Correct gluing of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven backing. How to properly glue wide vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing - video How to hang vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing, meter-long

The question is how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, stands in front of almost everyone who decides to make it in the house modern renovation. Today vinyl wallpapers- one of the most popular types of coating for walls and ceilings. They consist of two layers: polyvinyl chloride on top and non-woven fabric or paper on the bottom. In this article we will talk about non-woven wallpaper, because they are abrasion-resistant and more durable in use.

Wallpapering tools

To properly apply non-woven wallpaper, you will need:

  • a plumb line with a cord or a level (control of vertical gluing);
  • wallpaper knife or scissors;
  • a long ruler for cutting wallpaper with a knife;
  • brush/brush/paint roller for glue. A roller is usually more convenient to use than a brush and brush;
  • a wide spatula or another roller (smoothing the wallpaper after gluing);
  • special roller for processing seams and corners (smooth, narrow or grooved).

Wallpapering on non-woven backing

One of their main advantages is faster and easier gluing. All sellers write and talk about this everywhere. This is partly true, and partly a publicity stunt. The fact is that they are usually sold in meter versions. And it is extremely difficult to cope with such problems alone. To hang this wallpaper you will need 2 people.

  1. The first step in wallpapering is preparing the walls. It is necessary to clean and tear off previous coatings, including paint, if any. If the wallpaper is glued to the ceiling, then you need to wash it off the whitewash or remove the previous one painting.
  2. After cleaning the wall, you need to carefully examine it and eliminate any unevenness: plaster and putty.
  3. A layer of primer underneath wallpaper should be done to avoid any unpleasant surprises. If the walls are not primed, then over time stains may appear on the wallpaper or the wallpaper will begin to peel off. Typically 2-3 coats of primer are required. The sufficiency of the layers is checked as follows: run your hand, if there is no dust left on the skin from the wall or plaster, then you are done with the primer

    Attention! When dry, the primer smells very unpleasant. It is advisable to find another apartment to stay at least on the first day.

  4. Preparation of standard wallpaper: cut the wallpaper according to your ceiling height +5-10 centimeters. Don't forget about the drawing if you have one with the selection!

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The variety of textures and sizes, reliability and practicality, convenience and simplicity of the pasting process have brought non-woven wallpaper to the forefront of wall coverings. finishing materials. Particularly popular are canvases conventionally called meter-long, the width of which is 90–140 cm, in contrast to the standard 53 cm. Master finishers admit that gluing meter-long non-woven wallpaper is a pleasure. Due to the structure of non-woven material made of cellulose fibers bonded with polymer, they do not stretch, do not tear and glide easily over the working surface.

Advantages of wide non-woven fabrics

Meter-long non-woven wallpaper has a number of important advantages over other finishing materials due to the combination of composition and increased width.

  • Such coatings are sometimes called “seamless”, since the number of strips glued to the wall is less than in the standard version. Consequently, the number of joints is reduced. The textured surface of the material additionally helps to make the seams almost invisible.
  • Installing meter-long sheets saves time, since fewer strips have to be marked, cut, applied, adjusted and joined.
  • The price of one wide roll is not equal to the cost of two standard rolls, which means that the costs of material and repairs are generally reduced.

Some disadvantages and inconveniences

Along with the advantages, it is worth highlighting several disadvantages of this type. wall covering, which result in inconvenience during installation.

  • The main inconvenient point: despite the fact that non-woven wallpaper can mask minor defects and blemishes of the working surface, finishing with meter-long canvases will require proper and high-quality preparation. If there are differences on the surface, problems will arise with joining the sheets.
  • Working with wide canvases alone is difficult and tiring, especially when gluing the ceiling.
  • Calculating and adjusting meter-long wallpaper, taking into account difficult areas, is more difficult than standard ones. A lack of a couple of centimeters in width will entail the purchase of an additional roll.
  • Before gluing wide canvases, you will have to align the corners and transitions between the wall and ceiling. With curved surface connections, joining meter-long non-woven coverings is not an easy task.

