Educational program to prepare children for school. School preparation program calendar and thematic planning on the topic. Section "Fun Grammar"

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1

on preparing children for school


developed by a primary school teacher of the highest qualification category

Melnikova Natalya Mikhailovna

MBOU Secondary School No. 1 Belaya Kalitva Rostov region

Program passport.

The name of the program


Program developer

Melnikova Natalya Mikhailovna, primary school teacher

Program Manager

Implementation deadlines

3 months


Future first-graders, primary school teachers and parents

Contents of the material

Development of mathematical concepts.

Teaching literacy and speech development. Learning to write, developing fine motor skills.

Adaptation psychology.

Regulatory framework"Newcomer" program

    Constitution of the Russian Federation

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,

    the federal law Russian Federation“On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ (as amended by Federal Laws dated 05/07/2013 N 99-FZ, dated 07/23/2013 N 203-FZ); (continuity of educational programs; accessibility preschool education.)

    Concept “On the modernization of education”

    Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education,

    Concepts for the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level) (approved and approved by the Federal Coordination Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2003).

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions

    School Charter

Explanatory a note

The main goal of the program isat hasty preparation of children for school, which occupies a special place in the education system. This is due to the child’s difficult adaptation to school. The school places quite high demands on first-graders. A preschool child should be ready not only for new forms of communication. He must have a developed motivational sphere, where curiosity acts as the basis of cognitive activity, and the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres of mental functions have been formed. A future first-grader must have basic skills in universal learning activities (UAL), communicative and speech competencies.
The development of a child’s potential through mastering the educational skills proposed by the federal standards for primary general education forms the basis of primary education. In this regard, creating the prerequisites for schooling is one more no less important goal programs.

Program objectives:

Development of personal qualities;

Formation of values ​​and orientations;

Development of creative activity;

Formation and development of mental functions of the cognitive sphere;

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere;

Development of communication skills;

Developing skills to act according to rules

Basic forms and methods of teaching.

The advantages of this program are that it allows the use of developmental teaching methods, as it is focused primarily on gaming and research activities; provides future first-graders with the opportunity to realize intellectual needs and develop creative abilities.

Main activities - play and productive activity.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

The Beginner program is designed to prepare future first-graders for school. The program will help primary school teachers professionally and competently organize work with children during three months of study (from February to April) in four sections: speech development and fine motor skills, mathematics, familiarization with the outside world and adaptive psychology.

Course duration in volume36 hours once a week (preferably on Saturdays)3 lesson on30 minutes.

Classes developed in accordance with this program involve the involvement of parents and specialists in the process of preparing for school. The program gives the future first-grader the opportunity to get to know the school, classmates and teachers, and also successfully adapt to the new school world. During educational and play sessions, the teacher identifies the individual characteristics and capabilities of each child, receives reliable data on the state of readiness of future first-graders for school, on the basis of which he subsequently builds their educational activities.

The work is carried out in 3 stages:conversation with parents, educational and game activities, pedagogical diagnostics,pedagogical conclusions.

At the first stage, a conversation is held with parents about the goals and objectives of this course, the teacher introduces them to the work plan.

The second stage includes educational and game classes in mathematics, speech development, development of fine motor skills, and adaptation psychology.

At the third stage, pedagogical diagnostics are carried out, which will help the teacher get to know the child better and determine whether the qualities and skills that will allow him to study successfully are sufficiently developed.

Planned results of mastering the program

In the course of mastering the content of the program, conditions are provided for future first-graders to achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal UUD : motivational and communicative, the formation of self-esteem in preparation for school, a positive attitude towards school learning.

Meta-subject results.

Cognitive UUD: sign-symbolic modeling and transformation of objects; analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential); synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, including independent completion, completion of missing elements; compare and contrast; highlighting the common and the different; implementation of classification; establishing an analogy; independent choice methods of tasks depending on specific conditions; conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form.

Regulatory UUD: implementation of actions according to a model and a given rule; maintaining a given goal; the ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult; monitoring your activities based on results; the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.

Communicative UUD: mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of cooperation with adults and peers; communication partner orientation; the ability to listen to your interlocutor; to ask questions.

Subject results.

The child will learn:

    recognize the first sound in words;

    listen carefully to literary works;

    name characters, main events;

    answer the teacher’s questions about the content, draw basic conclusions;

    compose a basic story based on a series of pictures;

    discuss the moral aspects of people's actions;

    participate in group conversations;

    use accepted standards polite verbal communication;

    distinguish geometric shapes by shape (triangle, circle, square), color, size;

    determine the number of objects within 10, correlate the quantity with numbers;

    navigate in space;

    navigate the cage;

    make basic drawings on checkered paper;

    perform a basic ornament in a strip;

The child will have the opportunity to learn:

    establish verbal contacts with adults and children (address by name, first name and patronymic, politely express a request, apologize, thank you for the service, speak in a calm, friendly tone);

    distinguish between vowels and consonants and relate them to letters;

    distinguish small folklore genres (riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, lullabies, nursery rhymes);

    establish quantitative relationships in the natural series of numbers in the forward and backward directions;

    count and count one by one;

    use the basic rules for constructing a linear ornament;

Program content

I. Getting to know the school. Conversation with parents. Open day.

II. Educational and game classes in the course “Mathematics” and “Speech Development”, in which lessons in the course “Development of fine motor skills” and “Adaptation psychology” are integrated.

III. Pedagogical diagnostics.

In January, the teacher invites parents of future first-graders to a parent meeting, at which parents are introduced to the main content of the course, its goals and objectives. Parents help the teacher; their possible presence in lessons in the first week makes the preparation atmosphere more homely, calm, and trusting.

Course "Mathematics"

Beginner course Mathematics is taught once a week for three months - the course is integrated: it combines arithmetic and geometric materials. At the same time, the basis of the course is the concepts of natural numbers and zero. Children become familiar with the number line, the operations “addition” and “subtraction”, and compare objects by quantity.

Along with the important place takes familiarization with geometric shapes and their properties. They become familiar with the names of geometric shapes “triangle”, “square”, “circle”, “point”, “line”, and learn to draw a segment.

The course also involves the formation of spatial concepts in children. The concepts are given: on the right, on the left, between in the middle, heavier, lighter, above, below.

The inclusion of elements of algebraic propaedeutics in the program contributes to the development of abstract thinking.

In mathematics lessons, the teacher strives for a variety of activities, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the cadets, uses entertaining material, and includes game situations in the lesson aimed at relieving tension and switching children’s attention from one educational task to another.

Planned results:

students will learn the names and sequence of numbers from 1 to 10;

become familiar with the name and designation of the operations of addition and subtraction;

compare objects and numbers within 10;

find the values ​​of a numerical expression by counting and counting by 1;

know the name of the main geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, circle), distinguish them, find their prototypes in the surrounding reality;
carry out the simplest logical reasoning and the simplest mental operations (compare objects, indicating similarities and differences, classify objects according to given characteristics, identify simple patterns and use them to complete tasks, etc.).solve simple problems that reveal the specific meaning of addition and subtraction.

Thematic planning for the course "Mathematics"

Course "Speech Development"

Speech development in the preparatory period is one of the most important areas in teaching preschoolers. The “Speech Development” course is dedicated to this process. Developing the ability to communicate and express one’s thoughts is the foundation for a child’s further successful education at school.

Main goals areas of speech development include the following goals: the formation of a rich and active vocabulary in the child; development of the surrounding speech environment; developing a culture of communication; formation of coherent speech; improving the ability to pronounce sounds and words correctly.

To support students’ interest and their high performance in lessons during various types of training exercises active use of educational and didactic games is provided, which relieve fatigue and make it possible to more effectively absorb the material. Distinctive feature This section of the program is the integration of close interrelated and interpenetrating work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.

Planned results: navigate situations corresponding to various areas of communication; know and use polite words (the beginning and end of communication); know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, request; realize that in different situations You can speak in different ways: loudly - quietly, quickly - slowly, cheerfully - sadly, etc.; articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that correct articulation and good diction contribute effective communication; evaluate the sound of your voice in terms of pronunciation, tempo, volume;
contact the interlocutor when appropriate, respond to the request; use appropriate situations, tempo, volume; follow the socially accepted rules of conduct when speaking: look at the interlocutor, do not interrupt the speaker, use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but help the interlocutor understand what is being said, etc.; communicate certain information, negotiate joint activities; maintain a culture of listening: polite listening, attentive listening; pronounce all sounds correctly; pronounce words clearly and clearly; extract sounds from words; find words with a certain sound; determine the place of a sound in a word; observe spelling standards pronunciation; make sentences based on key words on a given topic; compose stories, fairy tales based on a picture, a series of paintings; retell a fairy tale or story (short in content) based on supporting illustrations; observe basic hygiene rules; navigate the notebook page.

Thematic planning for the course “Speech Development”

Exercises to reinforce correct pronunciation. Tongue twisters, pure twisters, riddles - guesses, riddles - deceptions.

30 min

Speech development. Description of the toy.Exercises for the development of coherent speech.

30 min

Formation of phonemic perception.Sounds in speech.Vowels and consonants.

30 min

Vowels and sounds. Offer.

30 min

Word. Dividing a word into syllables. Exercises for the development of coherent speech.

30 min

Word. Dividing a word into syllables. Offer.

30 min

The word as a unit of speech.

