Starline key fob programming. How to reprogram a car alarm remote control yourself How to program a car alarm key fob

It all started when I wanted to go to work like a white man. In other words, not through a gate for everyone, but through a car gate with Nice automatics. I understand it’s absurd, but that’s how it is.

Partly for this reason, partly because I had nothing to do, I went to Aliexpress to look for a solution to my problem. Namely, a learning remote control to copy one of the working key fobs, and no worries.

In general, I didn’t succeed, but the key fobs were useful for controlling the lights at home.

To be honest, this is already the second set of keychains. The first one was completely useless because I made a strategic miscalculation. I’m not very well versed in all sorts of automatic gates, garages and barriers, so at first I went straight ahead. And I ordered regular key fobs with a fixed, hard-wired code.

Why? These key fobs - programmable and hardwired - look the same, and I thought the Chinese probably don't know what they're selling. But when I received the order, I realized that they know.

In addition to the fact that the first key fobs turned out to be unlearnable, their code could not be registered in the Nice FLO X1R controller. In general, this is how I ended up with a pair of cute keychains for carrying keys.

The second time I turned out to be smarter, and bought just the trainable keychains. They arrived in spartan form: a small yellow envelope containing two key chains in individual plastic bags.

The workmanship, in my opinion, is very good. The keychains are quite weighty (26 g), made of smooth plastic (ABS, probably) with a metal insert and a metal carabiner for a key or key ring. Silver edging is plastic. Another plus is a sliding curtain that protects the buttons from accidental pressing. Of course, you don’t need it at home, but for outdoor use it’s just right.

They understand it in an elementary way. We unscrew the three screws, separate the halves of the case, and take out the silver edging, which also secures the board.

The battery is already inside, which in itself is nice.

Chip (PIC 12F629), transmitter (AUKR433A) and installation quality:

It's sad, but as for the Nice gate, the result was the same as with the previous key fobs. That is, the new key fob flatly refused to learn the code of the existing key fob.

At the same time, I was sure that the key fob was working: I tried to teach it the commands of previous key fobs with a fixed hardwired code. And everything worked out in one go.

Then I carefully read the description of Nice, Full description keychain on the Chinese website and I understood everything. Nice uses the so-called rolling code, but the keychain I bought does not understand it. That's the whole mystery. By the way, when I found out this, I looked for suitable keychains on Aliexpress - they are there.

In general, of course, I was upset, and then I remembered that I have two types of remotely controlled lighting at home, with remote controls at the same frequency - 433 MHz.

The first is some ordinary Chinese radio sockets, bought for the occasion in Leroy Merlin. I believe that other similar sockets are the same.

This is the remote control they have, inside is an SC2262 chip):

So I cheerfully took the keychains home and began experimenting. At first nothing worked with either control. And then I read the instructions again: programming works at a minimum distance.

The procedure itself is elementary:

1) Simultaneously press and hold the two top buttons until the key fob LED starts flashing at short intervals
2) Now simultaneously press the button of the learning key fob and the button of the donor remote control, and hold until the key fob LED starts to light up (or blink at a high frequency)
3) Repeat step 2 until the key fob runs out of buttons

So I ended up moving the remote controls relative to each other to find where their antennas were. With the socket remote controls, everything worked out just fine: I folded it back-to-back, pressed the buttons, and got a copy of the remote control in the key fob.

In the video my torment looks like this:

But things didn’t work out with the switch panel. Perhaps there is also some kind of incompatible encoding technology.

However, even this suits me quite well. Now there will be twice as many remote controls in the apartment)

And here is proof of this:

Here's another thing: from a practical point of view, keychains, in my opinion, are no different. And within the apartment they work exactly the same as their “relatives.” Those. at a distance of 5-6 meters they “break through” one wall and turn on/off the socket.

To summarize: relatively inexpensive programmable remote controls for any equipment with a fixed code. Lighting, alarms, gates, homemade products.

1) Good quality manufacturing
2) 4 channels
3) Simple and reliable training
4) Already with battery

1) Specific street design
2) Doesn't understand rolling code

Ps. yes, in theory I know that it is canonical to write “keychains”, etc. Sorry!

