Is it possible to borrow a flower from a neighbor? Plants that should not be kept at home. Money tree: is it possible to give or donate shoots?


There is a belief: you should not give away a plant from your home; you will give away your happiness with it. From the point of view of bioenergy, this is very true, since plants and humans have the same field structure, and we, often communicating with the same plants, gradually form one integral space. Therefore, the way flowers feel in the house is a sure indicator of our own health, an indirect but sure sign of well-being or presence negative impact from the outside. Plants help, plants protect, plants warn - you just need to learn to read their signs, learn to listen to them. Given sincerely, any plant can act as a talisman for its owner.

However, there is whole line plants with a directed, specific “specialization”, responsible for the theme of love.

One of the most popular - spathiphyllum, which is called: “ woman's happiness" It is also known as “White Sail” for its “airy” flowers. It is believed that it helps an unmarried woman to find her love, a childless woman to become pregnant, a married woman to strengthen her feelings. In case of disagreements and scandals " female flower» withers and often dies; it is not recommended to give him away from home. It is very good to pair with spathiphyllum anthurium With scarlet flowers similar shape. Known as “male happiness”, it helps strengthen and manifest male power. The friendly flowering of these plants is a sure sign of a strong family.

Another “family happiness” - chlorophytum, the plant is well-known and widespread. It is believed that the appearance of a “mustache” is an indicator of happiness in the family. More mustaches - more happiness. The same can be said for hoye, this " wax ivy» blooms well and develops only in prosperous families (usually given as a gift for Valentine's Day, it is recommended to keep it in the bedroom).

An indicator of strong family relations is and saintpaulia(violet), which serves as a natural harmonizer of relationships and blooms, as a rule, only in an atmosphere of friendliness and affection. Therefore, it is advisable for unbalanced people with mood swings and a tendency toward depression not to have violets. It'll suit them better geranium(pelargonium) is the strongest donor, helping to achieve goals and strengthen self-esteem. It relieves fatigue well, improves metabolism, and promotes emotional uplift.

Known to many Dracaena Sanderiana , or lucky bamboo - the spirally twisted stems of this plant are sold for decorating bouquets and flower arrangements. Be sure to place 3, 5 or 7 stems in a vase at home. In China, they believe that the presence of this plant in the house provides everyone living in it with a peaceful, successful family life. In the Japanese tradition, the “bamboo of happiness” represents prosperity, symbolizes masculinity, promotes longevity.

Myrtle - this evergreen shrub with small white flowers is a truly royal gift for newlyweds and newborns. Guardian of luck, can be inherited. It has healing properties and is considered a symbol of immortality and love.

Aichrizon belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Popularly known as the “tree of love” and “tree of happiness” due to its peculiar leaves, similar in shape to hearts. Like all fat women, among other things, it contributes to the growth of the material well-being of the owners. Indoor pomegranate also symbolizes prosperity, love, and harmony. Its flowering is a good sign of good things to come.

Those looking for love or wanting to save a family need to start sorrel- she is capricious, and it is not easy to achieve the violent growth of her purple leaves, but “it’s worth it.” Helps you find love calathea- This unpretentious plant literally attracts from space the desired meeting with your soul mate. But it will help to strengthen and support the flared passion Chinese rose, hibiscus. Its flowering is always a sure sign that someone cares about you.

Primroses, cyclamens, camellias, orchids - there are many of them that help you find true love and joy. But it is believed that only donated plants will “work”. This is probably why we are so happy when we receive them as a gift, and we love to give them so much: if you give a flower, you share your happiness.


House plants and flowers can have negative energy or even be vampires. This is why it is not recommended to keep some flowers in the house.

Of course, the energy in the house should be positive. After all, it is she who attracts good luck to all its residents. Previously, we wrote about which plants bring happiness to the house. This article will help you find the perfect energy companion for you. And today we will talk about which flowers should not be kept at home at all.

