Installing a mortise lock on a homemade door. Installation of mortise locks. Preparing the site for the plank, final stage and check

Every person tries to protect his house or apartment with all possible ways. One of these methods is a reliable entrance door with an equally reliable lock that protects your home from unwanted entry. Very often they are installed on interior doors in order to provide cozy atmosphere etc.

Installing a durable locking mechanism is a rather labor-intensive and responsible process. There is no need to rush here; all actions should be as accurate as possible. Every detail and every little detail during installation has great importance. However, if everything is done with maximum precision, very scrupulously and carefully, then even the most a common person without any special knowledge or skills in this area.

Locks may differ in size, in the principle of operation of the mechanism as a whole, in the installation method, and in the level of reliability that they provide. The last parameter is the most important. It is influenced by various factors. But first, let's figure out what types and types of doors exist. This will help you make the right choice.

Differences in reliability level

In the selection process, each person is primarily interested in the level of reliability of the mechanism, the presence of a variety of protective functions etc. It must be said that ideal devices in this regard simply do not exist. Manufacturers can become more sophisticated different ways, but there will always be someone who can get inside the keys. That is why all models that are currently being produced can be divided into four reliability categories. To be more precise, then we're talking about about how long it may take a burglar to open a door without keys, that is, to break into it.

The third category has a higher level of reliability. To open such devices without keys, an attacker will need more than ten minutes. This time, as a rule, is enough for law enforcement officers to respond to a call. If, of course, the room is equipped with an alarm system.
As for the fourth category, it is considered the most reliable. To open a model from this category, even a person with very extensive experience will have to spend more than thirty minutes. These locks are suitable for installation on front door.

Differences in installation method

If we talk about installation methods, then all locks are divided into three categories:

  • Mortise type.
  • Overhead type.
  • Mounted type.

We will now look at each of these types according to their level of reliability.

Mounted models

They are quite easy to hack, regardless of their complexity. Just one movement with a pry bar is enough to either break the mechanism or completely rip off its hinges. Installing such a model on the front door is a very bad idea. They are most suitable for locking sheds and other premises of a similar nature, where there are no valuables.

Overhead models

Such devices cannot be called too reliable either. As a rule, they are chosen only because there is no need to violate the integrity of the beautiful door leaf. As you understand, if the latter is weakened, then such a door can no longer be called too reliable. It can be knocked out with just a strong blow. Another disadvantage of overhead models is that they spoil all the beauty. But this nuance is least paid attention to, since similar models are considered the most reliable. But we note that such devices are not installed on metal products.

Mortise models

They are installed both on metal entrance doors and on interior doors of any type. Such locks have one significant advantage, which is their hidden installation. In the case of interior doors, this characteristic gives the door more aesthetics. If we talk about entrance doors, then hidden installation serves as an additional barrier for a burglar. Therefore, we can say with confidence that mortise models have the highest level of reliability. Especially if they are installed on a metal sheet.

Of course, when comparing mortise-type and overlay-type mechanisms, their level of reliability is approximately the same. The main role in this case is played by the material from which the canvas is made. On metal doors using both models will give approximately the same result. Therefore, everything here depends solely on what you choose. WITH wooden panels this trick won't work.

About locking mechanisms

In addition to everything that was written above, products are also classified according to the method of locking. Not only reliability, but also ease of subsequent operation also depends on it. There are several locking mechanisms.

1) Crossbar devices. Such products are distinguished by the fact that they are opened not by turning the key, but by its linear movement. To do this, the key must be long enough and have special oblique slots. The main disadvantage is that a person will have to carry a rather large key with him.

2) Electronic models. Previously, they were installed only in cars. But times are changing. Now similar mechanisms are installed on regular doors. Control is done by typing the desired combination of letters and numbers. For this, a special panel or simply a magnetic key can be used. Many professionals tend to consider such a device the most reliable. However, one detail needs to be clarified. The lock must remain closed even if the power is completely cut off. Another nuance concerns electronics. An experienced professional is quite capable of deceiving her.

3) Code. The main and only advantage of this model lies in the fact that you do not need a key in the material sense. Essentially, the key is a code number that you should always keep in your mind. However, nothing lasts forever. The older the mechanism, the more its buttons wear out and become stuck, which makes the job easier for burglars. After all, this will help them easily determine which buttons and in what order are used most often.

