How long do the seeds take to roast in the oven? How to cook fried sunflower seeds? How to fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan

Of course, you can buy seeds in the store. But are they comparable to those you fry yourself? For many, this is a whole ritual. Prepare, fry in a frying pan, cool, and then click while sitting near the TV... It calms your nerves and gives you pleasure.

If you have mastered the methods of frying seeds in a frying pan, then it will not be difficult for you to cook them in the oven.

Seeds from the oven are slightly different from those that were fried in a frying pan.

In the oven, heat treatment takes place in a more gentle mode. The seeds are not fried, but well dried, calcined and low-fat.

Otherwise, the principle of frying seeds in the oven is the same as in a frying pan.

But first you need to buy them. Moreover, they will turn out to be very tasty in the end.

How to choose good seeds

You should consider them carefully before purchasing. The seeds must be free of debris and foreign impurities. They should not be raw, which often happens if they are stored incorrectly.

A small handful can determine their quality. They should be full, with light grains. They should not smell musty, much less moldy. If you come across at least one rancid grain, then you need to discard such seeds.

Did the seeds fully satisfy your needs? Buy with confidence!

How to roast seeds in the oven without salt

Even if the seeds are clean at first glance, they must be washed before roasting, since it is unknown what conditions they were in before. For example, they could lie in a heap right on the ground.

  • Pour the seeds into a colander and wash thoroughly under running water. warm water. Leave them in a colander for a few minutes to dry them out a little.
  • Turn on the oven, heat it to 160-180°. The baking tray should be inside at this time and also warm up.
  • When the temperature rises to the desired level, remove the sheet and immediately pour the still wet seeds onto it. Smooth over entire surface. Do not try to fry a large batch of seeds at once, because this will leave them half-baked or unevenly roasted.
  • Place the pan in the oven.
  • Every few minutes, open the door and stir the seeds. Or take out the baking sheet, mix the seeds and put them back in the oven. The cooking time will depend on the oven model, its power, whether it is gas or electric. Most often, the seeds are ready within 20 minutes.
  • A sign that it is time to remove them from the oven will be a slight cracking of the shells. Take out a few seeds and taste them. If the grains have already become dry and you are satisfied with the taste, remove the baking sheet from the oven and pour the seeds from it onto a flat dish covered with a towel. Cover them with another towel on top. Leave for 15-20 minutes. During this time they will cool down and reach full readiness.

Tip: to make the seeds more fragrant, add a little at the very end of cooking. sunflower oil. For half a kilo of seeds, one teaspoon of unrefined (with flavor) oil will be enough. Sprinkle the surface of the seeds with it and mix well.

At first, the seeds will be very oily and shiny, but after 1-2 minutes the oil will be well absorbed into them, leaving practically no greasy film.

Salted seeds in the oven

If you like salted seeds, preparing them in the oven is as easy as pie.

  • To do this, pour the seeds into a colander and wash thoroughly under the tap. Leave in a colander to drain.
  • Then mix them with a little fine salt. But remember that, firstly, you should not consume a lot of salt, and secondly, excess salt can cause irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth. The water from the seeds will evaporate, but the salt will remain on their shells.
  • Heat the oven together with the baking sheet to 160-180°. Sprinkle the seeds onto the baking sheet in an even layer. Place in the oven. Take out the baking sheet often and stir the seeds so that they roast evenly.
  • As soon as they begin to crack (this indicates well-dried shells), try the seeds. If they are ready, turn off the oven. The seeds can be left in the oven for a while, then taken out and scattered on a towel, covering them with its edges. After 20-25 minutes, the seeds will be ready to eat.

Helpful information

Unroasted seeds contain a large number of vitamins: B5, B6, B3. By eating 100 g of seeds, you can completely fill the body’s daily need for vitamin E.

There is nothing tastier than homemade seeds fried with love and skill! An evening with friends or family watching your favorite TV series will be much warmer and more comfortable if you have these in your hands. purely Russian “snacks”.

Everyone eats them. Even after a hearty, hearty lunch, you just have to ask your family, “Will you have some seeds?” and the answer will be a unanimous “Yes!!!”

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But there is one difficult question: how to fry them correctly, so that later there is no excruciating pain for wasted time and money?

Roasted sunflower seeds always can be purchased at the market, store, and other places at a low, acceptable cost.

Try to choose the right variety of tasty, healthy seeds by visiting a specialized shopping center. The quality of the seeds is excellent. The cost of agricultural products is low and acceptable.

At the beginning of this century, residents of our country were sure that gnawing seeds was harmful, they could cause various complications and clog the intestines. Doctors and nutritionists today speak with full confidence, sunflower seeds are an indispensable, reliable remedy for the prevention of the liver, heart, and other internal organs.

To correctly and quickly roast the seeds with salt, consider the set culinary recipes by visiting one of the electronic pages. The frying process itself must take place cast iron, clean dishes.