30 min

Offer.Fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky. Speech development.

30 min

Generalization of knowledge.

30 min

Course "Development of fine motor skills"

The influence of the hand on the human brain has been known since before our era. Oriental medicine experts say that games involving hands and fingers bring the body and mind into harmony, keeping the brain systems in excellent condition.

During classes, the teacher performs simple exercises with children to develop fine motor skills, accompanied by a poetic text, thereby interest- ing the child and helping him to master new information. Training takes place in a playful way, with the presence of praise.

The games use small handouts, which are a good means of developing small muscles of the fingers, forearm and eye, i.e. prepares the child's hand to master the technique of writing. The teacher plays games both during class and during breaks. The course includes different exercises:hand warm-up with self-massage, exercises with a pencil, grip positioning.

Planned results:

students will learn to use their hands, use writing instruments, become familiar with different types of shading,ensuring gradual mastery of the standard elements of characters necessary for writing, learning to draw letters and words, as well as working with plasticine, drawing and appliqué.

Thematic planning for the course “Development of fine motor skills”

Exercises to identify your dominant hand. Introducing pencil and pen.

30 min

Familiarity with the rules of landing when writing. Watching a movie.

30 min

Exercises to prepare your hand for writing. Games with strokes.

30 min

Introduction to different types of shading. Pattern. Hatching exercises.

30 min

30 min

Flourishes. Hatching.

30 min

Basic elements of letters. Let's learn to write beautifully.

30 min

Letter elements letters. Selection and classification tasks.

30 min

Basic elements of letters. Let's learn to write beautifully.

30 min

Letter elements letters.

30 min

Course "Adaptation psychology"

The proposed program reflects modern approach in preparing a child for school, taking into account the psychological patterns of knowledge formation and age-related characteristics of primary school age.

The objectives of teaching include creating conditions for the general mental development of children, developing creative abilities, and forming and developing cognitive interests.

The starting point in constructing the course was the following: attention, memory (visual, motor, immediate, verbal), auditory sensations, spatial concepts. A large place in the program is occupied by the development of conceptual thinking, phonemic perception, and self-control.

Thematic planning for the course “Adaptation psychology”

Tour ofschool.

Introductory diagnostics. ICT

30 min

Verbal designation of objects and auditory sensations.

30 min

Attention (concentration).

30 min

Articulation. Spatial representation.

30 min

Conceptual thinking. Phonemic awareness.

30 min

Carrying out verbal instructions.

30 min

Attention (volume).

30 min

Memory (immediate, verbal). Spatial representations.

30 min

Attention. Focus.

30 min

Final diagnosis.

30 min


1. Borodkina G.V. Diary of an elementary school teacher. Moscow, 2004

2. Daminova M.P. Notes from a teacher. Moscow. 1988

3. Tarabarina T.I. What do you need to know for 1st grade? Yaroslavl. 1999

4. Rogov E.I. Desk book practical psychologist in education. Moscow.1995System of correctional and developmental classes to prepare for school Yu.V. Ostankova;

5. Konovalenko S.V. Development cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old. – M.: Gnom i D, 2000

6. Guide for a practical psychologist. Readiness for school: developmental programs. Edited by I.V. Dubrovina.

The program has been tested for three years (2014 - 2017). Observations and reviews from children, teachers, and parents indicate its effectiveness. Children quickly adapt to school life, they develop primary communication skills, and instill norms of behavior in in public places, horizons expand, including in the field of a healthy lifestyle.

Elena Panevina
Program for preparing children for school “Umka”

Implementation period 1 year

Explanatory note

Preschool Education is the foundation of the entire educational system, since it is here that the foundations of personality are laid, which determine the nature of the child’s future development.

In senior preschool At age, the child’s knowledge actively expands, and in connection with this, the nature of his mental activity, which is based on understanding, on active analysis and synthesis, also changes. With the development of thinking, the analysis becomes more and more detailed, and the synthesis more and more generalized and accurate. Children are already able to understand the connection between surrounding objects and phenomena, the causes of certain events. Along with the visual-figurative, the rudiments of verbal- logical thinking. Senior's attention preschooler becomes less and less distracted, more stable. Memory is increasingly acquiring the character of mediated memorization.

There is an intensive development of the child’s speech, which is characterized by a rich vocabulary and complex structure, including almost all speech patterns, and the active development of gross and fine motor skills of the hand. The child’s movements become more precise and clear, children at this age are able to independently and accurately work with scissors and a needle, the child’s hand is almost ready to learn to write.

By the end preschool age, the child is sufficiently capable of voluntary behavior. He learns to act, obeying special rules developed not by himself, but given to him from the outside.

At the stage preschool age, it is necessary to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of the child’s individual age potential; it is necessary to create conditions for the development of a functionally literate personality - a person capable of solving any life tasks (problems, using for this purpose the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired throughout life. The child must receive the right to become subject of their own life activity, see their potential, believe in themselves, learn to be successful in their activities. This will greatly facilitate the child’s transition from kindergarten V school, will maintain and develop interest in learning in conditions schooling.

The relevance and feasibility of creating this educational programs.

The creation of this educational program was inspired by the social request of parents and schools. Child's intellectual readiness (along with emotional psychological readiness) is a priority for successful learning in school, successful interaction with peers and adults.

Transfer from preschool childhood to school– one of the most crucial stages of human life. For a child’s body, adapting to change requires enormous effort from everyone. vitality, restructuring of the body.

During this period, the task of all adults surrounding the child (parents, educators, teachers)- provide favorable conditions for a comprehensive full preparing a preschooler for school.

The difference between this additional educational programs from other programs.

Educational program« Umka» differs from others topic programs, that the main task is the formation of the child’s need for cognition, which is a necessary condition for the full development of the child and plays an invaluable role in the formation of the child’s personality.

Target programs: Development of cognitive abilities children, intelligence, creativity in solving assigned problems, development of speech activity.

Program consists of two sections.

First section: speech development and preparation for writing.

Second section: development of mathematical concepts and logic.

The main tasks in implementing this programs:

For the first section:

Speech development and preparation for writing:

Development of imaginative and creative thinking;

Development of cognitive abilities children;

Vocabulary enrichment children;

Development of all types of speech activity (ability to listen and speak, read and write);

Write from dictation, form words from letters and syllables;

Correct designation of sounds in writing;

Familiarity with the outline of an object and its features;

Preparation writing hand to letter using outlined patterns and drawings, objects of various configurations, drawing up patterns by analogy and independently;

Modeling and designing objects from elements of various configurations;

For the second section:

Development of mathematical concepts and logic:

Development of attention, observation, logical thinking;

Give preschoolers basic numerical literacy, basic geometric concepts;

Purposefully develop cognitive processes, including the ability to observe and compare, notice what is common in different things, distinguish the main from the secondary, find patterns and use them to complete tasks, build simple hypotheses, test them, illustrate with examples, classify objects (groups of objects, concepts according to a given principle;

Develop the ability to make simple generalizations, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new conditions;

To teach to reveal causal connections between phenomena of the surrounding reality;

Develop thinking skills operations: ability to solve problems to find patterns, comparison and classification (continue a sequence of numbers or geometric shapes, find a broken pattern, identify a common feature of a group of objects, etc.);

Develop creative capabilities: be able to independently come up with a sequence containing some pattern; a group of figures that have a common feature;

Develop visual - figurative, verbal, logical and emotional memory;

Be able to establish the equivalence of sets of objects by making pairs;

Develop the ability to generalize and abstraction, develop spatial representations (about shape, size, relative position of objects);

Develop the ability to measure and draw segments, use a ruler;

Study natural numbers from 1 to 10 using a system of practical exercises using visual aids;

Reveal the meaning of arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) based on basic practical actions,

Learn to navigate in a notebook, carefully and systematically take notes;

This additional educational the program is designed for children aged 6 to 7 years.

Duration of implementation program – eight months(the period from October to May inclusive, which is 8 lessons per month, 30 minutes each.

Classes are held 2 times a week.

Organization of educational process:

The main form of organizing work is play, since it is in play that the creative abilities of the individual develop.

When implementing this educational programs verbal, visual, gaming and practical techniques and methods of interaction between an adult and a child are used (introduction of a game character, outdoor games, experimentation, modeling, entertaining exercises, graphic, phonemic, grammatical games, games for the development of attention and memory); uses a variety of didactic material: cards with letters, numbers; individual cut sets of letters and numbers; pictures with color images of sounds (red – vowel, blue – consonant, green – soft consonant); subject pictures for drawing up proposals and tasks; plot pictures for composing stories; checkered notebooks; copybook

Methods for testing mastery programs– monitoring of children’s mastery of the content of additional educational programs using game tasks.

Form for summing up the implementation of additional educational programs programs« Umka» open lesson for parents.

The course implements the main methodological idea, which is carried out in the process of the child’s activity, rich in mathematical content, which is directed by the special selection and structuring of tasks, the form of their presentation, accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age.

Much attention is paid to developing the ability to communicate with the teacher, with other children, and to work in the same rhythm with everyone when necessary. And also work with counting and geometric handouts, use a notebook with a printed base, etc.

The use of specially selected mathematical content and methods of working with it will help and allow for overall development children to level necessary for successful study of mathematics in school.