4) Level models. They are considered classics of the genre. They are created on the basis of a set of special code plates and a rather massive core. It is almost impossible to physically damage such a mechanism. But it is quite possible to open it with a master key. The more slots the key has, the more levers will be used in the mechanism. This makes the job of burglars much more difficult.

5) Cylinder products. They are the most common. The high demand is due to several factors.

A) it is very difficult to find a master key for such a device.

B) the keys are compact.

Of course, there are also models called screw ones. However, they are usually installed in sheds, garages and basements. Note that at the castle High Quality must have a certificate. It must specify the level of reliability, the material used in manufacturing, as well as other nuances.

Installation process

As we wrote above, the installation process requires maximum precision and attention, and cannot be rushed. Attention is paid to every little thing and detail. However, if you follow everything with utmost precision. Then each person can install the locking product independently.

Where to begin

The first step is to choose the appropriate type of lock, which is not always easy. There are many devices sold in specialized markets, such as domestic production, and imported. All of them differ in their quality characteristics and cost. Which model to choose depends on these parameters. However, in this case you should not save, as this may not always be justified. It's best to spend once and buy reliable device at a high price that will last you for many years.

Preparing tools

To install the lock in a minimum amount of time, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary tools. This work does not require the use of any special devices. As a rule, everything you need is available in every home.

  • Hammer.
  • Electric drill and a set of drills.
  • Chisel and chisel.
  • Ruler, tape measure.
  • Pencil, square.

How to install a mortise lock

First, let's look at how to install a mortise device in a door. Such mechanisms got their name due to the fact that they are completely hidden in the door leaf.


Before you begin the installation process, the door leaf must be securely fixed. The entire structure should not wobble or move. This will allow you to more accurately mark and carry out the necessary installation steps as accurately and efficiently as possible.

Cutting a groove for the lock body

The first stage is cutting out the plane where the mechanism itself will be placed. Before this, it is necessary to attach the back surface of the lock to the end part of the blade. It is she who will go deeper into the door. Then you need to outline it with a pencil. After this, you can begin sampling the nest. In the beginning, a drill is used for this. With its help, channels are drilled within the markings. In this case, it is advisable to use drills that do not exceed the thickness of the lock itself.

Next, the internal surfaces of the socket are leveled using a chisel and chisel. At this stage, it is extremely important to pay attention to how smoothly the device is inserted. Distortions, even very minor ones, should not be allowed. Note that you need to drill out the socket gradually.

When the sampling process is completed, the lock is fitted to the socket to the groove. If the lock fits in easily, then you can start cutting out a niche for its bottom plate. The device is applied to the desired location on the edge of the door and outlined with a pencil. Next, you need to use a chisel and chisel to select a recess in the wood so that the outer plank is hidden flush with the end of the door.

Cutting a hole

At this stage, the locking structure is installed. To do this, the lock is applied to the door to adjust the thickness taking into account the outer strip. Next, you need to mark the places for drilling, which is done with a very thin drill. After this, the finished channels are finished with a chisel. If the lock has a handle and an additional latch, then for them you also need to drill channels in which the rod will be placed connecting the handle, screws and latch switch. No mistakes should be made. Otherwise, they will immediately become noticeable the first time you use them. After this, the lock must be placed in the hole and secured with screws or self-tapping screws.

Installation of the response mechanism

Installing a response mechanism is The final stage. Grooves for bolt locks are being installed. The latch, if any, is also mounted. In addition, it is necessary to carry out accurate and neat orientation markings. For this, it is best to use regular chalk. After this, you need to close the door and turn the key. Those areas that are smeared will leave a noticeable mark on the door frame. It will mark the place where you need to cut out the nesting hole. This is done in the same way as described above. Note that the nest itself should have small reserves in size. This will ensure easy movement of the mechanism during operation. Now you can fix the metal striker plate with screws or self-tapping screws.

It's time to check the operation of the lock by closing and opening it several times. Only after everything works smoothly, without jerks, can the work be considered completed successfully.

Installation of the invoice model

Overhead devices are much easier to install. They are installed by simply applying them to the door. The tools used are the same as for mortise model. First the marking is done. The space for the lock cylinder is designated separately. After this, channels are drilled with a thin drill, which are finalized using a chisel and chisel. You can also use crowns to specially select some holes that have a large diameter.