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The need to program a car alarm key fob may arise in different cases, be it a breakdown of the key fob itself, the lack of spare key fobs, or simply a measure to ensure the safety of the car (for example, when buying a used car). In any case, the algorithm for the car owner’s actions is quite simple, this article will write step by step guide on programming the most common starline key fobs. Programming the Starline key fob is quite simple, but it requires the car owner’s attentiveness and knowledge of some nuances.

System Features

It is very important to pay attention to the model of both the key fob and the alarm; in some cases, car owners do not pay attention to the additional indices following the model name.

It will not be possible to flash a key fob of the same model, but with a different index; you will need to replace the alarm key fob. You should replace the key fob with the exact same one you have, without any indexes.

The car owner should know that programming a Starline key fob into the alarm unit will not cost only the firmware of an additional key fob; you need to immediately write down the key fobs that you are going to use. Thus, having one working key fob and one unstitched one, when programming it is necessary to bind the key fob (old and new) at the same time.

This point is very important, because Many car owners are faced with a problem when the additional key fob works, but the main key fob does not work.

Checking the key fob and searching for the service button

The very first step will be to check the key fob itself for its functionality. Inspect the key fob housing for cracks and chips, check the batteries. You can check the voltage on the key fob battery using a multimeter. If the key fob is new or the batteries have been changed recently, then you can skip this step.

The next step will be to find out. Alarm programming is not the same difficult process, you need to find the button from the alarm unit, usually it is connected to a wire. Most often, alarms are installed under the front panel of the car on the passenger or driver's side. You need to look under the front panel and find this button. If you cannot find the button, then you need to find the alarm unit and walk along the wires from it in search of the button.

Firmware methods depending on the alarm model

After the service button has been found, the process of recording key fobs into the alarm memory should begin. Depending on the models, one firmware method should be used.

Method 1

  1. Disarm, turn the ignition switch to the (Lock) position.
  2. Press the (VALET) button repeatedly (7 times), each time the button is pressed the LED should blink.
  3. Turn on the ignition, the alarm will notify you of entering the service mode with 7 beeps.
  4. As soon as you enter the service mode, press and hold buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob simultaneously (for B6D, B9D, B61, B91, A61, A91, buttons 2 and 3), the key will be registered in the alarm unit.
  5. When the key fob is successfully recorded, 1 beep will sound. If you need to bind a new key fob, then immediately after programming the first one, take the second key fob and press buttons 1 and 2 again. As soon as the key fob is registered, the alarm will notify you with a sound signal.
    If it was not possible to reprogram the key fob, the alarm unit will exit and switch from the service mode to the standard mode (the turn signals flash 5 times).
  6. When all the key fobs are stitched, you need to turn off the ignition, the alarm will exit the programming mode (the turn signals flash 5 times).

Method 2

  1. Disarm, turn the ignition on, then press and hold the service button for 6 seconds, after which 4 beeps will sound (service mode is on).
  2. Immediately after entering the service mode, press and hold buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob simultaneously, the key will begin to register in the alarm unit.
  3. If the key fob is registered correctly, 1 beep will sound. If you need to record an additional key fob, then immediately after recording the first one, start recording the second key fob, to do this, press and hold buttons 3 and 4. After recording the next key fob, the alarm will notify you with a signal, the number of signals depends on the order of the key fob for recording.
  4. If the key fob has not been recorded, the alarm will exit the service mode (the turn signals flash 5 times).
  5. After recording required quantity key fobs, turn off the ignition, thereby disabling the alarm from the recording mode (the turn signals blink 5 times).

Method 3

  1. Disarm, turn on the ignition, then turn off, do this 3 times. Then the signaling LED will light up for 3-4 seconds.
  2. Immediately after this, you need to turn on the ignition, then turn it off, do this 5 times and leave the ignition switch in the on position. The alarm will emit 5 beeps and the service mode will be entered.
  3. On the key fob, simultaneously press buttons 1 and 2 on the key fob, the recording process will begin.
  4. If the key fob is registered correctly, 1 beep will sound. If you need to record another key fob, then immediately after recording the first one, take the second one and press buttons 1 and 2 again.
    After recording the next key fob, the alarm will notify with a signal, the number of signals depends on the order of the key fob for recording.
  5. Turn off the ignition, the alarm will exit the recording mode and notify (the turn signals flash 3 times).

