Requirements for the explanatory note of the project. Explanatory note to the design project

The rules of business turnover highlight a special class of notes that perform an explanatory function. The peculiarity of this type of documents is that they act not only in internal management circulation, but also actively represent the interests of the company in the world around it. Take, for example, an explanatory note to financial statements or a tax return. Species of this type There are several documents used in business, but in this article we will be interested in the procedure for applying an explanatory note to a project that is of an investment nature.

Possible cases of using explanatory notes

Explanatory note(PZ) in its general understanding is a type of business text narrative, main goal which is to explain the content and certain provisions the main document of which the note is an accessory. Such a parent document can be a plan (business plan) or a report. Regardless of the specifics of the investment project being developed, the PP reveals and presents the rationale for making certain design decisions from the standpoint of engineering, technology, design, economic, environmental feasibility, etc.

Not every project is justified by a business plan, and not all business plans are supported by explanatory notes. As a rule, requirements for registration arise from the body on which the fate of the launch or financial support of the project depends. Such an interested party (a commercial bank, a government agency or a professional strategic investor) formulates standard conditions for a set of documentation from the project organizing organization.

A special composition of documents and their appropriate quality are necessary so that, in accordance with their own regulations, recipients can make informed decisions on proposals. And since the submitter of documents does not always have a strong negotiating position, he is forced to fulfill the demands put forward. And sometimes he has to write detailed explanations to the information provided. Let's try to classify the types of PP that are used in design practice in modern Russia.

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    At the Federal level for purposes effective use funds of the National Welfare Fund and (or) pension savings, the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2013 is in force. for No. 741. Normative act sets out requirements for the development of a strategic rationale investment projects and instructs initiators of federal-scale investment projects not only to develop in a standard format, but also to write an explanatory note to it in compliance special conditions(the composition of the requirements for the PP is shown in the image).

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    Ministries economic development regions also conduct their rule-making activities on the subject of project justification. An extended project package is often required, including a business plan, an investment memorandum, an explanatory note to the business plan and a number of other documents. These requirements assume that explanations will be given by the project organizer not only at the stage of project initiation, but also at the time of reporting for the use of targeted funds within the framework of public-private partnerships or other forms of investment cooperation. Below is an example of a PP sent along with a report to the government Rostov region in 2010 by one of the private investors.

  1. Lenders and commercial banks also have special requirements for the composition of documents and software. The contents of the explanatory note are often described in sufficient detail in the proposed forms for completion.
  2. The internal regulations of medium-sized companies and large corporations also provide for the mandatory use of an explanatory note to the business plan in projects of a certain scale.
  3. Areas of activity for application of the PP

    PP can be considered both from the point of view of an analogue or addition to any serious project, and from the point of view of explanations of the technical project documentation. The latter is important, and the content of the PP is of particular importance. In design practice, there are areas in which historically the use of explanatory notes has developed as a special form of presenting calculation results and other information preceding the consideration of the planning part. Such areas are traditionally:

  • capital construction projects;
  • projects for modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets;
  • automation projects;
  • design projects;
  • projects in the field of ecology, land management and environmental management.

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Many designers and developers of project documentation are now complaining about the decline in the level and design culture in their work on it. The Soviet school of technical design corresponded very much high level and made serious demands, including on the PZ. GOST 19.404.79 is still in force, the contents and main provisions of which are presented in the image.

Without canceling the effect of previous regulatory acts, a separate interstate standard GOST 2.106-96 “Unified system of design documentation” is currently in force. Based on it, a number of guidance documents have been developed. Let's consider a typical example of the application of the standard. Thus, for the design of automated control systems and other automation equipment, there are specialized guidelines. The document is listed under the number RD 50-34.698-90 and is called “ Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents." This guidance document clearly outlines how to write a PP for a project and what its content is. It includes the following sections.

  1. General provisions.
  2. Description of the activity process.
  3. Basic technical solutions.
  4. Activities to put the system into operation.

General provisions include the standard composition of information about the project: the name of the developer, the design documentation, their numbers, the composition of participants and the timing of the stages. This section also reflects the goals, main purpose and areas of application of the AS. In addition to the above, in general provisions includes:

  • facts confirming compliance with regulatory requirements in the field of safety (safe work, Fire safety and so on.);
  • information about regulatory and technical documents used in the design;
  • information about inventions, other advanced practices used in the design;
  • step-by-step design sequence and scope of each stage.