Children learn to compare objects (shapes, groups by shape (round, not round, triangular, rectangular, square, etc.); by size (long, short; narrow, wide; high, low; longer, shorter, the same, etc., by location on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, right, left, above, below , inside the figure, outside the figure, etc.); by color, by the material from which the objects are made, by purpose, etc.

Content-logical tasks are used on development:

Attention - simple labyrinths, games "Merry Count", "Compare the pictures", find common elements and etc.

Imaginations - dividing figures into parts, composing figures from parts, composing figures from segment models according to given properties, transforming one figure into another, etc.

Memory - visual and auditory dictations using arithmetic and geometric material;

Thinking - highlighting essential features, identifying patterns and using them to complete a task, conducting analysis, synthesis, comparison, constructing simple reasoning, etc.

Game activities to activate imagination, attention, perception:

Analysis, classification of objects;

Generalization based on a given characteristic

Comparison and highlighting of the main

Simple conclusions

Actions according to the proposed algorithm scheme.

Game activities for speech development activities:

Reading syllables, words, sentences, small texts

Making your own proposals

Child studying "print" letters, syllables and words in a notebook.

Game activities for the development of mathematical skills abilities:

Mastering counting operations

Formation of ideas about shape, size, space and time

Comparison of number of items

Mastering quantitative and ordinal counting (special attention is paid to the latter)

Solving arithmetic problems and examples of addition and subtraction



Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Sofinskaya Secondary School

I.A. Volkhonskaya

"________" ____________________ 2014



(for preschoolers - children 6 7 years)

Compiled by: Shimanskaya E.V.

primary school teacher

Sofiino village

year 2014

Explanatory note

The work program “Preparing children for school” for preparing children 6-7 years old for school was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard for Primary General Education of the second generation, based on the “Continuity” program (a program for preparing children 5-7 years old for school)N. A. Fedosova, E. V. Kovalenko, I. A. Dyadyunova and others; scientific hands N. A. Fedosova(M.: Prosveshchenie, 2012), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program prepares children for school, providing continuity between preschool and primary general education.

The goal of the program is the successful adaptation of preschool children to new educational conditions and the creation of conditions for a humane (comfortable) transition from one educational level to another.

Preparing children for school occupies a special place in the education system. This is due to the child’s difficult adaptation to school. The school places quite high demands on first-graders. A preschool child should be ready not only for new forms of communication. He must have a developed motivational sphere, where curiosity acts as the basis of cognitive activity, and the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres of mental functions have been formed. A future first-grader must have basic skills in universal learning activities (UAL), communicative and speech competencies.

The development of a child’s potential through mastering the educational skills proposed by the federal standards for primary general education forms the basis of primary education. In this regard, creating the prerequisites for schooling is another equally important goal of the program.

The program “Preparing Children for School” solves problems general development the future first-grader, his physical, social and psychological functions necessary for systematic learning at school.

Main objectives: maintaining and strengthening health; development of personal qualities; formation of value systems and orientations; development of creative activity; formation and development of mental functions of the cognitive sphere; development of the emotional-volitional sphere; development of communication skills; development of skills to act according to the rules.

general characteristics programs

The main provisions of the program: preparation for school is developmental in nature; does not allow duplication of first class programs; helps to master the specifics social relations(in the family, with peers, with adults); ensures the formation of value attitudes; focuses not on the level of knowledge, but on the development of the child’s potential, on the zone of proximal development; provides a gradual transition from spontaneity to arbitrariness; organizes and combines productive activities in a single semantic sequence; prepares the transition from play to creative, educational activities, including collaboration with peers and adults; invariant and prepares for any school education system.

Basic principles for constructing the program: general development, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities; development of creative activity; development of personal competencies; health support and preservation; formation of spiritual and moral attitudes and orientations; development of sustainable psychological adaptation to new educational conditions; co-creation of teachers, students and parents.

The content of preparation for training is based on such principles as: taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child; systematic and consistent; variation and variability; accessibility and sufficiency; visibility; reliability; complexity; relationship with the outside world; use of works of art, integration of all types of art, works of children's creativity; a variety of gaming and creative tasks; variety of types of artistic and creative activities (games, music, artistic speech, theatrical).

Leading activity: game; productive, creative activity; design and modeling. Types of actions in the design process: analysis of the object; compare and contrast; highlighting the common and the different; implementation of classification; establishing an analogy.

Place of classes in the curriculum

The program “Preparing Children for School” offers a system of adaptation classes and consists of the following courses: “Teaching literacy and speech development”, “Mathematics and design”, “Decorative drawing and modeling”. Adaptation classes are organized at the school and have the following time structure: 3 classes per day, 1 time per week. Classes last 30 minutes with a 10-minute break. The program lasts 20 weeks. Total classes – 60.

Value guidelines

Based on the requirements for the child set out in the basic documents of preschool and primary general education (federal state requirements for the structure of basic general educational program preschool education and the federal state educational standard for primary general education), a portrait of a preschooler entering first grade has been prepared.

A child entering first grade has the following qualities:

physically developed, masters basic cultural and hygienic skills: dresses and undresses independently; takes care of clothes and shoes; follows the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle; cares for plants, animals, toys, books;

knows primary information about himself, family, society, state, world and nature;

knows the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers; uses verbal and non-verbal methods of communication; speaks dialogically and constructively interacts with children and adults; consciously and voluntarily constructs a speech utterance in oral form.

Results of mastering the program

In the course of mastering the content of the program, conditions are provided for students to achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal UUD: motivational and communicative, formation of self-concept and self-esteem in preparation for schooling, positive attitude towards schooling.

Meta-subject results.

Cognitive UUD: sign-symbolic modeling and transformation of objects; analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential); synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts, including independent completion, completion of missing elements; compare and contrast; highlighting the common and the different; implementation of classification; establishing an analogy; independent choice of task methods depending on specific conditions; conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form.

Regulatory UUD: implementation of actions according to a model and a given rule; maintaining a given goal; the ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult; monitoring your activities based on results; the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.

Communicative UUD: mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of cooperation with adults and peers; communication partner orientation; the ability to listen to your interlocutor; to ask questions.

Subject results.

The child will have the opportunity to learn:

recognize the first sound in words;

listen carefully to literary works;

name characters, main events;

answer the teacher’s questions about the content, draw basic conclusions;

retell the work close to the text, in roles, in parts;

compose a basic story based on a series of pictures;

discuss the moral aspects of people's actions;

participate in group conversations;

use accepted norms of polite speech communication;

establish verbal contacts with adults and children (address by name, first name and patronymic, politely express a request, apologize, thank you for the service, speak in a calm, friendly tone);

distinguish between vowels and consonants and relate them to letters;

distinguish small folklore genres (riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, lullabies, nursery rhymes);

distinguish geometric shapes by shape (triangle, circle, square), color, size;

determine the number of objects within 10, correlate the quantity with numbers;

establish quantitative relationships in the natural series of numbers in the forward and backward directions;

count and count out one at a time, two at a time;

navigate in space;

navigate through squared notebooks;

make basic drawings on checkered paper;

use a brush correctly when painting;

perform a basic ornament in a strip;

use basic sculpting techniques (pulling, pinching, bending, rolling, flattening, etc.).

Program content

Literacy training and speech development (20 hours).

Sound. Correct pronunciation of all sounds of the Russian language. Vowels and consonants. Place of sound in a word. Pure twisters, tongue twisters, work on articulation. Children's nursery rhymes, riddles, fairy tales, features of their construction. Conveying mood in intonation when reading. Using words literally and figurative meaning. Definition of a fairy-tale hero by description of his external features. Reconstruction of the events of a fairy tale from its beginning. Role-playing fairy tales using means of linguistic expression. Dialogue. Facial expressions, gestures. Writing plot stories based on a picture, from experience, based on toys. Working with a dictionary.

Mathematics and design (20 hours).

Comparing objects by color, size, shape. Finding common and different features in a group of objects. Classification of objects by color, size, shape. Adding your items to this group according to certain characteristics. The sequence of actions using the example of fairy tales and plot pictures. The arrangement of objects on a plane and in space. Numbers from 1 to 10. Quantitative relations in the natural series of numbers in forward and reverse order. Ordinal counting of objects. Composition of numbers up to 10 from ones. Techniques for counting and counting one at a time, two at a time. Geometric figures. Construction. The sequence of performing gaming and practical actions with a focus on the symbol. Detection of logical connections between successive stages of an action. Solving combinatorics and transformation problems.

Work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers (20 hours).

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. Therefore, it is very important to place your hand and prepare it for work. This is precisely the goal of the classes in the section “Work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers.”

According to the observations of scientists, it is known that muscle memory in children from four to five to seven years old is very tenacious and the most excitable. Learning calligraphy begins when all the defects have already been established and the physiological period of this type of memory has already passed. At the same time, everyone knows that a child’s first impression is the strongest and most vivid. And if, when learning to write a letter, an element fails, the letter is written incorrectly, ugly, the baby begins to get nervous. But the letter did not work out because the small muscles of the fingers and hands are still very weak. In this case, tasks on shading objects are useful, as a type of work that strengthens the muscular strength of the hand and fingers. You can assign tasks to do shading with straight lines, parallel segments, arcuate lines, block letters, ovals, etc. And if they get tired, offer to paint the figure. Children will continue shading in 1st grade during the period of learning to read and write. At home, children can color, shade in coloring books, or do classroom-like activities as they wish.

