2nd floor in an apartment. Make the second floor with your own hands. Office, library or small workshop

Apartments with high ceilings but small living space are often found in old houses, which are found in many cities and were built in the middle of the last century. Therefore, their owners, constrained by living conditions, often consider options for making a second floor in a room with high ceilings in order to place sleeping area, home office, storage systems or highlight a relaxation area. With a good location and equipment with everything necessary, including furniture, lighting, and, if possible, ventilation, you can get quite functional area or another, albeit small, but living room.

The secret of the popularity of bunk apartments

The reasons why the arrangement of multi-level housing is so in demand are different, but the main ones are:

  • two-level layout of modern apartments, which allows you to accommodate various functional areas;
  • redevelopment when the former industrial premises with high walls and large windows converted into residential;
  • construction of a private house in a metropolis, then due to expensive land, homeowners try to make maximum use of the height of the building;
  • arrangement of apartments in old houses that are small in size but have very high ceilings, which makes it possible to create an upper level in them.

If previously a device on the second tier of a sleeping place was considered as the main use case, now many exclusive projects are offered for those who want to expand the usable space with their own hands. For example: living room, office, library, playroom.

Device under the ceiling of a berth

A modern studio apartment or the first floor of a private house is increasingly spacious room, in which it is necessary to place a living room, kitchen, dining room, but there is no space for arranging a separate room or bedroom. If the ceiling height allows, it would be a mistake not to try to make an upper level and place a sleeping place there. Since most of the time will be spent in a horizontal position, low ceilings, a large slope, and a distant distance from the windows are not a significant obstacle.

If there is free space near or below the bedroom, it is quite logical to place wardrobes or other capacious storage systems, arrange play area. For this reason, equipping a children's room is very attractive; then the child will have a personal corner where he can do his own business away from the rest of the household.

Even if there is very little space and it has asymmetrical shapes, it is quite enough to install a bed or put a high mattress. And then, despite low walls and the ceiling, a child who is sitting or lying down will be quite comfortable.

Office, library or small workshop

Arrange them on the upper tier and rationally use free square meters this is a logical solution, especially if all segments of the room already have their own functionality. The top floor acquires exceptional importance when the apartment or house has a very modest area and every free meter counts. In this case, it can simultaneously be assigned several tasks at once - to serve as an office, a place of rest, a library, a workshop, an area for receiving visitors.

For installing bookshelves, desk, a station for creative activities, requires very little space. If there is still free space on the second level, you can add a couple comfortable chairs, a small sofa or another table. But a room that is too small is not suitable for such purposes, since its area may not be enough to accommodate necessary furniture and location of steps.

Selecting a fence

The most widespread are railings made of glass. They are quite durable and reliable, but at the same time they allow sunlight to pass through completely freely, which is an important condition for the upper tiers located away from window openings.

More compact designs are made of metal in the form of thin tubes, rods, with the addition of forged products. The shape can be completely original; it all depends on the direction of the style in which the room is designed, and the desire to highlight the enclosing element or make it unnoticeable in the overall space of the room.

The base and fastening of glass screens are metal, wooden frames or handrails. But some models consist exclusively of glass, so they seem to dissolve the fence and, expanding the space, give the room a light, weightless image.

The staircase is an important element of the interior

The multi-stage design is an integral part of the arrangement of the second floor. In addition to its main function, it should harmoniously complement the existing interior and not contradict the general design concept.

One of the simple ones practical ways access to the top level is considered ladder, made of wood, metal. But due to the lack of railings and the presence of narrow steps, it has the lowest degree of safety. In addition, older people and young children may have difficulty getting up.

The best option is a one-march wooden staircase. Since one side of the flight rests against the wall, and railings are attached to the other, it is considered completely safe. IN modern interiors installed as a railing for stairs and the second tier glass panels, which look light and visually expand the internal space, but provide reliable protection. This solution is perfect for modern trends room decoration or classic style.