In this article, we examined the explanatory note for the project, which can be of a completely different nature, but its purpose is the same: to clarify the essential points of the main narrative. Writing a PP is quite difficult, and standards and other design guidelines and internal regulatory acts of companies are intended to help with this. Despite the fact that bureaucratization of the economic sphere is inevitable, our country needs to return the culture of documentation and management school, and in some places move it forward more actively.

The project is considered one of the fundamental documents when completing coursework or thesis. It is here that all the necessary information about the rationale for the chosen design, its description, areas of application, technical characteristics is collected, and all the necessary calculations are given.

In order to correctly and competently develop this document, it is necessary to deeply study special educational, regulatory and periodical literature. The explanatory note to the project should cover all the main issues of the topic. This document must contain both an analysis of the literature and the results of independent research or experiments, all the inherent features of the design or part must be considered, and a complex mathematical calculation of all the main components must be carried out.

Any project, be it a student project to develop a new unit or machine part, the introduction of new equipment in production or design development, architectural design of a building or structure, must necessarily consist of two parts: design and explanatory. If the explanatory note to the diploma or course work is missing or executed incorrectly, then the graphic part will be considered only theoretical developments.

The text part of the work must be formatted in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD standards (Unified System and the requirements of the SPDS (System of Design Documentation for Construction) standards for design documents. Sheets with text must have the appropriate form and main inscription, all (except the title) are numbered and filed in a special folder .

The explanatory note to the diploma project must necessarily have the following sections:

1. with the name of the project topic.

3. Introduction, consisting of a review of the sources used, analytical and theoretical parts.

4. Economic part, indicators of the design being developed.

5. Part with safety calculations during operation of the structure and labor protection.

6. The final part provides conclusions about the project, significance and rationale for the choice.

7. and sources.

8. Applications (diagrams, tables and design drawings).

The explanatory note for the project must have a clear structure and a consistent line of presentation. Convincing arguments and accurate calculations, concise and clear formulations are the main requirements when composing the text part.

The explanatory note for the project is written on A4 paper. The text can be handwritten in a clear and understandable handwriting or printed using printing technology. When using office equipment, the text must have double spacing between lines.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Practice-oriented seminar Project activities of students. Drawing up an explanatory note for the project

2 slide

Slide description:

Priority directions project activities students Since 2016, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has recommended that students’ project activities be divided into several areas. Design and production of garments, modern technologies, fashion. Arts and crafts (handicrafts, crafts, ceramics and others), accessories. Interior items, modern design(phytodesign, plant growing, agricultural technologies). Socially oriented projects (ecological; agrotechnical: landscape and park design, floristry, mosaic and others with the application of art objects). National costume and theatrical costume. Design of objects using modern technologies(3-D technologies, use of CNC equipment (numerical control), laser processing of materials and others), design of new materials with specified properties.

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Slide description:

The main goals of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in technology are: - identification and development in students creativity and interest in scientific (research) activities; -propaganda scientific knowledge; -increasing the level and prestige of technological education for schoolchildren; -substantive and methodological convergence of material and information technologies in education; -increasing the role of the project method in teaching as the main means of revealing the creative potential of children; - identifying and encouraging the most capable and talented students.

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Slide description:

1. Independence in choosing a topic and its correspondence to the content of the problem presented. 2.Relevance of the project from the point of view of consumer demand. 3.Technological solution and design features products, mastery of techniques for performing individual elements. 4. Proper combination of colors in the designed products and originality design solution. 5.Multifunctionality and variability of the demonstrated product. 6.The ability of the Olympiad participant to evaluate the results of his project activities. IMPORTANT characteristics when evaluating creative projects

5 slide

Slide description:

EVALUATION OF THE EXPLANATORY NOTE Approved at a meeting of the Central Subject Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (Minutes No. 1 of June 14, 2016) General design project Quality of research: relevance; justification of the problem; formulation of the theme, goals and objectives of the project; collecting information on the problem; prototype analysis; choosing the optimal idea; description of the designed material object; review logic. Originality of the proposed ideas, novelty Selection of manufacturing technology (equipment and devices). Development of technological process (quality of sketches, diagrams, drawings, technical maps, validity of drawings). Economic and environmental assessment of the developed and finished product. Compliance of the content of the conclusions with the content of the goal and objectives, the specificity of the conclusions, the ability to analyze the results of the study, the level of generalization.

