Entry in the work book for part-time work in one organization. Registration of part-time workers. Features of making entries about part-time work

The procedure for making entries in work book depends on the type of part-time job. How to apply for it when hiring or dismissing external and internal part-time workers, as well as in the case when part-time work becomes the main one, you will learn from the article. Entry in the work book 2015, if the employee quits of his own free will.

Part-time work can be external and internal. Internal part-time work involves an employee working in one organization in different positions in different employment contracts , external - work in different companies. Correct entries in the work book 2015, if the employee resigns of his own free will.

General rules for making entries about part-time work

An entry about part-time work is made in the work book at the request of the employee at the place of main work. The basis for making such an entry is a document confirming part-time work. This is stated in paragraph 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

Record of hiring an internal part-time worker

An employee who wishes to have a record of internal part-time work in his work book writes a free-form application addressed to the head of the personnel department or the specialist responsible for maintaining work books. It may look like this: “Please make a record of part-time work in my work book.” No other documents are required from the employee, since the organization already has all the data. The procedure for entering information about part-time work is similar to that for entering information about the main place of work. Column 3 indicates the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the organization. Below in column 1 indicate the serial number of the entry, in column 2 - the date of employment. Column 3 contains a record of employment for the corresponding position (profession, specialty). It should be noted that the employee was accepted as a part-time worker (clause 3.1 of the Instructions). In column 4 you should indicate the date and number of the employment order. An example of making such an entry is given below.

Sample entry for hiring an internal part-time worker

Record of hiring an external part-time worker

At the request of an employee who is an external part-time worker, a corresponding entry is made in the work book. In addition to the application for making such an entry, he must submit one of the documents confirming his work with another employer:

  • employment contract;
  • an extract from the order or a copy of the employment order;
  • a certificate stating that he actually works in another organization on a part-time basis. The certificate must be signed official and certified by the seal of the organization or human resources department (a sample is given below).

Dismissal of an internal part-time worker

If an employee voluntarily resigns from the place of work where he works as an internal part-time worker, but continues to work at his main place of work, in this case only a record of dismissal from the part-time job is made. There is no need to certify such a record with the seal and signature of the responsible person.

Sample certificate of part-time job


Moscow 06.02.201 5

This certificate has been issued Ivanova Elena Vasilievna is that she was hired for
part-time in Alpha organization for the position secretary With February 6, 2015 (order from 06.02.2015 14-k ).

The certificate is provided for presentation at the main place of work (organization "Master") .


A.V. Lviv


And if an employee quits two jobs at once - the main one and part-time, two entries are made. The first is about dismissal from a part-time job, and the second is about dismissal from the main place of work. In this case, the second entry is certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization or personnel department, and the employee must be familiar with it (see sample below).

Internal part-time worker becomes the main employee

There are situations when part-time work becomes the main one for an employee. In this case, the employee must first be fired from both his main place of work and his part-time job, and then hired back to his main job (see example below).

Dismissal of an external part-time worker

When making a record of the dismissal of an external part-time worker, some difficulties may arise. For example, an employee decided to quit his main job in your company and get a job in an organization where he works part-time for his main job.

In this situation, the employee must be fired from his main place of work. In addition, he must resign from his part-time job. The basis for making an entry in the work book about dismissal from a part-time job is an order. Therefore, the employee must bring to the personnel department at the main place of work a copy of the order of dismissal from the part-time job. Based on it, the HR department employee will make a record of dismissal (see sample above).

Read about how to correctly fill out a record of hiring and dismissal of an external or internal part-time worker, download ready-made samples

Read our article:

How to make an entry in the work book about part-time work

An entry in a part-time work book has a number of features. Let us remind you that the work book cannot be transferred to another company; to make an entry, the part-time worker must provide only supporting documents. But we’ll figure out which ones exactly in the article. We’ll also look at how to register a part-time job and give examples of entries.

Let us remind you: the book is handed over to the personnel officer upon hiring (or started if this is the first service) and given upon dismissal. This is a strict rule, so the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

Step 1. Contact the HR department at your main job. The initiative must come from the citizen himself. The employer cannot arbitrarily write in the book about secondary employment, but he cannot refuse (66 Articles of the Labor Code).

Step 2. Compose an application, addressing it to the person responsible for filling out the books. There are no strict requirements for the text. It, in addition to the usual document details (data of the parties, date, signature), contains the request itself and a list of attachments confirming secondary employment. The list is given in the letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3528-6-1: copies of the contract, employment order, extracts from them, certificate.

Step 3. The manager signs the order for the personnel department. It is compiled according to the organization’s record keeping traditions; there is no unified template.