Tools and materials

Gluing non-woven fabrics must occur quickly to prevent the glue from drying out. So, oh necessary materials and tools should be taken care of in advance. A sample list looks like this:

  • special wallpaper glue for non-woven fabric, diluted and aged according to instructions;
  • paint brushes or roller for application adhesive solution;
  • rubber roller for leveling the canvas and removing air;
  • sponge or dry rag for excess glue;
  • sharp knife (wallpaper or stationery);
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • table (stepladder).

Surface preparation

The stages of rough finishing for pasting meter-long non-woven wallpaper are standard, but are carried out especially carefully. The surface should be smooth, dry, clean and uniform in color.

  • The workspace is cleared of sockets, switches, electrical appliances, and the previous decoration is completely removed. How to delete different types old coatings, read.
  • Detected pockets of fungus or mold are treated with an antibacterial composition.
  • Irregularities are puttied and, after drying, rubbed down with sandpaper.

Note! If the pasted wallpaper is not planned to be painted, the color of the surface will have to be evened out, otherwise you may get a surprise in the form of spots showing through the translucent non-woven material.

  • The final step is to apply one or two layers of primer to improve adhesion.

Advice! If the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceiling allow, it is better to quickly level the surfaces, joints and corners with plasterboard.

Preparing gypsum boards for wallpapering is described in detail in.

Marking and cutting of canvases

Non-woven meter wallpaper is glued only end-to-end. To simplify the work, it is better to pre-mark the surface and cut required amount stripes

  • Experts recommend starting pasting from the corner. From selected starting point a distance of two to three centimeters less than the width of the roll is measured. A straight vertical line is drawn. For example, with a panel width of 106 cm, the distance from the corner to the marking line will be 104 cm.
  • Then vertical lines along the width of the wallpaper mark the surface to the next corner.
  • Since whole meter strips are not glued to the corners, from the resulting extreme line the tape measure is wound around the corner by 2 cm, markings are applied, then (to the next corner) the width of the panel is measured from this line.
  • Whole strips are cut required length with a margin of up to 10 cm each. They will be carefully trimmed after the wallpaper has dried. If the design uses a ceiling plinth, you need to leave an allowance only at the bottom - 2-3 cm is enough.
  • In the same way, strips for the corners of the required width obtained during marking are cut out.

Gluing process

When the surface is prepared, dried and marked, the panels are cut, the equipment is selected, we proceed to pasting.

pay attention to temperature regime premises. While working with wallpaper and for about a day after finishing it, you need to avoid drafts and dry air.

  • Using a paint brush or roller, apply glue to the wall, extending slightly beyond the marking line.
  • A dry non-woven fabric is applied, aligned along the wall-ceiling joint and at the same time aligned with the vertical line.

Important! When working with non-woven coatings, there is the possibility of adjustment and adjustment: a 10-minute reserve of time until the adhesive solution completely sets. Therefore for independent work It is not recommended to use a quick-drying compound.

  • The strip is pressed tightly in the center, then leveled with a special roller. The movements are reminiscent of drawing a Christmas tree: from the center to the sides and at the same time from top to bottom. Excess glue that appears is removed with a sponge or rag.
  • Each subsequent non-woven fabric is tightly fitted and joined to the glued one.
  • The overlap resulting in the corners is cut in the middle, the excess strips of wallpaper are removed, resulting in an even, invisible seam.

Pasting difficult areas

The technology for gluing straight sections with non-woven wallpaper is simple. Difficulties are usually caused by such “inconvenient” places as the surface of the wall behind the heating radiator, openings and external corners.

Despite the wide variety of finishing materials, wallpaper remains the most popular and sought-after option. There are several reasons for this nationwide popularity: affordable cost, possibility of holding finishing works without the involvement of specialists. However, when working with wallpaper, it is important to take into account certain difficulties associated with gluing non-woven material in the corners of the room.

Non-woven wallpaper - features and characteristics

The basis for the production of non-woven wallpaper is not paper, but non-woven material– non-woven fabric made from cellulose fibers and special additives, which has a number of advantages:

  • ability to pass air;
  • vapor permeability;
  • the dense texture of the non-woven fabric helps to hide minor imperfections of the working surface;
  • It is easy to work with non-woven fabric - no bubbles appear on it, it does not shrink.