It is important for a car owner that his car is reliably protected from theft. Many devices have been created for these purposes, but we must remember that even the most quality systems needs to be installed correctly.

Modern devices are made in the form of a radio transmitter or key fob. Keychain is main element alarm control.

Sheriff key fobs belong to the family of inexpensive, very reliable car alarms. The device was developed by an American company at the request of Russian auto companies. System in great demand Used among Russian car enthusiasts.

When developing the key fob, American engineers carefully studied not only the design of Russian cars, but also operating conditions.

Attention was also paid to:

  • standards;
  • laws;
  • criminal methods of theft;
  • proposed Russian auto security devices.

All data regarding failures of popular alarm systems in Russia were taken into account. First, the first batch was made. Testing took place over a year in different regions countries. Then the best Taiwanese factories began to produce.

On this moment Most European and American enterprises dream of obtaining a certificate for the production of sheriff alarm key fobs.

A lot of different studies were carried out and based on the results obtained, it was proven that this alarm device differs from others in the following:

  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • efficiency.

Before you attach the key fob, you need to understand its structure. It consists of:

There are car alarms:

  • with feedback;
  • no feedback.

The first type of key fob can transmit information about the state of the car. In the second type this operation is not provided. There are models that have the ability to connect GPS or GPRS modules. This function allows you to control using a cell phone.

Principle of operation

The first signaling models worked on the principle of a statistical code. It was a single permanent code, and breaking it was not difficult. It was very easy for thieves to steal a car. Therefore, the developers came up with a new dynamic code. This system works much more complicated. It became more difficult to find the code. But such systems can also be hacked.

Sheriff key fobs use a dialogue principle, thanks to which the car is protected from unauthorized access. Distinctive feature is that the security system recognizes it in several stages:

  1. There is a special button on the key fob that sends the ID number to the base unit of the system.
  2. Next, the correspondence of a specific key fob in the system is checked.

If the signal is positive, then the system sends a response signal with a code that is generated dynamically. Thanks to the received code, a special command is encoded in the system, or more precisely in the key fob, then everything goes to the main car alarm unit.

It is very difficult to disable such a system from security, because the code number is random and is sent more than once.

The key fob is easy to operate. Special buttons perform the following tasks:

  • arming the system;
  • disarming the system;
  • control of system modes when disarming/arming;
  • management of additional channels;
  • changing the parameters of the sheriff key fob signals, turning off both the light and sound alarms.

Linking the key fob to the alarm

Sometimes there are situations when when you approach your car and press the key fob, the signal does not work. There is no need to be afraid of this. This is possible with any device. The key fob can “get untied” at any time, no matter whether the unit is expensive or cheap.

If the key fob is not damaged, then you can easily set it up and “bind” it back on your own. “Unbinding” is a signal disruption. The reasons may vary. Most often, the person himself often pressed the buttons for fun. Indiscriminate pressing often causes the system to crash.

To bind back, you need to do the following:

  1. Sit in the car, close the doors tightly, turn on the ignition (in the first position).
  2. Press the “Jack” button three times in a row. At this time, the alarm should squeak not with the key fob, as before, but with a siren. If suddenly this does not happen, you need to do as in point number 3.
  3. Then press and hold the button for arming the sheriff key fob again. Do this until the alarm beeps a siren.
  4. After five seconds, press and hold the arming button again until it beeps.
  5. If there are other key fobs, then repeat step number 4 again, otherwise they will not work later.
  6. When five seconds have elapsed again and the alarm beeps again, it will become clear that the registration was completed successfully, and then you can continue to use the key fobs in peace.

From the instructions given, it is clear that binding is very simple.

Why is binding needed?

Key fob binding or reprogramming is not always performed in the event of a breakdown. It happens that you buy a used car and it already has an alarm system. Although the former owner hands over a couple of keychains, there is no complete guarantee that he still has one left in stock. Usually the basic set includes four keychains. Therefore, in this situation, it is imperative to reprogram the system.