10 unlucky flowers

Rose. At first glance, this is a beautiful flower that is the king of all flowers. However, the rose is not only beautiful. She perfectly absorbs energy, thus being not a donor, but a vampire. At the same time, the rose gives almost nothing in return, so it is advisable to keep roses at home only for those who are sure that they have something to give.

Orchid. With just its name, this flower can win your love, but don’t be naive. They say that the orchid takes energy by feeding on the shortcomings of people. This pure water a vampire who has no limitations. The orchid rarely takes root in homes, but if this happens, then those who have problems with self-confidence will be even more unhappy. The flower also provokes insomnia. If you are ready to have an orchid against all odds, do not place it next to your sleeping place.

Begonias. These flowers are known for their popularity, but they can easily steal energy from people. True, they attract both positive and negative energy, which can partly serve as a good service. Moreover, when a plant shares what it has taken, it keeps the negative for itself, giving a small part of the positive back. But you should not keep more than one such flower at home, so as not to disrupt energy exchange.

Lilies. These seemingly harmless flowers can provoke scandals. They are dangerous because of their unexpectedness, since they can give peace and order to the home for a long time, and then suddenly change their energy. Keep lilies where you don't visit often - for example, in the country.

Lilac. Every person experiences pleasure when passing by a lilac bush in the summer. You should not cut these flowers home: many folk signs They say that lilacs only bring trouble. Previously, we wrote about the magical properties of lilac and the signs associated with it. This article will help you not only learn more about lilacs, but also do the right thing when they bloom.

Tulips. There is a sign that these flowers provoke hair loss, deterioration of skin condition and increase nervousness. Of course, many people love tulips, and you shouldn’t give them up completely. Just don’t plant them close to the house, for example, under the windows of a summer house.

Ferns. These flowers are good in front gardens and on garden plots. They can beautifully decorate a flower garden, you can decorate a fern with flowers for Ivan Kupala. But experts do not recommend keeping it at home: it absorbs oxygen, releasing carbon dioxide, which means it can give you headaches.

Tuberose. This flower smells very tasty, it is even used in perfumery, but this advantage does not compare with its disadvantage. He provokes betrayal. If you are married and do not want problems, it is better to give up this flower once and for all.

Hippeastrum. This representative of the world of flora really does not like it when someone makes a scandal in his presence, pouring out negativity. This flower takes everything to the last drop, giving it back later. If someone often quarrels at home, you risk never getting rid of the constant influx of negative energy.

Oleander. In some cases the smell of it is incredible beautiful flower may cause dizziness. If you have small children at home, then under no circumstances buy oleander as decoration.

Stellera dwarf. From this Japanese flower There is one big danger for small children and animals. The sap of the plant can cause health problems, which can be very dangerous for children.

Remember that many plants and flowers cannot be kept in the bedroom. This is the most important recommendation from the sages of Feng Shui. The bedroom should be neutral in its energy and not carry any negativity. Previously, we wrote about which indoor flowers will be most useful according to Feng Shui. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.07.2016 07:00

Each flower has unique energy. Some of them have a beneficial effect on the home atmosphere, while others...

Plants discarded by previous owners can be seen everywhere: near garbage containers, at entrances and simply in places of spontaneous city dumps. Most often, people get rid of indoor plants because there are too many of them, suddenly there is no one else to care for them, they have moved to another house, or the office in that part of the city has been disbanded. It is worth inspecting the plant, assessing its condition and only then asking yourself the question: is it worth taking it to your apartment or private house?

The reasons why it is better to leave the plant where it is are the following: it is heavily damaged by pests or is in such a state that it can no longer be saved. A huge number or even absolutely all wilted leaves, broken stems, yellow or shriveled leaves, extremely small in size root system in an adult plant. All these are arguments not in favor of a new tenant entering the house. But if the plant still has unaffected areas and at least a few healthy branches, you can try to save it. It is logical to consider methods of plant rehabilitation using the example of some common species.