One of the varieties of non-woven wallpaper is non-woven wallpaper. Upper layer The material is made of vinyl with different textures:

  • smooth;
  • embossed;
  • foamed;
  • for painting.

Vinyl prevents air circulation, however, it hides small defects on the wall surface. Caring for vinyl is very simple - just wash the covered surface with a damp sponge; if it is very dirty, you can use detergents.

Note: when removing non-woven wallpaper, a base remains on the wall, which is successfully used as a substrate for a new layer of finishing material.

What tools are needed for gluing non-woven fabric?

  1. A knife with a supply of sharp, replaceable blades for cutting wallpaper sheets and trimming at joints.
  2. Roller for applying adhesive solution.
  3. Plastic spatula for smoothing fabrics.
  4. Plastic roller for rolling joints and seams.
  5. Metal ruler or metal spatula 30 cm long.
  6. Damp sponge to remove excess glue.

The secret to preparing a lump-free adhesive solution

The vast majority of adhesives for gluing non-woven fabric are prepared in the same way - in a bucket with clean, lightly warm water sleeps dry glue mixture and stirs vigorously. A standard package of glue typically requires 8 to 10 liters of water.

The secret of the absence of lumps is that all the glue must be poured quickly, in a small stream, until it dissolves. Stir the mixture in one direction until a funnel forms. After the adhesive composition has swollen, it is mixed again, if necessary, a little water is added and mixed again.

Note: non-woven wallpaper adhesive is ready for use ten minutes after preparation.

  1. The surface of the wall must be treated with a primer.
  2. For gluing, you must use a special adhesive composition for non-woven wallpaper.
  3. There is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper sheet; just lubricate the wall surface.
  4. You need to cut non-woven wallpaper with an allowance of 2 cm at the top and bottom.
  5. The sheets should be glued end-to-end, placing them along the marks made using a plumb line.
  6. To expel excess air, you need to use rollers or a plastic spatula.
  7. Excess adhesive must be removed immediately, before it hardens, with a damp sponge. It is important to ensure that the glue does not get on the surface of the wallpaper, especially for paintable materials. Since the areas with glue will not be painted and will remain pale.

Features of gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners of the room

It is important to immediately mention the incorrect method of wallpapering. You cannot cover a corner with one sheet, placing it on two walls of the room. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid deformation of the wallpaper sheet. This rule applies to external and internal corners.

Options for gluing non-woven wallpaper on the inner corner

Considering that each room has at least four corners, it is important to immediately select the most appropriate option for gluing non-woven fabric and strictly follow it. In cases where the walls are very crooked, it is advisable to apply a special leveling plaster to the walls before wallpapering.

Option #1

This is the simplest method, which consists of gluing two overlapping sheets at the junction of the walls. Thus, each sheet of wallpaper goes to next wall strip up to 15 mm. The next strip is glued end-to-end to the corner.

Note: the result does not look very neat, because non-woven fabric is a rather thick finishing material.

Method number 2

Used in rooms where the adjacent walls are slightly littered. The first sheet is glued with an overlap onto the adjacent wall. The width of the overlap varies depending on the width of the unevenness in accordance with the vertical plumb line. For the edge of the next sheet, you also need to make a plumb mark and glue the interlining with an overlap of approximately 20 mm on the opposite wall. After this you need to push with a level central part overlap. Then both sheets are cut with a sharp knife. The top strip can be removed quite simply, the main thing is to prevent the glue from hardening, and the bottom strip can be pulled out if you carefully bend the edge of the wallpaper. The junction of the two strips is re-smeared with a small amount of glue and rolled with a roller.

Method number 3

The sheet is glued with an overlap of no more than two centimeters on the adjacent side, after which it is tightly driven into a corner using a plastic spatula. Wrinkles can be removed by simple notches in the horizontal direction. Then you will need a metal spatula 30 cm long. The tool must be pressed with a sharp edge to the junction of the two walls and the excess must be cut off with a wallpaper knife. The canvas on the opposite wall is glued according to a similar pattern. As a result, after the glue dries, a neat, monolithic sheet is obtained.

Options for gluing non-woven wallpaper on the outer corner

At first glance it seems that there are no external corners in the room, however, window slopes, niches and plasterboard structures form complex areas that need to be carefully and beautifully processed. It is important to take into account that all defects and irregularities are most noticeable precisely on external corners, it is also easier to damage it during operation.