Means of strengthening the muscles of the hand and fingers are also modeling objects, designing from paper, and drawing, so such tasks are included in this section. Carrying out this or that task of placing a hand (in a notebook of any lined pattern), drawing, designing, sculpting something, children either “pick” berries for mother’s jam, or “go” to the forest to pick mushrooms, or “hide” under umbrellas, they either “sew” clothes for a sailor, or “build” a house for friends, etc.. Hatching, modeling, drawing, modeling is a way to develop children’s speech, their logical thinking, since along the way they compose small stories and work on words , riddles are made and guessed.

Topic 1. Introducing the squared notebook. Visual-spatial orientation on a checkered sheet. (2 hours)

Getting to know the posture when writing, the ability to hold a pen, and give an answer. Introducing the squared notebook. Worksheet orientation exercises. Outlines around the office. Introduce the concepts of left, right, top, bottom. Work on the teacher’s command: mark dots in the upper right corner, in the lower left corner, on the top line, on the bottom line. Do the dot pattern exercises and circle the cells yourself. Drawing figures in a checkered notebook based on the outline of the cells and along the diagonal of the cell (square, rectangle, flag, herringbone), coloring. Gymnastics for fingers.

The concept of straight and curved lines. Circle, oval. Work in checkered notebooks: shading a picture, coloring transparent objects, drawing according to a pattern (herringbone, boat, circle, oval, umbrella, balloon, fish). Gymnastics for fingers.

Topic 3. Large and small circle, a figure made of circles and an inclined combination with a circle. (1 hour)

Hatching the drawing. Coloring transparent objects. Memorizing a poem.

Topic 4. Ruled notebooks into a narrow line with a guide. (2 hours) Introducing how to line a notebook into a narrow line with a guide. Work in a notebook with a guide line (by writing). Writing sticks, hooks. Hatching figures in a narrow line using a dotted pattern. Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest." Guessing riddles. Logical exercise “Why is a bear called a bear.”

Topic 5. Slanted and wavy lines. Working line. Wide line. (2 hours)

Practicing slanting and writing letter elements in notebooks with narrow rulers. A letter with tasks from the cat Fyodor. Completing tasks: writing letters and shading according to a pattern.

Topic 6. Practicing tilting, writing in notebooks with a narrow ruler. (2 hours)

Hatching the drawing. Practicing slanting and writing letter elements in notebooks with narrow rulers. Solving riddles. Learning a poem.

Topic 7. Ovals, loops, straight, smooth and rounded at the bottom, straight horizontal lines. (2 hours)

Coloring and shading drawings. Conversation in Russian folk tale"Kolobok" Vocabulary work: stupidity, boasting. Hatching with horizontal, vertical and cross lines. Work in a notebook with a guide. Writing the studied letter elements.

Working with plasticine

Topic 8. Modeling a hedgehog. (1 hour)

Riddle about the hedgehog. A poem about a hedgehog. Modeling a hedgehog. Exhibition of works.

Topic 9. Modeling fruits. (1 hour)

Speech development. A story about Winnie the Pooh - a sweet tooth. Modeling and exhibition of works.

Topic 10. Modeling vegetables. (1 hour)

Speech development. Conversation on the Russian folk tale about the turnip. Puzzles.Modeling and exhibition of works.

Topic 11. Modeling on the theme “Animals” (1 hour)

Speech development. Tales about animals. Modeling and exhibition of works.


Topic 12. “House” of geometric shapes (1 hour)

Topic 13. “Truck” (1 hour)

Repetition of geometric shapes. Game "What does it look like?" Completing of the work. Exhibition of works.

Topic 14. Airplane. (1 hour).

Repetition of geometric shapes, comparison by size. Game "What does it look like?"

Completing of the work. Exhibition of works.

Topic 15. “Arbitrary objects from geometric shapes” (1 hour)

Self-execution arbitrary objects from geometric shapes at the request of the children. Exhibition of works.

Thematic planning

Literacy training and speech development – ​​20 lessons, of which 2 lessons are used for diagnostics.

Educational and thematic plan



Lesson topic

Number of lessons

Our speech

Why are we talking? Word and sentence?

Compiling stories based on reference pictures.

Fairy tale. Retelling fairy tales based on illustrations.

Theater. Role-playing fairy tales.

Compilation of stories about episodes from life on a given topic.

In the world of sounds and letters

Pronunciation of sounds. Pure talk. Isolating sounds by ear.

Strengthening and developing articulation. Tongue Twisters.

Dividing words into syllables. Emphasis. Sound analysis of words.

Words with opposite meanings. The words are close in meaning. Related words.

Diagnostic tests


20 classes

Mathematics and design – 20 lessons, of which 2 lessons are used for diagnostics.

Educational and thematic plan



Lesson topic

Number of classes

General concepts

Identifying mathematical concepts in children. Simple geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, square, circle.

Signs of objects. Relationship.

Classification of objects by color, shape, size.

Comparison of objects by location, material, purpose.

Children's spatial and temporal representations.Location in space and on the plane.

Numbers from 1 to 10.

Counting items. Ordinals. Name the numbers in order from 1 to 9. Compare numbers. Number recognition.

Comparison of the number of items. "One" and "many".

Correlation between numbers and numbers. Numbering of the first ten (forward and backward counting)

Composition of numbers.Logical tasks for the development of memory and thinking.

Actions with numbers.

Logical tasks for the development of attention and imagination.

Method of addition based on the representation of a number series.

Formation of addition and subtraction skills.

Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge. Diagnostic studies.


20 classes

Work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers (20 lessons).

Educational and thematic plan .



Lesson topic

Number of classes

Working in a notebook

Introducing the squared notebook. Visual-spatial orientation on a checkered sheet.

The concept of straight and curved lines. Circle, oval.

A circle is large and small, figures from circles, from an inclined one in combination with a circle.

Introducing how to line a notebook into a narrow line with a guide.

Slanted and wavy lines. Working line. Wide line.

Practicing tilting, writing in notebooks with a narrow ruler.

Ovals, loops, straight, smooth and rounded at the bottom, straight horizontal lines.

Working with plasticine

Modeling a “hedgehog”

Modeling on the theme “Fruit”.

Modeling vegetables.

Modeling on the theme “Animals”.


"House" of geometric shapes.

"Freight car".


Arbitrary objects from geometric shapes.

Total hours:

Criteria and standards for assessing the results of mastering the program

The current examination of subject knowledge is carried out without assessing it in points. The teacher evaluates the child’s work verbally and only positively.

To determine the level of mental development of the child, the teacher fills out a questionnaire. Before filling it out, you should observe the behavior and activities of the preschooler, the characteristics of his tasks in the classroom. The questionnaire questions are guidelines for organizing directed observation of children, as well as for carrying out further educational work.(see Appendix 1) .

The formation of prerequisites for learning and subject skills is determined using diagnostic techniques(see Appendix 2).


Continuity: a program for preparing children aged 5-7 years for school / [N. A. Fedosova, E. V. Kovalenko, I. A. Dedyushkina and others; scientific hands N. A. Fedosova.] – M.: Education, 2012.

Preparatory classes for school: work program, monitoring of educational skills, lesson notes / author's compilation. E. V. Minkina, E. A. Semyatina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for school: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions / Ed. N. E. Veraksy. – M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010

Three months before school: tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (5-6 years): Workbook / O.A. Kholodova. – M.: ROST Publishing House, 2012. (To young smart people and smart girls).

Logistics support academic subject

    Printed manuals

Kits for teaching literacy (typeset, set of letters).

Sets of subject (subject) pictures.

Dictionaries in the Russian language: explanatory dictionary.

Reproductions of paintings in accordance with the theme and type of work (including in digital form).

    Technical training aids

A chalkboard with a set of devices for attaching tables, posters and pictures.

Wall board with a set of devices for attaching pictures.

Multimedia projector(if possible).

Exposure screen (if possible).

Computer (if possible).

Scanner (if possible).

Laser printer (if possible).

Inkjet color printer (if possible).

Digital camera (if possible).

Digital video camera with a tripod (if possible).

    Screen and sound aids

Audio recordings in accordance with the training program.

Video films corresponding to the theme of the program (if possible).

Slides corresponding to the theme of the program (if possible).

Multimedia (digital) educational resources corresponding to the subject of the program.

    Games and toys

Sets role playing games, toys and construction sets (by topics: house, zoo, farm, transport, store, etc.).

Educational board games (such as “Scrabble”), etc.

    Equipment class

Double student tables with a set of chairs.

Teacher's desk with cabinet.

Cabinets for storing textbooks, teaching materials, manuals, etc.

Wall boards for hanging illustrative material.

Book stands, holders for charts and tables, etc.

Annex 1


Test for a child’s psychological and social readiness for school

Instructions: I will read you a few sentences. If you agree, put a + on a piece of paper.

1. When I go to school, I will have many new friends.
2. I'm wondering what kind of lessons I will have.

3. I think I will invite my whole class to my birthday.

4. I want the lesson to be longer than recess.

5. When I go to school, I will study well.

6. I'm wondering what they offer for breakfast at school.

7. The best thing about school life is the holidays.

8. It seems that school is much more interesting than gardening.

9. I really want to go to school, because... my friends are also going to school.

10. If it were possible, I would have gone to school last year.

Evaluation of results:High level - if the child gave at least 8 plusesThe average level is from 4 to 8 pluses, the child wants to go to school, but it attracts him with its extracurricular aspects. If there is a greater number of +s on the first 5 points, then the child dreams of new friends and games, but if on points from 6 to 10, the idea of ​​school is formed, the attitude is positive.Low level - from 0 to 3 pluses. The child has no idea about school and does not strive to learn.

