“Oriental Tales” - Script for a dance group concert

Script on New Year


  1. Sultan – Vartan
  2. Scheherazade - Olya
  3. Concubines - Gohar, Elena, Nadya
  4. Vizier-Karen
  5. Aladdin-Edik
  6. Ice cream saleswoman (Snow Maiden No. 1) - Regina
  7. The Snow Queen (Snow Maiden No. 2) - Gayane
  8. The Snow Maiden is real – Anya

Music sounds:

Scheherazade comes out

I am Scheherazade. A thousand nights

I can no longer close my trembling eyes

I tell tales to the Sultan

And we weave carpets of patterned speeches

Night comes one thousand and one:

The full moon is shining in the sky

Today there will be a New Year's fairy tale -

I hope you enjoy it!

Scene 1: (Arabian night music)

The Sultan sits... Gyulchatay snores

Sultan: (calls the vizier). Syumbyuyul

Music sounds, Syumbul comes in with fruit, dancing...

Sultan: Where are my concubines?

Vizier: gariye tum hizli git sultan!!!

(Music sounds, concubines arrive)

Vizier: Smirno! Pokoorno! Unfolds the scroll and reads



Gulchatay!....Gyulchatay! Snoring is heard

Sultan: Where is Gyulchatay?

(Gyulchatay, waking up, forgetting to lower his veil, runs up to the others)

Sultan: Oh! Shut up, cover your face!

Vizier: At ease! Go your separate ways...

The wives are seated...

Sultan: Syumbyul, what’s next in our New Year’s program?

Again handing out Turkish delight to children from low-income families

Syumbyul: No, great Sultan! The storyteller Scheherazade arrived to tell the thousand and first tale

Sultan: Ah, okay, okay, let him come and take his usual place.

(Music sounds, Scheherazade comes out)

Scheherazade: Greetings, great Sultan Al-Babet! May your path be blessed, may it be strewn with delicate tulips and lilies!

Sultan: (nods majestically) What fairy tale have you prepared for us today?

Scheherazade: New Year's, oh lord

Sultan: Sleep, sleep, go to sleep...

The wives howl pleadingly...

Shahrazade: Lord, allow them to stay. I think they'll come in handy tonight

Sultan: Do you think they're good for anything? OK. Stay, Allah is with you. And Syumbyul?

Scheherazade: And we need him, the great Sultan

Syumbyul: If you think so....you can stay,

Syumbyul: ...Scheherazade makes a sign, the concubines dance. The Sultan and the Vizier are dancing… He sits down, he gets hot, the Vizier shakes his fan….

(The concubines leave...)

Scheherazade: So, on New Year's Eve in Russia, the main fairy-tale character is Father Frost, the personification of winter frosts.

Sultan: uh, wait... Is this Santa Claus - is he a real man?

Scheherazade: I think so, but why are you asking about this, great Sultan?

Sultan: If he is a real man, why does he only have one Snow Maiden? There must be at least three of them. Less than three Allah will laugh

Syumbul : We will refuse him an official reception

Scheherazade: And Santa Claus himself will not come to you.

Because New Year is not celebrated in Baghdad. It’s hot in Baghdad for Frost and the Snow Maiden: no snow, no Christmas trees...

Sultan: Why do we need this Santa Claus? With one single Snow Maiden? I myself can become Santa Claus for my people. Only I will have at least 3 Snow Maidens... At least for starters...

Sultan: Syumbul! Write a decree: I, the great powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, command that 3 real Snow Maidens be delivered to my harem alive, i.e. safe and sound, the deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

Syumbyul: I wrote everything down, sir. Who are the performers?

Sultan : Well, perhaps order Aladdin to appear here.

Calling Aladdin.....

Syumbul: I have arrived...

Music sounds, Aladdin comes in...

Aladdin: Greetings, O almighty Sultan! I wish you to rule wisely and honorably, O incomparable Al-Babet!

Sultan : Hello, our servant Aladdin. Syumbyul, announce the decree to my subjects!

Syumbyul: (unrolls the scroll) the great powerful and divinely beautiful Sultan Al-Babet, the dawn of the East and the thunderstorm of the West, commands you to deliver 3 real Snow Maidens alive to his harem, i.e. safe and sound. The deadline for execution of the command is immediate.