Each model of alarm key fob comes with its own instructions. It describes step by step how to carry out the “binding”. Regardless of the model, the entire process always begins with the “Jack” button.

This button is a switch. Usually it is installed in a secluded place, but so that access is easy. The fuse box is always located inside the passenger compartment. If the car is imported, then you need to look under the panel. There is an inscription "Fuse". It is necessary to remove all covers and carefully inspect the entire unit for the presence of a button.

If there is no such button, then look under the instrument panel. It may be located under the steering column. You need to check all pockets and plugs. You also need to inspect the glove compartment. Sometimes its location may be near the alarm control unit. In this situation, getting there on your own without a specialist will not be easy. If it is not found anywhere in the listed places, then its role is assigned to the ignition switch.

If a button is not found in these areas, then you need to carefully look behind the fuse hatches. Sometimes it is located behind the glove box.

The main rule during the search is not to be nervous. During binding, the alarm beeps and the car owner feels discomfort. It is not for nothing that they say that in any situation one must use the method of deduction. In this case, you have to act like a car thief, so you need to think about what a person would do at this moment.

When the key fob is attached, you can safely use it and leave the car in the parking lot.

The need to attach a key fob to an alarm system may arise for the owner of a car with security system Starline for various reasons, for example, loss of a key fob. The procedure for programming the Starline key fob is quite simple, but it requires the user’s attentiveness and knowledge of a number of firmware subtleties.


In what cases is it necessary to reprogram the key fob?

Situations, in addition to losing the key fob, that force the owner to reflash the control panel can be:

  • damage to the key fob included in the delivery package;
  • the need to use additional remote controls within the organization or by family members;
  • purchasing a used car with an incomplete set of control panels;
  • regular failures of one of the standard key fobs, for example, the system is not set to autostart, which may be caused by a manufacturing defect.

Checking the serviceability of the key fob

If the key fob fails, you need to find out which device is faulty. The alarm may not turn off or turn on either due to a breakdown of the remote control or failure of components located on the car. To check the functions of the communicator, you can use a spare device. If the system operates from signals from an additional device, the key fob is damaged. When the “signaling” has no connection with additional remote controls, the problem lies in the main unit of the system or the transceiver module.

To check the key fob, you can do the following:

  1. Visually inspect the device for cracks.
  2. Remove the battery and replace it with a new one.
  3. Before installing the element, check the condition of the contacts in the key fob. If there is a coating of rust, oxides or electrolyte from the battery on the surface, you will need to disassemble the remote control and clean the elements. After this, you can install a fresh battery and check the operation of the device.
  4. If the remote control does not work, then the reason should be sought in damaged elements on printed circuit board. During operation, contact tracks may come off, buttons may fall through (a common problem with Starline remote controls), and elements may burn out. The key fob will have to be sent to a workshop for repair or purchased a new one.

Instructions for recording key fob codes into the alarm memory

Before programming the Starline key fob, you need to pay attention to ensure that the markings on the new remote control are installed burglar alarm corresponded to the model designation on the old one. If the owner cannot independently determine the type of system, it is recommended to contact a specialized service.

When recording new Starline alarm remotes, you must re-enter the old ones into memory, since they are automatically deleted.

To record key fobs of Starline security systems, a service button is used, which is installed discreetly in the cabin. The programming procedure is different on some Starline alarm models.

Starline A4/A2/A1

Key fob codes are entered according to the following scheme:

  1. Disable security.
  2. When the ignition is inactive, press the service button seven times.
  3. Connect the ignition. The system will inform you that it is ready for recording with a seven-fold light indication and a siren.
  4. Click on keys K-I and K-II at the same time. Hold them until the system gives a single short beep.
  5. The remaining remote controls are registered using a similar method. Each recording is confirmed by sound alerts, with the number of signals corresponding to the number of the key fob in memory.
  6. After recording the last remote control, turn off the ignition. If the system does not receive an information signal from the key fob within ten seconds, it exits the programming menu in automatic mode. The output is confirmed by the emergency lights operating five times.

