on from what height it is perceived. If tactics are considered in relation to subordinate tactics, then in this case it should be called strategy. The same situation applies to a strategy relative to a higher strategy. It becomes a tactic. This means that tactics and strategy are not only interdependent concepts, but also interchangeable.


Both tactics and strategy are a kind of plan with the help of which one wants to achieve a goal. Only a strategy is a plan without going into details of implementation. Tactics can be called the way of implementing strategy. Each strategy includes several tactical decisions.

Time interval

Since strategic ideas are larger in scale than tactical moves, their implementation takes much more time.


The success of an enterprise depends not only on the correctly chosen strategy, which is of course important, but also on the ways of its implementation. Even the best, potentially successful strategy will be doomed to failure if the tactical steps are not thoroughly thought out or poorly executed.

Thus, ImGist distinguishes the following differences between tactics and strategy:

Tactics is integral part strategies, a path to achieving a goal.
Without a good strategy, tactics will not produce results, and vice versa.
Tactics require less time than strategy.
Tactics goes into more detail than strategy.

Tactics and strategy. It seems that these concepts are so far from the life of an ordinary person that there is no point in delving into their features, looking for similarities and differences.

In fact, each of us has long and consistently been both a strategist and a tactician. Remember how, as a child, you decided that you absolutely had to become, for example, a doctor or an engineer, and then you worked long and hard towards this goal, overcoming obstacles, carefully thinking through your every step.

Tactics and strategy are closely interconnected. In fact, tactics have no meaning in the absence of strategy, and strategy will never be implemented without well-thought-out tactical moves. Moreover, the same idea can act as both a tactic and a strategy, depending on from what height it is perceived. If tactics are considered in relation to subordinate tactics, then in this case it should be called strategy. The same situation applies to a strategy relative to a higher strategy. It becomes a tactic. This means that tactics and strategy are not only interdependent concepts, but also interchangeable.


Both tactics and strategy are a kind of plan with the help of which one wants to achieve a goal. Only a strategy is a plan without going into details of implementation. Tactics can be called the way of implementing strategy. Each strategy includes several tactical decisions.

Time interval

Since strategic ideas are larger in scale than tactical moves, their implementation takes much more time.


The success of an enterprise depends not only on the correctly chosen strategy, which is of course important, but also on the ways of its implementation. Even the best, potentially successful strategy will be doomed to failure if the tactical steps are not thoroughly thought out or poorly executed.

Conclusions website

  1. Tactics are an integral part of strategy, the path to achieving a goal.
  2. Without a good strategy, tactics will not produce results, and vice versa.
  3. Tactics require less time than strategy.
  4. Tactics goes into more detail than strategy.

What is the difference between tactics and strategy?

    Strategy and tactics are, of course, military terms, but in general they apply to all areas of life. For example, a woman develops a plan to conquer a man. To do this, she has the desire to conquer him with beauty. This is her strategy. Tactics will be manifested in what cosmetical tools Will the woman use it, at what time, in what quantity.

    If a woman wants to conquer a man with her body (that is, a different strategy), then the tactics will be different - she will wear blouses with a deep neckline, vented skirts or miniskirts.

    There are women who choose the strategy of conquering a man through their culinary skills. Accordingly, the tactics here will also be different. I won’t describe it in detail, but women know it very well.

    So, strategy and tactics always go side by side, being different levels of specification for solving a problem.

    Tactics are essentially strategy. They differ in that strategy is a more global, larger-scale understanding of tactics. Strategy is when, in addition to tactics, you also build something and aim for the future.

    In short: strategy is a plan of action, tactics is a manner of action. The first is a thinking process (as: a strategic approach to business), the second is a behavioral process (as: tactful communication with people).

    Tactics and strategy are terms used by the headquarters command. Let's say a war consists of several battles, and the sum of these battles is called a campaign. You can lose a battle, but the most important thing is to win a military campaign. For example, the headquarters was given the task as it was in the film Storm Gates, let’s say a small army of about 50 people who are based on the mountain to lure a large group of enemies, and then the headquarters would send helicopters and destroy the enemy - this was the strategy of the headquarters, of course, those commanders who were on the mountain They didn’t know these strategy plans and they had to use battle tactics to hold out until reinforcements arrived, since the weather was bad and they didn’t send helicopters, they sent support on foot.

    Strategy is a more global concept than tactics. Strategy- common task or a plan to achieve a goal. And you can accomplish a strategic task using various tactics, all kinds of methods.

    Tactics are directly subordinate to the chosen strategy; these are like ways to implement a global plan.

    Strategy is an analysis of the general actions that will be taken to achieve something. That is, a progressive and scrupulous analysis.

    Tactics is the form in which all this will be carried out, for example, offensive or defensive.

    Tactics is an integral part strategies. Tactics are different from strategy scale and depth of time period.

    Historically the tactic is military art building battle formations. In the modern sense of the word, tactics is planning and implementation of plans on a limited scale and over a short period of time.

    Strategy it implies long-term planning, setting final goals, the achievement of which is carried out through solving tactical problems.

    In business strategic planning usually done for a period of three to ten years. In this case, consistent goals are set and dates for their achievement are determined. The plan is then broken down into tasks and the resources needed to complete them are identified. So this is consistent problem solving is tactics, A achieving goals is a strategy.

    I'll make it a little simpler with an example. The second one is coming World War. Tactics is the task of winning here and now, preferably with small losses, on certain area front. For example, in Battle of Kursk. Strategy is the task of winning the war. Global tactics, so to speak, for a long period. It calculates other numbers. If in tactics they operate with units of troops, then in strategy the numbers are already orders of magnitude higher. Something like this.

    There are recommendations when to use tactics and when to use strategy. Tactics are better suited in clear situations, when the final goal has clear outlines, when the problem is not being solved for the first time, i.e. There were similar situations before. And strategy is suitable when goals are unclear, under complex and contradictory circumstances. Strategy is the foundation of a business. It is important that for the high-quality implementation of the strategy, the performer also needs a set of tactical techniques. In total, the success of the entire business depends on knowledge and skills in both areas.

    I think that strategy is some kind of global idea, a long-term plan for implementing and solving any problem or idea. But tactics is a narrower concept. You can say Methods, Methods, Principles... etc., with the help of which you will implement this strategy of yours. In general, strategy, this more globally and on a large scale determines, say, your behavior, over large periods of time, it includes a gene plan, some key points which you must perform at a certain time. And tactics... We can say that it helps strategy, this is how and with the help of which you implement your strategy, your task directly in life, in real circumstances. We can say that Strategy is goals and objectives, and tactics are ways and methods of solving these problems. Tactical primas is a well-known phrase.