Step 4. HR officer enters necessary information. It is very important not to confuse part-time and combination. These are not identical concepts labor law. Part-time work is a job accompanied by the conclusion of a contract, taking into account the time worked, annual leave etc. Combination - performing additional duties during regular time.

We will tell you how to fill out an entry in the work book about part-time work in another organization. Important: from previous entry you need to indent one line.

The first columns are drawn up as usual. In the third column it is written “Accepted to (full name of the organization) for the position of (name).” The fourth column indicates the details of the provided document-basis for hiring a second job.

To confirm the fact of dismissal from the second employer, the citizen must bring certified documents to the personnel department: a copy of the order, an extract from it, a certificate. The most important thing is that the date of termination of the contract is present and the reason is correctly indicated, using the terms Labor Code. This information will be sequentially entered into the book. No printing required.

Sometimes incidents happen: violation of the chronological sequence of records. This happens if the main thing has changed place of work and part-time work remains the same. This situation is not considered an error. But the serial numbers must be in strict order.

Domestic labor law standards directly oblige organizations and entrepreneurs using hired labor to correctly and timely register all necessary documents. Records about the start of execution job responsibilities should be entered in the work book. The exception is part-time workers, information about whose work is entered at the request of the citizen. It should be noted that the sample entry in the work book about part-time work is not approved by the norms of Russian legislation.

Registration of part-time workers

The relationship between the employer and an individual are formalized by an employment contract. This rule is mandatory and applies to both citizens working at their main place and part-time workers.

It should be noted that upon employment, the employee must provide the company with documents for review, the list of which is contained in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. One of them is a work book.

However, for part-time workers, the provisions of Article 283 of the Code provide for the obligation to provide only a passport and a document on qualifications and education. Ask for any other documentary evidence the employer cannot.

From the above it follows that a part-time worker does not need to provide a work book when applying for a job.

Regardless of whether the employee is a main employee or a part-time employee, his employment is formalized by order of the organization or entrepreneur.

Types of part-time jobs

By general rule, the record of part-time work should be located under the information about admission to the main place of work. Such data precedes information about dismissal from a position that is the main one for a citizen.

Failure to comply with this requirement may result in Negative consequences provided for by domestic legal norms.

Even in ancient times, people learned to combine activities. Men fought and worked at the same time, women were laundresses and cooks. Today, times have changed, but the desire to earn more, rather than be content with less, has not disappeared. Many citizens, for various reasons, try to get a job, and then another, seeing that the first job does not bring the necessary income.

Of course, such work has its own name, such as combination, and more than one article of the Labor Code is devoted to this issue.

The combination must not only be correctly carried out by the employee, but also correctly recorded by the employer.

After all, an employee for each of his positions receives seniority in favor of pension savings, and the employer can both help ensure that they are actively recruited, and vice versa, make sure that pension savings do not go to the employee’s account at all due to incorrect registration in labor.

It is also necessary not only to correctly record the acceptance of a part-time employee, but also to correctly enter information about his dismissal. We will talk about how to correctly record dismissal from a part-time job and other nuances of this issue in this article.

How does part-time dismissal work?

There are several types of part-time jobs, But the most common and popular combination categories, this is definitely external and internal. Let's look at each of these types and the procedure for making a dismissal record in each of them.

External part-time worker

Who is an external part-time worker? This is an employee who works simultaneously in two jobs that do not overlap each other in time, so to speak, without prejudice to employers.

Such a part-time job is called external, because the employee carries out his labor activity in two different organizations.

Dismissal in the work book is formalized as follows. First, put a serial number, then the date. The job information includes the name of the organization, followed by the fact of dismissal and the reason.

Why does the record of the dismissal of a part-time worker begin with the name of the organization?

Since the employee works simultaneously for two different employers, if the name of the organization is not included in the record, it will not be entirely clear where exactly the employee left. This small nuance is worth remembering first of all, both for employers and HR employees.

Internal part-time worker

As for internal part-time work, first of all it should consist in the fact that an employee combines two types of work on the territory of one organization, and therefore with one employer.

In order to correctly make an entry in the work book about dismissal, you should not focus on the name of the organization. You simply write the name of the position from which the dismissal is being made and the reason.

What regulatory documents are they based on?

Part-time dismissal cannot happen simply without being reflected in the organization’s documents.

So, for example, to begin with, before the fact of dismissal occurs in the organization, an appropriate order must be issued on behalf of the employer.

This order will inform about the employee’s dismissal, the reason and the position that will be vacated with his departure.