Starline B6/B9

For the B6/B9 system, the procedure for recording remote controls is similar, with the exception of one point - the interval between entering key fobs into memory should not exceed five seconds. Alarms of the Starline B6 model can be equipped as an option with a digitally controlled radio relay; in this case, entry into the setting mode is indicated by a long sound signal (point 2).

Starline B6/B9 Dialog

Car alarm B6/B9 Dialog with the ability to control via a CAN bus has a memory for four key fobs. To record, you need to press the K-I and K-II buttons simultaneously.

Starline Twage С4/С6/C9

Alarms Starline Twage C4/C6/C9 are equipped with a stripped-down memory option that allows you to remember only two key fobs. Otherwise, the recording procedure is similar to the B9 system. The system does not have the ability to install a relay.

Starline A61/A91 and B61/B91

The A61/A91 and B61/B91 systems use a main key fob with three buttons and an additional key fob equipped with two keys:

  1. After pressing seven times, you need to activate the ignition circuit. This will be followed by a series of seven siren blasts.
  2. Press buttons K-II, K-III and K-I, K-II on the main key fob on the additional one. Hold until you receive confirmation, which will be a single signal from the siren and the built-in buzzer in the key fob.
  3. Repeat the procedure for the remaining remote controls. A total of four key fobs can be flashed into memory. The time interval between recordings should not be more than five seconds.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the car will give five flashes of the emergency lights or side lights, which indicates the end of programming.

Programming other models

This manual is suitable for models:

Programming looks like:

  1. After pressing the Valet button seven times, you need to activate the ignition circuit. This will be followed by a series of seven siren beeps.
  2. Press the K-I and K-II buttons on the key fob and hold until confirmation is received, which will be a single signal from the siren and the built-in buzzer.
  3. Repeat the procedure for the remaining remote controls. The time interval between recordings should not be more than five seconds. The A94 system provides the user with an increased interval of up to 15 seconds between recording two remote controls. A total of four key fobs are prescribed.
  4. Turn off the ignition, the car will flash three flashes with the emergency lights or side lights, which indicates the end of programming.

Starline with relay R2

For the E90 system, it is possible to use a code relay model R2, which must be re-flashed:

  1. Enter the system setup mode and check the alarm blocking operation mode.
  2. Check the selection of the appropriate relay operating mode (using the loop on the contacts).
  3. Connect the relay power wire with black insulation to the vehicle body panels. The wire is marked GND (ground).
  4. With the ignition off, press the Valet button seven times.
  5. Turn on the ignition and receive confirmation signals from the siren (seven times).
  6. After this, the owner has five seconds to connect the black relay power wire, marked +12 V, to the ignition circuit. If the relay is successfully written into memory, a long beep will sound. If the system includes a second relay, then it is stored in memory in the same way. Confirmation will be two long signals. A triple long signal indicates that the relay is already stored in the memory of the alarm control unit.
  7. Turn off the ignition.
  8. Disconnect power supply to the alarm control unit for 10 seconds.

Relays of type R2 can be installed in other Starline security systems, so when flashing the remote control you need to make sure whether the device is present or not. The procedure for programming relays into memory may vary.

To re-flash the code relay R2 into the memory of the A63/A94/D94 block:

  1. Connect and disconnect the ignition seven times in a row.
  2. After the last shutdown, press the service button seven times.
  3. Immediately after the seventh press, turn on the ignition circuit.
  4. Wait for the siren to sound seven times. After some time, the emergency lights will perform a triple test, and the melody on the key fob will turn on.
  5. Turn off the ignition. The relay is registered and should function.

Photo gallery

Keychains A62 and similar models Buttons on the main key fob and additional models A61/A91 and B61/B91

For models A6, A8, A9

Step-by-step procedure for reprogramming key fobs for the A6 system:

  1. Connect the ignition circuits.
  2. Press the setting key six times.
  3. Wait for the siren to sound four times, which will confirm entry into recording mode.
  4. Further actions depend on the type of key fob. A device with a display is registered by simultaneously pressing buttons 1 and 2. The keys are held until the siren sounds. To program an additional key fob (without a screen), you will need to press down buttons 3 and 4, which are held until the beep sounds. The number of beeps indicates the number of the key fob in the “signaling” memory. A total of four remote controls can be stored in memory.
  5. Repeat the previous step for each keychain. The interval between storing data should not exceed six seconds. If the time is exceeded, the system exits the programming mode and delivers a five-fold light alarm emergency signal.
  6. Disconnect ignition circuits.