The algorithm for gluing non-woven fabric is as follows.

  1. Eliminate all chips and irregularities.
  2. One strip is glued with a slight overlap on the adjacent wall (the overlap is no more than 5 cm, otherwise it is difficult to align).
  3. Then you need to eliminate all the folds; for this, horizontal notches are made on the non-woven sheet.
  4. For the edge of the adjacent canvas, use a plumb line to make a mark and glue it end-to-end to the corner.
  5. A metal ruler or a long metal spatula is applied in the center of the overlap; the excess of the two sheets is cut off with a wallpaper knife. The edges are glued and rolled with a roller.

Thus, the junction of the two canvases will be a few millimeters away from the corner, this will avoid damage to the wallpaper after gluing it.

Note: when cutting wallpaper sheets, do not tear the spatula away from the wall surface.

Memo to the beginning master

  1. When gluing paper wallpaper At wall joints, you cannot apply canvas in advance; the material is quickly saturated with adhesive and is easily torn.
  2. The only advantage of paper wallpaper is that it can be applied with an overlap and you don’t have to cut off the excess afterwards, since the material is thin and the overlaps remain invisible.
  3. To stick vinyl wallpaper on a paper base, you need to lubricate it with adhesive in advance so that the material absorbs the glue well. As a result, the soft strip of material will lie easily on the wall.
  4. When working with non-woven fabric, glue is processed only working surface walls and difficult areas should be coated with the composition several times.
  5. Throughout the entire working process with non-woven fabric, there should be no drafts in the room; air conditioners and heaters should be turned off. Otherwise, the wallpaper will come off.


Working with non-woven fabric does not require special skills. It is enough to follow all the recommendations, prepare the walls by treating them several times with a special primer solution and wallpaper glue. If the work is done correctly, the room will look aesthetically attractive and well-groomed for many years.

Non-woven wallpaper is beautiful material for finishing. Their use allows you to hide minor surface defects in rooms of various purposes. Created decorative coating has many advantages, and wallpapering for painting allows you to repeatedly update the appearance of the interior. The material can be selected for any design project. In order for the decor to last a long time, you need not only to know how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, but also to pre-select quality products. An example of the harmonious design of a room using this is shown in the photo below.

Non-woven wallpaper: pros and cons

Paper, non-woven - these are the most common types. The latter are divided into the following 3 groups: entirely made of non-woven fabric or based on it, canvas for painting. Painted products have the lowest price compared to the first two types.

Non-woven photo wallpaper on the wall looks great.

The products are produced in a wide range and have excellent performance characteristics. Showcases construction stores are replete with an abundance of colors, patterns and designs. One of the stands is shown in the photo below.

They produce wallpaper in 100 and 60 cm widths. When using the former, fewer joints are formed, which is preferable for overall appearance. The instructions on the packages often describe the technology for gluing non-woven wallpaper of this series.

Pasting non-woven wallpaper allows you to create a coating that has a number of advantages. Minor flaws do not affect the prevalence of the material. Its pros and cons are discussed in the table below.

1 the canvases do not fade over time, do not burn, are durable, wear-resistanthigher cost compared to paper and vinyl counterparts
2 glued strips are easy to remove during subsequent repairsaccumulate dust over time and become dirty
3 a wide variety of designs, patterns, colors, shades, textures allows you to embody a wide variety of design solutions on practicesome varieties do not allow air to pass through
4 the canvases allow you to hide defects in the walls covered with them; they can be washed when cleaning

The rules for gluing non-woven wallpaper do not contain any difficult-to-follow recommendations.

The advantages of the material are undeniable. To achieve the maximum possible service life of the decorative coating and excellent interior design, you need not only to know how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, but also to select it for specific rooms. The pasting instructions on the label contain all the necessary information on working with the selected material.

Tools used for gluing

Pasting non-woven wallpaper is carried out using a certain set of tools and devices. No special equipment is required. To cover walls with non-woven wallpaper, you should prepare:

  • scissors, knife;
  • pencil, tape measure, ruler;
  • a plastic spatula for smoothing wallpaper on the wall and a metal one for covering up surface imperfections ;
  • roller with rubber nozzle, extension handle;
  • brush;
  • containers for glue and water;
  • construction or laser level(you can plumb line);
  • rags, soft sponge.