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Slide description:

Methodological recommendations for preparing project documentation The main purpose of the data methodological recommendations is to determine the nature of the requirements, order, methods of registration and implementation creative project to participate in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject Technology. When writing an explanatory note, it is important to ensure compliance with the official business style of the narrative. It is necessary that the information in the document is presented unambiguously, briefly, clearly and concisely. The volume of the explanatory note should be no more than 25 pages. The text is aligned to the width of the sheet, Times New Rom font, 14, on one side of the sheet. Page parameters - margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left 2 cm, right - 2 cm. Numbering in the bottom center. Each section should begin on a new sheet; within a section, it is recommended that the page be completely filled with text. It is not allowed to leave a title (subtitle) at the bottom of the page, placing the text on the next one. It is allowed to submit attachments to the explanatory note. They indicate information about the tables, diagrams, drawings and graphs contained in the explanatory note.

7 slide

Slide description:

1. Title page, which contains basic information about the name of the project. 2. Abstract with summary creative (research) work, no more than 10 lines. 3. Contents with pagination. 4.Introduction, which justifies the choice of the topic of the creative project, the relevance of the chosen topic, the goals and objectives facing the student. 5. Preparatory part with analysis key concepts, choosing the optimal ones, modern techniques manufacturing. 6.Technological part of work with operational technological maps. 7. The final part with conclusions on the work done. 8.List of information sources used. 9. Applications containing tables, drawings, graphs or diagrams. STRUCTURE OF AN EXPLANATORY NOTE

8 slide

Slide description:

Title page In the center of the A4 sheet is the title of the project without the word “topic”. It should be short and precise. In the lower field in the center of the sheet, the name of the city and the year the work was performed without the words “year” and “y” are indicated.

Slide 9

Slide description:

CONTENTS Introduction 3 pages. Preparatory part 1. Thinking star 4 p. 2. Selecting an object 5 p. 3. Final version 7 page 4. Historical background. Bell tower of Ivan the Great and belfry 8 page 5. Development of a sketch 9 page 6. Selection of execution technique 10 page 7. Design specification 11 page 8. Historical information 12 page 9. Manufacturing techniques stained glass 13 page 10. Color harmony 14 page Technological part 11. Tools and materials 15 page 12. Organization of the workplace 16 page 13. Safety precautions 17 page 14. Sequence of work 18 page 15. Economic and environmental justification 21 pp. Final part Self-analysis 23 pp. Sources of information 24 pp.

10 slide

Slide description:

Introduction The choice of topic for a creative project, the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and tasks facing the student are justified. The planned result and the main problems considered in the project are formulated, interdisciplinary connections are indicated, it is reported for whom the project is intended and what is its novelty. You can characterize the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary). Goal - (WHAT TO DO?) develop sketches and make New Year's accessories (PURPOSE?) for decoration home interior for the holiday, as well as sweet gifts (FOR WHOM?) to family and friends. From formulating a goal, it is necessary to move on to specifying specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it. Tasks: 1. Select design ideas. 2.Plan the activity (thinking star). 3. Perform a design analysis of the project. 5.Select materials for the manufacture of designed products. 6. Manufacture the designed products. 7. Decorate the interior with festive accessories, give gifts to family and friends on New Year's holiday.

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Slide description:

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The key document of an interior design project is an explanatory note drawn up based on the wishes of the customer. It shows the nuances technical characteristics and incarnations design solutions, the general concept is detailed. The explanatory note greatly facilitates the execution of work from the very beginning (redevelopment) of the project until the moment of delivery (signing of the acceptance certificate).

Here is the mandatory information that must be indicated in the explanatory note to the interior design project:

  • The heading “Explanatory Note” is indicated in the header of the document. The document contains characteristics about the type, type and functions of the design object, the size of the area. It is determined by a brief (a short written form of the conciliation order between the Contractor and the Customer) signed by the client, mentioning all the subtleties of the design project: the style and size of the premises, layout, location of interior items and decorative elements.
  • A separate column considers the layout of the project, in the form of a summary of areas and zoning of premises.
  • The following lists the parameters of all rooms in the strict sequence of their placement. The explanatory note is drawn up in detail, where all information about the premises is specifically indicated, starting from their location and ending with the arrangement of household items, furniture, equipment, and lighting equipment in them. The dimensions and functionality of the items used are described in detail. All purchased materials and coatings used in these premises are clearly stated. Their purpose, texture and color scheme are also indicated.