Main and auxiliary remote control system A6/A8/A9

To program key fobs for A8 or A9 alarms, you need:

  1. Press the service mode button with the ignition active. The key is held until the siren starts beeping. There are four beeps in total.
  2. Remote control recording is done in a similar way to the A6 system.
  3. If there is no signal from the remote control for five seconds, the recording mode will automatically exit with a five-time flash of the external light alarm.

For models V7, V62, V63

To program a key fob in the V7 security system intended for motorcycles, you must:

  1. Connect and disconnect the ignition system circuits three times in a row. If the procedure is successful, the control LED will turn on for three seconds.
  2. After turning off the diode, the owner has five seconds to begin an additional cycle of five connections and disconnections of the ignition. The ignition should remain on. The correctness of the procedure is confirmed by a five-time sound signal. After this, you can start recording key fobs.
  3. The remote control should be registered by simultaneously pressing buttons 1 and 2. The success of the procedure is confirmed by a single siren beep.
  4. Repeat the previous step for all remote controls. Each key fob number in memory corresponds to a similar number of siren beeps. A total of four communicators can be programmed.
  5. Deactivate the ignition, after which the motorcycle will flash the emergency lights five times.

Key fobs of the V7/V62/V63 complex

For a V62 or V63 dialog type system, the firmware procedure is identical, except for a few nuances:

  • after recording the key fob into memory, a single beep is sounded by the siren and a single signal by the buzzer in the remote control;
  • when recording subsequent devices, the number of sound signals corresponds to the number of the remote control in memory;
  • after turning off the ignition and exiting the setting mode, a triple light indication appears;
  • When recording remote controls without a display, press the same buttons - K-I and K-II.

Common mistakes when programming alarm key fobs

Despite the simplicity of the operation, some users experience difficulties with registering key fobs, which are associated with a number of errors:

  • erroneous pressing of buttons, often found on alarm systems with various combinations keys during programming;
  • owners forget to re-register old key fobs into memory;
  • incorrect procedure for entering programming mode;
  • a large time interval between recording two key fobs;
  • attempts to record a third key fob into a system equipped with memory for two remote controls.

Studying the Starline alarm operating instructions will help you avoid these problems.

To control the car security system there is special device- remote. This device is a radio transmitter that communicates with the main alarm unit in the car at certain frequencies and sends unique pulses that activate certain functions of the alarm.

How to set up and register the remote control You will learn about car alarms from the information below.

Reasons why you need to program your alarm remote control

After purchasing a new car or installing an alarm system just purchased from a store, remote control programming in this case it is performed extremely rarely. It’s another matter when a car was purchased on the secondary market and a security system was already installed on it. In this case, you have no guarantee that your car will be safe, because a duplicate remote control could remain with the dishonest former owner of your car and he could use it at any time. The solution to this problem may be to purchase and install a new alarm system, but this is an additional expense. You can also use the key fob reprogramming function, which will be discussed in this publication.

How to reprogram the alarm key fob

Before you begin reprogramming the alarm remote control, it is worth remembering some conditions under which this operation will not be successful. First of all, each car alarm model has its own individual key fob, which will not fit with other security systems. It is also worth remembering that you will have to reprogram all the key fobs that come with your “alarm”.
Linking a key fob to an alarm system is not a very complicated procedure and even an inexperienced car enthusiast can do it; to do this, you need to strictly follow the necessary steps described in the instructions.

Each car alarm model has its own key fob programming algorithm, however, before entering the change mode of any car security system, there is a special button called “Valet” or “Overread”. As a rule, these buttons are located in secret places inside the car and only the owner knows about them, and if he has not provided you with such information, you will have to find it yourself. There are several options for placing these buttons. Sometimes it may end up inside the fuse box, which is located in the passenger compartment. Also, in foreign-made cars, the Valet" or "Overread" buttons can be installed under the panel with the inscription "Fuse". If this button is missing in the expected places, you will have to carefully examine the entire space under the dashboard, in the glove compartment, under the steering column. If such a button has not been installed, then the ignition switch can play its role; as a rule, this option refers to standard alarms.