Aladdin: Deliver whom?

Syumbul: Snow Maiden

Aladdin: Who else are they?

Syumbyul: Mmm...as far as I understand, these are women made of snow...

Aladdin: Well, judging by what Scheherazade told us here, Snow Maidens should be beautiful, white and cold

Sultan: Beautiful, white, cold! And no less than three! Did you understand the Sultan's order?

Aladdin: Master got it!

Aladdin leaves

Vizier: gariye tum hizli git sultan

(Music sounds, concubines come out)




Greet your lord the great Sultan Al Babet! Three four…

Concubines: Hello, our kind and mighty lord!

Sultan: Good morning ladies. Today I have a great formation. I heard rumors that all my snow maidens are already on their way

(Call to mobile phone VIZIR, picks up the phone)

Vizier: Lord, Aladdin and Snow Maiden have arrived

Music sounds, Aladdin and the Snow Maiden come in)

Syumbyul: MM, are you really the Snow Maiden?

Saleswoman- Otherwise! All of us, Snow Maidens. In winter we always sell ice cream and all sorts of other things. You have to live. Buy gifts for the kids for the New Year.

Sultan (scared)Do you also have children?

Saleswoman: Otherwise! Two! (the vizier faints, the Sultan takes a broom and begins to blow air on him)

Vizier: There was an error, it doesn’t suit us

Aladdin: And what? What's not to like? The woman is prominent, portly, in her prime...

Vizier: There is no arguing about tastes, take her away...

Concubine No. 1 (Gohar):I wonder what she is like, this Snow Maiden?

Concubine No. 2 (Lena):You will be more beautiful.

Concubine No. 1 (Goar):She is all white, not like us...

Concubine #2 (Lena):They say she doesn't even wear a veil. What a shame!

Gyulchatay: Give them, men, such shameless northern women!

Vizier: Silence!

(Call to mobile phone)

Vizier: My lord, we have arrived

(Music plays, Aladdin leads the Snow Queen, who shouts at him)

Aladdin: Before you, great Sultan, is the woman you ordered: white, cold and beautiful too.

Sultan: exactly?

Aladdin: You offend me, beautiful, temperamental - a real Snow Maiden. I really Far North found it in the ice palace.

The Snow Queen:What kind of Snow Maiden do you think I am, villain? Tambov wolf for you Snow Maiden (straightens up proudly) I am the Snow Queen, mistress of the icy expanses and cold winds!

Sultan: Syumbyul, and this is not the Snow Maiden!

The Snow Queen:Ahh, is it you, the one in charge here, wearing the big turban? Take me back home immediately!

Syumbul : How dare you speak so disrespectfully to the Sultan of Baghdad himself?

The Snow Queen:Think about it, Sultan! Yes, I will turn any Sultan into ice and stab him into pieces. (steps on the Sultan’s foot, the Sultan begins to squeal in pain, the vizier helps him)

Gyulchatay: First, freeze me, big-nosed icicle. (Attacks the Snow Maiden)

Gyulchatay: You'll know...Go to your ice palace - you'll scare your polar bears there(Aladdin takes her away)

Music sounds, Scheherazade appears

Scheherazade: Mister, only I can call the Snow Maiden

Sultan: I commanded you... I am Scheherazade, on behalf of all the people of Baghdad, I ask you to get us a real Snow Maiden, at least one!

Scheherazade: And the real Snow Maiden is already alone, making a finger

(music sounds, Snow Maiden arrives)

Sultan: Welcome to Baghdad, beauty! Make yourself comfortable, make yourself at home! Would you like some wine? Sherbet? Peaches? Or maybe you smoke hookah?

Snow Maiden: No, thanks, I don't smoke. And in general, we don’t know each other.

Sultan: Syumbyuyul! Introduce me to the lady

Syumbyul: The Grand Sultan of Baghdad Al-Babet is at your service.

Snow Maiden: Very nice. Why did you invite me? Where is the Christmas tree? Where are children?

Sultan: Children again (indignantly). Why children when there is a handsome adult man, and a Sultan to boot?

Snow Maiden : This is my profession - to spend holidays, amuse children, give them gifts. And I see you have someone to amuse (points to wives)

After all, Today is the New Year - a happy day. And I’m also in a hurry to see my grandfather.