The photo above shows the tools needed to glue the fabric.

You will also need a stepladder or other device for working under the ceiling. To prepare walls for non-woven wallpaper, you may need a puncher and a hammer to dismantle the outer layers of plaster with defects.

It is better to assemble the tool in advance so as not to be distracted while working on small details. To cut fragments from a roll and apply glue to strips 100 or 60 cm wide, you can use a special table .

Preparation of wall surfaces and wallpaper

Before gluing meter-long non-woven wallpaper or 60 cm strips, you should prepare the surface of the walls and the canvases themselves. The duration of work at this stage depends on the condition of the base and the type old decoration. Preparing walls for gluing is carried out in the following order:

  • remove old decorative layers completely (wallpaper, paint) or only exfoliated areas (for plaster);
  • in case of significant unevenness, plaster the entire working area;
  • if there are small cracks, depressions, potholes, then only seal them with putty;
  • protruding fragments are knocked down with a hammer or perforator, and metal ones are cut off with a grinder;
  • after drying, the coating is sanded to the required condition;
  • cover the working base with a primer deep penetration, which improves the adhesion of contacting surfaces.

Remove old wallpaper using a metal spatula, soaking with water if necessary. It is also recommended to clean the base from paint.

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper, wait completely dry primer composition.

  • measure the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls;
  • by multiplying these 2 parameters, the area (S) of the surfaces is obtained;
  • dividing it by S roll of 100 or 60 cm of wallpaper, you get the required amount of material;
  • the number of stripes can be calculated by dividing the perimeter of the room by their width;
  • by dividing the length of 1 roll by the height of the room, you get the number of fragments into which it can be cut;
  • dividing the total number of strips required for the room by that obtained from one - calculate the amount of working material.

The standard roll length is 10 m, so the area of ​​a meter is 10 sq. m., and products with a width of 60 cm are 6 sq. m.

It should be taken into account that you should purchase material with a reserve, because when wallpaper is glued in the corners or with a pattern (pattern), their consumption increases. Also, before gluing, fragments are cut off from the rolls (based on the height of the ceiling) with a margin of 10 cm. It is necessary to purchase approximately 20% more material than was calculated.

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper correctly, it is recommended to cut it into pieces of the required length. This is done like this:

  • measure the ceiling height at several points;
  • if there is no pattern on the material, then cut off the strips with a margin of about 10 cm;
  • if there is a drawing: cover the floor, adjust the fragments and number them sequentially.

After the above-mentioned manipulations, the walls and wallpaper are prepared, you can begin pasting the rooms. The base must be treated before gluing meter-long wallpaper. This is one of the keys to obtaining a quality result.

The adhesive composition must be prepared in advance before gluing. This is done in the following way:

  • pour into container clean water in the amount specified in the instructions on the glue packaging;
  • then, slowly, pour out the adhesive powder, vigorously mixing the solution;
  • Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and stir again, kneading the remaining lumps.

It is necessary to use ones specifically designed for non-woven fabrics. Some types of adhesives are shown in the photograph below.

The packages contain dilution instructions. They can for different compositions contain some nuances of its preparation for work, therefore, when purchasing previously unused glue, you should study the instructions for it.

It may also contain recommendations for applying the composition: only to the strips or the wall, or to both surfaces simultaneously. Often applied only to the base. At the same time, pay special attention to external and internal corners so as not to accidentally miss even small areas.

Using special adhesive compositions High Quality allows you to reliably glue ordinary canvas and photo wallpaper to the wall. As a result, they will last for many years. The glue itself has good adhesion, allowing it to be used on many types of surfaces. The composition does not leave stains and can be stored for up to 10 days when diluted in a closed container.

Gluing technology

Proceed directly after preliminary preparation tools, wall surfaces and cutting strips to the required length. You can do all the work yourself. But it’s better to have an assistant, because it’s more convenient to both glue wide strips and work on a stepladder. The process itself moves faster in this case.

When gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners and throughout the room, you should close the windows tightly to avoid drafts. It is better to work during daylight hours so that you can turn off the electricity.

The technology for gluing non-woven wallpaper consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • Having stepped back slightly from the corner, draw a vertical line with a pencil along the level, which will be a guide for the first strip;
  • lubricate the section of the wall under the fragment with prepared glue;
  • lean the strip and adjust its location along the marked line;
  • moving from top to bottom, smooth the fragment with a roller or plastic spatula to level it and squeeze out air bubbles;
  • wipe the squeezed out glue with a damp cloth;
  • extra centimeters are cut off from the bottom and top;
  • the second strip is glued end to end so that the seam is not visible and at the same time there is no overlap;
  • They cover the entire room in the same way.

Along ceiling plinth cut off the excess from the pasted strip as shown in the photo below. The main thing is that the knife is sharp and does not pull the canvas.

The peculiarities of gluing are that the created decorative coating must dry at a constant temperature.

Glue the wallpaper in the inner and outer corners, smoothing them especially well and leveling them with a plastic spatula to squeeze out all the air and avoid the appearance of folds and voids.

The technology presented shows meter-long wallpaper and fragments of other widths. There is nothing complicated. Pasting wallpaper with your own hands will not be difficult. The main thing is to consistently and correctly perform all actions. WITH meter wallpaper It is inconvenient to work alone. It's better to have a partner. Using the method discussed above, you can glue both walls and ceilings.

Taping corners and awkward areas

Require special attention when working hard to reach places and corners. The first include areas behind radiators and heating pipes, areas with switches and sockets. Work will require turning off electricity for your own safety.

Before gluing wallpaper on sockets and switches, remove the covers from them. Afterwards the walls are coated and stripes are applied. Holes are carefully cut out at the locations of the boxes. After fixing the coating, install the covers back.

The corners are covered with non-woven wallpaper so that up to 3 cm of strip extends onto the adjacent wall. This makes it possible to hide irregularities.

Wallpaper is glued in the corners in 2 ways:

  • plain types of products are combined with a slight overlap, after which they are cut along the corner with a sharp knife, removing excess;
  • The corners are covered with wallpaper containing designs with an overlap of several centimeters (2-3), which hides the unevenness.

The technology for gluing ceilings is similar to decorating walls with wallpaper. It is recommended to glue the strips so that the light from the window falls along them. This will hide the joints between the fragments.

To reduce difficulties, before gluing the corners, it is better to level them using putty. Selection the right combination wallpaper together with high-quality gluing lead to an excellent result.

The photo below shows an example of a beautiful, stylish design premises.

A wide variety of non-woven fabrics allows you to perfectly decorate your interior. The material is highly practical. Working with him is not particularly difficult. A small problem may arise only with how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners. This is a consequence of the fact that they are almost always not even enough.

The technology for gluing walls and corners is shown in the following video.

The big advantage is that all the work can be done with your own hands, without involving specialists. The presence of an assistant is desirable, and when gluing ceilings, it is simply necessary. Compliance with technology and proper preparation walls allow you to get high-quality results.

Not everyone knows how easy it is to glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing. What is it correct sticking vinyl wallpaper and the most important secrets This article will tell you about this construction and repair process.

Many people today are trying to learn how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing in order to avoid major mistakes. After all, those who want to create an exceptional home interior There is a lot to be done using this building material, especially since the excellent palette of colors and high practical characteristics of this wallpaper will satisfy any taste.

Manufacturers of vinyl wallpaper guarantee the undeniable advantages of vinyl wallpaper over other means wall design. First of all, they note the durability, wear resistance, and excellent ability of vinyl to resist humidity, temperature changes, and drafts. Attracted by the external presentability of the repair, as well as the cost (vinyl wallpaper will cost less than tile, PVC panels, plastic and other building materials).

Necessary construction and installation tools

To properly glue vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing, you should use a special working tool.