Appendix 2

Test for the level of development of school-significant mental and physiological functions

Brief Study of Speech Hearing Development

Instructions: I will say pairs of words, and you raise your hand if you hear the same words: day-shadow, stick-stick, beam-stick, beam-beam, bear-bowl, bowl-bowl.

Instructions: I will say a couple of syllables, and you clap your hands when you hear different syllables:

Instructions: I will pronounce the syllables, and you listen carefully to them and repeat:

And now I will say the words, you will remember them and repeat them (the order of the words changes several times):


Evaluation of results:high level - the child accurately distinguishes words and syllables that are similar in sound composition, distinguishes words with similar sounds.Average level - the child makes minor mistakes, but with slow repetition he can correct them on his own.Low level - the child does not distinguish between syllables and words that sound similar, and does not notice errors when repeated many times.

Test for the level of development of cognitive activity

Vocabulary test

You are offered 5 sets of words. Choose 1 of them (or gradually work with each set on different days) and ask your child the instructions:Imagine that you met a foreigner, he does not understand Russian well. He asks you to explain what these words mean. How will you answer? Next, offer words from your chosen set one by one.

Word sets:
1. Bicycle, nail, letter, umbrella, fur, hero, swing, connect, bite, sharp.

2. Plane, hammer, book, cloak, feathers, friend, jump, divide, hit, stupid.

3. Car, broom, notebook, boots, scales, coward, run, tie, pinch, prickly.

4. Bus, shovel, album, hat, fluff, sneak, spin, scratch, soft, run away.

5. Motorcycle, brush, notebook, boots, skin, enemy, stumble, collect, iron, rough.

If there is difficulty, the child can draw a given object or depict it with a gesture.

Evaluation of results: for each correctly explained word, the maximum possible score is 2 points (for a definition close to scientific).

1 point - understands the meaning of the word, but cannot express it verbally.

1.5 points - can describe the subject verbally.

0 points - no understanding of the word.

For six-year-olds, low level - 0 – 6.5 points
Average level - 7-12 points

High level - 12.5 - 20 points

Test "Outlook"

assessment of the level of development of cognitive activity

The purpose of the test: to determine the amount of information about yourself, your family, the world around you, as well as your ability to analyze and judge.

1. State your first name, last name, patronymic.
2. State the surname and patronymic of your parents.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up: a man or a woman?

4. Do you have a brother, sister, who is older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year or two?

6. It’s morning, evening (afternoon or morning?)

7. When do you have breakfast (morning or evening?), lunch? What comes first, lunch or dinner, day or night?

8. Where do you live, what is your home address?

9. What do your parents do?

10. Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil (dress, book?)

11. What time of year is it now, why do you think so?

12. When can you go sledding - in winter or summer?

13. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

14. What does a postman (doctor, teacher?) do?

15. Why do we need a bell and desk at school?

16. Do you want to go to school yourself?

17. Show me your right eye, left ear? Why do we need eyes and ears?

18. What animals do you know?

19. What birds do you know?

20. Who is bigger, a cow or a goat?

21. What is greater than 8 or 5? Count from 3 to 6, from 9 to 2.

22. What should you do if you break someone else’s thing?

VIEW OF THE WORLD AROUND – 6.7, 10.11, 12.14, 18.19




Each correct answer is worth 1 point, each correct but incomplete answer is worth 0.5 points.

The following questions are assessed separately:
Question 5 - the child has calculated how old he will be - 1 point, names the year taking into account the months - 3 points (for example, I am 6 years and eight months old, in a year I will be 7 years and eight months)
Question 8 – full home address – 3 points
Question 15 – correct use of school paraphernalia – 1 point
Question 16 – positive answer – 1 point
Question 17 – correct answer – 3 points
Question 22 – correct, adequate answer – 2 points

Evaluation of results:

High level – 24-29 points
Average level – 20-23.5 points
Low level – from 19.5 and below

Test "Draw a person"

Ask your child to draw a person: “Take a piece of paper and draw a person. Decide who it will be: boy, girl, uncle, aunt.”
Ideally, this should be a picture of a human figure that has all the parts: ears, eyes, mouth, torso, neck, hands with fingers, legs, the lower part of the body is separated from the upper.
The fewer details, the more primitive the drawing.

Test "Repeat"

Write the phrase in handwritten letters on an unlined piece of paper: “She was given tea.”
The instruction may be as follows: “Look carefully at how the letters are drawn here, try to write them exactly the same way.”
The highest score can be given when you see complete similarity between the letters and the sample. Of course, the letters may differ from the original, but not more than twice.
And also the child must show that he saw a capital letter that will be higher than the rest.

Circle test

Using a compass, draw a circle on a sheet of paper with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm.
Ask your child to carefully trace the outline without lifting his hand.
If this task is completed successfully, you will see an exact reproduction of the sample.
Observe how gross mistakes were made in this work.
If you see that a lot of things are difficult for a child, and especially if he has no desire, you shouldn’t force him. In the end, he's just not ready.

Working programm

"Preparing children for school"


Preparing children for school is a complex, multifaceted task, covering all areas of a child’s life. When deciding it, it is customary to highlight a number of aspects. First, the continued development of the child's personality and cognitive processes, which underlie successful educational activities in the future, and, secondly, the need to teach primary school skills and abilities, such as elements of writing, reading, and counting.

The first aspect reflects psychological readiness for school. Research has shown that not all children, by the time they enter school, reach the level of psychological maturity that would allow them to successfully transition to systematic schooling. Such children, as a rule, lack educational motivation, a low level of arbitrariness of attention and memory, underdevelopment of verbal and logical thinking, and incorrect formation of methods academic work, there is no orientation to the method of action, poor operational skills, a low level of development of self-control, underdevelopment of fine motor skills and poor speech development are noted.

Conducting research on psychological readiness, scientists, on the one hand, determine the school requirements imposed on the child, and on the other, examine new formations and changes in the child’s psyche that are observed towards the end of preschool age. So, for example, L. I. Bozhovich notes: “... the carefree pastime of a preschooler is replaced by a life full of worries and responsibility - he must go to school, study those subjects that are determined by the school curriculum, do in class what the teacher requires ; he must strictly follow the school regime, obey the school rules of conduct, and achieve a good assimilation of the knowledge and skills required by the program.” Teachers are concerned with questions of how to teach without coercion, how to develop a sustainable interest in knowledge and the need for independent search, and how to make learning joyful. A. S. Makarenko wrote, and the American scientist and psychologist Blum claims that the main characterological personality traits develop before 5 - 8 years of age (up to 70%). It is during this period that gaming activity helps organize the educational process in such a way (as psychologists note) that it makes it possible to reveal the essential strengths of a growing person and form the core of the personality. Everything that a person masters at this age remains for life.

The famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky believed that learning should go ahead of development. “Properly organized education should lead to the development of the child.” He wrote that pedagogy should focus not on yesterday, but on tomorrow’s child development. “Development comes from cooperation, which helps the child to reveal his potential, and instills in him faith in his own strength.”

The number of children attending is decreasing preschool. Not all parents are concerned about the problems of preparing their children for education: children come to school unprepared even at the level of basic awareness of the world around them. They do not have developed mental functions, such as intellectual, motor, emotional-volitional, which makes the process of further education of such children difficult and sometimes impossible.

Educational activities place high demands on the child’s psyche - thinking, perception, attention, memory.

In order for yesterday's preschooler to be able to painlessly engage in new relationships and a new (educational) type of activity, the conditions for successful entry into school life are necessary. In the current situation, it became necessary to create a program that makes it possible to prepare children for school. Classes with future first-graders allow them to successfully master the school curriculum and continue their education.

Purpose of the course:

preparing the child for school life, new leading activities, development and correction of cognitive and communicative skills child's abilities,

overcoming maladjustment factors by equalizing the starting capabilities of each child, allowing them to successfully master the primary school curriculum in the future.

Course Objectives :

1. Formation of skills in educational activities, development of cognitive interests and stimulation of the desire to study at school, cultivation of stable attention, observation, and organization.

2. Instilling in children collectivism, respect for elders, and the desire to help each other.

3. Development in children of visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, imagination, fine motor skills and hand coordination, the ability to navigate in space and time.

The program for preparing preschoolers for school goes as follows: directions:

1. Development of attention and memory.

2. Development of coherent, grammatically and phonetically correct speech.

3. Mastery of basic knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematics and literacy.

4. Development of mental abilities.

5. Development of socio-psychological readiness for school (the ability to communicate, listen to a teacher and friend, act together with others).