When the hole is ready, the mechanism is installed and fixed with self-tapping screws or screws of suitable length. Then you need to check the functionality of the device by opening and closing. The key should turn smoothly and easily. Then a metal striker plate is placed on the body door frame. To do this, you need to close the door and close the lock so that the locking bolt moves out. He will leave a mark where you need to make a recess in the tree. It is in this place that the locking plate will subsequently be installed. It is fixed with screws or self-tapping screws.

At the final stage, a thorough check is carried out to see how accurately, smoothly and easily all the parts work. If there are no defects, we can assume that the work has been done with high quality.

Video. Installing a lock on an interior door

Video. Do-it-yourself door lock mortise

The quality of the locks matters main role in the matter of ensuring the safety of living or working premises. A metal door is an excellent security guard, but sometimes drilling a piece into the door is easier than breaking into a secure one. locking device. Today, there are many different systems on the market depending on the type of fastener and purpose: overhead and mortise, lever and cylinder, mechanical and magnetic guards are in demand everywhere. Installing a mortise lock is perhaps the most common service among consumers. The specialists of the World of Keys company will help you correctly install and check the functionality of the mechanism.

Advantages of mortise locks

Popularity of mechanisms mortise type explainable. Door mortise locks, the installation of which, by the way, is not more difficult to install overhead devices are almost impossible to open with a master key or cut with a special tool. Representing a single whole with the door leaf, such mechanisms scare off uninvited guests who prefer to deal with overhead structures. Installing a mortise lock on the front door of a residential building or an executive's office virtually eliminates the entry of unauthorized persons. Of course, we are talking about quality products well-known brands and competent installation. Mortise locks can be mechanical or electronic. They have many advantages over overhead structures.

  • Invisible inside the door leaf.
  • Not subject to mechanical stress.
  • They are resistant to temperature changes.
  • They serve flawlessly and for a long time.
  • Compact dimensions and ease of replacement.
  • Access is only possible through a borehole.

Level or cylinder? Let's put both!

When choosing a lock, it is important to pay attention to the degree of reliability, possibility of replacement, and materials of manufacture. Almost everything mortise mechanisms made from durable steel or brass with polymer coating, which eliminates the occurrence of corrosion when interacting with water. The variety of mortise devices is amazing: they can be with or without a latch, with varying amounts crossbars, with armor plates and other components. Installation of a mortise lock, the price of which will not greatly affect family budget, must be carried out by specialists who have professional tool. The most popular designs are lever and cylinder mortise mechanisms.

  • Level locks - perfect solution for metal doors. High level reliability, additional reinforcement, and strong keys make hacking such devices almost impossible.
  • Cylinder models are distinguished by their affordable cost, the ability to replace the cylinder without purchasing a new lock, ease of operation, and long service life. uninterrupted operation under any load.

The installation of a mortise lock, the cost of which can vary quite greatly depending on the brand and degree of protection, should be carried out by a professional who will take into account the condition of the door leaf, wall materials, and the traffic flow of the room. You should not get carried away with the number of locks; it is better to install two reliable mechanisms: one of the lever type, the second of the cylinder type. Our company's technicians have extensive experience in installing locks. different designs, are always up to date with new products and will be able to offer current solutions from leading manufacturers at a reasonable price.

The method of installing a padlock depends on the object on which the installation is carried out. Most often we are talking about wooden and metal doors or gates, wickets or grilles that protect equipment from unauthorized access. Padlocks are often used to lock using a steel chain; this technique does not require the installation of lugs: just wrap the chain around metal bars or a picket fence and the door is locked.

Installing a padlock on wooden doors

To install a padlock on wooden doors you will need the following tools and equipment:

Eyelets, which are often supplied with the lock;

Chisel and hammer;

Screwdriver or screwdriver;

Self-tapping screws or screws from the lock kit.

A place to install the lock is selected; the height should be convenient for opening by everyone who has access to this door. Markings are made on the door jamb and the side of the door leaf. To do this, each eye is circled with a simple pencil, they should be located parallel to each other.

After marking, you need to use a chisel and hammer to select doorjamb and the canvas to a depth equal to the thickness of the eyelet. You can overdo it in this case, it will reduce the risk that the staples will touch each other when opening the door, but not by much, since the selected part will not look very attractive.