Cacti and succulents

These resilient guys can easily withstand even the night frost that caught them on their eviction. You can take cacti except in the case when the area between the roots and the actual green part of the plant is soft and rotten. Such a cactus has suffered from hypothermia, waterlogging and, possibly, weakened by viruses and pests. Cacti and succulents are carefully inspected for pests. The small brown plaques are scale insects. Red small insects - mites and aphids. Such plants isolate homes from others, first in a room with a temperature of no more than eight degrees above zero, if the succulent was brought in from the cold. After a day, you can move it to a slightly warmer room. However, from the very beginning, if pests were noticed on the plant, they begin spraying with special insecticides for indoor plants. You don’t need to feed them with fertilizers, but you can try immunity-boosting products for indoor plants. Just like insecticides and immunostimulants, they are not the most aromatic preparations, so after spraying, cacti are tied into plastic bags and left somewhere in non-residential premises: corridor, restroom.


Who hasn’t dreamed of an orchid, especially since sometimes owners get rid of them without achieving flowering or without understanding the principles of caring for them. If an orchid is left in the cold, it should be immediately wrapped in at least paper or a bag and transported home, under no circumstances in the trunk of a car. At home, they inspect the plant for pests. Also, do not immediately move it to a warm room. Protect from drafts and use products to support immunity. If the orchid is in clayey, moisture-absorbing soil, after two days in the house it is transplanted into special soil for orchids or at least any light soil that has been disinfected. In the first day or two, the plant is not watered or sprayed; it is protected from direct sunlight, allowing it to recover from shock.

If the orchid you find has dry leaves, take a look - it contains answers to questions about what to do if the plant dries out.

Ficus, hibiscus and other trees

If only the top of the plant has been preserved, it is worth resuscitating it only if it is a hibiscus or dieffenbachia. Ficus benjamina must have at least one large enough full-fledged branch with green leaves left, otherwise the plant will not survive. Inspection for diseases and the presence of pests, absence of drafts and bright light, proximity to radiators. Tree-like houseplants, picked up on the street, respond well to the use of immune stimulants. Unfortunately, it is this group that is most often affected by scale insects on the street, and insecticides also have to be used.


Saintpaulia, also known as “violet,” is a plant that easily reproduces from a single healthy leaf. Therefore, if the socket is damaged or rotten, there is a large number of wilted leaves, it may not be worth the effort and time to save the entire plant. It is enough to cut healthy leaves, plant them in a pot with soil or put their petioles in water, without allowing the tissues of the pubescent leaf to get wet. And after some time, parts of the plant will give birth to new small Saintpaulias.

Indoor bulbs

You can try to preserve plants such as zantedeschia, freesia and other indoor bulbous plants until spring in sand or a pot with soil, or immediately provide them with full care as for a plant in the active phase. Even in a plant with a completely damaged aboveground part there is a chance of salvation. The exception is bulbous plants, which do not spend any time in a leafless state, for example, the same clivia. But you can try to save it too by planting the bulb in the soil. And, of course, you should not neglect checking even the smallest bulbs and rhizomes for the presence of pests.

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If you have not yet understood why you have so little money, why you sleep poorly, and there are no males nearby, what to do about it, and who is to blame anyway, then there is one explanation: it’s time to take a closer look at the plants growing modestly on the windowsill.

So, here is a list of all kinds of signs, collected from a variety of sources.

"Money Tree "(crassula). Everyone knows that this plant is bought so that there is money in the house. For a special effect, it is recommended to plant it in a red pot, and put several large coins at the bottom. Keep in mind that if small leaves predominate on the crassula , then the small change will jingle in your pocket, if the big ones - the bills will crunch. If the fat girl does not help you get rich, make her a friend - plectranthus. The result of their friendship will not be long in coming.

cacti. In addition to the fact that they absorb harmful radiation from a computer monitor, they are also irreplaceable guards. It is believed that they successfully protect the house from burglars and robbers. However, when purchasing a cactus, keep in mind that this plant can kill the impulses of your passion with its prickliness. Moreover, cacti lead to drunkenness of the husband. Young girls shouldn't have cacti either - they might end up being girls too long.