6. Development of the child’s volitional readiness.

Principles work in preparing children for education:

    taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children;

    consistency and planning;

    respect for the child, the process and results of his activities, combined with reasonable demands;

    entertaining, relaxed, playful nature of the educational process;

    development of intellectual qualities, mental functions: memory, attention, imagination, speech, thinking;

    Contact with parents: organizing conversations on issues that interest them

    variability of content and forms of classes;


Preparing preschoolers for systemic education in the 1st grade is carried out according to the “Preparation for School” program from the “Continuity” series, authors N.A. Fedosova, T.S. Komarova. etc. This program is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education.The basis of preparation for studying at school of the “Continuity” program ispersonality-oriented and developmental technologies.
Purpose person-oriented technologies are the development and formation of an active creative personality in the process of preparing for training.
Developmental technologies are aimed at developing problem thinking in the child and developing mental activity.
Developmental technologies contain:
educational didactic games, educational practical tasks, creative exercises, construction, analytical and synthetic activities.
The content proposed for preparation for training by the “Continuity” program corresponds to the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age and forms the basis for the use of personality-oriented and developmental technologies.
In accordance with the logic of child development, preparation for school is not educational, but developmental in nature. When preparing for school, the “Continuity” program does not allow duplication of the first grade of a comprehensive school. Preparation for schooling according to the “Continuity” invariant program. Its goal is to prepare a preschooler for any school education system.

Contents of classes based on software requirements:

1 . Getting to know the world around you:

Expand children’s ideas about their native country, region, village, and people’s work; give an idea about the school and the rules of conduct for children studying there.

Expand children's understanding of objects, their essential features and classification.

Expand and deepen children’s understanding of living and inanimate nature, changes in it and its protection.

Learn to navigate in time (seasons, days of the week, etc.)

2. Speech development and preparation for literacy:

Activate, expand and clarify children's vocabulary.

Develop the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of the native language. Improve phonemic awareness (learn to name words with a certain sound, determine the place of a sound in a word, etc.), practice diction.

Learn to divide words into syllables.

Give initial ideas about the proposal.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions, independently convey the content of the text coherently and consistently.

Improve your ability to write stories.

3. Development of elementary mathematical concepts:

Improve counting skills within 10 in forward and reverse order and relationships between numbers in the natural series.

Learn to solve poetry problems.

Give initial ideas about geometric shapes and spatial orientation.

Teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper.

4. Work on developing and strengthening fine motor skills of the hands.

    Hatching (Line Notebook).

    Lined work in a notebook with a guide: objects, letter elements, patterns, straight and oblique.

    Modeling, design.


    Practical execution of drawings, patterns, etc. in a squared notebook during math lessons.

Program structure

This program consists of three sections:

    Speech development

    Development of mathematical abilities

    Work to strengthen the muscle strength of the hand and fingers

Chapter "Speech development" consists of the program “From Word to Letter”. The “From Word to Letter” program solves the issues of practical preparation of children for learning to read, to learn to write and works to improve oral speech. The content of the course is aimed at the overall development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for successful learning of the Russian language. The content is focused on solving the following tasks: creating conditions for the formation of a multilateral developed personality child (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), to create the prerequisites positive motivation teaching at school; practical preparation of children for learning to read and write; formation of elementary speech culture, improvement of children’s coherent oral speech skills at an accessible level.
A distinctive feature of this section of the program is the integration of close interrelated and interpenetrating work on preparing children for learning to read with work on the development of their oral coherent speech and with preparation for learning to write.

Program for the section “speech development “From word to letter”

The course “From Word to Letter” (author - N.A. Fedosova) helps to practically prepare children for learning to read, write and improve their oral speech.
The content of the course is aimed at the overall development of the child, through which a solid foundation is created for successful learning of the Russian language.
The content is focused on solving the following problems:
- creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed child’s personality (intellectual, spiritual, moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating the prerequisites for positive motivation to study at school;
- practical preparation of children for learning to read and write;
- formation of elementary speech culture, improvement of children’s coherent oral speech skills at an accessible level.

The development of speech is carried out to a large extent on works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of children’s speech, the expansion of their vocabulary, their spiritual, moral and aesthetic development, and prepares them for an adequate perception of literary works in the course “ Literary reading" in primary school.

In addition, the material for activities that promote the speech development of children is the world around the child, living and inanimate nature, works various types arts (music, painting), etc.

In the content of the work on preparing children to learn to read includes:
- development of sound culture of speech in order to prepare for learning to read and write (the ability to listen to speech, individual sounds, work on correct pronunciation of sounds, learning correct intonation, controlling the tempo of speech). Work on the development of the articulatory apparatus (development of correct diction, voice strength, highlighting particularly significant words, etc.);
- reading Russian poems and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;
- a conversation about what has been read according to the teacher’s questions (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding the plot, the characters of the main characters, the ability to hear, perceive expressive language means by ear - epithets, comparisons, of course, without using terminology);
- learning by heart and expressive reading.
In preparation for learning to read, a readiness is formed to speak coherently on certain topics, to understand at an elementary level what speech is, what its purpose and features are.
Work is underway to correct and develop phonemic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, and words.
In preparation for training, considerable time is devoted to working on the sound analysis of words; the concepts of “vowel sounds” and “consonant sounds” are introduced, which are recorded using various chips.
If the basis of preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech is auditory sensations, then in preparation for learning to write technical actions predominate.

Preparing to teach writing - the process is quite complex, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must have a well-prepared motor system, especially the small muscles of the arm; coordination of movements, fine motor skills and processes such as spatial perception, attention, imagination, memory, and thinking are developed.
When writing, the problem of interaction between visual and motor analyzers arises, since movements of the eye and hand occur simultaneously within the contour of the perceived object.
A significant part of children, when visually perceiving an object, tend to limit themselves to a very cursory examination of the exhibited object, so that the image that develops in their minds is very incomplete. This is reflected in the reproduction of images and their elements. Children can successfully visually identify an object, but experience noticeable difficulty in reproducing it. The depiction of letters of various configurations requires quite high level organization of the motor apparatus of the hand, a very complete and detailed image. Therefore, the program offers a carefully thought-out system of exercises to prepare for writing.
Speech games develop thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These are, for example, the games “Give me a word”, “Make a word”, “Guess the word”, “Make a riddle”, “Continue the fairy tale”, “Continue the story”, “Repeat quickly and correctly”, “Tell about the toy (color, shape , size)”, “Name the sound”, “Choose words for a given sound”, “Guess the word”, etc.
Construction helps children consciously prepare for learning to write and develops their analytical skills. Design work takes place with the help of various objects: figures, elements of printed letters, from which children construct objects of various configurations, printed letters, make up patterns, and decorations.
Preliminary indicative action helps to form fine motor skills, develops coordination of movements, prepares children to perceive letter shapes. It includes tracing the outline of an object, tracing common elements in objects, shading objects, completing missing elements of objects, fitting objects into a limited space, finger gymnastics and etc.
Thus, the “From Word to Letter” program solves the problem of preparing children to learn reading, writing and improving their speech.

Chapter "Development of mathematical abilities" presented by the course program “Mathematical steps”.
The selection of the content of the “Mathematical Steps” program is based on the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the child’s overall development, including sensory and intellectual development using the capabilities and features of mathematics.
The most important part of the program is to study the dynamics of a child’s development and study the level of his functional readiness for school.

Program of the section “Development of mathematical abilities”
course "Mathematical steps"

The author of this chicken is S.I. Volkova. The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical preparation of children for school is the principle of focusing on the paramount importance of the child’s overall development, including his sensory and intellectual development, using the capabilities and features of mathematics.
Teaching children in preparation for school to count and measure in order to bring them to the concept of number remains one of the most important tasks.
But just as important and significant is the task of targeted and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children: perception, imagination, memory, thinking and, of course, attention.
The mathematical content of the preparatory period combines three main lines: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, number and number, basic properties of numbers in the natural series, etc.), geometric (prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on the plane and in space of the simplest geometric figures, making their models from paper, etc.) and content-logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the first two lines and providing conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, and thinking in children.
The course implements the main methodological idea - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of the child’s activity, rich in mathematical content, guided by a special selection and structuring of tasks, a form of their presentation that is accessible, interesting and exciting for children of this age .
Among the methods used when preparing children for school in mathematics, practical methods, the method of didactic games, and the modeling method are proposed as the main ones. These methods are used in various combinations with each other, while the leading one remains a practical method that allows children to assimilate and comprehend mathematical material by conducting experiments, observations, performing actions with objects, models of geometric figures, sketching, coloring, etc.

Program content

Comparison of objects (shapes), groups of objects by shape (round, not round, triangular, rectangular, square, etc.); by size (long, short; narrow, wide; high, low; longer, shorter, the same, etc.); by location on the plane and in space (right, left, center, bottom, top, right, left, above, below, inside the figure, outside the figure, etc.); by color, by the material from which the items are made, by purpose, etc.
Numbers from 0 to 10. Counting objects. Oral numbering of numbers: names, sequence and designation of numbers from 0 to 10. Number and number. Reading numbers. Comparison of numbers of the first ten. The main characteristics of a sequence of numbers in the natural series: the presence of the first element, the connection of the previous and subsequent elements, the ability to continue the sequence further, no matter where we stop.
Simple geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle (square), circle.
Content-logical development tasks:
- attention: simple labyrinths, games “Fun Counting”, “Compare Pictures”, “Find Common Elements”, etc.;
- imagination: dividing figures into parts, composing figures from parts, composing figures from models of segments according to given properties, transforming one figure into another, etc.;
- memory: visual and auditory dictations using arithmetic and geometric material;
- thinking: identifying essential features, identifying patterns and using them to complete a task, conducting analysis, synthesis, comparison, constructing simple reasoning, etc.