Sultan: Well, thank you, Snow Maiden, that you and I had fun that night: we have to go.

Scheherazade: Yes, sir, it turned out to be a hectic fairy tale. But the ending is happy.


Scenario for an educational and entertaining extracurricular activity “The Mysterious East”

The event takes place in the form of a game-travel through the stations.

Goals: introduce you to the culture and way of life of the East; broaden the horizons of students; develop creative abilities.

Equipment: to create an oriental flavor, it is necessary to decorate the stations colorfully.

“The East is the land of fairy tales” - in the form of a palace in the style of “A Thousand and One Nights”.

“The East is the land of the sages” - a meeting of elders, several sages are sitting on ottomans.

“The East is the country of merchants” - in the form of an oriental bazaar.

“The East is a wonderful country” - mirror, cabinet and ottomans.

“The East is a land of treasures” - in the form of a cave of genies.

Progress of the event

The event can be held both in one class and between class groups, which will help establish and strengthen relationships between students in the class and parallel. Five teams of players compete with each other for the right to possess the treasures of the East. For efficiency, it is better to make teams into national teams. When completing tasks at the station, teams are given a hint about the location of the treasure.

At the beginning of the game, participants are offered a warm-up competition, during which the teams will receive a hint where the treasures are.

Warm-up competition

The completeness of the answer and resourcefulness, humor, and originality in the depiction of the camel are assessed.

The East is a mysterious and alluring land, and probably the most attractive thing about it is the endless sand dunes. But how can you travel through them? Name the main means of transport in the desert and draw a picture of it. (They are called ships of the desert. And it is true that for a long time domestic camels were an indispensable transport of deserts. Who else, without food and water under the scorching rays of the sun, can move for many days in a row, covering 80-90 km daily? A camel is a hardy animal, well adapted for life in the desert. He has thick calluses on his feet, and he does not suffer from the hot sand of the sun. The wool is thick and long, which helps to withstand the heat of the day and the cold of the night. The camel is very undemanding about food. It eats thorny bushes and herbs that other animals do not eat. But even this modest food helps to accumulate a lot of fat in the humps. Using this reserve, a camel can go without food for several days. In many places, camels are still indispensable. And not just as transport. Desert inhabitants also use milk, wool, and camel skin.)

Station "East - the land of fairy tales"

At this station, teams are asked to remember a fairy tale that would be associated with the East: heroes, magical objects, animals, places and settlements. And try by choosing key moment in a fairy tale, dramatize it. For example, a dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale about King Shahriyar (“A Thousand and One Nights”).





Narrator. King Shahriyar began to take an innocent girl for himself every night, and then kill her. And this went on for three years. People fled in horror with their daughters from the city. Finally, there was not a single girl of marriageable age left. So, when one day the king ordered his vizier to bring the girl, as usual, he began to look, but did not find her. The vizier walked home in a gloomy mood and thought.

Vizier. How can I now escape from the royal disgrace? I have two daughters: the eldest is Shahrazada, she read many books and collected a thousand chronicle books dating back to ancient times, telling about poets and kings, and the youngest is the beautiful Dunyazada.

Shahrazade. Why are you, father, concerned and saddened? Tell me without hiding.

Vizier. For a long time, daughter, I have served King Shahryar and always followed his orders, but now I cannot fulfill his will.

Shahrazade. For the sake of Allah, father, give me in marriage to Shahryar, and then I will either live or become a ransom for the daughters of Muslims and save them from death.

Vizier. I beseech you by Allah, you should not expose yourself to such danger!

Shahrazade. This is meant to be.

Narrator. Resigned, the vizier dressed her up and took her to King Shahryar. And before that, Shahrazad explained to her sister what she should do.

Scheherazade. Dunyazada, I will come to the king and will soon send for you, and when you appear and see that he is already with me, ask: “Oh, sister, talk to us and tell us something.” This will be, by Allah’s permission, our salvation.

Narrator. And so the vizier, Shahrazad's father, came to the king. When he saw him, he was happy and asked her.

Tsar. Have you delivered what I need?

Vizier. Yes!

Narrator. Shahriyar immediately went in to Shahrazade, but she began to cry, and he asked her.

Tsar. What happened to you?

Scheherazade. O king, I have a little sister, and I want to say goodbye to her.

Narrator. Then the king sent for Dunyazada, and she, coming to her sister, hugged her and sat down on the floor near the bed. Then the king began to talk with Shahrazad. And then Dunyazada asked.

Dunyazada. I conjure you by Allah, sister, tell us something so that this night will end quickly.

Shahrazade. With love and desire, if our most worthy king allows me.

Narrator. The king, who suffered from insomnia, was glad to listen to the story and allowed it. Since then, every night Shahrazad told tales to the king and saved many innocent girls from death.

Station "East - the land of the wise"

The East is the birthplace of great sages and philosophers, scientists and poets.

The tests that await you to get the next clue will be on your intelligence and erudition.

Competition "Message"

There is a message hidden in the bottle, if you can decipher it, you will receive the next clue.


(Hint answer: desert treasures.)

Competition of experts

What do these words mean?

1. Chang is...

a) a vessel for storing oil;

b) musical instrument;

c) saber of Persian guards.

2. Dirham is...

a) the area where the oriental bazaar is located;

b) a water jug ​​worn on the head;

c) small coin.

3. The sofa is...

a) a collection of poems or a collection of sages;

b) this is what older people are called in the East;

c) pasha's bed.

4. A mosque is...

a) a place where great sages gather;

b) Muslim temple;

5. The teahouse is...

a) a vessel for storing tea leaves;

b) a kitchen maid;

c) tea shop.

Interpretation competition

Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) - Iranian poet, philosopher, astronomer, mathematician. He spent his childhood and youth in his native Nishapur, a large cultural center Iran. He studied at a religious Muslim school, where major officials were trained for public service. While studying philosophy, physics, astronomy, he also studied the Koran, mathematics, law, and knew perfectly Arabic and Arabic literature. In addition, he mastered the basics of versification and was skilled in astrology and healing. The poetry of Omar Khayyam is imbued with the spirit of philosophical quest, the desire for a bright, beautiful life. Without revealing the secrets of existence that tormented him, the sage asked his readers many insoluble questions, which researchers of his poetry are still struggling with. His fellow countrymen awarded him the honorary title “King of Philosophers of the West and East.”

What did Omar Khayyam mean when he wrote the following lines?

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -

It’s better to give happiness to someone close.

It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,

How to free humanity from its shackles.

(The poet gives wise advice: pay attention to your loved ones, make them happy, this will bring the happiness of all mankind closer.)

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,

Try to pretend to be a donkey without words,

For everyone who is not an ass, these fools

They are immediately accused of undermining the foundations.

(The poet believes that many people stubbornly do not want to acknowledge new discoveries, believing that everything in life has already been discovered and invented.)

Someone wise inspired me as I dozed off:

“Wake up, you won’t become happy in your sleep.

Great ones, who raised the banner of knowledge,

The luminaries of poetry sparkled,

And those from the darkness did not escape the night -

They told us a fairy tale and fell asleep.”

(The poet complains that man is often powerless before the secrets of nature, no matter how much he strives for knowledge.)

Having correctly solved all the riddles of the sages of the East, students receive the next clue.

Station "East - the country of merchants"

Caravans came to the city, they brought a lot of rich goods with them. The oriental bazaar is spices, silks, camels, gold, people. That's where we are now.

Eastern merchants were famous for their skills, try selling the following items:

Burnt out light bulb;

Broken handle;

Empty plastic bottle;

Leaky plastic bag;

Old postcard;

Comb without teeth.

Station "East - a beautiful country"

Local beauties have always been considered the pearl of the East: belly dancing, colorful outfits, intricate hairstyles, hands and faces painted with henna.

The teams' task is to turn one of the participants into an oriental beauty.

Station "Vostok - Land of Treasures"

All treasures in the East were guarded, and most often by genies. The genies are very dangerous and smart, the treasures will go only to those who can solve all the riddles.

1. It’s better not to get caught by the head teacher if you’re skipping class at that moment.

Judging by the saying, if out of them, then out of my heart! In the old days they were called “eyes”. (Eyes.)

2. They say that they lead for him if someone is cunning or deceiving. On it you can “notch” yourself a paragraph from a textbook.

They stay with him when they get into trouble. (Nose.)