Required tools:

  1. A brush for applying glue and a roller for smoothing seams. The strength of the wallpaper material's attachment to the wall directly depends on the quality and quantity of the applied material. vinyl glue. Process economically vinyl glue The wallpaper surface can only be cleaned with a comfortable brush. Narrow or wide vinyl wallpapers are glued end-to-end, which means that the places where the wallpaper strips touch should be as invisible as possible. A special roller is required to smooth out seams.
  2. A well-absorbing sponge and a clean rag will be useful for removing glue from the seams and high-quality smoothing the surface of the glued fabric (removing air bubbles, evenly distributing the glue).
  3. Tape measure, ruler and sharp scissors, a special ruler for trimming the ends after gluing and a knife for cutting off excess.
  4. A plastic or enamel bucket for diluting glue (not metal, so that an oxidation reaction does not occur!).
  5. A spatula for removing stains and remnants of old wallpaper, sanding uneven surfaces from the wall.
  6. Stepladder and plumb line.

This is the main tool for work to securely fix vinyl wallpaper in the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper

Among the wide range of materials for wall decoration, non-woven wallpaper has significant differences. How do vinyl wallpapers differ from other renovation analogues, according to experts?

  1. According to experts, German vinyl wallpaper has a service life of more than 15 years. And this without them losing their physical properties(strength, density) and visual characteristics (color content, brightness, shine). Modern technologies production offers the buyer foamed vinyl wallpaper, hot-stamped wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis and other types. Each type has an article number, i.e. alphanumeric designation, which will provide the buyer with information about the material of this type, manufacturer, model and color palette, roll width (meter or half meter), etc. The article number and sticker with the manufacturer's label are on each roll.
  2. Is it possible to glue non-woven wallpaper to a wall when it is completely dry? Yes, it is enough to apply glue only to the wall. This one-sided processing does not cause the wallpaper to become wet, simplifies the technology for fixing joints, and also does not shrink the sheets when drying.
  3. The non-woven surface does not delaminate over the years, which allows you to remove worn-out wallpaper covering from the walls without difficulty.
  4. If you choose vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen with pores on a non-woven backing, then no condensation or mold will ever appear on the wall.
  5. A collection of vinyl wallpaper with a chic palette of floral colors will satisfy the wishes of the most capricious buyer!

This is far from full list advantages of a non-woven vinyl product. A logical question: can vinyl wallpaper for renovation be considered a standard of quality? Perhaps yes! This option for creating coziness in your home is worthy of attention!

Stages of gluing vinyl wallpaper products

The task of how to hang vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen or any other room will be easily solvable for everyone. The technology is simple and clear! And the process itself will not cause difficulties.

  • If wallpaper sheets are glued to the ceiling, then you can measure the length of the wall and start cutting strips of the same size from a roll. But, if the gluing level deviates from the height of the ceiling by a certain distance, then using a tape measure, ruler and marker you need to draw the boundaries of the upper level. Take measurements from the floor. Connect the upper marks with a marker into continuous lines around the perimeter of the room. This is a kind of check-hint for the master during the gluing process.

  • When cutting washable vinyl or other types of wallpaper into strips of a certain length, you need to add an extra 5-7 cm. This is to be on the safe side, and at the end of the work this excess is removed.

  • When the strips of the required length are cut, and the wall for the first wallpaper strip is prepared (i.e., primed with glue), you can begin gluing the strips to the wall. We start from the corner closest to the window. Using a plumb line, we draw a vertical line - this is the so-called lighthouse. We apply the sheet from top to bottom, and try to connect the edge as accurately as possible with the beacon. The fabric must be smoothed carefully from the middle of the strip to the edges, also from top to bottom.

  • We glue all the following strips in the same way. The beacon will be the edge of the previous wallpaper strip. This is how easy it is to glue joints. It is necessary to prime part of the wall with glue immediately before gluing the wallpaper. The joints should be strengthened with a seam smoothing roller.

ADVICE: Do not allow even the slightest drafts or temperature fluctuations in the room until the wallpaper in the corners is completely dry!

Vinyl wallpaper: choice, gluing and tips

DIY gluing technology

With a quality guarantee, repair specialists will be able to quickly and efficiently install colored or plain vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing. Is it possible to carry out such repairs yourself? Yes, you can glue it! Will do all the work successfully a common person easily.

To quickly complete repairs, you should try to follow these tips:

  1. The participation of at least 2 people in the repair will facilitate and speed up the process.
  2. Don't skimp on your purchase building materials and tools.
  3. Follow the specified stages of work exactly, even if any of them seems unimportant to you.
  4. Fussing and rushing in repair work is prohibited!