Usambara violet. This flower protects against diseases and helps resolve conflicts between husband and wife. In addition, violets are believed to have a wonderful interaction with children. To make this flower “work” for family happiness, hide it on the windowsill from prying eyes.

Chlorophytum. Its popular names are “champagne splashes”, “family happiness”... Place these flowers around the apartment, wash and spray them often - and calm, happy life provided for you.

Bamboo- a symbol of success, perseverance, upward striving, career growth. He has the power to repel your enemies. Place this plant on your desktop.

Ferns. It is believed that these plants protect the house from any evil spirits- evil eye, damage and poltergeist. If the fern has dried up, take a closer look at your surroundings: the plant has warded off damage, that is, it has worked. In addition, the fern promises good luck in cards and games in general.

Ficus. Its competence (especially small-leaved) includes well-being, good luck and a kind, calm atmosphere in the family. If you place a ficus in the kitchen, it will protect against hunger and poverty, in the bedroom it will provide protection and peace of mind and will help a woman get pregnant.

Dracaena- a symbol of easy success. You will certainly be lucky in the casino, and the lottery ticket may turn out to be a winner.

Tradescantia. This plant can silence all the gossips around you once and for all. But it cannot be ignored. Tradescantia leaves should be wiped or sprayed at least once a week.

WITH ivy you need to be extremely careful. People call it "mozhegon". It is believed that this plant is able to survive from the house of men: married couples get divorced or conflict, adult sons leave or leave. Also, keep in mind that this plant is an energy vampire.

Monstera Under no circumstances should they be placed next to the bed, especially at the head of the bed. The plant is considered an energy vampire. However, for those who suffer from migraines, it may help. Sit under the monstera and headache will pass - this plant “sucks” everything that can make a person sick.

Oxalis will help solve problems in your personal life. As soon as you acquire this flower of love, men will stop giving you a wide berth. And to guarantee, also buy hibiscus in the store - a flower of passion and love. Approach these flowers more often and communicate with them. If you are too shy intimate relationships, sprout an avocado seed, and sexual liberation is guaranteed to you.

Aspidistra- for durability. It would just help those who like to “drink too much.”

If you are already having too much fun, and because of the width of your smile you are afraid for your ears, then urgently drag it into the house calla lilies- they bring sadness.

If you don’t have money for a psychotherapist and really want to talk it out, talk to geranium. She is an excellent listener, and also gives new strength, lifts you above the hustle and bustle of life and inspires you.

Citrus. Their fruits resemble both the sun and gold - to wealth and good luck.

Rose. In its historical homeland - in the former Persia, it is considered a flower of chastity and fidelity. According to legend, when some famous Persian, I think the Prophet Muhammad, returned from a campaign, asked his wife who ran out to meet her if she had been faithful, the rose that was growing nearby turned red with shame. So draw conclusions: if you want your loved one to be faithful, give roses.

In short

- If a flower, especially a gift, has dried up, it means it has warded off illness or trouble. — During the day, plants accumulate energy, and at night they are freed from “negativity.” Therefore, it is better to communicate with them in the morning. — Before watering a flower, you should walk over the leaves with your hands, as if shaking off negative energy from them. Then, for the same purpose, turn the pot clockwise several times. — Do not place plants with hard leaves, thorns or needles closer than one meter from a resting place, sleeping or working place. - Grow at home only those plants that you like, and if you receive a flower that you don’t like as a gift, give it away, because it still won’t grow well in an environment of antipathy.

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Superstitions and signs about indoor flowers They will talk about how to improve your life with the help of correctly selected plants and what varieties to beware of when placing them in your home.

In the article:

It is believed that a house where indoor plants die is filled with negative energy. This is wrong. Most plants, when you take good care of them and devote a considerable part of your time, can also receive negative programs from their owners.