Roasting seeds correctly

Fried seeds, prepared with love by the housewives, always turn out delicious. They can be prepared in various ways.


  • Water;
  • Frying pan;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • A tablespoon.

Separate the raw seeds by size by placing the larger seeds in a colander. Thoroughly wash them under running water . This way, all the debris and all the dirt that has accumulated on them will be washed away.

Heat the pan. Add seeds and spices. Mix everything well using a special kitchen utensil called a spoon or spatula. If there is a desire, sprinkle them with sunflower oil.

When the seeds begin to make a certain sound, reduce the heat to low. Stir them constantly, tasting. Please note that eating the seeds of one of the grain crops is comparable only to meditation or drinking tea.

Medical professionals say that constant consumption of seeds improves gastric intestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and so on. Especially useful for human body raw seeds removed from the peel directly during consumption. Try to learn how to properly fry seeds in a frying pan in one of the online sections.

If you want to fry the seeds in the oven, keep in mind that the process of preparing the goodies does not change much. Determine readiness by taking a special variety. The side of the seed should turn out dark, the grain will become creamy.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds

The beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds have been known for quite some time; the product contains: nutrients, minerals, vitamins. Pumpkin seeds are very healthy, both adults and children. They have a slightly sweet, nutty taste. Their color is dark green. The fruits are oval, flat in shape.

People quite often wonder benefits of roasted pumpkin seeds, the question disappears almost immediately when they find out what exactly it is strong point seeds One of the best, wonderful properties is considered to be the modeling and general strengthening effect of pumpkin seeds. More useful

Today, it is sometimes quite difficult for buyers to find a nutritious, balanced product that contains many minerals: selenium, fluorine, sodium, zinc, calcium, and others. Store shelves are literally filled with pumpkin and sunflower seeds from various manufacturers. They cannot replace homemade seeds, fried on a baking sheet or frying pan.

The sunflower seed is especially popular. How long to fry the seeds? please decide for yourself. Finished product pour into a separate bowl, otherwise the pan will take quite a long time to cool down. This risks making the seeds tasteless.

The most the best treat for children are sunflower seeds fried in the microwave. Use shallow bowls before placing the ingredients in the microwave, or using a heat-resistant, flat dish, arrange the seeds in several rows, but not in a pile. Use parchment paper when roasting seeds.

From delicacies prepared according to grandma's recipe The kids don’t have the strength to refuse. These products, laid out on retail shelves in colorful, high-quality packaging, are not as tasty as those prepared by mothers and grandmothers at home.

The seeds of sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon and some other crops have not only a pleasant taste, but also many beneficial properties for the human body. They can be purchased both in stores and prepared independently at home. Not all lovers of these snacks know how to fry the seeds so that they do not burn, but are sufficiently cooked, since even this simple process has its own nuances. Proper preparation The product also has some secrets, taking into account which you can get aromatic seeds with rich taste.

Selection of seeds

Before frying watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds or sunflower seeds, you need to know how to choose them so as not to acquire rotten, small or old seeds.

The right choice can be made using the following tips:

  • It is better to make purchases in food markets;
  • needs to be carefully considered appearance goods, assessing the amount of dirt, debris and damaged grains;
  • try pouring some specimens into your palm and touching them, checking for emptiness;
  • give preference to medium-sized seeds.

Using these rules when choosing a product, you will purchase quality product, which will be easy to prepare and enjoyable to consume.


Before baking any seeds in a frying pan, oven or microwave, you need to prepare them well.

Such activities include:

  • the first step is to remove foreign matter;
  • place the raw seeds in a colander;
  • to rinse them thoroughly, stir the mixture under running water;
  • then spread the seeds on a towel and let them dry a little.

On a frying pan

How to properly fry sunflower seeds so that cooking at home does not cause any difficulties? The process is familiar to many housewives and is characterized by its simplicity, although it has small features. Classic way is frying in a pan. Snacks become tasty, but do not lose their beneficial properties.

For this method, the seeds do not need to be dried first, but then the first time they need to be cooked covered in a hot frying pan. After two minutes, remove it and reduce the heat. It is recommended to constantly stir the product to avoid burning or undercooking of individual specimens. About ten minutes will be enough to cook a small amount of sunflower grains to cover the bottom of the pan. But you can accurately judge the readiness of the snack when the seeds begin to crackle. Then they should be placed on a flat plate and covered with a towel for a quarter of an hour, after which the seeds are ready for use.

With salt

Many snack lovers prefer to eat them salted. At the same time, the taste of the grains changes and becomes more intense.

Pour the prepared seeds into a hot cast iron frying pan, distributing them evenly thin layer. Evaporate excess moisture approx. three minutes, then add a spoonful of sunflower oil and salt the product. Frying the seeds is carried out at medium heat intensity with constant stirring. The seeds and salt will be ready after 10-15 minutes, after which they are covered with a paper towel so that they can infuse and soak.


You can roast pumpkin seeds in much the same way as sunflower seeds. If you use a recipe for cooking in a frying pan, you first need to heat it with vegetable oil, and then drop the seeds, cleaned of dirt and debris, into it. They should cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Cooking time over low heat is approximately twenty minutes, and the product must be stirred regularly to prevent the seeds from burning. If desired, you can add salt. The golden color of the shell indicates the readiness of the snack. For the taste and aroma to become special, snacks must cool well.

In the microwave

Is it possible to roast seeds in the microwave? Pumpkin or sunflower seeds can be cooked not only in a frying pan, but also in the microwave. The method is quite fast and easy, so it is often used by snack lovers.

For roasting, a special container is used, into which a small batch of beans is placed. The power mark of the device should be about 750 W. After two minutes of cooking, the product is removed, mixed and put back into the microwave. Such procedures are performed about four times. To determine readiness, you can taste the seed.

How long should you fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave so that they are ready, but not dry? Five minutes at maximum power will be enough, but the product should be left to cool in the device itself. It is also recommended to fry pumpkin seeds, first pouring oil and sprinkling them with salt.

In the oven

How to fry seeds in the oven so as not to spoil their taste and not end up with a dry snack? Bake should be at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and scatter the beans in an even layer. It is necessary to rinse the seeds first, but drying is not necessary. Some recipes include soaking in a salt solution, but this recipe is only suitable for amateurs. In order to mix the seeds, just remove the baking sheet, let them cool a little, and then return them back to the oven.

Frying time in the oven takes about twenty minutes.

Seeds baked in the oven do not acquire a roasted taste, they simply become dried out.

The grains of some crops are used as food and are a source of vitamins and microelements beneficial to humans. But not everyone likes eating them raw, so you can learn how to deliciously fry the seeds to make them enjoyable to eat. There are recipes for cooking using various kitchen appliances, but the tastiest and most fried seeds are obtained in a frying pan. In addition, you can use salt to give the snack even more richness. Another important factor is right choice a product on which the quality of the final snack will depend.

It seems that everyone knows how to fry seeds correctly: wash them, pour them into a frying pan and wait for them to be ready, stirring occasionally. But many unclear points remain: how long does this process take, how strong the fire should be, what to do if the grains start to burn, etc.


Before frying the seeds in a frying pan or in other ways, they need to be washed with plenty of cold water to remove dirt and small debris. Then your hands will remain clean after clicking, and your stomach will not suffer. The easiest way to do this is under the tap using a colander.

Frying in a pan

Before frying the seeds in a frying pan (preferably cast iron), it needs to be well heated. As for the stove, a gas stove is more convenient, as it allows you to quickly change the temperature.

Pour the grains into the heated pan and start frying. There are two main methods. Choose the one that suits you, but keep in mind that both require constant stirring of the seeds with a spoon or wooden spatula.

First way

Set the heat to medium and, stirring often, fry the seeds until tender (determined by taste).

Second way

Turn up the heat and wait, remembering to stir. When the seeds begin to crackle, remove the pan from the heat and wait a couple of minutes, still stirring the seeds occasionally. Then return them to the heat, wait until they start to crackle again, and remove them again. The procedure is repeated three times.

The whole process takes about fifteen to seventeen minutes. After frying is completed, a lot of heat remains inside the seeds, so to prevent them from burning, you should not place hot grains immediately into a deep bowl. Pour them on wooden board or a newspaper spread on the table and hold it there for ten to fifteen minutes.

If the seeds are peeled (without peel), then frying them will take only 3-5 minutes.

Roasting in the oven

How to properly fry seeds if you don’t have a frying pan at hand? Well, there is also an oven, a slow cooker and a microwave.

The oven is the second most popular option. Pour the prepared seeds onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. Stir occasionally and check for doneness.

Microwave frying

Many people know how to fry seeds in a frying pan or in the oven. These methods are intuitive. But questions may arise with the microwave, although this method is the fastest.

Place the washed seeds in a fireproof bowl, lightly sprinkle with sunflower oil and add salt if desired. Place the grains in the oven and turn it on for one minute. Then stir the seeds and fry for another minute. Repeat the procedure several times and after the last “session”, leave the grains for a while in the turned off microwave to “reach”.

Frying in a slow cooker

Place the seeds in a bowl and set to Bake for ten minutes to dry them. Then pour in a little oil, stir and fry the grains for another seven to ten minutes.

Sand frying

The method will take a little more time, but the seeds will not burn, since the sand will ensure even distribution of heat.

Pour sand (clean, of course) into a cast iron skillet and heat well. Place the seeds directly into the sand, mix and smooth the surface. Set the heat to moderate and let the grains simmer for fifteen minutes.

Then sift the contents of the pan through a sieve.

How to diversify the taste of seeds

Now we’ll talk about how to fry seeds with salt and other spices.

Salt and vegetable oil- the most common additives. Optimal proportion: three tablespoons of oil and half a teaspoon of salt per glass of seeds. The frying algorithm is as follows: pour oil into a heated frying pan, add salt and pour in the seeds. Mix.

If you have hulled grains at your disposal, try making the following snack. Rinse 150-200 g and before frying the seeds in a frying pan, place them for about twenty minutes in a salt solution (a tablespoon of salt per one and a half to two glasses of water).

Then remove the liquid using a colander. Heat the pan. Pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil onto it and sprinkle the seeds. Stirring constantly, fry them over high heat until the liquid has evaporated, then reduce the heat to low. Add some ground black pepper and fry the grains until golden brown.

Or simply grind the seeds, mix the resulting mass with sunflower oil, add finely chopped herbs, garlic, salt, your favorite spices and a little lemon juice. The result will be something like a pate that can be spread on bread and used as a filling for stuffed tomatoes or bell peppers.

So we figured out how long to fry the seeds in a frying pan, in the oven, in the microwave, in a slow cooker, and even in the sand. Experiment and find your own recipe!

To fry the seeds in a frying pan, you don't need any special culinary skills. This is a fairly simple process that anyone can handle. It is only important to know how to do it correctly, and how long the seeds are fried before they are ready. We will tell you about this in detail in our article.

Nowadays, there is not a single person who has never eaten seeds. In some societies, it was considered shameful and unaesthetic to “husk” seeds in public. But now it’s quite common to see a person on the street cracking sunflower seeds in the park, at a tram stop, or even in cinemas and the circus.

The higher the popularity of this product became, the more all sorts of signs they came up with about it. Some particularly superstitious people even managed to find some kind of secret subtext in eating seeds. But these are all relics of the past. Today, seeds are a widely available food product, and once you try it, you can’t stop eating it.

But, would you agree, it’s much more pleasant to eat seeds fried with your own hands at home? They are clean, aromatic, can be salty or even with all kinds of seasonings - it depends only on your imagination. This is especially very beneficial when you have a summer house or your own garden where sunflowers grow. By harvesting these flowers, you can easily provide yourself and your family with a delicious treat.

There are many ways to fry sunflower seeds, but in our article we will talk about the most common and effective: frying the seeds in a frying pan. Additional information can be found in the video, which is also presented in the material.

How to fry?

Properly frying the seeds in a frying pan should take no more than 20 minutes. This takes into account the preparation of seeds.

Before frying the seeds, they must be thoroughly washed. To do this, fill them with water and remember a little with your hands. This will help get rid of dust and dirt, so your hands will remain clean when you eat your homemade roasted seeds.

Let the seeds dry, place a frying pan on the stove and heat it thoroughly. After this, carefully pour the seeds into it and stir regularly using a wooden spatula. When you hear a crackling sound, you need to remove the frying pan from the heat and let the seeds sit for about three minutes. Then return to the stove and fry until they crack again. This procedure should be repeated three to four times so that the seeds are thoroughly fried. Remember to stir them regularly to prevent overcooking.

When the seeds are ready, pour them onto a newspaper spread on the table, then roll it up and let the seeds sit for a while and cool. After this they are ready to eat.

To make it easier to fry the seeds, some advise peeling a few seeds from the shell and throwing them into the general mass. During the frying process, we observe these kernels: when they become golden brown, it means the seeds are ready and you can remove them from the heat.

Sunflower seeds with salt in a frying pan

Surely many of you have tried sunflower seeds fried in a frying pan with salt. Very original and tasty dish, which you can prepare at home. The beauty is that homemade salted seeds will be no different from store-bought ones, only the quality will be better, and you don’t need to spend money.

In order to fry the seeds in a frying pan with salt, you first need to rinse them thoroughly. Then take a pan, pour the seeds into it and fill them with water. Add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 150 grams of seeds. Place on the fire and wait for the water to boil. After boiling, remove the seeds from the pan and pour into the pan. It takes about seven minutes to dry for it to evaporate. excess moisture. Taste the seeds periodically to avoid overcooking them. After the fried seeds are ready, pour them onto a cloth towel, wrap it and after it has cooled, the seeds are ready to eat.

pumpkin seeds

Here's how to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan:: Fill a wide frying pan with a thin layer of sunflower oil, heat it, then add pumpkin seeds. Fry the seeds for about half an hour, stirring them constantly. After the shell pumpkin seeds will begin to brown, you can remove them from the heat, but do not remove them from the pan until they have cooled. This way you will allow them to warm up thoroughly, which will have a positive effect on the taste of the fried pumpkin seeds.