A ladder made of metal profiles, small diameter tubes, forged elements, with wooden steps it looks solid, capital, but at the same time light and stylish. Moreover, such structures freely transmit sunlight into the lower and upper zones.

What to pay attention to when arranging the second tier

Before making a second floor in a room with high ceilings, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. Think through to the smallest detail how it will look, decide on its functionality, and draw up a sketch. If possible, consult with a specialist in terms of choosing material, design and how to carry out the work correctly.

The size of the room and the height of the ceiling play an important role. The acceptable minimum value is 3.2 meters, but the higher the better. The choice of design of the second tier, its purpose and the possibility of installing furniture depend on this. To go upstairs you need a ladder. Taking into account the availability of free space, this is either a full-fledged flight of stairs, or a retractable system, which is quite convenient and takes up less space.

Since the add-ons are located away from the windows so that they do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the room, additional lighting is necessary. For this reason, it is preferable to design a living space bright hues, which visually remove the feeling of " low ceilings».

Considering that it is always warmer at the top, special attention should be paid to ventilation, for which you can install a fan or correctly distribute the direction air flow from the air conditioner.

The most convenient material to process at home is wood. When choosing it for arranging the second floor, you must perform the following operations:

  • assemble a strong frame from the beams (directly on the floor, or immediately fastening it to the walls using brackets);
  • lay beams on it;
  • cover the floors (suitable wooden boards, chipboard);
  • make a fence about one meter high (from any material, but special glass inserts look very respectable);
  • install a staircase (its size, shape and placement depend on the characteristics of the room).

Instead of wood, wood is often used as the main material. metallic profile and rental. Since they are thinner, the design looks neater and more modern. All work, having prepared necessary tool and material, you can do it yourself.

As was written in the previous article, when buying an apartment with a ceiling height of 4.5 m, I immediately understood what it would be like. The second level is sometimes called a mezzanine or ramp.

On the second tier you can place a bedroom, an office, I was even thinking about making a large bathroom. But being married and a stern man then I decided that on the second level there would be a bedroom and a dressing room, in a 50/50 ratio.

Here I will not talk about the convenience, practicality or design of two-level apartments. An article about the choice of material, calculation of load, height and cost of installation of metal structures in an apartment.

When I was putting things in order in the apartment, two or three “masters of their craft” came and offered their services. The funniest thing was to make a mezzanine out of wood. To my question “What to attach to the walls?” he answered with full understanding of the matter, “Wood screws”... Into a 7 cm thick aerated block partition... Just an engineering genius

For reference, there is a special fastener for the gas block. I hope that this unfortunate master did not re-roof anyone in our house. You don’t mind the money, the main thing is that the structure doesn’t collapse.

Material selection: If there was a corner on the second floor large bath, then it would be a channel. But after analyzing the maximum load, weighing myself and my wife, the choice fell on a 3x40x80 profile pipe. This is also due to the struggle for every centimeter.

Load on profile pipe

Please note that this table shows maximum load taking into account the span length. Even if the weight is exceeded by even 1 kg, this will lead to deformation profile pipe. The safety factor should exceed the design load by 2-3 times.

Height calculation: We will spend most of our time in the kitchen (1st floor); again, when guests arrive, they will also be located in the kitchen, and not in the bedroom. It was unanimous to make the first floor 225 cm, and the second 190 cm (height up to the rails).

Features of installation of metal structures:

Cost of work: The approximate cost of this metal structure in Rostov-on-Don along with the material today 50,000 rubles. It includes, Consumables, fastening, delivery and loader services.

How to make a second floor in a room?

A full second floor can be built only if the ceiling height in the room is at least 4 meters. Majority modern apartments cannot boast of such values, and therefore they can be used to organize an inferior second floor-mezzanine.

For example, if you remove there sleeping area, then a significant amount of space will be freed up in the room. How to do this and where to start?

How to calculate the parameters for the second floor in a room?

As mentioned above, to equip a full second floor, the ceiling height should not be less than 4 meters. How much space is needed to equip a sleeping place on the second tier?

It's easy to calculate. In a sitting position, a person occupies a height of approximately 1 meter, add to this value the height of the bed, the width of the mattress and blanket, and another 20 centimeters. It turns out that the second tier should be at least 1.2 meters to the ceiling.

The resulting space under the mezzanine on the lower tier must be at least 2 meters. However, this value may vary different sides, depending on how this space is supposed to be equipped.

How to make a second tier in a room?

The second tier is created using:

  • supports;
  • beams;
  • stairs;
  • gender;
  • balustrades (fencing).

In most cases, the mezzanine is made of wood. The staircase plays an important role in achieving harmonious combination first and second tiers. The ideal step is one with a step height of at least 15cm and a depth of at least 26cm. However, such a staircase will take up a lot of space and can simply overload the space. Sometimes small ones are used spiral staircases or attics. It is worth considering that the latter are not very safe, especially if there are children in the house.

A special role in the equipment of the second tier in the room should be given to the balustrade. It must be reliable and prevent a possible fall if a person, for example, stumbles. The fence should be well thought out if there are small children at home.

How to make a second floor in a room? Ventilation and light

These parameters are very important if it is planned to equip a sleeping or workplace. As is known, warm air always accumulates under the ceiling (especially during heating season). If you don’t think through the ventilation, then sleeping in the stuffiness will be simply unbearable.

Ideal if the second tier will be equipped near the ventilation grille. If this is not possible, then you need to turn to professionals who will combine the second tier with ventilation system by using flexible pipes and a fan.

Regarding lighting, then there are two options. If you plan to equip the second tier for a sleeping place, then lamps are perfect as light sources. If you are setting up a workplace, it is advisable to have access to natural light. This can be achieved by making a second tier near the window. If this is not possible, then several lamps with diffused and directional light will help to bring the lighting as close as possible to natural.

How to make a second floor in a room? Photo

Second floor in the apartment- this a great opportunity increase usable area almost doubled, but this can not be done in every apartment. A private house The good thing is that you can easily dismantle the roof and add another floor; in an apartment this scenario is simply impossible. Owners of townhouses with multi-level apartments, such as those on this site, are very lucky; they will certainly be able to realize the dream of a full second floor in an apartment.

If you dream of a second floor, then you need to carefully approach this issue, because repairs (no matter what they are: major or cosmetic) are a costly and time-consuming undertaking.

We are developing a plan for the second floor in the apartment

Start with a plan. A properly drawn up plan will not only save you energy and time, but will also protect family budget from unreasonable spending. And the first point in this regard should be technical capabilities. A full second floor can only be created in an apartment with high ceilings, otherwise you will create two whole floors, which will be uncomfortable for the whole family to live on.

It is necessary to measure the height of the ceilings, correlate possibilities with desires. So, for example, with a ceiling height of 4 meters or more, you can safely plan your second floor. If your ceilings are lower than this figure, then you need to think about what to do with your dream.

We are making a full second floor in the apartment

If your ceilings have passed the “height test” and are excellent for creating a second floor, then you need to decide on what area you will create a second floor. Some people do it over just one room, others prefer to use all the available space. Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, you need to think about where the staircase will be located, since it will occupy a certain place on the ground floor.

If you want to make a second floor above your apartment, then take into account the fact that some furniture may not fit below (cabinets higher than 2 meters) or may look ridiculous (shelves near the ceiling). It is also important to know that low ceilings will change the perception of the rooms - the space will seem small, a little uncomfortable. But on the second floor you can make several rooms (it all depends on the size of the apartment) and place the necessary things.

The option of adding an extension to only part of the apartment helps to avoid the feeling of low ceilings. Designers advise using it. This way you can achieve an increase in area without losing stylish look lower floor. But, unfortunately, the size of the apartment will not change as significantly as in the first case.

What materials are needed to create a second floor in an apartment?

In order to build a second floor, you must have a solid foundation. That is why when planning you need to take into account the walls to which the ceiling will be attached. They must be load-bearing; drywall and plasterboard are not the materials on which you can “lean”.