Once the platform for the eyelets has been selected, all that remains is to fasten it with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws through the factory holes. If the wood is hard, then you must first drill shallow holes using a thin drill. After installing the eyes, all that remains is to attach the lock.

Installing a padlock on steel doors or gates

To install a padlock on metal gates The welding method is most often used, so the eyes are chosen from fairly thick metal.
They are not included in the kit, so it is best to go to the market to get them. Unlike wooden doors The eyelets chosen are not flat, which are installed flush, but angular. The platform serves so that the bracket can be conveniently welded on top of the door, since selecting or drilling metal for a flat eyelet is time consuming and not economically feasible. The lugs are installed so that they do not interfere with each other when opening gates or doors and are welded using welding machine.

What to do if you don’t have a welding machine

If you do not have a welding machine, you can install the eyes using bolted connection. To do this, you need to choose brackets with long and wide platforms, the size of which will allow you to place three or four bolts at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. To work you will need:

Bolts M8 and M12, length convenient for installation;

Electric drill with metal drills with a diameter of 8-12 mm and 2-3 mm;

Two wrench.

First, markings are made on the eye area; holes are drilled in the designated places with a thin drill, which are expanded with a thicker drill. After this, the bracket is applied to the door and the location is marked with a bolt. They are also first drilled with a thin drill, then a drill corresponding to the diameter of the bolt is used. Having finished drilling, they begin to screw the eyes with bolts, for which they use two wrenches. A similar operation is carried out with the second eye, after which the door lock is attached.

A mortise lock is considered the most popular and common option for protecting a home. This type of lock has a high level of reliability; it is much safer than other types of products. Installing a mortise lock will not disrupt attractive design canvases. But such a mechanism is quite complicated to install.

How to install a mortise lock on a door

The lock received this name due to the fact that its entire base is completely located in the solid door leaf. This factor provides reliable protection and safety. In order to install the lock, the user should follow the following steps:

  • Preparation - before installing the lock, the door must be firmly fixed in order to make accurate markings.
  • Cutting a groove for the body of the product itself - the back part of the lock is applied to the end surface of the door and outlined with a pencil. Within the markings, channels are drilled using a drill. In order to equalize inner surface you will need a chisel.
  • Cutting a hole for the mechanism - you need to attach a lock to the door plate and mark the exact locations for drilling. The channels are drilled with a thin diametrical drill.
  • Installing the response mechanism is the final stage of the work. The user should make grooves for the bolt locks. Marking should also be done here, but this must be done carefully. There are a lot of methods for applying it, but the simplest is considered to be chalk.
  • loyal price.
  • large selection of locks.

It is worth noting that to install a mortise lock you need specific tools, skills and a certain amount of free time. If the consumer has all these features, then he will be able to independently replace the lock on the door. If the user wants to entrust this matter to professionals, then he should contact our company.

Our organization employs real specialists with extensive experience. Replacing and installing locks is one of the many services our company offers. In the process of work, only high-quality and modern materials. Installation of a mortise lock, the price of which will please every customer, is carried out in the shortest possible time. Masters arrive at the specified address at a pre-agreed time. Behind additional information, it is suggested that you contact the company’s managers.

Have you ordered the installation of interior doors, but for some reason did not install locks on them? Don't worry, you can do this kind of work yourself. Next, we will show you step by step how to embed a lock into interior door, but since locks are different, you will learn how to properly embed a lock in 2 options, with your own hands and with a minimum set of available tools.

Fitting a lock into an interior door with your own hands is a very real task for a home craftsman.

In specialized departments depending on quantity various kinds locks and constipations dazzle the eyes, however, specifically for interior doors, there are only 2 types of locks:

  1. A regular latch with a handle, which is designed to simply fix the door leaf in the opening. Often such mechanisms are installed in services or in the kitchen. They differ from their competitors in that there are no keys. At most, they can have a rotary lock;

Latch locks are not intended for permanently locking doors.

  1. The second option can already be called a full-fledged lock with a set of keys. In apartments and houses, such locks are rarely installed on interior doors. More often this type door lock used in offices where there is a need to lock department doors.

Major installation of a lock on an interior door requires a set of keys.

Relatively recently, such a curiosity appeared on this market as magnetic lock. It is inserted in exactly the same way as a regular one, but it works a little differently. There are 2 magnets installed, one in the lock, the second in the strike plate. When closing the canvas, they are attracted and the doors click into place.