Let's list a few more important points, which should not be overlooked.

If living rooms suggest redevelopment, you need to inquire about the placement load-bearing walls and structures, clarify what changes will be made in terms of their functionality, specify the nuances of zoning the premises, and assign a specific location to them. Describe in detail color scheme, place the desired accents in the interior so that they create harmonious composition, along with other areas of the facility.

What does an explanatory note for a design project look like?

Let’s clearly look at an example of an explanatory note for a design project:

Explanatory note

An object: apartment in a new multi-storey building with a total area of ​​116 m2

Location: Moscow region, Reutov, Festivalnaya street, building 15, building 2, floor 7, apartment 137.

Interviewer's wishes: interior style solution – eco style, comfortable and functional placement the following premises: kitchen, bathroom, dining-living room, bathroom, work area, fireplace, bedroom, laundry room, closet

1. Decision on planning the design project:

  • Hall – 6.60 m2
  • Bathroom – 2.36 m2
  • Kitchen – 20.00 m2
  • Dining room-living room – 21.25 m2
  • Work zone– 9.50 m2
  • Corridor A – 3.60 m2
  • Bathroom – 11.90 m2
  • Laundry – 2.86 m2
  • Corridor B – 3.00 m2
  • Fireplace – 9.77 m2
  • Bedroom – 17.50 m2
  • Wardrobe-pantry – 7.70 m2

2. Hall

Sets the first impression of the object with which the client gets acquainted. The space between the hall and two corridors opens into a large dining-living area. The hall is being equipped sliding structures“wardrobe-compartment” system, two illuminated mirrors, the lighting turns on and off “with a clap.” Type flooringartistic parquet from natural wood“Acacia”, size 500x400, is made in three colors with a graphic pattern, smoothly transitions from the dark “wenge” color in the hall to the dining-living room in the “light beige” color.

The single-level suspended ceiling is made of plasterboard, with lighting at the line of junction with the walls; a Calamus chandelier is mounted in the center from natural materials(a lampshade made of natural rattan fabrics, mounted on a metal base).

All lighting equipment is equipped with a clap on/off system. Entrance door The inside is finished with a mirror cloth, which visually expands the space of the hall.

Hall lighting solution:

  • Main lighting - Calamus Chandelier
  • Lighting in the mirror area
  • Lighting at the junction of the ceiling and walls

3. Bathroom

Equipped with a sink and wall hung toilet from ceramic material, a cabinet with mirrored doors and lighting around its perimeter. The walls and floor are made of glass mosaic tiles 15x15mm. To simulate magnification small space The lamp is placed on the entire wall.

Parameters of the arched doorway - 200x60cm., Visual perception we increase it by “raising the ceilings”, thanks to the decorated gap door leaf, the same material as the door itself for the arched opening.

Stretch ceiling, film with a glossy surface, with built-in spotlights.

Lighting solution for the bathroom:

  • Main lighting – spot lighting
  • Full wall lamp
  • Lighting around the perimeter of the cabinet

4. Dining room-living room

Based on the client's chosen style and load-bearing placement wall structures, we divide the room into two zones. Main accent interior design project - the living room, since it acts in conjunction with the kitchen, dining room and hall, in color scheme echoes all the passage areas of the facility. Thanks to the zoning of the room, the living room creates panoramic view on the corridors and hall with a perspective graphic design, which gives the effect of infinity.

The decoration of the walls in the dining-living room is made from bamboo panels, except for the wall on which the TV will be located. On this wall it is performed textured finish from decorative stone colors " Ivory”, which supports the color scheme of the furniture in the dining area and kitchen.

In the opposite wall, niches are draped with plain natural textiles “rough linen” and wooden elements decor.

Decorative elements- pillows, photo frames, curtains, have a natural color scheme and natural shades, green and brown tones and are supplemented with dry branches and potted plants.

Single level suspended ceiling with a smooth mirror surface, reflects light well and visually expands the space, along the perimeter, not reaching the junction with the walls, decorated with special wooden beams, which are illuminated with an LED cable. An Emden chandelier made of natural materials is mounted in the center (the lampshade is made of wood plates). In the area with upholstered furniture stands a floor lamp with wooden base made from branches.

Lighting solution for the dining room and living room: