Adjustment of plastic windows and balcony doors yourself. Is your balcony door sagging? There is a solution! Problems and solutions

A misaligned door frame always leads to unpleasant consequences. Sometimes it is necessary to call a qualified specialist to eliminate them. But in the vast majority of cases you can cope on your own. Therefore, we will figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors with our own hands. But before we give step-by-step instructions, we list the most common malfunctions:

  • In the places of the vestibule passes cold air.
  • The door handle is tight or does not close completely.
  • It takes a lot of effort to cover the canvas.
  • The sagging frame clings to the box.

Fixing these problems takes no more than half an hour, so there is no point in postponing the work until later.

If a little time has passed since the installation of the structure, and it is under warranty, it is better to entrust the adjustment to specialists.

Main elements of control mechanisms

To avoid confusion, let us explain the meaning of the special terms that we will use in step by step instructions:

  • Hinges are hinge elements in the upper and lower parts of the frame, rotating around which it opens.
  • Trunnions are cylindrical bushings at the end of the door frame, located along its perimeter. They move when the handle is opened and closed.
  • The counter (clamping) strips are metal stops. They are located on the box and engage with the trunnions.

How to adjust a plastic door on a balcony yourself

First of all, let’s make sure that the cause of the problem is a malfunction of the mechanisms. The malfunctions described above may occur due to failure of the rubber seal. If in winter it froze to the frame, and you sharply pulled the handle, damage cannot be avoided. Therefore, we visually check the integrity of the seal. If necessary, replace the rubber band with a new one.

If the problem is in the mechanical part, in order to provide access to the adjusting screws, remove the decorative trims from the hinges.

In the vast majority of cases, a No. 4 hex and a Phillips screwdriver are sufficient for the job. Less commonly, you may need a #3 hex wrench, sprockets, pliers, or a flat-head screwdriver.

Before starting work, we recommend that you pay attention to mutual arrangement canvases and boxes. This will avoid unnecessary actions and install the elements in the correct position. To do this, close the frame and outline its perimeter with a pencil. The resulting contour should be parallel to the inner edges of the door frame. If this is not the case, you need to adjust the plastic ones yourself.

We will describe the procedure for dealing with common faults.

The canvas is sagging and catches the threshold

This problem is typical for wide, heavy structures with double-glazed windows. Additional load can be created by heavy bags hanging on the handle, or children who like to ride on the door wings. Often it is after this that they begin to sag.

The lower hinge allows you to lift the sash. We insert a hexagon into it from above and rotate it:

  • clockwise - raise;
  • counterclockwise - lower.

This helps with even sagging. If only one corner catches, it is necessary to eliminate the distortion.

To do this, we use the lateral adjustments of the upper and lower hinges. We rotate the screw with a hexagon: when turning to the right, the blade moves towards the key, to the left - in the opposite direction.

In the correct position, the outer contour of the balcony door and the inner frame should be parallel.

If the range of movement with the adjusting screws is not enough, the geometry is corrected with shims under the glass unit. It is better to entrust this work to qualified specialists. They dismantle the glazing beads and install calibrated wedges according to the diagram. If the technology is not followed, the load on the glass is distributed unevenly, and it may burst.

The canvas touches the edge of the box or is not covered tightly

This problem can be encountered in the autumn-winter period if the fittings were moved away from the corner as much as possible. The frame deforms slightly and engages with the axles. To fix the problem, you need to move the sash horizontally. It is important to do this evenly and avoid distortion. The mechanism is adjusted in two places: on the upper and lower loop.

Before you adjust it yourself plastic door balcony, you need to open it completely. This will provide convenient access to the mechanisms.

Sequentially rotate the screws of the upper and lower hinges. We control the moment when the pins stop clinging to the door frame. After this, the adjustment can be stopped. But it is better to achieve a position in which both edges of the sash are equidistant from the inner edge installation box. This can be easily checked by tracing the outline of the closed canvas with a pencil.

Please note: the head of the upper adjustment screw may be located on the corner side or above the door leaf.

Cold air blows through the closed flap

The first thing to do is to identify the place of a loose fit:

  1. Hold a sheet of paper in the opening.
  2. We close the sash.
  3. Pull out the paper.
  4. We repeat the operation, moving the sheet around the entire perimeter.

This allows you to determine the clamping density. When adjusted correctly, the leaf should be pulled equally tight at all points. If it passes freely, you will need to adjust the gap by turning the trunnions. On one side they have a mark: a slot or a stamped dot. In the factory state it is directed upwards.

To make the clamp tighter (winter mode), turn the trunnion with a hexagon or a screwdriver with a mark towards the room. If you need to loosen the door, turn the mechanism in the opposite direction - with the mark facing the street.

Modern fittings allow you to additionally change the clamp using the lower loop. If you look at the opening with the door panel closed, you will see a screw on the front. By rotating it, you can achieve the necessary pressure in the loop area.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve the desired effect using this method. This means that the cause of the malfunction lies in the deformation of the structure itself or a violation of the installation technology. The defect can be temporarily eliminated by twisting the strike plate a couple of millimeters towards the street. But it is better to call qualified specialists for repairs.

The handle of the plastic balcony door dangles or is difficult to close

The handle is attached to the blade with two screws. Over time they become loose. To tighten the fastening, turn the plastic plug that closes it 90 degrees and use a screwdriver to tighten the screws until they stop.

Loose screws rest against the decorative plug and prevent it from turning. Therefore, we first pull the handle towards ourselves.

If the handle closes tightly, not completely, or the fittings move with a creak, the cause of the malfunction is improper engagement of the pin with the strike plate. In spring and summer, the frame may be slightly deformed due to warming. Therefore, the problem is solved by turning the axle with the mark towards the street.

Sometimes a defect appears after adjusting the balcony door. In this case, we look at how the mechanism engages when closing:

  1. In the opening area on the fittings there is a petal that blocks the handle when open position doors We press it and lower the handle to the “closed” position.
  2. Cover the sash so that the trunnion is slightly visible.
  3. We put a mark opposite it on the door frame.
  4. At risk, we control the engagement with the clamping bar.
  5. If necessary, we reinstall it so as to ensure complete and unhindered engagement.

If the above methods do not help, then the problem lies in the tape mechanism of the fittings. It is better to entrust repairs to a qualified installer.

For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with technical issues after watching the video.

How to avoid adjusting a plastic balcony door

How often the position of the sash rebate will have to be adjusted directly depends on the condition of the belt mechanisms. To extend the period of their trouble-free operation, once a year it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance. This avoids malfunctions and extends the service life of the product.

Three operations need to be performed:

  • use a brush to remove dust and larger mechanical contaminants from the surface;
  • treat rubber seals with silicone grease;
  • Lubricate the belt fittings with mineral oil.

Lubricant application points are marked on the product with a “drop” or “grease can” symbol. After processing all the components, open and close the mechanism 3-4 times to distribute the composition over the entire surface.

Now you know how to adjust plastic balcony doors yourself and can quickly fix the problem.

  • Material prepared by: Igor Stepankov

List of functional adjustments for plastic balcony doors, their features and adjustment methods. The main problems of an incorrectly configured door and options for eliminating them are described.

Adjusting the balcony sash to cover the entrance

Adjusting the fittings of plastic sheets

Every owner of a typical design should be able to properly adjust a plastic sheet. The need to intervene in the structural component of the door may arise from the first day of installation, as well as in subsequent years of its operation.

After all, often in summer season the doors to the balcony are constantly left open, which leads to a slight but noticeable sagging of the door leaf, which can damage the door frame and, ultimately, make closing the structure impossible. It is quite possible that the appearance of gaps and drafts when the door is tightly sealed, which has a bad effect on the insulating abilities as a whole. So, it is necessary short excursion the essence of the settings, allowing you to establish the correct operation of the door mechanisms.

L-shaped hex key

Adjust the blade without the required necessary list tools will be quite problematic and will take a long time. So what you need to have on hand:

  1. L-shaped hexagon key 4 mm, or better yet the entire set (since the sizes of the screws may be different);
  2. Pliers (for turning the eccentric);
  3. Phillips screwdriver.

Adjusting the position of the plastic structure panel

Adjusting the balcony sash

Beveled door leaf can be adjusted by twisting the loops. The number of loops on a typical design is usually no more than two. Bottom loop adjusts the sash in four directions: left, right, down, up.

In order to adjust the lower sash, namely raise or lower, you must:

  1. WITH outside locate the door and remove the protective hinge cover;
  2. Determine the required screw at the top of the hinge;
  3. Turn the key to raise the sash (turn clockwise) or lower it (turn counterclockwise), depending on your preference.

This type of adjustment is used to eliminate shuffling in the lower and upper parts of the canvas due to its raising or lowering.

Bottom Hinge Adjustment

You can adjust the lower hinge by moving the sash left or right as follows:

  1. To begin with, find the required mechanism from the inside (or rather the side) side of the door frame. It is very clearly visible when opening the door;
  2. Next, use the same hex key to adjust the sash travel to the left (by turning counterclockwise) or to the right (clockwise).

In this way, it is possible to adjust the position of the canvas relative to the vertical, and avoid lateral rubbing. This mechanism should work parallel to the top hinge, which also contains a side adjustment.

Adjusting door hinges

The adjustment of the upper hinge is similar to the adjustment of the lower one, but the fundamental difference is the placement of the twisting mechanism directly on the side of the leaf; this is due to the “ventilation” function, in which the door tilts forward, supported only by the lower hinges and the fixed device. On design feature glass unit, also influenced by the “slot ventilation” function, activated by turning the handle 45 degrees. Its essence is to safely ventilate the room with the locks closed.

You can familiarize yourself with the adjustment on officially filmed videos from the manufacturer.

Setting the door leaf pressure


How tightly the door leaf closes depends on the pressure adjustment. To check the pressure, you need to perform a small but important test:

  1. Take a regular sheet of paper;
  2. Placed between the leaf and the door frame, so that it would be possible to interact with it;
  3. After closing the door, make efforts to remove it;
  4. Repeat the procedure on all slamming areas.

The test result is considered successful if the test paper is pulled out with some force (too strong pressure is not advisable, since the seal wears out quickly). In another case, if the sheet is pulled out freely or does not hold at all, you will need to adjust the door closing.

The pressure adjustment is carried out using special side fittings, or rather eccentrics installed there. The closing pressure is adjusted by eccentrics, the number of which depends on the completed blade. Usually there are no more than two or three of them.

The adjustment plan for standard (oval) trunnions is as follows:

Trunnion adjustment

  1. The zone (or the entire canvas in particular) where the sash does not close tightly is analyzed;
  2. A search is performed for the required eccentrics in desired area door fittings;
  3. We clamp the eccentric with pliers, smoothly turn it to the left or right side, weakening or strengthening the pressure, respectively.

The trunnions may have a completely different shape and design, but the meaning of adjusting the closing pressure is the same - it is a rotating mechanism that increases the distance of the trunnion from the center of the drive. Thus, moving the door closer and further away (depending on the scroll side) from door frame. Adjustment can be carried out with a hex wrench, a screwdriver, or simply by hand, it all depends on the type of trunnion, which comes in the following varieties:

  • Mushroom eccentric;
  • Cylinder eccentric;
  • Eccentric under the sprocket;
  • Roller eccentric (adjustment by hand).

On the rotating frames there are so-called hidden hinges that apply pressure from the side of the door frame. The hinges have a special hexagon screw, by turning which you can move the clamp closer or further than the mating part, thereby increasing or decreasing the pressure.

  1. Adjustment of plastic balcony doors must be carried out and adjusted at least twice during the operational year. Especially in winter and summer periods. The pressure setting should be as follows: in summer - weak pressure, in winter - strong. This will extend the life of the seal.
  2. Proper care of the fittings is, in fact, as important as installing a balcony door. Often, after installation, they forget to thoroughly clean all surfaces, especially the top part of the fittings, as a result of which the door deteriorates and does not close properly.
  3. The door closes, but the handle does not turn all the way. Method of elimination: adjusting the fittings, lubricating, cleaning.
  4. Watching the video provided on the Internet will make it somewhat easier to understand the essence of regulation of structures made of plastic. All adjustments of plastic balcony doors are clearly described in training videos and online manuals. High quality video will give a real idea of ​​the essence of the setting.

If you installed high-quality plastic doors on your balcony and did it correctly, they will serve reliably for many years. The only problem that can be encountered during their operation is a possible imbalance in the operation of the mechanisms. Everything can be fixed by adjusting the fittings; this work can be done with your own hands.

Is it possible to adjust a plastic balcony door yourself?

Over time, any plastic door begins to sag, due to which its tight fit is not ensured, and the heat and sound insulation characteristics deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the canvas is heavy and is often used. Usually, adjusting the door position horizontally, vertically and its clamping can be done independently.

Even the highest quality balcony door Over time, it requires adjustment of the fittings

To ensure that the service life without adjusting the structure is as long as possible, it is recommended to monitor the installation process, paying attention to the following indicators:

  • tight fit of the leaf to the door frame along its entire perimeter;
  • no vertical or horizontal displacement of the structure;
  • independent opening and closing of the door - it should be absent;
  • the need to apply effort during operation - the blade should move easily.

Do not wait until the balcony door stops closing or opening. When the first problems are detected, you must immediately perform necessary adjustment to prevent more serious damage to the canvas, box or locking mechanisms.

To determine the place where the displacement occurred, you can use a sheet of paper: it is placed on the frame and the canvas is covered, after which it begins to move. It will be difficult to do this in a skewed area. The tightness of the door is determined using a regular pencil or marker. A line is drawn along the sash, after which the doors are closed. If after opening the line is shifted, it means that there is insufficient clearance in this place and adjustment must be made.

Necessary tool

To adjust the plastic door you will need the following set of tools:

What problems can you fix yourself?

Any home craftsman can fix the following malfunctions of a metal-plastic door with his own hands:

  • sagging of the canvas - this will be indicated by its touching the threshold; such a malfunction is associated with the large weight of the door, causing it to shift in the vertical direction;
  • a gap between the door frame and the leaf, which indicates a violation of the quality of the door leaf clamp;
  • touching the side of the door frame, this occurs due to the movement of the leaf in the horizontal direction, which is caused by operating conditions or weather conditions;
  • malfunction of the handle, its fastening becomes loose, causing the mechanism to stop working correctly;
  • tight closing of the door - this is caused by diagonal displacement, malfunction of the locking mechanism or strong pressing of the door to the frame.

The plastic balcony door does not close well

If the plastic balcony door begins to close poorly, the reason may be that the handle is not working properly. During operation of the door, this part constantly rotates, which leads to weakening of its fastening and deterioration of performance. In order to restore functionality, you must perform the following steps:

If such an adjustment does not bring the expected result, then most likely the housing is damaged, so the handle needs to be replaced.

The plastic balcony door sank

If you find that when closing the balcony door it touches the threshold, this means that the canvas has sagged and needs to be adjusted. This is easy to do, just follow these steps:

How to adjust the pressure density of a balcony door

A violation of the pressure of the door leaf to the frame can be detected by inspecting the seal; the problem is indicated by deformation of the material.

The adjustment can be made in several ways, everything will depend on the design of the fittings used:

Adjusting balcony door hinges

Using the hinges on which the plastic balcony door is attached, you can adjust the door leaf both horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal adjustment is performed in the following sequence:

Vertical adjustment of the hinges allows you to move the door leaf down or up.

One way to troubleshoot problems is to adjust the glass unit. This option is used when other methods failed to achieve the expected result. It is more complex, but even in this case you can cope without the help of specialists:

Video: adjusting a plastic balcony door

Repair of a plastic balcony door

Before you begin repairing your balcony door, you need to determine the type of fault. There are a number of problems that are quite difficult to solve on your own, so you will have to call a specialist. Serious damage to a plastic door includes:

  • cracks in the glass unit, frame;
  • violation of welds;
  • destruction of fittings;
  • tearing out the loop.

Other renovation work You can do it yourself.

How to properly dismantle

If it becomes necessary to dismantle the plastic door, you need to prepare a screwdriver and pliers. The sequence of work is as follows:

Removing a glass unit

If you need to remove a double-glazed window, it is more convenient to do this after you have dismantled the panel. But another option is also possible, when the door remains in place. To do this, you will need a special spatula, but if you don’t have one, you can use a spatula or knife, or rubber suction cups. It is recommended to carry out the work with gloves.

Sequence of work:

Replacing a balcony door

If it is necessary to replace the balcony door, then all work after dismantling will be performed in the reverse order:

Insulation of a balcony door

If you purchased a high-quality plastic balcony door and installed it correctly, then it does not need additional insulation. When choosing a design, it is recommended to give preference to triple-glazed windows. In addition, pay attention to the profile from which the door is made. The five-chamber option is optimal.

A question such as insulating plastic doors is related to the elimination of secondary causes of cold entering the apartment:

  • poor sealing between the doorway and the frame;
  • lack of insulation of slopes and thresholds;
  • violation of the position of the door leaf.

First you need to determine the reason for the penetration of cold air. To check the condition of the slopes, you can use a candle, which will indicate problem area. In the same way, the threshold and door leaf are checked along its entire perimeter.

Before insulating the slopes, you need to check the quality of the sealing of the seam between the door frame and the opening. If it is bad, then part of the foam is cut out, after which the gap is again filled with similar material.

To insulate slopes, you can use plastic, plasterboard or foam. If the first two materials are used, then the sheathing is made first. It can be made from metal profile or wooden blocks. After this a layer is laid mineral wool and cover everything with plastic or plasterboard. Additionally, finishing with putty may be required.

To finish the slopes, plastic, plasterboard or polystyrene can be used, but the last two options will still have to be puttied and painted

You can also insulate it with polystyrene foam. To do this, cut out pieces of the required size and, using special glue, install them on the slopes. The foam plastic will also have to be puttied and painted.

A well-installed and properly insulated balcony door will help raise the room temperature by several degrees.

You can insulate the threshold with polystyrene foam, which is mounted using dowels and then finished ceramic tiles. You can also use special plastic products, which are sold together with the door, but often home craftsmen install a regular window sill.

To insulate the threshold, sheets of expanded polystyrene are used, which are then covered with tiles or plastic overlays

Video: disassembling and assembling a plastic balcony door

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is not a difficult task, so you can handle it on your own. To do everything correctly, you first need to determine the cause of the violation of the normal functioning of the structure, and then study the sequence and technology for eliminating it. It is enough to spend a little time once to figure out how to do everything correctly, and then you will be able to make the adjustment yourself.

If the door stops closing, the cold outside begins to let in, there is a creaking sound, the door is jammed, or the door latch does not work, there is no need to call a repairman. For a home craftsman who has the skills to work with a screwdriver and pliers, independent adjustment or metal-plastic work does not present an insurmountable difficulty. How to adjust a plastic balcony door will be discussed in this article.

A balcony door block made of PVC or metal-plastic is manufactured as a rather complex engineering design. The balcony block combines the functions of access to the street (for open balconies and non-insulated loggias) and the aesthetics of a volumetric window from the living room or kitchen of the apartment.

Therefore, designers place increased demands on the block regarding the tightness of the door leaf, the possibilities of its adjusting movements, and the reliability of the fittings. In the design, these requirements are met by the use of multi-chamber glass (double or triple), rubber seals, adjustment mechanisms in hinges, locks, and locking tabs.

The need to adjust the balcony door is determined by simple independent experiments:

  1. Open the door and leave it wide open, making sure there is no wind or draft. If the door opens or closes spontaneously, it needs adjustment.
  2. Use a pencil to mark the position of the closed frame around the perimeter of the installation box (on the balcony side). The parallelism of the lines indicates the normal position of the frame. If, upon opening the canvas, you see discrepancies in the parallels, adjustments to the distortions are necessary.
  3. Place several sheets of writing paper between the frame and the box. The paper should be pulled out with the same force. A jammed, torn sheet will indicate significant clamping disturbances that require adjustment.

Basic adjustments of the balcony door

To adjust the balcony door with your own hands, take it from your home toolkit or buy:

  • screwdrivers with a flat, cross-shaped tip (size selection is carried out according to the hardware of the fittings);
  • hexagon socket wrenches (triangular, pentagonal, and “star” splines are also used for imported designs);
  • pliers (pliers);
  • meter metal ruler or tape measure;
  • glue, scissors (to replace sealing rubber or silicone).

This video answers all questions about adjusting a plastic balcony door:

Each of the mechanisms of the locking structure and frame fastening on hinges is responsible for its own area of ​​work. But the same symptoms (the plastic door to the balcony does not close, the frame rubs against the frame with the bottom or side edge) occur when a specific mechanism is not configured correctly, so they need to be considered separately.

Elimination of sagging door leaf

Problems with door leaf sagging arise when door hinges become loose and the house settles, requiring additional adjustment of the position of the frame in the installation box. A loose hinge can be easily identified by the play of the mounting screws or their absence. To remedy the problem, select a screwdriver with suitable pattern stings (at different manufacturers screws with slotted or Phillips slots are used).

After removing the decorative trim covering the hinge (on the inside edge of the frame), tighten all mounting screws as tightly as possible. Only after this you need to determine the place where the frame touches the box. Most likely this will be the middle of the frame or the bottom edge. Less commonly, subsidence of the house lifts the upper edge of the glass unit cladding upward.

To adjust the position of the plastic balcony door in the installation box, use long adjusting screws mounted in the door hinges. For most door designs, the frame is attached to the frame with three hinges equipped with adjusting screws.

Screws located parallel to the lower and upper edges of the glass unit lining are responsible for moving the frame in the horizontal direction. Most often, manufacturers use screws with a cross-shaped or figured (hexagon, asterisk) slot for adjustment. When adjusting, the screw is usually rotated clockwise.

Attention: do not try to adjust the position of the frame with three or four turns of the screw at once. One revolution may be sufficient to eliminate the displacement. By tightening all the screws, you can completely upset the geometry of the frame.

If the balcony door does not close well in the middle, it is adjusted with a screw on the middle hinge or three screws. The far edge of the canvas touching the lower edge is lifted with the screws of the upper and middle hinges.

The vertical geometry (up and down) is adjusted using adjusting screws at the ends of the upper and lower loops. To adjust, you will need 2, 5 or 5 mm hexagon sockets. To raise the door or lower the frame, the screws are rotated clockwise or in the opposite direction. With amateur adjustments, it is rarely possible to achieve the correct geometry setting the first time. Repeated experimental adjustments with several screws will bring an acceptable result.

Adjusting and strengthening the handle

If the handle jams or does not turn completely, the cause is usually a breakdown of the internal movement mechanism of the long rods located in the lining of the double-glazed window. Vertical adjustment of the frame does not bring success either. It is unrealistic to repair such a breakdown on your own; you need to call a specialist and completely replace the mechanism.

It’s not difficult to fix a loose handle yourself. To do this, you need to turn the decorative trim covering the fastenings under the handle. Exposed mounting screws or screws must be tightened tightly with a Phillips or flat-head screwdriver.

Setting the clamping density

The plastic balcony door is adjusted according to the pressure different ways. Round pins (with an offset central hole) or oval eccentrics are responsible for pressing the frame to the box. When the handle is turned, the rods move these parts up and down along the metal bar. When the handle is in a horizontal position, the trunnion or eccentric fits into the central slot of the shaped bracket screwed to the door frame.

If the mounting screws of the bracket are not loose, the pressure adjustment of the balcony door is carried out by turning the pin or eccentric. To control the position of the trunnion, a noticeable slotted mark is applied to the edge of its circumference. The oval shape of the eccentric allows you to visually control its position. To increase the pressure, turn the trunnion with pliers.

In the same way, you can switch the door to winter mode. For maximum pressure, three eccentrics are moved (with a special wrench or pliers) to the horizontal position of the oval.

Troubleshooting door opening and closing problems

Incorrect pressure setting also leads to problems with opening and closing the exit to the balcony. If the balcony door does not close from the outside, in addition to incorrect adjustment of the pressure, the reasons may be frame misalignment or displacement of the curved bracket due to damaged or loose fasteners. By securing the bracket and making all the adjustments, you will get rid of this drawback.

If the balcony door creaks when opening, the reason, in addition to friction of the frame on the frame during distortions, may be contamination (rust) of the fittings or door hinges. To get rid of creaking hinges, pour a few drops of machine oil into the upper hole of the rod (with an oil can or syringe).

New residents who move into a new building in the summer or early autumn often discover with the onset of cold weather that a draft is blowing from the balcony. Loss of airtightness by a balcony block can be caused by several reasons:

  • marriage door design(incorrect installation of double-glazed windows, gaps between connections of plastic elements);
  • cracks around the perimeter of the installation box (insufficient layer of mounting foam, sealant);
  • block distortions caused by settlement of a high-rise building;
  • incorrect settings of fittings;
  • destruction assembly seams on slopes, under the window sill, at the threshold;
  • using low-quality sealant, contamination of rubber with construction paint, plaster mortar, street dirt.

If a plastic door freezes around the perimeter of the frame, it is necessary to replace the rubber seal, which is subject to natural aging and drying out. Deformation of the seal leads to the wind blowing through the plastic door and the balcony does not close tightly.

When choosing a seal that acts as an insulator for noise, cold air, and water condensation, you need to pay attention to the material (preferred rubber based on natural rubber, silicone, EPDM, TPE grades, related to stretchable thermoplastic elastomers).

To change the rubber seal between the frame and the door frame you need:

  • tear out or cut out the old rubber;
  • clear the groove around the perimeter of the frame from all glue and rubber residues;
  • degrease inner surface groove with white spirit, acetone, solvent;
  • carefully apply a layer of glue and let it dry;
  • place a solid piece of sealing rubber or silicone into the groove;
  • cut off the remainder of the seal at the junction and press it tightly.

Video on replacing the seal:

Proper operation and maintenance of balcony doors

With proper configuration of a plastic balcony door, the service life of the structure fully complies with the manufacturer’s guarantees (from 20 to 50 years). TO mandatory measures, which are recommended by manufacturers of plastic and metal-plastic structures, relate:

  • washing double-glazed windows and cladding with a simple soap solution (aggressive detergents are contraindicated);
  • lubricant rubber seal silicone compounds (at least once a year);
  • cleaning and lubrication of fittings and external parts of locking mechanisms;
  • timely replacement of the seal gasket (protects plastic parts of the structure from friction and wear).

In addition, do not load open doors with linen, clothing, or foreign objects; use the ventilation mode when strong winds, cleanse door blocks using cutting objects and abrasives.

Greetings to all blog readers! Today we will talk about PVC adjustment doors on the balcony.

A lot of my friends complain that there is a draft through the door, it doesn’t close tightly, and a bunch of other problems. I have to go and figure out what happened there.

In fact, there is only one reason - improper care of the fittings and sealing rubber bands. Every time we have to explain what needs to be done, how to care for the door. In this regard, I decided to write instructions for everyone, in case you have the same problem and cannot find a solution.

Today, almost every apartment has metal-plastic balcony blocks. As you know, both windows and doors can wear out over time. Most often, it is plastic doors that require repairs, because in just one day they can be opened and slammed countless times.

The door weighs more than window frame, accordingly, it is easier to deform, and sometimes it “slips” when the structure is lowered. There is a need for urgent repairs doors

To adjust a faulty balcony door, generally the same principle is used as in adjusting a window mechanism. However, door repair is distinguished by a number of characteristic properties. We will talk about problems that may arise during the operation of plastic doors and ways to solve them in this article.

First of all, when starting to adjust the door, you need to stock up on screwdrivers (regular flat-head and Phillips), as well as a 4 mm wrench for adjusting the screws on the door hinges, and pliers.

Sometimes it happens that the plastic door to the balcony does not close. This problem usually occurs due to sagging door hinges or broken hardware, in particular the lock. Often the sash itself becomes deformed. In this case, you need to find out the cause of the malfunction, and only then begin repairs.

If the door with its lower structural element, when trying to close it, clings to the threshold, and it must be lifted, holding on to the fittings, it means that the door has dropped under the weight of its own weight. Due to the impressive size of balcony doors, such misalignment often occurs. If the door touches the frame in the center, we can talk about a horizontal displacement of the sash or a change in its shape.

This sometimes happens when exposed to high temperatures. Sometimes the mechanism that presses the sash to the frame breaks. As a result, the door frame remains slightly closed and does not lock even when the handle is turned. This problem can be resolved by repairing the clamping mechanism.

Adjusting the balcony door fastening mechanism

If the structure sags, the upper door hinges are adjusted first.

It is necessary to open the sash completely, set the product to the rotation position, then release fastener from a decorative hat (mostly on all metal-plastic doors the hinges are covered with special caps, and it is under them that the screws are hidden).

After this, using a spanner, tighten the adjusting screw to the right several times. This will correct the crooked position of the structure and prevent it from sagging again. It happens that in order for the sash to rise, it is also necessary to tighten the hinges from below. They have top and side screws.

The door can be raised a few millimeters by adjusting the top end screw. If you turn the side screw with a key, the sash tightens or, on the contrary, moves away from the opening.

Thus, the sagging is eliminated by rotating the adjusting screws on the hinges in the bottom and upper parts door leaf. They are designed to allow the sash to be slightly moved in one direction or another.

What to do if the canvas touches the frame when opening

In this case, the door with its upper border can touch the frame. This indicates that, when adjusting the sagging, the sash was shifted to a greater height than necessary. It is easy to fix this problem: just turn the end screw once in the lower hinge. Sometimes the door cannot be closed completely, and the resulting gap allows cold air to pass through.

To avoid drafts, the sealing material should be changed. To do this, we purchase a suitable sealant at the construction market or in a store.

Using a screwdriver, release the groove from the old profile, then clean it of dried glue and wash it with a damp sponge or cloth.

Then you need to let the groove dry, then apply a layer of glue and attach the new profile with the fastening side. In this case, the cord or insulation material must not be pulled. It must be carefully smoothed out with your hands or a special copper tube with a curved end. The ends of the profile must be firmly glued.

So that balcony owners do not have to frequently change the sealing cord in the future, it is recommended to treat it with a special silicone mixture. You can usually purchase silicone for lubrication from the supplier of the balcony block system.

The handle for the plastic balcony door deserves special attention.

Deformation of locks and fittings is a fairly common problem. Sometimes, the door handle does not make a full rotation and requires force to do so.

Such a malfunction can be eliminated by using horizontal door adjustment. In this case, you can specifically press the door leaf more tightly in the direction opposite to the hinges before the start of the cold season. This is fine.

However, in the spring it is better to reduce the force of the pressing sash mechanism, since this causes it to break faster and also wears out the sealing profile. In situations where the handle is severely damaged, it is better to replace the deformed structural element with a new one.

If the handle is loose and turns too easily, you need to rotate the bar at the base 90 degrees. There are screws underneath that need to be tightened. This simple procedure will quickly solve the problem.

In order to check whether the balcony door has been adjusted correctly, let’s try to close the sash. If this happens easily, with light pressure on the handle, then the adjustment has been completed correctly.

Lock breakdowns

The door frame locking mechanism keeps the door closed. With frequent use, it breaks down and requires replacement.

The lock is screwed to the end of the product with screws. You just need to unscrew them, pull out the old balcony latch for plastic doors and screw in a new one.

Elimination of microdefects, scratches and chips

Over time, small cracks and damage may appear on the surface of the balcony door. To get rid of them, use a special mixture called “Cosmofen” or any other component similar in composition. It should be applied to visible areas with defects and wait until the surface dries.

After this, a special substance – plastic in liquid form – is also applied to the chips. For doors with lamination, a wax pencil or a so-called furniture touch is suitable. Sometimes repairing a balcony opening can only be done by contacting a specialist.

This applies to such defects as the appearance of cracks and chips in the glass unit, holes in the plastic, and destruction of welds. This may cause the door hinge mechanism to break. In some cases, it is even necessary to order the production of a new door or call a repairman.

Occasionally, when adjusting the overlap, it becomes necessary to move the glass unit. Using the adjusting screws you can move the door a few millimeters. If you need a larger offset angle, you need to combine both types of adjustment - screws and moving the glass unit.

The glass unit is secured with rods. They should be removed, and then squeezing blades should be placed under the glass unit, which will act as a lever, and with their help, move the glass unit in the desired direction. In this case, the spring effect begins to act and the plastic door moves along with the double-glazed window.

After adjustment, you need to secure the glass unit again with rods. These fasteners are different sizes for different parts structure, so care must be taken not to mix them.

Balcony door fixing

In some cases, it becomes necessary to completely remove the sash. For example, to carry out complex repairs or when it is necessary to leave the opening open when exiting to the balcony in order to remove large pieces of furniture there.

First, remove the special cap covering the top loop. Then the axial rod (pin) is pressed. The pressure should be on its head, which rises above the door hinge. Using pliers, you need to hold the pin from below and also pull it out to the end.

The next step is to tilt the structure towards you and lift it slightly, 5–6 cm is enough. This procedure removes the fasteners from the bottom hinge, which allows you to remove the door and move it if necessary.

After some time, the sash needs to be put back in its place in the opening. The installation of plastic doors on a balcony is carried out in several stages: The lower hinge is placed on a rod for fastening with a special hole. The door is then installed in its working position.

With proper pressure on the top hinge pin, it will take its original position, protruding 5 mm from both sides of the hinge. Finally, the decorative hinge attachments should be put back in place.

Do not forget about the large weight of plastic balcony blocks.

The sash is quite heavy. If you drop it during dismantling, the hinge mechanism will break. In this case, you will either have to buy new door, or seek help from professionals, experts in installing balcony blocks. In order to avoid such troubles, it is better to remove and hang the door by inviting an assistant.

Often the installation of a balcony metal-plastic system identical to the installation of any standard interior fabric or sashes. However, the opening method makes a significant difference here. This determines the specifics of the installation. It is carried out in stages.

First you need to remove the old ceiling. The next step is to clean the doorway. It is necessary to sweep away the remaining debris and wipe the sides of the hole in the wall from dust. Then you can proceed directly to installing the door frame.

Moreover, if sliding products are being installed, it is necessary to attach guide profiles. The remaining gaps are filled polyurethane foam, after which the door is put on its hinges. At the end comes the turn of fittings and adjustment of the handle.

As a rule, when purchasing a balcony door, they issue a guarantee. Bye guarantee period not finished, it is better to use the services of an installation specialist plastic windows and doors. Some defects and malfunctions are difficult to eliminate on your own.

In addition, if you additionally damage the door during adjustment or repair, you will no longer be able to count on the warranty and free troubleshooting.

You can set up a balcony door if it begins to function poorly with your own hands. However, you need to approach this process wisely so as not to accidentally damage the structure. Therefore, the main thing in installing and adjusting plastic doors to the balcony is strict adherence to the technology, accuracy and attentiveness when taking measurements.

If you make a mistake somewhere during the installation process, the door may begin to sag, bend, and simply not work well. Sometimes when adjusting a balcony door, the locking mechanism is destroyed. In this case, you need to replace it with a new one.


When adjustment of a plastic balcony door is required

The price of a plastic balcony door is quite high, but the purchase is expensive quality model does not save from frequent cases of mechanism breakdowns. It's all about its frequent use, which leads to a decrease in the tightness of the sash.

In addition, double glazing provides excellent sound insulation, and PVC guarantees durability. However, it is these materials that noticeably make the structure heavier, as a result of which it begins to sag under its own weight and ceases to close tightly. As a result, a noticeable draft appears in the room, and insulating the balcony does not help.

The normal position of the plastic door is as follows:

  • if the door is open, it does not move on its own;
  • no sash displacement;
  • the leaf is pressed tightly against the door frame profile.

If this is the case, intervention in the door mechanism is not required. However, if you notice the slightest deviation, you immediately need repairs to your plastic balcony doors. You shouldn’t delay calling a technician, because with each opening and closing the situation will get worse. As a result, this can lead to balcony doors not closing at all.

Helpful advice! If the door installation warranty has expired and you do not want to contact a specialist, you can watch a video of self-adjustment of plastic balcony doors and fix the problem yourself.

Types of balcony door faults

If you adjust a plastic balcony door with your own hands, for the success of the repair it is important to determine the causes of the malfunction. Most often the problems are as follows:

Type of malfunction Cause of occurrence
Door sagging (when closing the door clings to the plastic threshold) Most likely, the structure is too heavy, which leads to its displacement downwards
Hanging handle for balcony door Usually the handle starts to dangle when the balcony door is opened very often
Plastic balcony doors do not close tightly (the leaf is not pressed tightly against the frame and you feel a draft) As a rule, this is a symptom of a malfunctioning door handle or a misaligned door.
The door is shifted to the side (the door touches the middle of the frame) Most often the problem is in the hinges; adjusting them will help eliminate the problem. This problem often occurs due to constant sudden temperature changes that affect the fittings for plastic balcony doors in case of insufficient insulation of the balcony

To test the door for tight closure, slam the shutter with a regular landscape sheet of paper. Try to push the sheet around the perimeter of the door. If it moves easily, the structure has lost its density and needs adjustment.

Also evaluate the tightness of the seal: uneven pressure on the rubber usually indicates sagging. Determining the direction of displacement is simple: pay attention to the place where the seal is compressed and check whether there is a mark from the sash on it.

How to determine if a door leaf is skewed

If you suspect the structure is skewed, close the sash and then move around the perimeter closed door with a simple pencil.

Open the door and compare its outline with the drawn line. The presence of unevenness indicates that the door is warped. For accurate results, use a building level.

Table of values ​​for door leaf adjustment

Let's say, as a result of measurements, you find out that the width of the drawn strip is 8 mm (an error of 1 mm is permissible). This means everything is in order and the door is not warped. If the width of one strip is 12 mm and the other is 4 mm, this clearly indicates that the door is skewed by 4 mm.

Note! Sometimes it turns out that on the hinge side the width of the strip is 3-4 mm, and on the handle side 6-7 mm. Such indicators indicate that the door is narrowed by 4-6 mm - this is a manufacturing defect, and it makes no sense to move such a door.

Also check the width of the opening on all sides of the frame. The difference in measurements should not be more than 1 mm. Otherwise, the opening will have the shape of a barrel - this happens when installed incorrectly, when the middle of the frame is pulled towards the wall more than the top and bottom. Such errors also lead to loose clamping.

By measuring the width of the sash on all sides, you will determine the correct length of the impost. The difference between the three measurements should not be more than 0.5-1 mm.

If the indicators differ from the norm, the length of the impost differs from the required one and causes the door to skew.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door: step-by-step instructions

To avoid mistakes or accidental damage to the glass unit of a balcony door (the cost of which is quite high), you need to figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors correctly.

When carrying out work, it is not necessary to overpay for a specialist: you can adjust the balcony door yourself - video instructions can be easily found on the Internet.

To work you will need very few tools:

  • hexagon;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • flat screwdriver.

Instructions and video: how to adjust plastic balcony doors when sagging

If you notice that when opening and closing the door it scratches the bottom edge of the frame, this indicates sagging of the door. The adjustment in this case can be vertical or horizontal.

Vertical and horizontal adjustment doors

Horizontal adjustment steps:

  1. Open the door wide to the swing position.
  2. There is a screw located near the top hinge at the end of the sash. Take the hex key and turn it clockwise 2-3 times.
  3. Remove the plugs covering the holes leading to the top screws.
  4. Turn all screws under the plugs clockwise.
  5. After adjusting the mechanism, check whether the door now closes freely. If necessary, tighten the screws again.

To understand how to adjust balcony doors vertically, do the following:

  1. Lift the door evenly and find the screw at the bottom end of the hinge, located along its axis.
  2. If the screw is covered by a plug, carefully remove it.
  3. If you twist the screw clockwise, carefully lift the door, if counterclockwise, lower it.

Adjusting the pressure of balcony doors and door handles

To tighten the handle for a plastic balcony door, you need to do the following:

  1. Slowly and carefully turn the plastic cap at a right angle.
  2. Under plastic cover find screws for fastening. Pull them up.

If the handle does not turn well, sometimes it is enough to lubricate the lock special material, which does not contain resin or acid. In the event of a complete breakdown, you should buy a handle for plastic balcony doors, unscrew the screws, remove old part and put a new one in its place.

Helpful advice! A good option is to install a magnetic latch on the balcony door. This will help avoid too frequent exposure to door handle every time the door is closed and opened, which will have a beneficial effect on its durability.

Schematic instructions for self-regulation balcony door position

If there is blowing from plastic balcony doors, this is a sure sign that the sash is not pressed tightly. It is necessary to adjust the pressure of the plastic balcony door. To figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors for pressure, look on the door leaf locking elements. They are responsible for the pressure density.

Using a wrench or pliers, rotate the locking elements until the door is in the desired position. Professionals recommend periodically self-adjustment plastic balcony doors depending on the season.

Just figure out how to adjust plastic balcony doors for the winter, and you can easily loosen the pressure in hot weather and tighten it in the cold season.

Sometimes adjusting the hinges does not help solve the problem, and then the leakage of the clamp can be eliminated using a pin. To do this you will need pliers.

To achieve maximum door pressure, install the trunnion perpendicular to the profile. To, on the contrary, achieve minimal pressure, position the trunnion parallel.

Replacing the seal and adjusting the door when the frame is scratched

It may turn out that adjusting the door pressure did not bring the desired result. This happens because rubber compressor worn out, and any door adjustments are pointless without replacing it. To do this you need:

  1. Pull out the old tires. This can be done without much effort and you won’t need any additional tools.
  2. Remove dirt from the inside of the groove.
  3. Place a new seal. Make sure that the side bend is at the end of the sash.

Helpful advice! To make work easier, remove the sash from the frame: this will allow access to the rubber gaskets from the hinge side. It is better to choose a seal from the same manufacturer as the installed doors.

If the balcony doors do not close well and touch the frame, scratching its center, follow these instructions for self-adjusting plastic balcony doors:

  1. Lower the sash to the bottom hinge.
  2. Insert the adjusting key into the side screw and tighten the sash.
  3. If the door position does not return to normal, repeat the procedure with the top hinge.

Prevention of malfunctions of balcony doors

If you had to build a house yourself, adjusting the balcony door fittings has more value, because you want the result of your work to last longer. To minimize the risk of future problems, try to follow these rules:

  • reputable manufacturer - guarantee good quality products, because in terms of durability and performance characteristics the quality of the materials from which the door and fittings are made is of primary importance;
  • when purchasing fittings, make sure that all selected parts are suitable for the type and size of the balcony door: keep in mind that modern fittings are designed for a weight of 100-130 kg;
  • so that you don’t have to figure out how to tighten plastic balcony doors, make sure you have a special microlift: this compensator part prevents the door leaf from sagging under the influence of its own gravity;
  • To prevent the door from sagging and the sash from jamming, it is worth installing a special additional rail that limits the opening of the door.

Helpful advice! The microlift is especially relevant in the case of double-glazed windows, which are distinguished by their impressive weight and size. The design of the microlift can be different, representing a small lever on the side of the sash or a roller at its bottom.

Also, even at the door installation stage, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Along the entire perimeter of the door frame, the frame should fit evenly and tightly against it.
  2. Opening and closing doors should be easy and effortless.
  3. When checking with a building level, it should be obvious that the structure is installed exactly vertically.
  4. There should be no drafts.
  5. If the door is installed level, in the half-closed position it should not open or close on its own.

Remember that adjusting the door yourself is possible, but requires attention, caution and careful diagnosis of problems.

Therefore, if you have a valid warranty on your balcony door, if you identify the slightest malfunction, you should contact specialists who will quickly determine the causes of the problems.

If you are sure that the malfunctions are due to manufacturing defects or installation problems, it is also better to turn to professionals - tightening the bolts yourself in this case will not correct the situation.

If you decide to adjust the door yourself, be sure to follow the instructions, and if you replace the fittings, choose products from the same company as your balcony doors.