To open such a mechanism you need to turn the handle or key. The solution is certainly interesting, but in great demand people don't use it. Firstly, the price of a magnetic door lock is higher, and secondly, not everyone likes such automatic locking, plus various metallic debris is attracted to them.

Installing magnetic locks on interior doors is not yet very popular.

Self-installation of locks in 2 options

We’ve decided on the locking models, now let’s talk about how to install them yourself in interior doors. But first, let's look at the tool, since in both cases the set is the same.

Minimum set of tools

To install a lock on an interior door, you don’t need many tools, plus all the tools are relatively inexpensive; often every home craftsman has such a set.

  • Electric drill;
  • Screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • A pair of chisels with a sting of 10 mm and 20 mm;
  • Tape measure and pencil;
  • Hammer;
  • Spade drill for wood 23 mm, and better set feather drills 10 – 25 mm;
  • A wood bit with a diameter of 50 mm and an adapter for an electric drill for this bit.

Installation of locks on interior doors does not require large quantity expensive tool.

Option number 1. Install a light latch

We begin installation, as usual, with markings. The distance from the bottom edge of the door leaf to the core of the lock according to the rules is 950 mm. In office buildings, it is advisable to adhere to it so that the fireman does not get nervous, but at home it can be placed at any height.

Often on such latches the distance from the side edge of the blade to the center of the mechanism is 60 mm. But it is better to clarify this parameter in the instructions for the mechanism, because in different models The depth of the cut may vary.

Information on the lock's insertion depth is in the instructions for it.

Now, using a square or the same tape measure, we transfer the side mark to the center of the end of the door leaf and make a mark.

To drill a strictly horizontal, even hole on an already installed door, it is advisable to firmly fix the canvas. The easiest way is to insert a couple of wedges on both sides between the floor and the canvas. Then insert a feather drill (23 mm) into the drill and drill out horizontal hole along the length of the mechanism.

Be careful, the slightest misalignment to the right or left can cause the drill to come out from the side and irrevocably damage the blade.

To cut a hole on the front of the canvas we will need a wood crown. Insert it into the drill and start drilling according to the markings. But at first the hole is not drilled all the way through, but only until the moment when the central drill of the crown comes out from the back side. After that, pull out the crown and do the same on the back side.

The moment of drilling the blade with a crown on both sides is very important; if you try to go through the entire blade on one side, then when it comes out, the crown can seriously damage reverse side canvases.

Now you need to insert the lock into the end hole and outline the perimeter of the lock plate. Make sure that the bar is in a strictly vertical position.

Bed under end strip The lock is cut out using a chisel. Be careful not to go too deep, often 1 - 1.5 mm is enough. If you accidentally choose a groove that is too deep, you can place a piece of cardboard or paper under the bottom.

To firmly secure the mechanism, it must be inserted into the hole and secured with two self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws will fit much better if you first mark the entry points with an awl or drill holes with a thin drill.

Option No. 2. Put a permanent lock

We will not repeat the marking technique for this type of lock again, since any locks on interior doors are installed at the same height. But it is highly undesirable to install permanent locks hanging, so you will need to remove the door leaf from the awnings, then install and secure it with the end up.

Unlike a simple latch, a capital lock has quite big mechanism. We will select the groove for it using the same feather drill; to do this, you need to mark the center line at the end of the blade. Then we select a feather drill according to the thickness of the lock and drill a series of holes to the depth of the lock.

When the hole is completely selected, all we have to do is select the stock for the lock face plate. The sampling technology is identical and we have already talked about it above. Next, screw the lock, insert the handles into it and mount the decorative trims.

A few words about installing the strike plate

The technique for installing the strike plate for a small latch and a major lock is no different. If you have mastered the insertion of the lock into the canvas, then installing the strike plate on the lock will not cause you any difficulties.

First, a hole is marked on the loot and drilled for the lock tongue. Then we apply the counter strip to the loot and trace it around the perimeter. Now all that remains is to cut out the stock under the bar with a chisel and screw it on with self-tapping screws.

Installing a strike plate is often not difficult.


Inserting a lock into an interior door is not a tricky task and anyone can House master capable of handling it. The main thing is not to forget about the little things that we pointed out in the article.