3. They usually get bullshit.

It is better to hear when they are located on the top of the head.

They were stepped on by a bear for those who don't have musical ear. (Ears.)

4. They say that they are at such a distance from death in a moment of danger.

In moments of fright, they can stand on end.

They are girlish beauty. (Hair.)

5. When a person is cold, they turn blue.

In the old days they were called “mouths”.

According to the song, they come in a bow. (Lips.)

6. Sometimes they are cottony.

They faint from fear.

Models have them from the neck. (Legs.)

7. They ask for self-control when a person is nervous or behaves inappropriately.

They come in gold, but are not hallmarked.

If everything turns out badly, they say that they are crooked. (Hands.)

The guys receive the last clue and go in search of the “treasure”.

At the end of the game, the teams, in addition to the “treasures of the East” they found, receive comic prizes (decorations, a trip “on a magic carpet around the school”... etc.).

Many consider the New Year to be a family holiday, but, you must admit, sometimes you want to give up on everything, rush far, far away and spend New Year's Eve somewhere in Hawaii or in the luxurious palace of an eastern ruler.

Have you decided to celebrate the New Year in oriental style? Notify your acquaintances, friends and relatives with whom you are going to spend this fabulous night in advance. An invitation can be made, for example, in the form of a papyrus scroll with the text:

How to celebrate the New Year in oriental style

New Year in oriental style? We weren't joking. There will be a night with Scheherazade! We will be glad to see all guests. Let's sing and have fun. You will need our address...

If you want to create an Oriental atmosphere in your home, start with the hallway: the light here should be dim. Hang a crescent-shaped sconce or place candles in a beautiful bronze candle holder. Drape the doorway with transparent chiffon curtains or just gauze painted blue, pink or purple. Attach small stars to the curtains different colors, cut out of foil. You can hang oriental paintings, compositions of dried flowers or decorative plates on the walls.

In the room where the celebration will take place, create the effect of a starry sky using a ball suspended from the ceiling with small fragments of a mirror glued to it, which is illuminated by a beam of light (for example, from an overhead projector). Or stretch a fishing line along the diagonals of the room, onto which, using threads of different lengths, hang a variety of different foil stars. You can reach the stars with your hand - it’s just a miracle!

In one of the corners of the room, build a tent from translucent fabric, scarves, New Year's garlands, rain and tinsel, in which gifts will be stored. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can decorate a palm tree, ficus or other exotic plant and place it next to the tent. Hang a large fan on the wall or decorative panel made of dark wood. On coffee table place a hookah, put aromatic candles in carved candlesticks that will fill the air with incense. Special attention pay attention to house plants - it’s good if there are palm trees, bamboo and exotic flowers in the room.

New Year in oriental style: interior, details

In the East there was no high wooden furniture, pillows, carpets and various mats were used instead. Unusual and colorful textiles are the main difference eastern interior. They create coziness and fantastic comfort. Therefore, it is better to take chairs and armchairs out of the room, and lay out many pillows of the brightest colors on the floor and sofa.

Oriental tables are low, with thick straight legs and a rectangular tabletop, often decorated with metal and carvings along the entire perimeter. If you don’t have such a low table at which people sit on cushions, do without it at all, and place the dishes directly on the carpet covered with a tablecloth.

When inviting guests “to the East,” invite them to come in stylized costumes. If guests have not shown proper participation, invite them to transform themselves on the spot, creating costumes from scrap materials - scarves, large scarves (120 x 90 cm), jewelry. You can make harem pants from two long scarves.

To do this, wrap one short side of the scarf around your waist and tie it in a knot at the side, and tie the other at your ankle. Tie the second scarf on the other side in the same way. If you take scarves that are a little longer (150 x 90), you can even make a jumpsuit. To do this, one short side of the first scarf must be tied not at the waist, but from under the right armpit on the left shoulder, and the other, still at the ankle. The second scarf is tied in reverse.

The bodice of a women's suit can be made from a scarf or scarf. To do this, wrap the scarf around your neck, cross the ends on your back, pass it under your arms and, covering your chest with them, tie a knot in the front. Another option: wrap the scarf around your chest and tie it on your back with a knot, throw the remaining ends over your shoulders forward and, grabbing the scarf in the middle, tie it in a knot.