When one plant withers, it means that it has taken away from you strong evil eye, damage or serious illness. But about the contents in the house negative energy it doesn't say. Thank the dead flower, and then bury it on the street or in the area.

House flowers dry up one after another - either there is a presence of strong negativity in the house, or. But when it's not about care. Some plants are whimsical, and some of them react to loud sounds. A good explanation for the sign that says: flowers do not take root in a house where scandals are a frequent occurrence.

Flowers get sick and wither for natural reasons. This portends purchases.

With their help, the negative zones of the apartment are determined. When a plant that was growing well before the “move” begins to fade, for example, near the bed, then move the latter to another place.

When a plant blooms in the middle of winter and is covered with inflorescences in the summer, it’s a surprise. In certain regions of Russia and other countries - to death in the house. The interpretation also depends on the properties of the plant. Unexpected flowering money tree- to the unexpected appearance of money.

It is believed that it is impossible to give plants in pots; this transfers the failures and problems of the giver to the person for whom the gift is intended. When you receive one, give a coin of any denomination in return. So the plant will think that it was bought and has received a new owner, and it does not need the energy of the old one.

Good signs about indoor plants

There are plants that carry positive energy and are suitable for everyone. TO rhassoula, or Crassula, attracts the energy of money into the house. With proper care and conditions for growth, it will help you get rich. Choose a pot for it red or green - colors. Place coins in it when planting Crassula.

Fern protects against harmful radiation from electrical appliances, so place it near the TV or computer. This property allows them to replace the usual cacti; negative signs are associated with them.


Another name spathiphyllum- woman's happiness. This plant carries one positive energy - it brings family happiness and prosperity. You can read more about it in a separate article on the website.

Bamboo carries the energy of career growth, the desire for success and good luck in business and at work. But it brings happiness when a pot with a plant is placed on the desktop. In the bedroom, near the bed, such aspirations are useless.

Aloe serves as a normalizer of family relationships and communication with guests, brings peace and tranquility to the house. This plant will protect against unwanted visitors and their influence. Therefore, they are placed near the entrance to the room.

Divorce sorrel, when there are problems with finding a suitable partner or in a relationship with an existing one. It normalizes family and love relationships.

Hibiscus– a flower of love and passion. Perfect for newlyweds and older couples. Helps in strengthening and restoring normal family relationships. Avocado has a similar meaning.

Tradescantia protects the owner from gossip, and aspidistra adds strength to character.

Purifies the air and, according to signs, brings happiness to family members.

Geranium fights stress, loneliness and depression, and also boosts confidence. It makes a person’s character calm and balanced.

Dracaena improves mood, shares energy, brings good luck and success.

All citrus plants favorable for placement in a home. They bring good luck, happiness, wealth and love.

Homemade roses symbolize fidelity and chastity. When you are worried about your teenage daughter, place a box of roses, preferably white ones, in her room. In the matrimonial bedroom, marriage is protected from betrayal and deception.

Bad omens about indoor plants - which flowers bring bad luck

A common sign about house flowers warns unmarried women against breeding ivy And . They are considered husband-seekers - they will prevent you from getting married, they will drive potential spouses away from you. And when the husband appeared, the sign does not prohibit purchasing ivy.

He is considered an energy vampire. But it takes away both positive and negative energy. When you want to get rid of negative emotions, sit near the ivy. There are those who believe that it gives confidence.

cacti popular among those who want to get rid of or reduce harmful radiation that comes from electrical appliances. People believe that when they are placed at the door, they will protect the house from thieves and robbers. But they have more than one positive impact. Cacti worsen relationships between spouses.

Calla lilies bring sadness.

By folk beliefs It is believed that monstera when standing near the bed, it can choke you at night. The fact is that monstera absorbs oxygen. When they sleep next to her, they wake up in the morning with headaches, muscle pain, weakness and other negative symptoms. She is considered an energy vampire due to her ability to absorb oxygen.