When dismissing an employee, you also need to rely on local regulations, which were published by the organization. Dismissal must not contradict issued orders. Employment contract also terminates at the moment when one of the parties decides to terminate the employment relationship.

When dismissing an employee, it is necessary to rely on the articles of the Labor Code.

How to correctly make an entry in the work book?

When leaving a part-time job, it is very important to correctly enter the information in the work book. Unfortunately, not all employers and personnel department employees are familiar with the reasons for making such entries, and have never encountered examples of such entries in their lives.

Therefore, both HR department employees and employers often make mistakes when entering an entry on the employment form, thereby creating the possibility of a change labor worker. Let's look together at how a part-time dismissal record should look correctly.

Record wording

The entry in the work book must begin with serial number . Next comes the date, which is set to the employee’s last working day. Next, we must decipher the dismissal record.

At the beginning of the line we put a record of the organization in which the employee carried out his labor activity. Next we write the phrase “dismissed from such and such a part-time position...”.

Entering information about dismissal into the work book does not end there. The next column contains the date and number of the order that was issued to the organization upon the dismissal of the employee.

Also do not forget to certify the record with the appropriate seal of the organization and the signature of its head. Only after this can we say with confidence that the recording was made correctly.

Sample entry in the work book for part-time dismissal.


The dismissal of a part-time employee must be reflected in the work book. The legislator has provided for these issues and discussed them in detail in a number of regulatory documents. Your task is to be as attentive and careful as possible when working with labor, because in fact, how the entry is made in the labor record will judge your organization and its leaders in particular. Therefore, your prestige is in your own hands.

Every citizen at a certain period of his life conducts professional activities, which are formed through the formalization of working relationships. There are several types of employment, for example, part-time. This type popular due to the possibility of receiving additional profit to income.
The primary question that interests many employers is how to correctly make a note about part-time work? , states that entering such information is not an obligation; therefore, information must be entered with the consent of the employee or employer.

How to correctly make an entry in a part-time work book?

Information about part-time work must be entered in the work book on the basis of a certificate. This document must be submitted to the main place of work. The certificate should contain information such as:

  • Company name;
  • Position in this company;
  • Date of receipt;
  • Organization details.

The head of the enterprise is obliged to present a copy of the order, which is the basis for starting the work process of combining. A copy of the order must be certified in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time work is divided into two types, each of them has certain conditions and procedures for filling out in the work book.
A sample of filling out a work book includes the presence of reliable and complete information about the place of combination. It is important to enter all order numbers and actual service start dates.

Who makes an entry about part-time work in the work book?

In large-scale companies, documentation is completed by employees of the personnel department, most often this is a personnel officer or an assistant accountant. In less large organizations the function of filling out documents lies with the chief accountant; with a minimum number of employees, the director of the organization or his secretary can enter information into the documents.
Any person designated by the manager can draw up documents and make changes.

Entry in the work book for part-time employment in another organization

An entry in the employment certificate for part-time professional activities in another organization is made at the request of the employee. Since this document is considered an official confirmation of the existing work experience, which is formed in the process of work activity.
There are situations when the permanent manager is against additional income worker, so the combination may not be documented.

Entry in the work book for internal part-time work - sample

To register a work book, you need to fill out an application. This application must contain a request for official information about the combined work.
Filling out each column in the labor book must be completed in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation. Special attention You need to pay attention to the third column of the internal document; the following information must be entered into it:

  • Company name;
  • Position held;
  • Service start date;
  • Indication of the type of work (combination).

Retrospective entry in a part-time work book

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is strictly forbidden to introduce text retroactively. Registration of books retroactively is punishable administratively. Based on practice, the punishment for retroactive entry fits under the article - forgery of documents.
You can make a note indicating a false number only in the event of the death of an employee that occurred outside the organization. A sample of such a document contains information about putting down the actual date.

Entry in the work book about transfer to permanent work from part-time work

It often happens that many part-time workers want to leave one job and get a permanent job at a part-time job. To organize this procedure for transferring to a permanent schedule, you need to create an additional agreement that will indicate changes in working conditions. These conditions apply to a permanent work schedule, wages and main responsibilities.
To make an entry in a document confirming length of service and work experience, you need to cancel the part-time agreement and draw up a permanent agreement.

Sample entry in the work book about part-time dismissal

In order to correctly formalize a combined dismissal, you need to take into account what type of combination was used - external or internal? Internal view similar to the standard text for dismissing an employee.
When combining externally, you must first indicate the name of the organization in which the employee worked.
Further data processing will occur according to the standard scheme.

The inclusion of data on the professional activity of any worker has important. If for any reason such information is missing, problematic situations may arise in the future.