After you draw up a plan and double-check it carefully, you can start purchasing. You need to calculate the amount of materials needed.

Usually to create a second floor use timber. It becomes the basis, the frame, fixed on load-bearing walls. We recommend that you purchase laminated veneer lumber; it is much easier to work with. The frame will be complemented by beams that guarantee the strength of your floor. And only boards can be attached to the beams. The base for the floor is ready. This whole structure is quite heavy, add to it the weight of the furniture and the inhabitants of the apartment. Check fastening systems carefully.

How to make a staircase to the second floor in an apartment

Choosing a staircase for the second floor in an apartment is not an easy task. You will have to choose between convenience and free space. Marching staircase considered the most comfortable way to move between floors. It has railings, and even elderly or sick people can climb these steps. However, it takes up a lot of space; for example, such a staircase will not be suitable for small studio apartments (the space that you get on the second floor will be occupied by the staircase on the first).

A spiral staircase is a great compromise between space and convenience. Climbing these steps is not very difficult, and the staircase takes up much less space. The only drawback is the rise time, which increases noticeably, and the danger for children and the elderly. The fact is that the steps on such a staircase have different depths in different places, so it is easy to stumble and fall on it.

The most economical and, perhaps, the most inconvenient way is an attached “attic” ladder. It can only be used in apartments where only young and healthy people live. However, if you are making a second floor only in the nursery, then such a staircase is an excellent “simulator” for children.

Don't forget about restraints, since the risk of falling from the second floor is very high. You can make absolutely any railings on the second floor, it is important that they are high enough.

Finishing the second floor in the apartment

To make your second floor look not like a separate apartment, but as part of it, you need to create uniform design. You can decorate the second floor in the same style that is already on the first floor, or completely remodel the entire apartment. Try to use light colors to decorate ceilings and walls to eliminate the feeling of “low ceilings.” Consider lighting both on the second floor and on the first (in the part where the superstructure is located). Ventilation deserves special attention. It will always be warmer on the second floor than on the first floor. Think it over correct location air conditioner so that it does not blow directly on the bed or sofa, but cools the apartment.

Choosing furniture for the second floor in the apartment

No matter how strong the foundation of the second floor may seem to you, try to avoid heavy furniture. The greater the weight of the furniture, the greater the load on the structure, the higher the likelihood of destruction. you can use light furniture made of plastic or chipboard, but tables made of solid wood will have to be abandoned. We advise you to leave your wardrobe on the ground floor; things also weigh a lot.

Rooms with high ceilings are suitable for making a mezzanine (French - entresol). The mezzanine is the upper mezzanine built into the main volume high room residential building (apartment) or a shelf under the ceiling for storing everything you need and no longer need.

Rooms with high ceilings are suitable for making a mezzanine (French - entresol). A mezzanine is an upper mezzanine built into the main volume of a high room of a residential building (apartment) or a shelf under the ceiling for storing everything necessary and unnecessary.

On mezzanine floors very often they place rooms for relaxation (for example, bedrooms), work (secluded offices, libraries, etc.), and also, they are often used as utility spaces in the form of pantries or utility shelves under the ceiling.

The photographs below show the process of implementing one of the construction projects load-bearing structures mezzanine in an isolated apartment with a ceiling height of more than 4 m.

Construction of the second floor in a house with high ceilings

Before designing these structures, a survey was carried out existing structures five-story residential building built in the 1930s. First of all, I was interested in the question: what structures can be used as load-bearing structures to support the mezzanine?

Then the issues of location of the mezzanine, staircase, composition of the floor and flooring, provision of natural light, ventilation, etc. The sections of load-bearing metal beams and stair stringers were calculated and selected.

As can be seen in the photographs, it was decided to install a fairly steep staircase with step-by-step steps (the angle of inclination of the staircase was 58°). Such a staircase with wooden steps made of beech wood made it possible to save as much space as possible on the lower level of the apartment and fit well into the interior of the kitchen-studio space.