All that remains is to make the headdress - and the oriental costume is ready. You can put a scarf on your head, covering your forehead with it, and tie the loose ends into a knot at the back, twist it into a tight tourniquet and, holding it by the tail, wrap it around your head, and pass the end through the base of the tourniquet from behind. It turns out something like a turban. You can put the scarf on backwards, gather the ends on the forehead, twist and throw it back, and tuck the free edges under the scarf at the back - you will get a turban.

The scarf can be tied on the head like an Arabic headscarf. To do this, we throw the short side over the head, covering the forehead, and tie the ends at the back of the head over the scarf, while the other side hangs freely, covering the hair and shoulders. If you don’t want to wear a headdress, you can use oriental jewelry and tiaras. And of course, you can offer guests pre-prepared masks with veils.

Cards, runes, hookah smoke and catchy oriental music will help you rise above reality and, accompanied by Scheherazade and the Sultan, replacing the Snow Maiden and Father Frost, enter the New Year.

Yulia Avdeeva
Party in oriental style

For children 5-7 years old and their parents visiting the studio oriental dance. Party better to do it at the end school year. When children are already sufficiently familiar with Arab culture and basic movements and sequences oriental dance.


Rugs to cover the entire floor, pillows according to the number of children with tassels in oriental style; For games: plastic plates decorated in oriental style, "sham" fruit, 3 belts for oriental dances , 3 scarves, jewelry; "book of laws", musical instruments (sagat, darbuka, mazhar); For tea party: grapes, halva, any oriental sweets.



Vizier Shamsudin

Hajja Nasreddin

Two guards

The hall resembles an Arab palace, there are strange birds on the walls...

The Great Emir enters the hall, holding a bowl of halva in his hands, wailing and groaning...


Oh, woe is me, woe is me...

I loved halva since childhood

With nuts and poppy seeds.

And, giving her praise,

I tasted it with gusto.

But for many years now

All life has lost its meaning.

And, although I am fabulously rich,

It’s not sweet for me, but sour...


Ah, alas, alas, alas

I have lost the taste of halva

I have lost the taste of halva

Sultan: Where is my vizier Shamsudin? I order him to appear!

(the guards part and the vizier enters the hall)

Vizier: I am listening to you, O Great Sultan

Sultan: Shamsudin, order to send the best doctor, let him heal my illness! I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t be happy, I dream of tasting halva again!

Vizier: Oh, lord, but all the best healers, great magicians from overseas countries have already visited you, and they are all powerless...

Sultan: Oh woe is me, woe is me... I'll go lie down, maybe sleep will bring relief. And you, my faithful servant and good friend, Shamsudin, don’t close your eyes, but come up with a way to heal me.

(The Sultan goes into the background, lies down on the pillows. The Vizier takes out a large book of laws)

Vizier: Well, I have nothing else to do - think about your healing!

(in a conspiratorial tone) As long as the Sultan is in this state, I will rule the country, and no one can stop me (laughs, takes out a pen and starts writing) I, the Great Sultan, the ruler East, I command: introduce a quitrent in the amount of 100 liras for the creaking of a gate, 300 liras for a dog barking in the courtyard of a house, if someone sees a chicken in a dream, he will pay 500 liras, and whoever sees the Great Sultan in a dream will give 1000 liras quitrent...

Sultan: What are you saying to yourself there, Shamsudin? I can't sleep! I want songs and dances!

Vizier: As you order, O Most Serene One!

(The Vizier leaves, the girls enter the hall)

Girls perform the SHAW DANCE

(Noise and screams are heard... The guard brings the young man)

Hajja Nasreddin: (screams indignantly) O Great Sultan east. This can't go on any longer! The people are outraged by the rents that you take from them! People no longer have anything to feed their children, and you keep getting richer and richer!

Sultan: Whaaat! How dare you, impudent boy, accuse the Sultan himself! Guards, execute him!

(the guards clumsily try to catch the boy, Haja Nasreddin deftly dodges)

Hajja Nasreddin: Stop! Have mercy on me, Great Sovereign, I can serve you well.

Sultan: (indignantly) What can you do, boy!

Hajja Nasreddin: Everyone knows what trouble happened to you. That you have lost the taste of halva. I know how to help this trouble!