Lesson mode

In our educational institution, these problems are solved in school preparation classes. Classes are held on Saturdays for children aged 6 - 7 years old. preparatory groups children's preschool educational institutions, as well as children who do not attend them for various reasons.

Preparing children for school begins on September 2 and lasts until April 30.
Classes are conducted with a group of children. Classes last 25 minutes with 10-minute breaks.

Forms of conducting classes

Training is based onplay activity and wears practical character.
Of particular importance in preparing children to learn their native language are:
speech games, construction, work on the formation of fine motor skills and the development of motor coordination.


    role-playing game;


    subject game;

    combination of all elements in one lesson.

Predicted results and forms of control

be able to :

1. Pronounce the words clearly and clearly:

    extract sounds from words;

    find words with a certain sound;

    determine the place of a sound in a word;

    observe orthoepic pronunciation standards;

    make sentences on a given topic using supporting words:

    compose stories, fairy tales based on illustrations or a series of pictures;

    retell a fairy tale, a story based on an illustration;

    navigate the notebook page;

    write the basic elements of letters;

    draw patterns and various elements.

2. Name numbers in forward and reverse order within 10:

    relate the number to the number of objects;

    use arithmetic symbols;

    compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction;

    measure the length of objects using a conventional measure;

    make larger figures from several triangles (quadrangles);

    divide a circle or square into 2 and 4 equal parts;

    navigate on a sheet of checkered paper.

3. Recognize familiar plants and animals in pictures and in nature:

    list the seasons and days in the correct sequence;

    name the main signs of the seasons.

As a result of studying under the preparatory course program, the child mustknow :

    composition of the first ten numbers;

    how to get each number of the first ten (add or subtract 1);

    numbers 0-9, signs +, -. =;

    name of the current month, sequence of days of the week.

The form of final control over the assimilation of the studied material is testing.

Funds required to implement the program:

    educational and thematic planning;



    visual aids;

    counting material


Distribution of classes for the week.

Type of occupation

Number of classes

"Speech development" and

"From word to letter"


"Mathematical steps"


"Mathematical steps"





Right, left, above, below.

High Low


Counting objects within 10.


Comparing items in groups


Geometric figures.

More, less, same


Making quadrilaterals from counting sticks.

Number 1 and number 1.

Number 2 and number 2.


Number 3 and figure 3. composition of number 3.



Number 4 and number 4.

Number 0 and digit 0.




Number 5 and figure 5. Composition of number 5.



The score is within 5.


Number 6 and number 6.


Number 7 and number 7.


Number 8 and number 8.

Number 9 and number 9. formation of number 9.

Number 10. composition of the number. Count within 10.

Collect the bag. Adding numbers.

Addendum 1. Who's next?

Subtraction. What does subtract 1 mean?

Next, previous.

"From word to letter"

1. Formation of ideas about sounds.

2. Letters A and Z. The letter Z stands for two sounds [th], [a].

3. Letters O and E. The letter E stands for two sounds [th], [o].

4. Letters U and Yu. The letter Yu denotes two sounds [th], [y].

5. Letters E and E. The letter E stands for two sounds [th], [e].

6. Letters I and Y. Learning to answer questions.

7. Letter M. Guessing riddles.

8. Letter R. Compiling a story from three sentences.

9. Letter L. Consolidation of knowledge about stress.

10.Letter N. Tell a story.

11.Letters G and K. Learning to write questions.

12.Letters C and Z. Guess the words.

13. Letters Ж and Ш. Sound analysis of the word.

14.Letters D and T. Making sentences.

15. Letters ь and ъ. Games and exercises.

16. Letters P and B. Reading tongue twisters.

17. Letters B and F. Reading in a chain.

18. Letter H. We compose a story based on the picture.

19. Letter Sh. Reading poetry.

20. Letters C and CH Reading and retelling.

Speech development.
1. Stories about winter.
2. about animals.
3. Stories about spring.
4. Poems about spring.
5. ah.
6. Journey to the fairy tale “Kolobok”
7. Journey to the fairy tale “Teremok”
8. Journey to the fairy tale “Turnip”
9. Journey into the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”
10. Journey into the fairy tale “Three Bears”
11. Compiling a story based on the picture.
12. Tongue twisters.
13. Riddles about animals.

14. Oseeva. "Blue Leaves"
15. Pure saying: “Big-eyed traffic light”

16. Poems about winter..
17. “Magic word.”
18.L.N. Tolstoy. "Bone"
19. Tongue twisters.
20. Pure saying: “Rainbow is an arc»

Educational program


"Fun School"

(adopted at a meeting of the methodological association of primary school teachers on August 26, 2011)

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Additional education teachers: Gramsci Nadezhda Deliovna,

Loshakov Andrey Evgenievich.



Explanatory note

The socio-economic transformations that have occurred in the Russian Federation have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular. The problem of children's different levels of preparedness on the threshold of school significantly complicates their adaptation to the new conditions of school life. One of the ways to solve the issues of equalizing the starting opportunities of children from different social groups and segments of the population has become pre-school education. The transition from preschool to school childhood is characterized by a decisive change in the child’s place in the system of relationships available to him and his entire way of life.

Pre-school education, as education in general, is a system of processes of interaction between people in society, ensuring, on the one hand, the development of the abilities of each individual, and on the other, his entry into this society (socialization). A special feature of the concept of preschool education is that it simultaneously solves two problems:

1) prepare children for learning as a new type of activity for them (motivational readiness, cognitive and speech development, etc.);

2) prepare children for learning specifically at school (i.e., to work in a team, communicate with adults and peers, etc.).

Like any education, preschool education can be institutional, since in society there are formal structures or organizations (institutions) that have education as the main goal (for example, preschool educational institutions, Child Development Centers, additional education institutions, schools, etc.), and non-institutional , if education is carried out bypassing them (family or home education), however, in these cases, the content of education is determined by the content of institutional education.

- his social development, i.e. internal (personal) preparation for adequate participation in the life of the social groups surrounding the child;

– cultural development – ​​a set of knowledge and skills, the possession of which is dictated by individual social (especially age) groups and allows one to appropriate the most important elements of human experience;

cognitive development– actual knowledge, skills and other psychological components of a developing personality that ensure cognitive activity.

The novelty of this programis that it involves the use modern technologies, allowing to activate the child’s thought processes, include him in the changed social environment and develop interest in school life.

Main goal The organization of work with preschoolers is the development of appropriate motivation for children, the development of curiosity, mental activity, keen interest in the environment, in the desire to learn new things, and the ability to interact in a team.

This preschool education program is focused on preserving and strengthening the health of preschoolers. It should be taken into account that, along with the unfavorable effects of socio-economic and environmental conditions on the growth, development and health of children, a number of pedagogical factors also have a negative impact.

These include:

1. Stressful pedagogical tactics.

2. Intensification of the educational process.

3. Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age characteristics of the child’s body, its functional and adaptive


4. Irrational organization of children’s life activities.

5. Lack of teacher literacy in matters of growth and development

preschoolers, protection and promotion of their health.

6. Insufficient use of physical education opportunities to protect and strengthen children's health.

7. Lack of a system of work to develop the value of health

and healthy lifestyle.

In this regard, it is necessary to determine a set of measures to implement tasks aimed at creating conditions for normal growth and development, protecting and promoting health, and developing the value of health and a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

A set of measures aimed at creating conditions for the harmonious development of a child, protecting and strengthening his health should include the following areas:

A. Normalization of study load:

– refusal of “school” education for preschool children;

– development of a comprehensive psychological and physiological diagnosis of child development and readiness for schooling;

– bringing pedagogical technologies into line with the age characteristics and functional capabilities of the child at this stage of development;

– development of physiological, hygienic and psychological methods

assessment and monitoring of pedagogical innovations.

B. Formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle:

– development and implementation by teachers of variable programs aimed at developing the value of health and a healthy lifestyle, including relevant material in the content of all classes;

– transformation of physical education into an effective measure for protecting health and harmonizing the individual;

– involving the family in the work to create a culture of health.

B. Creation of adaptive educational environment for children with limited health and developmental problems, which should be aimed at early diagnosis and correction, consistent socialization and integration of these children into the public school.

The main psychological neoplasmspreschool age are the following:

1. The emergence of the first schematic outline of a complete child’s worldview (L.S. Vygotsky).

2. The emergence of primary ethical authorities (L.S. Vygotsky).

3. The emergence of subordination of motives (A.N. Leontyev).

4. The emergence of voluntary behavior (D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets).

5. The emergence of personal consciousness (A.A. Leontiev).

From what has been said, it is clear that in older preschool age the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school (the problem of readiness for school is a special problem), then at least for the activity of learning.

A comprehensive description of the features of preschool education was given by V.V. Davydov. He said: “Preschool age is valuable in itself because it allows the child... to carry out various types of free activities - play, draw, play music, listen to fairy tales and stories, design, help adults around the house and garden, etc. The child carries out these types of activities on his own at will , the process of their implementation and their results, first of allmake the children themselves happyand surrounding adults, without having any strict rules and regulations. But at the same time, the diversity of these types of activities (namely manifold !) gives children quite a lot of knowledge, skills and even skills, and most importantly - develops their feelings, thinking, imagination, memory, attention, will, moral qualities, desire to communicate with peers and adults. In this indirect way, developmental and educational tasks are solved in preschool age.