The question often arises: at what temperature is it better to glue material onto non-woven fabric? The answer is simple: at normal room temperature.

How to glue different types of vinyl wallpaper in corners

Gluing wallpaper in the corners of the room is perhaps the most difficult moment of the entire renovation. Experts have developed and tested in practice a number of rules that make it easy to neutralize all difficulties.

There are two solutions:

  1. In order to efficiently and beautifully glue Erismann vinyl wallpaper with a pattern in the corners, you should place one sheet around the corner from 1 to 5 cm, and glue the second one overlapping exactly at the corner.
  2. In order to beautifully decorate vinyl wallpaper flowers in the interior of the Erismann company (article 5652) in the corners of the room, both the first and second halves of the wallpaper are glued with an indentation of 5 cm from the corner, overlapping each other. Then a cut is carefully made strictly along the corner and five-centimeter parts are removed. Deciding how to glue the joints of these strips is quite simple. Apply a new layer of glue to the corners and smooth them thoroughly with a dry, clean cloth.

Any of these methods will allow you to easily and quickly, and most importantly, beautifully decorate the walls and create coziness in the room.

ADVICE: If, according to the design idea, painting of vinyl wallpaper is necessary, then it will completely hide even hints of wallpaper joints in the corners.

How long does it take for wallpaper to dry?

Hot-stamped vinyl wallpaper (article number starts at 40) or made using foamed vinyl technology (article number starts at 28) on a non-woven base - this is enough dense material. Even if you apply wallpaper glue only to the surface of the wall, it will take much longer for the adhesive to polymerize than for it to dry. paper base. Practitioners call the period up to 48 hours. During this time, it is not advisable to paint the floor, paint vinyl wallpaper, or perform other work.

ADVICE: To ensure high-quality drying of wallpaper sheets, it is better to close the door and windows to the room where repairs are underway, and do not enter there for 2 days.

Do you need to visually “hide” an unevenness on the wall in a room? More profitable and simple solution You definitely won’t find anything better than lightweight vinyl wallpaper! For example, beige will help to effectively hide damage to the wall, as well as visually expand the room and make the atmosphere in it “warmer”.

Vinyl sheets are ideal for the kitchen or other rooms. It is especially convenient to glue meter-long canvases to walls. Vinyl wallpaper is easy to clean from grease and dust: a regular soap solution will do the job quickly.

Use effectively vinyl material for painting, because the charisma of the interior will only benefit from this. In addition, painting vinyl wallpaper greatly increases its already indicative operational durability and endurance. Builders have no special rules on how to paint vinyl. If you choose vinyl wallpaper for painting, then the boundaries for your own creativity completely disappear!

Amateur craftsmen often ask: is it possible to glue non-woven fabrics onto a painted wall? Or is it necessary to remove the paint layer before the plaster layer?

ADVICE: water-based or paintwork on the wall causes further peeling, swelling or deformation of the glued strips!

Modern manufacturers produce wallpaper products in rolls with meter wide. Such fairly wide stripes make the repair process a pleasure. Thanks to fewer joints, the surface is smooth and neat.

When choosing a type of vinyl canvas, you want to pay attention to Special attention The wallpaper is silk-screened in meter lengths. Silk-screen printing is a material where a bright palette of colors is complemented by an exquisite gloss. With their help, the interior of any room becomes a hyper-realistic design of the 21st century. A chic palette of colors and silk-screen printing is presented to customers by Erismann and other manufacturers of wallpaper products. You can buy such products inexpensively in branded stores.

Meter-long silk screen wallpaper Erismann belongs to the lightweight vinyl category. Information about all varieties will be indicated by markings or other designations on the rolls.

There is an opinion that vinyl wallpaper is harmful to human health. Doctors do not yet have scientific justification for such a hypothesis.

Having chosen exactly this good material to decorate the walls in the room, you can safely assume that the need for subsequent repairs will not arise soon. Beauty, comfort and pride in your construction and repair feat (if you glued vinyl wallpaper yourself) will delight the owner for a long time.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - gluing vinyl wallpaper with your own hands