(The Sultan calls the guards away with a gesture)

Sultan: (eagerly) Speak up, don’t delay! What do we have to do?

Hajja Nasreddin: Here Look: everything that happens to us has its cause and effect. Do you think that you have lost the taste of halva and that makes you sad?

Sultan: (thoughtfully) Yes…

Hajja Nasreddin: But in fact everything is just right vice versa: You lost the ability to laugh even earlier and because of this you stopped feeling the taste of halva.

Sultan: And what follows from this?

Hajja Nasreddin: and the fact that the medicine that will cure the Great Sultan is LAUGHTER! And your children will help you with this. Only they know a lot of cheerful, kind and funny games. Guys, let's help the Sultan return the taste of halva?

Children: Yes!

Hajja Nasreddin chooses three couples "mother Daughter" and holds a competition « ORIENTAL BEAUTY» . The girls, for a while, must each dress their mother in an Arabic costume. (jewelry, belt with coins, head scarf). The game is played several times.

Sultan: Well done! Well done! I want more fun games.

Hajja Nasreddin: Everyone knows that eastern girls are the most graceful, they can carry jugs of water on their heads and not spill a drop. And our beauties will have to carry a tray of fruit on their heads without using their hands.

A RELAY RACE GAME IS BEING HELD: girls are divided into two teams, in turn each team member must carry a plastic plate with a prop on her head (lungs) fruit and pass it on to the next team member. Whose team will complete the task faster? (Several mothers can be involved in the competition)

(The Sultan becomes a little more cheerful, actively "sick" for the relay participants, claps his hands)

At the end of the game, Khaja Nasreddin invites the Sultan to compete with each other. The Sultan runs clumsily and drops his plate, causing everyone present to laugh.

Sultan: (holding your lower back) Oh, you’ve tired me, I’ll go and lie down and rest. And you (addressing the girls) dance!

SOLO (Dance to the drums)

Sultan: (addressing the girl dancer) Eco, you do everything smartly. Will you teach me, an old man?

The Sultan clumsily repeats the girl’s movements, breaking into an uncontrollable dance. The Sultan dances, laughs, and has fun with all his heart.

Sultan: Thank you guys, we had a lot of fun, we had so much fun! Finally, the taste of my favorite halva will return to me! (runs to the bowl of halva, tastes it and sighs in disappointment) I don't feel anything... (screams angrily) How dare you, impudent boy, lead the Sultan himself by the nose! Guards! Execute!

Hajja Nasreddin: Wait! I think I know why the taste of halva did not return to you: Something else needs to be done. Cancel all unfair taxes and taxes imposed by you.

Sultan: What kind of taxes? Guards! Bring me the book of laws!

(The Sultan flips through the book of laws and is perplexed)

Sultan: tax for squeaking gates?. for a dog barking?. Guards! Vizier Shamsudin to me! Immediately!

(The guards turn on the vizier)

Sultan: How could you, Shamsudin, take advantage of the misfortune that happened to me and for many years publish the most absurd laws in the name of the Great Sultan? Guards! Execute!

Vizier: Oh, Lord! Oh, the light of my eyes! O Sun of Suns! I'm sorry! They didn't order the execution! I realized everything...

Hajja Nasreddin: Lord, let's forgive? Friends, what do you think? (children and parents speak out in favor of forgiving the vizier)

Sultan: Well, then everyone listen to my decree! All taxes and duties introduced by Vizier Shamsudin, without my knowledge, should be cancelled! And forgive the vizier himself, but demote him to gardener! And let him grow as many roses in my garden as he collected taxes from the unfortunate residents!

(Hadja Nasreddin brings the Sultan a bowl of halva. The Sultan, sighing in defeat, tries it, and... Oh, miracle! The taste has returned)

The Sultan invites everyone to dance. A DANCE FLASHMOB is being held for everyone present at party.

Sultan: Thank you, my dears! You, with your kindness and pure hearts, have given me back the joy of life!

Hajja Nasreddin: Be happy and smile more often!

Vizier: Be kind and honest!

(the characters say goodbye and leave to the music)

A party continues and a tea party is announced for all those present.

During the tea party, you can show several solo and group dance numbers and a number performed by an Arab folk orchestra musical instruments (sagat, darbuka, mazhar).