“I do not consider it advisable to prepare children for school by assimilating “school” technologies (even “developmental ones”) through systematic training sessions. Even children’s mastery of the basics of reading and mathematics must be carried out in the form of games and other types of preschool activities aimed at developing the creative abilities of children" ( V.V. Davydov. Latest performances. – Riga, 1998, p. 45–47.)

Purpose of the program

Creation of pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions for the child to achieve a certain level of personality development, psychological readiness for school, including the following aspects:

  1. motivational;

  2. intellectual;

  3. voluntary-regulatory, allowing the child to successfully function and develop in the pedagogical environment (school system of relations).

Realizing a goal involves a decision a number of tasks:

  1. formation of a culture of communication and a culture of behavior in public places;

  2. formation of educational motivation;

  3. development of basic mental functions necessary for successful learning at school (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

  4. development of phonemic hearing;

  5. development of fine motor skills;

  6. development of a creatively active personality;

  7. development of movement coordination.

In the Educational system "School 2100" there arefour lines of development of a preschooler, which determine his internal readiness for schooling: the line of formation of voluntary behavior, the line of mastering the means and standards of cognitive activity, the line of transition from egocentrism to decentration (the ability to see the world from the point of view of another or others) and the line of motivational readiness. These four lines of development determine the content and didactics of preschool education.

The problem of selecting the content of preschool education today

impossible to solve without relying onminimax principle. The program defines the lower limit, or lower level, the content that every child should at least learn, and proposes the upper limit, or upper level, the content of education that we can offer to an older preschooler.

Projected results of the program.

The proposed program provides that upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. comply with the rules of behavior at school, being aware of your position as a student;
  1. count freely within 10; compare numbers within 10;
  2. know the “neighbors” of the number;
  3. solve simple problems (in one action);
  4. by ear, identify sounds in a word, give them characteristics (vowel-consonant, hard - soft, voiced - deaf);
  5. compose a story based on a picture of 5-6 sentences;
  6. retell short texts;
  7. use a pencil and other graphic materials correctly;
  8. follow instructions for the student by ear;
  9. navigate in space and time, understand the relationship between the part and the whole,
  10. solve and compose simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction,
  11. solve logical problems;
  12. independently apply visual skills and abilities, convey the shape, size, proportions and color of an object.

After completing training in school preparation groups, diagnostics are carried out, which includes the following tasks: copying a drawing; orientation in the intercellular space; solving simple mathematical problems with a graphic representation of the answer; phonemic hearing development test; highlighting the main feature of an object.

Mechanism for assessing the results of mastering the program:

  1. observation of children, individual and group conversations, as well as conversations with parents.
  2. developing listening skills: answering questions about the text, illustrating the text.
  3. interaction in a team: games, observation, conversations with parents, tests.


Course name

Number of hours per week

Number of hours per year

Introduction to mathematics.

Preparing your hand for writing


Development of motor skills and creative abilities.

Lesson number


number of hours


Safety precautions when working with tools.

Plasticine. Introduction to the material and its properties.

Plasticine. Kolobok.

Plasticine. Fruits vegetables. What are they talking about?

Plasticine. Dog. Fairy tale "Turnip".

Plasticine. Cat. Fairy tale "Cat's House".

Plasticine. Finger drawing. Sky.

Plasticine. Finger drawing. Fish.

Construction. Little man.

Construction. Transport.

Construction. My yard.

Construction. First mechanisms.

Paper. Paper properties.

Paper. Origami. Cat. Fairy tale "Cat and Rooster".

Paper. Origami. Ship. Learning the song “Across the seas, across the waves.”

Paper. Circle applique.

Paper. Triangle applique.

Paper. Folding the box.

Work with various materials. Little bear. Conversation about caring for nature.

Working with various materials. Thread applique.

Working with various materials. Bukovka.

We draw with plasticine flagella. Flower.

Modeling from snow.

Bean mosaic.

Weaving. Pigtail.

Snail from braids.

Modeling from matchboxes.

Twisted strip toys. Clown.

Speech development and preparation for literacy.

Lesson number


number of hours


Sound [A], sounds and letters

Sound [O]

Sound [E]

Sound [I]

Sound [И], difference [И]–[И]

The sound [U], the concept of “vowels”


Sound [M] – [M,], the concept of “consonant sounds”

Sounds [N],

Sounds [P], [P,]

Sounds [T], [T,]

Sounds [K], [K,]

Sounds [X], [X,]


[K]–[X], [K,]–[X,]

Sounds [F], [F,]

Sounds [Y,], [Y, O],


Sounds [Y, A],

[Y,E], distinguishing iotated vowels

Sounds [L], [L,],


[L,]– [Y,]

Sounds [V], [V,]

discrimination [B]–

[F], [V,]–[F,]

Sounds [H,]

Sounds [Ш,], distinction [Ч,]–


Sounds [B], [B,],


[B]–[P], [B,]–


Sounds [D], [D,],

distinction D]–

[T], [B,]– [P,]

Sounds [C], [С,]

Sounds [Ts], distinction [Ts]–[S], [Ts]–[H]

Sounds [G], [G,]


[G]–[K], [G,]–[K,]

Sounds [З], [З,]


[Z]–[S], [Z,]–[S,]

Sounds [Ш], discrimination [Ш]–

[С], [Ш]–[Ш,]

Sounds [Zh], discrimination [Zh]–

[W], [W]–[W]

Sounds [Р], [Р,]


[R]–[L], [R,]–


Introduction to mathematics.

Lesson number


Number of hours


Determining the starting capabilities of children.

Names of items.

Color of objects.

Shape of figures.

Size of items.

Material and purpose of objects.

Comparison of numbers.

Whole and parts.

Whole and parts.

Numbers one and two, numbers 1 and 2.

Number three, number 3.

Number four, number 4.

Number five, number 5.

Number six, number 6.

Length, width, height, thickness


Counting in twos and threes.

Number seven, number 7.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Number eight, number 8.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Number nine, number 9.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Number ten, number writing


Repetition of what has been learned.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Testing of children.

Familiarization with the surrounding world.

Lesson number


number of hours


We live in the city.

How to behave on the street.

What are we like?

Take care of yourself.

Excursion to the autumn forest.



My family.


Wild and domestic animals.

About those who can fly.

The inhabitants of the water are fish.

Six-legged babies.

Globe and map.

We choose transport.

Journey to the North Pole.

Travel to the tundra.

Inhabitants of the taiga.

Journey to a mixed forest.


Spring awakening of nature.


Steppe in spring.

Where did the bread come from?

My native country is wide.

On an excursion to Moscow.

Introduction to Fiction.

Lesson number


number of hours


Section 1. What is good and what is bad.

L. Tolstoy. The old man was planting apple trees. Other stories.

E. Permyak. The worst thing.

A. Mitta. Ball in the window.

N. Nosov. On the hill.

E. Permyak. What are hands needed for?

D. Lunich. Four girls.

Ya. Akim. Incompetent.

Section 2. The fairy tale is rich in wisdom.

Y. Tuvim. About Mr. Trulyalinsky.

G. Tsyferov. How the chicken first wrote a fairy tale.

About friends.

N. Abramtseva. Sad story.

Fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

Fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Porridge from an axe."

K. Chukovsky. Confusion.

C. Perrault. Little Red Riding Hood.

D. Harris. How Brother Rabbit lost his tail.

Br. Grimm. Bob, Straw and Ember.

D. Bisset. Under the carpet.

Section 3. About guys, animals and everything in the world

A. Barto. Poems from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul.”

S. Mikhalkov. My puppy.

V. Orlov. What you can't buy.

D. Harms. Brave hedgehog.

E. Evyatskaya. Green old ladies. V. Levin “Mr.


E. Charushin. Tomka. Tomka was scared.

G. Kruzhkov. Good weather. V. Stepanov. Be careful"

new snow.

M. Prishvin. Fox bread.

Yu. Koval. Bouquet.

A. Usachev. Boot. Other stories and fairy tales.

Preparing your hand for writing.


Number of lessons


Introductory lesson. We learn how to hold a pencil and album correctly, and how to sit when writing. Let's get acquainted with the stencil and stencil rulers.

Ornament of geometric shapes. Construction and shading. The letter a.

Construction and shading of the aircraft. Letters A, O, E.

Forest walk. Construction of letters. Letters Y, I.

Dishes. Letter U.

Let's go visit. Letter M.

Time for business, time for fun. Letter N.

Boat trip. Construction and shading of a sailboat. Letter P.

Wild and domestic animals. Construction and shading of the house.


Visiting the chef. Letters K, T.

Visiting Khoma. Letter X.

What shines for us day and night. Letter F.

Sport. Letters E, J.

Julia doll. Letters Y, Y.

Winter fun. Construction and shading of the New Year tree.

Big and small. Letter L.

Mom's holiday. Letter V.

"Fedorino's grief." Paired consonants.

Fishing. Letter Ch, Shch.

Go shopping. Letter B.

We are building a house. Letter D.

On road. Traffic light.

Writing written letters using a stencil.

Hello summer! Construction and shading of a picture on the theme “Summer”.

Letter C.

In the forest. Letters G, K.

I am small. Letters Z, S.

Methodological support:

  1. Instructions for working with tools.
  2. Benefits for group and individual work.