How and why they attach car alarm key fobs. Video

And now directly about how register the alarm key fob. We launch the programming mode function (Valet mode), for this there is a special combination of pressing the “Valet” button, this is a kind of security code that protects the security complex from unauthorized access. By the way, this code cannot be changed; it is set by the manufacturer and is indicated in the documentation for the device. If you lose the code, you will have to contact the service.

How to register an alarm key fob

Each remote control button has its own number:
“1” – security is on
“2” – security disabled
“3” – channel ch2 for programming
“4” - channel ch3 for programming
“5” – setting the remote control signals

How to attach a Sheriff alarm key fob

To successfully program the alarm remote control, you must follow the rule - each operation must be performed within 5 seconds. If this interval is exceeded, the device automatically exits the mode. Valet mode, in this case you will have to enter again secret code on the Valet button and enter maintenance mode. Also, exiting this mode can be done by turning off the ignition, which is accompanied by one short signal and then a long sound of the siren.

Algorithm of actions

Turn off the alarm and turn the ignition key to the second position.

  1. We triple press the Valet button. Successful action will signal a single signal.
  2. The alarm is ready to be reprogrammed.
  3. We repeat previous action, after which the siren will play several short signals and one long one.
  4. We hold down button 1 on the first remote control; a long siren signal will indicate successful reprogramming of the key fob.
  5. We carry out the same operation on all existing remote controls.
  6. The exit from the programming mode will be to turn off the ignition and pause for 5 seconds
How to attach a Sheriff car alarm key fob

How to bind a Tomahawk alarm key fob

Register Tomahawk alarm key fob it is possible, since the Sheriff alarm system will be able to record no more than 4 remote controls into memory.

Linking key fobs for Tomahawk TW-9010 and TZ-9010 models

  1. Turn the ignition key to position 2
  2. Press and hold the Valet button
  3. After four siren signals, release the Valet button. After this, the system enters maintenance mode (Valet mode)
  4. Press and hold the remote control sound control buttons and the trunk release button at the same time.
  5. Single sound notification will signal the binding of the first key fob, a double signal for the second, etc.
  6. After programming is completed, wait more than 5 seconds, after which the system will exit the programming mode. If the key fobs did not take part in the binding, they are automatically deleted from the system memory.

Linking key fobs for Tomahawk Z-5, TZ-9030, TW-9030, X-5 models

  1. Without turning on the ignition, press the Valet button seven (7) times. Turn the ignition key to the second position, after which 7 siren signals should sound, which will mean successful entry into the programming mode.
  2. On the first remote control, hold down buttons 1 and 2 after one siren signal sounds, you can consider the procedure for binding the first remote control completed. In a similar way, you can register a second alarm remote control, only in this case the system will emit two signals, the third remote control will emit three signals, and the fourth will emit five signals.
  3. To exit the programming mode, turn off the ignition, which will be indicated by the parking lights; they should blink 5 times.
  4. If there is inactivity in the system for 10 seconds, it automatically exits maintenance mode.

Reprogramming the Tomahawk X-3 alarm key fob

  1. Turn the ignition key to the second position and press the Valet button for six seconds, after which you will hear four siren signals, which will mean entering the maintenance mode.
  2. Next, as in the previous instructions, hold down buttons 1 and 2 until the alarm notifies you that the key fob has been linked. We do the same with the second, third and fourth key fob, respectively, 2-3-4 signals will be given.

Reprogramming the StarLine alarm key fob

  1. Turn off the alarm
  2. Press the Valet button six times
  3. Turn the ignition key to the second position. We are waiting for seven siren notifications and light indication on the remote control.
  4. We press on the remote control, which has a display, at the same time and hold the first and second buttons until you hear a beep. We program a remote control without a screen in the same way, while you need to hold down the “3” and “4” buttons.
  5. We perform the same operations in relation to other StarLine alarm key fobs, after which we turn the ignition key to position “0”.

Just like in other security systems, remote controls that did not participate in the binding are deleted from the system memory.